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11 October Excellency,


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11 October 2007 Excellency,

The Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) initiative, co-sponsored by the Heads of Government of Spain and Turkey, aims to improve understanding and respect among diverse societies across cultures and religions, thus contributing to reducing the tensions that afflict many regions of the world.

Its High-level Group of20 eminent personalities presented its report and recommendations in November 2006 in Istanbul.

In April this year, I appointed His Excellency Mr. Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, as High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations. Under his guidance, a plan of action has been developed which outlines a range of projects in the areas of youth, media, education and migration, aimed at promoting intercultural understanding and building bridges among a diversity of societies and cultures. In pursuit of these goals, the Alliance is working in close partnership with governments, international and regional organizations, civil society groups, foundations, and the private sector.

I am pleased to inform you of the establishment of a voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations. This Fund will support the activities of the High Representative, the work ofthe Alliance Secretariat as well as the projects and initiatives to be advanced or promoted under the action plan.

I would like to invite your Government to consider making a contribution to the newly-established voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations, thereby helping to strengthen the AoC role in fostering mutually beneficial relations among diverse nations and communities.

His Excellency [Address block]

Mr./ Ms. [Name]

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the ... [Title from Protocol List]



Attached are the Terms of Reference of the voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Le 11 octobre 2007 Monsieur le Ministre,

L'initiative 1' Alliance des civilisations, coparrainee par les Premiers ministres de l'Espagne et de Ia Turquie, a pour mission d'ameliorer Ia

comprehension et le respect entre peuples de differentes cultures et religions, et de contribuer, de ce fait,


surmonter les tensions qui frappent plusieurs regions du monde. Son Groupe de 20 personnalites eminentes de haut niveau a presente son rapport et ses recommandations


Istanbul, en novembre 2006.

En avril de cette annee, j 'ai nomme Son Excellence Monsieur Jorge Sampaio, ancien President du Portugal, Haut representant pour 1' Alliance des civilisations. Soussa direction, 1' Alliance a dresse un plan d'action qui expose un certain nombre de projets dans les domaines de la jeunesse, des medias, de !'education et des migrations, projets qui visent


favoriser le dialogue interculturel, et


etablir des ponts entre les diverses societes et cultures. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, 1 'Alliance travaille en etroite

collaboration avec des gouvemements, des organisations intemationales et regionales, des groupes de la societe civile, des fondations et le secteur prive.

Je suis heureux de vous informer de la creation d'un Fonds volontaire d'affectation speciale pour 1' Alliance des civilisations. Ce fonds permettra de soutenir les activites du Haut representant, le travail du Secretariat de 1' Alliance, ainsi que les projets et les mesures qui seront mis en reuvre et preconises aux termes du plan d'action.

J' aimerais inviter votre gouvemement


consentir une contribution au Fonds volontaire d'affectation speciale nouvellement etabli pour 1' Alliance des civilisations, et ainsi contribuer


renforcer 1' action de 1' Alliance en vue d'encourager des relations mutuellement avantageuses entre les diverses nations et collectivites.

Son Excellence [Vedette]

M./Mme [Nom]

Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de la/du ... [Titre de la liste du protocole]



Vous trouverez, ci-joint, les Parametres du Fonds volontaire d'affectation speciale pour 1' Alliance des civilisations.

Je vous prie d'agreer, Monsieur le Ministre, !'assurance de rna tres haute consideration.



11 de octubre de 2007 Excelencia:

La Alianza de Civilizaciones, una iniciativa co-patrocinada por los Presidentes de Espafia y Turquia, pretende mejorar el entendimiento y el respeto entre sociedades de diversas culturas y religiones, contribuyendo de esa manera a reducir las tensiones que afligen a muchas regiones del mundo.

El correspondiente Grupo de Alto Nivel, compuesto por veinte

personalidades eminentes, ha presentado su informe y sus recomendaciones en noviembre de 2006, en Estambul.

