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Preprint submitted on 18 Apr 2015


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Maria Chlouveraki, Vincent Sécherre

To cite this version:

Maria Chlouveraki, Vincent Sécherre. THE AFFINE YOKONUMA–HECKE ALGEBRA AND THE

PRO-p-IWAHORI–HECKE ALGEBRA. 2015. �hal-01143597�




Abstract. We prove that the affine Yokonuma–Hecke algebra defined by Chlouveraki and Poulain d’Andecy is a particular case of the pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebra defined by Vign´eras.

1. Introduction

A family of complex algebras Yaffd,n(q), called affine Yokonuma–Hecke algebras, has been defined and studied by Chlouveraki and Poulain d’Andecy in [ChPo2]. The existence of these algebras has been first mentioned by Juyumaya and Lambropoulou in [JuLa1]. These algebras, which generalise both affine Hecke algebras of type A and Yokonuma–Hecke algebras [Yo], are used to determine the representations of Yokonuma–

Hecke algebras [ChPo1] and construct invariants for framed and classical knots in the solid torus [ChPo2].

Moreover, whenq2is a power of a prime numberpandd=q2−1, one can verify that the affine Yokonuma–

Hecke algebra Yd,naff(q) is isomorphic to the convolution algebra of complex valued and compactly supported functions on the group GLn(F), withF a suitablep-adic field, that are bi-invariant under the pro-p-radical of an Iwahori subgroup (see [Vi1]). It is natural to ask whether there is a family of algebras that generalises, in a similar way, affine Hecke algebras in arbitrary type.

In a recent series of preprints [Vi2, Vi3, Vi4], Vign´eras introduced and studied a large family of algebras, called pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebras. They generalise convolution algebras of compactly supported functions on ap-adic connected reductive group that are bi-invariant under the pro-p-radical of an Iwahori subgroup, which play an important role in thep-modular representation theory ofp-adic reductive groups (see [AHHV]

for instance).

In this note, we show that the algebra Yaffd,n(q) of Chlouveraki and Poulain d’Andecy is a pro-p-Iwahori–

Hecke algebra in the sense of Vign´eras [Vi2].

2. The affine Yokonuma–Hecke algebra

Letd, n∈Z>0. Letq be an indeterminate and setR:=C[q, q−1]. We denote byYd,naff(q) the associative algebra overRgenerated by elements

t1, . . . , tn, g1, . . . , gn−1, X1, X1−1 subject to the following defining relations:


(br1) gigj = gjgi for alli, j= 1, . . . , n−1 such that|i−j|>1, (br2) gigi+1gi = gi+1gigi+1 for alli= 1, . . . , n−2,

(fr1) titj = tjti for alli, j= 1, . . . , n,

(fr2) gitj = tsi(j)gi for alli= 1, . . . , n−1 andj= 1, . . . , n,

(fr3) tdj = 1 for allj= 1, . . . , n,

(aff1) X1g1X1g1 = g1X1g1X1

(aff2) X1gi = giX1 for alli= 2, . . . , n−1, (aff3) X1tj = tjX1 for allj= 1, . . . , n.

(quad) gi2 = 1 + (q−q−1)eigi for alli= 1, . . . , n−1,

2010Mathematics Subject Classification. 20C08.

We are grateful to Guillaume Pouchin for his remarks and always helpful explanations. We would also like to thank Lo¨ıc Poulain d’Andecy for our fruitful discussions on the topics of this paper.



wheresi denotes the transposition (i, i+ 1) and

(2.2) ei:= 1





for alli= 1, . . . , n−1. The algebraYd,naff(q) was called in [ChPo1] theaffine Yokonuma–Hecke algebra and was studied in [ChPo2], together with its cyclotomic quotients. This algebra is isomorphic to the modular framisation of the affine Hecke algebra; see definition in [JuLa2, Section 6] and Remark 1 in [ChPo1]. For d= 1,Y1,naff(q) is the standard affine Hecke algebra of typeA.

