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The Africa atlas (combined)


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Original: :8N·.}LISH/


2/8Jl.14/8LO,T/228 15 September 1966 Distr.




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2CClTC~_IC '::'}i._~_.IS3IOH FC~ J...

FRICj, 33cond Jnited Nations Regional


Conference for


T~nis (~Jlisia),

12-24 Septemoer 1966 hgenda

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sm IJ

TH2 ;l.FRICi. i.TLi.S ( c orab Ln e d ]



Technical paperl/seat by the Governmeilt of the Union of Soviet So.cialist Republics




participants only

. Yr' ne attached document has been supplied by the Government

' .







111/~ /lFfUr;A ATll!S (CtJmNncd)

,[hi' Africa AtI<7S is () ::;milll'~'l)l({ml' atlas oj (('fer"IlI'"

{ypl'. intended tor broad sections of th,' t.uhtic,

The Africa Atlas contolne inquire information Oilpopu- I,;ff'd arcus, ootiticnl ana administratioe divlsion, i!rr,'s of

fOtl/lI!cJ!Ticlfion, land and sca-battom rl'!/(.'/s and UII (1(1/(:( (,'(1-

(/lYi',) of eeoerapnlrot maps. it atso gh'l"s a genl'ral rrt'~','I1·

tuthill abont nail/TIll conditions of 1;1(; conttnesu, geograptucat distrihution of n-rtura! !"i'SOIU(t'S and economics Of t1/f{,\,'n


Til,' .-1l/as size {I-; 26,.)',315em.

1'11" Alias contain» td pages of sfWd.\', ,5or .J,"llgCS of statistical information "lid 1:1or 1';pdges of Index, Tile Ar-


canststs of fiul' sections, nomely: lntr oductor «. /li"{o{i,-a[

maps, 0eograrhical maps, ,'J'pnial maps and ftul,'x.

Tile Ar{a" opens 'i.(uith contrmporarv ooUtirll1 nrap uj .1 {- rica. Six pages of tht' Atlas ocruny !li~toric.11IiWI'S ri'{r,'s,'n- tif//; tlu- most important oertods ill ftis({Jrinll devi'!<i,'-'!J!Cill of African [lcopll's. This section b,:,ginso 'wiflz a map of 'h" most important frauds and disconertrs in Africn ana is condlidi'd

;f.,jtil (1 m(~Jl of tire greatestmonunu-nts of tit" ancient


T1w section ofgc'or;raphiN{ 1I10pS occupies:}6fa,!.:,·"s.If i,)

presented hy i6 sheets


23 tnscctu of ilUti'uidlia! r('gil'l/o.;

(ll1d CIIISfl'fS of islands as icvll as of som,! city plans.

The g{Jographhal flJ{ipS ar,~ J{tl'i'fl «t the sr/ill' If I: 7,fJ{Hf//()r) (13 pages) and, for II 1!!11,\·t j'()/!llhled dr,',I). lit (,111' scale


J:3,'J,OOO,OOO (9!hlg!'';.).

Trunevoat. Aleditcrrlm,'an canst 0/ ttu-.tfaghrel, /,011111r([,\,

Soes Cnnat, South of Congo and "t/'IT regions as 1<'I'!i ,1.\

,h,' til)' piollS und sk.vts of {'[and ,.l{(.',{,'r" Irn'r;h'l!J1 0/1 tI

larger scale,

- 1hi' !;"dimt oj special mans in A lias consists of t'J1'O ports: /11(/pS of nature and social and economic rJW/,S. It ,IC~

qnulnts in1/gencfdl'Wt'T irith ilu-/1,lfllrd conditions,f}o/,Il[n tion and economics Of Ow Afri(,[Hl {'III/tifleill.


nil' maps (If 1l1ll11(,' (l! 1'flg{'~;j ('f/.1.fn/"f,','i::1' Ih,- climate of tne corutnetu. ffte structure oj iI,' surfoc-: mul t'lItfllih. its sotts, the -ncaith: vf its vegetable and antmat kingdoms as w.'cll as all' dtstritmtion of its mineral resources.

[he section of Hte social and I'cuflC'mir mill'S occupies J5i poges. It giues th,' geller,ti rtmractcristtc of fill' l'toplcs distribution, ettmical structure of tit" poputation. dtstrttutting the muin branches of industry, electric f-!UW1T vtatians, agri- cntture, air and ground ttntcs uf nH/lfJ/lll1ic,Jtioll


Combin"d {rteional] 1'{'0!1mllic maps W'IUC!1 occupy fi p,:gl's in the Atlas ,;;flOW the maii! airecttons Of (/1,' economic activities Of the African wl!lJlrit's.

Economic HUlp of the African continent. {!.i~)(,/l at {/ sral-- Of 1:J,5JiOO,OOO is placed 011 four ('<Iges" n,,· mo:)i important

<'U)llOIfIIC reg ions an' shous-d at 1:,;,f)f)(),f)OIl ond 1:.'1..1,{J()f),O(}(j scales. In addition.


