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Field and angular dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient in Al-doped MgB2 single crystals


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Field and angular dependence of the Sommerfeld

coefficient in Al-doped MgB2 single crystals

Z. Pribulova, Thierry Klein, Jacques Marcus, C. Marcenat, M. S. Park, H.S.

Lee, H.G. Lee, S.I. Lee

To cite this version:

Z. Pribulova, Thierry Klein, Jacques Marcus, C. Marcenat, M. S. Park, et al.. Field and angular

dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient in Al-doped MgB2 single crystals. Physical Review B:

Con-densed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), American Physical Society, 2007, 76, pp.180502(R).

�10.1103/PhysRevB.76.180502�. �hal-00957174�


Field and angular dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient in Al-doped MgB


single crystals

Z. Pribulova,1,2,*T. Klein,1,2J. Marcus,1 C. Marcenat,3 M. S. Park,4H.-S. Lee,4H.-G. Lee,4 and S.-I. Lee4

1Institut Néel, CNRS, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9, France 2Université Joseph Fourier, F-38041 Grenoble, France

3CEA-Grenoble, Département de Recherche Fondamentale sur la Matière Condensée, F-38054 Grenoble, France 4NVCRICS and Department of Physics, Pohang University, Pohang 790-784, Republic of Korea

共Received 9 July 2007; published 7 November 2007兲

The angular and field dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient ␥ =兩lim Cel/ T兩T→0共Celbeing the electronic

contribution to the specific heat兲 has been measured in Al-doped MgB2single crystals共for x = 0, x = 0.1, and

x⬃ 0.2兲. We show that the decomposition previously introduced to describe ␥共H , ␪兲 共where ␪ is the angle between the applied field and the c axis兲 in pure samples 关Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 137001 共2007兲兴 is well adapted to doped samples: e.g., the contribution of the ␴ band to the specific heat is proportional to B / Bc2共␪兲 whereas

the contribution of the ␲ band is isotropic but highly nonlinear in field. We hence present the evolution of the coherence lengths of the two bands and corresponding Fermi velocities with doping.

DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.76.180502 PACS number共s兲: 74.50.⫹r, 74.25.Op, 74.72.⫺h

Since the discovery of its superconductivity, MgB2 has been the focus of a large amount of both theoretical and experimental works. Besides its high critical temperature 共Tc⬃ 40 K兲, MgB2is a unique example of a system in which two weakly coupled bands with very different characters

co-exist 共an almost isotropic ␲ band and a

quasi-two-dimensional ␴ band兲. As the high critical temperature is a direct consequence of the very efficient coupling of the holes on the top of the ␴ band with E2g phonon modes, many experiments have then been devoted to the influence of electronic doping on the physical properties of this system. Both carbon- 关Mg共B1−xCx兲2兴 共Refs. 1–3兲 and aluminum-共Mg1−xAlxB2兲 共Refs.4–8兲 doped samples have been investi-gated. A decrease of the critical temperature with x has been observed in both cases; however, whereas all studies agree on a significant increase of the upper critical fields for both

Hcand Habdue to strong impurity scattering in C-doped samples,1–3 most of the studies now also agree that those

fields decrease in Mg1−xAlxB2.

We have shown in Ref.9that the anisotropy ⌫ of the pure system is strongly field dependent and rapidly increases with field above⬃0.3 T due to a shrinking of the␲-band coher-ence length 共␰␲兲, reaching ␰␴


for B = Bc2c. The aim of the present work is to present a systematic study of the field dependence of those fundamental parameters 共coherence length and anisotropy兲 with electronic doping in Al-doped samples. Therefore we have performed a detailed analysis of the angular and field dependence of the Sommerfeld coeffi-cient␥=兩lim Cel/ T兩T→0共Celbeing the electronic contribution to the specific heat兲 in Al-doped magnesium diboride single crystals共for x = 0, x = 0.1, and x ⬃ 0.2兲. As discussed in Ref. 8, the nominal composition is not perfectly well defined for the highest doping content共this sample is hence referred to as x “on the order of” 0.2 and not x = 0.2兲. Second phase precipitation cannot be fully excluded for those high Al con-tents关i.e., for x ⬎ 0.1 共Ref. 10兲兴, but specific heat measure-ments are very sensitive to the sample homogeneity and all measured samples present well-defined specific heat jumps at

Tc.8More details on the experimental procedure and ac tech-nique used here are given in Refs.8 and9.

