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hal-00675681, version 1 - 1 Mar 2012


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KONSTANTIN BRENNER, CL´EMENT CANC`ES, AND DANIELLE HILHORST§ Abstract. We consider an immiscible incompressible two-phase flow in a porous medium com- posed of two different rocks. The flows of oil and water are governed by the Darcy-Muskat law and a capillary pressure law, where the capillary pressure field may be discontinuous at the interface between the rocks. Using the concept of multi-valued phase pressures, we introduce a notion of weak solution for the flow. We discretize the problem by means of a numerical scheme which reduces to a standard finite volume scheme in each rock and prove the convergence of an approximate solutions towards a weak solution. The numerical experiments show that the scheme can reproduce the oil trapping phenomenon.

Key words. Finite volume schemes, degenerate parabolic convection–reaction–diffusion equa- tion, two-phase flow in porous media, discontinuous capillarity

AMS subject classifications. 35K65, 35R05, 65M12, 76M12

1. Introduction.

1.1. Multivalued phase pressures. Models of incompressible immiscible two- phase flows are widely used in oil engineering to predict the motion of oil in the subsoil. They have been widely studied from a mathematical point of view (see e.g.

[1], [2], [4], [5], [16]) and from a numerical point of view (see e.g. [15], [18], [19], [17], [26], [28]). In this model, sometimes calleddead-oilapproximation, it is assumed that there are only two phases oil and water, and that each phase is only composed of a single component.

The governing equations are derived by substituting the Darcy-Muskat (or dipha- sic Darcy) law into the conservation equations for both phases, that is that for each phaseα∈ {o, w} (o corresponds to the oil phase, while wcorresponds to the water phase):

φ∂tsαdiv µ


µα (∇pα−ραg)

= 0, (1.1)

where φ = φ(x) is the porosity of the rock (φ∈ (0,1) in the domain Ω), sα is the saturation of the phaseα, the permeability of the porous mediumKis supposed to be a positive scalar function, the relative permeabilitykαof the phaseαis a increasing function of the saturation sα, satisfying kα(0) = 0 and kα(1) = 1, µα, pα and ρα

denote respectively the viscosity, the pressure and the density of the phaseα, and g is the gravity vector. Assuming that the porous medium is saturated, one has

so+sw= 1. (1.2)

This work was supported by GNR MoMaS

Universit´e Paris-Sud XI, Laboratoire de Math´ematiques CNRS-UMR 8628, F-91405 Orsay Cedex, France (konstantin.brenner@math.u-psud.fr)

Univrsit´e Paris VI (UPMC), Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, CNRS-UMR 7598, F-75005, Paris, France (cances@ann.jussieu.fr)

§CNRS & Universit´e Paris-Sud XI, Laboratoire de Math´ematiques CNRS-UMR 8628, F-91405 Orsay (danielle.hilhorst@math.u-psud.fr)


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This relation allows to eliminate the water saturation. We note s := so, so that sw= 1−s.

Classically, it is assumed that the phase pressures are connected by the equality

po−pw=π(so), (1.3)

whereπis the capillary pressure function, which is supposed to be strictly increasing on (0,1).

As it has been stressed in [1], the natural topology for the phase pressures in such a flow is prescribed by the quantity






Kkα(sα) µα

(∇pα)2dxdt. (1.4)

Note that when the phase αvanishes, i.e. sα= 0, then (1.4) provides no control on the pressurepα—it is indeed difficult to define the pressure of a missing phase—. As a consequence, ifsα= 0 andpβ is known (β 6=α), thenpα is not defined in a unique way, but it is multivalued, i.e. it can take any value lower than a threshold value, for which the phaseαwould appear. This point of view, developed in [14], leads to

po[−∞, pw+π(0)] ifso= 0 (1.5) and

pw[−∞, po−π(1)] ifso= 1. (1.6) We will take advantage of the multivalued formalism in order to deal with the case where the porous medium is composed of several rock types, and where the functions describing the porous medium depend in a discontinuous way of space. As it was stressed in [29], [6], [10], [11] and [3], the discontinuities of the capillary pressure function (1.3) have a large influence on the behavior of the flow, leading tooil-trapping.

