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Bloch-wave homogenization for spectral asymptotic analysis of the periodic Maxwell operator


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Submitted on 3 Dec 2007

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Bloch-wave homogenization for spectral asymptotic analysis of the periodic Maxwell operator

Kirill Cherednichenko, Sébastien Guenneau

To cite this version:

Kirill Cherednichenko, Sébastien Guenneau. Bloch-wave homogenization for spectral asymptotic anal-

ysis of the periodic Maxwell operator. Journal Waves Random Complex Media, 2007, 17 (4), pp.627-

651. �10.1080/17455030701551930�. �hal-00186688�


Bloch wave homogenisation for spectral asymptotic analysis of the periodic Maxwell operator

K. D. Cherednichenko

∗ †

, S. Guenneau

December 3, 2007


This paper is devoted to the asymptotic behaviour of the spectrum of the three-dimensional Maxwell operator in a bounded periodic heterogeneous dielectric mediumT= [−T, T]3, T >0,as the structure periodη,such thatη−1T is a positive integer, tends to 0.The domainTis extended periodically to the whole of R3, so that the original operator is understood as acting in a space of T-periodic functions.

We use the so-called Bloch wave homogenisation technique which, unlike the classical homogenisation method, is capable of characterising a renormalised limit of the spectrum (called theBloch spectrum).

The related procedure is concerned with sequences of eigenvalues Λη of the order of the square of the medium period, which correspond to the oscillations of high-frequencies of orderη−1. The Bloch-wave description is obtained via the notion of two-scale convergence for bounded self-adjoint operators, and a proof of the “completeness” of the limiting spectrum is provided.

Keywords: Electromagnetic waves, periodic structures, two-scale convergence, spectrum.

1 Introduction

The problem of determining the effective properties of a composite periodic medium in the context of electrostatics is an old one, and has been studied extensively, starting with the paper [11] by Lorenz. However, when the electric fields exhibit time-dependence one moves into the area of electromagnetism, which is a less-developed subject, at least in the context of the effective response of periodic composite media. In this respect it may be helpful to recall that although practitioners often make use of the traditional static formulae in the dynamic regime, this technique, generally known as the “quasi-static limit”, tacitly relies on a set of assumptions about the fields in the material; namely, that their wavelengths are long in comparison with the typical size of heterogeneity. In this respect it seems to be of interest to investigate the material response when the wavelengths and the average period of variations in the conducting properties become comparable, thus inducing significant scale interactions. Whether the material then supports the imposed oscillations, such as an externally applied electric signal, becomes a non-trivial question, requiring a new averaging procedure of some sort.

There are several recent examples of similar kind, where the limiting procedure has exhibited a strong dependence on the precise way in which the underlying length-scales become small, seee.g. [13], [17]. Most of them are due to some sort of contrast in the properties at different points of the composite, which makes it possible to have comparatively short waves in selected parts of the medium. It seems equally plausible to imagine, however, that the external frequency is high enough already to warrant the existence of scale interaction effects in the medium. Several works investigating this possibility have been written by Allaire and Conca, in the context of fluid-solid structures [2], [4], as well as for a scalar elliptic equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions [3]. The present paper deals with an analogous problem in the context of electromagnetic waves. In order to avoid technical complications unrelated to the aim of the present study, we restrict ourselves to the case of periodic boundary conditions, thus excluding a possibility of the emergence of a “boundary layer spectrum”, see e.g. [3]. Throughout the paper we use bold type to denote various spaces of vector functions, such asL2, or Cper; the subscript “per” will refer to the respective spaces of periodic functions. Given an operatorA, we use the notationσ(A) for its spectrum.

Consider an isotropic dielectric medium occupying the domainT= [−T, T]3⊂R3of fixed period 2T >0, which is extended periodically toR3and composed of (η−12T)3periodicity cells with a small periodη∈Ξ,

School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, Senghennydd Road, Cardiff, CF24 4AG; E-mail: cherednichenkokd@cardiff.ac.uk

Corresponding author

Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Peach Street, Liverpool, L69 3BX; E-mail: guen- neau@liverpool.ac.uk


where the set Ξ is defined by Ξ :={η >0 :η−1T ∈N}.Such a composite medium can be a model of what is known as the photonic crystal [16]. The analysis of electromagnetic modes in such a medium amounts to looking for pairs1η,Hη)∈IR+× Hper(curl,T),Hη 6≡0, such that



¢= Λ−1η Hη, (1.1)

where ε(x,x/η) is the (matrix) relative permittivity of the medium at the point x. The set of all first elements Λη of such pairs is referred to as the spectrum of (1.1), and we denote it by ση. We assume that ε(x,y) ∈ Cper¡


, where Y := [0,1]3, and thatε(x,y) ≥I for a.e. (x,y) ∈ T×Y, which, in the case when the medium is isotropic, means thatε(x,y) is bounded below at almost every point by the permittivity of vacuum. It follows from the above two conditions that the operator in the left-hand side of (1.1) is uniformly elliptic (or “coercive”). The equation (1.1) is understood in the weak sense,i.e.



