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Spectral gap properties for linear random walks and Pareto's asymptotics for affine stochastic recursions


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Spectral gap properties for linear random walks and Pareto’s asymptotics for affine stochastic recursions

Yves Guivarc’H, Emile Le Page

To cite this version:

Yves Guivarc’H, Emile Le Page. Spectral gap properties for linear random walks and Pareto’s asymp- totics for affine stochastic recursions. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statis- tiques, Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP), 2016, 52 (2), pp.503-574. �hal-00691516v6�


Spectral gap properties for linear random walks and Pareto’s asymptotics for affine stochastic recursions

Y. Guivarc’h, É. Le Page


1 Introduction, statement of results 4

2 Ergodic properties of transfer operators on projective spaces 12

2.1 Notation and preliminary results . . . 13

2.2 Uniqueness of eigenfunctions and eigenmeasures onPd1 . . . 16

2.3 Eigenfunctions, limit sets, and eigenmeasures onSd1 . . . 24

3 Laws of large numbers and spectral gaps 30 3.1 Notation . . . 30

3.2 A martingale and the equivalence ofQsx toQs . . . 32

3.3 The law of large numbers for log|Sn(ω)x|with respect toQs . . . 38

3.4 Lyapunov exponents and spectral gaps . . . 42

4 Renewal theorems for products of random matrices 53 4.1 The renewal theorem for a class of fibered Markov chains . . . 54

4.2 Tameness conditions I.1–I.4 are valid for linear random walks. . . 58

4.3 Direct Riemann integrability . . . 60

4.4 The renewal theorems for linear random walks . . . 61

4.5 Renewal theorems onV\ {0} . . . 64

4.6 On the asymptotics ofk(s) (s→ ∞) . . . 66

5 The tails of an affine stochastic recursion 67 5.1 Notation and main result . . . 67

5.2 Asymptotics of directional tails . . . 71


5.3 A dual Markov walk and the positivity of directional tails . . . 78 5.4 A Choquet-Deny type property . . . 89 5.5 Homogeneity at infinity of the stationary measure . . . 95

A An analytic approach to tail-homogeneity 101



LetV=Rdbe the Euclideand-dimensional space,µ(respλ) a probability measure on the linear (resp affine) groupG=GL(V) (respH=Aff(V)) and assume thatµis the projection ofλonG.

We study asymptotic properties of the iterated convolutionsµnδv (respλnδv) ifvV, i.e asymptotics of the random walk onV defined byµ(respλ), if the subsemigroupTG (resp.

Σ⊂H) generated by the support ofµ(respλ) is “large”. We show spectral gap properties for the convolution operator defined byµon spaces of homogeneous functions of degrees≥0 onV, which satisfy Hölder type conditions. As a consequence of our analysis we get precise asymptot- ics for the potential kernelΣ0 µkδv, which imply its asymptotic homogeneity. Under natural conditions theH-spaceV is aλ-boundary; then we use the above results and radial Fourier Analysis onV \ {0} to show that the uniqueλ-stationary measureρ onV is "homogeneous at infinity" with respect to dilationsvt v(fort>0), with a tail measure depending essentially of µandΣ. Our proofs are based on the simplicity of the dominant Lyapunov exponent for certain products of Markov-dependent random matrices, on the use of renewal theorems for “tame”

Markov walks, and on the dynamical properties of a conditionalλ-boundary dual toV.


SoitV l’espace Euclidien de dimension d, µ(resp.λ) une probabilité sur le groupe linéaire (resp.affine)G =GL(V) (resp. H=Aff(V)) et supposons queµsoit la projection deλsurG.

Nous étudions certaines propriétés asymptotiques des convolutions itérées deµ(resp.λ) appli- quées à un vecteur non nulvV, c’est à dire de la marche aléatoire surV définie parµ(resp.

λ), si le semigroupe TG (resp.Σ⊂H) engendré par le support deµ(resp.λ) est « grand ».

Nous montrons des propriétés d’isolation spectrale pour l’opérateur de convolution défini par µsur des espaces de fonctions homogènes de degrés≥0 surV, qui satisfont des conditions du type de Hölder. Comme conséquence de notre analyse nous obtenons des asymptotiques précises pour le noyau potentielΣ0 µkδv, qui impliquent son homogénéité à l’infini.Sous des conditions naturelles, leH-espaceV est uneλ-frontière ; nous utilisons alors les résultats précédents et l’analyse de Fourier radiale surV\ {0} afin de montrer que l’unique mesureλ- stationnaire est homogène à l’infini, par rapport aux dilatationsvt v ( pourt >0),avec une mesure de queue qui dépend essentiellement deµetΣ. Nos preuves sont basÈes sur la sim- plicité de l’exposant de Lyapunov dominant de certains produits de matrices en dépendance markovienne, sur l’utilisation de théorèmes de renouvellement pour certaines marches marko- viennes et sur les propriétés dynamiques d’uneλ-frontière duale deV.

Key words and phrases: spectral gap, renewal theorem, Pareto asymptotics, random matrices, affine random recursions.


