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Analysis of the oil futures market


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Analysis of the oil futures market

Karim Faid

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Centre Economie et Gestion

Analysis of the oil futures market

Karim FAID

Décembre 1992

Cahiers du CEG


n° 13

ENSPM - Centre Econom.ie et Gestion

228·232, a.venue Napoléon Bonaparte, Boîte postale 311, 92506 RUEIL MALMAISON



La collection "Cahiers du CEG" est un recueil des travaux réalisés au Centre d'Economie

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The aim of this work was to gain some insight into the American crude oil

futures market using the means of multivariate data analysis. Using these

techniques, the first step was to find out


there is some identifiable behavior of

the crude oil price and to whkh fondamental market factors such behavior is

most related. Two models are developed, a descriptive mode! to explain the

time behavior of the crue oil futures price, and a forecasting mode! to predict

the prke changes whitout calling on the speculative factors but using solely the

fundamental physical factors of the market.


Ce travail vise


apporter un éclairage sur le fonctioru1ement des marchés


terme pétroliers américains en utilisant l'analyse de données. La première étape



explorer l'existence d'un comportement identifiable du prix du pétrole

brut et de rechercher les facteurs fondamentaux du marché auxquels


comportement peut être relié. Deux modèles ont été développés; un modèle

descriptif pour expliquer le comportement dans le temps des prix


terme du





Knrin1 FAID


ln ordcr to formulate a geneml mode! of futures pdcc bchavior, oue must lïrst study the market dc!ennina:nt, of prke. Studies of other speculaûvc markeLs such a.1 ùic stock market have shown ùHlt llcmiu1d theory fails

Lo offer an atlcquatc explanation of ptîcc behavior. 1-Iowever, with coJnrnodity futures, a grc.at.cr variety of

quantity relatives are available. Pricc lluctuations can be rclated to both speculaûve and physiciù variables.

The former entmnpass volume of trading and open intcrcst, whilc the latter include supply, dcniand, and

stock levels. The tom! number of detcnninanLS of commodity prices can be dassificd into four groups as


Il Acting u,rough Demanù

- Consomption. - Exports.

• J)cdved demand for final prnducts.

- Govcrnn>cnt policies (long run).

· Demand relatives such as the prices or substitut.1ble coinmodities, or consumption/stock ratios.

21 Acting through Supply

• Production. - Stocks. - Weather.

• Govenunent pofü,ies (long run).

• Supply relatives such


tlie production or substitutable commodities, or production/stock ratios.

31 Acling thmugh Economie Conditions

• Business conditions


rctlected in industrial production, unemployment,

and the gencral pricc levcL

- Credit con<litions which defü>c the availability


loans for speculation or commodity storage.

41 Acting through Market Composition

• Speculation. - Hcdging.

ln this stuùy, we wil! be concenied with a description of ùie intricate relationships bctween futures crudc on price and the physical variables of lhe energy market. lt is clcar that lhis will cert.tinly not give

Uie wholc pkturc,


we evcn e,pect to get a very


picture duc to Uie fact that the futures market is

in essence a speculativc market in which speculative variables play a fun(latnental rolc. ln fact, two

.speculalive parametcrs, short hcdging and long speculating, reprcscnt tlie effective suppl y and demand for

futures contracts, respectivcly. However, because of the fact that a cormnodity futures market is far from

independent from the co1rnsponding physical market, the physical variables of tlie market do undoubtedly

play a significant mie in Ule fllmrcs pricc behavior. lt is this rnlationship we will concenume on and try to


Whi,t we are interestcd in is tlie short


bdmvior of Uie futures crude oil price. From the 011~1et, we

star! with the following hypothcscs on the futures price ,·esponse to the physical suppl y and demand:

-a/ 111erc is a weak relationsllip bctwcen futures prices and supply or dcmand itl Uie shon run, but prices



better relatcd to the compm1cnts of supply and dcmand :

Supply ~ Production+ Stocks Dcmand"' Consumption + Exports

~b/ For energy futures, shortwtenn price trends arc extremely rcsponsive to variations in inveotory


-cl The pressure of demand on supply is a more immediate influence (m pricc than arc the influences taken individually. Diffel'ent parnmetcrs eau be used to measure that pressure. 'lbesc are the various pressure rnlios that could be uscd : Dcmand/Supply. Dcma!Hl/Stocks, Expom/Stocks, Consumption/Supply, Consumplion/Stocks, Stocks/Consumption, Stocks/Prnduction.

-d/ Priccs of one comm,xlity vary with the priccs or suppl y and dcmand of other commodities. One can relate the priccs of a commodity tlm.mgh a pricc index to tl!e prices of domestic commodity substitutes, foreign commodity substitutcs, or to the prices of its convcrtcd products. For crude oil, wc would look at

its converted products


il is not a CoJnlnodily that can be casily substîtutc<l, a1.


not in the shorl

nm we arc interested in. This is why we choostl to examine the priccs, supply, and dcmand for oil products. From Uic New York Mercanlile Exchange (NYMEX), we gatliercd data conceming the monthly priœs of West Texas Intcnncdiate Crude Oil (WTI) contracts, Unlcaded Regular Gasoline (HU) contrnc1s, and No2. Hcating Oil (HO) contracts. The publications of the Amcrican Petrolcum lnstitute (API) provi(!Cd us with monthly (lata conceming rundamemal market factors such as imports of crndc oil and oil products. crmlc oil stocks, pn.xlucüon and stœks or oil prodm:1s, etc. The data set runs from Fcbruary 1987 to Dccember 1991. The table below lists t11e variables used in this swdy.

We shall base our :malysis on thrcc approaches of multivariate data analysis. First, the Principal

Components Analysis wiU provide a gcnctal pîcture of the in1.cractions betwccn the futures prices and the

fund,u11cntal market factors considercd. Second, the Factorial Discriminant Analysis will allow us to

idcntify Uu)se variables that can best discOtninate betwecn increases and <lecreases in the crude oil price.

Finally, the Canonicat Corrclalion approach will providc the !inca,· combination of the variables tlmt is U1e most correlated with the crude oil fulUl'CS price a11d wlüch allows us to run tl1e optirrnJ multiple regression.

VARIABLE Deflnlllon

WI1MP West Tex.as lntennedh:1tc Moothlv Price HUMPR tJnlcadcd Rèl~ulo.r <1asoline Mt,nlhlv Pricc HOMPR No2. Hcatirl1.t ()jl Monthlv Pricc

CRIMl'O Ctude Oil Inir-v-.rL.'t CRS'ltJC Crude ()jl Stocks PRIM PO Produtit Irntx)l"ts

HtJPROl) Unleaded Gas~,iinc Ptoduc.tion HUSK>C llnleaded (Jasolinc. S~ock~ GAPROD Tot:,! (lasoline Produçt.ion GABTC:C 'rotal G~i:;oline Stücks HOPROD Hcating Oil Produclinn HOSTtX.' }Icntir1i::! Oil S1ocks

REPROD Rc:;Jdoal Fuel Oil Produç.lion RES TOC: Resîdual Fnel Oil Stoc.ks KEPROD Jet Fuel Kenrnine Production KllSTCX:: Jet Puel Kerosinc. Stoçks

ClNPlrr lnput 10 Crude Oil l)istillati~'Jn Onits

PJ;OPER Percc.nta.ec of Rcfinerv C:anacîtv Onerated


Crude Stncks/C'.rude Inout CST/CIM (~rude Stock:;ICrude hnports CIM/PIM Crude. lrnnons/Product l1nrv,rts


llnlcadcd Ciasoline Stocks/lh1leacled G.asolinc Ptùduction

GAS/GAP Total Gasollne Stocks(I'otal Gt1.sùline Product.ion l-!OS/HOP lleatinl! Oil St.ock:-./l-leatin~ Oil Production

RES/RIW Residunl Fuel Oil Stoçks/Residual Fuel Oil Pn)duction Kfü/KEP Keros.cnç Stocks{Ke!'osenc Production


1/ Stock.s of unlea.de.d ànd lei'!ded 1no(or gasüline repre!.cnt only finish,id Ill01or gasolin('. localcd at rcfineries, pipeline and

bulk terniinah. A large portion Qf motor 1:;;1s(,1ine $loi::ks at refintries consisls of cornponc.nu which rnay be blended or

con1pot.111ded to prOO.uce eith~r finfahed leadcd or unleaded n1olor gasoline. lltercJorc, these stocks cannoi hc classifièd ,,s ci1hcr

fin.ished kadcd or unleaded 1nütor ga.'>ollni::. 111e ~u,n of finl!ihed lcaded and unlc.adcd n101or ga._<;olinc. .stock..~ plus the componcnts

.!Uocks equals H)lal n1otor gas(,line. st(l(;:k.~.

2/ We will 1nak.c. ui.e 11.lso ùf oLher vadables d~rivr.d fronl the ba.~ic vatiables .i.tatcd 11.bove. Starting frorn a v,u-iabh~ Y ni


DY ~Y -Y ,nd Yl~Y m lii 111-l 1n-l

correSl)(.)nding to ù1~ 1iH)mhly çhangc and the one·moJUh lag!J.ed vari"bh!, fl?;<:pcctivcly.

We shall look at the <lllta !rom two diffcrcnt angles. From the Ors~ hercafter rcfcrred to as the descriptive framework, wc shall seek the cxplanatory power for tlie crnde oil futures price in the physical dcterrnin:mts of the mal'ket and the oil products fmurcs prices. We will thcrefore be using the val'iables described in tl1e

table above with no timc lag. Our goal will be to find out how much of the monlJ)ly cmde oil futures price

(WflMP) can be explained by the othel' variables uscd in this analysis.

Fro1n the second angle, hcrcan.cr rcferrcd to a.s the prcdictivc fr~unework, we shall seek U1e forecasting

power for the monthly crude oil futures pric.:e variation in the physical detenniuants of U1e market and the

oil products futures pl'iccs. W<J Will then be using u,e samc varinblcs but lagging the monUlly crnde oil futures price change (DWTIMP) by one pcriod. This is donc in order to reach our final goal, namely to find out how wcll this price va!'iation can be forccasted fürough m:ünly fundame1\lal physical factors of the oil



Since the variable or greatest imcrest. is the crudc oil futures price (Wl1MP), we chose m dcpkl its behavior over the time pcriod considered, along with the priccs of two oil products futures contracls u·a(led on the

NYMEX, namely Unlcadc,J Gasoline (HUMPR) and llcating Oil (HOMPR).

40 S,11,l,I














~ ~

WTI Monthly Pricc (WTIMI'}




100 HOMl'R










0 0






~ <





WTI •nd HO Monthly Prices (WTIMI' and HOM PR)


40 .$11::,h] t/i:t:~l ](~ 80 IIUMPR









40 ]() ,0 Q ()


WTI aod HU Monthly l'rlces (WTIMP ,nd HUMl'R)

In these figures, it is easy to spot the peak in priccs from April 1990 to March 1991 due to the Gulf war. The smaller pricc increase at the end of 1991 was due to the crisis in the Soviet Union. Whm thcsc figures show very clearly is U1c high positive rnrrelation betwecn the prices of the crudc and products futures contracts, especially between crudc oil and lleating oil. From the following table, showing the characterization of the monthly crudc oil price WTJMP, it eau be seen that the correlation between this variable and the oil products priccs is cqual to 0.94 for HOMPR and 0.88 for HUMPR. lt is most negal.ively correlated with the variation in crude oil stocks (lX:RSTO), a.s could be expccted.

