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Assessment of irrigation water quality Kirda C. in


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Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 31 1997

pages 367-377

Article available on lin e / Article dispon ible en lign e à l’adresse :

--- http://om.ciheam.org/article.php?ID PD F=CI971550

--- To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article

--- Kirda C. Assessmen t of irrigation water qu ality. In : D upuy B. (ed.). Aspects économiques de la gestion de l'eau dans le bassin méditerranéen . Bari : CIHEAM, 1997. p. 367-377 (Options Méditerranéennes : Série A. Séminaires Méditerranéens; n. 31)






Çukurova University Faculty Agriculture

Adana, Turkey



World wide extent of saline of water resources is briefly discussed. Sampling techniques and methods of analysis of water samples with reference to irrigation quality assessment are briefly reviewed. A chronological review of irrigation-water quality criteria is presented and its limitations are discussed. It is shown that water quality alone would not suffice to evaluate potential salinity hazard of irrigation water unless consideration is given to crop, soil, climate and existing agronomic and irrigation management practices. Importance of drainage, land preparation crop rotation, specific irrigation methods and management are discussed as regard their influence on salt balance in the plant root zone.

Key words: Irrigation water quality, irrigation, salinity, salt leaching.



La vaste étendue des ressources en eau salée dans le monde est brièvement discutée. Les techniques d'échantillonnage et les méthodes d'analyse des échantillons d'eau avec référence aux normes de qualité pour l'irrigation sont examinées. Une revue chronologique des critères de qualité de l'eau d'irrigation est présentée et leurs limites sont discutées. II est montré que la qualité de l'eau seule n'est pas sufisante pour évaluer les risques de salinité potentielle de l'eau d'irrigation, moins de prendre aussi en considération les plantes, le sol, le climat, les pratiques agronomiques et la conduite de l'irrigation existantes. L'imporfance du drainage, la préparation du sol, la rotation des cultures, les méthodes d'irrigation spécifiques sont

discutées du point de vue de leur influence sur I'équilibre en sel dans la zone racinaire de la plante.

Mots-clés: Qualité de l'eau d'irrigation, irrigation, salinité, lessivement.

is the input plant

in Bulk weight of all

living consists of 80 to 90 % plant is met with

in plant condi-

tions, is

with is essential

in to maintain soil

at an optimum level to

ment of in plant

than All

in dissolved salts

face of

only with to its


Options Méditerranéennes, Sér. A /n031, 1997 Séminaires Méditerranéens


to its effects

on soils, to com-

pensate linked to

to note that not all soil deg- like salinity, soil toxicity etc.

can be to

Total salt of

not be used as a single to its use in

Even with high salt

can still be used without soil

management could take into account all affecting

point is how to maintain existing salt balance in plant zone. Total salt of field

sails is

than salt

tion than what is

actually needed, table to

and salt becomes 40-50

times of that This condition can be

with such cases,

the issue to deal with is the 1

gives of

in selected to


uses (1954) alone, 67

and 40% of the should not

have been used and

of such a high salt con- tent still being used in these and no

effect has been man-

agement implemented in these it must salt accumulation.

quality is not the only to assess suitability of

Table l - conductivity of irrigation water sources in selected countries (Amon, 1972)

ECx 106 USA


25 "C

1018 79 576 1507

250- 750 53 5 13 36

750 - 2250 37 28 35 60





28 22 3

2250 - 5000 10






6000 18 18 1

5000 - 20000 21 -


One needs 2

its analysis in is that

the sample must

special to that.

of sampling depending on such

must be mid-way along the width of the

should come the and the deepest of the lake. is best if

fi-om dams comes ftom the the

leaves the take

the mounts the lakes. Samples deep wells must be taken 15 to 20 min- utes

schemes taken

to that no mixing takes place with tail Som the fields. Samples in 1 to 2 glasses

to the should be ana- lyzed without delay to biological



Assessment of irrigation water quality 369

of analysis



g.m-3, me.lt-' and the like.


and in

with anion (SOL') is usually analyzed with method. Sulfate is out with addition solution to the

with is

in the sample. Calcium and magnesium of the


and the simplest method of

potassium is to

some using

tion if available.


Scofield (1935) is among the putting

to assess had

toxic effects of Cl-' and



tion 2).

classification and ne- glected potential toxicity


tion suggested by Wilcox and to called "effective salinity" (ES) to solubility of dif-

salts likely to in can simply be calculated by

tions of Ca and fkom the total salt it is that they can

out in soil a new

he also gave con-

to soil 5).

