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The global k-means clustering algorithm


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The global k-means clustering algorithm

Aristidis Likas, Nikos Vlassis, Jakob Verbeek

To cite this version:

Aristidis Likas, Nikos Vlassis, Jakob Verbeek. The global k-means clustering algorithm. [Technical

Report] IAS-UVA-01-02, 2001, pp.12. �inria-00321515�





The global k-means lustering algorithm


Departmentof Computer S ien e

Universityof Ioannina

Gree e


Computer S ien e Institute

Fa ultyofS ien e

Universityof Amsterdam


Ja obJ. Verbeek

Computer S ien e Institute

Fa ultyofS ien e

Universityof Amsterdam


We present the global k-means algorithm whi h is an in remental approa h to

lusteringthat dynami allyaddsone luster enteratatimethrougha

determin-isti global sear h pro edure onsisting ofN (withN beingthe size of thedata

set)exe utions ofthek-means algorithmfrom suitableinitial positions. Wealso

proposemodi ationsofthemethodtoredu ethe omputationalloadwithout

sig-ni antlya e ting solutionquality. Theproposed lustering methods aretested

on well-known data sets and they ompare favorably to the k-means algorithm


Keywords: Clustering; K-meansalgorithm;Global optimization; k-d trees, Data




1 Introdu tion 1

2 The global k-means algorithm 1

3 Speeding-up exe ution 3

3.1 The fastglobalk-means algorithm . . . 3

3.2 Initializationwithk-dtrees . . . 4

4 Experimental results 5

5 Dis ussion and on lusions 7


ComputerS ien e Institute

Fa ultyofS ien e UniversityofAmsterdam Kruislaan403,1098SJAmsterdam TheNetherlands tel: +31 205257461 fax: +31205257490 http://www.s ien e.uva.nl/resea r h/ ias/ Correspondingauthor: AristidisLikas arly s.uoi.gr


1 Introdu tion

Afundamental problemthat frequentlyarises ina greatvarietyof eldssu h aspattern

re og-nition, image pro essing, ma hine learning and statisti s is the lustering problem [1℄. In its

basi formthe lusteringproblemisde nedastheproblemof ndinggroupsofdatapointsina

given data set. Ea hof these groupsis alleda lusterand an be de nedas aregioninwhi h

thedensityof obje ts islo allyhigherthaninother regions.

The simplestform of lustering is partitional lustering whi h aims at partitioninga given

data set into disjoint subsets ( lusters) so that spe i lustering riteria are optimized. The

most widely used riterion is the lustering error riterion whi h for ea h point omputes its

squareddistan efromthe orresponding luster enterandthentakesthesumofthesedistan es

forall pointsin thedata set. A popular lustering method that minimizes the lustering error

is the k-means algorithm. However, the k-means algorithm is a lo al sear h pro edure and it

is well-known that it su ers from the serious drawba k that its performan e heavily depends

on theinitial starting onditions [2 ℄. To treat this problem several other te hniques have been

developed that are based on sto hasti globaloptimization methods (eg. simulatedannealing,

geneti algorithms). However, it must be noted that these te hniques have not gained wide

a eptan eandinmanypra ti alappli ationsthe lusteringmethodthatisusedisthek-means

algorithmwithmultiplerestarts [1 ℄.

Inthiswork we proposetheglobalk-means lustering algorithm,whi h onstitutes a

deter-ministi e e tive global lustering algorithm for the minimization of the lustering error that

employs the k-means algorithm as a lo al sear h pro edure. The algorithm pro eeds inan

in- remental way: to solve a lustering problem with M lusters, all intermediate problems with

1;2;:::;M 1 lustersaresequentiallysolved. Thebasi ideaunderlyingtheproposedmethodis

thatanoptimalsolutionfora lusteringproblemwithM lusters anbeobtainedusingaseries

oflo al sear hes(usingthe k-meansalgorithm). At ea hlo alsear h theM 1 luster enters

are always initiallypla ed at their optimal positions orresponding to the lustering problem

withM 1 lusters. The remaining M-th luster enter is initiallypla edat several positions

withinthedata spa e. Sin eforM =1theoptimalsolutionisknown,we an iterativelyapply

the above pro edure to nd optimal solutions for all k- lustering problems k = 1;:::;M. In

additionto e e tiveness, themethod isdeterministi and doesnotdependon anyinitial

ondi-tionsorempiri ally adjustable parameters. These aresigni ant advantages over all lustering

approa hes mentionedabove.

In the following se tion starts with a formal de nition of the lustering error and a brief

des riptionofthek-meansalgorithmandthendes ribestheproposedglobalk-meansalgorithm.