[~T!MI' CIIARACTE.~}.l,ATl(>aj

~---·---·· -·-


", ... --- --- ----··


, .. ,,----f ICl-11'1.RN.~Usrrc VARIAfil.f.S I (:i:AA. 1 V ,'IES'l' 1 Pl'«-'.11':'A 1

~---·--· ··-·-·--·---·· --". ""~---.• 1 WtlMP 1,Q(X) 1 6.;.8'.!8 1 .0000 1 1 fK.~B _944 1 l,3.198 1 .0000 1 1 H\"J!•(Pf{ .ea~, 1 10. 465 1 .0'..100 1 1 l<ESICC .582 1 4.9$3 1 .0000 1 1 IŒF~1<:0 ,580 1 4-si~;a 1 .0000 1 1 r.ES/IÙ' .57) 1 4.88~ 1 .0000 1 1 HF..b""'IT.C .5'..I~ 1 ,1, ~,09 1 .0000 1 1 ]·!UFf-tC[I .463 1 3. 753 1 .0001 1 1 !~""'ID.: . 444 1 ).571 1 .0002 1 1 GlM/PIM .:'!OO 1 2.994 1 .0014 1 1 J,r:GKC .290 1 2 . .2)2 1 ,Ql2H 1 1 H-r:F~ .221 1 1. (,.85 1 .Olj(J) 1 1 !(.tj/f*)P .2Hï 1 l.644 1 .0~,01 1 1 aUMl{) .214 1 l.. 623 1 .0523 1 1 HJP!Ul , 15) 1 ] . l$l 1 .1248 1 1 [ ~ .l'.')1 1 .988 1 . .1.6H, 1 1 (~'ID . l'.tl 1 .957 1 .Hi9J 1 1 (:!.Nr-UI' .11.l 1 .8)6 1 .201") 1 1 G'<l'l<:t, .10) 1 .r12 1 .2200 1 1 aŒ3'lU .096 1 :nti 1 .2360 1 1 a\S'ro: .075 1 -~it;,J 1 .2868 1 1 HI.JS/Hl,1P .OSl 1 .379 1 , 352.4 1 1 [tU\.Sl"O .01~', 1 .338 1 , )678 1 1 U-IU.S'R) .OJ~', 1 .112 1 .45~,4 1 1 F'El:1«°.û ·-.000 1 - .0$'1 1 .4774 1 1 CST/Cl'.N ... 022 1 - . lfi'.j 1 .IJ353 1 1 GM,/CJi',f' - .163 1 ··l-7.J;;! 1 .1089 1 1 G\.9Tl'.1::: - . rll 1 -1.292 1 .0982 1 1 <"1:rl.'/Cl.N -.;'n,9 1 -1. 662 1 ,048;] 1 1 Kl:-S/KE',P , .. :;!$1 1 -1.919 1 .0275 1 1 FIUMK> - ,237 1 -2.;n.l 1 .0135 1 1 [L"'"Rt)'"JD - . 324 1 ··2. '.)19 1 .0059 1 ;,.---·- -·-~-· .•.. '., -·-··- ---· -- ---·- -- ~-. ·'·" --,-- --·-

---1-From the following table, showing the charactcrization of the monthly change in the crude oil pricc


changes in the priccs of the oil producLS commets. Howcvcr, lhe cormlation is lower than lhlll found earlicr between U1e monthly prices of cruùc and proùucts.

··---··· .. ··-"""·' , ... _ ---· --· -.. '" '., ,._ ··---···-··--... ,"




!C'l·ll'IFJ\C'If.l\lf."l'lÇ VMIAI\l..E5l ~J.~R- 1 V,11:81' 1 ))ftll;'A I

1 [WI'Uarr' I a.KJ1P1 1 [HtMP1 I fft:;,Pl:;"R l I ClNf'LTr1 1 <:R'i-:nr.:c1 I GÀ.P!-lè.(_!l I ll<.l.MJX11 I ClUMl·î)l l PEFK'Dl I H.)FR:Dl I nt:SIDl I Hi.JPP[.ül I r:cr~,"IDI I IT~/IŒPl I l]-ll,t:iI\.")l 1 \J=IP-,;!1)1 1 ["i,l';,9ID1 I G:il'/CINI I CA..91(.('.] i jj\J..C:'1("(:] I IB!.":.~10.t I ClMlf'IMl 1 !ilJ'Ml:l\tl I CST'/Cl.Ml 1 ~r.:6I1X'1 I IŒSIC:Cl I C..iA:?/GJ\.Pl 1 }(}::.IB(f)l I Hf::~9.n:",Cl I n::-1:::/l-ûPl I M!JS/HOl'l I tJ:t1FR.J I wrIMPl l RES/rE.1·11 ,·,···-·---·!" .1..0.}:.) 1 61.6.86 l ,t.).)(X.l I • 1:;l(, 1 .j' .\43 1 '(.()l)'.J I .,)JI ! '.L<l.20 1 ,({IQJ I .4Cû 1 ::i.i,n 1 .CûOl:I I ,:)8,1 1 :).004 I .001J I ,341 1 7,.r;:l<l 1 .OC!ol2 1 .".i3:, 1 2.~;aa 1 .00<1e I

.Jll 1 2,}A2 1 .Ol)86 1 .1/J.S l 1.85~ 1 .ô:\19 1 , Ul4 1 1.380 l .QBJ/ 1 .1:1..;1 1 .!l28 1 • J"/6.!l I .J.J.';I 1 .886 1 -18')8 1 .10;;: 1 .756 1 ,22'1"7 1 .Q74 \ .551 ! ,2fJ09 1 .l"):',9 1 .4)6 1 .]]1$ 1 .01_;:~ 1 .<101:\ 1 -3417 1 .Q.J) 1 .2"14 1 -40J6 t .o;:;6 1 .192 1 .4;;40 1 ,(106 1 .0'1.S l . .J.fQ.l I -.ûl.1 1 -.()7Jl 1 ,4681:, 1 - .041 : -·.30~, 1 ,)804 ! -.012 ! ,·.3)4 1 ,3769 1 ... oi;:i 1 --.s·.1:1 1 ,3oi1.2 i -.012 1 --=~:r1 1 .291:,7 1 ·-.0':16 1 -·.71.3 1 .2379 1 -·.rt-1 1 --.910 1 .1,!'n3 1 ··,J::W ! -·.973 l .J6S<1. 1 -,1~,:,; 1 -Llll'1 I ,126J I -.163 1 -L,221 I ,111.l I -.189 1 -l.4l5 1 ,078'.", l -.198 ! ···1.4.f!"l ! .0684 1 -.~01 1 "1,:")QB 1 ,0657 1 -.20S 1 ,,J..5.;2 1 .0616 1 -· .;;1:;1 1 -1.90) 1 .0285 1 ·· .:i:.:.o ! -2.708 1 .00:.\<1 1 1·---···- '·"·" .. ---- ---·- -··" .,. - -- - --- -- -~" .,.,. ··-

---;-In facl., the change in U1c crudc oil price (DW11MP) of one mon th wilh mspcct to the prece(ling mon!b is most correlatccl with a grnup of variables including ilot only the changes in the prices of lhc products registered in the preceding month (DHOMl'l and DHUMPl) but also lhc variables dcscribing the rcfinery opcrations in tl1at samc period (CRSTOC!, CINl'UTl and PEOPERI), the correlation ranging from 0.34 to o.54. 1bis is duc to the fact that in the rase, for example, where U1c two former variables (DHOMPR ,mù

DHUMPR) are positive, this will inùuce a very prompt responsc from the rcfiners thrnugh an increasc in (1)

the crude oil stocks (CRSTOC), (2) the amoum of m1dc input to t11e refineries (ClNPUT): and themfore, (3)

the percentage of refmery capacity opcrated (PEOPER). 11,ese steps arc ~,ken in ordcr to ensure the higher refining margin induccd by the higher prices of producLs. The induced highcr demand for crude woulù then

la tel' be reflectcd in an incrcase of the pricc.

The monthly variation in the crude oil price is also positively con·clated witl> a group of laggeù variables which includes the variables describing the production of rcfined proùucts and the amounLS of crnde and products imported, the correlation ranging from 0.1 to 0.3. At the other end, it is negatively correlated witl1 the prices of crude oil ami heating oil rcgistered in lhc p,·eceding month and to the pressure of refined products suppl y, as measured by the stocks/proùuct.ion ratios, registered in that same period, the correlation ranging frnm -0.20 to ·0.35.

ln the table below are givcn some basic statistics of lhe variables.


--· -.


---~" ,. -·--- -. "'" ,..---·-., ~" ~-

---;-!.:l1I'-œl. 1 1'11NIMl,l-l WIXIH.« 1

~.-· - - - -··- ~,. '--·-·- - - -·· .• ,., .•. - - - · · · · - " - - - "• ',. 1


1-~JMPR 1~8~·,.cm 112.62 44(, . .8,J 9S4. ~i5

l·i::N!iR :i(i).20 11€, .(j'..\ 408. ~7 9:;:..sa <:RlMH) :;43"! .S\) 713, 9~ :,~9;';.oo 6/61),0(1

:; CR":-m:::'C 342840. ,;i;i 1:-008. (\!:\ '.i22 tV:, 1-QO :;,.1.14~;4g_(XJ

6 [C}'l,::,TRl lHl.f/;, &)63. '/6 ,·2:wr,:i.O'.) l.f)~36.(X)


Pi~IMH:.1 20\~}. 4G ~!82 ,•17 JJ7).C'O ;:eo.!:\.oO


l-R:rffi::ü 6090.97 f,if.:.l? 4709. OO 714::.cxJ


HUS'Tl.:r: 155092 .9() 146~;·: .4~; 130864. OO lB336l.. O'..l .J.(! J;lfU:.~) 580.14 ~li!0.7.? -·10237. OO l.787]..()() 11 (fl.ff,.\..1) 693t\. 47 ,~,!3. 98 ltltl.'3.00 ?379, (X)


(;A.9I'Ci; 223556. :"10 1079:!. )~i :mr11S.(:(J 2~;372'.J. OO l) [l,';/1...S'ID -555.22 r,.,:r;;i .(',/. -· 1()0')2. U) 21828.(û


lfJl~ü :wi:n . 49 1'76.70 ;nJ7,()() '.l'.U0.0.:1

15 !Œ~ro:· 1 l.J.(;IJ.~)9 .90 1315'1.44 93'.',a;,.oo 141848.lXI 16 LHC6"'ID 1 -9? .92 7~)16.~;6 ,.;!117?,.0Q 11892.CXl

.17 Rl.';l='R'.:"D 1 937 .20 ·h:,.:to 799. CIO l.167 ,(X)

Hl Fil:~ 1 4440fi, 74 :J,Hn.;1~i 36388.(.() L;l3S\'i.Cü 19 œ.IiS)l.:) 1 119.59 :n-;J.6\l -4994. (X) 4;14;;.oo 1


l<:J:'l~ü 1 l215.9S 90.41 1C(}9. OO 1427. OO 1 21 ~!:"'S'Kt'. 1 '10951. 81 238G.4l 35607. OO 45531. (K) 22 fl<:ES'ID 1 24.24 1()()6 .1 ·1 -~):_\18.(X) )39Q.CX) 2'.:l C!Nf'IJ!' 1 l.:1'121. 76 497. ~,4 (1994.(X) 14461. 0(1 20 î,B'".A'l:f\ 1 s:, .48 3. 30 76..9'3 93.23 15 c.-::.·t/CIN 1 1S.:,6 1.10 23.22. 28.23 ;.;6 C.'S'T/Cll~ 1 64.()'/ !:\. '.\(, !;,]..JI:! 94..~6 ;o CTl-!/PlM 1 2,(f) ,11\ l..~n <1.04

~/~ lllJS/llUP 1 2:7,.$:,i 1.~;2 .?.2. ffJ :!i).88

29 <~9/(',AP 1 32,29 ::: . .l~) 28.4ü J9. "/:', )0 !-t"S/l·üP 1 40.)(i •1.19 32.30 :"1().;:·1 )) [-'.f::S/1",EP 1 47, ~,(, 4 .21 )9. )(, (i;::.·u; 32 :KES/Kl~P 1 33.7~ :::.2;! 1·1.8:; 38.Tl ·t·---·-- -'• '"'


··-·-·-·---·- ·--- ·-·~-,·-· 1 CWI'lMf' 1 .JI 10,63 -.$2.6;; 85.27 1 CHIJ!@! 1 2. J.} sa.11:1. 1 -,1s9.


