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Role of elastic effects in the secondary instabilities of the nematic-isotropic interface


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Role of elastic effects in the secondary instabilities of the nematic-isotropic interface

P. Oswald

To cite this version:

P. Oswald. Role of elastic effects in the secondary instabilities of the nematic-isotropic interface.

Journal de Physique II, EDP Sciences, 1991, 1 (5), pp.571-581. �10.1051/jp2:1991190�. �jpa-00247541�


Classification Physics Abstracts

61 30J 47 20H 68 10E

Role of elastic effects in the secondary instabilities of the nematic-isotropic interface

P Oswald

Ecole Normale Supeneure de Lyon, Laboratoire de Physique, 46 allbe d'Itahe, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France

(Received 20 December 1990, accepted m final form 21 February 1991)

Rksumk. Nous montrons expbnmentalement que certalnes mstabilitks secondaires du front nbmatique-isotrope dbpendent de la topolog~e de la hgne de disinclinaison qui est accrochbe au mbmsque et de l'amsotropie klastique du matbnau choisi

Abstract, We show expenmentally that certain secondary instabilities of the nematic-isotropic interface depend both on the topology of the disclmation line which is pinned to the meniscus and

on the elastic amsotropy of the matenal chosen

1. Introduction.

In recent years, many observations Of the Mulhns-Sekerka instability Of the nematic-isotropic

interface Of the l~quid crystal BCB (4,4'-n-octylcyanobiphenyl) have been reported [1-6] An

advantage of th~s compound is that its physical constants (diffusivities, partition coef- ficient,..) allow the study of the full marg~nal stability curve m the velocity-gradient parameter space On the other hand, th~s front undergoes many secondary instabilities in the cellular reg~me [2, 6]. Some are observed m all samples, whatever their th~ckness. One of them is a « solitary-mode » solution, where domains of long-wavelength, tilted cells propagate along the macroscopic interface Another is a drop instability that always Occurs at larger

velocities than the solitary modes. Here the interface is so distorted that droplets of isotropic hquJd break off and are left beh~nd the moving interface In very th~n samples, Other

secondary instabilities have been reported [6], such as travelhng waves near the onset of

instability and an optical mode where the width of neighbounng cells oscillates penodically m phase opposition along the interface This last mode has not yet been studied in detail

An important question is to know whether these instabilities are universal, or generic and

can be descnbed by a general theory of secondary instabilities of one-dimensional cellular pattems [7] Although similar observations were done recently m a directional v~scous fingenng experiment [8] and in eutectic growth [9], certain phenomena observed m BCB do not seem universal for two reasons

first, some instabilities (travelhng waves and optical modes) are only observed in very th~n samples That means, as pointed out by Simon and Libchaber [6], that the sample



th~ckness and the meniscus effects play a cntical role in the physics of the nematic-isotropic


second,, there exists a non-planar, wedge discl~nation line, pinned to the top of the

men~scus « Non-planar » means that the molecules tend to go out of a plane perpendicular to

the line axis, so that the reflection symmetry is spontaneously broken along the interface As a

consequence point defects exist on the line separating reg~ons of opposite molecular onentations Thus, one m~ght wonder whether these «nematic» effects are not partly responsible for the propagating modes which are observed expenmentally.

In order to test their importance, we have done sinular expenments w~th another

compound whose men~scus is symnletncal, and released from point defects. We observed that th~s liquJd crystal does not always behave like BCB. Our results are reported in section 4

where we show the complete bifurcation diagram of th~s l~quid crystal, as well as an oscillatory

mode that was previously observed [3] but not studied in detail. The differences with BCB are emphasized In section 2, the orig~n of the symmetry breaking of the director field is

discussed. In section 3, we bnefly describe the experimental procedure

2. Role of elastic anisotropy on the nature of the wedge disclinafion pinned to the meniscus.

The expenments on BCB have shown that the nematic-isotropic front is curved in a plane perpendicular to the interface. The result is a men~scus whose shape depends on the surface

treatment of the glass. With a silane, that onents the molecules perpendicular to the glass plates, one observes a meniscus of nematic phase extending into the isotropic liquid. Th~s is because the nematic phase wets the silane. The shape of the meniscus changes with the pulling velocity and results from a subtle competition between the buildup of impunties in front of the interface, the wetting on the glass that fixes the contact angles, the Gibbs-Thomson

curvature effects and the attachment kJnetics On the other hand, previous experiments on