Several numerical methods ([23], [21], [9], [22]) have been proposed to approximate this problem, but, to our knowledge, no convergence proof has been provided for the full problem in several space dimensions. Indeed, the convergence result stated in [9]

holds in the one-dimensional case, where the problem (1.1)-(1.3) becomes a single degenerate parabolic equation. In [21], simplifying assumptions are made so that the problem also reduces to a single degenerate parabolic equation. The scope of this paper is to deal with the two balance equations (1.1). In the case where the porous medium has smooth variations, it is possible to show the continuity ofpα, in the sense that on each Lipschitz continuous hypersurface of Ω,pαadmits strong traces on both sidespα,1, pα,2, and that these traces coincide:

pα,1=pα,2, forα∈ {o, w}. (1.7) If at the level of such a hypersurface Γ, the characteristic of the medium change in a discontinuous way, then, unless we have a compatibility condition on the capillary pressure functions (see [14]), the continuity of the pressure can not be prescribed by (1.7), but, taking advantage of the multivalued definitions (1.5),(1.6) of the phase pressures, one should use the graph formalism:

pα,1∩pα,26=∅, forα∈ {o, w}. (1.8)


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Note that if the phase pressures are single-valued, then the conditions (1.7) and (1.8) are equivalent. Moreover, because of the conservation of mass, one has



Kikα,i(si) µα

(∇pα,i−ραg)·ni= 0, (1.9) whereKiandkα,i(si) denote the traces ofK andkα(s) on each side of the interface, andni denotes the outward normal to Γ with respect to the sideiof the interface.

The fact that the phase pressures pα are multivalued whensα = 0 implies that the capillary pressure functions s 7→ πi(s) must also be multivalued for s = 0 and s= 1. Thus we introduce the monotonous graphs ˜πi defined by

˜ πi(s) =


[− ∞, πi(0)] ifs= 0, πi(s) ifs∈(0,1), [πi(1),+∞] ifs= 1,

for i = 1,2. The capillary pressure graphs admit a continuous inverse functions, denoted by ˜π−1i , which is defined onRby


πi−1(p) :=


0 ifp≤πi(0), π−1i (p) ifp∈i(0), πi(1)), 1 ifp≥πi(1).

Requiring (1.8) implies that, at an interface where the porous medium is discontinu- ous, one has


π1(s1)∩π˜2(s2)6=∅, (1.10) where π1(s1) andπ2(s2) denote the traces of π(s) on both sides of the interface. It has been shown in [13] and [8] that this interface condition is natural, at least in the one-dimensional case. But this single relation is not sufficient to deal with the case of two equations such as in (1.1), and further information has to be given along the discontinuity lines.

1.2. The model problem and assumptions on the data. We assume that the porous medium Ω is a connex open bounded polygonal subset ofRd, and is made of two disjoint homogeneous rocks Ωi, i ∈ {1,2}, which are both open polygonal subsets ofRd. We denote by Γ the interface between Ω1 and Ω2, i.e.

Γ =∂Ω1∩∂Ω2.

For all functionsa depending on the physical characteristics of the rock, we use the notationai=a(·, x) ifx∈i.

Also remark that as it has been stressed in [?], the gravity plays a crucial role in the so calledoil-trapping phenomenon.

We assume that at the initial timet= 0, the composition of the fluid is known s|t=0 =s0∈L(Ω; [0,1]). (1.11) We also assume that both phase fluxes are equal to 0 through the boundary∂Ω×[0, T] whereT >0 is a positive fixed (but arbitrary) final time:

Kikα,i(si) µα

(∇pα,i−ραg)·ni= 0, on (∂Ω∩∂Ωi)×(0, T). (1.12)


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Nevertheless, it should be possible to deal with other types of boundary conditions, such as Dirichlet conditions on a part of the boundary and Neumann conditions on the remaining part.

We denote byQT andQi,T the cylinders

QT := Ω×(0, T), Qi,T := Ωi×(0, T).

In order to control the energy of the flow, we have to make the following natural assumption on the capillary pressure functions.

Assumption 1. The functionsπi belong toC1((0,1))∩L1((0,1)).

Remark 1.1. As a direct consequence of Assumption 1,


πi−1∈L1(R) and (1−π˜−1i )∈L1(R+), i∈ {1,2}.