1 Introduction, statement of results

We consider the d-dimensional Euclidean space V =Rd, endowed with the natural scalar product (x,y)→ 〈x,y〉, the associated normx→ |x|, the linear groupG=GL(V), and the affine groupH=Aff(V). Letλbe a probability measure onHwith projectionµ onG, such that suppλhas no fixed point inV. We denote by

T =[suppµ],(resp.Σ=[suppλ])

the closed subsemigroup ofG(respH) generated by suppµ(resp suppλ). Under natural conditions, including negativity of the dominant Lyapunov exponentLµcorresponding toµ, for anyvV, the sequence of iterated convolutionsλnδv converges weakly to ρ; the probability measure ρ is the unique probability which solves the convolution equationλρ=ρ, and suppρis unbounded if [suppµ] contains an expanding element.

Then, an important property ofρis the existence ofα>0 such thatR

|x|sdρ(x)< ∞for s<αandR

|x|sdρ(x)= ∞forsα, if suppλis compact. One of our main results below (Theorem C) gives theα-homogeneity ofρat infinity, i.e. Pareto’s asymptotics ofρ(see [47], p. 74).

In general, for the asymptotic behaviour ofλnδv and the “shape at infinity” ofρthere are four cases:

1. The “contractive” case where the elements of suppµhave norms less than 1, ρ exists and is compactly supported.

2. The “expansive" case whereLµ>0 andρdoes not exist.

3. The ‘critical” case whereLµ=0 andρdoes not exist.

4. The “weakly contractive” case whereLµ<0 andρexists with unbounded support.

Heuristically, cases 3, 4, mentioned above, can be considered as transitions between the cases 1, 2, which appear to be extreme cases. In this paper we are mainly interested in case 4 and in the shape at infinity ofρ; in the corresponding analysis we use the approach of [35], based on the associated linear random walk, we develop methods and prove results which are of independent interest for products of random matrices.

An important tool here is the “Radon transform” ofρ, i.e. the function onV defined by ρ(vb )=ρ{xV;〈x,v〉 >1},

which allow us to transfer the shape problem forρinto an asymptotic problem forρ.b


In [35] the shape problem was connected to the study of a Poisson equation on theG- spaceV\{0} satisfied byρband by a convolution operator associated withµ; the measure λwas assumed to be supported on the positive matrices or to have a density onH. In the first case an important result was the validity of Pareto’s asymptotics for the projec- tion ofρon the positive directions.We observe that special cases of the above problem and various consequences of Pareto’s asymptotics have been considered in the litter- ature (see for example [10], [20], [38]), especially ifµhas a density onG, a condition which implies spectral gap properties for the convolution operators associated toµor λin suitable Hilbert spaces. In contrast,our basic hypothesis which involves only T andLµ, implies that the above operators satisfy Doeblin-Fortet inequalities (see [33]), hence also spectral gap properties in spaces of Hölder functions. Here our main result, partly contained in Theorem C below, describes the general case and the homogeneity at infinity stated in the theorem gives new results even ford =1 (see [20]) or for the multidimensional situations considered in [35],[38].

We observe that, more generally, the homogeneous behaviour at infinity of certain in- variant measures is of interest for various questions in Probability Theory and Mathem- atical Physics (see [10], [11], [12], [13], [35], [47]) but also in some geometrical questions such as dynamical excursions of geodesic flow and winding around cusps in hyperbolic manifolds (see [1], [44], [49]), or analysis of theH-space (V,ρ) as aλ-boundary and its dynamical consequences (see [3], [16], [17], [30]).

Hence, following [35], we start with the linear situation i.e. theG-action onV\ {0} and we consider a probability measureµonG. As in [17] we assume thatT satisfies the so- called i-p condition (i-p for irreducibility and proximality), i.e.T is strongly irreductible and contains at least one element with a unique simple dominant eigenvalue; ifd=1, we assume furthermore thatT is non arithmetic, i.e. T is not contained in a subgroup ofRof the form {±an;n∈Z} for somea>0. We observe that ford>1 condition i-p is satisfied byT if and only if it is satisfied by the algebraic subgroupZ c(T),which is the Zariski closure ofT, hence condition i-p is satisfied ifT is “large” (see [22], [45]). On the other hand, the set of probability measuresµonGsuch that the associated semigroup T satisfies condition i-p is open and dense in the weak topology henceµis ’“generic”

ifd>1 andT satisfies i-p. Also, ifd>1, an essential aperiodicity consequence of con- dition i-p is the density inR+ of the multiplicative subgroup generated by moduli of dominant eigenvalues of the elements ofT (see [2], [25], [28]). We denote by|g|the norm ofgGand we write

γ(g)=sup(|g|,|g1|), Iµ={s≥0 : Z

|g|sdµ(g)< ∞},

we denote ]0,s[ the interior of the intervalIµ. For simplicity of exposition, and since


linear maps commute with the symmetryv → −v, it is convenient to deal with theG- factor space ˘V ofV\ {0} by symmetry, instead ofV\ {0} itself. We use the polar decom- position


and the corresponding functional decompositions, wherePd1is the projective space ofV.

