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Anisotropic Compton scattering in LiF using synchrotron radiation


Academic year: 2021

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Anisotropic Compton scattering in LiF using synchrotron radiation

G. Loupias and J. Petiau (*)

Laboratoire de Minéralogie-Cristallographie (**), Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, Paris, France

and Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation du Rayonnement Electromagnétique (***), Bât. 209C, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France (Reçu le 31 juillet 1979, accepte le 19 novembre 1979)



L’utilisation du rayonnement synchrotron a permis la mesure de la distribution des moments élec-

troniques dans un monocristal de LiF pour les directions 100 > et 111 > avec une résolution de 0,15 unité atomique. Cette résolution est environ 4 fois meilleure que celle des mesures existantes en diffusion 03B3. Le spectro- mètre utilise le rayonnement de LURE-DCI, un monochromateur channel-cut, un cristal analyseur focalisant

et un détecteur à localisation spatiale. Les résultats obtenus confirment l’anisotropie importante de la distribution de moments dans LiF. La comparaison avec les anisotropies calculées dans la zone 0 à 2 u.a. montre un très bon accord avec les calculs LCAO de Berggren et al. pour q 0,6 u.a. et avec les calculs H.F. de Euwema et al. pour q > 0,7 u.a.



Using synchrotron radiation, the electronic momentum distribution is measured with a 0.15 atomic unit resolution in a LiF single crystal for the 100 > and 111 > directions. This resolution is about four times better than obtained in 03B3 experiments.

The spectrometer uses the LURE-DCI radiation with a channel-cut monochromator, a focusing crystal analyser

and a position sensitive detector. The measurements performed confirm the significant anisotropy of the electron distribution in LiF. The present results are compared with calculated anisotropies in the range 0 to 2 a.u. ; they

agree quite well with the Berggren et al. calculations (LCAO) for q 0.6 a.u. and with the Euwema et al. calcula- tions (H.F.) for q > 0.7 a.u.


Physics Abstracts

71.25T - 07.85

1. Introduction.


Measurements of the electron momentum distribution have recently [1] proved to

be a particularly sensitive probe of the behaviour

of the slowly moving electrons. In condensed matter, such electrons are precisely those which are taking

part in bonding and are thus of a particular interest

for the physicist and the chemist.

Measurements of the momentum distribution for the target electrons are principally obtained by two

methods :


the spectral analysis of the inelastically scattered

X or y photons, the so-called Compton profile (CP) ;


the long-slit angular correlation profile of the

two photons emitted during the annihilation of

positron-electron pairs (ACP).

The experimental profiles usually lead to the total

electron momentum density n(p) integrated in momen-

tum space over planes perpendicular to the scattering

vector k, i.e. :


However this relation is only valid if :


in the ACP measurement, the effects of the

positive charge (repulsion by ion core, affinity for

defects and vacancies) can be neglected and the position wave-function can be considered as a

constant. These assumptions are usually far from being true and, as a consequence, the interpretation

of the ACP in terms of electron momentum is some-

times difficult. On the other hand, this technique has

hitherto enjoyed a better resolution than usual CP

techniques and is then to be used for Fermi surface (*) Et E.N.S.J.F., Paris.

(**) Laboratoire associe au C.N.R.S. (LA 09).

(***) Laboratoire du C.N.R.S. associ6 a l’Universit6 Paris-Sud.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01980004103026500



studies, when high quality single crystals are avai- lable ;


in the CP measurements, the Impulse Approxi-

mation [3] can be assumed i.e. the energy transferred to the recoil electron greatly exceeds its binding

energy. This assumption is always true in the case

of a y-ray source whereas in the case of a classical

X-ray tube it may be different ; then a fundamental advantage of a synchrotron radiation source (SRF)

is the possibility of picking out a suitable incident

photon energy.

The first measurements of Compton scattering

with synchrotron radiation were made by M. Cooper

et al. [4] using radiation from the synchrotron NINA,

at three energies in the range 40-80 keV ; they showed

that the count rates were very favourable while the resolution was severely limited by the use of a solid

state detector.

At LURE-DCI the available energies range from 4 keV to 15 keV.

Compton scattering experiments have been per-

formed to check the accuracy of wave-function calculations [1]. To improve the sensitivity of these checks, it is necessary to improve both the statistical accuracy and the resolution of the data. In order to solve the former problem several highly efficient

y-ray Compton spectrometers [5] have been designed

in the last two years. However the momentum reso-

lution is poor (0.55 to 0.4 atomic unit), being limited by the energy resolution of the analysing solid state


On the other hand, the momentum resolution of the X-ray crystal analysing spectrometers (typically

0.2 a.u.) is actually limited by statistics considerations for two main reasons : first the inelastic cross section is weak due to the severe competition with the photo-

electron absorption (except for low z) and secondly

the detection is usually performed point by point [6-7].