1.3. Global pressure formulation of the problem. The lack of control on the phase pressures, described in Section 1.1 and in [14], leads to important mathe- matical difficulties. A classical mathematical tool consists in introducing the so-called global pressureP to circumvent some of them. We define, forxi

P =pw+ Z πi(s)


ko,iπ−1i (a)) ko,iπi−1(a)) +µµo

wkw,iπi−1(a))da, (1.13)

=po Z πi(s)


kw,iπi−1(a)) kw,iπi−1(a)) +µµw

okoπi−1(a))da. (1.14) While the phase pressurespαshall be defined as multivalued, it has been pointed out in [14] that the global pressureP is always single valued, and is therefore much easier to work with. It is well known that in the case where the domain Ω is homogeneous ([15]), or if Ω varies smoothly ([5], [16]), then the global pressure belongs to the space L(0, T;H1(Ω)). This regularity result does not remain true, as it will be shown in the sequel, in the case of a discontinuous capillary pressure.

We define the fractional function fi(s) = ko,i(s) ko,i(s) +µµo

wkw,i(s) and we introduce the Kirchhoff transform

ϕi(s) = Z s


Ki ko,i(a)kw,i(a)

µwko,i(a) +µokw,i(a)π0i(a)da, ∀s∈(0,1), (1.15) that we extend in a continuous way by constants outside of (0,1). We make moreover the following assumption on the functionsϕi.

Assumption 2. For i ∈ {1,2}, the functions ϕi are Lipschitz continuous and increasing on [0,1].

It is well known that the system (1.1)–(1.3) can be rewritten in Qi,T under the

form 

φits+ div (fi(s)qi+γi(s)g− ∇ϕi(s)) = 0, divqi= 0,


(1.16) where

γi(s) =Kio−ρw) ko,i(s)kw,i(s)

µwko,i(s) +µokw,i(s) (1.17)


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ζi(s) =Ki


µo ρo+kw,i(s) µw ρw


The total mobility is defined byMi(s) =Ki

µko,i(s) µo

+kw,i(s) µw

. Since the relative permeabilities kα,iare supposed to be strictly monotone, one has kα,i(s)>0 ifs (0,1). As a consequence,

there existsαM >0 such that, fori∈ {1,2}, and for alls∈[0,1],

one hasMi(s)≥αM. (1.18)

The boundary conditions on the phase fluxes (1.12) are given by

qi·ni= 0, (fi(s)qi+γi(s)g− ∇ϕi(s))·ni= 0, on (∂Ω∩∂Ωi)×(0, T). (1.19) Concerning the transmission conditions on the interface Γ, prescribing the rela- tion (1.10) is not sufficient. It has to be replaced by: there existsπsuch that

π∈π˜1(s1)∩π˜2(s2), (1.20) P1−W1(π) =P2−W2(π), (1.21) where Wi(p) =Rp

0 fi˜πi−1(u)du. Note that (1.20) ensures that (1.10) holds. Equa- tion (1.21) consists in requiring the continuity of the water pressure in some weak sense implying (1.8) forα=w. On the other hand, adding πon both side of (1.21) leads to the continuity in the same weak sense of the oil pressure (see [14]).

The conservation of the total mass and of the oil mass give X


qi·ni= 0 on Γ, (1.22)



(fi(s)qi+γi(s)g− ∇ϕi(s))·ni= 0 on Γ, (1.23) whereni denotes the outward normal to Γ with respect to Ωi.

Since the global pressure P is defined up to a constant, we have to impose a condition to select a solution. More precisely we impose that

m1(P)(t) = 0, wheremi(P)(t) := 1 m(Ωi)



P(x, t)dxfori∈ {1,2}. (1.24) We now define a weak solution of Problem (1.16)-(1.24).

Definition 1.1. We say that a function pair(s, P)is a weak solution of Problem (1.16)-(1.24) if:

1. s∈L(QT; [0,1]) ;

2. ϕi(s), P ∈L2(0, T;H1(Ωi)), withm1(P)(t) = 0for almost every t∈(0, T);

3. there exists a measurable functionπ onΓ×(0, T)such that, for a.e. (x, t) Γ×(0, T),(1.20)–(1.21)hold;

4. for allψ∈ Cc¡

×[0, T)¢

, the following integral equalities hold:







qi· ∇ψdxdt= 0, (1.25)


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φs∂tψdxdt+ Z


= Z T






(fi(s)qi+γi(s)g+∇ϕi(s))· ∇ψdxdt, (1.26) where


We will use several time the following lemma, which ensures that the global pressure jumpP1−P2 at the interface belongs toL×(0, T)).