We consider the convolution action ofµon continuous functions onV \ {0} which are homogeneous of degrees≥0, i.e. functionsf which satisfy f(t v)= |t|sf(v) (t∈R). This action reduces to the action of a certain positive operatorPs onC(Pd1), the space of continuous functions on the projective spacePd1. More precisely, if f(v)= |v|sϕ( ¯v) withϕC(Pd1), ¯v∈Pd1, thenPsϕis given by

Psϕ(x)= Z

|g x|sϕ(g·x)dµ(g),

wherex∈Pd1,xg·xdenotes the projective action ofg onx, and|g x|is the norm of any vectorg v with|v| =1 and ¯v =x. Also forz =s+i t ∈C, withsIµ andt ∈R, we writePzϕ(x)=R

|g x|zϕ(g·x)dµ(g). By dualityPz acts also on measures onPd1 and for a measureνwe denote byPzνthe new measure obtained fromν. The space of endomorphisms of a Banach spaceB will be denoted by EndB. Forε>0 letHε(Pd1) be the space ofε-Hölder functions onPd1, with respect to a certain natural distance.

We denote bys (respℓ) thes-homogeneous (resp. Haar) measure onR+and we write s(d t)= d t

ts+1, ℓ(d t)=d t

t , hs(v)= |v|s.

An s-homogeneous Radon measureηon ˘V =Pd1×R+is written asη=πswhereπ is a bounded measure onPd1. ForsIµwe define the function

k(s)= lim






whereµnis thenthconvolution power ofµon the groupGand we observe that logk(s) is a convex function onIµ. A key tool in our analysis ford>1 is the

Theorem. A.Assume d >1and the subsemigroup TGL(V)generated by suppµsat- isfies condition i-p. Then, for any sIµthere exists a unique probability measureνs on Pd1, a unique positive continuous function esC(Pd1)withνs(es)=1such that



For sIµ, ifR

|g|sγτ(g)dµ(g)< ∞for someτ>0and ifε>0is sufficiently small, the action of Pson Hε(Pd1)has a spectral gap:


where the operatorνsesis the projection onCesdefined byνs,esand Usis an operator with spectral radius less than 1 which satisfies Usses)=(νses)Us=0. Furthermore the function k(s)is analytic, strictly convex on]0,s[and the functionνsesfrom]0,s[ to End Hε(Pd1)is analytic. The spectral radius of Pz is less than k(s)if s=Rez∈[0,s[ and t=Imz6=0.

We observe that, since condition i-p is open, the last property is robust under perturb- ation ofµin the weak topology. Ifd =1,k(s) is equal toR

|x|sdµ(x), hencek(s) is the Mellin transform ofµ(see [52]) and the above statements are also valid ifT is non arith- metic. However, the last property is not robust ford=1.

Ifs=0, Ps reduces to the convolution operator byµonPd1and convergence to the unique µ-stationary measureν0 =ν was studied in [17] using proximality of theT- action onPd1. In this case, spectral gap properties forPz, if Rez=s is small, were first proved in [40] using the simplicity of the dominantµ-Lyapunov exponent (see [28]).

Limit theorems of Probability Theory for the productSn=gn···g1of the random i.i.d.

matricesgk, distributed according toµ, are consequences of this result and of radial Fourier analysis onV\ {0} used in combination with boundary theory (see[4], [6], [16], [21], [29], [40]). Ifµhas a density with compact support, Theorem A is valid for anys∈R.

In general and ford>1, it turns out that the functionk(s), as defined above, looses its analyticity at somes1<0. For a recent detailed study of the operatorsPz(s=Rez small) and their equicontinuous extensions in a geometrical setting which allows the algebraic groupZ c(T) to be reductive and defined over a local field of any characteristic, we refer to the forthcoming book [4]. We observe that condition i-p used here ands small imply that the basic assumptions of ([4], chap 8) are satisfied. Also, for s>0, the properties described in the theorem were considered in [29]; they are basic ingredients for the study of precise large deviations ofSn(ω)v([41]).

The Radon measureνsson ˘V satisfies the convolution equation µ∗(νss)=k(sss

and the support ofνs is the uniqueT-minimal subset ofPd1, the so-called limit set Λ(T) ofT (see [2], [4], [23]). The functiones is an integral transform of the twistedµ- eigenmeasureνs. Fors>0 andσa probability measure onPd1not concentrated on a proper subspace,|g|s is comparable toR

|g x|sdσ(x); the uniqueness properties ofes


andνs are based on this geometrical fact. The proof of the spectral gap property de- pends on the simplicity of the dominant Lyapunov exponent for the product of random matricesSn=gn···g1with respect to a natural shift-invariant Markov measureQs on Ω=GN, which is locally equivalent to the product measureQ0=µN. A construction of a kernel-valued martingale (based onνs) plays an essential role in the proof of simpli- city and in the comparison of|Sn(ω)|with|Sn(ω)v|. Fors=0 this study corresponds to [28].