En abril de este afio, he designado a Su Excelencia Sr. Jorge

Sampaio, ex presidente de Portugal, como Alto Representante de la Alianza de Civilizaciones. Bajo su direcci6n, se ha desarrollado un plan de acci6n que perfila una variedad de proyectos en las areas de juventud, medios de comunicaci6n, educaci6n y migraci6n, que tienen como objetivo promover el entendimiento intercultural y la creaci6n de puentes entre una diversidad de sociedades y culturas. En pos de estos objetivos, la Alianza se encuentra trabajando en estrecha cooperaci6n con gobiernos, organizaciones

internacionales y regionales, grupos de la sociedad civil, fundaciones y el sector privado.

Tengo el placer de hacer de su conocimiento el establecimiento de un Fondo Fiduciario voluntario para la Alianza de Civilizaciones. Este Fondo va a apoyar las actividades del Alto Representante, el trabajo de la Secretaria de la Alianza, asi como tambien los proyectos y las iniciativas que se van a proponer o promover conforme al plan de acci6n.

Quisiera invitar a su Gobierno a que considere la idea de contribuir al Fondo Fiduciario voluntario que se acaba de establecer para la Alianza de Civilizaciones, a fin de ayudar de esa manera a reforzar la tarea que esta realiza a fin de promover relaciones mutuamente beneficiosas entre diversas naciones y comunidades.

Su Excelencia [Bloque de Direcci6n]

Sr./ Sra. [Nombre]

Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de/del ... [Titulo de la Lista de Protocolo]



Adjunto encontrani los Terminos de Referencia del Fondo Fiduciario voluntario para la Alianza de Civilizaciones.

Reciba, Excelencia, las expresiones de mi mas alta consideraci6n.


10 October 2007 SG Letters addressed to the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) Non-Group of Friends in connection with the newly-established voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations.

Drafted by: Mr. Emmanuel Kattan, AoC Communications Specialist

Cleared by Mr. Iqbal Riza, Special Advisor to the SG

Approved by:

1 ~ '1---=

1) Andorra

Son Excellence

Madame Meritxell Mateu

Ministre des Relations exterieures de Ia Principaute d' Andorre Andorra Ia Vella

2) Angola

Son Excellence

Monsieur Joao Bernardo de Miranda

Ministre des Relations exterieures de Ia Republique d' Angola Luanda

3) Antigua and Barbuda His Excellency

Mr. Winston Baldwin Spencer

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign of the Antigua and Barbuda St.John's

4) Armenia

His Excellency Mr. Vartan Oskanian

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Yerevan

5) Australia

His Excellency

Mr. Alexander Downer, MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Australia Canberra

6) Bahamas

His Excellency

Mr. Brent Symonette, MP

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas Nassau

I 0 October 2007, Protocol and Liaison, Foreign Ministers List



11 October 2007 Excellency,

The Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) initiative, co-sponsored by the Heads of Government of Spain and Turkey, aims to improve understanding and respect among diverse societies across cultures and religions, thus contributing to reducing the tensions that afflict many regions of the world.

Its High-level Group of20 eminent personalities presented its report and recommendations in November 2006 in Istanbul.

In April this year, I appointed His Excellency Mr. Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, as High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations. Under his guidance, a plan of action has been developed which outlines a range of projects in the areas of youth, media, education and migration, aimed at promoting intercultural understanding and building bridges among a diversity of societies and cultures. In pursuit of these goals, the Alliance is working in close partnership with governments, international and regional organizations, civil society groups, foundations, and the private sector.

I am pleased to inform you of the establishment of a voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations. This Fund will support the activities of the High Representative, the work of the Alliance Secretariat as well as the projects and initiatives to be advanced or promoted under the action plan.

As a member of the Alliance Group of Friends, your country has been providing valuable support to the work of the Alliance. Moreover, your Government has already offered generous financial support to the AoC, for which I am very grateful. It is my hope that the Alliance can continue to benefit from your country's support in the future.

His Excellency [Address block]

Mr./ Ms. [Name]

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the ... [Title from Protocol List]



Attached are the Terms of Reference of the voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.




(~) ~



Monsieur le Ministre,

Le 11 octobre 2007

L' initiative 1' Alliance des civilisations, coparrainee par les Premiers ministres de l'Espagne et de la Turquie, a pour mission d'ameliorer la comprehension et le respect entre peuples de differentes cultures et religions, et de contribuer, de ce fait, a surmonter les tensions qui frappent plusieurs regions du monde. Son Groupe de vingt personnalites eminentes de haut niveau a presente son rapport et ses recommandations a Istanbul, en novembre 2006.

