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Multilingual Distributional Semantic Models: Toward a Computational Model of the Bilingual Mental Lexicon


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Multilingual Distributional Semantic Models: Toward a Computational Model of the Bilingual Mental Lexicon"


Texte intégral


Multilingual Distributional Semantic Models:

Toward a Computational Model of the Bilingual Mental Lexicon

Akira Utsumi (utsumi@uec.ac.jp)

Department of Informatics, The University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofushi, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan


In this paper, we propose a novel framework of a multilin- gual distributional semantic model to provide a psychologi- cally plausible computational model of the bilingual mental lexicon. In the proposed framework, a monolingual semantic space for each target language isfirst generated from the cor- responding monolingual corpus. These monolingual semantic spaces are then converted into ones with common dimensions, which are in turn integrated into a single multilingual seman- tic space. The language of dimensions, which we refer to as a pivot language, determines the type of bilinguals simulated by the model. We also tested the psychological plausibility of the proposed multilingual distributional semantic model by comparing the cosine similarity computed by the model with the cross-language word similarity ratings of L1 Japanese/L2 English sequential bilinguals. The result was that the bilingual semantic space with Japanese as a pivot language, which is predicted to be a model for L1 Japanese/L2 English sequential bilinguals, achieved better performance in simulating the simi- larity rating data. This suggests the plausibility of the proposed multilingual model.

Keywords:Multilingual distributional semantic model; Bilin- gual mental lexicon; Cross-language semantic similarity


Distributional semantic models (henceforth, DSMs), or se- mantic space models, are models for semantic representations of words and for the way where semantic representations are constructed (Turney & Pantel, 2010). The semantic content is represented by a high-dimensional vector, and these vec- tors are constructed from a corpus by observing distributional statistics of word occurrence. Despite their simplicity, DSMs have provided a useful framework for cognitive modeling, es- pecially for human semantic knowledge (e.g., Jones, Kintsch,

& Mewhort, 2006; Landauer & Dumais, 1997).

However, these studies have explored the mental lexicon of a monolingual speaker and all DSMs used in these studies are monolingual. Given a recent growing interest in bilingual- ism in cognition (e.g., Bialystok, Craik, & Luk, 2012), it is quite reasonable to consider a multilingual extension of DSM toward a cognitive model of the bilingual (or multilingual) mental lexicon. This is what this study aims to accomplish.

In the field of natural language processing or computa- tional linguistics, some studies (e.g., Bader & Chew, 2008;

Wei, Yang, & Lin, 2008; Widdows, 2004) have proposed a multilingual extension of latent semantic analysis (LSA) for multilingual document clustering and cross-language word similarity computation. What these methods have in com- mon is the use of a parallel corpus. A parallel corpus is a collection of bilingual (or multilingual) texts comprising sen- tences (or documents) in one language and their translations in other languages. By regarding aligned texts (i.e., a pair of an original text and its translations) as a single document,

the method for monolingual DSMs can be directly applied for multilingual DSMs. Against this advantage, however, the parallel-corpus-based approach to multilingual DSMs has some drawbacks. One serious drawback is that the use of par- allel corpora is not psychologically plausible. It is extremely rare for bilinguals to be exposed to the same message in both languages simultaneously. Bilingual children often use dif- ferent languages according to with whom to communicate (i.e., parents or friends) and where to communicate (i.e., at home or outside). It follows that bilingual lexical develop- ment and lexical knowledge is very unlikely to be explained by the distributional statistics obtained from a parallel cor- pus. The other drawback of the parallel-corpus-based ap- proach is a practical one; parallel corpora are generally less easily available and of smaller size than monolingual corpora.

Therefore, the multilingual semantic spaces generated from a parallel corpus cannot be expected to achieve a satisfactory performance.

In this paper, therefore, we propose a novel method for constructing multilingual DSMs toward a cognitive model of the bilingual mental lexicon. To overcome the drawbacks of the parallel-corpus-based approach, our method does not use any parallel corpora; it generates a monolingual semantic space for each target language using a monolingual corpus, and then integrates the multiple monolingual spaces into a single multilingual semantic space. The integration is car- ried out by aligning context words in different languages by direct correspondences between words (i.e., lexical links) or via a conceptual representation (i.e., conceptual links). This distinction is motivated by the psychological model of the bilingual mental lexicon (Kroll & Stewart, 1994). We then test the psychological plausibility of the proposed method for multilingual DSMs using the cross-language word similar- ity ratings of Japanese-English bilinguals (Allen & Conklin, 2014). Finally, we discuss the potential ability of the pro- posed method to simulate a variety offindings on bilingual lexicon and to provide a tool for bilingual research.