Remark 2.3. Relations (br1), (br2), (aff1) and (aff2) are the defining relations of the affine braid group Bnaff. Adding relations (fr1), (fr2) and (aff3) yields the definition of theextended affine braid group orframed affine braid group Zn⋊Bnaff, with the tj’s being interpreted as the “elementary framings” (framing 1 on thejth strand). The quotient ofZn⋊Bnaff over the relations (fr3) is themodular framed affine braid group (Z/dZ)n⋊Bnaff (the framing of each braid strand is regarded modulod). Thus, the affine Yokonuma–Hecke algebraYd,naff(q) can be obtained as the quotient of the group algebraR[(Z/dZ)n⋊Bnaff] over the quadratic relation (quad).

Note that, for alli= 1, . . . , n−1, the elements ei are idempotents, and we havegiei=eigi. Moreover, the elementsgi are invertible, with

(2.4) g−1i =gi−(q−q−1)ei for alli= 1, . . . , n−1.

Now, fori, l= 1, . . . , n, we set

(2.5) ei,l:= 1





The elementsei,l are idempotents. We also haveei,i = 1,ei,i+1=ei andei,l=el,i. Moreover, it is easy to check that

(2.6) tjei,l=tsi,l(j)ei,l=ei,ltsi,l(j)=ei,ltj for allj= 1, . . . , n, wheresi,ldenotes the transposition (i, l).

We define inductively elementsX2, . . . , Xn ofYd,naff(q) by

(2.7) Xi+1:=giXigi fori= 1, . . . , n−1.

We have that the elements t1, . . . , tn, X1±1, . . . , Xn±1 form a commutative family [ChPo1, Proposition 1].

Moreover, in [ChPo1, Lemma 1], it is proved that, for anyi∈ {1, . . . , n}, we have

(2.8) gjXi=Xigj and gjXi−1=Xi−1gj forj= 1, . . . , n−1 such thatj 6=i−1, i.

Finally, using (2.1)(quad) and (2.4), it is easy to check that, for anyi∈ {1, . . . , n}, we have (2.9) giXi=Xi+1gi−(q−q−1)eiXi+1 and giXi+1=Xigi+ (q−q−1)eiXi+1, which in turn yields

(2.10) giXi−1=Xi+1−1gi+ (q−q−1)eiXi−1 and giXi+1−1 =Xi−1gi−(q−q−1)eiXi−1. We can easily prove by induction, ona, b∈Z>0, that the following equalities hold:

(2.11) giXia=Xi+1a gi−(q−q−1)ei a−1X


XikXi+1a−k and giXi+1b =Xibgi+ (q−q−1)ei b−1X



(2.12) giXi−a=Xi+1−agi+ (q−q−1)ei a−1X


Xi−a+kXi+1−k and giXi+1−b =Xi−bgi−(q−q−1)ei

Xb−1 k=0

Xi−b+kXi+1−k Note also that

(2.13) giXiXi+1 =giXigiXigi=Xi+1Xigi=XiXi+1gi and giXi−1Xi+1−1 =Xi−1Xi+1−1gi. The above formulas yield it turn the following lemma:



Lemma 2.14. We have the following identities satisfied inYd,naff(q)(i= 1, . . . , n−1):

(2.15) giXiaXi+1b =





XibXi+1a gi−(q−q−1)ei a−b−1P


Xib+kXi+1a−k ifa≥b,

XibXi+1a gi+ (q−q−1)ei b−a−1P


Xia+kXi+1b−k ifa≤b,

a, b∈Z.