In order to develop probabilistic consequences of Theorem A we endowΩ=GN with the shift-invariant measureP=µN (respQs). We know that ifR

logγ(g)dµ(g) (resp R|g|slogγ(g)dµ(g)) is finite the dominant Lyapunov exponentLµ(respLµ(s)) ofSn= gn···g1with respect toP(respQs) exists and

Lµ= lim


1 n


log|Sn(ω)|dP(ω), Lµ(s)= lim


1 n



Ifs∈]0,s[,k(s) has a continuous derivativek(s) andLµ(s)=kk(s)(s). By strict convexity of logk(s), if lim

ssk(s)≥1 ands>0, we can defineα>0 byk(α)=1.

We consider the potential kernelU on ˘V defined byU(v,·)=Σ

0µkδv. Then we have the following multidimensional extensions of the classical renewal theorems (see [15]), which describes the asymptotic homogeneity ofU(v,·). We recall that forvV˘ and AV˘,U(v,A) is the mean number of visits ofSn(ω)vtoAforn≥0.

Theorem. B. Assume T satisfies condition i-p,R

logγ(g)dµ(g)< ∞and Lµ>0. If d=1 assume furthermore thatµis non-arithmetic. Then, for any vV , U˘ (v,·)is a Radon measure onV and we have the vague convergence˘

tlim0+U(t v,·)= 1 Lµ


whereνis the uniqueµ-stationary measure onPd1. Theorem. Bα. Assume T satisfies condition i-p,R

logγ(g)dµ(g)< ∞, Lµ<0, s>0and there existsα>0with k(α)=1,R

|g|αlogγ(g)dµ(g)< ∞. If d =1assume furthermore thatµis non-arithmetic. Then for any v∈Pd1we have the vague convergence onV˘

tlim0+tαU(t v,·)=eα(v)


Up to normalization the Radon measureνααis the uniqueα-homogeneous measure which satisfies the harmonicity equationµ∗(ναα)=ναα.


Forv∈Pd1, we consider the random variableM(v)=sup{|Snv|; n∈N}. Then we have the following matricial version of Cramér’s estimate in collective risk theory (see [15]).

Corollary. With the notations of Theorem Bα, for any u∈Pd1, we have the convergence


Theorems B, Bα are consequences of the arguments used in the proof of Theorem A and of a renewal theorem for a class of Markov walks onR(see [36]). An essential role is played by the law of large numbers for log|Snv|underQs(s=0,α); the comparison of

|Sn|and|Snv|follows from the finiteness of the limit of (log|Sn| −log|Snv|). This is the essential property used in [36], in a more general framework. For the sake of brevity, we have formulated these theorems in the context of ˘V instead ofV. Corresponding statements wherePd1is replaced by the unit sphereSd1are given in section 4. Also the above weak convergence can be extended to a larger class of functions.

In [35], renewal theorems as above were obtained for non negative matrices, the exten- sion of these results to the general case was an open problem and a partial solution was given in [39]. Theorems B and Bαextend these results to a wider setting. In view of the interpretation ofU(v,·) as a mean number of visits, Theorem B is a strong reinforcement of the law of large numbers forSn(ω)v, hence it can be used in some problems of dy- namics for group actions onT-spaces. In this respect we observe that a specific version of the asymptotic homogeneity ofU stated in Theorem B has been of essential use in [30] for the description of theT-minimal subsets of the action of a large subsemigroup TSL(d,Z) of automorphisms of the torusTd.

On the other hand Theorem Bαgives a description of the fluctuations of a linear ran- dom walk on ˘V withP-a.e. exponential convergence to zero, under condition i-p and the existence inT of a matrix with spectral radius greater than one. These fluctuation properties are responsible for the homogeneity at infinity of stationary measures for affine random walks onV, that we discuss now.

Letλbe a probability measure on the affine groupH ofV,µits projection onGandT, Σas above. We assume thatT satisfies condition i-p, and suppλhas no fixed point inV. Ifd=1 we assume thatT is non-arithmetic. We consider the affine stochastic recursion onV

Xn+1=An+1Xn+Bn+1, (R)

where (An,Bn) areλ-distributed i.i.d random variables. From a heuristic point of view, the corresponding affine random walk can be considered as a superposition of an ad- ditive random walk onV governed byBnand a multiplicative random walk onV\ {0}