Computational Model

In this section, wefirst review a general method for construct- ing a monolingual semantic space. We then propose a novel method for constructing a multilingual semantic space, by which monolingual semantic spaces for target languages are integrated into a single multilingual semantic space.

Monolingual DSM

The method for constructing semantic spaces generally com- prises the following three steps:

1. Initial matrix construction:ncontent words in a given cor- pus are represented asm-dimensional initial vectors whose


Japanese corpus

mouse cat


bark mew police

⋯ 4 2 0 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 5 3 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯


ྭ䛘䜛 㬆䛟


⋯ 1 5 2 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 2 3 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

mouse, rat, … bark, roar, … mew, bark, …



bark mew police

⋯ 1 7 2 0 ⋯ 5 ⋯

⋯ 0 2 2 3 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯


English corpus

bark mew police

⋯ 1 7 2 0 ⋯ 5 ⋯

⋯ 0 2 2 3 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

⋯ 4 2 0 0 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 5 3 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯


cat dog

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Step 1


(a) English as a pivot language

Japanese corpus

mouse cat


bark chase police

⋯ 4 2 0 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 6 3 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯


ྭ䛘䜛 ㏣䛖


⋯ 1 5 0 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 4 3 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

English corpus

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

≟ ⋯ 1 5 0 0 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 4 3 ⋯ 3 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯


dog ⋯ 4 2 0 0 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 6 3 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

≟ ⋯ 1 5 0 0 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 4 3 ⋯ 3 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

⋯ 4 2 0 0 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ 0 0 6 3 ⋯ 0 ⋯

⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯

cat dog

Step 1 Step 2

(b) Concepts as a pivot language

Figure 1: A rough sketch of the multilingual distributional semantic model proposed in this paper: The case of English-Japanese bilingual semantic space.

elements are frequencies in a linguistic context. As a re- sult, annbymmatrixA= (ai j)is constructed usingnword vectors as rows.

2. Weighting: The elements of the matrixAare weighted.

3. Smoothing: The dimension of the row vectors ofAis re- duced from the initial dimensionmtor.

As a result, an r-dimensional semantic space including n words is generated.

For initial matrix construction in Step 1, two popular meth- ods are used for computing the elements ai j of A. In a

“documents-as-contexts” method, an element ai j is deter- mined as the frequency of a wordwi in a documentdj (i.e., the number of times a wordwioccurs in a documentdj). On the other hand, in a “words-as-contexts” method,ai jis calcu- lated as the cooccurrence frequency of a target wordwiand a context wordwjwithin a certain context (i.e., the number of times two wordswiandwjcooccur in a context). As a context for counting cooccurrence, we use a “window” spanning two words on either side of the target word. Note that the existing methods for multilingual LSA often employ a documents-as- contexts matrix by regarding aligned texts in a parallel corpus as a single document. On the other hand, our method does not


use a parallel corpus, and thus we apply a words-as-contexts method to initial matrix construction, as we will explain in the next subsection.

For Step 2, various weighting methods have been proposed.

Two popular methods are entropy-based tf-idf weighting (Landauer & Dumais, 1997) and PPMI (positive pointwise mutual information) weighting (Bullinaria & Levy, 2007;

Recchia & Jones, 2009). In this paper, we use a PPMI weight- ing method because it is suitable for words-as-contexts ma- trices and generally achieves good performance (Bullinaria

& Levy, 2007; Recchia & Jones, 2009). PPMI is based on the pointwise mutual information (PMI) and replaces nega- tive PMI values with zero. The last step (Step 3) of smooth- ing is optional and usually conducted using singular value de- composition (SVD). In this paper, we do not smooth the ma- trix because PPMI semantic spaces generally achieves good performance even though smoothing is not applied (Recchia

& Jones, 2009).

