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ydecided at its forst meeting on 27 May 1968 was the compilation o


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Partager "ydecided at its forst meeting on 27 May 1968 was the compilation o"


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Towards a Hiberno-Latin Dictionar y

One of the projects on which the newly established National Com-mittee for Greek and Latin Studies of the Royal Irish Academ y decided at its forst meeting on 27 May 1968 was the compilation o f a Dictionary of Insular Celtic Latin down to c .1200A . D ., with special emphasis on Hibernian Latin, which accounts for the largest portio n of the relevant source material . The realisation of the plan was discus-sed at subsequent meetings ; contacts were established with Si r Roger MYNORS (Oxford), Mr . R.E. LATHAM (Public Record Office , London) and Professor J .H . BAXTER (Saint Andrews), and an informal agreement was made with the editors of the Medieval Latin Dictionary from British and Irish Sources, under the direction of R . E . LATHAM , now in process of publication, with a view to ensuring co-ordinatio n of efforts . Work on the Irish project will start as soon as the necessar y funds are available .

This would seem to be the moment for surveying briefly the wor k done in the field of Insular Latin, especially Hiberno-Latin, studie s in Ireland during the last few decades .


A fundamental instrument for HibernoLatin studies is now avail -able in the form of a collection of manuscrits of Irish interest o n microfilm in the National Library of Ireland (Dublin), begun by it s then director, Dr . R . J . HAYES, and continued by his successor, Dr . P . HENCHY . The medieval material was systematically examined, mostly on the spot, by the present writer in the course of library tours throughout Great Britain, continental Europe, and Nort h America during the years 1950 to 1970 . The material, the filming o f which is still in progress, has been summarily catalogued in eleve n volumes by R . J . HAVES, DZanuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation, Boston, Hall, 1965 ; the additional material from 1g65

onwards will be listed in a Supplement . More detailed descriptive catalogues of classified material (palaeography, hagiography, etc . )

are planned by me .

In the bibliographical survey which follows I have included som e work by Irish scholars published abroad, and some work by foreig n scholars published in Ireland .

The Latinity of Irish writers in general is discussed b y

L. BIELER,Hibernian Latin, in Studies 43 (1954) 1, pp . 92-5 . See als o his articles The Island of Scholars, in Revue du Moyen Age Latin VIII (1952), pp . 21 3-34 ; Hibernian Latin and Patristics, in Texte

und Untersuchungen, LXIII (1957), pp . 182-7 ; The Classics in Celtic Ireland, in Classical Influences on European Culture, A . D .500 -1500, ed . by R. R . BOLGAR, Cambridge University Press, 1971 , pp . 45-9, and his Irish Penitentials (Scriptores Latini Hiberniae . vol . V, see below, p . 000), pp . 27-47 . — An excellent survey o f the study of classical influences on the pre-Norman Irish culture i s W . B . STANFORD, Towards a History of Classcial Influences in Ireland ,

in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 70 C (1970), pp . 15-38 . Two important articles tackle problems of the much discusse d

Hisperica Famzn a

P . GROSJEAN, ` Confusa Caligo ', in Celtica III (1956) 35-85, and M. WINTERBOTTOM, On the Hisperica Famina, in Celtica, VIII (1968) ,

pp . 126-39 .

Virgilius Maro Grammaticus is the subject of a study b y P . GROSJEAN, Quelques Remarques sur Virgile le Grammairien, in

Medieval Studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn, S . J ., ed . by J . A . WAT T and others, Dublin, Colm O . Lochlainn, 1961, pp . 393-408 . r . The place of publication, unless indicated, is normally understood te be Dublin .


Linguistic features of a Latin text of (probably) Breton origi n are discussed by

L.BIELER, Towards an Interpretation of the so-called Canones Wallici ,

in Medieval Studies presented to Aubrey Gwynn, Dublin, 1961 , pp . 387-92 .

The lexicographer of Hibernian Latin will find ample material i n the introductions and indices of the new series of critically edite d texts, with English translation and notes, Scriptores Latini Hiberniae , published by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies :

I : The Writings of Bishop Patrick of Dublin 1074-1084, by A . GWYNN, S .J . (1955) .

II : Sancti Columbani Opera, edited by G . S . M . WALKER ( 1957 ) (the chapter on the text tradition and the Latinity, pp . Lxxill-Lxxxil, is by L . BIELER ; see also his articles The Humanis m

of St. Columbanus, in Mélanges colombaniens, 1950, pp . 95-102 ; Editing St . Columbanus, in Classica et Mediaevalia, XXI I (1962), pp . 139-50 — a reply to M . ESPOSITO, ibid., XX I (1960), pp . 184-202) .