These considerations led us to choose a high flux X-ray source (SRF), a curved crystal analyser and

a position sensitive detector hoping in this way to

improve the momentum resolution while keeping

a satisfactory statistical accuracy.

The measurements of directional Compton pro- files of LiF using this new spectrometer may be justified

for several reasons. First from the theoretical point

of view LiF is a simple system and directional Compton profiles may be derived according to two models :

either by Hartree-Fock calculation using a Gaussian

basis set by Euwema et al. [8] or by a tight binding

calculation using Kunz’s crystal orbitals by Berggren

et al. [9]. Secondly y-ray Compton profiles are avai-

lable [9] and offer a good opportunity for a comparison

of the assumptions and data corrections involved in both X and y-ray techniques.

2. 1’he X-ray spectrometer.



DESCRIPTION. - The SRF photons being mostly horizontally polarized [10] the spectrometer has been

built in the vertical plane. A schematic diagram is

shown in figure I and a detailed set-up in figure 2.

Fig. 1. - Schematic representation of the Compton spectrometer


The white synchrotron beam is monochromatized by a double reflection in a channel-cut single crystal.

In the present experiments 220 reflections in the

symmetrical Bragg case have been used in a silicon

crystal but, in order to increase the monochromatic beam flux (by a factor roughly equal to four) a ger- manium single crystal has been cut [11] in such a way that the reflections 220 are asymmetric with angles of respectively 10 and 7 degrees between the reflecting planes and the surfaces. The incident wavelength Ao

is selected by use of rotation Rl with a step of two seconds of arc and the whole spectrometer is matched

to the position of the monochromatic beam through

the translation T 1.

The vertical width of the slit F1 has to be limited

in order to improve the resolution (under a width

of 1.5 mm the incident energy resolution is controlled

by the source size). The slit, systems (F2, F3) and the

monochromator and analyser shielding are dictated by background considerations. Moreover in order to save intensity and reduce the background, the mono-

chromator as well as the paths of the incident and analysed beams are included in an evacuated chamber.

The incident flux is monitored in an air ionization chamber I and irradiates the sample S mounted on a goniometer head fixed on a rotation axis R2 so that any hkl > crystallographic axis can be oriented

along the scattering vector k. The value of the scatter- ing angle T is adjusted by the rotation R3. For this

configuration of the spectrometer (Fig. 2) the value of T can be selected at will from 1000 to 1700.

The scattered radiation is energy-analysed by Bragg reflection in a curved crystal A, in the trans- mission geometry. The analysed beam is focused

on the Rowland circle. The coupling of a position

sensitive detector (PSD) with a multichannel analyser

allows all the points of the spectrum to be simul-

taneously collected. The crystal plate A is cut in such


Fig. 2.


Experimental set-up of the Compton spectrometer at LURE-DCI. M : channel-cut monochromator (Ge or Si). I : ionization chamber. S : sample. A : curved analyser (Si 220). D : position sensitive detector.

a way that the Bragg reflected beam is normal to

its surface. This is indeed the geometrical condition providing both the best crystal focusing [12] and

the smallest parallax in the 5 mm thick detector of the backgammon type (Jeu de Jacquet) [13]. The rotation R4, actually achieved by a vertical translation of the bracket shown on the right side of figure 2, allows

the analyser adjustment for Bragg reflection of the

Compton scattered wavelength. To reach the best resolution available with this spectrometer configu- ration, the crystal may be bent with a radius of cur-

vature of up to two meters. The PSD is always posi-

tioned normal to the diffracted beam (Fig. 2). All

these motions. are motorized and remote controlled.

Finally and still for background reduction, the geometry has been designed in such a way that the detector should not be in direct view of any point

of the sample.




All the data presented in table I are

concerned with a 0.2 mm thick aluminum sample

and have been derived from the information given

in each experiment. For y-ray spectrometers, the sample thickness can be increased up to a few milli-

meters (usually 1 mm) with a corresponding increase

in intensity but also in the amount of multiple Compton scattering events which requires careful

corrections. For the DCI spectrometer, the data have been recorded with the germanium mono-

chromator, the incident energy being fixed at 10.5 keV

and the scattering angle at 140°. The conditions of the impulse approximation are satisfied for all the electrons : the energy transfer at the Compton peak

is 380 eV while the electron binding energies are res- pectively 1 559 eV and 72-87 eV for K and L shells

in aluminum.


The experimental data listed in table I clearly

demonstrate the large gain in resolution obtained with the curved crystal analyser set-up as compared

to the y-ray spectrometers. The resolution function has been evaluated through the width of the fluores-

cence line Kocl of germanium used as a sample.