Se tion 3 des ribes modi ations of the basi method that require less omputation at the

expenseofbeingslightlylesse e tive. Se tion4providesexperimentalresultsand omparisons

withthe k-meansalgorithm with multiple restarts. FinallySe tion5 provides on lusions and

des ribesdire tions forfuture resear h.

2 The global k-means algorithm


1 ;:::;x N g,x n 2R d

. TheM- lusteringproblemaimsat

partitioningthisdata set into M disjoint subsets ( lusters) C




,su h thata lustering

riterion is optimized. The most widely used lustering riterion is the sum of the squared

Eu lidean distan es between ea h data point x


and the entroid m


( luster enter) of the


enters m 1 ;:::;m M : E(m 1 ;:::;m M )= N X i=1 M X k=1 I(x i 2C k )jx i m k j 2 (1)

whereI(X)=1 ifX is trueand 0 otherwise.

The k-means algorithm nds lo ally optimal solutions with respe tto the lustering error.

It is a fast iterative algorithm that has been used in many lustering appli ations. It is a

point-based lustering method that starts with the luster enters initiallypla ed at arbitrary

positions and pro eeds by moving at ea h step the luster enters in order to minimize the

lustering error. Themain disadvantageof themethod liesin itssensitivityto initialpositions

of the luster enters. Therefore, in order to obtain near optimal solutions using the k-means

algorithmseveral runsmust be s heduleddi eringintheinitialpositionsof the luster enters.

In this paper, the global k-means lustering algorithm is proposed, whi h onstitutes a

deterministi globaloptimization methodthatdoesnotdependonanyinitialparametervalues

and employs the k-meansalgorithm asa lo al sear h pro edure. Instead of randomlysele ting

initial values for all luster enters as is the ase with most global lustering algorithms, the

proposedte hniquepro eedsinanin rementalwayattemptingtooptimallyaddonenew luster

enter at ea h stage.

More spe i ally, to solve a lustering problem with M lusters the method pro eeds as

follows. We start with one luster (k =1) and ndits optimal position whi h orresponds to

the entroidofthedatasetX. Inordertosolvetheproblemwithtwo lusters(k=2)weperform

N exe utionsofthek-meansalgorithmfromthefollowinginitialpositionsofthe luster enters:

the rst luster enterisalwayspla edattheoptimalpositionfortheproblemwithk=1,while

the se ond enter at exe utionn is pla edat the positionof the datapoint x



The best solution obtained after the N exe utions of the k-means algorithm is onsidered as

the solution for the lustering problemwith k = 2. In general, let (m

 1 (k);:::;m  k (k)) denote

the nal solution for k- lustering problem. On e we have found the solution for the (k

1)- lusteringproblem,wetryto ndthesolutionofthek- lusteringproblemasfollows: weperform

N runsof thek-means algorithmwith k lusterswhere ea h runnstarts from theinitial state

(m  1 (k 1);:::;m  (k 1) (k 1);x n

). ThebestsolutionobtainedfromtheN runsis onsideredas

thesolution(m  1 (k);:::;m  k

(k))ofthek- lusteringproblem. Bypro eedingintheabovefashion

we nally obtain a solution with M lusters having also found solutions for all k- lustering

problemswithk <M.

The latter hara teristi an be advantageous in many appli ations where the aim is also

to dis over the ` orre t' number of lusters. To a hieve this, one has to solve the k- lustering

problemfor variousnumbers of lusters and then employappropriate riteria for sele ting the

most suitable value of k [3 ℄. In this ase the proposed method dire tly provides lustering

solutionsforall intermediatevaluesof k,thusrequiringno additional omputationale ort.

In what on erns omputational omplexity, the method requires N exe utions of the

k-meansalgorithm forea h value of k (k =1;:::;M). Dependingon theavailable resour esand

the values of N and M, the algorithm may be an attra tive approa h, sin e, as experimental

results indi ate, the performan e of the method is ex ellent. Moreover, as we will show later

there areseveral modi ations that an beapplied inorder toredu e the omputational load.

Therationalebehindtheproposedmethodisbasedonthefollowingassumption: anoptimal

lusteringsolutionwithk lusters anbeobtainedthroughlo alsear h(usingk-means)starting

from an initialstate with


This assumption seems very natural: we expe t that the solution of the k- lustering problem

tobe rea hable (throughlo alsear h) from thesolutionof (k 1)- lustering problem,on ethe

additional enter is pla edat an appropriatepositionwithinthedata set. It is also reasonable

to restri t the set of possible initial positions of the k-th enter to the set X of available data

points. Itmustbenotedthatthisisarather omputationalheavyassumptionandseveral other

options (examining fewer initial positions) may also be onsidered. The above assumptions

are also veri ed experimentally, sin e in all experiments (and for all values of k) the solution


restarts of the k-means algorithm. In this spirit, we an autiously state that the proposed

methodis experimentallyoptimal (althoughitis diÆ ultto prove theoreti ally).