256 • .1:~ 1 [H.":MF'l 1 il.3;?. .:",6.52 1 -10:J. t)'.l Li6.94 -1---,., ... , --,-·---·- ,···--·---·-·---- ...

•For OODlputnlior1al t\'&~QNi, !~ prlre of crude I~ oe:Xpt't8!1ç() 11'1 $l&hllrrel nnd !llll pril'I;)~ ùf l)f(l(l~ct~ nre cxpres~tl il'l 10 1~lllMR~ll<;ifl. 'lbe p)ry~it.1\ r.l:tilll:11':.~ ~.te e~~ned la tl10ll~t1.0d~ .;ij l'ü.ffl:l~ per d.lly exœpl ~liX:b Wl:litll ~ft; !11 lhon~amls of b:itioi;lt, lliçfl:"/OI"<::, t~ prenure- ntlœ< (~H.W~~OO~c!hln) ;ue-e-1\preS!llld itl i;hy~ 1u1i;:t Ulf rullo CIM/PIM iff





32 Active Variables

Wc swrted the desc.Tiptivc analysis of tl1e <>il futures market with a principal componems analysis wilh all the variables for which we have gatliercd data activatcd. In this descriplive framework, the goal is to seek the rclationship belwecn the tlme behavior of the monthly crudc oil futures price and the physical detenninants


1he oil market. As can be seen from tl1e resulrn below, tlic quality of the rcpresentation achicved with these 3Z variables, as measured by the perœntage of variance cxplained by the


two principal componenLs, is somcwhat poor. The quality of the representation of the indivi<luals on the phme is also, in general, quitc poor.

... -·---1-- -- -- ·- ... ,. '"" ... ---+-·· - -·· ""· ' ''". Nl..M I ElGENIJAIJJ'E I .;.- - - -1"---" -···· •• • ,., . j - - - --+-··- -·· ·•- '"" w,t 2 3 4 [, l{), l,9]l 4_9f,(,6 J. 797.S :)..$527 1. 9711 31. 85 15. 52 11.87 11.1.0 6.16 )l .SS R.Xl ~/).2:4 "J0.3/l "16.50 6 7 8 0 lD 1.6699 1.264.? .9089 , 754<1 . 6041:1 ~.27. 4.01 2.84 2.36 1.89 81. 72 a;;.;3 88.$'7 90.9] 92.82 ,;.- -- ---1--·-- -··· .. ~~----4.--- ---+-·'· ,·,- ---··


1 \lt',RlAf~J:.'."I 1---··-! Wl'.IM!? ! HtNF~ HGIIB C'!UMJXJ CRS"Il::C r;:cR.S'II) PIUMFO r!Of'îil'.";,l) ti\k"1It)::: (iil.l$'K.1 Gr"• .. :N·ûf) t GAS'R):.;· !'.J::1",,HJO HC.T-'!'DD HC.sll)'..~ [HX:-11:J RE'.PF\'.:.il) ·-.1:,:1 ,(,(\


.. -~,,, , 33 ... 49 .. _:-;s .o.; -.:n 81 .. ):/ -.;;io · .")!\ ·-.:i4 ... 40 .Jt, -,JO ··.115 .O!l ··,31 .44 .89 .0() ·-.2Q ,(,0 . '.ll . 3:1 , .Hi .28 .73 ,71 41 ,)4 . 70 . ·.10 .2B .26 .'.lO ,74 ... 67 ',0(1 -.'..-~! .~:, . 67 ,. ,)8 ·. :.l4 - , 1.2 .1.6 . 47 .::!~ . .0·1 ! lï.E::~l'T.X:: ! r:r,'E.S'I.tJ ! Kf::P~Xl ! }.'T~-::I\ • .C ! ["N::~~:io I C1Nl:'Vr ! Pll.:lll':.1{ ! GST/ClN ! CST/ClM CJ.l,\/F'IH ! f,lU:i/!.fUP GJ>S/C'-.AP : HU:.;/HJP f(f.S/fŒiP ! Kl=sm,:r


.. -.67 .5(; -.(Jl -.41 ,,().] .~\8 -.68 ,'.',9 .11 ·-.46 .~,] -.21 - .26 .Q;-1 .01 -.77 ·--~o .1e .Hl .. , 11 . l.l .'.18 , FI ·· .. S6 .ÎÎ3 .)0 .O"~ ,(,7 .t'l:1 ··,44 ,(;J .::.ci ... 19 .in .40 .O) ,(JO .6S .43 ,<\() .6'.l ..• 09 .:m -.20 -,29 ·---'' --- ··---~ --- -·+


1 Al..191 1 11.w_; ·-\.JO - . (;.8 3. '.< .1 ,i, 1 .·n .(lol .Ci'.! 1 SE~l 1 .,4. 8) 1,;:l l./(, .\. 9 .(i .7 1 .7() .04 . 0~) 1 CC91 1 .. ;;,28 2-41 ·· l-~:8 .9 2.0 . 7 ,;)(, _;?.:', .07 1 N")91 1 -2. 38 1. 6(1 ,· l . ;~(i . ~) .9 .'"/ .20 .():! .()Ri 1 [f..'91 1 -4. 30 1.66 ;:.61 3.] .'J '..l.Û ,48 .07 . lB ~ ,. ,-·,··--- ---··· -·· .. -.. -·---·--·· .. -· -- -


,., .. ,·!

Despitc the fact that the qua!ity of U1c œpresentat.ion achitvc,1 is quite poor, sm.nc inteœst.ing features of the oil market can be dcduced, and thus smnc insiglll gaineù, from the rcprcsentation of variables and imliviùuals whicb follows.

·t--·--·- .... , '~ ., ... - - -- -- --- -·-· .. - - ··- .. ,. , " . - - - ··-- -· ---1

I VARIABlJ.: 1 Mli:i\N I QJ'f. [EV I CT.l)RDl.W\'lE l


.6 ~ ... , ,----·--.. ··---·-·-.,


" t c.~:n'/CTN I KFS/1.:J:J'• I lfüS/Hi:.JP I f,;.\.~:!t(: I c:~n'/CIH I Gl'I.S/Gl\.l'' f···-·· 1~,, S6 .3). 7'l 2:,. 5'.) 1::1?3~}:",6.SO i,A .07 :l'.),;'!f! ·I···--··-··--·--· ... I VAH.lM!,E I MF.AN I CINFlrl' I FB.::t'.!:}! I G-\J:t,'{'.() 1 [H:.n'ID 1 (RTI1FC! I PRThffi) l.'.3(t,~.l. 76 J:5.18 6038,47 --97 .02 1 '.i4:rî. ~9 I Jû5}.lj6 ... ,' -.. ··-···--·---···-· .. c E N T


A ··-·--·----·-- ... '' ···! J . .10 ;;.;.:.i 1- 5~: 1(17:1;; .. 17.i ('\. 36 .'.;' . .)9 . :w , 61 1 ,7(1 1 , 7H I .~1 1 $l.Jf'. r:1:.v I o::c~<111NA'l'E 497 .54 3. ]0 24}.98 7916.:")fi 713, 91 21.(),•17 I'., z 0 N E -.so - , 41 ., ,4.1 - ,38 - .3S ., - .. 11 1 . ···-···-·-·!


.-·--···----·--·-··. . . ··-·-····---··· ,·-·-····--1 1 !K.:Clt'.t:; 11.16199. 90 1 l}JS4-44 1 !{FJÎ:'h{:(') 1 121~).9(i 1 ()Ô.<ll 1 W!'J)1P 1 201. 56 1 4J. 66 1 1~1:,~;/1'1:l' 1 4?.56 1 4.2] 1 IK)5/H)l:' 1 4()_'.\6 1 1,.19 1 l'f.::.MPf' 1 ~,63. 20 1 .1..lf,.Q} 1·---···'' . ···-··---··-·"-•• ---.)MPH ~;/HEP KEPR.Ri~S1WI'tMHOS'1'()C KE~>Tcx; !JOS:i'I'ù(: ,S'.i .~,9 ,fi(.! . 6) ,6::, ,1;5 HtJ8/HlJP GAI;'!'()(: GAS/GAf'

HI.JMPR ):X.';ASDl:ll1S'I'(1 C::S'I'/CIH

ç:,;'l'/C.1.N . 0 HllPHOD -€-IM/PIM ~ S T \ ) HOi?P.OP CR.l.MOHùS'l\'.:J P.E})F'GAPHOD ~.'INPUT ·- . .!:i DRESTO REPROD CRS'T'OC ,Ü

A close study


this figure allows one to definc four differnnt directions :

• North-East : Direction of Pœssure Ratios

HUSIHUP Unleaded Gasoline Stocks/Unlcaded Gasoline Production

GAS/GAP TotM Gasoline Stocks(fotal Gasolinc Production

HOSIHOI' Heating Oil Stocks/Heating Oil Production

CSTIC!M Crude Stocks/Crude lmports CS11ClN

Crude Stocks/Crude

Input • North-West : Direction of l'rices and Stocks

HOMPR No2. Heating Oil Monthly Pricc WllMI' West Texas lnte,mcdiate Monthly Price HUMPR Unlcaded Regular GiMline Monthly l"tice

HŒ1DC Unleaded Gasoline Stocks

H0~'1tX:: Hcating Oil Stocks

RESTO<:: Residual Fuel Oil Stocks

lŒSIDC Kcmscnc Stocks

• West : Direction of Rcfincd Products Production Levcls

HUPROD Unlcaded Gasolinc l'roduction

HOPROD Heating Oil Production




South-West : Direction of Rcfinery Operations

CINPUT Input to Crudc Oil Disûllaûon UnilI

PEO!'ER Pcrccntagc of Refinery Capacity Opcratcd

One can tl1en sec Illat prices arc more correlated witll stoçks than witll pro<lucûnn levcls, rcfincry

operations variables, or pressu,·c ratios. The 180' angle bctwcen the directions of pressure ratios and refincry

operations rctlects tlrn high ncgativc cmrelation betwecn the.se two groups of variables duc to the fact that whcn stocks, comparcd to daily production levels,

bccome «Jo

high and represcnt many days of production,

tl1c refincry opcrations will tend to slow (lown U1rough a decrcasc of the crude input 10 the refincries and the

perœntage of rcfmery capacity opcrated. The graph shows that, as a consequencc, the mnounts of crude imponcd (CRIMPO) a11d total gasoline produccd (GAPROD) will also tem! to fall.

