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Effect of weak anchoring on the generalized Freedericksz transition in nematics


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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Effect of weak anchoring on the generalized Freedericksz transition in nematics

U.D. Kini

To cite this version:

U.D. Kini. Effect of weak anchoring on the generalized Freedericksz transition in nematics. Journal

de Physique, 1986, 47 (10), pp.1829-1842. �10.1051/jphys:0198600470100182900�. �jpa-00210379�


Effect of weak anchoring on the generalized Freedericksz transition in nematics

U. D. Kini

Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, 560080, India (Reçu le 28 mai 1986, accepté le 23 juin 1986 )



On utilise la théorie de courbure des cristaux liquides nématiques, due à Oseen et Frank, pour étudier la formation de domaines statiques périodiques induits par un champ magnétique dans une situation l’ancrage du directeur aux surfaces de l’échantillon est faible. Les orientations planaire et obliques du directeur sont étudiées pour différentes inclinaisons d’un champ magnétique appliqué dans un plan normal à

l’orientation initiale du directeur. En comparant avec les résultats obtenus dans une situation d’ancrage fort,

on montre qu’un ancrage faible peut influencer profondément la formation de la distortion périodique. Ces

résultats peuvent être importants pour les nématiques possédant une forte anisotropie élastique, comme les polymères nématiques. Les résultats concernant l’ancrage symétrique sont présentés en detail : les conséquen-

ces d’un ancrage asymétrique sont examinées brièvement. Il semble qu’il ne soit pas possible d’adapter les

résultats obtenus ici par une transformation de symétrie utilisée précédemment au cas de nématiques proches

d’une phase smectique.



The Oseen-Frank theory of curvature elasticity of nematic liquid crystals is used to investigate

the occurrence of magnetic field-induced static periodic domains for weak anchoring of the nematic director at the sample boundaries. Planar and oblique director orientations are studied for different inclinations of a

magnetic field applied in a plane normal to the initial director orientation. Comparison with results for rigid anchoring shows that weak anchoring can profoundly influence the formation of the periodic distortion. These results may be relevant to nematics of high elastic anisotropy, such as polymer nematics. The results are stated in some detail for symmetric anchoring ; consequences of asymmetric anchoring are briefly examined. It

appears that it may not be possible to adapt results of this work to the case of nematics exhibiting a smectic phase via a simple symmetry transformation used earlier.


Physics Abstracts










1. Introduction.

The Oseen-Frank continuum theory of elasticity [1- 2] has been successful in describing the anisotropic

elastic behaviour of nematic liquid crystals (for

reviews on the subject see, for instance, [3-6]). In

this theory the average local orientation of nematic molecules is described by a unit vector n called the

director. The elastic free energy, which is quadratic

in the spatial gradients of n, depends upon three curvature elastic constants Kl, K2 and K3 which correspond, respectively, to splay, twist and bend

distortions of the director field. A fourth constant,

K4, appears with the nilpotent part of the free energy which determines the surface torques without affec-

ting the equations of equilibrium of the nematic director. A uniform orientation, no, of n between

two flat plates is a configuration of minimum free energy for a nematic ; the stabilizing elastic torque opposes the effect of any disturbing influence which

tends to create small changes in n away from no.

The orientation of n can be controlled by suitably treating sample boundaries with which the nematic

comes into contact ([7] is a recent review on the

interfacial properties of nematics with references to earlier work). Different kinds of surface treatment can lead to different magnitudes of the director

anchoring energy at the surfaces.

An externally applied magnetic field H can also

affect n in a nematic sample by creating a torque via the diamagnetic susceptibility anisotropy X a. In a nematic with Xa > 0, n tends to align parallel to H.

When H lies in a plane normal to no the director field

experiences no torque. However, H can couple with

fluctuations in the director field and give rise to a destabilizing torque. When I H I - Hc, called the

Freedericksz threshold, the stabilizing elastic torque

can balance the destabilizing magnetic torque and

the director field remains unperturbed. When I HI> Hc, .the elastic torque can no longer balance

the magnetic torque as the uniformly aligned director

field has a higher total free energy than the distorted state ; thus the director field undergoes a deforma-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198600470100182900


tion. When I H I 2:: Hc, the distortion is generally

uniform in the sample plane.

The Freedericksz transition is a useful tool for the determination of the elastic constants of a nematic.

If ya is known, different elastic constants can be evaluated by choosing different directions of H in a

plane normal to no. In particular, when no is parallel

to the sample boundaries and H normal to them, the

deformation for I H I 2:: Hc is a pure splay and this configuration is helpful for measuring Kl. Recently, Lonberg and Meyer [8], while studying the splay

Freedericksz geometry using a polymer nematic,

discovered a spatially periodic structure above a well

defined field threshold instead of a homogeneous splay deformation. Such a structure, with spatial periodicity in the sample plane, would involve a mixture of splay and twist deformations. Using the

continuum theory in the small deformations limit and the rigid anchoring hypothesis, Lonberg and Meyer showed that the periodic deformation (PD)

threshold is less than the splay Freedericksz thres- hold for nematics with Kl > 3.3 K2; in such a material, the total free energy associated with a pure

splay distortion can be further minimized when n escapes out of the (H, no) plane via a twist. Apart

from being a novel observation, the result of [8]

demonstrates the difficulty involved in measuring Kl in nematics having K, > K2 [9].