En avril de cette annee, j 'ai nomme Son Excellence Monsieur Jorge Sampaio, ancien President du Portugal, Haut representant pour 1' Alliance des civilisations. Soussa direction, 1' Alliance a dresse un plan d'action qui expose uncertain nombre de pro jets dans les domaines de la jeunesse, des medias, de !'education et des migrations, projets qui visent a favoriser le dialogue interculturel, eta etablir des ponts entre les diverses societes et cultures. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, l' Alliance travaille en etroite

collaboration avec des gouvemements, des organisations intemationales et regionales, des groupes de la societe civile, des fondations et le secteur prive.

Je suis heureux de vous informer de la creation d'un Fonds volontaire d'affectation speciale pour 1' Alliance des civilisations. Ce fonds permettra de soutenir les activites du Haut representant, le travail du Secretariat de l' Alliance, ainsi que les projets et les mesures qui seront mis en ceuvre et preconises aux termes du plan d' action.

En tant que membre du Groupe des amis de 1' Alliance, votre pays a apporte un precieux soutien au travail de 1' Alliance. De surcroit, votre gouvemement a deja offert une genereuse aide financiere a l' Alliance des civilisations et je lui en sais gre. J' ose esperer que 1' Alliance continuera de beneficier de l' appui de votre pays a 1' avenir.

Son Excellence [Vedette]

M./Mme [Nom]

Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de laldu ... [Titre de la liste du protocole]



Vous trouverez, ci-joint, les Parametres du Fonds volontaire d' affectation speciale pour I' Alliance des civilisations.

Je vous prie d'agreer, Monsieur le Ministre, }'assurance de rna tres haute consideration.


BanK· moon



11 de octubre de 2007 Excelencia:

La Alianza de Civilizaciones, una iniciativa co-patrocinada por los Presidentes de Espana y Turquia, pretende mejorar el entendimiento y el respeto entre sociedades de diversas culturas y religiones, contribuyendo de esa manera a reducir las tensiones que afligen a muchas regiones del mundo.

El correspondiente Grupo de Alto Nivel, compuesto por 20 personalidades eminentes, ha presentado su informe y sus recomendaciones en noviembre de 2006, en Estambul.

En abril de este afio, he designado a Su Excelencia Sr. Jorge

Sampaio, ex presidente de Portugal, como Alto Representante de la Alianza de Civilizaciones. Bajo su direcci6n, se ha desarrollado un plan de acci6n que perfila una variedad de proyectos en las areas de juventud, medios de comunicaci6n, educaci6n y migraci6n, que tienen como objetivo promover el entendimiento intercultural y la creaci6n de puentes entre una diversidad de sociedades y culturas. En pos de estos objetivos, la Alianza se encuentra trabajando en estrecha cooperaci6n con gobiernos, organizaciones internacionales y regionales, grupos de la sociedad civil, fundaciones y el sector privado.

Tengo el placer de hacer de su conocimiento el establecimiento de un Fondo Fiduciario voluntario para la Alianza de Civilizaciones. Este Fondo va a apoyar las actividades del Alto Representante, el trabajo de la Secretaria de la Alianza, asi como tambien los proyectos y las iniciativas que se van a proponer o promover conforme al plan de acci6n.

Como miembro del Grupo de Amigos de la Alianza, su pais ha venido brindando un valioso apoyo a la tarea de la misma. Ademas, su Gobierno yale ha brindado una generosa ayuda econ6mica, por la cualle estoy muy agradecido. Es mi esperanza que la Alianza se pueda seguir beneficiando en el futuro del apoyo de su pais.

Su Excelencia [Bloque de Direcci6n]

Sr./ Sra. [Nombre]

Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de/del ... [Titulo de la Lista de Protocolo]



Adjunto encontrani los Terminos de Referencia del Fondo Fiduciario voluntario para la Alianza de Civilizaciones.

Reciba, Excelencia, las expresiones de mi mas alta consideraci6n.




10 October 2007 SG Letters addressed to the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) Group of Friends Donors in

connection with the newly-established voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations.