BCB have shown that there exists a wedge disdination line of strength S

= 1/2 pinned to the

top of the meniscus. Th~s l~ne can detach from the interface, leaving between itself and the

interface a nematic reg~on of planar onentation in the bulk (see Fig. 9) (for further details concemmg th~s nematic effect, see [I]). This l~ne exists because there is a preferential tilt

angle o~ of the molecule at the nematic-isotropic interface (for BCB, o~

= 50] Thus, the l~ne

is the result of a competition between the anchonng energy gained on the surface of the

meniscus and the curvature elast~c energy lost in the bulk of the sample (including splay, twist

and bend contributions). The molecular arrangement around the l~ne is more subtle but we

m~ght expect that it strongly depends on the elastic anisotropy of the material. Suppose, indeed, that the twist constant K~ is much larger than both the splay constant Kj and the bend constant K~. In this case, the planar configuration (no twist defornJation) is obviously more favourable (Fig. la). If all the elastic constants are of the same order of magnitude~ one

expects that the director escapes along the l~ne axis, because both the splay and the bend energ~es decrease the counterpart of th~s is that the twist energy is no longer equal to zero

Thus, a complete calculation must be performed to know which configuration will be

energetically more favourable Tlus calculation was perfornJed by Anisimov and Dzyaloshinskii [10] They showed that a planar S

= -1/2 line is stable if

K~ » 1/2(Kj + K~). (I)

In BCB, Ki =10~~ dyn, K~

= 5 x 10~~ dyn and K~ -10~~ dyn [I I] so that this condition is not fulfilled The l~ne escapes in the third dimension and possesses point defects as observed

expenmentally. The sanJe phenomenon was descnbed in nematics contained in capillary

tubes too [12].


/ '


I ''


t 7 /

7 t


~ ( i

~ ~ i I


Fig I a) Planar disclination line pinned to the top of the meniscus (from Ref [I]) b) In order to

minimize its elastic energy, a line can escape into the third dimension and break the reflection symmetry

along the interface A nail represents the director making an angle a with the plane of the figure Its length is proportional to cos a, the head of the nail is below the plane of the figure and its point is

directed towards the observer

A convenient way to fulfill condition (I) is to approach a nematic-smectic A phase

transit~on. Close to a smectic phase, the constants K~ and K~ often diverge m the same way

[11], while Kj remains approximately constant So one expects that the inequality (I) is satisfied m the vicinity of a smectic phase For th~s reason we have chosen a material whose

nematic temperature range is very narrow. The cyanobiphenyl mixture 9CB-10CB (75 fb and

25 fb in weight respectively), for which we measured TN~~_s~ A = 49 3 °C and TN~~_j~~ =

50.2 °C, fulfills this condition With th~s m~xture, we have indeed observed that the disdmat~on line pinned to the meniscus is planar (see Sect 4) and consequently does not break the m~rror symmetry along the interface

3. Experimental set-up and sample preparation.

The liquid crystals 9CB and 10CB are used as received from the manufacturer (Merck Corp ),

without further punfication. Here, the absorbed water is the main impunty. We measured the freezing range at the nematic-isotropic interface AT

= 0 05 °C

The glass plates are treated with a silane (Merck ZLI 3124) m order to align the molecules

perpendicularly to the glass plates (homeotropic anchonng). The thickness of the sample is controlled by placing two thin wires between the glass plates and putting a few drops of epoxy

on each wire The angle between the two plates is controlled by _minimizing the amount of interference fnnges It ranges between I and 2 x 10~~ rd

Our directional solidification apparatus is standard and l~ttle different from the one used in reference [5]. It will be descnbed m detail elsewhere In bnef, the experiment consists of

placing the sample between two ovens Because their temperatures are different and chosen

in order that the front sits m between, there is a temperature gradient along the sample. The

sample is then set m motion at a velocity V, the nematic phase growing into the isotropic




liquid. The interface is observed through a Leitz polanzing m~croscope. The temperature gradient was measured, to about 5 fb, using a dummy sample w~th a Copper-Constantan

thermocouple inside, as a function of the pulling velocity

4. Bifurcation diagrana of the 9CB-10CB n~ixb~re.

Contrary to BCB, the sequence of secondary mstabil~ties does not depend on the san~ple th~ckness, which we varied from a few ~m up to 50 ~m. In the following, we describe the behavior of a 10 ~m-thick-sample m detail. Th~s th~ckness is the same as that used recently by Simon and Libchaber [6], so that a dJrect companson between their expenment and ours is