ε−1(x,x/η)curlHη(x)·curlϕ(x)dx= Λ−1η Z


Hη(x)·ϕ(x)dx for anyϕ∈Cper(T).Note in particular that for any solution of (1.1) one has divHη = 0.

In order to study the spectrum of (1.1) for eachη∈Ξ, consider the Green operatorGη in L2(T) defined for every f ∈ L2(T) by Gηf =uη, where uη is the unique solution (by the Lax-Milgram lemma, see e.g.

[10]) inHper(curl,T) of the problem curl¡


¢+uη=f. (1.2)

Clearly,Gηis self-adjoint and it can also be shown that it is compact, we can thus writeσ(Gη) ={0,1}S

{Λ˜kη}k≥1, where for eachηthe sequence ˜Λkηconverges to 0 ask→ ∞.In the above union we include every eigenvalue as many times as is its multiplicity, so that to each ˜Λkη is associated a normalised eigenfunction2 ukη ∈L2sol(T) such thatkukηkL2(T)= 1 and the family{ukη}k≥1 is an orthonormal basis ofL2sol(T).The eigenvalues ˜Λkη are related to the eigenvalues of (1.1) by the formula ˜Λkη = (Λkη+ 1)−1Λkη.

The aim of this paper is to study the asymptotic behaviour of the spectrumση when the periodηgoes to zero along the set Ξ.In what follows we focus on high frequencies, but it seems worth giving an outline of the main result for the “low-frequency” limit. In this case it is known (seee.g. [9], [8]) that whenf ∈L2(T),the solutionsuη of (1.2) converge strongly inL2(T) to a limituhom,which is a unique solution inHper(curl,T) of the homogenised problem:



+uhom =f, (1.3)

where the effective matrixεhom(x) is given by3 εhom(x)ξ·ξ= inf








dy (1.5)

for anyξ∈R3.

Further, asη →0, the restrictions toL2sol(T) of the operators Gη converge in norm to the restriction to L2sol(T) of the limit operator G defined for every f ∈L2(T) byGf =uhom, where uhom is the solution of (1.3). This fact follows from the weak compactness of the unit ball inL2(T) and the above mentioned result that when a sequence offη ∈L2sol(T) weakly converges tof ∈L2sol(T) one has the strong convergence in L2(T) ofGηfηtoGf.[The proof of an analogous statement can be found in [3, Theorem 2.2].] Clearly,Gis a compact self-adjoint operator and one hasσ(G) ={0,1}S

{Λ˜k}k≥1,where the eigenvalues ˜Λkare listed in the decreasing order and limk→+∞Λ˜k = 0.The min-max principle (seee.g. [7]) implies that|Λ˜kη−Λ˜k| ≤ kGη−Gk. Therefore, the above convergence in norm yields the convergence of each individual eigenvalue ˜Λkη labelled in the decreasing order, and therefore of each eigenvalue Λkη of (1.1). In particular, when η →0, the set

1The spaceHper(curl,T) is defined as the closure of the setCper(T) of T-periodic infinitely smooth vector functionsϕ with respect to the normkϕkL2(T)+kcurlϕkL2(T).

2The spaceL2

sol(T) is defined to consist of those functions inL2(T) whose divergence vanishes, with the Hilbert structure induced fromL(T).Denote byHper1 (T) the closure ofCper(T) in the normkϕkL2(T)+k∇ϕkL2(T).Then the divergence divu of a vector functionuL2(T) is a functional onHper1 (T) defined by the formulahdivu, ϕi=R

Tu(x)· ∇ϕ(x)dx.

3This representation is consistent with the classical homogenisation result in two dimensions for a sequenceuη=u3η(x1, x2)e3

(transverse electric polarisation), involving the inverse of the matrixε(x,y) in the definition (1.5), see [18]. This can be obtained by examining the dual form of (1.5) associated toε−1hom(x) :

ε−1hom(x)ξ·ξ= inf








dy. (1.4)


ση converges (in the Hausdorff sense4) to©

(1−Λ)−1Λ : Λ∈σ(G)ª

.However, this convergence result alone does not say anything about the asymptotic behaviour of sequences of eigenvalues Λk(η)η whenη→0, where k(η)→ ∞(which corresponds to high frequencies Λ−1η ), and this is the issue that we address in the present work. It turns out that the behaviour of the eigenvalues Λη as η →0 depends on the way they are scaled withη.In particular, three different limiting operators can be constructed, depending on whether the limit ofη−2Λη is finite, infinite, or zero. The first case, which is of greatest interest in applications, corresponds to a limiting operator with a band-gap spectrum.

We now outline the plan of the paper. In Section 2, we recall the concept of two-scale convergence for sequences in L2(T) and adapt it to sequences of bounded self-adjoint operators. In Sections 3 and 4, we characterise the limit spectrum of the type limη→0η−2ση. Following [3], we will study the eigenvalues of order η2. Via a change of spectral parameter in (1.1), we look for pairs (µη,Hη) ∈ IR+× Hper(curl,T), Hη6≡0, such that



+Hη−1η Hη. (1.6)

This transformation of (1.1) into (1.6) keeps unchanged the eigenfunctions and changes the eigenvalues Λη

toµη= (η2+ Λη)−1Λη, ensuring thatµη ∼1 if Λη ∼η2.