Son Excellence Monsieur Karel de Gucht

Ministre des Affaires etrangeres du Royaume de Belgique Son Excellence Monsieur Bernard Kouchner

Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et europeennes de Ia Republique franyaise His Excellency Sheikh Mohammad AI-Sabah AI-Salem AI-Sabah

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs ofthe State of Kuwait Son Excellence Monsieur Jean Asselborn

Vice-Premier Ministre, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de I' immigration du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg

His Excellency Mr. Maxime Jacques Marcel Verhagen

Minister for Foreign Affairs ofthe Kingdom ofthe Netherlands His Excellency Mr. Winston Peters

Minister for Foreign Affairs ofNew Zealand His Excellency Mr. Jonas Gahr Store Minister for Foreign Affairs ofNorway

His Excellency Mr. YousefBin AI-Alawi Bin Abdulla Minister of State for Foreign Affairs ofthe Sultanate of Oman His Excellency Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr AI-Thani Prime Minister

His Excellency Mr. Dimitrij Rupel

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia His Excellency Mr. Walid AI-Moualem

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic His Excellency Mr. Nitya Pibulsonggram

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand His Highness Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed AI Nahyan Minister for Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates

Drafted by: Mr.Emmanuel Kattan, AoC Communications Specialist

:::::e~by: Mr. Iqbal Riza, Special Advisor to the SGfq~ ~

I 0 October 2007, Protocol and Liaison, Foreign Ministers List



11 October 2007 Excellency,

The Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) initiative, co-sponsored by the Heads of Government of Spain and Turkey, aims to improve understanding and respect among diverse societies across cultures and religions, thus contributing to reducing the tensions that afflict many regions of the world.

Its High-level Group of20 eminent personalities presented its report and recommendations in November 2006 in Istanbul..

In April this year, I appointed His Excellency Mr. Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, as High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations. Under his guidance, a plan of action has been developed which outlines a range of projects in the areas of youth, media, education and migration, aimed at promoting intercultural understanding and building bridges among a diversity of societies and cultures. In pursuit of these goals, the Alliance is working in close partnership with governments, international and regional organizations, civil society groups, foundations, and the private sector.

I am pleased to inform you of the establishment of a voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations. This Fund will support the activities of the High Representative, the work of the Alliance Secretariat as well as the projects and initiatives to be advanced or promoted under the action plan.

As a member of the Alliance Group of Friends, your country has been providing valuable support to the work of the Alliance. I would like to invite your Government to contribute to the newly-established voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations, thereby helping to strengthen the AoC role in fostering mutually beneficial relations among diverse nations and communities.

His Excellency [Address block]

Mr./ Ms. [Name]

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the ... [Title from Protocol List]



Attached are the Terms of Reference of the voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.




Le 11 octobre 2007 Monsieur le Ministre,

L'initiative 1' Alliance des civilisations, coparrainee par les Premiers ministres de l'Espagne et de la Turquie, a pour mission d'ameliorer la

comprehension et le respect entre peuples de differentes cultures et religions, et de contribuer, de ce fait,


surmonter les tensions qui frappent plusieurs regions du monde. Son Groupe de 20 personnalites eminentes de haut niveau a

presente son rapport et ses recommandations


Istanbul, en novembre 2006.

En avril de cette annee, j 'ai nomme Son Excellence Monsieur Jorge Sampaio, ancien President du Portugal, Haut representant pour 1' Alliance des civilisations. Soussa direction, 1' Alliance a dresse un plan d'action qui expose un certain nombre de pro jets dans les domaines de la jeunesse, des medias, de }'education et des migrations, projets qui visent


favoriser le dialogue

interculturel, et


etablir des ponts entre les diverses societes et cultures. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, 1' Alliance travaille en etroite collaboration avec des gouvemements, des organisations intemationales et regionales, des groupes de la societe civile, des fondations et le secteur prive.

Je suis heureux de vous informer de la creation d'un Fonds volontaire d'affectation speciale pour 1' Alliance des civilisations. Ce fonds permettra de soutenir les activites du Haut representant, le travail du Secretariat de

1' Alliance, ainsi que les proj ets et les mesures qui seront mis en reuvre et preconises aux termes du plan d' action.