III : Adamnan 's De Locis Sanctis, ed . by D . MEEHAN (1958), with critical text by L . BIELER (republished in Corpus Christiana

-rum, Ser . Lat . 175, 1965, pp . 175-234), who also contribute d

the section on the text tradition and the linguistic indices . IV : Itinerarium Symonis Semeonis ab Hybernia ad Terram Sanctans , edited by M . ESPOSITO (1g6o) — a fourteenth-century text by an Anglo-Norman friar from Ireland, with a very interestin g vocabulary (not ' Hibernian ') .

V : The Irish Penilentials, ed . by L . BIELER, with an Appendix by D . A . BINCHY (1963) . See also L. BIELER, The Irish Peni-tentials : their religious and social background, in Texte un d

Untersuchungen, 93 (1966), pp . 2 9-39.

VI : Dicuili Liber de Mensura Orbis Terrae, ed . by J . J . TIERNEY, with contributions (Dicuil's Latinity and versification ; text tradition ; critical text ; index Latinitatis) by L . BIELER ; see also his paper The Text Tradition of Dicuil's Liber de men-sura orbis terrae, in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy , 64 C ( 1 96 5), pp. 1-31 .

VII : Iohannis Scotti Eriugenae " Periphyseon " (De diuision e naturae), Liber prinrus, ed . by I . P . SHELDON- WILLIAMS, wit h the collaboration of L . BIELER (1968) .

VIII : Four Latin Lives of St . Patrick (Colgan's Vita Secunda, Quarta , Tertia, and Quinta), ed . by L . BIELER (1971) .


IX : lohannis Scotti Eriugenae «Periphyseon » . . . Liber secundus ,

ed . by I . P . SHELDON-WILLIAMS, with the collaboration o f L . BIELER (in the press) .

(In preparation : )

lohannis Scotti Eriugenae «Periphyseon » . . . Liber tertius

(editors as above) .

The Patrician Texts in the Book of Armagh (Muirchú, Tirechi n , etc .), ed . by L . BIELER .

The sCollectio Canonum Hibernensis », ed . by M.P . SHEEHY , with the collaboration of D . A . BINCHY .

The Latin Lives of St . Brigit, ed. by S . CONNOLLY and D . N . KISSANE .

The Treatise «De Mirabilibus Sacrae Scripturae », ed . by


Articles and Reviews :

M . G . MCGANN, ` The Distribution of Cadences in the «De Mundi Transitu» of St . Columban', in ALMA, XXXI (1961) pp. 147-9 .

L . BIELER, Review of B . LÖFSTEDT, Der hibernolateinische Gram

-matiker Malsachanus, Uppsala, 1965, in Eigse, XI, 4 (1966 pp .

300-2 .

J . HENNIG, Studies in the Latin Texts of the Martyrology of Tallaght, of Félire Gengusso and of Félire Húi Gornzain, in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 69 C (1970), pp . 45-112 .

B . BISCHOFF, « Muridac doctissimus plebis )), ein irischer Grammatiker des IX . Jahrhunderts, in Celtica, V (196o), pp . 40-44 (reprinted i n B . BISCHOFF, Mittelalterliche Studien II, 1967, pp. 51-6) .

Eriugena :

A colloquium on Johannes Scottus Eriugena was held in Dublin , July 1970, under the auspices of the Royal Irish Academy (chairma n of organising committee : Prof . J . J . 0' MEARA) . The papers read on that occasion will be published as a collection . One of these bear s directly on the author's Latinity 2 :

2 . Papers on the subject may be expected from time to time also from

mem-bers of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, which was founde d as an outcome of the 1970 colloquium.


L . BIELER, Remarks on Eriugena's Original Latin Prose . — See als o

L . BIELER, Review of Jean Scot, Homélie sur le Prologue de jean

by E . JEAUNEAU (Sources chrétiennes 151, 1969), in Latomus, 30 , (1971), pp . 4 12-3. — An excellent general introduction i s J . J . O'MEARA, Eriugena (Cork, Mercier Press, for the Cultural

Rela-tions Committee of Ireland, 1969) .

L . BIELER and B . BIscIIoFF, Fragmente zweier frühmittelalterliche r

Schulbücher aus Glenclalough, in Celtica, III (1956), pp . 211-20 .

L . PRICE, The Origin of the Word betagius, in Eriu, xx (1966), pp . 185

-90 .

Much study has been devoted to the Latinity of St . Patrick :

Editions :

Libri Epistolarum sancti Patricii episcopi (introduction, text,

com-mentary, index grammaticus) by L.BIELER,in Classica et

Mediaeva-lia, XI (1950), pp . 1-150 ; XII ( 1 95 1), pp. 79-214 ; also separately

(2 vols) , Irish Manuscripts Commission, 1952 ; Addenda in : Analect a

Hibernica, XXIII (1966), pp . 313-5 . — A new edition has bee n prepared for Sources chrétiennes by the Rt . Rev . R . P . C . Hanson , Bishop of Clogher ; see in the meantime Dr. Hanson's annotated English translation in Nottingham Mediaeval Studies, XV (1971) , pp . 3-26 .