Lemma 1.1. The function p7→W1(p)−W2(p)belongs toC1(R;R), is uniformly bounded onRand admits finite limits as p→ ±∞.

Proof. Define

Υi(p) =




 Z p


¡fi◦π˜−1i (p)

dp ifp≥0, Z p


fi◦π˜−1i (p) dp ifp <0,

then W1(p)−W2(p) = Υ1(p)Υ2(p). Hence, we deduce that if Υ1(p),Υ2(p) have finite limits forp→ ±∞, then W1−W2 also does, sincefi(1) = 1. Since Υ1,Υ2 are nonincreasing functions, it only remains to check that they are bounded. Letp≥0, then

0Υi(p) ≥ − Z p


|fi◦π˜−1i (p)−fi(1)|dp

≥ −Lfi

Z p


|˜π−1i (p)1|dp≥ −Lfik˜πi−11kL1(R+). Similarly, forp <0, one has

0Υi(p)≤Lfik˜π−1i kL1(R). We conclude the proof of Lemma 1.1 by applying Remark 1.1.

2. The Finite Volume approximation.

2.1. Discretization of QT.

Definition 2.1. An admissible mesh ofis given by a set T of open bounded convex subsets ofcalled control volumes, a family E of subsets ofcontained in hyperplanes ofRd with strictly positive measure, and a family of points(xK)K∈T (the

“centers” of control volumes) satisfying the following properties:

1. there exists i∈ {1,2}such that K⊂i. We note Ti ={K∈ T, K⊂i} ; 2. S

K∈TiK= Ωi. Thus, S

K∈TK= Ω;

3. for any K ∈ T, there exists a subset EK of E such that ∂K = S




4. for any(K, L)∈ T2withK6=L, either the “length”(i.e. the(d−1)Lebesgue measure) of K∩L is0 orK∩L=σfor someσ∈ E. In the latter case, we writeσ=K|L, and

• Ei={σ∈ E, ∃(K, L)∈ Ti2, σ=K|L},Eint =E1∪E2,EK,int=EK∩Eint,

• Eext={σ∈ E, σ⊂∂Ω}, EK,ext=EK∩ Eext,


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• EΓ={σ∈ E, ∃(K, L)∈ T1× T2, σ=K|L},EK,Γ=EK∩ EΓ;

5. The family of points (xK)K∈T is such thatxK ∈K (for all K ∈ T) and, if σ=K|L, it is assumed that the straight line(xK, xL)is orthogonal toσ.

For a control volume K∈ Ti, we denote by NK ={L∈ Ti, σ=K|L∈ EK,i} the set of the neighbors and by m(K) its measure. For all σ ∈ E, we denote by m(σ) the (d1)-Lebesgue measure of σ. Ifσ∈ EK, we notedK,σ =d(xK, σ), and we denote by τK,σ the transmissibility of K through σ, defined byτK,σ=m(σ)d

K,σ. If σ=K|L, we notedK,L=d(xK, xL)and τKL=m(σ)d

K,L. The size of the mesh is defined by:

size(T) = max

K∈T diam(K),

and a geometrical factor, connected with the regularity of the mesh, is defined by reg(T) = max


 X





Definition 2.2. A uniform time discretization of (0, T) is given by an integer value N and a sequence of real values (tn)n∈{0,...,N+1}. We define δt = NT+1 and,

∀n∈ {0, . . . , N},tn=nδt. Thus we have t0= 0andtN+1=T.

Remark 2.1. We can easily prove all the results of this paper for a general time discretization, but for the sake of simplicity, we choose to only consider uniform time discretizations.

Definition 2.3. A finite volume discretization Dof QT is a family D= (T,E,(xK)K∈T, N,(tn)n∈{0,...,N}),

where(T,E,(xK)K∈T)is an admissible mesh ofin the sense of definition 2.1 and (N,(tn)n∈{0,...,N}) is a discretization of (0, T) in the sense of definition 2.2. For a given meshD, one defines:

size(D) =max(size(T), δt), andreg(D) =reg(T).