En tant que membre du Groupe des amis de 1' Alliance, votre pays a apporte un precieux soutien au travail de !'Alliance. J'aimerais inviter votre gouvemement


consentir une contribution au Fonds volontaire d'affectation speciale nouvellement etabli pour 1' Alliance des civilisations, et ainsi



renforcer 1' action de 1 'Alliance en vue d' encourager des relations mutuellement avantageuses entre 1es diverses nations et collectivites.

Son Excellence [Vedette]

M./Mme [Nom]

Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de la/du ... [Titre de la liste du protocole]



Vous trouverez, ci-joint, les Parametres du Fonds volontaire d'affectation speciale pour !'Alliance des civilisations.

Je vous prie d'agreer, Monsieur le Ministre, !'assurance de rna tres haute consideration.



11 de octubre de 2007 Excelencia:

La Alianza de Civilizaciones, una iniciativa co-patrocinada por los Presidentes de Espana y Turquia, pretende mejorar el entendimiento y el respeto entre sociedades de diversas culturas y religiones, contribuyendo de esa manera a reducir las tensiones que afligen a muchas regiones del mundo.

El correspondiente Grupo de Alto Nivel, compuesto por 20 personalidades eminentes, ha presentado su informe y sus recomendaciones en noviembre de 2006, en Estambul.

En abril de este afio, he designado a Su Excelencia Sr. Jorge

Sampaio, ex presidente de Portugal, como Alto Representante de la Alianza de Civilizaciones. Bajo su direcci6n, se ha desarrollado un plan de acci6n que perfila una variedad de proyectos en las areas de juventud, medios de comunicaci6n, educaci6n y migraci6n, que tienen como objetivo promover el entendimiento intercultural y la creaci6n de puentes entre una diversidad de sociedades y culturas. En pos de estos objetivos, la Alianza se encuentra trabajando en estrecha cooperaci6n con gobiemos, organizaciones

intemacionales y regionales, grupos de la sociedad civil, fundaciones y el sector privado.

Tengo el placer de hacer de su conocimiento el establecimiento de un Fondo Fiduciario voluntario para la Alianza de Civilizaciones. Este Fondo va a apoyar las actividades del Alto Representante, el trabajo de la Secretaria de la Alianza, asi como tambien los proyectos y las iniciativas que se van a proponer o promover conforme al plan de acci6n.

Como miembro del Grupo de Amigos de la Alianza, su pais ha venido brindando un valioso apoyo a la tarea de la misma. Quisiera invitar a su Gobiemo a contribuir al Fondo Fiduciario voluntario que se acaba de establecer para la Alianza de Civilizaciones, a fin de ayudar de esa manera a reforzar la tarea que esta realiza a fin de promover relaciones mutuamente beneficiosas entre diversas naciones y comunidades.

Su Excelencia [Bloque de Direcci6n]

Sr./ Sra. [Nombre]

Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de/del ... [Titulo de la Lista de Protocolo]



Adjunto encontrani los Terminos de Referencia del Fondo Fiduciario voluntario para la Alianza de Civilizaciones.

Reciba, Excelencia, las expresiones de mi mas alta consideraci6n.





10 October 2007 SG Letters addressed to the Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) Group of Friends (except Donors) m connection with the newly-established voluntary Trust Fund for the Alliance of Civilizations.

1) HE Mr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 2) HE Mr. Lulzim Basha Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Albania, Tirana

3) HE Monsieur Mourad Medelci, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de Ia Republique algerienne democratique et populaire

4) HE Mr. Jorge E. Taiana, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio lnternacional y Culto de Ia Republica Argentina

5) HE Ms. Ursula Plassnik, Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of Austria 6) HE Mr. Elmar Maharram oglu Mammadyarov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan

7) HE Sheikh Khalid Bin Ahmed AI-Khalifa, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain 8) HE Mr. Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury, Adviser in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ofBangladesh 9) HE Mr. Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim, Minister for External Relations of the Federative Republic of Brazil

1 0) HE Mr. lvailo Kalfin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria 11) HE Sefior Alejandro Foxley Rioseco, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Ia Republica de Chile 12) HE Mr. Yang Jiechi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China