Using the rigid anchoring hypothesis and the

linearized continuum theory it can be shown [10]

that PD becomes less favourable than the homoge-

neous deformation (HD) when no is oblique relative

to the sample boundaries or when H is obliquely applied in a plane normal to no (as considered, for instance, by Deuling et al. [11]). Over certain ranges of the director tilt 0 relative to the sample boundaries

or of the field tilt angle w away from the sample normal, HD may have a lower threshold than PD.

These configurations may be of help in determining Ki of materials with K, > K2. It is also shown that a symmetry transformation makes it possible to write

down results for the case K2 > K, using results

calculated for K, > K2. The situation K2 >> K, may

occur in the vicinity of a nematic-smectic transition


The rigid anchoring hypothesis, corresponding to

infinite director anchoring energy at the sample boundaries, is conducive to a relatively simple understanding of field induced director deforma- tions. Still, in a real situation, the anchoring energy is finite. Rapini and Papoular [13] proposed a simple

form of the anchoring energy and showed that the Freedericksz threshold decreases with the anchoring

energy. This picture was generalized by Guyon and

Urbach [14] to include more general deformations.

In a recent paper, Oldano [15] has included weak

anchoring of one of the director fluctuations in PD.

He has shown that weak anchoring can considerably

affect the domain of occurrence of PD. He has also

independently pointed out the symmetry transforma- tions of the governing equations which enable one to

write down results for K2 > K, using results obtained for K, > K2.

In this communication the linear perturbations approach used in [8, 10, 15] is extended to the study

of the effect of weak anchoring on the relative

occurrence of PD and HD. The results are compared

with those for rigid anchoring. The general form of

the anchoring energy used in [14] is employed. In

section 2, the differential equations are derived and

the boundary conditions stated. In section 3, the planar director configuration is studied in the splay

Freedericksz geometry. The case of an oblique field

with planar director orientation is presented in

section 4. In section 5 oblique initial director orienta- tion is considered with H along a symmetry direction.

Section 6 lists the limitations of the mathematical model used in this work.

2. Mathematical model, differential equations, boun- dary conditions and solution.

The mathematical model is similar to that employed

earlier ([10], Fig. 1). The nematic is confined between flat plates z = ± h and uniformly oriented

in the xy plane making an angle 0 with x axis. The

uniform orientation

Fig. 1.


Planar director orientation ; equal anchoring strengths ; Bp




B; H along z. RH is the ratio of

HLM’ the PD threshold and HHF9 the HD threshold ; pc is the dimensionless domain wave vector at PD threshold ;



KIf K2. (a) Plot of RH vs. RK and (b) plot o fpc vs. RK

for difterent anchoring strengths B


(1) oo (rigid anchoring) (2) 103-’ (3) 103-2’ (c) Plot of RH vs. vB and (d) plot of pc vs. B for different materials having RK


(1) 15 (2) 10 (3) 5. Strong anchoring of the 0’ and 0’ perturba-

tions and high RK favours the occurrence of PD (Sect. 3.1).


also coincides with the easy axis at either surface. A

magnetic field

is applied in a plane normal to no, making angle w

with the xz plane. Under the action of linear

perturbations 0’(x,y,z) and 4o’(x,y,z) the

director field becomes

To second order in the fluctuations and their spatial derivatives the total free energy is

where V is the sample volume, o- the sample surface, Fv the volume energy density (whose expression is given in [10]), and F, the surface energy density. F u is a sum of two parts each of which is proportional to

the square of one of the perturbations away from the easy axis at the sample surface [13, 14].

Be, Be, B4,9 Bcp’ which give a measure of the anchoring strength, have the dimensions of surface tension. In

general one can have different anchoring strengths at the two boundaries for a given perturbation. The form

of F(,, also suggests that the sample is thin compared to linear dimensions along x and y and that we consider

a part of the sample far away from the edges. Thus, boundary conditions on surfaces normal to x and y are

ignored. On minimizing FT with respect to 0’ and )/ the Euler-Lagrange equations that result are

where 0’ IXY


0 20 ilax a y etc. ; 6 = z/h ; y - y/h ; x --+ xlh; equations (2) of [10] summarize the other definitions. The boundary conditions are given by

Thus, though K4 does not determine the equations of equilibrium (2), it does enter the surface torque and hence the boundary conditions. For rigid anchoring conditions

one gets

In a given situation it is also necessary to investigate the homogeneous Freedericksz threshold for the same set of parameters. This is done by assuming that the perturbations depend only on §. Then, equations (2, 3)

for weak anchoring become

For rigid anchoring the boundary conditions are again given by (4). As can be seen, K4 does not affect the

HD threshold.