Multilingual DSM

The basic idea underlying our multilingual DSM method is that word cooccurrence (i.e., words-as-contexts) matrices generated for each target language using a monolingual cor- pus are converted into cooccurrence matrices with the same set of context words; as a result, word vectors in different lan- guages are placed in the single semantic space with common dimensions. The language of context words can be selected from target languages or other “language” representing con- cepts. We refer to this language as a pivot language.

Figure 1 illustrates our idea of the multilingual DSM method in the case of a Japanese-English bilingual DSM. The first step is to generate a word cooccurrence matrix for each target language using a monolingual corpus. In Figure 1 (a), two cooccurrence matrices, one for Japanese and the other for English, are constructed separately. For example, the Japanese cooccurrence matrix expresses that the target word

cooccurs with the context word


once and with the context word


five times.

In the second step, a monolingual cooccurrence matrix for a target language is converted into a matrix express- ing a pseudo-cooccurrence between target words in the tar- get language and context words in the pivot language. As shown in Figure 1 (a), when English is a pivot language, the Japanese cooccurrence matrix must be converted into the ma- trix with English context words, while the English cooccur- rence matrix does not need to be converted. Conversely, when Japanese is a pivot language, an English cooccurrence ma- trix is converted but a Japanese matrix is not. Furthermore, when a set of concepts is used as a pivot language as shown in Figure 1 (b), both cooccurrence matrices are converted into pseudo-cooccurrence matrices with concepts as contexts.

The matrix conversion in Step 2 can be done by translating context words into the pivot language using a dictionary or other lexical database, and by counting the “pseudo” cooc- currence frequency between a word in the target language and a context word in the pivot language. For example, as shown in Figure 1 (a), the context word


has one trans- lation equivalentpolicein English, and the cooccurrence fre- quency between the target word



is 1. It follows

that the cooccurrence frequency of

andpoliceis counted as 1. If a context word has more than one equivalent in the pivot language, the pseudo-cooccurrence frequencies for the other equivalents are also counted in the same way. For example, because the context word


has at least two equivalents barkandroar, the cooccurrence frequency between

and roaras well as between

andbarkis counted as 2. Note that the context wordbarkis also the equivalent of the con- text word


and thus the pseudo-cooccurrence frequency between

andbarkis 7 (= 5 from


+ 2 from



Finally, in the last step (i.e., Step 3), the converted matrix for Japanese and the original cooccurrence matrix for English in Figure 1 (a) (or the converted English matrix in Figure 1 (b)) are concatenated into a single matrix expressing an English- Japanese bilingual semantic space.

In this framework of multilingual DSM, the pivot language determines the type of bilinguals for which the constructed semantic space is suitable. Because all the words in all tar- get languages are represented through a pivot language, the pivot language can be regarded as the dominant language of bilinguals (or multilinguals). Hence, the multilingual DSM generated by this method can be regarded as a model of the mental lexicon of sequential bilinguals with a pivot language as L1. For example, the multilingual DSM with English as a pivot language shown in Figure 1 (a) is expected to be a cog- nitive model for L1 English/L2 Japanese bilinguals. When concepts are used as a pivot language as in the case of Fig- ure 1 (b), the resulting DSM is assumed to be a model for simultaneous bilinguals, who are exposed to bilingual input from birth. This assumption is reasonable because simultane- ous bilinguals do not have a dominant language and lexical development in two languages proceeds indifferently through concepts.

In the explanation given above, we use a Japanese-English bilingual DSM as an example, but our method is not spe- cific to bilingualism. Formally, given k target languages L1,L2,···,Lk, the method for constructing a multilingual se- mantic space on the basis of our idea can be described in the following steps:

1. The cooccurrence matricesA11,A22,···Akkfor target lan- guagesL1,L2,···,Lkare constructed from the correspond- ing monolingual corpora by the method for constructing monolingual DSMs.

2. Using conversion matricesDip(1≤i≤k) from a target languageLiinto a pivot languageLp, the cooccurrence ma- trices Aiigenerated above are converted into the matrices Aipwith the same dimensions.

Aip=Aii×Dip (1) Note that, ifLiis a pivot languageLp, thenAip=Aii. 3. All the converted matricesA1p,A2p,···Akp are concate-

nated into a single matrixA.