The problem (1.6) generates an operatorSη ∈ L(L2(T)) defined for eachf ∈L2(T) bySηf =vη,where vη is the unique solution inHper(curl,T) of the problem



+vη =f.

It can be shown that Sη converge weakly to the identity operator, but this fact does not provide any information on the behaviour of the spectra ofSη.The latter issue can be handled using the notion of two- scale convergence [1], whereby the limit operatorSK defined for everyK∈Nacts on the spaceL2(T×KY).

The (renormalised) limit ofση will then be determined by studying the spectraσ(SK), K ∈N,via the Bloch wave decomposition. For this, we introduce a family of limit problems, whereby for every (x,θ)∈T×Y, we look for pairs (µ(x,θ),v(y))∈R+× Hper(curl, Y) satisfying the equation




+v(y)e2πiθ·y =µ(x,θ)−1v(y)e2πiθ·y. (1.7) For the spectrumσ(x,θ) of the problem (1.7) we haveσ(x,θ) ={0,1}S

k(x,θ)}k≥1,where the sequence µk(x,θ) converges to 0.It can be shown that for each fixedk, the eigenvalueµk(x,θ) is a continuous function of (x,θ) (cf. [3]). We then define the Bloch spectrum (band spectrum) by

σBloch:={0,1} ∪ [


h min

(x,θ)∈T×Yµk(x,θ), max


(1.8) Note that σBloch is the spectrum of a non-compact operator that maps every vector-function f(x,y) ∈ L2(T×Y) to the solutionw(x,y)∈L2¡

T,Hper(curl, Y)¢ of curly¡


+w(x,y) =f(x,y) a.e.x∈T. (1.9) In Section 5 we characterise the limit spectrum for other scalings. An appropriate multi-scale generalisa- tion of the two-scale convergence method [5] is used to study the spectra of the typesa−2η ση,whereaη ≫η oraη ≪η.Section 6 is devoted to numerical illustration of the spectrum convergence result in the “critical”

caseaη ∼η.Finally, the Appendix contains some of the technical material related to the results of the paper.

2 Two-scale convergence for operators

The notion of two-scale convergence was introduced by Nguetseng and Allaire (see [12], [1]) for sequences of bounded vector functions inL2-norm. In what follows, we recall its definition, some of it basic properties and adapt it to sequences of bounded self-adjoint operators, see also [8].

Definition 1. Consider a bounded setT⊂RN and an integerK∈N.

i) A vector function ϕ ∈ L2(T×KY) is said to be admissible if the functions ϕη(x) = ϕ(x,x/η), η∈(0,1], are uniformly bounded in L2(T) and satisfy the condition

η→0lim Z




2dx= 1 KN








4We say thatσηconverges toσin the Hausdorff sense if max{supλ1∈σηinfλ2∈σ1λ2|,supλ2∈σinfλ1∈ση1λ2|} →0 asη0.


ii) Denote byη a sequence of positive numbers converging to zero. A sequenceuη of functions in L2(T) is said to weakly two-scale converge tou0(x,y)∈L2(T×KY), in which case we write uη⇀⇀u0,if for any admissibleψ e.g. ψ(x,y)∈C¡

T, Cper(KY)¢

, one has

η→0lim Z


u(x)·ψ(x,x/η)dx= 1 KN






iii) A sequenceuη of functions inL2(T)is said to strongly two-scale converge tou0(x,y)∈L2(T×KY), and we writeuη→→u0,if any of the two equivalent statements holds:


uη⇀⇀u0 and lim






2dx= 1 KN








b) For any sequence vη such that vη⇀⇀v∈L2(T), Z


uη(x)·vη(x)dxη→0−→ 1 KN






iv) A sequence Sη of operators in L2(T) is said to strongly two-scale converge to an operator S in L2(T×KY))if for any sequence fη ∈L2(T)such thatfη →→f ∈L2(T×KY)one hasSηfη →→ Sf.

The crucial property of the two-scale convergence that makes it useful in studying elliptic PDEs is the compactness of bounded sets inL2(T), see e.g. [1]. The usual argument therefore is to establish a bound on a solution sequence and then infer an equation on the limit of its subsequence. The notion of two-scale operator convergence, in turn, allows one to simplify the derivation of the associated spectral convergence. In fact, given a sequence of bounded linear self-adjoint operatorsSη,one can state the following result on strong two-scale convergence for the families of the associated spectral projections{Eλ(Sη)}λ∈R(cf. [8]). We recall that for a given operatorA,the functionEλ(A) is non-decreasing, upper semi-continuous, non-negative, and satisfies the identityEλ(A)Eµ(A) =Emin{λ,µ}(A) for anyλ, µ∈R(seee.g. [7], [14]).

Lemma 1. Let Sη be a sequence of bounded linear self-adjoint operators in L2(T) that strongly two-scale converges to an operatorS inL2(T×KY).ThenS is linear and self-adjoint, and for anyµ∈Rthat is not an eigenvalue ofS,one hasEµ(Sη)→→Eµ(S)asη →0.

Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that µ = 0, for otherwise, the sequence Sη−µI can be considered. The linearity and self-adjointness ofS is clear from that of Sη and the fact that Sη two-scale converge toS.Further, for any sequencefη∈L2(T) such thatfη→→f ∈L2(T×KY) we haveSηfη →→ Sf and Sη2fη →→ S2f. It is clear that by iterating this procedure we prove that for any polynomial P the convergenceP(Sη)→→P(S) holds as η→0.

Since the operatorsSη, η∈Ξ,are bounded, and for anyf ∈L2(T),Sηf → Sf inL2(T),by the Banach- Steinhaus theorem (seee.g. [7], [15])Sη are uniformly bounded. Hence, there exists a constantC >0 such that ση ⊂[−C, C] for any η ∈ (0,1], and by the spectral theorem the operators Sη, η ∈ (0,1], and S can be composed with any continuous functionF on [−C, C].Notice that for any polynomial P and a sequence fη∈L2(T),fη →→f ∈L2(T×KY), we have

F(Sη)fη−F(S)f =¡

F(Sη)fη−P(Sη)fη¢ +¡

P(Sη)fη−P(S)f¢ +¡

P(S)f −F(S)f¢ . Further, there existsc >0 such that


°L2(T)≤ kfηkL2(T) sup



¯≤ckF−PkL([−C,C]), and


°L2(T)≤ kfkL2(T×KY)°


°L(L2(T×KY))≤ kfkL2(T×KY)kF−PkL([−C,C]). By the Weierstrass theorem there is a sequence of polynomialsPn such thatkF−PnkL([−C,C])→0.Hence we deduce that

F(Sη)fη →→F(S)f. (2.10)

Now, consider a continuous functionGonRsuch thatG(λ) = 1 whenλ≤0, G(λ) = 0 whenλ≥1 and

|G(λ)| ≤1 forλ∈[0,1].For anyn∈N,the spectral theorem (seee.g. [7], [14]) implies5 G(nSη)fη=



G(nλ)dEλ(Sη)fη= Z 0




fη. (2.11)

5The integrals with respect to the spectral projections are understood in the sense of Stieltjes, seee.g.[15].


We claim that the last term in (2.11) converges to zero strongly inL2(T) asn→ ∞,and the convergence is uniform in η. Indeed, consider a continuous function ψ on R such that ψ(λ) = 1 when 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, suppψ⊂[−1,2],andψ(λ)≥0 for anyλ∈R.Then for anyδ >0 and any subsequenceηn one has



ψ(δ−1λ)dEλ(S)f,f À

= lim




ψ(δ−1λ)dEλ(Sηn)fηn,fηn À

≥ lim


¿Z 1/n


dEλ(Sηn)fηn,fηn À

= lim





¡E1/n(Sηn)−E0(Sηn)¢ fηn°



2 L2(T),

where the angle brackets denote the usual scalar products inL2(T×KY) andL2(T),and the first expression tends to zero asδ→0 in view of the assumption thatµ= 0 is not an eigenvalue ofS.Since the subsequence ηn was arbitrary, the above claim follows. Combining it with the straightforward observation thatG(nS)f converge in L2(T) to E0(S)f as n → ∞ and invoking (2.10) with F(·) = G(n·) we conclude that the convergenceE0(Sη)fη →→E0(S)f holds.

The convergence of spectral families gives little information about the pointwise convergence of the spectra. As an alternative to the above lemma we have the following result.

Lemma 2. Consider a family of operatorsSη ∈ L(L2(T))and an operatorS ∈ L(L2(T×KY)).IfSη→→S then for anyµ∈σ(S)there exists a sequenceµη∈σ(Sη) such thatµη →µasη→0.

Proof. Suppose the opposite is true, i.e. µ ∈ σ(S) and there exists δ > 0 such that for any sequence µη∈σ(Sη) one has|µη−µ|> δ. For anyf ∈Cper(T×KY) we can then write








= sup







Passing to the two-scale limit asη→0 in the above inequality yields δkfkL2(T×KY)≤ sup








·ϕ(x,y)dydx=kSf−µfkL2(T×KY). (2.12) By the density ofCper(T×KY) inL2(T×KY) and the boundedness ofS we obtain the inequality (2.12) for anyf ∈L2(T×KY),which is a contradiction with the assumption thatµ∈σ(S).

3 Bloch-wave homogenisation

In this section we prove the convergence of spectral families associated to sequences of eigenvalues of the order η2 for the problem (1.1). The physical application of this model is based on the property of the possible appearance of photonic band gaps in the spectrum,i.e. a range of frequencies for which no wave can propagate within the medium. This result is based on the following statement.

Theorem 1. Consider the domainT= [−T, T]3, andη∈Ξ.We look for uη ∈ Hper(curl,T) such that η2curl¡


+uη=fη, (3.13)

with a coercive matrixε(x,y)whose entries are in Cper¡

T, L(Y)¢

,andfη ∈L2(T).

i) The solution of (3.13) exists and is unique inHper(curl,T).

ii) Suppose that K ∈ N and fη →→ f ∈ L2(T×KY). Then there is a subsequence of problems (3.13), for which we keep the same index η, such that uη →→ u0 and ηcurluη ⇀⇀ curlyu0, where u0 ∈ L2(T,Hper(curl, KY))and for almost every x∈Tthe function u0(x,·)is a solution of


ε−1(x,y)curlyu0) +u0=f(x,·). (3.14) Proof. See the Appendix.