Before going over to the method of solution certain assumptions are stated which are valid for the present work. (i) K4


0; (ii) dependence of 0’

and 0’ on x is dropped ; (iii) it is assumed that


The effects of taking dependence of the fluctuations

on x and having asymmetrical anchoring are briefly

discussed in section 6.

The method of solution is as follows : the perturba-

tions are assumed to vary with y as exp ( i py ) where

p, which is real, is the normalized wave vector along

y. Equations (2) now reduce to a set of ordinary

differential equations which are solved with boun-

dary conditions (3) or (4) resulting in a compatibility

condition. (The series solution method, used and

described in [10] is found to be convenient for this

purpose.) For a given set of values of p, h, Ki, B 8’ B cJ>’ (J and t/1, the magnetic field strength Hl

is varied so that the compatibility equation is satisfied

for the lowest possible value H’ ( p ) . Now the

neutral stability curve is obtained by calculating H’ ( p ) as a function of p. If this curve has a

minimum at H.J- = HLM = H’ pc ) , HLM is taken as

the PD threshold and Pc as the dimensionless wave-

vector at threshold. For the same set of parameters,

equations (5) are solved with boundary conditions (6) or (4), leading either to a compatibility condition

or to a formula. The lowest value HHF of Hl is the homogeneous Freedericksz threshold for the given

case. If RH = HLM HHF - 1, then PD is taken to be

more favourable than HD. If, however, RH > 1, HD

is assumed to be more favourable than PD.

No specific material has been chosen in this work which only attempts to arrive at some conclusions

regarding the relative occurrence of PD and HD. In

general for a given material and sample thickness

both HLM and HHF decrease when the anchoring is

slackened. However, their rates of decrease are different. In order to determine the relative occur- rence of PD and HD their absolute values are not

needed ; the ratio RH is sufficient. Hence, assuming

that all quantities are measured in cgs units, it is

assumed for convenience that

all angles are measured in radians. Thus, Kl, K3, Be, B. are measured in terms of K2. As K - 10-6 dyne

and B -10-3 erg cm- 2 [7, Tables X and XI], the higher limit for B - 104 in this work. The rigid anchoring limit actually corresponds to the special

case Bo = Bo


oo . It, therefore, seems meaningful

to present the results in two parts, one for equal anchoring energies (B (J = B "’) and the other for

unequal anchoring energies (B (J =F Bo though the

latter case is the more realistic one.

3. Planar director orientation ; field along z.

(J = 0 = 0. For PD, equations (4) of [10] result.

Seeking solutions of the form ( 0’, 0’) = [f ( ) cos py, g ( ) sin py] it becomes clear that

the differential equations support two uncoupled

modes :

As Mode 2, which is associated with a much higher

elastic energy than Mode 1, has a higher threshold only Mode 1 is considered. For weak anchoring the boundary conditions become

The boundary conditions at § = - I do not yield any

new condition and this is in conformity with the equations supporting two distinct modes. For HD, equations (5, 6) become

As the field couples only to 0’, 0’ is not a part of

HD. With 0’ - cos q§ , the Freedericksz threshold is

given by

where qc is the lowest root of the equation

Equations (11, 12) yield results identical to those of [13]. For rigid anchoring, qc = ?r/2 and (11) reduces

to the well known splay Freedericksz field.




Figure la contains a plot of RH = HLM HHF

versus RK = Kl K2 for different anchoring strengths

BB. Figure Ib gives the corresponding curves of pc,

the domain wave vector. For a given B, as RK

decreases from a high value RH increases. When

RK a lower limit RKL’ RH --+ 1. Thus, for fixed B,

PD is favourable for RK > RKL and HD for

RK : RKL. When B is diminished keeping RK fixed (i.e. for a given material) RH increases. RKL increases

when B is decreased ; when the director anchoring slackens, PD occurs over a shorter range of

RK. From figure Ib it is found that Pc decreases with

RK such that Pc -+ 0 as RK --+ RKL* For a given RK (fixed ’material) lower the anchoring strengths B,

lower is pc. Thus, weak anchoring may cause the domain size at PD threshold to enlarge. This is clearly a consequence of a greater extent of relaxa-

tion of the director at the boundaries caused by a slackening of the anchoring.

Figures lc and Id illustrate the variations of


RH and Pc’ respectively, with B for different RK (i.e.

for different materials). For constant RK, RH increa-

ses and Pc decreases when B is reduced ; when

B --+ a lower limit Bm, RH -+ 1 and Pc --+ 0. Thus, for

a given material, PD is favourable for B > Bm and

HD for B Bm. When RK is decreased, Bm is

enhanced. Thus, materials with higher RK have a larger B domain of existence than materials with lower RK. In brief, therefore, strong anchoring (large Bo = B 41 = B) and high RK = Kl K2 favour

the occurrence of PD relative to HD.