... Akp

⎠ (2)


The resulting matrixArepresents a multilingual semantic space.

At Step 2, we use a conversion (or term alignment) matrix Dipto translate context words into a pivot language. The(s,t) entry of the matrixDipis 1 (or other nonzero value) if a word wtin the pivot languageLpis a translation of a wordwsin the languageLiand otherwise 0.

Weighting (i.e., Step 2 of the monolingual DSM presented in the last section) can be applied either after Step 2 of the above algorithm or after Step 3 of the algorithm. Weight- ing after Step 2 implies that the converted matrices Aip

are weighted before they are concatenated into A, while weighting after Step 3 implies that the concatenated matrix A is weighted. Note that some weighting methods such as entropy-based one give the same matrixA regardless of whether weighting is applied before or after matrix concate- nation, because in those methods word vectors (i.e., row vec- tors ofAip) are weighted independently of each other. In the case of PPMI weighting, however, different matricesA are generated according to the timing of weighting.

Evaluation Experiment

Test Data

As test data for evaluating multilingual DSMs, we used the cross-linguistic similarity norms for Japanese-English trans- lations provided by Allen and Conklin (2014). This data com- prises semantic similarity and phonological similarity ratings of 193 Japanese-English word pairs and other relevant mea- sures. Among these ratings, we used the semantic similarity rating on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 to 5, and compared it with the cosine similarity computed by multilingual DSMs to evaluate their modeling performance.

The 193 word pairs are divided into 98 cognates and 95 noncognates. Cognates are words in different languages that share both form and meaning. For example, the Japanese word


/kamera/ and the English word “camera” are cognates. The cognates used in Allen and Conklin’s (2014) study are all loanwords in Japanese, words borrowed from English and written in a separate script, katakana. Noncog- nates (e.g.,


and “hope”) have the same meaning but do not share form. Cognates have been central to psycholinguis- tic research on bilingual language processing because they provide an effective way in examining an essential question of whether bilinguals selectively activate a single language or simultaneously both languages (Dijkstra, 2007).

Allen and Conklin’s (2014) semantic similarity norm was collected from the native speakers of Japanese who also speak English as a second language, namely L1 Japanese/L2 En- glish speakers. Hence, this semantic similarity data can be regarded as reflecting the mental lexicon of sequential bilin- guals whose L1 is Japanese and L2 is English.

Materials for Multilingual DSM

As we explained before, the multilingual DSM proposed in this paper requires two kinds of language resources, namely a monolingual corpus for each target language and a dictionary (or lexical database) for converting between a pivot language

and target languages. In this experiment, we used as a mono- lingual corpus Japanese newspaper articles (i.e., six years’

worth of Mainichi newspaper articles) with 41.2M word to- kens, and the written and non-fiction parts of the British Na- tional Corpus with 54.7M word tokens. In order to deter- mine the vocabulary of the semantic space, we performed the widely used preprocessing steps, namely stopword removal and lemmatization. Concerning a dictionary, English Word- Net 3.0 and Japanese WordNet 1.1 were used. WordNet is not a dictionary, but it can serve as a dictionary by connecting words in different languages via synsets. WordNet synsets are sets of cognitive synonyms, each expressing a distinct con- cept. Synsets provide an additional merit in using WordNet in that synsets can be used as a pivot language representing concepts (or more precisely a pivot concept). Japanese and English words to be included for bilingual semantic spaces were selected so that they can be translated into each other via WordNet. In other words, each of these Japanese words shares at least one synset with at least one of these English words. As a result, 22,416 Japanese words and 18,463 En- glish words were selected as the vocabulary of the bilingual semantic space. These Japanese and English words are re- lated via 23,421 synsets. Therefore, the size of the monolin- gual cooccurrence matrix in Step 1 of the proposed algorithm was 22,416×22,416 for Japanese and 18,463×18,463 for English.


First of all, using the corpora and WordNet mentioned above, we constructed six bilingual semantic spaces from all com- binations of three pivot languages (Japanese, English, and synset) and two timing of weighting (before or after matrix concatenation).