Remark 1. It can be shown via a standard argument that the convergences uη →→ u0 and ηcurluη ⇀⇀ curlyu0,hold for the whole original sequence of indicesη, not just for a subsequence.


Corollary 1. Let Sη be a sequence of operators defined on the space L2(T) by Sηf = uη, where uη ∈ Hper(curl,T)is the solution of (3.13). Then

i) For everyK∈Nthe strong two-scale convergenceSη →→ SK holds. HereSK is defined onL2(T×KY) by the formulaSKf =u0, whereu0∈L2(T,Hper(curl, KY))is the unique solution of (3.14).

ii) If µ ∈ R is not an eigenvalue of SK, then Eµ(Sη) →→ Eµ(SK), and for any K ∈ N the inclusion σ(SK)⊂limη→0σ(Sη)holds.

Proof. The part i) follows form the fact thatuη →→uand the definition of the strong two-scale convergence of operators. The part ii) is then an immediate consequence of Lemma 1 and Lemma 2.

The above corollary provides only a part of the proof of the spectral convergence, namely the statement that all Bloch eigenvalues are included in the limiting (rescaled) spectrum. Indeed, the convergence of Sη to SK cannot be uniform, for Sη is compact but SK is not (cf. [3]). Hence, we can only deduce the lower semi-continuity of the spectrum i.e. that for any K ∈ N one has σ(SK) ⊂ limη→0σ(Sη). In order to analyse the spectra of the operators SK, a discrete Bloch wave decomposition (see [7]) is used, which allows one to diagonalise SK via a representation SK = BTKB where B is an isometry between L2(T×KY) and [L2(T×Y)]K3defined byBu={uˆj},whenu(x,y) =P

0≤j≤K−1j(x,y) exp(2iπK−1j·y), cf. [3]. As K → ∞, the Bloch frequencies K−1j are dense in Y and it is natural to introduce θ ∈ Y that parameterises the resolvent operators Tθ,x ∈ L¡


associated with the problems (1.7), so that TK = diag[Tj−1K]0≤j≤K−1, where for any θ ∈ Y, the operator Tθ maps f ∈ L2(T×Y) to the (unique) solutionu(x,y)∈ Hper(curl,T) of the equation (cf. (1.7))





Finally, noting that the eigenvaluesµ(x,θ) of Tθ,x are continuous (see e.g. [3] and references therein), we conclude that limK→∞σ(SK) =S

θ∈Y σ(Tθ) =S

x∈T,θ∈Yσ(Tθ,x)≡σBloch,whereσBlochis defined by (1.8).

Hence,σBloch⊂limη→0σ(Sη). In the next section we show that in fact limη→0σ(Sη)\σBloch=∅.

4 Completeness of the limiting spectrum

In order to substantiate the claim made at the end of the previous section, for any µ ∈ σBloch we will:

1) Construct “approximate eigenfunctions” for the permittivity matrixε(x,y) “frozen” at a certain value x = x0, and then 2) Use the so-called “Bloch measure” technique (cf. [3]) to show that as η → 0, the Bloch components of these approximate eigenfunctions correspond to Bloch eigenvalues concentrating near µ.Hence, we start be proving the following “macroscopic localisation” lemma.

Lemma 3. Let µη be a sequence of eigenvalues for the problem η2curl¡



+uη−1η uη, (4.15)

that converges to a limitµ, anduη∈ Hper(curl,T)is the sequence of the corresponding eigenfunctions.

Then there exists a subsequence ofηj,a pointx0∈T,and a sequenceu˜j∈ Hper(curl,T),ku˜jkL2(T)= 1, of quasi-eigenfunctions for the matricesε−1(x0,x/ηj),i.e. T-periodic solutions of an equation of the form



+ ˜uj−1ηjj+rj, whererη is a remainder term, which is T-periodic and is such that6


hrj,wjiH−1,Hper(curl,T)η→0−→0 (4.16) for any sequence of non-zerowj∈ Hper(curl,T).

Proof. See the Appendix.

We are now in a position to execute the second step of the plan proposed at the beginning of the section, which we formulate next.

Theorem 2. Let uη ∈ Hper(curl,T), η ∈Ξ, be a sequence of eigenfunctions for the problem (4.15), such thatkuηkL2(T)= 1 andlimη→0µη =µ. Then the limitµbelongs to the Bloch spectrumσBloch.

6We defineH−1 as the space of linear bounded functionals onHper(curl,T),andh·,·iH−1,Hper(curl,T)denotes the duality betweenH−1 andHper(curl,T).


Proof. Using Lemma 3, select first a subsequenceηjsuch that the matricesε−1(x0,x/ηj) for somex0possess quasi-eigenfunctions ˜uj.Consider the respective Bloch-wave decompositions of the functions ˜uj in the torus Tas the union of periodicity cells of sizeηj :


uj(x) =X


umj (x/ηj) exp(πiT−1m·x), (4.17) where umj ∈ Hper(curl, Y) for every multi-index m and the summation in (4.17) is performed over all multi-indicesm with componentsms, s= 1,2,3,running from 0 toηj−12T −1.