Let w ∈ Sn, where Sn is the symmetric group on n letters, and let w = si1si2. . . sir be a reduced expression forw. Since the generatorsgiof Yd,naff(q) satisfy the same braid relations, (br1) and (br2), as the generators of Sn, Matsumoto’s lemma implies that the element gw :=gi1gi2. . . gir is well-defined, that is, it does not depend on the choice of the reduced expression forw. We then obtain anR-basis ofYd,naff(q) as follows:

Theorem 2.16. [ChPo2, Theorem 4.15]The set Baffd,n=n

ta11· · ·tannX1b1· · ·Xnbngw |a1, . . . , an∈Z/dZ, b1, . . . , bn∈Z, w∈Sn o

is anR-basis of Yd,naff(q).

Ford= 1,B1,naff is the standard Bernstein basis of the affine Hecke algebra Y1,naff(q) of type A.

3. The pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebra

Let Λ denote the abelian group Zn. Forλ= (λ1, . . . , λn), λ = (λ1, . . . , λn)∈Λ, we have λλλ= (λ11, . . . , λnn). We denote byλ◦λ the dot product ofλandλ, that is, the integerPn

j=1λjλj. We setεi := (0,0, . . . ,0,1,−1,0, . . . ,0)∈Λ, where 1 is in thei-th position and−1 is in the (i+ 1)-th position, fori= 1, . . . , n−1.

LetW be the extended affine Weyl group Λ⋊Sn of typeA. For all σ∈Sn and λ= (λ1, . . . , λn)∈Λ, we set

σ(λ) :=σλσ−1= (λσ(1), . . . , λσ(n)).

Now, the symmetric groupSn is generated by the setS={s1, . . . , sn−1}, where si denotes the transpo- sition (i, i+ 1). We set

γ:=sn−1sn−2. . . s2s1∈Sn and h:= (0,0, . . . ,0,1)γ∈W.

Note that we havehsih−1=si−1for alli= 2, . . . , n−1. Sets0:=hs1h−1∈W. Then the setSaff =S∪{s0} is a generating set of the affine Weyl groupWaff of typeAand we haveW =hhi⋊Waff. Moreover, we can extend the length function ℓofWaff to W by settingℓ(hkwaff) =ℓ(waff) for allwaff ∈Waff,k∈Z.

LetT be a (finite) abelian group such thatSn acts onT. Like above, for allσ∈Sn andt∈ T, we set σ(t) :=σtσ−1.

We consider the semi-direct product Wf := (T ×Λ)⋊Sn. Every element of fW can be written in the form t λ σ, with t∈ T, λ∈Λ, σ∈Sn. Note thatt and λcommute with each other. We set Λ :=e T ×Λ and Sen :=T ⋊Sn. We haveWf=ΛeSen, withΛe∩Sen =T. Like above, for allσ∈Sn andν ∈Λ, we sete σ(ν) :=σνσ−1. We also setSe:={ts|s∈S, t∈ T }andSeaff :={ts|s∈Saff, t∈ T }. Finally, we can extend the length functionℓofW to fW by settingℓ(tw) =ℓ(w) for allw∈W,t∈ T.

Theorem 3.1. [Vi2, Theorem 2.4]Let R be a ring and let(qs, cs)s∈Seaff ∈R×R[T]be such that (a) qs=qts andcts=tcsfor all t∈ T.

(b) qs=qs andcs =wcsw−1 if s=wsw−1 for somew∈Wf.

Then the freeR-moduleHR(qs, cs)of basis(Tw)w∈fW has a uniqueR-algebra structure satisfying:

• The braid relations: TwTw =Tww ifw, w∈Wf,ℓ(w) +ℓ(w) =ℓ(ww).

• The quadratic relations: Ts2=qss2+csTsfor s∈Seaff.



The algebraHR(qs, cs) is called thepro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebra of fW overR. If (qs)s∈Seaff are taken to be indeterminates satisfying (a) and (b) above,R:=R[qs1/2, q−1/2s ] and (cs)s∈Seaff ∈R[T] satisfy (a) and (b) above, thenHR(qs, cs) is called thegeneric pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebra of fW. Note that, in this case, since qsis invertible for alls∈Seaff,Tsis invertible inHR(qs, cs), with

(3.2) Ts−1=qs−1s−2(Ts−cs).

