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Page 1/2 Second Term English Exam Time:1h30 Level : 2AM March :2015


Academic year: 2022

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Web site : www.ets-salim.com / - Tel-Fax : :

Last week, John felt miserable at school. He couldn't write, he couldn't work and he had a terrible headache. His teacher sent him home.

At home, John stayed in bed. His mother gave him some hot milk and an aspirin .The next day, John suffered from pains in his shoulders, arms, and a fever. The Doctor came to examine him: “ It is influenza, this disease is not dangerous but John must treat regularly. I will prescribe syrup, pills and an ointment to put on his shoulders and arms. You must conform to the


Section One: Reading Comprehension

A/Read the text and answer the following questions: (2pts) 1-why did the teacher send John home? ...

2-did his mother give him any medicines?...

B/What did they do? Match A with B : (3pts)


A-mother B- the doctor c- the teacher

1-examined John 2-sent him home 3- phoned the doctor

C/ 1- find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following (1pts) A high temperature = -Illness =

2-find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following (1pts) Cold± went ±

March :2015 Level : 2AM

Second Term English Exam Time:1h30

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Web site : www.ets-salim.com / - Tel-Fax : :

Mastery of Language

A/ write the capital letters and the right punctuation where necessary (1pt)

you shouldn’t eat many sweeties because they can cause obesity B/Complete with how much or how many (2pts)

John:...syrup should I take ,mum ? Mother: 1 tablespoon .

John: and …………..pills?

Mother: 2 pills

c/ Write the imperative (2pts)

1-you must stay at home.


2-You shouldn't drink cold water.


d/ classify these words according to the pronunciation of the consonants ; ch - sh (2pts)


/ ʃ/ /ʧ/ /k/

Situation of Integration (6pts)

Your were at school and you suffered from a toothache .your mother took you to the dentist. what is the advice –write a short paragraph (5lines)

Here are some cues to help you:

-brush your teeth/ not to eat many sweeties/ not to crack nuts with your teeth /not to have cold and hot water at the same time.

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