We now tum to the represental.ion of the 59 mo111!1s uscd in this analysis. Four points, mo far away from the centre. weœ hrought back to the border of Ulc grnpb. Two of lhcse. OC:90 and N090, arc from the Gulf war pcriod. In the graph, the Gulf crisis period distinguishes itself vcry wcll with the corresponding months far away from 1h,i mean.

AXE '.l AU!lO DE:91 Sl::91 ·191 Jt;'"ll 1 . - - . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ;,,e9 -6 -~~ ()(:91 F'f:90 N\)9l () dl,88tlY89 FE:!37 MA87


AP . ~ 8 7 "' "· ,., ···MA(l9-- - -·-0 AXE 1

A close study of the graph abovc shows that it can be divi(lcd into four quadrants corrcsponding to the four seasons :



These quadrants are, in genentl, crossed clockwisc by a line joining tl1c various montlls of the ycar, as the exatnple of tlle lincjoining JA89 to FE91 shows. Let us rceall tllat we found four directions dcfincd by four groups of variables :

Prices & Stocks






11 - In summer, the refineries opcrate al high capadty 10 smisfy the high demand for gasolinc in the American market The summer quad111nt is crosscù by the rcflncry operatio11s direct.ion characterised by the crudt\ input (C!NPUT), pcrccntage of reflncry capacity opcrat.ed (PEOPER), aud total gasolinc production

(GAPROD). Thls high lcvel of rcfiucry operat.ions also bclps build stocks of heating oil in exp<.,clation of the

conling cold season.

- Bctwecn sommer am! fall, wc sec high levcls or heacing oil and unlcadc(l gasoline proùuction as shown by the westward direction of !lie refined proùucts pto(luction levels. ln fall, the stocks are high and priccs climb in response to the increa.sing demand of U1c cold seas()n. The fall quadrant is crossed by the prices and stocks direction defincd mainly by the ptiœ of hcating oil.

• Bc1wcen fall and wimcr, the pnxluclion of reflncd product, starts to fall and ti1ereforo Ille stocks, in tcrms of daily production, increasc. We end up in the wintcr quadrant which is crossed hy the direction of pressure ratios. Going from wintcr to spring, thesc ratios start to dccrcase when production picks up in spring. The production of refined pnxtucts continues to increasc, especially that of gasolinc in expectation of the coming increase in dcmand, until we reach again the high level of rctïncry operated capacity in



6 Active Variables

Recause the quality of the rcprcscntation, as mc:isured by the perccncage of variance cxplained by U1c fim

two principal co1nponcnt.s, achicvcd in the an~tlysis ahovc wilh 32 variables wa.s soinewhat poor, we chose

to restrain the numbcr or active variables to six : WTIMP, HUMPR, l-IOMPR, CRlMPO, CRSTOC, :md


As the rcsul!s bdow show, U1c quality of U1e rnprcscntation was very much improvc(l. 1-lowevcr, rnany parts of the picture drawn in the prcceding analysis arc now missing.


active variables now dearly dcfinc only two of the direct.ions round earlier; namely the direction of priccs and stocks, and the direction of

refioery operatiOU$. As a conscquencc, U1e seasonal discrimination in lhe reprcscntation of individuals,

especially betwecn wintcr and spring, is quite poor. Nol much insight into the problem was gained through ùlis analysis. t·---••• " • ••+" •••• "•• "" ""'"• ••+•• ,•" "•• "" " " " T " " " ' " " ,• S " • • • • t NllM t ElGEhVID..JE: 1 ,r., Ct.N.% 1 -~-··--- -+-' ,·-···-·· ---- - .,. .. , .. , "" -- ---1---- -· - ... ",·-·-r ) 4 5 6 :i.l,l9!.i :,:;.oo 52.00 l.\!{.r.:7 30.4S ~ .629:: .218-8 .178~\ .0269 10.49 ) .65 :! .98 ..:15 9ï. .93 96.SS 99.SS 100.00 ·1·----·-·" ., ·~ --- -- - ... " ' "-i-··· --- - ---····--!- ,. ~ -- - ----T



I\F,\F,:IAIIE.EI ) 2 1 ·--- -~---···-,,---·r


wrIUP ' - .!H:'. .49 -.OJ


r!UNH~ ' ·-,91 .25 .05 /f'.'.'.NF}\ ' • .84 .47 .01 CRlMKi


_, ,(,4 - .65 ,·,24




-.44 , .. $9 .68 ' ClNJVr


- . 51 .7'.l - . 33 +· "·" w~··- --- ·-··" • .. , , .. ,"" "" --- ""'"' • ., , ... -;,

+---N---~~---w,·--- ,.~---~---,,---~w---+


+--- • _______ ,,~---~---•~---~w---~

,,---•·-+ 1 ]Nl)IV I c:n;JR. 1 l[ffl 1 2 :; ;; l 1 '.! ) 1 "I"""""••• M " ' ··---···--" ,---··· ''"""'•··---··--··


··-·---··· 1 FEB7 1 2.6:l 1. fü\ . f.). 1 J,f\ :1.:l 1.0 1 -64 -~·- .04 1 1 W.B'l 1 2.82


1.:n 1 4.:) '7 .1 4. j 1 .46


. (1..1 1

1 'i'PB'l 1 2,)7 l..96 .so 1 "'). l ),(;


1 .56 ,)A .03 1 1


1 l.Sli l .. füJ



1 ). \) 3.) -l 1 .48 '5() .(X) 1 1 J!JP,7 1 1.0~ l..Ol. -.68 1 .l'i .1) 1.J 1 .4.:'s .JG '1(1 1 1 ~Jt..,87 1 .39 .52 - ] -~il 1 .1 . J 4.1 1 .Q'J . 13 , 71 1 1 .N..187 1 .S9 . u -J .û4 1 .J _() 2.9 1 .,;n . Ùl '7:l 1 1 f:F.87 1 1.0:?. .38 .. , 14 1 .6 ,1 .l 1 . 75 . 10 .01 1 1 (;Cil? 1 .9f) .97 ,'.-{) 1 .'., .9 ."! 1 ,41 ,l\:l .11 1 1 1.zy\'7 • 71 - .03 1. 12 1 . l .a ) . 4 1 ,,:,3 • (J(J .5fl 1 1 11.=.:wr 1.37 ,. ,29 J..'.lO 1 1. 0 .1 4. ~' 1 .i;\'.·! 0'' .:w 1 1 JI>.88 1.81 ,)Q .s:1 1 1. H .1 .1 1 .8l .02 .07 1 1 l'Ee.8 ;'!. .2:. .t'.i7 .:'.il)


2,8 . 4


1 -8!~ .08 .04 1 1


2.o;i - .10 -49 1 2.2


_., 1 , 91 .()0 .o:. 1 1


.97 - .48


1 .5


l.,.(l 1 . 46 .l,;i .35 1

1 MY&\ .(il;) -1.20 . 93 1 .3 1. 3 ?,.:l 1 .16 .Mi .29 1



.97 '1.4!'1 .86 1 _i:, :~ .o 2.0 1 .20 .47 .Hi 1

1 éJ1.8H 1.20 ··1-42 .2f, 1 Ji 1. ~l


;~ 1 .'.14 .48 .Oi: 1

1 Al.J&?, J. .41 ··1.39 - . 64 1 1.1 }.8 1.1 1 .'.19 .33 .os 1


/\XE .0 -,6 1


l , LJ ~.i "/6 -.02 2. 1 .1.i


1 .!l:.1 .13 .o, 1 Œ:Afl .l..)7 ~;g -· .22 1. (1 . 3


1 ."i<l .1.:3 .OJ

1 ,JA89 l.?l .14 - . ~l'.l .s .o 2. 3 1 -~;4 .01 . 32

1 FF.1:19 1 l. ~,) .39 -.62 1. J .1 1.1 1 .BO .o;·, . l:J

1 !1l\.39 1 .94. 'a;:: ·-.()'1 s .6 .0 1 , f1) .4) .(X)

; Ae'fül 1 -· . .23 , / . l ··.Vi .0 _(; l ,., 1 .OJ .:io . 1~

fü[l\) 1 -·. "..\l -/~~\ - .18 .) .:\ .1 1 .07


.o:: .)i,IB9 1 - .2'.5 ·- .96 ·,H;; .0 _() L(l 1 .02 . )() .;ir:

,JlJ\9 1 -·.26 .. l, IJ7 , 1,7(i .ll :!.(J 8.'.5 1 .01 _,jQ . ~i7

1 A\JB~l 1 .0:1 -· 1.·l·l · l, )8 .o 1-9 ~;. ;i 1 .OO . 51 , 47 1 t1.-::.1l9 1 - .SD -.96 . l. :w .l


~:' •. 2 1 .08 .29 . (i~! 1 (1..':!l9 1 - . 37 -.56 . .(;{}


.3 1.0 1 .09 ,J:;! .,..., ;< 1 1-I:189 1 -.H; - -~.9 ... 1,J .o . ) .0 1 .02 .28 .01 1 tt89 1 - .\J'.l. .26 ... 13 .) .0 1 .28 ,O;J .01 1 JA.90 1 - l .JS -.2) ... 32 1 1..0 .o .'.l 1 .76 o·, .04. 1 FEl)O 1 ... 66 ·-.;:N - . ;!./. 1 .2 .1 .l 1 .6~', .).l. .O'l

1 Ml'a.90 1 ... 19 ',)8 .ile 1


.1 1. 7 1 .o~ .08 .37

1 11.?90 1 - .42 ·,1,Q)


1 .1 1.0 7 .9 1 .o, .21 .6:'.l

1 M'i'90 1 -.81 -1.83 1. 7r:1 1 . 4 ] .1 8.2 1 .09 .44 -40 1 ,'JU90 1 ··.tlll -2 .93 1..58 1


8.Û 6.8 1 .06 .71 .7,l

1 ,n,90 1 -1.80 -3. )8 .94 1 ] .B lü.6 :L-1 1 ,21 . 7) .06

1 M-190 1 , 4 ,li4 - i. l.+1 .6S 1 11. 7 1 ") ].] 1 .91 .o:, .02 1 ~è."90 1 -ri .a7 . 7S . 3~, 1 18. 7 _f; .:) 1 .9' .02 .OO

1 CdO 1 ··1.76 ~.<1J . 3~, 1 12. 3 10-9 .:l 1 .65 • 34 .OO

1 t,.r:f.<l) 1 -3 .51 3. ll .;;:i.'.1 1 f.. 7 B,9


, 1 . r,r,



1 r.P'.JO 1 -1. 58 :LcJJ; .. l$ 1 '-' :i.6 . l 1 . ;;~!l .i'ifl .OO


~---.:90 N090 3 SE90 DF:~JO JA9.l

FE:ll JUB'" Afl9

oC:9 .l.N091MA9:î OCl:l'"!



