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日本語の口頭運用能力の向上を目指す学習課題 : 「発音と話し方」eポートフォリオの試み


Academic year: 2022

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BATJ Journal No.21 Abstracts


Abstract 要旨


―「発音と話し方」e ポートフォリオの試み―

ゲント大学・お茶の水女子大学 小熊利江

本研究では、普段の授業内で指導時間を設けることが難しい、口頭運用能力の向上を目指す活動をeポー トフォリオ作成課題として導入を試みた。学生は2週間ごとに提示される5つのトピックについて短い発話 を録音し、大学のオンラインシステム上にアップロードする。教師は毎回、各学生の録音に対して発音や話 し方に関するフィードバックを口頭で個別に行い、その録音を同システム上にアップロードする。学生と教 師の録音は全て同システム上に公開し、クラス内の他学生も聞けるようにした。最後に、学生は自分の録音 とそれに対するフィードバックを全て聞いてふり返りシートを記入し、eポートフォリオ作成活動の内省を 行った。

学生のふり返りシートを分析した結果、自分の発音や話し方が本実践を通して改善したと認識しているこ とがわかった。特に、全体的な話し方の印象に関わる音声特徴の発音がよくなったと評価する傾向が見られ た。学生の自由記述には、発音に関する気づきの言及が多く見られ、本活動によって学生の発音の習得プロ セスが促進されたということができる。



小熊利江(2011)「e-learning音読授業における『発音セルフチェック活動』の実践」,『BATJ Journal』12号,


‘Pronunciation and Speech’ e-Portfolio:

A learning task for improving Japanese oral proficiency

Rie Oguma Ghent University / Ochanomizu University

This research examines a learning task, ‘Pronunciation and Speech’ e-Portfolio, which was introduced in a university Japanese course as an assignment. The task aimed to improve students’ pronunciation and their overall way of speaking in Japanese.

In making the e-Portfolio, students recorded a short talk on a designated topic and uploaded it onto the university’s online learning management system. Subsequently, the teacher gave oral personalized feedback to each student’s recordings. The students performed this activity five times over the period of the semester. At the end, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire which required them to both assess their speaking ability and to reflect on the activity, after listening to all of their own recordings and to the teacher’s feedback. The recordings of the students and the teacher were also made accessible to other students with the purpose of learning from one another.

The students’ reflections demonstrated that they had noticed that their pronunciation and their overall way of speaking had improved through this activity. In particular, they tended to remark that some of their phonetic features had improved which were closely related to the overall impression of their speech utterances. In addition, the students often mentioned in their reflections that they had become more aware of their pronunciation. This indicated that their acquisition process of Japanese pronunciation had been enhanced, according to Second Language Acquisition theories.


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