As previously observed in pure samples, we show that the contribution of the ␴ band to the specific heat follows a classical behavior being proportional to B / Bc2共␪兲 共where␪is the angle between the applied field and the c axis兲 whereas the contribution of the␲band is isotropic but highly nonlin-ear in field. We hence obtained the evolution of the coher-ence lengths共and corresponding Fermi velocities兲 of the ␴ and␲ bands with doping.

For low values of the applied field Ha共up to a few first-penetration fields兲, the Cpmeasurements are strongly hyster-etic due to very different vortex distributions in the sample on the ascending and descending branches of the field cycle.9,11In order to obtain the evolution of the Sommerfeld

coefficient at low field we have thus determined the average induction B¯ 共hereafter denoted B兲 at the surface of sample as a function of Ha using a miniature Hall probe array12 for both Hc and Hab 共see Ref. 9 for details兲. The B depen-dence of the Sommerfeld coefficient is displayed in Fig.1for

x= 0 and x⬃ 0.2. As shown, at low B, ␥is isotropic and, as expected for classical 共dirty13兲 superconductors, varies

lin-early. However, this low-field linear regime is only visible on a very restricted field range 共up to B ⬃ 0.1 T and B ⬃ 0.2 T for x = 0 and x⬃ 0.2, respectively兲 and ␥ rapidly becomes highly nonlinear and finally anisotropic for B 艌 0.3 T and

B 艌0.5 T for x = 0 and x⬃ 0.2, respectively. Note that the very strong nonlinearity observed for␥/␥Nⲏ 0.4 for x = 0 is much weaker for x⬃ 0.2 and sets in only for ␥/␥Nⲏ 0.6, reflecting the decrease of the contribution of the␴band with doping共see below for details兲.

This nonlinear behavior has initially14 been qualitatively

explained by writing␥=␻␥+共1 −␻兲␥␴where␻is the rela-tive weight of the␲band关on the order of 1 / 2 共Ref.15兲兴 and assuming that the contribution of each band is linear for B ⬍ Bi= ⌽0/ 2␲␰i

2 共with i =␲ or␴兲. As the band is expected to be much more sensitive to B than the␴band, one hence gets two linear behaviors corresponding to B ⬍ BⰆ Bc2and

B ⬎ B, respectively. However, we have shown that, even though a high-field linearlike regime can be observed for B ⬎ Bc2c = 3 T 共Ref. 9兲 共and hence␪⫽0兲, ␥ can be better de-scribed by a共B / Bc2



共with␣⬃ 0.4– 0.5兲 for H储c. Note also that for Hcthe lin-earlike behavior at high field would extrapolate towards␻ ⬃ 0.35 共for B = 0兲—i.e., much lower than the theoretical value on the order of 0.5 共see Fig.1兲. The absence of this high-field linear regime for␪= 0 becomes even more obvious for x ⫽ 0共see solid circles in Fig.1 for x⬃ 0.2兲. In order to get a better description of␥共B ,␪兲, we have thus measured the angular dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient for various applied fields关see Fig.2共a兲for x = 0 at T = 2 K兴.

In classical superconductors,␥ is expected to depend on

B/ Bc2共␪兲 where Bc2共␪兲 = Bc2 ab


sin2+ ⌫ Bc2

2 cos2␪.16 Such a

dependence obviously does not hold in MgB2but␥共B ,␪兲 can still be described as f共B / Bc2* 兲, introducing a field-dependent ⌫共B兲 value through Bc2*

= Bc2ab/

sin2␪+ ⌫共B兲2cos2␪. The cor-responding ⌫共B兲 values have been reported in the inset of Fig.3for the three x values. As shown in Ref.9, ⌫ is on the order of 1 at low field 共i.e., ⬃⌫Bc1兲 and then sharply in-creases, reaching ⌫Bc2 for B 艌 Bc2


, indicating that no super-conductivity is obtained in the␲band above this field. More precisely, we have shown in Ref.9 that, in pure MgB2, the angular dependence of␥can actually be written as

␥共B,␪兲 ␥N =␻ B B共B兲+共1 −␻兲 B Bc2共␪兲, 共1兲 where B␲ is a field-dependent parameter introduced to de-scribe the highly nonlinear共but isotropic兲 contribution of the ␲band. The contribution of the␴band,␥关second term in Eq. 共1兲兴, hence varies linearly with B and its anisotropy is fully determined by the one of Bc2共␪兲 through the B / Bc2共␪兲 ratio. Following Eq.共1兲, the ratio