2.2. Definition of the scheme and main result. ForK ∈ Ti, we denote by gK(s) =gi(s) for all functiongwhose definition depends on the subdomain Ωi, as for exampleφi, ϕi, Mi, fi, Wi, . . .. For a functionf :RRRand for (a, b)R2 we denote byR(f;a, b) the Riemann solver

R(f;a, b) =

½ minc∈[a,b]f(c) ifa≤b,

maxc∈[b,a]f(c) ifb≤a. (2.1) The total flux balance equation is discretized by



m(σ)Qn+1K,σ = 0, ∀n∈ {0, . . . , N},∀K∈ T, (2.2) with





dK,L (PKn−PLn) +R(ZK,σ;snK, snL) ifσ=K|L∈ EK,i,

MK(snK) dK,σ

¡PKn−PK,σn ¢ +R¡

ZK,σ;snK, snK,σ¢

ifσ∈ EK,Γ,

0 ifσ∈ EK,ext,



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whereMK,L(sn+1K , sn+1L ) =ML,K(sn+1L , sn+1K ) is a mean value betweenMK(sn+1K ) and ML(sn+1L ). For example, we can consider, as in [28], the harmonic mean

MK,L(sn+1K , sn+1L ) = MK(sn+1K )MK(sn+1L )dK,L

dL,σMK(sn+1K ) +dK,σMK(sn+1L ).

The function ZK,σ is defined by ZK,σ(s) = ζK(s)g·nK,σ, where nK,σ denotes the outward normal toσwith respect toK.

The oil-flux balance equation is discretized as follows:

φKsn+1K −snK

δt m(K) + X


m(σ)FK,σn+1= 0, (2.4) with

FK,σn =






QnK,σ fK(snK,σ) +R(GK,σ;snK, snL) +ϕK(snK)−ϕK(snL)

dK,L ifσ=K|L∈ EK,i, QnK,σ fK(snK,σ) +R(GK,σ;snK, snK,σ) +ϕK(snK)−ϕK(snK,σ)


ifσ∈ EK,Γ, 0 if σ∈ EK,ext,

(2.5) whereGK,σ(s) =γK(s)g·nK,σ andsn+1K,σ is the upwind value defined by

sn+1K,σ =


sn+1K ifQn+1K,σ 0,

sn+1L ifQn+1K,σ <0 andσ=K|L∈ EK,i, sn+1K,σ ifQn+1K,σ <0 andσ∈ EK,Γ.


The interface values


sn+1K,σ, sn+1L,σ, PK,σn+1, PL,σn+1


forσ=K|L∈ EΓ are defined by the following nonlinear system. For allσ=K|L∈ EΓ, for alln∈ {0, . . . , N}, there exists πn+1σ Rsuch that

πn+1σ ∈π˜K(sn+1K,σ)∩π˜L(sn+1L,σ), (2.7) PK,σn+1−WK

¡πn+1σ ¢


¡πn+1σ ¢

, (2.8)

Qn+1K,σ +Qn+1L,σ = 0, (2.9)

FK,σn+1+FL,σn+1= 0. (2.10)

Moreover, we impose the discrete counterpart of the equation (1.24), that is, for all n∈ {0, . . . , N},



m(K)PKn+1= 0. (2.11)

We will show below in Section 2.3 that the system (2.7)-(2.10) possesses a solution.

We denote byX(D, i) the finite dimensional space of piecewise constant functionsuD

defined almost everywhere inQi,T having a trace on the interface Γ, i.e.

X(D, i) :=©

uD,i∈L(Qi,T) and for all (K, σ, n)∈ T × EΓ× {0, . . . , N},

uD,i is constant on(tn, tn+1], uD,iis constant onσ×(tn;tn+1,


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and by X(D) the space of the functions uD whose restriction (uD)|

Qi,T belongs to X(D, i). We define the solution (sD, PD)∈ X(D)2 of the scheme by

sD(x, t) =sn+1K , PD(x, t) =PKn+1 if (x, t)∈K×(tn, tn+1], and, forx∈σ=K|L⊂Γ for someK∈ T1,L∈ T2, fort∈(tn, tn+1), the traces

sD|Γ,1(x, t) =sn+1K,σ, sD|Γ,2(x, t) =sn+1L,σ. In this paper we prove the following convergence result.

Theorem 1. Assume that Assumptions 1 and 2 hold. Let(Dm)m be a sequence of admissible discretizations ofQT in the sense of Definition 2.3, then for allm∈N, there exists a discrete solution (sDm, PDm) ∈ X(Dm)2 to the scheme. Moreover, if limm→∞size(Dm) = 0, and if there exists ζ >0 such that, for all m, reg(Dm)≤ζ, then up to a subsequence, sDm converges, towards s∈L(QT; [0,1]) in the Lp(QT) topology for all p∈[1,∞),PDm converges to P weakly in L2(QT), where (s, P)is a weak solution of Problem (1.16)-(1.24) in the sense of Definition 1.1.