AP91AP!~9,J1.J87 r,•ggg

Dl•'.89 AlJ~7 SE87FEG9.JA88



N 0 ~ 9 MA88(~

iJA90HY9:lr'E90Mi\90 AP88DEH? ~!E88

s:r9 lC:! t.S"I .l.OCH 9NOfJ 9 DE(l HN()88

1'fYfl 9J\P9 0Jl18 9

A\J90 A\)91 Sf~fl9 AlJ89MYfH)SC86AllB8

~iU9:hH,89 ~ ,188


... 3 ,'JU90

, .. (i -4 ()



35 Active Variables


In t11is predictivc framework, U1c goal is to seek the relationship between the variation in U1e crude oil price

of one month (DWTIMP) and the physical detcrminams of the oil market in the preceding month. In a füst stage, ail the variabkls available wcrc activatcd in the analysis. The rcsults below show that tlle quality or

the representation achievcd with these 35 vartablcs,


measun:d by the pcrcentage of variance explained by the first two principal components, is somcwhat poor. The qualily of the reprcsentation of tl1e individuals on the plane is also, in general, quite poor.

1 VJ\RIABU:: 1 :l i·---'" "~---·-~-·~---·---+ 1 [".Wl.'JMP . Ll - . S3 .oe


WJ'IMPl ··.7,'>2 • 61 - .J~i


C11UMP1 .Ôl ... 33 -.2? Hl,NPRl .. ,$9 . 33 • _4f;


CH.:t>!Pl ··.;:14. - .24 .06


fl(l,!ffil .. ,•;6 .65 -.i$


C'l:!.fW>;"Jl , .at- -- 31 .•. ;Jl


C?f,'ICC'l ,·.4i -.:::s - .3[!


CŒSIDl .2.J - , 28 -.4S




- . 37 .Ji1 -t- -·- -., ., .. -.+- --- .. , .,. ··~ --- -- ... ,. -.---- -


lilJPfC01 ,, .. SH .03 .,._;n

NlJM I F.JCf}lilAWE I O.lM.~ l ' HtlS"Il.).;'.l -· .58 .32 "·,39

,,---+· "' ~--- ---- -;--··· .. ---1·---· _._,. "---,1


PlUS'Itl1 - -l~ .25 .72 10.1848 2Y .10 ;)9.lù


GAPR.Xl1 -· '1~~ - .41 .J6

2 5. '.!<1~14 i;),2'? ii.Jl 1 GA.91t:Cl , 71 .2il .26

) 3.8702 11.06 ~,~:-.. 4'.l ' CŒ.S'!l:ll -.20 .28 . 73 4 :L fE46 1.0.S'.! füt96 ' HŒ'R:Vl 1 -.66 - ,(fi . l l s ;::.4028 f',.Sî 72.a:.i


H<.:mo:1 - .:)4 .55 .SC


l. 134[',;J S.27 78.0~ ! œ.)f-Jll:)l - . 67 - . '.î2 .32


1. 717F:i 4.9.l 83.00 ' R!'PA")[Jl -.22 -. l6 -·. 06


1.0378 ~.97 tlS.97


RES'"IO:~.l -.63 .$'1 -.04 9 .87'..19 ~:.so 81,1.<)t:)


~ D l 1 -.40 .OO .4:'..\ 10 .'}917 ~?.26 90. '1'.3



·- .64 '(il .08 T- - - --· "·--+- --- ·· - ·· ,+---····+ w·,· - ---+


KE:5,KCl - .<l3 • ~,4 - .l.J.


[ , ~ l ",2$ .OO .10


cu.n:uri --.80 -.'1.8 .:;:o 1 Pl:PFf.Rl ., ,A] -. 39 . l.4


c.~1'/CJ.Nl ! .27 .\6 - .56 ! C5'l'/CIMJ ! .78 .%$ .09


CIN/PlMl ! - .65 .09 -.42 ' 1-{ll.',/HUPli .61 . 47 -.22


C-:l\.S/GAPl I .82 .)6 .OO


\l .. "l,/HC;>l! .O~, ,(i)


' îŒS/~F.Pl! ., . 38 .67 .OO


:KfS/KFPl! .JG -.19 - .20





+·· · · · · -I INDIV I 1 -··-·--- ---·-··- -· - .•• I J.[:EH I 1"AB7 All.S-.1 MYS7 JU8"/ ,Jiif.l AlJ87 t'-f:"27 r:t:H7 N)87


J.~Be Fr"~


APM I Mif!fl 1 ~IUf!B 1 ,JL,8.!J I AU8$


-,._·1a ::-.19 1.49 1 9.1(, ~.14 ·-.97 1 li-O~i .'rl . 6S I t,.?.\l -.61 -.86 t 2.i!:/l -1.93 .)9 .96 -1.56 L88 .94 -.71 1.5) l.]5 .80 1.6..'I 2.J.4 1.14 -.02 1.44 .68 -.70 ,fl,1 r:;·, :::.OO 2.40 .74 ;1.-.14 4.1'.1 1-43 J,.6l 3.86 ,,7S - ."1:i ;1.61 -'.1.53 -1.K; ê.6 -l..80 ··,91 16 -).11 --.6~, .S3 1 ~E8B ! ccas I N:)88 ."37 -;1.9J ;:;.;:;. -·l. .92 2.?1 .. 17 --.lS '.1.89 ,(,!=\ ··.94 l.?6 1.4$ -J.7,!l l,il.8 ·,'.ï7 -l..!lS ~1.74 .21 .22 4,.0'1 Eli:88 JA89 FF}!9 Ml\8~ APl\9 M'fW:1 ,Jl.l!J~\ ,~L.89 Aù89 I ta):) I CC89 t J-Œ9 l me0 1 ,J?\.90 ff.:90 Wl.90 .l\,P9Ô M'.1'90 ~1090 .JL90 AUOIJ ~'90 cdû NJ':'.lO (l)-)Q iJA91 I FE91 I M'.91 I APJ1 ! t,r.(~)1 l ,;JJ.J(Jl I JI.91 I NJ91 I t:l:.""91 I CC91 I u;B1 I tl:1Jl 2.49 1.)3 2,7(! 4.)4 ",47 -·1.4;; 1.SJ ... 2.03 ·'2,44 1.19 -~.81 --1.49 -1.67 -2.62 .70 ··2,7$ -2..49 I.77 1 ··?..JI -l.64 1.11 1 ··"3,73 -·J-~;fJ .6~, I -1.81 .79 ,(;") l -2.45 .4) ,-.Qf, l -1.43 ., .82. -J..7,0 1 - ."13 ·-1.45 -.67 1 -2.6'1 2.52 3,)4 1 l.92 1.63 -·),)"/ 1 .9f) -LOS -5.18 I --.;n -i.1:; -'.i.25 1 ,,;i.;:9 -4.37 -1.16 ··4.92 ·,J.23 -.$1 .,6,2 .. 1 -J.Hl -1.16 ··6.90 i.06 .43 -4,13 7 .61 ,-.:A -2.83 6.38 -1.39 -l.'71 5.24 .39 .·,23 4.f:io -:;.os ".14 ;?.."Il -;~_34 .t.21 -.al -4.JS ,16 ··1,07 u2,t)!) -2.11 1 ~,,, ,. ,81 -4.18 ··1.0) .31 1 -.:,1.r1 -.a~·. -.82 ! -<).(:18 -.85 -.61 ! ··4.lM l.5~1 l.'?5 l -2.38 2.51 ",9!'i 1 -:1.JS 2.09 ,-1.H) .j.a ~ · - - - · · · · O:NlR,


3 1 10,} "J.3 1.0 14. (; 1- ~, .4 6 ,, -2 .2 4, 7 . 1. . :3 l.. J t .;i .1 .2 .8 _f) ,J .;?, J .O


) .;;: ),.:} .8 1. 0 . 3 .1 ,0


.o LO _,


.2 3. 3 ~.9 .7 1.2 2. 5 .2 ,] 1.;1 ;~. J I.L ,;; J. .Cl .4 l. 4 .2 ,(1 '2.7 - l ! ,() 1.;; 3 .1 1 .o ,() f,.7 1 . 5 . 3 1-4 1 . 4 1.. 6 1,Q I .1 .9 (,.i I .û .o 7 ,] 1 l.l .6 3,1 I 3.'.2 , l ,g I .<) !.] 2.7 1 . :;:: ;;. ~; l.Ô I . ~; ;:.:; .2 1 1.3 2.0 l-4 1 .8 .9 .G ! 1,) .5 .2 l .6 .2 .2 1 1.0 .1 .o I . '.! .2 . 6 I . l . "1 .1 1 . _, ~;.1 s.o I . fi . 9 5.1 1 .2 .,), 12.0 1 ,0 ,4 4-1 1 , 9 1.a .,, 1 •LI 3.4 ,1 ! 6.S 1.5 .G ! 8.1 1.4 .J I ,~.$! 18.7 .1 I 1.4 U.l .9 I .S S.9 -l I .0 6.8 L9 1 .o 2.4 2.4 1 .2 .2 B-4 1 .0 .4 ).1 I l .CJ . s . ) 1 j.O .3 .0 1 l. 7 .?. . :,l j 4. 2 .2 .;~ ! 4.0 .7 1.4 1 J.ù ;!.O A I .9 l .11 .5 1


n:t:·;.:::-1,J1. 1 ,,,.,.j ."ll .12 .03 1.r .ùi1 .01 .7) .01 .01 .6Z .01 ù'·' .L9 .16 .01 .os , 1'1 .21 .06 .01 .17 .11 .04 .18 .;;:?. .. ir.i .(X) . l.O 0"' .O:l .Ql .àl .15 ,17 .o;.: .2.:1 .54 .Ô6 _{)(\ .55 0'1 .û2 .32 .)0 . .12 .18 . ;:1 . O':i .o7 .24 .o;: .Ô() .3'., .01 .OO .1<1 _;:;g .01 .Où .57 .. J7 .OS . .1\J .09 .22 .09 .0.1 .08 .13 .OO .Q{l -44 .16 .0$ .;~o .44 .O.l .0$ .07 ,12 .lB .06 .)5 .10 .13 .32 .02 .J.'"J .22 .11 .~8 .1.7 .08 .4] .10 .02 .29 .o~; .ô4 .29 .01 .OO .O~, .02 .01 .01 .04 .O.\ .05 , 11 . l.9 .11 .os _3;J .03 .03 .75 .OO .06 .44 .là .LO .OS .4J .. 1::i .OO .4,i .05 .01 .61 .û:.; .OO .19 .64 .OO .13 .G7 .03 .07 . 6~, .OO .OO .6:1 . .l'.:! .oo .18 .13 .04 .o;~ .56 .OO .06 .:w • .3(, .09 -~l<l.

.~,O .o:~ .OO .66 .05 .04 .78 .02 .01 .65 .06 .09 .2) .25 .04 .18 . .14 .()4 ··-··--- --- -- ---... ,. "'" ··-·,·~



1:_I<:>~3iIYAl!IA Ill, ES A

Ni:> ..