governed by An. Here, as it appears below in Theorem C, the non trivial multiplicat- ive part An plays a dominant role, while the additive part Bn has a stabilizing effect sinceλhas a unique stationary probabilityρonV andρis not supported on a point. If E(log|An|)+E(log|Bn|)< ∞and the dominant Lyapunov exponentLµ for the product A1···An is negative, then Rnn01A1···AkBk+1 converges λN−a.e. to R, the law ρ ofR is the uniqueλ-stationary measure onV,(V,ρ) is aλ-boundary (see [17])and suppρ=Λa(Σ) is the uniqueΣ-minimal subset ofV. IfT contains at least one matrix with an expanding direction, thenΛa(Σ) is unbounded and if Iµ =[0,∞[ there exists α>0 withk(α)=1, hence we can inquire about the “shape at infinity” ofρ. According to a conjecture of F. Spitzer the measureρshould belong to the domain of attraction of a stable law with indexαifα∈[0,2[ or a Gaussian law ifα≥2. Here we prove a multi- dimensional precise form of this conjecture, and more generally theα-homogeneity at infinity ofρ, where we assume thatµsatisfies the conditions of Theorem Bα,λsatisfies moment conditions and suppλhas no fixed point inV. We denote byΛ(Te ) the inverse image of the limit setΛ(T) inSd1and byνeαthe symmetric lifting ofναtoSd1. Then our main result implies the following

Theorem. C. With the above notation we assume that T satisfies condition i-p, suppλ has no fixed point in V , s>0, Lµ <0and α∈]0,s[ satisfies k(α)=1. If d =1we assume alsoµis non-arithmetic. Then, ifE(|B|α+τ)< ∞andE(|A|αγτ(A))< ∞for some τ>0, the uniqueλ-stationary measureρon V satisfies the following vague convergence on V\ {0}


where C >0,σαis a probability measure onΛ(Te )andσααis aµ-harmonic Radon measure supported onRΛ(Te ). If T has no proper convex invariant cone in V , we have σα=eνα. The above convergence is also valid on any Borel function f such that the set of discontinuities of f isσαα-negligible and such that for some ε>0the function

|v|α|log|v||1+ε|f(v)|is bounded.

Briefly, we say thatρ satisfies Pareto’s asymptotics of indexα(see [47], page 74). The convergence in Theorem C can be considered as a Cramér type estimate for the ran- dom variable R and was stated in [26].This statement gives the homogeneity at infinity ofρ, hence the measureCσααdefined by the theorem can be interpreted as the "tail measure" ofρ. In the context of extreme value theory for the process Xn, the conver- gence stated in the theorem implies thatρhas “multivariate regular variation” and this property plays an essential role in the theory (see [19], [47]). IfT has a proper convex invariant cone, thenαcan be decomposed as



whereC+, C≥0 andνα+α, ναα areµ-harmonic extremal measures onV \ {0}.

In section 5 the discussion of positivity forC,C+,Cin terms ofΛ(T) andΛa(Σ) lead us, via Radon transforms, to consider an associated linear random walk on the vector spaceV×R, which plays a dual role to the originalλ-random walkXnonV. The proof of positivity forCdepends on the use of Kac’s recurrence theorem for this dual random walk. On the other hand, the proof ofα-homogeneity ofρat infinity follows from a Choquet-Deny type property for the linearµ-random walk onV \ {0}. The spectral gap property, stated in theorem A, plays an essential role in this study.

Ford =1, positivity of C =C++C was proved in [20] using Levy’s symmetrisation argument, positivity ofC+ andC was tackled in [26] by a complex analytic method introduced in [11]. Ford=1 we haveνα+=δ1,να=δ1 and the precise form of The- orem C gives that the conditionC+=0 is equivalent to suppρ⊂]− ∞,c] withc∈R. In the Appendix we give an approach to part of Theorem C using tools familiar in Analytic Number Theory like Wiener-Ikehara’s theorem and a lemma of E. Landau but also res- ults for Radon transforms of positive measures which are only valid forα∉N(see [5], [51]). However the discussion of positivity forC+,C seems to be not possible using only these analytical tools.

A natural question is the speed of convergence in Theorem C. Ford=1 see [20], if λ has a density. Ford >1 and under condition i-p, this question is connected with the possible uniform spectral gap for the operatorPzof Theorem A,ifz=α+i t.

To go further we observe that Theorem C gives a natural construction for a large class of probability measures in the domain of attraction of a stable law. Using also spec- tral gaps and weak dependence properties of the processXn, Theorem C allow us to prove convergence to stable laws for normalized Birkhoff sums along the affineλ-walk onV (see [18]) Furthermore ifd=1, and conditionally on regularity assumptions usual in extreme value theory, such convergences were shown in [10]; hence the results of [18] improve and extends the results of [10] in the case of GARCH processes (d≥1). If d>1 the above convergence is robust under perturbation ofλin the weak topology.

These convergences to stable laws are connected with the study of random walk in a random medium on the line or the strip (see [12]) ifα<2. On the other hand the study of the extremal value behaviour of the processXn can be fully developed on the basis of Theorem C and on the above weak dependence properties ofXn; in particular the asymptotics of the extremes of|Xn|are given by Fréchet type laws with indexα([31]), a result which extends the main result of [38] to the generic case. In a geometrical con- text, as observed in [44] for excursions of geodesic flow around the cusps of the modular surface, the famous Sullivan’s logarithm law is a simple consequence of Fréchet’s law for the continuous fraction expansion of a real number uniformly distributed in [0,1].