2.3. The interface conditions system. Define, for all σ=K|L∈ EΓ, for all n∈ {0, . . . , N},

Pσn+1 :=PK,σn+1−WK


=PL,σn+1−WLσn+1), (2.12) and

Qn+1K,σσn+1) :=αn+1K ¡


+R(ZK,σ;sn+1K ˜−1Kn+1σ )), (2.13) whereαn+1K = MKd(sn+1K )

K,σ .Then, the balance of the fluxes on the interface (2.9)–(2.10) can be rewritten as

Qn+1K,σσn+1) +Qn+1L,σn+1σ ) = 0 (2.14)



sn+1K,σn+1σ )






+R(GK,σ;sn+1K ˜−1Kn+1σ )) +R(GL,σ;sn+1L ˜L−1σn+1)) +ϕK(sn+1K )−ϕK◦π˜−1Kn+1σ )

dK,σ +ϕL(sn+1L )−ϕL◦π˜L−1σn+1)

dL,σ = 0,



sn+1K,σ(p) =

( sn+1K if Qn+1K,σ(p)0,

π−1K (p) if Qn+1K,σ(p)<0. (2.16) We deduce from (2.14) that

Pσn+1 = αn+1K (PKn+1−WKn+1σ )) +αn+1L (PLn+1−WLn+1σ )) αKn+1+αn+1L

+R(ZK,σ;sn+1K ˜K−1n+1σ )) +R(ZL,σ;snL˜−1Ln+1σ )) αn+1K +αn+1L



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and thus that

Qn+1K,σn+1σ ) = αn+1K αn+1L αn+1K +αn+1L

¡PKn+1−PLn+1−WKn+1σ ) +WLn+1σ

+αn+1L R(ZK,σ;sn+1K ,˜πK−1σn+1))−αn+1K R(ZL,σ;snL˜−1Ln+1σ ))

αn+1K +αn+1L .

(2.18) As a direct consequence of Lemma 1.1, Qn+1K,σ belong to C1(R;R) and admits finite limits asp→ ±∞.

Denote by

Ψn+1σ (p) :=Qn+1K,σ(p) (fK(sK,σ(p))−fL(sL,σ(p)))

+R(GK,σ;sn+1K ˜−1K (p)) +R(GL,σ;sn+1L ˜−1L (p)) +ϕK(sn+1K )−ϕK◦π−1K (p)

dK,σ +ϕL(sn+1L )−ϕL◦π−1L (p)

dL,σ ,

then Ψσ is continuous onR.

Lemma 2.1. Let(sn+1K , sn+1L )[0,1]2, there existsπσn+1[miniπi(0),maxiπi(1)]

such that Ψn+1σn+1σ ) = 0.

Proof. From the definition (2.16) ofsn+1K,σ(p), since limp→miniπi(0)π−1K (p) = 0, and sinceQn+1K,σ(p) admits a limit asp→miniπi(0), one has



0 and also

p→minlimiπi(0)R(GM,σ;sn+1M ˜M−1(p)) = max

s∈[0,sM]GM,σ(s)0, with M ∈ {K, L}.

This yields that

p→minlimiπi(0)Ψn+1σ (p)≥ϕK(sn+1K )

dK,σ +ϕL(sn+1L ) dL,σ 0.

One obtains similarly that lim

p→maxiπi(1)Ψn+1σ (p) 0. One conclude thanks to the continuity of Ψn+1σ .

Proposition 2.2. Let σ= K|L ∈ EΓ, and let ¡

sn+1K , sn+1L , PKn+1, PLn+1¢

R4, then there exists a solution³

πn+1σ , sn+1K,σ, sn+1L,σ, PK,σn+1, PL,σn+1´


[0,1]2×R2 to the nonlinear system (2.7)–(2.10).