Using these six semantic spaces, we computed the co- sine similarity of each pair of words in the test data. Note that 12 out of 193 word pairs of Allen and Conklin’s (2014) data did not exist in the bilingual semantic spaces, and thus the remaining 181 word pairs (including 89 cognates and 92 noncognates) were used for similarity computation.

The performance of each bilingual semantic space was measured by Spearman’s correlation coefficient between the computed cosine values and the semantic similarity ratings in the test data.


If a bilingual semantic space is a plausible model of the L1 Japanese/L2 English bilingual’s mental lexicon, the correla- tion coefficient is expected to take a high positive value. Fur- thermore, it is predicted that the semantic space with Japanese as a pivot language shows a higher correlation than that with an English pivot.


Table 1 shows the correlation coefficients between the cosine similarity computed by the bilingual semantic spaces and the semantic similarity ratings of the test data. First of all, the correlation coefficients for all pairs were moderately high and statistically significant. This indicates that the proposed multilingual DSM framework provides a plausible model of


Table 1: Correlation coefficients between the cosine similar- ity computed by the bilingual semantic spaces and the seman- tic similarity ratings by Allen and Conklin (2014).

All pairs Cognates Noncognates Pivot language (n=181) (n=89) (n=92) Weighting BEFORE concatenation

Japanese .294∗∗∗ .284∗∗ .316∗∗

English .247∗∗∗ .221 .282∗∗

Synset .291∗∗∗ .290∗∗ .304∗∗

Weighting AFTER concatenation

Japanese .342∗∗∗ .329∗∗ .368∗∗∗

English .328∗∗∗ .311∗∗ .363∗∗∗

Synset .377∗∗∗ .395∗∗∗ .371∗∗∗

*p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001

the bilingual mental lexicon. In addition, the semantic space with Japanese as a pivot language achieved higher correla- tions than those of the semantic space with an English pivot, regardless of whether they were calculated for all pairs or cognates/noncognates. This result is consistent with the pre- diction mentioned earlier, and thus suggests that the pivot language of the multilingual DSM can correctly model the dominant language of sequential bilinguals. The correlation coefficients for the DSM with synsets as a pivot language, which is expected to model a mental lexicon of simultaneous bilinguals, did not differ from (in the case of weighting be- fore concatenation) or were slightly higher than (in the case of weighting after concatenation) those of the DSM with a Japanese pivot. We do not have a reasonable explanation of this result at the moment, but this result may reflect the fact that, as bilinguals become more proficient in L2, their L2 lexical knowledge is learned via a conceptual representation (Kroll & Stewart, 1994).

Comparison of the results between cognate and noncognate pairs shows that our proposed multilingual DSMs were more advantageous to noncognates. One possible reason would be due to word frequency effect; Japanese cognates are generally less frequent than noncognates (Allen & Conklin, 2014), and thus the cooccurrence statistics for cognates is less sufficient for plausible vector representations.

For the stage at which weighting is applied to a cooccur- rence matrix, weighting after concatenation achieved better performance than weighting before concatenation. This result is not surprising because PPMI weighting requires to estimate the probability of context words across all target words, but weighting before concatenation computes the probability of context words separately for each language. However, it is an open question whether weighting before or after concatena- tion is plausible as a model of the bilingual mental lexicon.

Although the proposed algorithm for constructing multilin- gual DSMs is not a psychological process model, weighting after concatenation may lend support to the view of a sin- gle integrated bilingual lexicon, rather than the view of two separate lexicons (for a review of two views, see French &

*** ***


***p<.001 104

103 102 10

1 Median rank

L1L2 L2L1



Japanese pivot English pivot

Figure 2: Median ranks of the target words in the ordering of cosine similarity to the prime words for the 181 word pairs used in the evaluation experiment. JE (EJ) denotes that Japanese (English) words in the pairs are used as primes and their paired English (Japanese) words are targets. Sim- ilarly, L1L2 (L2L1) denotes L1 (L2) primes and L2 (L1) targets, assuming that the pivot language of the multilin- gual DSM plays a role of L1. All the semantic spaces used here are weighted before matrix concatenation.

Jacquet, 2004).