We deduce that every elementTw, forw∈Wf, is invertible inHR(qs, cs). Note that any pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebra ofWfcan be obtained from the generic pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebraHR(qs, cs) with a specialisation of parameters. Further, by replacing the generatorsTs by ¯Ts:=qs−1/2Ts, the quadratic relations become

s2=s2+q−1/2s css for all s∈Seaff.

Thus, if (qs1/2)s∈Seaff are chosen so that they also satisfy conditions (a) and (b) of Theorem 3.1, we obtain an isomorphism betweenHR(qs, cs) andHR(1, q−1/2s cs). Therefore, from now on, without loss of generality, we will assume thatqs= 1 for alls∈Seaff. ThenR=R. We now have the following Bernstein presentation of HR(1, cs).

Theorem 3.3. [Vi2, Theorem 2.10] The R-algebra HR(1, cs) is isomorphic to the free R-module of basis (E(w))w∈fW endowed with the uniqueR-algebra structure satisfying:

• Braid relations: E(w)E(w) =E(ww)for w, w ∈Sen,ℓ(w) +ℓ(w) =ℓ(ww).

• Quadratic relations: E(s)2=s2+csE(s) fors∈S.e

• Product relations: E(ν)E(w) =E(νw)for ν∈Λ,e w∈Wf.

• Bernstein relations: Fors=tsi∈Se(t∈ T,i= 1, . . . , n−1) and ν=τ λ∈Λe (τ∈ T,λ∈Λ), E(s(ν))E(s)−E(s)E(ν) =

( 0 if si(λ) =λ,


k=0 E(τ µi(k, λ)) if si(λ)6=λ, whereǫi(λ) = sign(εi◦λ)∈ {1,−1}and

µi(k, λ) =

λ εki ifǫi(λ) =−1 si(λ)εki ifǫi(λ) = 1.

Remark 3.4. Note that, in the above presentation, we takeE(s) =Tsfor alls∈Se(in particular,E(t) =t for allt∈ T).

4. Main result

Let q be an indeterminate. Our aim in this section will be to show that the affine Yokonuma–Hecke algebraYd,naff(q) is isomorphic to the pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebraHR(qs, cs) ofWfwhen we take

• T = (Z/dZ)n =ht1, . . . , tn |tdj = 1, titj =tjti, for alli, j= 1, . . . , ni;

• R=R=C[q, q−1] ;

• qtsi= 1 for alli= 0,1, . . . , n−1,t∈(Z/dZ)n ;

• ctsi= (q−q−1)t ei for alli= 0,1, . . . , n−1,t∈(Z/dZ)n, where e0:=e1,n.

We then havefW = (Z/dZ×Z)n⋊Sn={t λ σ|t∈(Z/dZ)n, λ∈Λ, σ∈Sn}. The action ofSn on (Z/dZ)n is given by

σ(tj) =σtjσ−1=tσ(j) for allσ∈Sn, j= 1, . . . , n.

The action ofSn extends linearly to the group algebraR[(Z/dZ)n].

First we check that the assumptions (a) and (b) of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied in this case. Let s∈Seaff = {tsi|i= 0,1, . . . , n−1, t∈(Z/dZ)n}. By definition, we haveqs=qts= 1 andcts=tcsfor allt∈(Z/dZ)n.

Now, set

λ0:= (−1,0, . . . ,0,1)∈Λ and λi:= (0,0, . . . ,0,0)∈Λ for alli= 1, . . . , n−1.



Moreover, letσ0 denote the transposition (1, n) =s1,nandσi denote the transposition (i, i+ 1) =si for all i= 1, . . . , n−1. We then have

siiσi for alli= 0,1, . . . , n−1.


Seaff ={tλiσi|i= 0,1, . . . , n−1, t∈(Z/dZ)n}.