!.~-~ 1vi'iii:w,s]

i\.XF.. 1

+--- -- -- - - ··- ., .. , .. , ., --- --- ~+

I VARIJŒJ . .E I ME!:l\!'-l 1 !i-lJî'. Pf:11 1 a:.œDJN!'.'lE I


AXF.: 2 . 6 + . li:[,;'l'{X:::l I ID:"IPERl I CRll1I·l.]1 I CINIUl".l I C'>11.P!:;J:Ol 1 [I.JC.8'.l!J1 1 !·Df.~.01 a:: .. 47 ;,4.::i;.).Cr9 J},4;:;0.31 6931. S4 -181.98 2877. :i] :!.Y3 ·11H.îl'J ~,ô:i..70 7.40."}9 79HE.~.,'î 1.7:;_ 7~:, ... 8) .. 8.:; ,,BO ... 72 -.67 - .66 .... ···t CEN'T'RALi.~ t..r)N.E ',·- ···- - - - -·-- - - -·- ··- • •• I" I [('l~i'"DJl ;r,9 _ 9i! I Œl'/ClN1 2'.i.':,7 1 1ŒS/KE!'1 33.Hl J )'1U9/IRJPl 2~,. !:,6 l GflS'lO.--:l 1:tD''/16.70 ! L~'T'/CTM1 1 61. :16 I c;:;,.s;c;;1PJ. J:~.'.H l'.i.."J:W.'17 1.10 ;Lï.11 1.::,:?. 1.0814, 9~; f).40 ;i. )8 .:n .37 . 36 .61 . ?l .78 .B:i ·!·· -···-·· .. -·· - - - -·- ... ···-···-·-·- - - --- -T" .\-··----·---····-·-··' • - - - -.j.

1 \r'i\RJJ'.IiI..E I l·IEAN I ft.lr .u=.v I CtXFDil{1\.'lI:: 1


s • ()(~90 0 0C9J. DE90 ~1A9.l N091.MA90 Dt;:9:\ MA9i


. Af'!}OMA.89MA(H3 N089 (' 7B7 DE89 r·i;:s9JA8f:!DEB7Fr·;88 ~ .. .!

,JU91 ,JU90AP91SE:H7 Af"'H9JUîf7

sr:;9 J,JL91AU9 l,J.l\90,JA89MY91W.90NOÛÜ APBB

1.)Cf39SEH 9Fh:9 O,JL88AfJB7 JUt.18

SE(jü JL90 SEB8DElH3MYH9,:n ... 87 A?87 MY87


AUS(),}L89 1 MY8ù .... --jbJJ~îl) • ,J089 - - - ' -4 0 1 AXE 1

This new principal components analysis actually doos not add much to the basic picture we draw rrnm the first analysis. lt simply defines one more direction in addition to the four dcfined cartier. The ncw direction is ùie souùiward direction characterized mainly by ùie variation in Uic crnde oil pricc l)W'l1MP. The graph represenling Uie individmtls is still comprised of four quadrants corresponding to Uic four seasons, which arc crossed clockwise by ùie linc joining the varions months of ùie ycar.



Prices & Stocks


<.>perat.ions DWTIMP


ressurc Ratios

Along this n~'W direction, which fulls bctween spring and summcr, wc also find the variation in the price

of unleadcd ga.soline DHUMPl registcred ill U1c prcceding month. 1bc picturc of 1he oil market sttucture is the same as the one drawn cartier and lhis new direclion entcrs simply to rcflect the jump in the gasolinc price in rcsponse to the incrcase in demand in sommer. This is followed by the jump in Uie crude oil pdcc when demand for crnde incrcases duc to the fact that input to refincries is increa.sed in Ortler to meet Uiat demand for ga.soline and to


up stocks


hcating oil in expectation of the coming cold scason.


6 Active Variables

As bcforc, becausc the quality of the rcpresentation, as measurcd by the pereentage of variance explained hy the first Iwo pdncipal cc,mponenLs, achievcd in Uie arn~ysis above with 35 variables was somcwhat poor, we chose to rcstrain u,e numbcr or active variables to u,c six following val'iables : J)WTIMI', WTIMPl, DH\JMPl, HUMPRl, l)HOMP!, HOMPRt.


the problem is gained thwugh this aoalysis. This suggests tllat prkcs alonc arc far from hcing able to

provide a è'Ompletc picture of the oil future~ market.

f 6 FIRS'l' lilGE!'cfVAtUESJ

,1.--- -- ···"·"-!··· -- ---- •· · •·" '"·I·- - ··----· ·• ·"·i··-··----· ···-!- J CO!lRÏHNAHi,S ON AXRS


rn.JM 1 f:1(~:WA!JJE 1 ,,., (IJM.11.., 1 .j.,·----·---~·· . ,---·----+• _. .. ,.·---1- 1 VAfl.V1F!l.El l ;~ 1 a. iii'.!-16 4R .;~(\ 41.,.;~<1 .HS


1. 9F09 33.0"l l!Ll.l [Wfllil' .10 .31 3 .::s:11 9.22 1)0.5)


wr:rt-!Pl .. \)6 - . 22 .06


, 39~3 6 .. <;9 97 -lJ


[:+-!tl«='l ... ~:[, ,76 .\)9


. l.40"i' J.:)•I 99,4"! JR.l1JJ:iRl - .9J - . 03 ... l l


,()3?.ô . ~;:.\ l()Q.(li,J t:n··}1J'l .. . .:,a .?8 .2a

' l·K'.'M.PRl ,, .94 - .18 .l.4


-·--·---- ~, ... ---·•--· ·;·--·-·-' ···--.,


.... ----· ---··-·

-~' ···----T

+ - ... " .. -.... -· ·-,., , ... -···- ··-... . ·---·---· " ... __ ----·. ,, •.... -.+



2 <)F ll',l)JVll)UALS ON AXES 1 Tl) 3 1

+···---··-' ... ·--·-- ... ·" ,. ,, ... --··---... --·-·---··\·

1 INDI\/ 1 cr:cJR .. (!,:('-;'IR. o:s.~~.1, 1

;.---· .. ··'"' .


1 111"~1 1 :;; .l 2 +~··-·---·-- ... ---·----., 1 W\!\'! 1 1.4G - .29 , ... 10 L _1, .) .0 . fi~~ .O'.l ,(:<'.) 1 Mf'i.\'1" 1 ,T) .65 , .. )4 ,,l . 4 ,,1 .49 . )S '(1'.,\ 1 H'if!.1 1 .99 .Hi , 11 .6


_() 1 .88 .0:.1 .01 1 ,:ioaî .4J. .-1~; ,03 . 1 -S .ô 1 .20 . (:) ,(i(J

1 Jli~'J .38 .:)6 ,1? .1


) .0 1 .23 .Il~ .OJ 1 Aüe.7 - .07 , .. 09 . 0:) ,0 .o .() 1 .01 .Ol .L'I..) 1 ~87 .61 · .70 .18 ,/ .1 .1 1 .'37 . 4~1 .o:i

1 Œ.87 .7:l -· .Ofi .'.l.<:1 .3 .o .4 1 .t?.l .OO .Hi 1 n:.iO ,l.] .20 , l.4 .o -0 .1 1 .Ol .ù-1 .02 1 (F;.:l7 ,(:,!) - .7:?. ,Of, . 3 .;'; .o 1 , 31 . ):", ,($) 1 1 ,Th8t\ l.f,() -.70 .:·,g 1.3 -4 1.0 1 .(,{\ .lS .10 1 1 Fl:-:i~fl 1. 36 - .10 ·, 18 ) .. ] .o .) 1 .82 .Oô .02 1

1 Ni\8B 1.62 ·-.i:S . ~>9 l. G ,1 l..] 1 .83 .o;i .11 1

1 flf'!)-8 1.81 .~il. ,2] l. 9 ,2 .i 1 .86 ,()"'/ .01 1 1 1-fif\S .'ll ,$7 61 .:: :7 1.2 1 -~12 ·p . lCl 1

1 J1J88 l.17 ., • .?.1 4'


.o ,(: 1 .SO .03 . 1.1 1 1 ,n..98 1.60 ". f,l . )fi l ' ~--, ,2 'fi 1 .8·1 .os _()5 1 1 AfJBB .l,.66 ,,._, •,c :\b 1. fi .]


1 .91 0'' .Q,) 1 1 SF...'!8 ,l.87 ... )7 . .'!1 J, l .1 .4 1 .71) .0) .ô:.l 1

1 m<B 1.19 m ,'2,"l .17 J. l . ] .1 1 .96 .01 .Ôl 1

1 N:&\ ;:.1.e .51 :i~. :i.8 -i= .4 1 .90 . o:, .Q~ 1 1 ŒBB L 91 1. 39 . ~\'J :J,:;; i. 7 1. 0 1 .61 , 32 _()6 1

1 ,JA89 1.2.6 1.2.0 .89 .9 1, '.! 2 '[, 1 .:17 .34 .H) 1

1 FEM ."li) .61 ., . .;;i .3 .3 .6 1 . :-J4 .24 , 12 1 1 Mll.89 l.~:·1 .27 . Hl 1 1.0 .l .1 1 . ")l . 03 .Ql 1 1 AP89 .12 1,40 31 ,0 !. 7 .4 1 .01 . 91 .os 1 1 l-!'i8~1 •.92 1.02 "2-~,ri , 0


-9 ::!Ü.8 1 .}Û 1·· ,Tl 1 1 .JlJ89 . )l - .8J . \l .1 .(;: .0 1 .ü,) .30 , 01 1 1 ~îlJl9 .:.J9 .53



.l .;l .5 1 . l l .20 l"' 1 1 AIJ89 .61 "'.7'S . 74 .;·; .s 1. "/ 1 .19 ,,. .. , . ~~~; 1 1 $;9 .86 .2) . 61 • 4 .o 1.2 1 .6) .OS ';-i:i 1 1 CC89 1


1.20 . ,(-0





) 1 . ~)'.! . 76


1 1 t-t)S9 1 .03 - . li:! , 69 .0 ,(1 l ,. _, 1 .OO .1)4 .60 1 1 ti:;fN 1 .35 .()4 ,BB .l


2..4 1 .10 ,()() .tf, 1 1 .JA90 1 ··1.47 1. 99 1.27 :,l 3 .4 ~>-0 1 .20 • )(i .1~1 1 1 FE90 1 - .'1;': - . 69 ·· l. ·1:1 .3



9.2 ; .08 .08 .4"1 1 1 l-lh90 1 - .06 -1.58 - . S2




1 _ô(J 8') .ü\J 1 1 J\P90 1 .:.:2 -1.08 -·.02 .o ).ô .o 1 .ô4 .85 .ô(J 1 1 K:>.'8~) 1 .13 .28 .. ,89 .0 -1 ;i -~ 1 .02 .()il . 78 1 1 JU'.}û 1 .JO - •• ,.! ,·r -,83 .1 ,3 ;;:. i 1 .06 .JI .48 1

1 ,.'Jl.,\:lô 1 1.0~, .ù7


. 7


_,, 1 .43 .OO .OG 1 1 N.J'JO 1 .18 3.~I, 1. 81 _() 9.0 10.2 1 .OO ,57 . 18 1

1 Ec.'90 1 -tl.62 5,90 - . 57 12. ·1 30.). 1.0 1 .38 , 6,1 .01 1 1 0:"90 1 -~j .9.2 1.$2 . ~i3 20.9 i,9


1 .90 .09 .01 1 1 N:190 1 -5. "/6 -J.00



19. 7 )