3 Speeding-up exe ution

Based onthe generalidea ofthe globalk-meansalgorithm,several heuristi s an bedevisedto

redu ethe omputationalloadwithoutsigni antlya e ting thequalityof thesolution. Inthe

followingsubse tions two modi ationsareproposed,ea h one referringto adi erentaspe tof


3.1 The fast global k-means algorithm

Thefastglobalk-meansalgorithm onstitutesastraightforwardmethodtoa eleratetheglobal

k-means algorithm. The di eren e lies in the way a solution for the k- lustering problem is

obtained, given the solutionof the(k 1)- lustering problem. Forea h of theN initial states

(m  1 (k 1);:::;m  (k 1) (k 1);x n

) we do not exe ute the k-means algorithm until onvergen e

to obtain the nal lustering error E


. Instead we ompute an upper bound E


 E b


on the resulting error E


for all possible allo ation positions x


, where E is the error in the

(k 1)- lusteringproblem. Wetheninitializethepositionofthenew luster enter atthepoint

x i





,andexe ute thek-meansalgorithmto

obtainthe solutionwithk lusters. Formally we have

b n = N X j=1 max(d j k 1 jx n x j j 2 ;0); (2) i =argmax n b n (3) whered j k 1

is the squared distan e between x


and the losest enter among thek 1 luster

enters obtained sofar (ie., enter of the lusterwhere x


belongs). The quantity b



the guaranteed redu tion in the error measure obtained by inserting a new luster enter at


n .

Supposethesolutionofthe(k 1)- lusteringproblemis(m

 1 (k 1);:::;m  (k 1) (k 1))anda

new luster enterisaddedatlo ationx


. Thenthenew enterwillallo ateallpointsx

j whose

squareddistan efrom x


issmaller thanthedistan ed


k 1

fromtheirpreviously losest enter.

Therefore, for ea h su h data point x


the lustering error will de rease by d

j k 1 jx n x j j 2 .

The summation over all su h data points x


provides the quantity b


for a spe i insertion

lo ationx


. Sin e thek-meansalgorithm isguaranteedto de rease the lustering errorat ea h

step,E b



onvergen e after inserting the new enter at x


(this is the error measure used in the global
























number of buckets

clustering error

Moreover, the lusterinsertion pro edure anbe eÆ ientlyimplementedby storingina matrix

all pairwisesquareddistan es betweenpointswhen thealgorithm starts,and usingthismatrix

for dire tly omputingthe upperbounds above. A similar`tri k' has been used inthe related

problemsof greedy mixture densityestimation usingtheEM algorithm [4℄ and prin ipal urve

tting[5 ℄.

Finally,we maystillapplythismethodaswellastheglobalk-meansalgorithm whenwedo

not onsidereverydatapointx


(n=1;:::;N)aspossibleinsertionpositionforthenew enter,

butuseonlyasmallersetofappropriatelysele tedinsertionpositions. Afastandsensible hoi e

forsele ting su ha set ofpositionsbased onk-dtrees isdis ussednext.

3.2 Initialization with k-d trees

A k-dtree [6 , 7℄ is a multi-dimensionalgeneralization of the standard one-dimensional binary

sear h tree,that fa ilitatesstorage and sear h over k-dimensionaldatasets. A k-dtree de nes

a re ursive partitioningof thedataspa e into disjointsubspa es. Ea h node ofthetree de nes

a subspa e of the original data spa e and, onsequently, a subset ontaining the data points

residing in thissubspa e. Ea h nonterminal node has two su essors, ea h of them asso iated

withoneofthetwosubspa esobtainedfromthepartitioningoftheparentspa eusinga utting

hyperplane. The k-d tree stru ture was originally used for speedingup distan e-based sear h

operationslike nearestneighborsqueries, rangequeries, et .

In our ase we use a variation of the original k-d tree proposed in [7 ℄. There, the utting

hyperplane is de ned as the plane that is perpendi ularto the dire tion of the prin ipal

om-ponent ofthedata points orrespondingto ea h node,therefore thealgorithm an beregarded

asa method fornested(re ursive)prin ipal omponent analysis of thedataset. The re ursion

usuallyterminates ifa terminal node( alled bu ket)is reated ontaining lessthan a

prespe -i ed number of points b ( alled bu ket size) or if a prespe i ed number of bu kets have been

reated. Itturnsoutthat,evenifthealgorithmisnotusedfornearestneighborqueries, merely

the onstru tion of the tree provides a very good preliminary lustering of the data set. The

idea is to use the bu ket enters (whi h are fewer than the data points) as possible insertion

lo ations forthealgorithmspresentedpreviously.