Lets, s∈Seaff be conjugate infW. By definition, we haveqs=qs = 1. Now, let us writes=tλiσi and s =tλiσi fori, i∈ {0,1, . . . , n−1} andt, t ∈(Z/dZ)n. Moreover, let w∈Wf be such thats=wsw−1, and writew=τ λσ withτ ∈(Z/dZ)n,λ∈Λ andσ∈Sn. Then

tλiσi = (τ λσ)(tλiσi)(σ−1λ−1τ−1) = [τ σ(t)(σσiσ−1)(τ−1)][λσ(λi)(σσiσ−1)(λ−1)][σσiσ−1].

We deduce that

σi =σσiσ−1 and t=τ σ(t)(σσiσ−1)(τ−1) =τ σ(t)σi−1).

By (2.6), we have

(4.1) tei =τ σ(t)σi−1)ei =τ σ(t)τ−1ei =σ(t)ei =σ(t)ww−1ei =wtw−1ei. Furthermore, we have

σiσ(i) =σσi(i) =σ(i+ 1) and σiσ(i+ 1) =σσi(i+ 1) =σ(i),

where iand i+ 1 in the above equalities are considered modulo nif necessary. If σ(i) is fixed byσi, then the first equality implies thatσ(i) =σ(i+ 1), which is absurd. Similarly, ifσ(i+ 1) is fixed byσi, then the second equality implies thatσ(i+ 1) =σ(i), which is absurd. We deduce that

{σ(i), σ(i+ 1)}=

{i, i+ 1} if 1≤i≤n−1 ; {1, n} ifi = 0 ;

which in turn yields

(4.2) weiw−1=σ(ei)ww−1=σ(ei) =ei. Combining (4.1) and (4.2), we obtain

cs = (q−q−1)tei = (q−q−1)wtw−1weiw−1=w (q−q−1)tei


Therefore, we can define the pro-p-Iwahori–Hecke algebraHR(qs, cs) offW, which is the freeR-module of basis (E(w))w∈fW endowed with the uniqueR-algebra structure satisfying the relations described explicitly in the previous section.

Theorem 4.3. The R-linear map ϕ:Yd,naff(q)→ HR(qs, cs)defined by

ϕ(ta11· · ·tannX1b1· · ·Xnbngw) =E(ta11· · ·tann(b1, . . . , bn)w), for alla1, . . . , an∈Z/dZ,b1, . . . , bn∈Z,andw∈Sn, is anR-algebra isomorphism.

Proof. The map ϕ is obviously a bijectiveR-linear map, so we just need to show that ϕis an R-algebra homomorphism. For this, it is enough to check that the defining relations (2.1) ofYd,naff(q) are satisfied by the images of its generators viaϕ, that is, the elements

ϕ(t1), . . . , ϕ(tn), ϕ(g1), . . . , ϕ(gn−1), ϕ(X1), ϕ(X1−1).

First of all, note that ϕ(X1−1) = E((−1,0, . . . ,0)) = E((1,0, . . . ,0))−1 = ϕ(X1)−1, due to the product relations. The product relations also imply (aff3). Moreover, due to the braid relations, we have immediately that (br1), (br2), (fr1) and (fr3) are satisfied. We also obtain

ϕ(gi)ϕ(tj) =E(si)E(tj) =E(sitj) =E(tsi(j)si) =E(tsi(j))E(si) =ϕ(tsi(j))ϕ(gi) for alli= 1, . . . , n−1 andj= 1, . . . , n, so (fr2) holds.

Now, fori= 1, . . . , n−1, we have

ϕ(gi)2=E(si)2=s2i +csiE(si) = 1 + (q−q−1)eiE(si) = 1 + (q−q−1)eiϕ(gi),

so (quad) is satisfied byϕ(gi). We will use the Bernstein relations for the remaining defining relations, (aff1) and (aff2).