We now describe what we observed expenmentally at increasing veloc~ty, for a temperature gradient G

= 4.8 °C/cm (Fig. 2)

At small velocity, the front is flat. As m BCB, a meniscus occurs m front of the interface,

but its optical contrast is different. By rotating the crossed polanzers in parallel light, it is

possible to extinguish it completely when one of the polarizer is parallel or perpendicular to the front (Fig. 2a) That means that the director (unit vector parallel to the molecule) lies m a plane perpendicular to the interface By contrast, the optical contrast is maximum when the

polarizers make an angle of 45° with respect to the interface In this case, the dJsdination l~ne pinned to the top of the men~scus is visible as a th~n bnght thread (Fig. 2b). As in BCB, th~s line can detach from the men~scus at large enough velocity (see Fig. II) Finally, the meniscus

width saturates towards a value corresponding to a temperature span of about 0013 °C

smaller than the freezing range.

At a cntical velocity V~i =20 ~m/s, the interface destabilizes A very small amplitude sinusoidal undulation occurs, compatible with a supercntical bifurcation (Fig 2c)

Above the onset velocity V~j and up to a velocity V~~

= 65 ~m/s, the undulation is stationary and does not drift along the interface. Its amplitude increases with the velocity,

then saturates at V/V~j

= 1.7 Before saturation, the interface has a rather sinusoidal shape (fig 2d), whereas above, it has a squared-off shape (Fig 2e). Above saturation, there is a typical 10 fb scatter in the cell wavelength and the interface dynamics is local, the wavelength

decreasing via tip-splitting instability as one increases the velocity (Fig 3). One must also

emphasize that there are no travelling waves in this large range of velocities, contrary to what is observed in thin samples of BCB [6] Finally, one sometimes observes stable pairs of

asymmetncal cells (Fig 4) which are a little w~der than the others. These stationary localized defects in the cellular pattern occur near V~~ and are certainly the precursors of the solitary

modes that we describe below Similar associations of asymmetncal cells have also been

observed very recently in eutectics [13]

Above V~~, a new reg~me appears, with solitary modes propagat~ng in both dJrections along

the interface. These sohtons behave exactly like in BCB, so we refer to reference [2] for their detailed descnption. A side-effect of this instabil~ty is, for a w~de range of initial condit~ons, to dnve the interface to a constant wavelength penodic pattem (Fig 20. One also notes that the

length of a distorted propagating cell corresponds to about twice the basic wavelength of the

cellular pattem (Fig. 5). The sohtons disappear when the velocity is larger than

V~3 = 100 ~m/s.

V~~ is the velocity beyond which the cells are so distorted that the grooves of the walls touch

(Figs. 2g-1). This pinching-off causes the fornlation of droplets of isotropic hqu~d which are left beh~nd the front. Th~s instability, also common in BCB, first occurs in the grooves of the tilted cells of the solitary domains, then rapidly extends over the whole interface It is

surpnsing to see that the solitary modes completely disappear while, at the same time, the

droplet formation becomes self-sustained and penodic in time : m one step of the process,


a 15

b 15

C 20

~ 30




f 80

~ iio

h>~ 130

1 ~' .m[>.9i'»~ ~"j§ ~~~

>~ ~~~,

~ $'

;j_, j

..~~,~ i :'~l~~i"i#©~~~ f

.~ .'~


Fig 2 The nematic-isotropic interface photographed between crossed polarders. The pull~ng

velocities m ~Lm/s are marked on the nght-hand side of each picture. The nematic phase is below the interface, wh~ch is moving upwards into the isotropic phase. In (a) the polarizer is parallel to the front ;

~n ~b)-(i) the polar~zer make an 45° angle with respect to the interface m~rder to enhance the contrast G

= 4.8 °C/crn, d

= lo ~Lm.



~ l





~ w

50pm sopm

Fig 3 Fig. 4.

Fig 3. Tip-splitting Instability. The tbne m s is marked beside each picture V =70~m/s, G

= 8.7 °C/cm and D

= 10 ~m. Bright field iflunfinatlon.