Atlas contains /Z1'ildO! maps of tnan-

~;lry and «gricnltnrc at II scatv nf J:JO,ooO,(J(j().

Three medical and geograpfJhal nwps. 111"(' lncludn{ in nu- Alias. On mlf' of them all attempt ,cas first made to aCCOl!l-

plisn medical and gvographicat dioiston of Africa intr, reg ions according to preconatttons of the rhnractcristic dtsecses: the h£J() others show the regions of pO::::;,;iblc /}wlario and scnistosoma dis,'a:;,;{ng.

Tilt' /vttas i,~ canctudvd willi /I siatistlcal inquire informa- tion cooering a 'l£.'ide range of questions and (111 index


geographical mUlZ,>.') (lndcxt,

The Africa Atlas is produced by Ministry Of Gcology uf au, USSN, ChiefAdtnintstrattcn Of (ii'odes":,and Cartogrnphy, Irs issue i\' ol-utncd to oe cccomplistwd in J.IJfi7.

The Atlas is published ill HllS,<"'/ill1 bat bdtlK Ilccordingly ordered it ff!(IY ['c issued otso ill English and French.

Orders lor tlJ('Atlas ShO{I{d (}(J <1£fdr,'L>;i:.'d to "AJI'Z'duna"

rodnata kniga". !HI/scow. USSR





Title Contents Svmbots A/tica, Political

t Ilstortcal maps

. . . . };JOOUO(lOO



J!f'lst important travels anddiecoocrles ill Africa and main areas of the stacc- trod-rs nct toiiv .

Ancient A/riot. . . . . Africa from V to Xl'!fI cent . African peonIes, and states [,rI01? ttie

imp-rtutistic rortttion (to /876) Pcrttuon of Afrin; among fhe imprria-

listie ~/;lti'S t,) IYJ./. . . " . "

n/(, stmggle' of ttu- African. peoptes ngainsr ttu-fololli,Ji «egression in XIX and flu' I!t'ginning of


("I'ltt . . .

/lJrico fndil 1918 tf) UJ39 . • . . • 0) '\"(;tiOlldi-li!'('{otiOf! struvgle (lj the

IHuIW'i'iJII peeples ill 1919 --J.9.J:! . .

f!) A,!!gnlssic'f! of !,).\('fsl !ta/y in Ethio- pia (l9),) - 1!).'J6). • . . . . . Iljrica in tlu- periodof The Svonut

World War , . . . .

NafiOflitl-!iht'r:ltion straggle oj tile African people," and tarmatson of the ind/'jl(,lIdcfff states ajfiT tht' Scc-rnd tVor!d IFr?!"

i3rirish-Fr/'ndt-l.:;nJI" {f/{gr[';.sif!n 111 Egypt in '.4._ln

Larg('sf JlIOIIU/f/OWi' of OIl' {(II(lent c/il-


1;30000 OtJO 1: 60 (){)OOOO I:6'()


1:"";0 000 OliO J:./.5DuO 000

1: .J.7 000 OUO 1:or')000 DUO I:JOOU 000 J: .JO Of/V OUO 1:J{)000 OUO

J: 30 UOI)G'tJi}

1: 10/100 000 1:30000UUU


:10 0011 000 1: 30 000 UW I: 3f! 000 000 I: 30 000 00/1 I:1)(1(JO() ()()()



000 000

1: 60 aUf) 000

. 1.100


000 I:100



1:4,]000 000 I:JU000OOU 1:3UOOO000 1:30000000 I:30000000 Atrica, Pll~.'sira!

tectonic.", : . . .

A1illC(fJI resources (il'ol°E;Y

Climatic fillipS • • • .

a) T(,fJlp('ra~ure of tlu- cir lind surfocv waters OJ fht' Of"euII.\. Or.rm currents.


b) Tcmpvroturr of lilt' IIi,. find sur/a(f' waters of the Ue!'lUI."', Curr-ots. .!llh' c) Rainfall periods and ((it(fl.~·



annu.u precipitation

dj EUilpnrahilily rIJn\"sible cUdfloro!ioll from tlu; land sutjO(I'I

Ctieuuic map,~ . . .

(I) Sllmlililry sotar nutiotion for it ynlr h) Cttmauc :tOfU'S and regions {aefOr-

din,:;" to /1!icsUUj

r} Diagrams nj tli,' annual ( d k of trmpcrature, precipitations and r: !atic'l' h


nridl tv

Climatic maps

0) An11lu/ {{mpfirnd,' of the air tl'mpl' raturc

b} I.ellgtll of Ihe cuhkss poriod ej 11ir pressure and mind. Jonuar y

d) ..1ft pressure and 1.f.dnG. .Il1/)'.