This case is more realistic than the previous

one. To appreciate the roles played by Bo and Bp in

determining the relative occurrences of PD and HD,

B. is fixed at a high value (104). Figures 2a, 2b

show the variations of RH and Pc with RK for

different Bo* It can be seen that for the constant,

high Bo (i) RH increases and Pc decreases when Be is

reduced for a given material RK ; a slackening of

the (J’ anchoring expands the domain size of PD ; (ii) for a fixed Bog RH increases and Pc diminishes as

RK is decreased from a high value ; when RK -+ a

lower limit RKMI RH -+- 1 and Pc -+- 0; thus, PD is

more favourable for RK > RKM and HD for

RK : RKM; (iii) RKM increases when Be is decrea- sed ; thus when 0 is strongly anchored, a slackening .

of the 0’ anchoring curtails the RK range of occur-

rence of PD. These conclusions are similar to those of section 3.1.

When Bo is fixed at some high value (lW _ 106)

the results for different B 41 and RK are found to be

rather dissimilar (Figs. 2c, 2d) to those of figures 2a,

2b. It is found that for the given, high BB (i) both RH and Pc decrease at a given RK (i.e. for a fixed material), when B. is reduced ; (ii) at constant B., RH increases and pc diminishes when RK is decreased from a high value ; when RK -+ RKN, RH -+ 1 and

p, -+ 0 showing that PD is favourable for RK > RKN

and HD for RK RKN ; (iii) RKN decreases when B .

is reduced ; when the 0’ anchoring is slackened, the RK range of occurrence of PD broadens ; this is in agreement with the results of Oldano [15]. In particular, when B (J - 106 Bel> - 101.5 (Fig. 2c,

curve 3), RKN ’ 2. This is close to the limit 2 arrived at for rigid anchoring of 0’ and weak anchoring of cp’ in [15]. A consequence of this is that for a fixed, high RK, P,, increases with B. when Be takes a

Fig. 2.


Planar director orientation ; unequal anchoring strengths ; Bo :A BO; H along z. (a) Plot of RH vs. RK and

(b) plot of p, vs. RK for strong anchoring of 0’ (B (cp) = 1f) and different anchoring strengths of 6’; Be


(1) 104 (2) 103v (3) 103.4 (4) 103.2. (c) Plot of RH vs. RK for strong anchoring of 0’ and different anchoring strengths of 0’;

Be = 104 ; Bo = (1) 103 (2) 102; for curve 3, Be = 106, Bo


101.5. (e) Plot of RH vs. Bel> and (f) plot of Pc vs. Bel> at a

fixed, high anchoring strength of B’ (Be = 1w ) for different materials having RK


(1) 15 (2) 10 (3) 5. (e) Plot of RH

vs. Bo and (f) plot of pc vs. Be at a fixed, high anchoring strength of 0’ (Bo =104 ) for different materials having

RK = (1’) 15 ( 2’ ) 10 (3’) 5. The results are in agreement with [15] ; strong anchoring of 6’ and weak anchoring of

0’ favours PD relative to HD (Sect. 3.2).


constant, high value ; at sufficiently low RK, Pc

diminishes when B. is increased (Fig. 2d).

Before attempting at giving a tentative explanation

of the above results, it will be helpful to study figures 2e, 2f which depict variations of RH and Pc with the anchoring strengths for different materials RK .

Let Be be fixed at a high value (104). When B /> is

reduced, RH and pc decrease for a constant RK ; when B/> tends to low values, RH and Pc tend to their respective lower limits. A reduction of RH with B.

implies a diminution of the PD threshold HLM

relative to HHF. This is, again, in agreement with the findings of [15].

The following qualitative reason may account for the above mentioned results : in the present case,

HD is associated with a single degree of freedom ; (J’, which is strongly anchored with a fixed, high BB.

PD is, however, associated with an additional degree

of freedom, 0’. When B , is reduced, HLM decreases,

though Bo is kept constant for a given material

RK . But HHF, the HD threshold remains fixed at

some value which is determined by Be alone ; HHF is

in dependent of B., (Eqs. (11), (12)). This seems to

account for a reduction in the PD threshold relative to the HD threshold when the 0’ anchoring is

slackened keeping 0’ strongly anchored.

When 0’ is strongly anchored at a fixed

B/> (104), RH and Pc vary with Bo for a given

material RK as depicted in figures 2e, 2f. When

Bo is decreased, RH increases and Pc decreases.

When Bo --+ BBM, RH -+ 1 and pc -+ 0. Thus, for a given material and constant, high B., PD is favoura- ble for BB > Bom and HD for Be BBM. When RK is enchanced, Bom diminishes ; thus materials with higher RK = Ki K2 have a broader BB range of

existence of PD.

A tentative explanation of these results may follow as stated below: it will serve to remember that we are dealing with the case RK = KIIK 2> I.