R=␥共B,␪兲 −␥共B,90兲 ␥Nbc2ab =共1 −␻兲关

sin 2+ ⌫ Bc2 2 cos2− 1兴, 共2兲

Bc2being now the field-independent anisotropy of the upper critical field.17

As shown in Fig.2共b兲, all the␥共␪, B兲 data collapse onto single curves for all three x values when plotted as R vs␪, clearly showing that Eq.共1兲 describes the field and angular dependence of␥for any doping level. The solid lines in Fig. 2共b兲 are fits to the data using Eq.共2兲. The ⌫Bc2 values have been deduced from Bc2 measurements,8 and the only free

parameter was hence the weight of the␴band,␻= 1 −␻. As expected for electronic doping,␻␴is decreasing with doping from ⬃0.5 for x = 0 to ⬃0.35– 0.4 for x ⬃ 0.2, in excellent

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4


N B (T) MgB2 Mg 0.8Al0.2B2

FIG. 1. Magnetic field dependence of the Sommerfeld coeffi-cient ␥ at T = 2.5 K for Hc共solid symbols兲 and Hab共open sym-bols兲 in MgB2共squares兲 and Mg0.8Al0.2B2共circles兲.

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2


N 0.5T 0.9T 1.7T 3.0T 4.0T 6.0T (a) pristine 0 1 2 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 ( -(90 ))/(  N .h c2 ab )  H c2() (b) pristine Al-10% Al-20%

FIG. 2. 共a兲 Angular dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient for the indicated field values in a pure MgB2 single crystal. 共b兲

关␥共B , ␪兲 − ␥共B , ␪ = 90兲兴 / ␥N⫻ Bcab2/ B as a function of ␪ for x = 0共open

diamonds, 6.0 T; solid diamonds, 4.0 T; open squares, 3.0 T; solid squares, 1.7 T; open circles, 0.9 T; solid circles, 0.5 T兲, x = 0.1 共open diamonds, 4.0 T; solid diamonds, 3.0 T; open squares, 2.5 T; solid squares, 2.0 T; open circles, 1.5 T; solid circles, 1.0 T兲, and

x⬃ 0.2 共open diamonds, 3.0 T; solid diamonds, 1.5 T; open squares, 1.0 T; solid squares, 0.5 T兲. The data for x = 0.1 and x ⬃ 0.2 have been shifted along the vertical axis for clarity. The solid lines are fits to the data using Eq.共2兲 共see text for details兲. PRIBULOVA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 180502共R兲 共2007兲


agreement with␻values deduced from the temperature de-pendence of the zero-field specific heat18共see also Ref.7兲.

As ␥␴ varies linearly with B, the contribution of the ␲ band can be obtained through ␥␲/␥N=关␥/␥N−共1 −␻兲B / Bc2兴 /␻. The corresponding ␥␲/␥N values are dis-played in Fig. 3 as a function of B / Bc2where Bc2␲ =兩lim B共B兲兩B→0. Bc2␲ increases from ⬃0.25 T for x = 0 to ⬃0.6 T for x ⬃ 0.2. However, as discussed in Ref.9, super-conductivity still survives in the␲ band for B ⬎ Bc2␲ due to the coupling with the␴ band, leading to a shrinking of the vortex core from ␰␲共0兲 =

0/ 2␲Bc2␲ at low field down to ␰␲共B ⬃ B

c2 c 兲 =␰


. Since the band is isotropic, it can have only one ␪-independent Bc2 value and superconductivity is hence destroyed in this band in all directions for B 艌 Bc2c .

The ␴-band coherence length can be deduced from the upper critical field, writing Bc2c = ⌽02/共2␲␰ab

␴2兲 and B c2 ab = ⌽02/共2␲␰c ab

兲. The evolution of with doping is dis-played in Fig. 4共a兲, taking the Bc2 values previously mea-sured in Ref. 8. The corresponding Fermi velocities 关solid symbols in Fig. 4共b兲兴 can then be estimated using the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer 共BCS兲 single-band formula បvF ␴ =␲⌬␰␴. For x = 0, one obtains v