Here also a logarithm law is valid for the random walkXn (see [31]). The arguments developed in the proof of homogeneity at infinity forρcan also be used in the study of certain quasi-linear equations which occur in various domains related to branching random walks in particular (see [20]), [42]). For example the description of the shape at infinity of the fixed points of the multidimensional version of the “smoothing trans- formation” considered in [13] in the context of infinite particle systems in interaction depends on such arguments (see [9]). In an econometrical context, the stochastic recur- sion (R) can be interpreted as a mechanism which, in the long run, produces debt or wealth accumulation with a specific homogeneous structure at large values; hence,in the natural setting of affine stochastic recursions, this mechanism “explains” the re- markable power law asymptotic shape of wealth distribution empirically discovered by the economist V. Pareto ([43]).

For information on the role of spectral gap properties in limit theorems for Probability theory and Ergodic theory we refer to [1], [4], [6], [18], [21], [27], [28], [40]. For inform- ation on products of random matrices we refer to [4], [6], [16], [24]. Theorem A (resp B, Bαand C) is proved in sections 2,3 (resp 4 and 5).

We thank Ch.M. Goldie, I. Melbourne and D. Petritis for useful informations on stochastic recursions and extreme value theory.We thanks also the referees for careful reading and very useful sugestions.

2 Ergodic properties of transfer operators on projective spaces

In this section we study the qualitative properties of transfer operators onPd1orSd1. As mentioned in the introduction one can find in [4] a detailed study of a general class of transfer operators on flag manifolds with equicontinuity properties. Here, our trans- fer operators depend on a complex parameterz which is typically large with Rez>0.

Hence, for self-containment reasons in particular, we develop from scratch our study onPd1 orSd1 for Rez=s ≥0. A first step is to reduce these transfer operators to Markov operators (Theorems 2.6,2.16) with equicontinuity properties.


2.1 Notation and preliminary results

LetV =Rdbe the Euclidean space endowed with the scalar product〈x,y〉 =Pd

1xiyi and the norm|x| =¡Pd


, ˘V the factor space ofV \ {0} by the finite group {±I d}. We denote byPd1(respSd1), the projective space (resp unit sphere) ofV and by ¯v (resp


v) the projection ofvV onPd1(respSd1). The linear groupG=GL(V) acts onV, V˘ by (g,v)→g v. IfvV\ {0}, we writeg·v =|g vg v| and we observe thatGacts onSd1 by (g,x)g·x. We will also write the action ofgG onx∈Pd1byg·x; we define

|g x|as|gx˜|ifx∈Pd1and ˜x∈Sd1has projectionx∈Pd1. Also, ifx,y∈Pd1,|〈x,y〉|

is defined as|〈x,e ye〉|wherex,e ye∈Sd1have projectionsx,y. Corresponding notations will be taken when convenient. For a subsetA⊂Sd1the convex envelope Co(A) ofA is defined as the intersection withSd1of the closed convex cone generated byAinV. We denote byO(V) the orthogonal group ofV and bymtheO(V)-invariant measure on Pd1. A positive measureηonPd1will be said to be proper ifη(U)=0 for every proper projective subspaceU6=Pd1.We denote by EndV the space of endomorphisms of the vector spaceV.

Let P be a positive kernel on a Polish space E and let e be a positive function on E which satisfiesPe=kefor somek>0. Then we can define a Markov kernelQe onEby Doob’s relativisation procedure:Qeϕ=ke1P(ϕe). This procedure will be used frequently here. For a PolishG-spaceE we denote byM1(E) the space of probability measures on E. If νM1(E), and P is as above,νwill be said to beP-stationary if =ν, i.e for any Borel functionϕ, ν(Pϕ)=ν(ϕ). We will writeC(E) (respCb(E) for the space of continuous (resp bounded continuous) functions onE. If E is a locally compact G- space,µM1(G), andρis a Radon measure onE, we recall that the convolutionµρis defined as a Radon measure byµρ=R

δg xdµ(g)dρ(x), whereδyis the Dirac measure atyE. Aµ-stationary measure onEwill be a probability measureρM1(E) such that µρ=ρ. In particular, ifE=V or ˘V andµM1(G) we will consider the Markov kernel P onV (resp ˘P on ˘V) defined byP(v,·)=µδv, (resp ˘P(v,·)=µδv). OnPd1(resp Sd1) we will write ¯P(x,·)=µδx(resp ˜P(x,·)=µδx).

If u is an endomorphism ofV, we denoteu its adjoint map, i.e.〈ux,y〉 = 〈x,u y〉if x,yV. IfµM1(G) we will writeµfor its push forward by the mapggand we define the kernelP onV byP(v,.)=µδv. Fors ≥0 we denotes (resphs) the s-homogeneous measure (resp function) onR+={t∈R; t>0} given by

s(d t)= d t

ts+1 (resphs(t)=ts).

Fors=0 we writeℓ(d t)=d tt .