~ 1.0 1 ,a, .11 .O.l 1 1 r.E-YO 1 •4.Q~ -J .86 ", 0"7 9.8 12.s .o 1 .,:;i .'8 ,1)() 1

1 -~91 1 "l. î,; -) .69 l.4l 1. 8 11.fl f;.2 1 .1~· .70 , 10 1

1 rt:,~n 1 -1. 70 .,,-~ .),6 -,99 l. 7 <i\,Jl


1 . )1 , I,S .11 1

1 Wl.9] 1 ... 10 ,,1 _-14 .23 .û 2.,S ,?, 1 .OO


.01 1 1 AI~l 1 -.43 ,2!~ -) 72 .! ,1 9.2 1 .03 .01 . ~).l 1 1 t.f\.'S:11 1 ., .. ci• ,,,.,, - .08 ··-1.J .2 -0 .1 .24 .OO .Ol 1

1 ,Jl.J9l 1 , .. tiJ :)o , .. J.fj .2 -2 .1 ,3() .1.9 .02 1

1 .. ,vn 1 .16 - .42 ,94 .o ,?. ?..l\ 1 .01 _(li) . 46 1


1 Al.191 1 . 73 1 ~:,~)1 ,1.07 1 o:~H -.4.:=i 1 N]91 1 ·-1.Sù 1 Œ:91 1 ·-L01 •·---··--.. -· ... -·. AXE 2 .S + .o J::f!Jl•fPRl HOMPHJ W'l'IMPl ". 9 ~---"•''90 OC90 .'.i(l . lJ -44 .J?. ·-.:r:i 1. ~:o ,21 . (14 --J .30 ,. , 1;,0 1 . ,) .! 1 . :°)t; .26 .02 1 1 ."l .0 1 ,80 .l'.\ . 01 1 1 . l _\) 4.:, 1 .1~: .03 . 73 1 1 1.:-, .0 .0 1 .'J\) .û'.1 . (X.l 1 1 ,f; J.. :~ .<l 1 .·:m _ l~ü .05 1 ... ·-··· ---·-·; DHOHP1 Dl-li.1MI'1 .. j .0 AXE 1 AU90 ,JA90 A.PB\! DE(HJ l'f(89 (X:89,JL87MYtlBJA8~lN089

S!"~9"J.Al)91 f'!~89JU8Î' AP8"J JL90AP(l8



K:: ~91AP91NOfl7oçH7M\:87MAB9AfJB8

N09ù Ff~9 l

,Tll(l lMY91NOf! 9r.fY9 0,JU8 !3MA87 ~:;~:8 80C8 8

FE90AUH7 AUfl9MAR8,1A881:-i'.·:88



,._l _ _ _ _ _ - . ..e;;J?O

··6 -4 --2 0


With the factorial discriminant analysis, our aim was to find out which or the physical dctenninants of the oil market and of


prices of futures conlracts in one month


btJSI foœcast the sign of





change in the following momh. In




problem is to seek those onc-month lagged

variables thm


bcsl discriminate bctwecn


two grnups


observations dcfined


DW'J1MPP " { Observations I DWTIMP?: 0 )

DWTIMPN = ( Observations / DW11MP < 0 )

Due to a practical problem of insuflicient memory, we wcrc constrained to the use of a maximum of

nine variables in a factorial discriminant analysis. (Jiven Ulis coustra.int, we chose to run three discriminant

analyses with three difforcnl small

groups of

variables to gct as much insighl

into the



possible under the




Die first group contains Ille eight pressure ratios wc have tlcfined. The power of discriminati()n as mcasured

by the percentage of observalions well cla,sifietl rcachcs 60%, This suggcsts Ùlat physical factors by

ùiemselvcs, as expe,:te(I, can harùly be suflkicnt for bnilding a pcrfonning forecasting tooL

DESCRWl'ION t"J'ri.TI'~; 27


~I'lMJ','P l:WfIMi~ ---···-·-· ... ----··-·· ... "· MEAN 2S .191 ;:';i. Î139 CB1'/CJN1 .:'Ul'.tlt:V {.923) l l..7,38) MAXl ;t;_'JS/0 2(1.;Uo M1NI ;o. "î~,ù 23 ,JJ() Mr.A"'l (,4 .ti).3 63, 774 CSll'/CIMl sm. rF.V ( 10 .4)4) (6.û82) MAXI 94. 2(i() 'rl,220 ~l.îNî 51. )80 51 . .380 1-ŒAN 2.638 J."l'..l:l. ClM/f>fl\ll S[Jf,1'.";(V ( .S7.0J 1- •1JB) MAXI J. '!(J.) 4_(140 Mn:JI [.flJO 1, 840 ME1\N 2~,.45() 2f,. 6::;o HUS/111.IPl sr,r.L".ii.V (1. 73l\) (L)Ol) MAXI 29.fl.80 29.0lQ Mil~I 2;;.B'/ô 22. 9)0


32.'.·l~{J :t~ ,411 Gf!B/GA:i'l t:;fJf .[@/ (2, 98(>) Jl.67)) MIIXJ 39. 7~><.) 16.070 MINI 23. 400 :W.~50 Mi:")l,N 40. 387 ,)0.164 H(JS'/1-DPl tnl'.Œ:V r,:t.043) {4.267) MAX! Sù.270 4f1.à?O MIN.1 )4.0l.Û 3:1.)0Q


.;·1.0:u 1r1.91J;?. [<E:1/Rl:-::Pl SDI'.ŒV (3.080) (~i.001)

wm 54. J.11.0 fJ. 760 MINJ 4(l.SS0 39. 360


34 .204 3:1.476 ~!rŒI:'l sor.œ1 (2.)17) (~.116) W\Xl :'l8."nO ;li).900 Ml.NI' 1!). 95(1 7.·1. 850 CLASSIFICATION CWI'IMPI' r.WI:'lMl-'N C;l\.'1.JPS Œ' CfUGlN,,,,,,---·---' --·---·-'" r:wrrnr,r, 1s 12 [WI'nm,.I .1 l 20 (~XJD (iFCllPS C:F O!UùIN--·---· ,.·,·e---·


(60 . .;!4} ()9.&6) c100.00}

:r:ŒNI1.F'ICA'l'll'H (.F MISGl"AS.':llFJ~1) lNDIVIr:tNB

(~:-t.JP o,ll'I;MPP


A.r~a Mî\89 AP~)9 F:F}J9 CC89 ,JL.()0

r;:i~J.lf' [W]'lM!~



fl:";AA C(.'.(l.g ,JU!tl

WI.RJJIB.r.IB NU,t; . Nl'\Ml:: 28 r..·:::rr/cINl 2f< ŒPI'/C!Ml 30 CIM/PlMl '.n HtJS/HTJPl 3''1 C'>tl.S/GAP1 '.l3 H:B/HCP1 :14 Fi.F,'.E/REP1 :)~:i 1'.'ES/lŒ.Pl O.l'l""~'mNI' R2 -[.() -, ŒRRE.l.A'l'!(:N.'7: VAI-HAf'.'.tf.::; . WI'TI! F'.L,D ('Ih!'.'1::i:J:JOl.d:.26), .o7;~ . ()~\~) -.O!J\i · , 07:.~ ., .,n~, .029 ..• '1.2) .177 . O!ll~;o F .'.M<l:14 Tl .. ... o:.:~.10 AP\:ll ,Jl.8'.i Al.189

MY9l ,TIBl ;.:IT~i:l. f\E:"Jù ,JA9l ('f:-9) l"<B:r!tl:::t;lcN C'Cfl'f'JCltN.\~: . o:."'91 S'Ol' Œvr ~n1J11:m· f)l!l;:RIMTNh.NT , F\.tK.'rICN

ci::1:rrr(::JJ:Nl}> (rl'J:JJUl::? ()f RJJ;[{F:S.'SlCN 'I'iPE)

-· .228661 ... ).ü!)'.':,04 .16'.lJ .6644 .0337S8 .GJt)Ol9 .0351 . <)~i!jl,l ... ~38296 ... 4.;~:-;;1:u:i .4820 , 9238 .9tl<l.S38 .467HiO .llll5L 1.04~4 -.827768 , "3'."(!790 .3394 1.1~,74 . l)8l 7~·,~.i .û:)1:\7')4 . ()IJ~);~ . 7879

- . ). l."lltlti - ,O~,S91t, .o~.04 1.1m1s

.l.9HIJ7'.; .09-1179 .co:n 1.~!881 }.Jif<):;1r..1 1. 61.6):)1 4.i:'.:_M:.i . 3-188 '(;4}'.11 Pf..\'.UA


.81783 .11,96:119 rri::w.

.tn78'.l , PFCT:1\EILITY .'.;,('!'}(~ .G:;01:, .360] . 2s19;1 .;i.::;;p . 4346 .2726 .;;()}"/ , 7:187 -1.6 -1..1· -·l.2 -,.L,(J ··.8 -.6 -.4 .2 ··.t -~ .'.l ,5 .7 .9 .1.1 -L'J -1.5 -·1.3 ,1,1 -.9 -.7 .S ··,.1 ·,l .0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.l'l 1.2 < ---.----1·---1·---1--·-+--··1"- · ··+·· ·' - +•· " ,·+··· - -·1 ·• ··-<·--···! - --·1·---·+·-··-1·- ·--.;.- ..• 4-, ,. ·,.j.,, ~·, I·- - - I··· - -t·---·t·---1-·- .. ·-+--· -1-- - .. -,. .. , ,., +•· "··.1- - -,1---·; DWI1MPP A!.t=JO ,TI.,9 L."<l~l 10"_"":.) 1CCfl9MY9 ltf:89 APll9 JL9('0'.."90APMtiE89Af'9l.JA.89 A!..191 ~)0 ,JA.90At1M ("J.;:8? :rtfJ7AP8'/ [;fr!ij M'{[fl ~V\67 .JU!J?

