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Multipliers for the Hecke Algebra of a Real Semi Simple Lie Group


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Multipliers for the Hecke Algebra of a Real Semi Simple Lie Group

Publications du Département de Mathématiques de Lyon, 1982, fascicule 4B

« Journées d’analyse harmonique », , p. 1-3


© Université de Lyon, 1982, tous droits réservés.

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Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques




by Patrick DELORME


Let G be a real semi-simple Lie group, connected, with finite center and K a maximal compact subgroup of G. In this paper, we study multipliers of the Hecke algebra ^ K G ) o f smooth, compactly supported functions on G, which ar left and right K-finite. By a multiplier we mean a linear endomorphism commuting with the left and right actions of the algebra. Essentially we construct a sub- algebra of the algebra of multipliers of (tn* 3) . This result has been originally proved by Arthur (cf. [1], th. Ill, 4.2), but his proof rests on a Paley-Wiener theorem for real semi-simple Lie groups, whose proof is very hard

(cf. [1], th. III.4.1). Our construction of multipliers for ® ( G ) ^ is simple and elementary. Let us explain it in more details.

Let _g be the Lie algebra of G, g = k © p a Cartan decomposition of _g with Cartan involution 0 , the complexified Lie algebra of g. We set

u = k @ i p , q = i u . Then g^ = u © q is a Cartan decomposition of _g^ (viewed as a real Lie algebra).

Let h^ be the Lie algebra of a maximally split 0-stable Cartan subgroup of G. Then h^ = © , where t0 = n k , a0 = h0 n P • Moreover a = i © is a Cartan subspace of , and ( h ^ ) ^ is a Cartan subalgebra of .We denote by

the Wheyl group of the pair (g^ , (h^)^) which acts on a .



Now we denote by G the connected, simply connectec Lie group with Lie algebra _g^ , by U the analytic subgroup of with Lie algebra.

Let ^(G^/U) (resp. (^T(U \ G^/U)) be the space of smooth functions on G^/U (resp. the space of compactly supported distributions on G, biinvariant under U ) .

From the spherical Paley-Wiener (cf. [4] ) , for each x in T (a.)

(compactly supported, W^-invariant distributions on a) there exists a unique ~ in <ff (U \ G^/U) whose spherical Fourier transform in equal to the usual Fourier transform of x > T - The right convolution by "x determines a continuous endomorphism T of $ (G^/U) which commutes with the left translations by elements of G„. We show in theorem 1 that every such map is a right convolution by an element of

$ T(U \ G^/U) i.e. is one of the T . Now, from the Flensted-JensenTs corres-

& T

pondance between certain functions on dual symmetric spaces (cf. [2]), there is an inejction n of g?(G), . in ^(G /U) . , with nice properties. It is easy to show that each T leaves stable the image of ri , hence T1^ = n o T 0 7-1 is a well

T T T)

defined endomorphism of ® (G) . From the properties of r¡ , it is easy to see that commutes with the left and right actions of the enveloppind algebra U(g) of g.

We show in theorem 2 that it is enough to ensure that T1^ is a multiplier

T w


for £ £ ( G )/ T. x . Finally, we have defined a map (x -> T1^) from <?T(a) into the algebra of multipliers of the Hecke algebra i # ( G ) ^ ^

Now we identify Z(g,), the center of U(g) , with S(a) . Then we show in theorem 3 that, for any element (j) of (G) and any principal series represen- tation (TT,H ) of G with infinitesimal character y (v £ a * ) , T\(T^ (h) = 1 (V)TT(*) •

7T —d X



This achieves the comparison with the multipliers constructed by Arthur in th. III.4.2.

In paragraph 1, we introduce the general conventions.

In paragraph 2, we introduce the Flensten-Jensens correspondance and etablish some of its properties needed in the sequel.

In paragraph 3, we study the G^-endomorphisms of ^(G^,/U) (th. t ) . In paragraph 4, we construct certain multipliers of the Hecke algebra

~ ^ ^ ( K ) a n c* e t af r - ^s n some of their properties.


Acknowledgements :

I am grateful to J. CARMONA for many helpful conversations during the preparation of this article.



[1] J. ARTHUR, A Paley-Wiener theorem for real reductive groups (preprint).

[2] M. FLENSTED-JENSEN, Discrete series for semi-simple symmetric spaces, Ann.

of Math., 111 ( 1 9 8 0 ) , 253-311.

[3] S. HELGASON, Dirrerential geometry and symmetric spaces, Academic P r e s s , New York - London, (1962).

[4] S. HELGASON, An analogue of the Paley-Wiener theorem for the Fourier trans- form on certain symmetric spaces, Math. A n n . 165 ( 1 9 6 6 ) , 297-308.

[5] S. HELGASON, A duality for symmetric spaces with applications to group repre- sentations II, Differential equations and eigenspace representations, Adv.

Math. 22 ( 1 9 7 6 ) , 187-219.

[6] L. S C H W A R T Z , Théorie des distributions, Hermann, P a r i s , ( 1 9 6 2 ) .

[7] P. T O R A S S 0 , Le théorème de Paley-Wiener pour l'espace des fonctions indé- finiment différentiables et à support compact sur un espace symétrique de type non compact, J. of Funct. Anal. 26 ( 1 9 7 7 ) , 201-213.

[8] N. WALLACH, Represnetations of semi-simple Lie groups and Lie algebras, in Queen's papers in pure and applied math. 4 8 , 1 5 5 - 2 4 8 , Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (1978).



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