Table 2


Concentration limits for irrigation water quality (ScoJield, 1935).


E C x l Total salt Na ratio cl-l

(PPW % s04m2

25" C (mel) (me/l)

1. Very good c250 c1 75 c4 c4

2. Good 250- 750 175- 525 20- 40 4- 7 4- 7

3. Can be used 750- 2000 525- 1400 40- 60 12 7- 12

Use with caution 2000- 1400- 2100 80 12- 20 12- 20

5. Harmful 21 8 0 ~ 20C 20c

Table 3 - water Class

1 25" C

Total salt Na ratio Boron

(PPW % (PPm)

1. c1 c700 c60 ~ 0 . 5

2. 1000- 3000 700- 2000 60- 75 0.5- . 2.0

3. 2000c 75< 2.0c


Table 4


water classes. (Doneen, 1954)

Class Class Class

good hazardous very hazardous

Criteria Very good






E C x l C O00 1000-

Boron, ppm



Table 5


Classijìcation of irrigation water based on (Doneen, 1958)

Soil characteristics ES Class Class Class

Little or no leaching me/l . 3 -

(Clay soils) PPm c1 165


Low leaching, drainage is me/l




restricted (Silty soils) PPm


Good drainage (Sandy me/l


soils) PPm


Long-time effects of

physical of soil depend mainly on total salt,

tion of initial soil

ties of soil itself. a con-

cept called to assess

influence on physical

of soils. The can be calculated using

gation the two constituents of the classes of saliity

to assess

Salinity is based on conductivity A concept called sodium ad- value is calculated using



JHCOL' ) l Cations [l


ion given in me.1-l.

1 can be used to assess the long-time in-

fluence of soil


soil as well

developed by US

Saliity (1954) has

wide acceptance in many Total salt con- of the

given in me/l. 2

can be used to classes in

which a given can be placed using

EC and values.

et al. (1977) have to use a to assess

quality. They defined 6 classes of

tion total salt so-

dium value, sodium

effective salinity and of the


Assessment irrigation water quality 371


















2 - Diagram for irrigation water quality classification (ìX'SL, 1954).

Table 6 - Limit values to assess irrigation water quality

Quality ~ ~ ~ 1 0 3 Na Na2C03 ES Boron


(meIl> (me/l) (meIl> (PW)

3 3




4 3.0 3.0 3.0

90 20 32


* Values are higher than those of quality


Assessment of irrigation water quality 373


including fiom that it was not possible, to define


main emphasis of was on ionic com- position of the they did not con- salt of plant species, in a given

A class of in a given

may well be

quality in a

to use

only as a

and to plant, soil and climatic conditions in the final evaluation of the

Guidelines for irrigation water quality

Committee of Con-

"guidelines", which evolved fiom

long of finding of US


(Table 7) tackle mainly

ability, toxicity and miscellaneous. The guidelines flexible and should be modified in with

special climate, method of

in the

Table 7


Guidelines for irrigation water quality (Ayers, 1977) Problems and Water quality guidelines

related constituent No problem Increased prob. Severe prob.


ECw Permeability

ECw ~ 0 . 5

adj .SAR ~ 6 . 0

Specific ion toxicity 1 .Root adsorption

Na(adj.SAR) Chloride

me.]-" 0.0 >l


PPm <l

Boron, ppm ~ 0 . 5 2.0-1 0.0


2. Foliar application



PPm <l --

3. Micelleneous

NH4-N, NO3-N for sensitive crops HC03 with overhead sprinkler PPm

me.¡-" <l .5 l


PH normal range


Soil conditions

Salt accumulation is closely to soil ability. Salinization of soils with heavy clay

is than that of light

sandy soils. Use of high Na

(i.e., > 10) in soil of low

meability may cause in the

ability. Thus, the salinkation

of high

salt long of

time with no indication of salinization, in in

no salinization is possibly due to light soil

Additionally, specific used in such highly salt some cases, blocks, is

to high 2300

used, but only in sandy soils with

systems. some of example the

has an unusual1 high salt 8000 to 10000 mg.1- .