+··-".j. a"~+-·•-,I·- ··-,,1 - - -t- --·+----+ ---·1· ---1"----l-· , ".- ··, ,.-..,- ,--1. - - - ;.---·t---1----.j. ---+- -"+ - , ""°" , "·' ---.i.---.1· - - - ; · - --·r---+···- .. ·+" , .... ···

--1-(J O O O o O O O O 0 Q ~ J 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0


~ l

[1:1°!0 ,lU9 ~!-W)O

Al':JO .:1Ufl.81·t)f!9.,JU9ÜTI1W F1:fl0L"f..'9.1 ,TI,139.JA.91

FE8l\M'i90[E87tl:'B9,JAf!!:ll:,t'.J<!"/lc[f) .l.M'i69MY8B..SE:88CC38AU89 S'f.:R7,/US$'1 AU87 1----.j.~-' ... " , .. .j.·" • "+··--.1 -- -·1·---··---·t ---1-- -·-1-- --·;--·• ·,.j. " , ... , .. ····---.;.- -- •. ---;----+---1--·- -1-·-·•-·.j.·,. ., --1.-- - ~-- -~ ---;----;----1-- ... , .• ,,.,,

0 0 O O 0 0 0 2 J 2 ~ 0 •· 0 0 0 0


The second group consists of the lagged prices of Um U1rce oil contracts (WTIMPl, HUMl'lH, and 1-IOMPRI) and U1c lagged variations in the priccs of the oil products contracts (f>HUMPI, and DHOMPl).


power of discrimination is around 64%. The rcsulls of the analysis show that Ute variables considered can be ordcred by dccreasing power of forecasting the sign of the crude oil price change: DI-IOMPI, DHIJMl'l, W'llMPI, I-IOMPI, HUMl'I. Oue ought to note the importaut role played by U.,c changes in the prices of the refincd producLs futures contracts. The ovcrall power of discrimination of 64% is only slightly bene, t11an the one obtained with only supply pressure ratios, suggesting that p.riccs by thcmselves cannot make up a pcrfonning forecasting tool eithcl', the oil futures market uot bcing a purely speculalivc market but one that is !inkcd to a physical markcL


uN~:Aï11. n,sc11.,M1N~!'] ANALvsis oF a11.ouP!!J?.wT1Mri:-AND nwT1MrNI



:;:ï '..\l

111.•rrMf'l"' twnr--o:-N

MEMJ~ 1.9:",.:.i()() :r~o'J .031 Wl'\'.Hfl.1 f;J;f,!'.IT:Y (3S.31S) !41j .?B;-;)

Mi>Xl ?d6.880 J~,:=i. IEO

MIN! 138.'.J61) 144 .H"}(J ~ rJ.:no -10, "/13 aRJ!~l t';;./l' .Vf::V l\~1,1.f,4]) (~,4. 260) MAXI 356. 12.0 i~:J .640 MINI 64.6~-0 -I~W-'f'lO Mff.V ~.tl:L .68\"J ~,89.319

tf, .. MHU ~;'.l'.Jl'.[.el {i.16.27$) ( 108. 974) HN<l 9S4. SSO 9Hl.()Œl MlNl 4~.i'.L Jj(\ 41!.i.810 Ml:N-J :N. (:01 ·· 17 .Q79 r:11:t1Pl SIJl', ffiV l (,) .J'JJ.) (40.864) MA.'.':I ?t.~1. ::;.i.o 53 .840 MIN1 ··l!CJ. "}::/J -lOJ. 930

ME"l ... "I fif-il -1I~, ~/)~~.986 !·K11PR1 S:'Jl'.L:if)} O(r'î.œi,:J) i L:4. 074 l l.ffiY.I 906. )9(1 \l~·l,.~~~ MINI 408, "f"Î() 11}.dCO .. ····-··---· CLASS.IFICATION GJ-î.JJFS Ci!-' 1\FFFJ.:'.'l},'l'JCN Dri'TIHPP t.W'l.'.tNrn cn.::uI:s œ e1uGil'k· ··---··---···· tUI.'XMPf' 11.1 9 [:wtlMFN 12 1~1 GC(ID BAD T 1, 034 . )ü~, 1 .. !~4·2 . 071 .:i.~,l .803 GK.Uf.'S CF crur.::!.!1,-,·~-·· ---·· '"'", .,,,,·---·-···"""' t:W'l'').l,l:PP Hl. OO (66.67) l,\l.(X) uil.:mi 'K!i'AL 37.00 {ÈiJ.7!1) '.,1.00 ('.n.33) 12,(,}0 (38.7l) 27, OO {:lQD.00) 31.00 (1(10.00) 21.CKl sa.OO (36.21} {100.00) ,rn •• - ••--- -- - • ~· "'"" M •• -• - - - " ' " ' ' " ' ~ 0 •,

Iœ".n';Œ'ICl'\.TlCN CI'' Mn;i('.U:1-~î.PJll"J lNDNiùJn,I...S GIUIP i;:wrIMPP ;

W\.87 MY'87 ,Jl.$7 OCJl7 APS8 Wl.89 !Ji'l,!9 APY1 cdl GK1.JI1 LWt'.\'W-N :

n:::i!7 M':{88 b'f-:.a.1.1 C.C8S FE89 HY89 ,HJ:19 N:"J.39 MY90 ~lU90 Jl~l tv..11

[im,cRIMINANT UNEÂR f'UNCTI~8) VAfU!IEJ..feS , CŒR!!."l.A'l'l(l,l:,~ DISŒIMm\Nl' . f!J:l;K!i~:.STCN ~;t7'1,' T

'vMI.ABI.E.5 !-1,t,t;'f.l".Œ o:Iir1:"ICll:'NlS [EVT S'Il!ŒNT NU!; f'Wlë , Wro-l F.L.D Ctfl·FJGlm-.'lJi ( ~JJI..."IS CF RS:.:t,t,S...:,J(:N 'l':(f'E)


l,. ùl'/18 Ff'\!.:EA :c·


3 ... <!-8 ··2.'.i -1.9 ,]..'.', -LO .. .(, .? .·l ,7 l.:i J.ô ;.!.O 2.:::, ;).9

-3.0 --2.6 --~~-1 -l.7 .1,;1, -.!\ ··,4 . .l -~·) .9 1..4 ].8 2.3 2.7 :i.6

"f"•••• ,. .... , ...•.•. _ - - •. - - - "!"- ---~ ••.. -•···. . . -~ ---1·--- •·- ,. "< · · ···! ·- •· -·t - --·•·--···'!···-··+ ···· , ~ , .... •·I· · · · !··· - - ; ---1·-····+·-·· ··+·· , "·+ • ,. "+·· - ·· < -·- •• +·---·t



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MA89Ml91APB8 ,)UR"i'MY'YhJI..90:t.."~90 MY}O

MA87 (;(,;FJîWH"i',TI.il 70:~.) 1AP87 At'B9i\\.!3!;t.l.";il&'..'.C80.JAû9 [:e.'l8 ,J~lô

j·---·;----·;-·· ""'-! • ··-· \.• •• -i - - -.. 1·- •• -+ • - '· +' ., ., !-- - -,!,•• --1·--""t -· ••"f"·"·'"'".j.' '•• 1- ···-,! - - -;----1"-- ••1"• ··"+' • .,,j.' "" <· - ••• <·-·· -·1-- -·•- -··1-••••1"• •• - .j. •" ,·.j. 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 1 Q ~ 2 3 4 l J O 2 0 ô C O O O DWTIMPN fJ.')":I] l.f'.91 AfJ8\f ,JlJ:)1 ft";Bf~Jl)(l;l,JL8~1FF.il~\.JU;)0 FE9 i AP90JAR1l,.JJ..8(12f(tl9.X.'8(~)0!:EM [."f:."')0JA91l"f·1:lQ ~ ) I J N.:fJO $1::"3"'ft,1/l.9.lW'l.88AIJ87tE87~!1.lS('N.;'.'f!.ï'l'Ul\~Mi8S

+-··'· --+ .. , ., "+·- - -~·- ··- ;----·1 •' ., .. ,_ .•• , ... - - · · - · · - - - ; · - - - .. - - · ... ,. "1•"" -··.j •• - -,1---1---·-+·-·- ... ", ... ·-·-.;.--··-·t---·;--- --t -···· ··+ · .. ··+ '., "• +·-·- -~ - -··-;·---1--··-·+



1 2 4




o o o o o o a o o o o




Finally, we considcrcd a Ulird group consisling of Ule pricc variables considered abovc (W!IMl'l, HUMPR l.

HOMPRI, DHUMP 1. DHOMPI) and physical variables relate<! only to crudc and rcfinery operations

(CRIMPOl, CRSTOCI. CINl'UTl, PEOl'ERl). With Ulis mixe() group of variables. the power of

discrimination jumps to morn than 72%. If wc ordcr again Ule variables according to their dccrcasing fot"eca.sting power, we obtain in this case U1c following scqucnce: DHOMPl. DHUMl'l, W'ITMPl. PEOPERI,

HOMPRl, CINPUTI, HOMl'RI, CRJMPOI, CRSTOCI. This shows Ulc central mie playcd by the variables

dcs,nbing refincry opemtions.

[iÏNEAIR u1sc1u MINA.NT· AN A 1: vs 1s _OF.GR.ours· DWTI MPPAN_D.DWTiM-P~

1n;sCll.lPTION 1:rrr.:t::rrvFs 27 )l rwI'IMPP tW'l'.tMFN 'r 1:-it:e ,. ,., "-··· -·-·---- --- ---·----·· •.... , .. '·--- -··-·----·--- -~~ l\~;,.~,00 207.031 l .()JIJ. .30S wrIMPl si:11'.l'."!.V (J!L:n5) {41.282) W,l(I J)('i.88() 351 .~ .180 MlNI 13B. 360 144 .8'}0 MOY 17 .3.10 - IO.'ïl:J 1. 812 .07'), t:-tll.J'MPl


::IJT'.ŒY (59.l:A3) (;;.4.;~(,Ô) J~i6.1;!0 1~17 .640 MIN! -·64. ffj) -159.770


581. 689 ~·89.]19 .2Sl .80) IWf'fG $)'1'.ŒV (118.2781 1108.974)


95,:1. s~.o 918.GOO M!Nl 4~/l. '.l::!0 146,810 MFNl 24 ,{.,Ol -l'J .079 2,9f.,Q .L\Oil [:#'...'MPl sur.[&!" (63. 371) (4().f\64) l<'l(I 226 .940 :",).~10 Mil-H -80. 750 ··103.9)0


5:",1-41;1 ; 573.986 , 72) .,ru HCMF\U s.:1r.ŒV ( 107 .()~/l) (124.074) Mii.XI 906. 390 9$i;.S8ô MINI 408. 970 4J.i! .i?.(X)


cF •. ~nt:cl. sr..rr.u::.1 (*.., ... -..·) (''**"'~ ... ) t-'AXI :!!l4S17. 0l)iH7H99().000 lfl'Nl :t~'.1617. OOOJ~;JC\~;1 _ 000 MF/IN ClN!Ul'l ::lH'. [!EV MAX! ~lllil L\4(1;:,,. ')'fü) 13:lfG, )?(,1 (62).]()9) ('.-\6ù.323) 1.'116] ,0()(.) 1426),(.\),') 1191)4,(X)() J'.?."]'.!1,0XJ M!:PN 1VS.!)r15 $1;,.\4:) P.Ü)l1JU CT"Jl',Df;V (4.201) (2.;rJ~} t®:1 9."J.;?30 9l .. ;.',HO MlNI ï(,,. 930 81, )JO CLASSIFICATION (.~~JI~.> CF (RIGIN"·-·-Gr{XJPE] c~;- Of{!Gl.N··. r.1;,n·1H!-'P 1'..w'l'lMPP 20 7 l:.:w'l'IMFN 9 ;;2 '.:!O.(~) (71. 07) J,!..0::1 ("70.97) I!n.D 7 ,!:X:I (:Yi.:J,1) 9. (() ('.:l9 .0)) , 7(i9 'TUrAI, ~:'! .Ci.\ (.\.(!(). i)'.)) )1,()0 i:I.GX),CX)) '\'l'..i!'hL 4J. O(l (12.41) 16.00 (27 . .59) 58.00 (l.00.00)

U:.f:NTIFICATf(~ (:f' MJB::::l'.A.:{:-:J.PTJ:"1) INDIVJ.U.""l,[-;


(X.:87 Mi\89 A!·'S9 l~::1.)9 ,JI...9() ,J!,S.<l CCJ]

(~UP CWl'm't.l

»'.i!'t ::E:38 \.'.r.:)-)8 ,TI..B9 Al189 t'J.)."l\'.:I MY90 ,.'Jl.11).l r,.r..·1:t1


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