13) HE Mr Bruno Stagno Ugarte, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de Ia Republica de Costa Rica 14) HE Dr. Per Stig Moeller, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark

15) HE Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt

16) HE Mr. Francisco E. Lafnez Rivas, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Ia Republica de El Salvador 17) HE Mr. llkka Kanerva, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland

18) HE Mr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Minister for Foreign Affairs ofthe Federal Republic of Germany 19) HE Ms. Kinga Goncz, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary

20) HE Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, Minister for External Affairs of the Republic of India 21) HE Mr. Hassan Wirajuda, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic oflndonesia 22) HE Mr. Manouchehr Motaki, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran

23) HE Monsieur Massimo D' A lema, Vice-Premier Ministre et Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de Ia Republique italienne

24) HE Mr. Masahiko Koumura, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan

25) HE Mr. Abdelelah M. AI-Khatib,Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 26) HE Marat Tazhin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

27) HE Mr. Petras Vaitiekunas, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 28) HE Mr. Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Malaysia

29) HE Mrs. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos

30) HE Mr. Milan Rocen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Montenegro

31) HE Mr Mohamed Benaissa, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et de Ia cooperation du Royaume du Maroc 32) HE Ms. Alcinda Antonio de Abreu, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Republic of


33) HE Mr. Khurshid Mehmud Kasuri,Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 34) HE Sefior Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Ia Republica del Peru 35) HE Mr. Alberto Gatmaitan Romulo, Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines 36) HE Mrs. Anna Fotyga, Minister for Foreign Affairs ofthe Republic of Poland

37) HE Mr. Lufs Filipe Marques Amado, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Portugal 38) HE Mr. Song Min-soon,Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea 39) HE Monsieur Adrian Mihai Cioroianu, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de Ia Roumanie 40) HE Mr. Sergey V. Lavrov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

41) HE Monsieur Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, Ministre d'Etat, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres et des Senegalais de l'exterieur de Ia Republique du Senegal

10 October 2007, Protocol and Liaison, Foreign Ministers List


42) HE Mr. Vuk Jeremic, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia

43) HE Ms. Nkosazana C. Dlamini Zuma, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa 44) HE Mr. Carl Bildt, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden

45) HE Madame Micheline Calmy-Rey, Chef du Departement federal des Affaires etrangeres de Ia Confederation suisse

46) HE Mr. Antonio Milososki, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic ofMacedonia 47) HE Monsieur Abdelwaheb Abdallah, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres de Ia Republique tunisienne 48) HE David Miliband, MP, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United

Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

49) HE Mr. Bernard Kamillius Membe, MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Republic of Tanzania

50) HE Mr. Abubakr A. AI-Qirbi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Yemen

Drafted by: Mr. Emmanuel Kattan, AoC Communications Specialist

Cleared by Mr. Iqbal Riza, Special Advisor to the SG

Approved by:

I 0 October 2007, Protocol and Liaison, Foreign Ministers List




( \Q ' l '

United Nations Nations Unies


TEL.: I (917) 367-9068 • FAX: I (212) 367-9920




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DCT - 5 2007 k.-



q_Ll I

EXcCUTI\':0: O"F•C:~



To: Mr. Vij ay Narnbiar DATE: 5 October 2007

A: Chef de Cabinet, EOSG



FRoM: Shamil Idriss

DE: Acting Director



oBJET: Alliance of Civilizations Trust Fund Letters

Dear Mr. Nambiar,

Please find attached, for the Secretary-General's s!gnat_ure,J S@lpJe_l~!!ers_ informing the Alliance of Civilizations_{AQ~) droJJp_9f Fri.


and no!J.~_Qroup of Friends of"the ___ _ - establishrnelifOfa voluntary Trust Fund for the A"iiiance of Civilizations. -

The sample letters, which have been cleared by your EOSG, are accompanied by a cover note


respective Missions, the Tern1s of Reference of the Trust Fund and complete lists of addressees for each of the letters type.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Office Manager, Ms. Gloria Wightman at (917). 367- 9068, gloriaw@unops.org, if you have any questions or need any additional information regarding these letters.

Thank you very much and best regards.


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