Using the polar decompositionV\ {0}=Sd1×R+ and the corresponding functional decompositions onV\{0}, everys-homogeneous measureη(resp functionψ) onV\{0}

can be written as

η=πs (resp.ψ=ϕhs),

whereπ(resp. ϕ) is a measure (resp. function) onSd1. Similar decompositions are valid on ˘V =Pd1×R+. IfgG, andη=πs (respψ=ϕhs) the directional com- ponent of(resp.ψg) is given by

ρs(g)(η)= Z

|g x|sδg·xdη(x), ρs(g)(ψ)(x)= |g x|sψ(g·x).

The representationsρsandρs extend to measures onGby the formulae ρs(µ)(η)=


|g x|sδg·xdµ(g)dπ(x), ρs(µ)(ψ)(x)= Z

|g x|sψ(g·x)dµ(g).

We will write, forϕC(Pd1) (resp.ψC(Sd1))

Psϕ=ρs(µ)(ϕ), (resp. ˜Psψ=ρs(µ)(ψ)), Psϕ=ρs)(ϕ), (resp.P˜sψ=ρs)(ψ)).

We endowSd1(resp.Pd1) with the distance ˜δ(resp.δ) defined by δ(x,˜ y)= |xy|(resp. δ( ¯x, ¯y)=inf{|xy|;|x| = |y| =1}).

Forε>0,ϕC(Pd1) (resp.ψC(Sd1)), we denote [ϕ]ε=sup



δε(x,y) (resp. [ψ]ε=sup


|ψ(x)ψ(y)| δ˜ε(x,y) ),

|ϕ| =sup{|ϕ(x)|;x∈Pd1} (resp.|ψ| =sup{|ψ(x)|;x∈Sd1}), and we write

Hε(Pd1)={ϕ∈C(Pd1);[ϕ]ε< ∞},(resp.Hε(Sd1)={ψ∈C(Sd1);[ψ]ε< ∞}.

The set of positive integers will be denoted byN. We denote byµnthenth convolution power ofµ, i.e forψCb(G),µn(ψ)=R


Definition 2.1. Ifs∈[0,∞[ andµM1(G), we denote k(s)=kµ(s)= lim





, Iµ={s≥0;kµ(s)< +∞}.


We observe that the above limit exists, since by subadditivity ofg →log|g|, the quant- ityun(s)=R

|g|sn(g) satisfiesum+n(s)≤um(s)un(s). Also kµ(s)=infnN(un(s))1/n, which impliesIµ={s ≥0;R

|g|sdµ(g)< +∞}. Furthermore, Hölder inequality implies thatIµ is an interval of the form [0,s[ or [0,s], and logkµ(s) is convex on Iµ. Also kµ =kµ since |g| = |g|. If µand µ commute and c∈[0,1], µ′′ =µ+(1−c) µ then kµ′′(s)=ckµ(s)+(1−c)kµ(s), ifsIµIµ.

Definition 2.2. 1. An elementg ∈EndV is said to be proximal ifg has a unique ei- genvalueλg ∈Rof maximum modulus andλg is simple.

2. A semigroupTGis said to be strongly irreducible if no finite union of proper subspaces isT-invariant.

Proximality ofg means that we can writeV =RvgVg<withg vg=λgvg, g Vg<Vg<and the restriction ofgtoVg<has spectral radius less than|λg|. In this case lim

n→+∞gn·x¯=v¯gif xVg<and we say thatλg is the dominant eigenvalue ofg. IfEGwe denote byEpr ox the set of proximal elements ofE.The closed subsemigroup (resp. group) generated by Ewill be denoted [E] (resp.〈E〉). In particular we will consider below the caseE=suppµ where suppµis the support ofµM1(G).

Definition 2.3. A semigroupTGis said to satisfy condition i-p ifT is strongly irredu- cible andTprox6= ;.

As shown in ([22], [45]) this property ofT is satisfied if it is satisfied byZ c(T), the Zariski closure ofT. It can be proved that condition i-p is valid if and only if the connected component of the closed subgroupZ c(T) is locally the product of a similarity group and a semi-simple real Lie group without compact factor which acts proximally and irreducibly onPd1. In this senseT is “large”. For example, ifT is a countable subgroup ofGwhich satisfies condition i-p thenT contains a free subgroup with two generators.

We recall that inCn, the Zariski closure ofE⊂Cnis the set of zeros of the set of polyno- mials which vanish onE. The groupG=GL(V) can be considered as a Zariski-closed subset ofRd2+1. IfT is a semigroup, thenZ c(T) is a closed subgroup ofGwith a finite number of connected components. Ifd =1, condition i-p is always satisfied. Hence, when using condition i-p,d>1 will be understood.

Remark. The above definitions will be used below in the analysis of laws of large num- bers and renewal theorems. A corresponding analysis has been developed in [35] for the case of non-negative matrices. We observe that proximality of an element inG is closely related to the Perron-Frobenius property for a positive matrix. IfT is not irredu- cible, we can consider the subspaceV+(T) generated by the dominant eigenvectors of


the elements ofTprox; thenV+(T) isT-invariant (see [21] p 120) and, ifT+is the restric- tion ofT toV+(T), thenT+satisfies condition i-p. In that way our results below could be used in reducible situations (see for example [9]).