As shown earlier, HHF does not depend upon B

When BB is reduced, HHF decreases and so does HLM. However, a large, constant B. implies that cp’,

the degree of freedom of PD associated with the much smaller elastic constant K2, is strongly ancho-

red. (This must be contrasted with the previous

discussion where 0’, the degree of freedom associa-

ted with the much larger elastic constant, was

strongly anchored.) When Bo is decreased, HHF might diminish more rapidly than HLM and this might account for RH 1 as B - BBM. As HHF is the

lowest possible threshold field with p = 0, it is

natural that pc -+ 0 when RH - 1. Thus, it appears that HD may become more favourable than PD when 0 ’ is strongly anchored and the 0’ anchoring is

slackened. Thus the conclusions of this section are seen to be in agreement with the’ results of [15] and

strongly contrast the results of section 3.1, It is seen

that high RK and weak anchoring of 0’ relative to

the 8’ anchoring are conducive to the formation of PD.

4. Planar director orientation ; oblique field.

0 = 0; & :0 0. For PD, equations (7) of [10] are

obtained. The boundary conditions result from (3) by dropping x dependence of the perturbations. As compared to section 3, .p the angle made by H with

the xz plane is an additional parameter on which both HLM and HHF will depend. The oblique field (OF) introduces new field couplings between 0’ and

cp’ and destroys the modal symmetry which exists for PD when w


0. Essentially, OF mixes the two

uncoupled modes of section 3 in different propor- tions depending upon the field angle w and this will be found to produce even qualitative differences between results of this section and those of the

previous one. HD is governed by the equations

for weak anchoring. Equation (13) supports two independent modes of which that mode which corres-

ponds to even variations of 0’ and 0’ with 6 is

chosen. The HD threshold can be conveniently

determined by using the series solution method of

[10]. In the presence of OF, HD is also associated

with two degrees of freedom ; as is clear from (13), HHF is affected by both Be and B cf> . This is again

found to be responsible for introducing qualitative

dissimilarities between the conclusions of this section and those of section 3. For strong anchoring, the HD

threshold is given by the well known expression [5, 11],

In general, the values of different quantites go over to those calculated in section 3 quantitatively when w - 0.




Figure 3 contains plots of RH HLM ( ’" ) HHF ( "’) and p,, ( 4/ ) calculated as func- tions of different parameters. In figures 3a-3d, .p has

been fixed at a small value (0.1). The variations of

RH and pc with RK for different B (Figs. 3a, 3b) and

the plots of RH and against B for different RK can

be discussed exactly as done in section 3.1 for t/1


0 (Fig. la-ld). The only point to be noticed is that as compared to the case 4r = 0, RH is higher and

Pc lower for gi


0.1; when H is moved away from


Fig. 3.


Planar director orientation ; oblique field (OF) ; equal anchoring strengths B,




B. qi


angle made by

OF with the xz plane = 0.1. Dotted lines represent regions where PD exists as a solution but has higher threshold than HD. (a) Plot of RH vs. RK and (b) plot of pc vs. RK for different anchoring strengths B


(1) oo (rigid anchoring) (2) 104 (3) 103-5 (4) 103.25. (c) Plot of RH vs. B and (d) plot of pc vs. B for different materials having RK


(1) 15 (2) 10 (3) 5.

RK = 15 ; (e) Plot of RH vs. qi and (f) plot of pc vs. qi ; RK = 10 ; (g) Plot of RH vs. qi and (h) plot of pc vs. qi for different anchoring strengths B


(1) oo (2) 104 (3) 103-5 (4) 103-25. The effect of the OF is detrimental to the formation of PD

(Sect. 4.1).

the xz plane, the domain size of PD increases ; the PD threshold also moves closer to HHF. Again, for a

fixed B, RKL(41 = 0.1 ) -RK(41 = 0 ) ; thus OF

has the effect of reducing the RK range of occurrence

of PD, all other parameters remaining the same.

Similarly, for a given material RK ,

Bm ( 41 = 0.1 ) > B. = 0 ) ; OF causes reduction

in the B range of existence of PD.

The above results can be understood as follows : OF does not affect the modal structure of HD.

Though 0’ is an additional degree of freedom as

compared to the case w


0, one can still study the 0’ even mode. Equations (13) show that a decrease

in B diminishes HHF. In the case of PD, OF mixes up the independent Modes 1 and 2 of section 3. As Mode 2 has a much higher elastic energy than Mode 1 the mode mixing enhances the effective elastic energy and hence the threshold of PD relative to HD for a given set of parameters. This might account for

the reduction in the ranges of occurrence of PD relative to HD for different parameters.