Gaussianmixtureare wellseparatedand exhibitlimited e entri ity.

We ompare theresultsofthree methodsto the lustering problemwithk =15 enters: (i)

Thedashed linedepi ts theresultswhen usingthefast globalk-meansalgorithm withall data

points onstitutingpotential insertion lo ations. The average lustering erroroverthe 10 data

sets is 15:7 with standard deviation 1:2. (ii) The solid line depi ts results when the standard

k-meansalgorithm isused: onerunforea hdatasetwas ondu ted. Atea h runthe15 luster

enters were initially positioned to the entroids of the bu kets obtained from the appli ation

of the k-dtree algorithm until 15 bu kets were reated. The average lustering errorover the

10 data sets is 24:4 with standard deviation 9:8. (iii) The solid line (with error bars) shows

theresultswhen usingthe fastglobal k-meansalgorithm withthe potentialinsertion lo ations

onstrained by the entroids of the bu kets of a k-d tree. On the horizontal axis we vary the

numberof bu kets forthek-dtree ofthelastmethod.

We also omputedthe`theoreti al' lustering errorforea h dataset, ie.,theerror omputed

by usingthe true luster enters. The average error value over the 10 data sets was 14:9 with

standard deviation 1:3. These results were too lose to theresults of the standard fast global

k-meansto in ludethem inthe gure.

We an on ludefromthisexperimentthat(a)thefastglobalk-meansapproa hgivesriseto

performan esigni antlybetterthanwhenstartingwithall entersat thesametimeinitialized

usingthek-dtreemethod,and(b)restri tingtheinsertionlo ationsforthefastglobalk-means

to those given bythe k-d tree (instead of usingall data points)does not signi antlydegrade

performan e if we onsider a suÆ iently large number of bu kets in the k-d tree (in general

largerthanthenumber lusters).

Obviously,itisalsopossibletoemploytheabovepresentedk-dtreeapproa hwiththeglobal


4 Experimental results

We have testedtheproposed lusteringalgorithmson several well-knowndatasets,namely the

irisdata set [8 ℄,thesyntheti dataset [9 ℄ and the imagesegmentationdata set [8 ℄. In all data

setswe ondu tedexperimentsforthe lustering problemsobtainedby onsideringonlyfeature

ve tors and ignoring lass labels. The iris data set ontains 150 four-dimensional data points,

the syntheti data set 250 two-dimensional data points and the for the image segmentation

data set we onsider 210 six-dimensional data points obtained through PCA on the original

18-dimensionaldatapoints. Thequalityoftheobtainedsolutionswasevaluatedintermsofthe

valuesof the nal lustering error.

Forea h dataset we ondu tedthefollowingexperiments:

 one runoftheglobalk-means algorithmforM =15.

 one runofthefast globalk-meansalgorithm forM =15.

 the k-meansalgorithm fork =1;:::;15. Forea h value of k,the k-meansalgorithm was

exe uted N times (where N is the number of data points) starting from random initial

positionsforthek entersand we omputedtheminimumand average lusteringerroras

wellasits standarddeviation.

For ea h of the three data sets the experimental results are displayed in Figures 2, 3 and

4 respe tively. Ea h gure plot displaysthe lustering errorvalue as a fun tionof the number

of lusters. It is lear thatthe globalk-means algorithm is very e e tive providing inall ases




















number of clusters k

clustering error

global k−means

fast global k−means


min k−means




















number of clusters k

clustering error

global k−means

fast global k−means




















number of clusters k

clustering error

global k−means

fast global k−means


min k−means

faster, it provides solutions of ex ellent quality, omparable to those obtained by the original

method. Therefore, it onstitutes a very eÆ ient algorithm, bothin terms of solutionquality

and omputational omplexityand anruneven fasterifk-dtreesareemployed asexplainedin

thepreviousse tion.

Matlabimplementationsofthefastglobalk-meansandthek-dtree buildingalgorithms an

be downloadedfrom http://www.s ien e.uva.nl/resear h/ias.