Further, there is a sequence of (complex) coefficientsαjk(m), k= 1,2, ...,such that umj (y) =X



whereKj:=η−1j 2T = 22lj,and the functionsvk(θ,y), k= 1,2, ...are theL2(T)-normalisedθ-quasiperiodic eigenfunctions of the operatorcurlyε−1(x0,y)curlydefined onHper(curl, Y),cf. (1.7). Consider a uniformly bounded sequence{ψk(θ)}k=1 of real-valued continuous Y-periodic functions, which will be specified at a later stage, and define

Mu˜j(x) :=X




ψk(Kj−1m)αkj(m)vk(Kj−1m,x/ηj) exp(πiT−1m·x).

Clearly, the functionMu˜j belongs toHper(curl,T) and satisfies the samea prioriestimates as ˜uj : kMu˜jkL2(T)jkcurlMu˜jkL2(T)≤C

for someC >0.Furthermore, recalling the expression (7.40) for the termrj,we have hrj,Mu˜jiH−1,Hper(curl,T)2j



ε−1(x0,x/ηj)curlu˜j·curlMu˜jdx+ (1−µ−1ηj ) Z



uj· Mu˜jdx

= (2T)3X








1/µk(x0, Kj−1m)−µ−1ηj ¢

, (4.18)

hence the last expression tends to zero asj→ ∞.

Now define a sequence{νjk}k=1 of Bloch measures onY, associated with the sequence ˜uj via νjk = (2T)3X





j m,

whereδθ=θ0 is the Dirac mass at the pointθ0.In view of the fact that the function ˜uj has a unit norm in L2(T),we get





jk(θ) = 1 for everyj.

In particular, for every k, the set {νkj}j≥1 is bounded in the space of Radon measures on Y and hence contains a subsequence that converges weakly7 asj→ ∞to a measureνk.Note that





jk(θ) = 1, (4.19)

for if we assume the opposite then we should be able to find a constantδ >0,and sequencesjl andkl such that






On the other hand, for anyj, η2jkcurl˜ujk2L2(T)3 = (2T)3X







°curlvk(Kj−1m,y) + 2πiKj−1m×vk(Kj−1m,y)°


2 L2(Y),

7More precisely, “weakly∗” if the space of Radon measures is considered as the dual ofCper(Y).


and since in view of the equation defining the functionsvk(θ,y) one has

°°curlvk(θ,y) + 2πiθ×vk(θ,y)°



L2(Y)= 1/µk(x0,θ)−1, for anyk,θ,we deduce



which goes to +∞as l→ ∞since for any θ∈Y,we have limk→∞µk(x0,θ) = 0,hence contradiction with the fact thatηjcurl˜uj is bounded inL2(T).

As we noted above (see (4.18) and the text that follows), X




ψk(θ)(1/µk(x0,θ)−1/µηj)dνjk(θ)→0 as j→ ∞, which, having passed to the limit, can be re-written as





ψk(θ)(1/µk(x0,θ)−1/µ)dνk(θ) = 0. (4.20)

Since in view of (4.19) at least one of the measuresνk is non-zero, by choosing appropriately the sequence ψk(θ) we can ensure that (4.20) implies the existence ofk andθsuch that µ=µk(x0,θ).

Corollary 2. For any sequence of η∈Ξ, one haslimη→0η−2ση

(1−Λ)−1Λ : Λ∈σBlochª .

5 “Non-critical” scalings

In this section we study pairs (µη,Hη)∈R+× Hper(curl,T),Hη6≡0, such that

a2ηcurl(ε−1(x,x/η)curlHη) +Hη−1η Hη, (5.21) where aη → 0. The equation (5.21) is obtained from (1.1) by setting µkη = (a2η + Λkη)−1Λkη and keeping the corresponding eigenfunctions unchanged. Analogously to what was done in Section 4, we introduce an operator Sη ∈ L(L2(T)) defined for every f ∈ L2(T) by Sηf = vη, where vη is the unique solution in Hper(curl,T) of



+vη =f.

The analysis of the convergence of the sequence of operators Sη can be carried out in the same way as before. However, outside the scaling regimeaη ∼η there is no interaction between the homogenisation scale η and the singular perturbation scale aη. One of two things can happen instead: either η is much smaller than aη in which case the homogenisation occurs first and the singular perturbation concerns the homogenised system; orη is larger than aη and it turns out that the singular perturbation occurs first at a microscopic scale making the homogenisation irrelevant. An appropriate tool to tackle these two cases is the notion of multi-scale convergence, introduced in [5]. We recall the main results of [5] and adapt them, where appropriate, to the three-scale convergence of function and operator sequences.