Figures 3e-3h illustrate the variations of RH and p,

with the field angle w for different anchoring streng- ths, B and for two elastic ratios RK. For fixed RK and B, RH increases and Pc decreases when w is increased

from a low value. When w - 4’m, RH -+ 1. Thus, for

a given material and fixed anchoring strengths B, PD

is favourable for w qf m and HD for w > qim. The

increase in the domain wave length of PD as H is

moved away from the xz plane is again evident. For

a given material RK , ’" m diminishes with B ; a

reduction in the anchoring strengths curtails the range of existence of PD. This can be seen to be a

consequence of more of Mode 2 PD being mixed

with Mode 1 PD as H makes larger angles w with the

xz plane. For a fixed anchoring strength B, .pm

increases with RK ; the range of occurrence of PD broadens when the elastic ratio increases. In general, when 0 -+ qi., pc does not approach 0 (dotted lines

in Figs. 3e-3h). This is again seen to be a conse-

quence of the mode mixing by OF. As w increases,

more of Mode 2 gets mixed with Mode 1. As HD is a

combination of pure mode deformations, it is rather difficult to match 0’ and cp’ of PD (which are asymmetrical) with 0’ and cp’ of HD (which are symmetrical with respect to §).



Figures 4a, 4b depict the variations of RH and

with RK for different BB and fixed B cp ( = 1W) for a

small value of the field angle ( 4f


0.1 ) . One can

remark a similarity in the behaviour of RH and

with that shown by figures 2a, 2b. Quantitatively, it

is seen that for fixed Be and RK N RH ( 4f = 0.1 ) >

RH(.p=O) and that pc(qi = 0.1) Pc(.p=O).

Thus, for a given material and fixed strengths of


Fig. 4.


Planar director orientation ; oblique field ; unequal anchoring strengths Bo o B,,; 0, inclination of OF with the xz plane, = 0.1. Dashed parts of the curves indicate that HLM > HHF; (a) Plot of RH vs. RK and (b) plot of p, vs. RK

for B. = 104; B 0


(1) 103.7 (2) 103.4 (3) 103.2. (c) Plot of RH vs. RK and (d) plot of Pc vs. RK for Bo = 104; B 4> = (1) 103 (2) 102 (3) l0us; Bo = 106; (4) B0= 101.5 (for case 4, Pc has not been drawn to avoid further confusion). (e) Plot of RH

vs. B. and (f) plot of pc vs. B. for different materials ; RK


(1) 15 (2) 10 (3) 5 ; Bo =104 for these curves. (e) Plot of RH vs. B. and (f) plot of p,, vs. Bo for RK


(1’) 15 (2’) 10 (3’) 5 ; For these curves, B. = 1W. Figures 4c-4f are to be compared with figures 2c-2f. RK = 15 ; Bo 1W; (g) Plot of RH vs. 0 and (h) plot of pc Ys. «/1 for BB


(1) 10-’.75 (2) 101.5 (3) 103.25 . RK = 15 ; Bo = 104; (i) Plot of RH vs. «/1 and (j) plot of pc Ys. «/1 for B 4> = (1)103 (2) 102.5 (3) 102. Figures 4g-4j

are to be compared with figures 3e-3h for the equal anchoring case. Under the action of OF, RH and Pc behave in a qualitatively different way as compared to the case of H applied along z (Sect. 4.2).

anchoring, the domain size of PD expands when H is

moved away from the xz plane ; HLM also increases

relative to HHF. For constant anchoring strengths, RKM (t/1 = 0.1 ) > RKM (t/1 = 0 ) ; the RK range of

occurrence of PD shrinks when H is rotated away from the z axis.

Figures 4c, 4d illustrate the behaviour of RH and

when RK is varied for strong anchoring of

0’(Bo - 104 - 106) and different anchoring

strengths of 0’; the field angle is again fixed at a

small value ( = 0.1 ) . For a given set ( Bog BO), RH

increases and pc decreases when RK is reduced from

a high value ; as RK -+ RKN9 RH -+ 1 and pc -+ 0. On

comparing these curves with those of figures 2c, 2d a striking dissimilarity is observed. As long as

Bo - Bog RKN ( B02) RKN(B"’l) for B.2 B."l’


However, when B03 - Be, RKN ( B-03 )>-

RKN Bol). (For the case 0 = 0 it had been found,

in section 3.2, that RKN keeps diminishing with B.

for a given Bo and that when B. Be, RKN approa-

ches a lower limit 2 [15]. In the present case, for OF, RKN decreases with B. only when B. is not very

small compared to B,,; when B. becomes very small, RKN again increases as B. is reduced further).

To understand this more fully, a given material

RK is considered ; one of the anchoring strengths

is fixed and the other varied ; the field angle is again kept constant at 0.1 (Figs. 4e, 4f ; it is instructive to compare these with Figs. 2e, 2f of section 3.2 drawn

for w


0). For strong anchoring of 0’, the varia-

tions of RH and pc with B. are similar to those for



0. The quantitative difference is that for fixed

RK, B9, Bc/J’ RH = 0-1) - RH (4’ = 0) and pc ( 4, = 0.1 ) - pc ( = 0 ) . This also implies that Bom((p = 0.1) -Bom(ip =0) ; thus, for a given material, when 0 ’ is strongly anchored, the B 9 range

of occurrence of PD gets curtailed when H is moved away from the xz plane.