L . BIELER, The Works of St. Patrick . — St . Secundinus, Hymn o n

St. Patrick, Ancient Christian Writers 17 (Westminster, Md . —

London, 1953) — English translation with introduction and notes .

Articles :

L . BIELER, The Place of St. Patrick in Latin Language and Literature ,

in Vigiliae Christianae, VI, 2 (1ß52), pp . 65-98 .

Chr . MOHRMANN, The Latin of St . Patrick . Four Lectures (Dublin, Institute for Advanced Studies, 1961) ; see also the review-article by L . BIELER in ÉEigse, X (1962), pp . 1 49-54.

J . J . O'MEARA, The « Confession » of St . Patrick and the « Confessions »

of St . Augustine, in Irish Eccles . Record, 5 . ser ., LXXXV (1956) ,

pp. 190-7.

J . CARNEY, St . Patrick's «Confessio », ibid ., XCVII (1962), pp . 1 48-54. L. BIELER, Exagellia, in American Journal of Philology, LXI X

( 1 948 ), PP . 309-12 .

L.BIELER, Fernassimilation und Reimzwang, in Classica et Mediaeva-lia, XV (1 954), pp . 120-3 .


T .


RAIFEARTAIGH, The reading nec a me orietur in Paragraph 3 2 of St . Patrick's Confession, in Journal of the Royal Society of Anti-quaries of Ireland, XCV (1965), pp. 189-92.

— Some Observations on Tense-Usage in St . Patrick's Writings ,

in Irish Eccles . Record, 5 . ser ., CVIII (1967), pp . 209-13 .

— St . Patrick's Twenty-Eight Days' Journey', in Irish Historical

Studies, XVI (no. 64, 1969), pp. 394-416 (textual criticism an d interpretation) .

On the disputed ` First Synod of St . Patrick ' :

D . A . BINCHY, Patrick and His Biographers (see below, p . 243) ,

PP. 45-9, 168 .

L . BIELER, Patrick ' s Synod : a revision, in Mélanges offerts à M u ° Christine Mohrmann, Utrecht-Anvers, 1963, pp. 96-102 .

D . A . BINCHY, St . Patrick's «First Synod n, in Studia Hibernica, VIII (1968), pp. 49-59.

Other Patrician Texts :

L . BIELER, The Hymn of St . Secundinus, in Proceedings of the Roya l Irish Academy, 55 C (1953), pp . 117-27 (revised edition, wit h

introduction and commentary) .

— Studies on the Text of Muirchú I : The text of MS Novara 77, i n Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 52 C (1950), pp . 179-220 ;

II : The Vienna Fragments and the Tradition of Muirchú's Text ,

ibid., 59 C (1959), pp. 181-95 (MS Vienna Ser. nov. 3642) .

— Muirchü-Interpretationen, in Wiener Studien, LXXIX (1966) , pp . 530-46 .

D . W . GREEN, An Emendation by J . B . Bury to Tirechdn, in Hernia-thena, 97 (1963) pp . 94 f ., refers toD . A . BINCHY'S defense of

Win-disch's interpretation of archiclocos ` master-thieves ' (Tfrechân , Book of Armagh fol . irr,b) as philologically legitimate, see Studi a

Hibernica . II (1962), 36 n . 83 .

L . BIELER, Interpretationes Patricianae, in Irish Eccles. Record, 5 . ser .

CVII ( 1 9 6 7), pp . 1-13 .

Relevant linguistic matters are discussed also in the books o n St . Patrick by L . BIELER (The Life and Legend of St. Patrick, Dublin,

1949 ; St. Patrick and the Coming of Christianity = A History of Iris h

Catholicism, 1 .1, Dublin, 1967 ; see also his contributions to Senchas Ardmhacha, 1961-62, pp . 9-36, Celtica, VIII, 1968, pp . 112-25, and Christianity in Britain 300-700 (Leicester Univ . Press, 1968), pp .


HANSON (Saint Patrick : His Origins and Career, Oxford, 1968) an d in the book-length article by D . A . BINCHY, Patrick and His

Bio-graphers : Ancient and Modern, in StudiaHibernica, II (1962), pp . 7

-173 . See also K . HUGHES, The Church in Early Irish Society, London , 1966, pp . 44 ff . (on the ' First Synod ') and 275 if . (English translation of, and commentary on, the Book of the Angel in the Book of Armagh) . More on the fringe of the Hiberno-Latin scholar's interest are th e following titles :

P . MACCANA, The Use of the Term Retoiric . in Celtica, VII (1966) , pp . 65-90 .