In this paper, we have proposed a novel method for construct- ing multilingual DSMs to provide a psychologically plausible computational model of the bilingual (or multilingual) men- tal lexicon. Its plausibility is tested and justified by compar- ing the cosine similarity computed by the multilingual DSMs with the semantic similarity data collected from Japanese- English bilinguals. In particular, the proposed method can provide a model that can discriminate between sequential bilinguals with different L1. Indeed, the evaluation experi- ment demonstrated that it can generate a semantic space ap- propriate for L1 Japanese/L2 English sequential bilinguals.

However, the experiment presented in this paper is not so comprehensive and rather preliminary. Further justification of the modeling performance of the multilingual DSM must await further research, but in this section we discuss the po- tential ability of the multilingual DSM to explain other psy- cholinguisticfindings on bilingual lexical processing.

Research on bilingual lexical processing has demonstrated that lexical access in bilinguals is language nonselective (van Heuven & Dijkstra, 2010; Schwartz & Kroll, 2006). In other words, lexical representations in both languages are activated in parallel regardless of which language is being processed.

This is evidenced by the cross-language priming paradigm in which a prime word in one language facilitates a target word in another language. Particularly interesting is the well- knownfinding that primes in L1 obviously facilitate targets in L2, but L2 primes do not reliably facilitate L1 targets (e.g., Jiang & Forster, 2001; Schwartz & Kroll, 2006). This asym- metry effect may be able to be explained by the multilingual DSM proposed in this paper. One reasonable way to do this is to employ the rank of the target word under the ordering im- posed by the cosine similarity to the prime word as a measure


for the degree of its priming effects (e.g., Griffiths, Steyvers,

& Tenenbaum, 2007). The rationale behind this assumption is that the target word which ranks higher by the cosine sim- ilarity to the prime word is more activated and accessible by the prime word. For example, if among all the words in the semantic space the target word ranksfirst by the cosine simi- larity to the prime word, it seems to suggest that the target is activated most preferably by the prime. On the other hand, if the target word ranks very low even though the cosine value does not differ from the above case, it is less likely to be ac- tivated by the prime. Figure 2 shows the median rank of the target words obtained by applying this methodology to the 181 word pairs used in the evaluation experiment. The re- sult is consistent with the asymmetry effect of cross-language priming. The Wilcoxin signed-rank test indicated that the me- dian rank in the case of L1 prime and L2 target (i.e., JE for the DSM with the Japanese pivot and EJ for the DSM with the English pivot) is significantly higher than that of L2 prime and L1 target.

Another well-known finding on multilingual lexical pro- cessing is that bilinguals generally perform more poorly on lexical tasks in both languages than monolinguals (Bialystok, 2009; Bialystok et al., 2012). This disadvantage of bilinguals is considered to be due to the interference from the other lan- guage. This interference effect can also be possibly explained by comparing the median rank of word pairs in the same lan- guage between the multilingual and monolingual DSMs. For example, we computed the median rank over 163 Japanese word association pairs (chosen from the Japanese word as- sociation norm “Renso Kijunhyo”) by means of multilingual and monolingual DSMs. The result is that, as predicted, the median rank of the monolingual DSM (38.0) is higher than those of the multilingual DSMs (46.0 for the English pivot, p<.001; 56.0 for the Japanese pivot,p<.01).

From the above discussion, it is clear that the multilingual DSM proposed in this paper may have the potential to sim- ulate several empiricalfindings on bilingual lexical process- ing. In addition, the proposed DSM framework may be able to simulate the behaviors of a variety of bilinguals with dif- ferent degrees of language proficiency and with different de- velopmental patterns. This may be realized, for example, by controlling context words (e.g., reducing context words into basic ones according to their age of acquisition) and/or by us- ing multiple pivot languages (e.g., concatenating multilingual semantic spaces with different pivots). It would be interesting and vital for further research to explore these issues.


This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Num- ber 15H02713 and SCAT Research Grant.


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- the total number of overall relevant documents in the collection, and - the total number of relevant documents actually found by the system - interpolated precision averages

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A twofold evaluation of HurtLex as a resource for hate speech detection in social media is provided: a qualita- tive evaluation against an Italian anno- tated Twitter corpus of

Just like DBpedia provides a hub for Semantic Web datasets, this lexicon can provide a hub for the lexical Semantic Web, an ecosystem part of the linguistic linked data cloud 1 in