⬃ 3.5⫻ 105m / s and



⬃ 0.7⫻ 105 m / s 共taking ⌬

␴⬃ 7.1 meV兲, in fairly good agreement with band structure calculations19 关open symbols

in Fig.4共b兲兴. Note that the ␲-band Fermi velocity deduced from this BCS formula 共vF=␲⌬

␲␰␲/ ប⬃ 4 ⫻ 105m / s for x = 0兲 is also surprisingly close to the theoretical value 共taking ⌬⬃ 2.4 meV兲. Indeed, as discussed in Ref. 9, Ginzburg-Landau calculations for two-gap superconductors rather sug-gested that ␰␲/


艋 2 for reasonable parameters20 and the

origin of this agreement hence still has to be understood. The evolution of vF

with aluminum doping is displayed in

Fig.4共a兲 关taking the gap values deduced from the tempera-ture dependence of Cp; see inset of Fig. 4共b兲 and Ref.8for details兴. Although in qualitative agreement with Putty et al.,5

this evolution is much steeper than the one obtained by these authors from band structure calculations. Those calculations indeed suggested a ⬃20% decrease of vF,abfor x varying from 0 to 0.2共and a corresponding ⬃20% increase in vF,c whereas our data show that vF,ab␴ decreases by a factor of⬃2 共and vF,cincreases by the same factor兲. The decrease of共0兲 with doping suggests that the ␲-band Fermi velocity also decreases by a factor of⬃2 for x →0.2 关see Fig.4共b兲兴. How-ever, it is worth noting that␰␲共0兲 共and hence v


兲 has been deduced from Bc2␲ assuming that this band is clean whereas Putti et al.21 actually suggested that aluminum doping may

lead to a significant increase of the␲-band scattering rate. In a dirty limit, the decrease of the effective Fermi velocity reported in Fig.4共b兲would then correspond to a decrease of the diffusivity D关VF,ef f=共␲⌬ / ប兲

⌽0/ 2␲Bc2

⌬D / ប兴.

We have shown that the ␥共B ,␪兲 /␥N=␻B/ B共B兲 + 共1 −␻兲B / Bc2共␪兲 共where B␲ is a field-independent coefficient

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4





B/B c2  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  (B ) B (T) x=0 x=0.1 x=0.2 B c2 c B c2 c B c2 c

FIG. 3. Field dependence of the contribution of the ␲ band to the Sommerfeld coefficient in AlxMg1−xB2 for x = 0 共squares兲, x

= 0.1共diamonds兲, and x ⬃ 0.2 共circles兲. Inset: field dependence of the effective anisotropy ratio 共see text for details兲 for the corre-sponding samples. 0 1 105 2 105 3 105 4 105 5 105 0 10 20 30 40






T c(K) v F v F, ab v F,c


0 100 200 300 400



 ab  c (0)


0 2 4 6 8 0 10 20 30 40  (m eV ) T c(K)

FIG. 4.共a兲 Evolution of the coherence length of the two bands with doping.共b兲 Corresponding Fermi velocities 共solid circles兲 de-duced from the standard BCS formula vF= ␲⌬␰ / ប, introducing the

gap values displayed in the inset共solid symbols, ⌬␴; open symbols,

⌬␲兲. The open symbols of the main panel are average theoretical


reflecting the shrinking of the ␲-band coherence length for

B ⬎ Bc2␲兲 decomposition of the Sommerfeld coefficient intro-duced in pure samples can be generalized to Al-doped MgB2 samples. Correspondingly, all␰ values共␰␲ and 兲 seem to converge towards a single value on the order of 150 Å for high doping and a corresponding isotropic Fermi velocity ⬃1.5⫻ 105 m / s.

We would like to thank S. Tajima and S. Lee for provid-ing us some of the pristine samples. Z.P. thanks the Slovak Science and Technology Agency for partial support, Con-tracts Nos. APVT-51-016604 and LPP-0101-06. S.-I.L. ac-knowledges support by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation through the Creative Research Initiative Pro-gram.

*Present address: Centre of Low Temperature Physics IEP SAS & FS UPJS, Watsonova 47, SK-04001 Kosice, Slovakia.

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PRIBULOVA et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 76, 180502共R兲 共2007兲


FIG. 2. 共a兲 Angular dependence of the Sommerfeld coefficient for the indicated field values in a pure MgB 2 single crystal
FIG. 3. Field dependence of the contribution of the ␲ band to the Sommerfeld coefficient in Al x Mg 1−x B 2 for x= 0 共squares兲, x


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