5.1 Large scales: 1 ≫ a


≫ η

Definition 2. Consider a bounded set T ⊂ RN and Z := [0, l]N, where l ∈ N. Let aη be a sequence of positive numbers converging to zero,η ∈Ξ.

i) A function ϕ ∈ L2(T×Z ×Y) is said to be (three-scale) admissible if the sequence ϕη(x) :=

ϕ(x, lx/aη,x/η)is bounded in L2(T) and satisfies

η→0lim Z




2dx= 1 lN









ii) A sequenceuη of functions inL2(T)is said to weakly three-scale converge tou0(x,z,y)∈L2(T×Z× Y),and in this case we writeuη ⇀⇀⇀u0,if for any admissibleψ∈L2(T×Z×Y),e.g. ψ∈C(T,Cper(Z×Y)), one has

η→0lim Z


uη(x)·ψ(x, lx/aη,x/η)dx= 1 lN









Theorem 3. ConsiderT:= [−T, T]3, T >0,andη∈Ξ.For a sequence of positive numbersaη, η∈Ξ,such thatlimη→0aη = 0and limη→0η−1aη=∞,we look for uη ∈ Hper(curl,T) that are weak solutions of



+uη=fη, (5.22)



coercive andfη ∈L2(T).

i) The equation (5.22) has a unique solution uη∈ Hper(curl,T).

ii) Let l ∈ N and suppose that fη →→ f ∈ L2(T×Z). There is a subsequence of problems (5.22), for which we keep the same index η, such that uη ⇀⇀⇀ u0+u1 and aηcurluη ⇀⇀⇀ curlzu1+u2, where8 u0∈L2¡



T,Hper(curl, Z)¢



,and for almost every x∈T the functionu1(x,·)is the unique solution of



+u1(x,z) =f(x,z). (5.23)

whereεhom(x)is given by the formula (1.5) (or, equivalently, (1.4)).

iii) Letuηbe the three-scale convergent subsequence from ii). Thenuη →→u1,hence the operator sequence Sη defined inL2(T)by Sηfη =uη strongly two-scale converges toSl defined inL2(T×Z)by the formula Slf =u1, whereu1∈L2¡

T,Hper(curl, Z)¢

is the unique solution of (5.23).

Proof. See the Appendix.

Corollary 3. For any sequenceaη, η∈Ξ, as in Theorem 3,

η→0limσ(Sη) = [0,1], (5.24)

where the limit is understood in the Hausdorff sense (see the footnote on p. 3). Equivalently, the limit of a−2η ση is the entire positive real axis.

Proof. From Lemma 2, we deduce that for a relevant subsequence, σ(Sl)⊂ lim

η→0σ(Sη). (5.25)

Moreover, for any l ∈N, the spectrumσ(Sl) is obtained fromσ(S1) by a simple transformation since the coefficient matrix in (5.23) does not depend onz. Labelling in increasing order the eigenvaluesγlk, k≥1,of Sl, they satisfy the identityγlk

l2γ1k+ (1−γ1k−1

l2γ1k.Using this and the fact that γ1k →0 ask→ ∞, it can be shown that the set{γlk, k, l ∈N} ≡S

l≥1σ(Sl) is dense in [0,1]. In view of (5.25), via a simple argument, this implies (5.24).

Remark 2. Given a sequenceaη, η∈Ξ,the statement of Corollary 3 clearly also holds for any subsequence ofaη, η∈Ξ.

5.2 Small scales: a


≪ η

Definition 3. Consider a bounded setT⊂RN andZ := [0, l]N,where l∈N. Let aη, η∈Ξ, be a sequence of positive numbers such thatlimη→0aη = 0.

i) Letuη be a sequence of functions in L2(T)that weakly three-scale converges to u0(x,z,y)∈L2(T× Z×Y).Suppose that

η→0lim Z




2dx= 1 lN










Thenuη is said to strongly three-scale converge tou0(x,z,y), and we writeuη →→→u0.

ii) A sequence Sη of operators in L2(T) is said to strongly three-scale converge to the operator S in L2(T×Z×Y))if for any sequence fη ∈L2(T)such thatfη →→→f one hasSηfη→→→ Sf.

Theorem 4. Suppose that the sequence aη, η∈Ξ is such thatlimη→0η−1aη = 0. ConsiderT:= [−T, T]3, T >0,and for any η∈Ξlook for uη∈ Hper(curl,T)satisfying (in the weak sense)



+uη=fη, (5.26)



coercive andfη ∈L2(T).

i) The equation (5.26) has a unique solution uη∈ Hper(curl,T).

8The spaceL2pot(Y) is defined as the closure of the set{∇ϕ:ϕCper(Y)}in the norm ofL2(Y).


ii) Suppose that fη →→→ f ∈ L2(T×Z×Y). For any l ∈N there is a subsequence of problems (5.26), for which we keep the same indexη, such that uη ⇀⇀⇀u0 and aηcurluη ⇀⇀⇀curlzu0, where u0 ∈L2¡

T× Y,Hper(curl, Z)¢

and for almost everyx∈T, y∈Y,the function u0(x,·,y)is the unique solution of curlz¡


+u0=f(x,·,y). (5.27)

iii) The operator sequenceSη defined inL2(T)by Sηfη=uη strongly three-scale converges toSl defined inL2(T×Z)by the formulaSlf =u0, whereu0 is the solution of (5.27).