Definition 2.4. AssumeT is a subsemigroup ofG which satisfies condition i-p. Then the closure of the set { ¯vg;gTprox} will be called the limit set ofT and will be denoted Λ(T).

We recall that for a semigroupT acting on a topological space E, a subset XE is said to beT-minimal if any orbitT y(y∈X) is contained inX and dense inX. For the minimality ofΛ(T)⊂Pd1, see [2], [23].

With these definitions we have the

Proposition 2.5. Assume TG is a subsemigroup which satisfies condition i-p and ST generates T . Then TΛ(T)=Λ(T) and Λ(T) is the unique T -minimal subset of Pd1. IfµM1(G)is such that T=[suppµ]satisfies i-p, there exists a uniqueµ-stationary measure ν on Pd1. Also suppν=Λ(T) and ν is proper. Furthermore, if d >1, the subgroup of R+ generated by the set {|λg|;gTprox} is dense in R+. In particular, if ϕC(Λ(T))satisfies for some t ∈R, |e| =1: ϕ(g·x)|g x|i t =eiθϕ(x) for any gS, x∈Λ(T)then t=0, e=1,ϕ=constant.

Remark. The first part of the above statement is essentially due to H. Furstenberg ([17], Propositions4.11, 7.4) . The second part is proved in ([28]. Proposition 3). For another proof and extensions of this property see [2], [25]. This property plays an essential role in the renewal theorems of section 4 as well as in section 5 ford >1. In the context of non negative matrices a modified form is also valid (see [9]); in ([35]), Theorem A) under weaker conditions onT, its conclusion is assumed as an hypothesis. Ifd =1, we will need to assume it, i.e we will assume thatT is non-arithmetic ; ifT =[suppµ] satisfies this condition, we say thatµis non-arithmetic.

2.2 Uniqueness of eigenfunctions and eigenmeasures on P


Here we considersIµand the operatorPs(respPs) onC(Pd1) defined by Psϕ(x)=


|g x|sϕ(g·x)dµ(g), (resp.Psϕ(x)= Z

|g x|sϕ(g·x)dµ(g)).

For a measureνonPd1,Psνis defined by duality againstC(Pd1). Forz=s+i t∈Cwe will also writePzϕ(x)=R

|g x|zϕ(g·x)dµ(g). Below we study existence and uniqueness


for eigenfunctions or eigenmeasures ofPs. We show equicontinuity properties of the normalized iterates ofPsand ˜Ps.

Theorem 2.6. AssumeµM1(G)is such that the semigroup[suppµ]satisfies (i-p) and let sIµ. If d=1we assume thatµis non arithmetic. Then the equation Psϕ=k(shas a unique continuous solutionϕ=es, up to normalization. The function esis positive ands -Hölder with¯ s¯=inf(1,s).

Furthermore there exists a uniqueνsM1(Pd1)such that Psνs is proportional to νs. One has Psνs=k(ss and suppνs=Λ([suppµ]). IfνsM1(Pd1)satisfiesPs(νs)= k(s)νs, and esis normalized byνs(es)=1, one has p(s)es(x)=R

|〈x,y〉|sdνs(y)where p(s)=R


The map sνs(resp ses)is continuous in the weak topology (resp uniform topology) and the function s→logk(s)is strictly convex.

The Markov operator QsonPd1defined by Qsϕ=k(s)e1 sPs(ϕes)has a unique stationary measureπsgiven byπs=esνsand we have for anyϕC(Pd1)the uniform convergence of(Qs)nϕtowardsπs(ϕ). If z=s+i t , t∈Rand Qzis defined by Qzϕ=k(s)e1 sPz(esϕ),then the equation Qzϕ=eϕwithϕC(Pd1),ϕ6=0implies e=1, t=0,ϕ=constant.

Remark. 1. Ifs=0, thenes=1, andνs=νis the uniqueµ-stationary measure [17].

The fact thatνis proper is of essential use in [40], [6] and [28], for the study of limit theorems.

2. In section 3 we will also construct a suitable kernel-valued martingale which al- lows to prove thatνsis proper (see Theorem 3.2), ifsIµ. We note that analyticity ofk(s) is proved in Corollary 3.20 below. Continuity of the derivative ofkwill be essential in sections 3,4 and is proved in Theorem 3.10. Ifs=0 the corresponding martingale construction was done in [17].

3. By definition ofPsand ˘P, the function (resp. measure)eshs(resp.νss) satis- fies the equation

P(e˘ shs)=k(s)(eshs),(resp. ˘Pss)=k(s)νss)

The proof of the theorem depends of a proposition and the following lemmas improving corresponding results for positive matrices in [35].

Lemma 2.7. AssumeσM1(Pd1)is not supported by a hyperplane. Then, there exists a constant cs(σ)>0such that, for any u in EndV


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