On fixing B 9 at a high value and on reducing B.

for a given material RK , the behaviour of RH is

found to be rather different from that depicted in figure 2e. Initially, when B 41 is reduced, RH and

diminish. However, when B. attains a sufficiently

low value, RH starts increasing ; finally when Bo --+ BOM9 RH --+ 1 ; in the same limit, Pc attains a

limiting value. Thus, for B. > BOM9 PD is favourable

while for B c/J B,6m, HD is favourable.This is in contrast to the results for w = 0 (Figs. 2e) where

both RH and pc tend to lower limits when B, is

diminished to low values for a fixed, high B9. Thus

for OF, when 0’ is strongly anchored, RH at small


B cfJ can be higher than that at large B cfJ ; this seems to

be the source of the qualitative difference between

figures 2e, 2d and 4c, 4d.

A qualitative reason for this variation of RH can be given as follows : when BcfJ is reduced, both HLM and HHF decrease. As the field angle is not too large, the

initial reduction in RH with B , can be understood as

in section 3.2 ; HLM decreases more rapidly than HHF. The idea is that in the region of large B., as Bo

is also large the additional elastic energy OF2

contributed by Mode 2 PD on being mixed with

Mode 1 PD may not make much difference. Howe- ver, in the region of low B,,, AF2 might be important

enough to bring down the rate of decrease of

HLM as compared to that of HHF and this might

account for the increase in RH as B cfJ is reduced to low values.

Figures 4g-4j also illustrate the effect of OF for a

given material when H is applied at different angles ;

different magnitudes of the anchoring strengths are

also considered. In figures 4g, 4h, RH and Pc are plotted as functions of w for strong anchoring of 0’ and for different anchoring strengths Bo. For

constant Be, as w is increased from a low value, RH is

enhanced and Pc reduced. When w - qim, RH -+ 1.

Thus, for a fixed Be, PD is favourable when w -- 4fm

and HD when w > t/1M. At a given t/J, RH diminishes and Pc increases when Bo is enhanced. t/JM gets reduced when Bo is decreased ; the w range of existence of PD, for a given material and strong 0’ anchoring, shrinks when the 0’ anchoring is

slackened. Thus, the message conveyed by figures 4g, 4h is very similar to that illustrated in figures 3e-


When 0’ is firmly anchored and w varied for different BcfJ (Figs. 4i, 4j), RH and Pc behave rather

differently and this is more easily appreciated with

the help of figures 4e, 4f. For a fixed B., there exists

a limit qic such that when w increases from a low value to qic, RH -+ 1. t/J c decreases with B,,; when 0’

is strongly anchored the w range of occurrence of PD gets curtailed when the anchoring of cfJ’ is slackened.

The difference between figures 4g, 4h and 4i, 4j

arises because when B. is enhanced RH either

increases or diminishes depending upon the value of 41.

The calculations corresponding to figures 4g-4j

have been repeated for RK = 10 but as the curves are

similar they have not been shown. The quantitative

differences are the following: for fixed B 0’ B cfJ and

4,7 RH is higher and Pc lower as compared to the case RK = 15. For constant B 0 and B cfJ’ t/J c is smaller ;

thus a decrease in RK causes the w range of existence of PD to shrink.

It is thus seen that the effect of making the applied

field oblique can differ qualitatively as compared to

the case in which H is applied normal to the plates.

Again, strong anchoring of the director, small w and high RK seem to favour the existence of PD.

5. Oblique director orientation ; symmetric field.

lies in the xz plane and is normal to no = (c 9’ 0, So) - The

differential equations governing PD are equations (10) of [10] which again support the two independent

Modes of section 3. As Mode 2 has a much higher

threshold than Mode 1, only the latter is studied.

For weak anchoring the boundary conditions become, with the ansatz of section 3,

HD is governed by

H couples only to 0’ and therefore HD is unaffected

by B.. In equations (11), (12), Kl is replaced by d2.

For rigid anchoring, again, qc = 7r/2.

Owing to the obliqueness of the director orienta-

tion, K3 and 0 enter the picture as additional parameters. It is convenient to define the ordered triad K = ( K,, K2, K3 with RK continuing to repre-

sent K1/ K2" To study the effect of K3, a large value

(= 15 and a smaller value 7) have been

chosen for it.





The director tilt angle is fixed at a low

value ( 0


0.1 ) . The variations of RH and Pc with RK are shown in figures 5a-5d for different anchoring strengths B and K3. The results are similar to those of figures la, Ib drawn for the planar case, (J = 0.

When RK is decreased, RH increases and Pc diminis-

hes till, as RK -+ RKL, RH - 1 and pc -+ 0. The

quantitative differences between the figures 5 and 1

are the following : (i) For constant B and RK, RH and Pc increase with K3 ; thus, when K3 is enhanced,

the PD domain size decreases and the PD threshold gets enhanced relative to the HD threshold. (ii) RKL increases with K3 for a given anchoring strength B ; thus enhancement of K3 reduces the RK range of existence of PD.