, specific

to to maintain

existing soil is only allowed once in two Only deep soils (2 - 3m) of light

Salts accumulated the season can


,ing 400-600 mm a n n d y . Additional limitation is that such as maize and tomato can be grown successfully, in these


Crop salt tolerance

in light

of salt a given quality of

gation significant yield

effect may be ob- special-

ists, f m should

salt as in

evaluation of 1977).


than in climates.

calls up high amount of

application, which in turn, salt in

annual is

quality may not be of con-

if land Annual

tion amounting 400-500 mm may be quite adequate to salt accumulation

Seasonal changes of water quality

Quality of is not

seasons. Salt of lakes and man

made the end of

change of the de-

of the

the salt change is only 10-20 % in bodies of it may be as high as 100 % in

small ponds, lakes and Nile,

example, has the least salt

floods; salt is

ing the show

the least fluctuations in salt

shallow wells may show changes.


sessed its seasonal fluctuations in salt


Salt balance in plant zone depends on tion

scheduling and on soil and climatic condi- tions. Guidelines discussed below may help to


is the

gated systems complemen-


is not adequate. is essential that an

open system must be

implemented in the

age, continuity of existing soil will al- Climate

Annual in a given influences signifi-

cantly salt balance in plant zone. and is


Assessment of irrigation water quality 375

irri- soil Occasional deep ploughmg

in soils

methods being used. Land levelling


a completely soil in

such that it should in- to salinity (Fig. 3).

3 - of seed bed and soil salinity in&rrow irrigation (Bernstein et al., 1955).

Crop rotation

When it is high salt

should also be included in the


balance in plant it

application which leaches excess

salts left in a good field

cultivation is essential.

methods and management basin

to to minimize salinization

when good quality of is not in leaching of excess soil salts, is not


of but applied

soil al-

lowed to fluctuate within a

to field capacity. such cases,

has been shown that is

effective in leaching of saline soils et al., 1972; et al., 1974) than meth-


amount of in

tems than

systems, some salt accumulation may be evident


within the soil at the end of each

season. annual is not enough to leach ac- cumulated salts,

to maintain the salt balance. low

tion systems, like meth-

is applied in small quantities,

on daily basis. soil is

kept high in such

soil content cause low osmotic potential (i.e.,

low salt salt

contents of 2000 to 3000 can be safely used without any significant

some salt accumulation is unavoidable at the end of the season. annual is not enough to leach the accumulated salts, the leaching


quality of is such that it may cause soil sa- linity,

to accumulation of salts in plant zone. Seasonal changes of salt

tion in plant zone is

it should not be of soil

salinity to show an the

in a the existing management system needs to be examined.

Each application salts to plant

zone. Although accumulation of salts can be season, soil salinity must not be allowed on an-

nual basis fiom to that

to maintain salt balance within the soil salinity balance in

is as as

balance within plant zone (i.e., soil as


is G capil-

fiom ET


one can salt balance equation as


C is of

nents shown with indexes. the balance equation, salt and salt

ET and assumed to Us-

ing equations [3] and [4] and assuming that is no seepage hom high lands

the following 1973)

Ctk -


Ctk - Ci


soil defined as Ctk is soil salt concen- at field capacity


additional equalities of The equations [5] and [6] can also be

in conductivity units:



~ 7 1

ECe and in

(dS.m-') of soil satu- of

tively. EC of

EC of with the equa-

tion both coefficient

out flow) and

estimated using the equations [7] and [8], salt accumulation

is essentially nil. methods is applied may cause salt

accumulation the annual

is not sufficient to leach out the accu- mulated salts such systems, then salt leaching is essential off-season

should be commented that less

amount of salts is new methods of

such as the like,

as to meth-

leaching of annually accumulated salts should not

be of a annual

may be sufficient the leaching. the


Assessment irrigation water quality 377


sustain soil

is not enough to is not

possible to classifl of

well as existing and

in a given in the final


to potential salinity if

the quality of guideline to

tices in to maintain existing

soil with the benefits of high

Amon, J. in and London.

Ayers, (1977). Quality ASCE, 103:135-154.

Bernstein, in Valley,

4. pp16..

Christiausen, J.E., Olsen, E.C., Willardson, (1977). quality. J.

ASCE 103: 155-169.

(1954). Salinization of soils by salt in

(1958). Quality of on Quality of

(ed) No. 14., pp 208.




Biggar, J.W. on leaching. Soil

Sci. 117: 323-330.

salt - Cument assessment. J. and

ASCE 103: 115-134.

G.J. (1972). and ponding techniques saline 11 15-1 117.

Scofield, C.S. (1935). Salinity of Annual


Alkali Soils. 60,

(1973) Salt balance and and Aplications

Wilcox, (1943). of and Salt of

U.S. of


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