First, note that (1,0, . . . ,0) is fixed by the action ofsifor alli= 2, . . . , n−1. We thus obtain ϕ(X1)ϕ(gi) =E((1,0, . . . ,0))E(si) =E(si(1,0, . . . ,0)s−1i )E(si) =E(si)E((1,0, . . . ,0)) =ϕ(gi)ϕ(X1).

This yields (aff2).

Now, (1,0, . . . ,0) is not fixed by the action ofs1. By the Bernstein relations, we have E((0,1, . . . ,0))E(s1)−E(s1)E((1,0, . . . ,0)) =cs1E((0,1, . . . ,0)), and thus,

E(s1)E((1,0, . . . ,0)) =E((0,1, . . . ,0))E(s1)−cs1E((0,1, . . . ,0)) =E((0,1, . . . ,0))(E(s1)−cs1).

By (3.2) and Remark 3.4, we have thatE(s1)−cs1 =E(s1)−1, and so E(s1)E((1,0, . . . ,0)) =E((0,1, . . . ,0))E(s1)−1. We obtain

ϕ(X1)ϕ(g1)ϕ(X1)ϕ(g1) = E((1,0, . . . ,0))E(s1)E((1,0, . . . ,0))E(s1)

= E((1,0, . . . ,0))E((0,1, . . . ,0))E(s1)−1E(s1)

= E((1,0, . . . ,0))E((0,1, . . . ,0)).

= E((1,1, . . . ,0)).

and ϕ(g1)ϕ(X1)ϕ(g1)ϕ(X1) = E(s1)E((1,0, . . . ,0))E(s1)E((1,0, . . . ,0))

= E((0,1, . . . ,0))E(s1)−1E(s1)E((1,0, . . . ,0))

= E((0,1, . . . ,0))E((1,0, . . . ,0)).

= E((1,1, . . . ,0)).

Thus, (aff1) also holds, andϕis a bijectiveR-algebra homomorphism, as required.


[AHHV] N. Abe, G. Henniart, F. Herzig, M.-F. Vign´eras,A classification of irreducible admissible modp representations of p-adic reductive groups, arXiv:1412.0737.

[ChPo1] M. Chlouveraki, L. Poulain d’Andecy,Representation theory of the Yokonuma–Hecke algebra, Adv. Math.259(2014), 134–172.

[ChPo2] M. Chlouveraki, L. Poulain d’Andecy, Markov traces on affine and cyclotomic Yokonuma–Hecke algebras , arXiv:


[JuLa1] J. Juyumaya, S. Lambropoulou,Modular framization of the BMW algebra, arXiv:1007.0092.

[JuLa2] J. Juyumaya, S. Lambropoulou, On the framization of knot algebras, to appear in New Ideas in Low-dimensional Topology, L. Kauffman, V. Manturov (eds), Series of Knots and Everything, WS.

[Vi1] M.-F. Vign´eras,Pro-p-Iwahori Hecke ring and supersingular F¯p-representations, Math. Ann.331(2005) 523–556.

[Vi2] M.-F. Vign´eras,The pro-p-Iwahori Hecke algebra of a reductivep-adic group I, preprint (2013).

[Vi3] M.-F. Vign´eras,The pro-p-Iwahori Hecke algebra of a reductivep-adic group II, preprint (2014).

[Vi4] M.-F. Vign´eras,The pro-p-Iwahori Hecke algebra of a reductivep-adic group III, preprint (2014).

[Yo] T. Yokonuma,Sur la structure des anneaux de Hecke d’un groupe de Chevalley fini, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math.264 (1967) 344–347.

Laboratoire de Math´ematiques de Versailles, Universit´e de Versailles St-Quentin, Bˆatiment Fermat, 45 avenue des ´Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles cedex, France.

E-mail address:maria.chlouveraki@uvsq.fr

Laboratoire de Math´ematiques de Versailles, Universit´e de Versailles St-Quentin, Bˆatiment Fermat, 45 avenue des ´Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles cedex, France.

E-mail address:vincent.secherre@uvsq.fr



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