These effects might be due to the following

reason : K3 has the effect of enhancing the elastic energy associated with HD and PD. However, while

the increase for HD is associated with 0’ alone, the

increase in elastic energy of PD occurs for 0’ and 0’.

This seems to account for the increase in RH and a

decrease in the domain size.


Fig. 5.


Oblique director orientation ; symmetrical field ; equal anchoring strengths ; B 8




B. The initial

director orientation with x axis




0.1. K3


7 for (a, b, e, f) and K3 = 15 for (c, d, g, h). (a, c) Plot of RH vs. RK and (b, d) plot of pc vs. RK for different anchoring strengths B


(1) oo (rigid anchoring) (2) 1W (3) 1()3 -’ (4) 103.21 . (e, g)

Plot of RH vs. B and (f, h) plot of pc vs. B for different materials with RK


(1) 15 (2) 10 (3) 5. In general, when is increased, the PD domain size diminishes. The ranges of existence of PD with respect to RK and B also shrink when K3 is

enhanced (Sect. 5.1).

Figures 5e-5h, which illustrate the variations of

RH and Pc with B, are similar to figures lc, Id ; RH -+ 1 and p, -+ 0 as B - Bm. Predictably, the quantitative differences are the following : (i) For

constant B and RK, , RH and Pc increase with

K3. (i i ) For fixed RK, 9 Bm increases when K3 is

enhanced. Thus, for a given material, the B range of

occurrence of PD shrinks when K3 is increased.

Figures 6a-6h contain plots of RH and Pc against

the initial director tilt angle 0. For fixed K and B, RH increases with 0 such that RH -+ 1 when 0 - eM;

thus, PD is favourable for 0 -- Om and HD for

0 > OM, For constant K and 0, RH increases as B is

diminished ; a predictable consequence of this is that for a given K, BM decreases when B is reduced ;

Le. the 0 range of existence of PD gets curtailed when the anchoring on the perturbations is slacke-

ned. For fixed RK and B, Om decreases when K3 is enhanced ; thus, an increase in K3 also reduces the 0 range of occurrence of PD. Om increases with RK for given K3 and B ; PD exists over a wider 0 range when RK is enhanced.

The behaviour of Pc with 0 is found to be rather different from the variation of pc with other parame- ters discussed in previous sections. For constant K and B, pc decreases to zero as 6 - Om" However,

when 0 is increased from a low value (close to the planar orientation), Pc initially increases ; i.e. the

PD domain size first diminishes and then increases

as the director tilt angle is changed from the planar

orientation. This initial increase in p,, becomes more marked when (i) B is large for a given K, (ii) RK is large for constant B and K and (iii) K is

enhanced for fixed RK and B. When 0’ and 0’ are

not strongly anchored, PC diminishes continuously to

zero as (J (JM even for high K3 or RK. [It must also

be stated that when K3 is much smaller ( =1 ) , Pc does not increase with 0 even for high RK or B ;

these curves have not been shown.]

As was mentioned earlier, K3 seems to contribute

more towards the elastic energy of PD, via the additional term Wa = K3 ( S 9 cP:z) 2, than to the HD

elastic free energy. As 0 is increased, Wa becomes larger ; this might account for the initial increase in Peas also the enhancement in R H ; an increase in RH implies that the PD threshold increases faster than the HD threshold when 0 is enhanced. As HHF is the

lowest possible field threshold with p


0, it is natural that as 0 - (JM and R H -+ 1, Pc 0.


- Figures 7a-7h illustrate the behaviour of RH and


Fig. 6.


Oblique director orientation ; symmetric field ; equal anchoring strengths B 8




B; RK = 10 for (a, b, c,

d) and RK = 15 for (e, f, g, h) ; K3


7 for (a, b, e, f) and K3 = 15 for (c, d, g, h) ; B


(1) oo (rigid anchoring) (2) 104 (3) 103.5 (4) 103.25 in all diagrams. (a, c, e, g) Plots of RH vs. 0 and (b, d, f, h) plots of Pc vs. 0. A reduction in K3 and an

increase in RK and B seem to favour the occurrence of PD. The PD domain size decreases and then increases when 0 is enhanced (Sect. 5.1).

Fig. 7.


Oblique director orientation ; symmetric field ; unequal anchoring strengths ; B,:0 B.; initial director tilt 0


0.1. K3 = 7 for (a, b, e, f) and K3 = 15 for (c, d, g, h) ; Strong anchoring of 0’ (Bo = 104) ; (a, c) Plots of RH vs.

RK and (b, d) plots of p, vs. RK for different anchoring strengths B 0


(1) 103.7 (2) 103.4 (3) 103.2. Strong anchoring of 0’;

B 0 = 104; (e, g) Plots of RH vs. RK and (f, h) plots of pr vs. RK for different anchoring strengths B _ ( 1 ) 103 (2) 102

(3) 101.5.The results are similar to those of figures 2a-2d which represent planar director orientation. When K3 is

enhanced, the RK range of occurrence of PD becomes narrower as compared to the planar case (Sect. 5.2).


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