Proof. Let πσn+1 R be a solution of the equation Ψn+1σn+1σ ) = 0, whose existence has been claimed in Lemma 2.1. Firstly, defining sn+1K,σ := πK−1σn+1) and sn+1L,σ :=π−1Ln+1σ ), one has directly that

πn+1σ ∈π˜K(sn+1K,σ)˜πL(sn+1L,σ).


hal-00675681, version 1 - 1 Mar 2012


As it was noticed in Lemma 1.1, the function p 7→ WK(p)−WL(p) is uniformly bounded. Hence, the values

PK,σn+1 := αn+1K PKn+1+αn+1L PLn+1+αn+1L ¡

WKn+1σ )−WLσn+1αn+1K +αn+1L


ZK,σ;sn+1K ˜K−1n+1σ )¢ +R¡

ZL,σ;snL˜L−1σn+1αn+1K +αn+1L


PL,σn+1 := αn+1K PKn+1+αn+1L PLn+1+αn+1K ¡

WLσn+1)−WKσn+1αn+1K +αn+1L


ZK,σ;sn+1K ˜K−1n+1σ )¢ +R¡

ZL,σ;snL˜L−1σn+1αn+1K +αn+1L

are finite. It is now easy to check that


πσn+1, sn+1K,σ, sn+1L,σ, PK,σn+1, PL,σn+1


is a solution to the system (2.7)–(2.10) thanks to the analysis carried out above.

3. A priori estimates and existence of a discrete solution.

3.1. L(QT) estimate on the saturation.

Proposition 3.1. Let(sD, PD)be a solution to the scheme (2.2)–(2.11), then

0≤sD1 a.e. inQT. (3.1)

Proof. We will prove that for allK∈ T, for alln∈ {0, . . . , N}, sn+1K 1.

The proof for obtainingsn+1K 0 is similar.

Using the definition (2.5) ofFK,σn+1, one can rewrite (2.4) under the form HK


sn+1K , snK,¡ sn+1L ¢


³ sn+1K,σ




³ Qn+1K,σ



= 0, (3.2) whereHK is non increasing with respect tosnK,¡

sn+1L ¢


³ sn+1K,σ



. Making use of the notationsa>b= max(a, b), we obtain that



sn+1K , snK>1,¡

sn+1L >1¢


³ sn+1K,σ>1




³ Qn+1K,σ




We remark that for allK∈ T and for alls∈[0,1] one has X


m(σ)GK,σ(s) = 0. (3.3)

Combining (3.3) and (2.2) we have HK




K,i,³ Qn+1K,σ´


= 0.


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Hence, using once again the monotonicity ofHK, one obtains HK


1, snK>1,¡

sn+1L >1¢


³ sn+1K,σ>1




³ Qn+1K,σ




Sincea>bis either equal toaor tob, one has HK


sn+1K >1, snK>1,¡

sn+1L >1¢




,³ Qn+1K,σ´


0. (3.4) Next we remark that for anyσ=K|L∈ EΓ the the equation (2.10) can be written as



sn+1K , sn+1L ,³ sn+1M,σ´

M∈{K,L},³ Qn+1M,σ´


= 0, whereHσ is non increasing with respect tosn+1K , sn+1L and

³ sn+1M,σ


M∈{K,L}. Thanks to (2.9) and usingγi(1) = 0 fori∈ {1,2}we obtain



1,1,(1)M∈{K,L},³ Qn+1M,σ´


= 0.

Using the same arguments as for (3.4) one has that Hσ


sn+1K >1, sn+1L >1,³


M∈{K,L},³ Qn+1M,σ´


0. (3.5) Multiplying (3.4) by δt and summing over K ∈ T provides, using (3.5) and the conservativity of the scheme,



φK(sn+1K 1)+m(K)≤ X



Since s0 L(QT; [0,1]), s0K [0,1] for all K ∈ T. A straightforward induction allows us to conclude.

3.2. Energy estimate.

Definition 3.1. We define the discrete L2(0, T;H1(Ωi)) semi-norm of an ele- ment uD ∈ X(D, i) by



δt X



¡un+1K −un+1L ¢2



δt X






un+1K −un+1K,σ´2 .

Lemma 3.2. The following inequalities hold:

for allσ=K|L∈ Eint, Qn+1K,σfK

³ sn+1K,σ´ ¡

πK(sn+1K )−πK(sn+1L


WKK(sKn+1))−WKK(sn+1L ))¢

; (3.6)

for allσ∈ EK,Γ, Qn+1K,σfK

³ sn+1K,σ´ ¡

πK(sn+1K )−πσn+1


WKK(sn+1K ))−WKσn+1. (3.7)


hal-00675681, version 1 - 1 Mar 2012


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