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DONUT : optimisation de missions aéronautiques et spatiales sous incertitudes météorologiques


Academic year: 2022

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DONUT : optimisation de missions aéronautiques et spatiales sous incertitudes météorologiques

Florent TEICHTEIL-KOENIGSBUCH - Airbus AI Research


DONUT paves the way for future aerospace missions

Mastering uncertainties (e.g. weather, demand, traffic, hardware) in mission planning (e.g. flight, fleet) using AI decision-making algorithms for:

More efficient resource management (2020+)

for aircraft: improved fuel policy, higher PAX or range, improved network efficiency

○ for satellites: reduced image delivery delays, reduced image rejection rate

Towards autonomous operations (2030++)

for aircraft: single pilot operations, autonomous aircraft

○ for satellites: autonomous decision-aiding system for operation centers

Methods: Probabilistic Decision-Making (MDP, RL, robust scheduling, …) with learned

probabilistic weather and traffic forecasts


Integr ation

track BU/CR


DONUT in a nutshell

Resear ch tr



Reduce fuel reserves to 3% and

fuel burn by 2%

Take the next decision based on the context and on the

decision-aiding system

Sense the environment, the mission status and

the system health

Execute the decision sent by the control


Learn the operators decisions and uncertain

events dynamics Update the decision tree

branched on possible upcoming scenarios given

the context

plan/schedule under uncertainty

Reduce delays on image delivery to

clients by 10%

Send the next best decision to the aerial platform


Probabilistic Flight Planning


Ensemble Weather Forecast

Traffic Data

Probabilistic Model of Events

Impacting the Flight


average fuel

average time



2 modes:

Robust Flight Plan

Static trajectory

Guaranteed bounded risk

Dynamic Flight Plan

Event-based trajectory

Proactively modifies the trajectory to mitigate upcoming risks

Continuous update (dynamic mode)

controlled risk of flying through

"avoid" area


Probabilistic Network Management

average fuel

average time

average fuel

average time

average fuel

average time

average fuel

average time

In-coming flights Out-going flights


absorb delays

minimize risk of missed connections

shifted departure time constrained arrival time update trajectory in flight

controlled arrival time

Ensemble Weather Forecast

Traffic Data historical observations


week predictions

aircraft allocation & flight schedule robust

weekly optimisation

Real-time flights & fleet re-optimisation


Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty

Expected output: conditional plans or schedules accounting for uncertain events using Markov Decision Processes



weather, ATC, demand, system’s health, ...

position, heading, target completion status, ...


-δfuel, -δdelay, … δ targets, δpayload, …


next waypoint, speed/altitude change, diversion decision, ATC communication, next imaged mesh, image upload, ...

state action state action state action


Markov Decision Process model

26/06/2018 7

Initial State :

- Departure Airport, - Initial Weight - Initial Time - Current weather - …

Decision : Choose of next waypoint to fly over, target speed, target altitude.

Many possible outcomes:

1) Impossible decision ? (extreme weather, ATC constraint)

2) Accepted transition : Possible weather scenarios (temperature and wind influence the next state !)

Run flight model between two waypoints

Optimize : Aggregation of :

Fuel Cost, Time Cost (Crew + Delay), Maintenance Cost (if modelled)


2018 aircraft/airline use case results

● Demonstrator I

○ 2D probabilistic ESAD optimization without ensemble forecasts (but historical observations)

○ 200+ city pairs

○ ESAD reduction from 0.5% to 1.5% depending on flight range

○ fleet sizing optimisation algorithms solving LATAM

○ weather forecast (deep) learning proof of concept

● Demonstrator II

○ 3D probabilistic fuel optimization with ensemble forecasts and fuel reserve constraint

○ CRT algorithm: fast but sub-optimal

○ ANU algorithm: optimal with guarantees but slow

○ Iberia long-range flights

○ advanced fleet sizing optimisation algorithms from ANU solving LATAM and JETBLUE

“God”’s (foresight) plan DONUT In-service flight planning technos


Robust approach (optimization in hindsight)



Hindsight Optimization - Theory

Approximate MDP solving by sampling scenarios and averaging deterministic solutions (one per scenario) Used either to break MDP complexity or when probabilistic transition functions are unknown but

scenario-based transitions (our case)

Idea: approximate Q-value Q(s, a) by generating one successor state per scenario from which a deterministic planner is called then averaging over all deterministic plan’s values

Issue of standard approach: too large action space in our case

Solution: generate helpful actions as best first actions to execute from s in each scenario according to the deterministic planner



Complete optimal approach (C-SSP): problem description

• 1.




Assumption: we have access to a weather forecast model

Column Generation

Operations Research technique guaranteed to find the optimal solution.

Take-off Landing


Very cheap


C-SSP Results – Deviation Airports and Late arrival



Probabilistic vs Deterministic Flight Planning


Space use case architecture

Probabilistic Planner

Set of imaging requests

New request (large area to acquire)

Satellite Operator

Updated schedule


Execute 1st tasks

Update set of pending requests knowledge reasoning

weather planned


operator’s decisions observe

& learn


Data to be provided by ADS

User imaging requests PROPHeT simulation CRT work

Cloud processing


Markov Decision Process model

13/05/2018 © Airbus - Confidential 15

Set of image meshes completion status, image request priorities, satellite position, time

Decision: update priorities Many possible outcomes:

sets of image meshes completion status, image request priorities, satellite position, time

1 orbit = 1 PROPhET run

All requests done, compute delays cost (Tend - Tcom)


2018 space use case results

● Demonstrator I

○ (Asymptotically) optimal deterministic algorithms

○ Small artificial backlog (4 requests)

○ Preliminary results with probabilistic optimisation-in-hindsight algorithm

○ Design & testing of various optimality upper bounds

○ Up to 6x gain compared with simple operator baseline but not robust (high variance)

○ handover of SANTO algorithm to ADS (with patent)

● Demonstrator II

○ Probabilistic meta-heuristic algorithms with divide-and-conquer heuristics

○ Realistic artificial backlog (5000+ requests)

○ ANU cloud coverage data analysis highlighting need for ensemble forecasts instead of observations

○ 25% reduction in image delivery delays on average compared with simple operator baseline

Image requests

Uncertain cloud coverage

“God”’s (foresight) plan




Airbus / Météo France collaboration - 2019 internship

Météo France point of contact: Laure RAYNAUD


AIRLAPS: AIrbus RL, Automated P&S toolbox

Towards an AIRBUS-initiated framework for planning/scheduling and reinforcement learning library

Focus on "problem-solving" point-of-view (no need for user to be an algorithmic expert)

Embeds existing and future problems and solvers inside a common API

Not yet another sequential decision-making library!

Non-confidential problems and solvers to be opensourced to benefit from academic worldwide momentum

Plug & Play philosophy: e.g. Airbus problems plugged to the solvers library for

internal use but not opensourced


© Airbus - Internal


AIRLAPS framework: Domain definition



Obser vable

Fully Obser


Full Hist


Finite Hist


Marko vian

Memor y-



Initializable Uncer tain

Initializ ed Deter- ministic Initializ ed




e Cost


Actions Unr

estricted Actions Environment


Uncertain Transitions Deter- ministic

Trans- itions




(Initialization) (Goals)

Memory Observability

© Airbus - Internal


AIRLAPS framework: Solver definition

20 Restor



Uncertain Policy

Deter-ministic Policy

Utilities Q values





(Assessability) (Policy)


© Airbus - Internal


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