Fig 4, Statlonary pair of asymmetric cells. V

= 50 ~mfs, G

= 4.8 °C/cm and d

= 10 ~m Crossed nlcols. The polamer makes an angle 45° ~ith respect to the interface.

every odd numbered groove sheds a droplet whereas in the second step, the even grooves shed their droplets (Fig. 6). In BCB, this mode occurs occasionally over two and three periods [3] so that it was impossible to study it, By contrast, it is very insensitive to noise in our

expenment, and it exists over a large range of velocity. We measured the drop emission frequency versus the pulling velocity : it scales Eke V~~ (Fig. 7), At large velocity, typically

V ~ V~ =180 ~Lm/s, the droplet emission becomes irregular or chaotic (Figs. 2i and I16),

For technical reasons (too short run time), we have not yet studied, in detail, this transition towards the chaos.

For the sake of completeness, we have determined the full blfurcatlon diagram as a function of pulling velocity and temperature gradient (Fig. 8). The critical velocities that separate each

growth regime increase systematically with the temperature gradient and with the sample

thickness Conversely, the restabilization velocity above which the front is stable again, decreases with the temperature gradient down to complete dlspantion of the Mullins-Sekerka

instability. Th1s classical phenomenon, also observed in BCB [3, 4, 6], appears when the temperature gradient is larger than GM~ = 20 °C/cm for a sample thickness d

= 10 ~Lm, Th1s

value is very close to that observed by Simon and Libchaber in BCB [6]. Just below

GM~, the amplitude of the modulation remains small whatever the velocity (Fig. 9) so that solitons and other non linear phenomena disappear (region 2 in Fig. 8). In figure10, we reported the average wavelength A of the cellular pattern versus the pulling velocity, for different temperature gradients. One sees that all the expenmental points lie on the same curve, whatever the temperature gradient which means that the mean wavelength is mainly

determined by the velocity whereas the temperature gradient sets the cell amplitude. The best fit to the experimental data of figure 10 gives (am

= 206 V'° ~~ (~Lm/s). We also observed that, m planar regions, the droplet emission is more regular than in homeotropic ones.


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~i@W *~ ~i.<÷~ ~it' (. -St ~.l

100pm 50 m


Fig. 5. Sollton propagating from the left to the nght along the cellular interface. The time interval between two pictures is Is V

= l10 ~mfs, G = 8.7 °Cfcrn and d

= 10 ~m. Bnght field il1urnlnatlon

Fig. 6 Formatlon of droplets of isotropic liquid photographed at regular intervals of time dunng one penod The time is marked beside each picture. V = 160 ~mfs, G

= 8.7 °Cfcln and d

= 10 ~m Bnght

field ll1urnlnatlon.

Furthernlore, the cell wavelength m these regions is systematically larger than in homeotropic

ones with, on average, A~i~ = I.I A

~~~~~ (Fig 11). Finally we observed that the restabili-

zation velocity is slightly lower in planar regions than in others (Fig. 9). So far, we have not been able to exp1aln these differences but we suggest that elastic effects are responsible.



slope=1 47



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Fig. 9. Front behavior near GM~ the modulation amplitude remains small up to the restabilization whue the cell wavelength slowly decreases as the velocity increases» The velocity in ~mfs is marked beside each picture G

= 19 °Cfcm and d

= 10 ~m Bright field illunfination. The next to last picture is

blurred because of sample vibration, due to a mechanical resonance of the expenmental set-up vqth the

stepping motor. On the last picture, the « p » denotes a nematic region of planar orientation ; the front is stable whereas it is still unstable1n the homeotropic regions at the same velocity.

waves that Simon and Libchaber reported in thin samples of BCB. We believe that this mode

is due to a nematic effect, namely the spontaneous breaking of synunetry of the director field

m the nematic phase of BCB. TMs broken symmetry results from a three-dimensional escape of the director along the meniscus axis and is related to the elastic anisotropy of the material


Despite this important difference, two secondary instabilities are always present, whatever the liquid crystal chosen and the sample thickness, The first one corresponds to the

appearance of sohton defects in the cellular interface pattern, Th1s mode is common and has been observed in many other experiments [8, 9]. The second is the formation of droplets

which occur at velocities slightly larger than those needed to form solitons. We observed that in the 9CB-10CB mixture, this mode is periodic m time and occurs with a wavelength twice that of the primary cell spacing by contrast, it is much less regular in BCB, probably because of the underlying molecular symmetry breaking which makes the cells drift.


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