Qlwrtt'f/ldry dcposttions Sods. .


t"l'Retafioll distrlimtion Animal distribution 11

9 10 11 12 J.i



18 1.9

20-·21 Umu d Arllb [(elm hi ic , ut-;« 1:7000000 A'ile delta


Suez Cl.!lIlli I:I 7,;0000

Cairo 1::.!SO 000

Alexandria 1: 250 000

:21 -23 The M,'difdral;ean OlliS! 1. .) .500000

Alger 1.' 250 ODD

tllnis I.' 2.;0 VOl)

:}./ -_,J0 - Nor/II 11/(/((: slaf,''> 1:7()()iJQDO Strait of Gibrattar . I: I OOU 00/1 .?6 27 West Africa slares J.'7()U() ()f)O

Fernando 1'0 I. 1:2500000


:!,'l'-29 30 31 32 - 33





SdO Thflme I ..

Principe /. . Annooon I.

\Fcst Africa. South.

States Itl tile Gutf of Guinea . • Child, Centrat Afr[(';Ul Republic, Sudan,


Bah vl Mmuieb stratt ,

Gabon, Coneo Hrazzl1uillc', Uganda, Congo lOflslll1sa, Kenya, lhl'l1nrla, F5J1·

fundi, Taruania .

HI'public of Srnnali, Cote Prancaisc dvs Sumo/is

Seychelles islands AlIlirl1nte Lstanas

Lake Victoria reg ion . . ,

Zmnbia, Southern Rhodesia. Bots-nano,

ivfa!a'3.li. Mozll/rb.'qlu'. Repuh/ic oj Malagasy

C()ngn Kinshasa Suuth and Zambia Angulo, South-Wi'Sf Africa , Republic of South Africa . Caoe Town

Trlstan da Cunha IS/tlmb' Gough


RepllfJlic oj ,<"~"f1th Africa. Industrial region ,

Capt' province. Sontn , Madeira Islands Ktmari Islands Cape Verdt hlands Ascension I.

Saint Helena J..

Comoro Islands Ala.w'oret/e



Pop/1latHon and economics

1: 2;;00 000 1:2.;00 000 1: 2S()I) ODO 1:3500


1: 3 500 0011 J;700a 0(/(1 1: I 000000

1: 7000000

1:7000000 1: 2;jOO000 1:3500 000

1.7000000 1:3500000 1: 7000000 1:7000000 J:250 000 1:2500000 ]:250UVOU 1,"/501) 000 J:3.5(iOOOJ 1: 251P1000 1: 2,500 O(){) 1: 2500 01111 1:2500000 J:2500000 1:25000011 1: 2 :)00 000

Ifi-.J-7 Peoples of Africa .

Peoples of WI'~f{'rn Sudan and Guinea canst .

48 Density of population

49 Main languages Oftne African peoples .50 Tvvpographic map CJuerage of the Af-

rican states .j/ Economic map

Agr tcutturat map.




1:30 000 000 1: 10 000 000 1: 30 000 000 1:45000 000 I 30 000(j(j()

1 .JO 000000 1 30 000 000 1 30 1100 000



Hvdrocnergv resources ana j/o,;vi'r sta- tions .

56-57 Economic map of Africa tJ?est, North and Nortn- lVv\'t . . .

58 -59 Economic map of Morocco, Aigerta. Tu- nisiu and United Arab Neptl/ic 60-61 Economic map of Central anti South

A/rica . .

COIlf{O (South) and Zambia. • . . 62 economic map ofthe R!'l'llblfc of South

Africa • . . .

63 Medical and geographical types of til"

territories in Africa and ,l1rldagascar according to preconditions of the rho- r acter istio diseases . . . 64 Risk Of me malaria infectton , . .

Division oj Africa into regions accor- ding to the Schistosoma siKIl3


tndex of geographical names

1:30000000 I: 30 000 000 I:1.5000OM 1:500000/1 /: 15000 O(J(J 1:5000 000 J:8,500 (JOO

I: 8500 000 1:45000000 1: 15000000


Documents relatifs

It has aimed at strengthening the capacity of Member States in their effective participation in the global economy through promoting intra-regional and international trade and

These programmes have consisted of major surveys and topographical mapping projects designed to meet immediate needsc the provision of survey advisers, the attachment of

objectives that in the reform of the international monetary syten economic growth in the industrialized countries must be allied with development in the Third World: the

' A*s in the case of Wes I; Africa, the North Africa region has been largely engag'ed in the export of iToii ere ffoni a number of deposits reasonably close to the coast,

124.. of ideas, behind which more tangible interests can be discerned, their action is conditioned by the structural circumstances in which historical processes take place.

Ever since Nairobi Conference on NRSE and adoption of NPA in 1981 numerous African member States have been struggling with adjusting their energy policies to the development of NRSE

In view of the concerns already addressed in the World Population Plan of Action (WPPA) , the KPA and lately, in the Amsterdam Declaration coupled with the maj or

In practice, NEPAD can be seen to represent a moral contract between African countries and the G8 under which the former strive to improve governance and promote democracy