5 Dis ussion and on lusions

We have presented the global k-means lustering algorithm, whi h onstitutes a deterministi

lustering method providing ex ellent results in terms of the lustering error riterion. The

methodis independentof anystarting onditionsand ompares favorably to thek-means

algo-rithm with multiple random restarts. The deterministi nature of the method is parti ularly

important in ases wherethe lustering method is used either to spe ifyinitial parameter

val-uesfor other methods (for exampleRBF training) or onstitutes a module in a more omplex

system. Insu ha asewe an be almost ertainthattheemploymentoftheglobalk-means(or

any of the fast variants) will always provide sensible lustering solutions. Therefore, one an

evaluatethe omplexsystemandadjust riti al systemparameters withouthavingtoworryfor

dependen eof systemperforman eon the lustering methodemployed.

Another advantage of the proposed te hnique is that in order to solve the M- lustering

problem, all intermediate k- lustering problems are also solved for k = 1;:::;M. This may

prove useful in many appli ations where we seek for the a tual number of lusters and the

k- lustering problemis solved for several values of k. We have also developed the fast global

k-meansalgorithm, whi h signi antlyredu es the required omputational e ort, whileat the

sametime providing solutionsof almostthe same quality.

We have also proposed two modi ationof themethod thatredu e the omputationalload

withoutsigni antlya e tingsolutionquality. Thesemethods anbeemployedto ndsolutions

to lusteringproblems withthousands of high-dimensionalpointsand one ofour primaryaims

isto test thete hniqueson larges aledataminingproblems.


pendent and an beperformed inparallel. Anotherresear h dire tion on erns theappli ation

of the proposed method to other types of lustering (for examplefuzzy lustering), as well as

to topographi methods like SOM. Moreover, an important issue that deserves further study

is related withthe possibledevelopment of theoreti al foundations fortheassumptions behind

the method. Finally, it is also possible to employ the global k-means algorithm as a method

for providing e e tive initial parameter values for RBF networks and data modeling problems

using Gaussian mixture models and ompare the e e tiveness of the obtained solutions with

other trainingte hniquesforGaussianmixture models[10 ,11 ℄.

A knowledgements

N.Vlassis and J.J. Verbeek aresupportedbytheDut h Te hnology Foundation STWproje t


Referen es

[1℄ M. N. MurtyA. K. Jain and P.J. Flynn, \Data lustering: A review," ACMComputing

Surveys,vol. 31,no.3, pp.264{323, 1999.

[2℄ J.A.Lozano J.M.Penaand P.Larranaga, \Anempiri al omparison offourinitialization

methodsforthek-meansalgorithm," PatternRe ognitionLetters, vol. 20,pp.1027{1040,


[3℄ G. W. Milligan and M. C. Cooper, \An examination of pro edures for determining the

numberof lustersina dataset," Psy hometrika,vol. 50,pp.159{179, 1985.

[4℄ N.Vlassis and A. Likas, \A greedy EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture learning," Te h.

Rep.,Computer S ien eInstitute,Universityof Amsterdam,The Netherlands,Sept.2000,


[5℄ J.J.Verbeek,N.Vlassis,andB. Krose, \A k-segmentsalgorithm to ndprin ipal urves,"

Te h.Rep., Computer S ien eInstitute,Universityof Amsterdam,The Netherlands,Nov.

2000, IAS-UVA-00-11.

[6℄ J.L.Bentley, \Multidimensionalbinarysear h treesusedforasso iative sear hing,"

Com-mun.ACM, vol. 18,no.9,pp. 509{517, 1975.

[7℄ R.F. Sproull, \Re nements to nearest-neighborsear hing in k-dimensional trees,"

Algo-rithmi a,vol. 6,pp.579{589, 1991.

[8℄ C.L.Blake andC.J.Merz, \UCI repositoryofma hine learningdatabases,"Universityof

California,Irvine,Dept.of Informationand ComputerS ien es,1998.

[9℄ B. D. Ripley, Pattern Re ognition and Neural Networks, Cambridge University Press,

Cambridge,U.K., 1996.

[10℄ G.J. M La hlan and D.Peel, FiniteMixtureModels, Wiley,NewYork, 2000.

[11℄ N. Vlassis and A. Likas, \A kurtosis-based dynami approa h to Gaussian mixture

mod-eling," IEEE Trans.Systems, Man, and Cyberneti s, Part A, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 393{399,






This report is in the series of IAS te hni al reports. The series editor is Stephan ten Hagen

(stephanhs ien e.uva.nl). Withinthisseriesthefollowingtitlesappeared:

See: http://www.s ien e.uva.nl/resear h/ias/tr/

You may order opiesof the IAS te hni al reports from the orresponding author orthe series

editor. Mostofthereports an alsobefoundontheweb pagesoftheIAS group(seetheinside

front page).





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