The proof of the above theorem goes along the lines of Theorem 1 and Theorem 3 with some simplifica- tions, and we will not dwell on it here. In the same way as before, a statement on the convergence of the spectra follows.

Corollary 4. For any sequenceaη, η∈Ξ,as in Theorem 4,limη→0σ(Sη) = [0,1],or, equivalently, the limit ofa−2η ση is the entire positive real axis. The same is true for any subsequence of aη, η∈Ξ.

6 Numerical example

In this section we illustrate our spectral convergence result in the critical case aη ∼ η (see Sections 2–4) by considering the propagation of TM-polarised electromagnetic waves through a periodic array of parallel infinitely long cylinders. The corresponding analogue of the problem (1.1) in this case is

−∆E(x) = Λ−1η ε(x/η)E(x), (6.28)

where x ∈ [−1,1]2, and E is the only non-zero component of the electric field, which is parallel to the cylinders. For simplicity, in (6.28) we drop the dependence of the permittivity matrix on the “slow” variable x,assume that the medium is isotropic at every point so that ε(y) is a scalar for anyy∈Y,and setT = 1.

In our calculations, we set the relative permittivityε= 12 inside andε= 1 outside the cylinders, which corresponds to the situation of straight fibres of a semi-conductor surrounded by air or, more generally, any two materials with a permittivity contrast of 12 (the permittivity of the majority of dielectric materials found in nature ranges from 1 to 14). Here we consider fibres with square cross-section to preserve the four-fold symmetry in the unit cell, hence it is sufficient to consider only a quarter of the Brillouin zoneY= [0,2π]2 (“first reduced Brillouin zone”).

The Bloch spectrum of (6.28) is obtained by studying a family of spectral problems onY associated with (6.28). For anyκ∈Y consider pairs (Λ(κ), E(y))∈R+×Hper1 (Y) such that (cf. (1.7))



= Λ(κ)−1ε(y)E(y)eiκ·y.

For everyκ∈[0,2π]2 the related eigenvalues Λ(κ) form a sequence, which we denote by © Λk(κ)ª

k≥1. The frequencies Λk(κ)−1/2, k= 1, ...,10,as functions of κ∈Y are shown by the surface dispersion diagram in Figure 1. As it may be difficult to visualise these plots, it is customary to restrict oneself to “boundary”

dispersion curves, which correspond toκ∈∂Y,assuming hmin




κ∈∂YminΛk(κ), max


. (6.29)

The validity of this assumption appears to be an open problem, but since it helps getting a better idea of the stop band properties, in Figure 2 we plot such dispersion curves corresponding to Figure 1. We emphasise that we first numerically checked that all of the surfaces shown satisfy the conjecture (6.29). We feel that such a preliminary test on dispersion surfaces should be systematically performed before using the rule (6.29).

We would now like to look at the spectrum associated with the sequence of problems (6.28), asη goes to zero. Consider the corresponding differential operator with periodic boundary conditions on the cell [−1,1]2 and look for the convergence of its spectrum when the number of inclusions increases and their size tends to zero so that their overall surface remains constant. It is apparent from Figures 3 to 6 that the spectrum becomes denser asη goes to zero. It is worth noting that the location of the band gaps can be determined with good accuracy as early as the second step of the Bloch wave homogenisation processi.e. whenη= 1/4.

The mechanism leading to the appearance of the stop bands involves a relaxation of the constraint on the periodic condition: when the number of inclusions increases, the wave satisfies both a periodic condition on the sides of the cell and some phase shift between inclusions. The larger the number of inclusions, the more prominent the phase shift between the inclusions. The consequence is that it is enough to build a large super-cell with periodic boundary conditions to filter Bloch waves within a periodic array. This observation might well prove useful for numerical purposes when implementation of Floquet-Bloch conditions is not straightforward within a package.


0 1 2 3 0 1 2

3 0

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5











) 1

Figure 1: Surface dispersion diagram for TM-waves propagating within a periodic array of square cylinders of a semiconductor (ε = 12) surrounded by air (ε = 1); the cross section of the cylinders is 0.6 and the structure period is 1. On the vertical axis we show the frequency 1/p

Λη(κ), while the horizontal axes correspond to the components of the Bloch vectorκ,which spans the area of the reduced Brillouin zone,i.e.

the right-angle triangle with vertices Γ = (0,0), X= (π,0) andM= (π, π).

−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5



Figure 2: Dispersion curves for TM-modes of Figure 1 when the Bloch vector κ runs along the edges of the reduced Brillouin zone ΓM X. The horizontal axis represents the value ofκ1 from Γ toX, the value of κ12=π+κ2 fromX toM and the value of−p

κ2122 fromM to Γ. Note the presence of four stop bands (shaded regions) for normalised frequencies 1/p

Λk(κ) within the intervals [1.39,1.67], [2.38,2.66], [3.62,3.83], [4.27,4.53].

7 Discussion

We have studied the high-frequency asymptotic behaviour of the spectraσηof operatorscurlε−1(x,x/η)curl as η →0 under the standard ellipticity conditions on the periodic permittivity matrixε−1(x,y). We have shown that the sets a−2η ση converge in the Hausdorff sense either to the set [0,+∞) or to the (Bloch)


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