W. HAWKES, The Liturgy in Dublin, 1200-1500 : Manuscript Sources , in Reportorium Novum, II, 1 (1958), pp . 33-68 . (Prints some Latin texts, inter alia a Latin miracle play The Visit to the Sepulchre from MS Marsh's Library Z. 4 .2 .20, saec . XIV . )

A. J . Bliss, The Inscribed Slates at Scarmore, in Proceedings of the

Royal Irish Academy, 64 C (1965), pp. 33-60 (Some are in Latin,

saec . XV1 .) .

D . GLEESON and S . MACAIRT, The Annals of Roscrea, in Proceedings

of the Royal Irish Academy, 59 C (1958), pp . 137-80 (Edited fro m MS Brussels, Bibl . royale 5301-20, saec . XVII ; partly in Latin) . C . MOONEY, O . F . M ., Paenitentiarium S . Maoil-Ruain, Abbatis

Tamhlachta, inCeltica, II (,g 54), pp . 297-304 (Latin version of th e Irish original, from a MS written before A . D . 1658, N . S ., no w at St . Isidore's, Rome) .

Appendix :

Source Material of Potential Interest for Medieval Latin Lexicograph y

A . GWYNN, S . J ., Provincial and Diocesan Decrees of the Diocese of Dublin during the Anglo-Norman Period, in Archivium Hibernicum,

XI ( 1 944), PP. 31-117.

—Documents relating to the Medieval Diocese of Armagh, ibid ., XII I

( 1 947), PP . 1-29 .

Two Sermons of Primate Richard Fitzralph, ibid ., XIV ( 1 949) , pp . 50-65 (Critical edition) .

G . HAND, Cambridge University Additional MS 710, in Reportorium

Novum, II, 1 (1958), pp . 17-32 (Prints some minor Latin texts from the ` Dublin Troper ', saec . XIII-XIV) .

Two Hitherto Unpublished Membranes of Irish Petitions, Pre-sented at the Midsummer Parliament of 1302 and the Lent


Par-liament of 1305, in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 7 1 C

(1971), pp . 1-18 (P . R . O ., Parliament Rolls (Exchequer), S . C. 9 /25 , m . 2 and 9 /12, M . 16) .

J . F . LYDON, Edward II and the Revenues of Ireland in 1311-12, in Irish Historical Studies, XIV (no 53, 1964), pp. 39-57 (Prints three

Latin texts, pp . 49-53) .

— Survey of the Memoranda Rolls of the Irish Exchequer, 1294-1509 , in Analecta Hibernica, XXIII (1966), pp . 51-134 (Some Latin texts printed pp . 55-67).

— Three Exchequer Documents from the Reign of Henry the Third , in Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 65 C (1966), pp . 1-2 7 (London, Brit . Mus., MS Royal 18 .C .XIV, 233V-234 ; Dublin , National Libr. of Ireland, Harris Collectanea I, fols 211-213v and 22of) .

G . MACNIOCAILL, Register of St . Saviour's Church, Waterford, in

Analecta Hibernica, XXIII (1966), pp. 137-222 (Edited from MS London, Brit . Mus ., Harley 3765, saec . XV ex .) .

— Documents relating to the Suppression of the Templars in Ireland,

ibid ., XXIV (1967), pp . 183-226 .

Bartholomaei Anglici De Proprietatibus Rerum Liber Octavus ,

in Celtica, VIII (1968), pp . 201-42 ; IX (1971), pp . 266-315 (Iris h translation, with the Latin text printed underneath) .

M . P . SHEEHY, English Law in Medieval Ireland, in Archivium Hiber-nicum, XXIII (196o), pp . 167-175 (Edition of two Latin texts from

MSS London, Brit . Mus . Cotton Aug . II fol . io4a and Lambet h Palace 619 fol . 2o6 a ) .

— Diplomata : Unpublished Medieval Charters and Letters relating

to Ireland, ibid ., XXV (1962), pp . 12 3-35 (16 pieces) .

— The Registrum Novum : a Manuscript of Holy Trinity Cathedral :

the Medieval Charters, in Reportorium Novum, III, 2 (1963-64) ,

pp . 249-81 (Edition) .

R . A . Q . SIiERRET, Two Irish Translations of the Liber de Passion e Christi, in Celtica, VI (1963), pp . 82-117 (Two 15th-century Iris h Translations, with the Latin text opposite) .

Mention may also be made of the series of Obligationes pro annati s from a number of Irish dioceses, saec . XV-XVI, published by various authors in Archivium Hibernicum, Vols X (1943)-XXVIII (19 6 5) .

Ludwig BIELE R Dublin


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