No serious drop in the statistical accuracy is observed although aluminum is not the most favou- rable case for a low incident energy source. However

an increase of the analysing crystal quality can bring

the resolution down to 0.05 atomic unit without

intensity loss; this X-ray spectrometer will then be

an order of magnitude more sensitive than a y-ray spectrometer with a SSD detector.



Compton scattering involving large transfers of momentum and energy is studied in the configuration

a or b, as described in figure 3. Figures 1 and 2 show

the a-configuration which was used for all the experi-

ments described in this paper. The b-configuration

has to be chosen for a better resolution : the analyser

is then positioned in the reflection geometry with

a Bragg angle larger than 50°. On the other hand the

range of energy analysed in one measurement is



Table I.


Performances of various Compton spectrometers.

All the data are concerned with a 0.2 mm thick aluminum sample.

(*) This number results from the superposition of the two Compton profiles due to the incident doublet and of a high background.

For the present work, the numbers indicated between brackets represent performances expected in the near future (autumn 1979) when

DCI will be operated at 1.80 GeV, 400 mA instead of 1.72 GeV, 200 mA.

Fig. 3.


The four configurations of the apparatus (a and b corres- ponding to qJ > 90°, c and d to 9 90°).

smaller ; recording of an entire Compton profile

then requires several successive measurements in the 6 cm long PSD.

Configurations c and d allow the study of scatter- ing within the range of low and intermediate momen-

tum transfer e.g. from q = 0.2 a.u. (Eo = 4 keV,



200) to q


2.7 a.u. (Eo


15.5 keY, ({J



The best resolution is achieved in the c-configuration.

3. Experimental profiles.


We have performed

the measurement of two directional Compton pro- files with the scattering vector k successively parallel

to the ( 100 ) and 111 > crystallographic axes of

LiF : the largest difference between directional pro- files is of course expected for these two directions.


tal arrangement has been selected in order to fulfil the impulse approximation. The electron binding energies are respectively 55 eV for the K shell of

lithium and 687 eV for that of fluor. Thus an incident energy equal to 10 870 eV and a scattering angle equal

to 1300 yield an energy transfer of 380 eV at the

Compton peak.

The entrance slit F1 is three millimeters wide ver-

tically (and 2.5 cm wide horizontally); the mono-

chromator is the symmetrical 220 silicon channel-cut.

The incident energy bandwidth AEO is 2 eV ; this is evaluated experimentally by use of the well-known

structure of the K absorption edges of copper and titanium recorded with the ionization chamber.

Using a series of such K edges (Ge, Cu, Ti) an absolute

calibration of the incident energy is obtained.

The monochromator and the slits are covered with silver foils whose characteristic K and L lines

are far from the values of the incident and scattered


The monochromatic beam with 109 photons within

a cross section of 0.75 cm2 irradiates a cleaved (100) single crystal sample of LiF, 2 mm thick. The scattered radiation is analysed by the 220 reflection in a silicon

crystal, 0.180 mm thick and bent with a radius of

50 cm.


The measured spatial resolution of the position

sensitive detector is 170 ym. Its linearity in both space and amplitude is better than 2 x 10-3. The energy

scale of the spectrum can be calculated from the

crystal dispersion; moreover it has been calibrated by use of the three florescence lines of the germa- nium K-spectrum. The momentum scale is then

calculated from relation (2).

For each direction approximately 105 counts were

collected in the Compton peak during ten hours

when LURE-DCI was running with an averaged

electronic current of 150 mA at 1.80 GeV. In fact two

independent measurements were performed in each

case; the difference plot for the two measurements

corresponding to the direction 111 > is shown in

figure 4.

Fig. 4.


Difference between two independent 111 ) measure-

ments in LiF.

3.2 DATA ANALYSIS METHOD. - The very weak and uniform background (less than 1 count for 100

collected in the central Compton channel, 0.027 0 a.u.

of momentum wide) is first subtracted. Then the measured scattering cross section is corrected from the wavelength dependent factors : these are the photoelectric absorption in the sample and analyser,

the reflectivity and Lorentz factor of the analyser

and the efficiency of the detector. The last term is evaluated from both the photoelectric absorption

and the energy of a pair creation in the xenon filling

the detector cell. The first harmonic, energy 2 Eo,

is not detected.

Finally the profile without the K shell electrons of fluor is normalized to a theoretical profile [9] so that :


- 2 J(q) dq = 4.408. The limits of ± 2 a.u. ofmomen-


tum are actually chosen to eliminate the beginnings

of the K shells Compton Profile from both Li+ and F-. No correction for multiple scattering is made

since the thickness of the sample is of the same

order [1] as g-’

The data have not been corrected for instrumental resolution but the theoretical profiles have been

convoluted with the resolution function for compa-



Table II.


Compton profiles for LiF 100 ).

(*) The contribution of the K shell electrons of fluor is subtracted (Clementi atomic orbital [15]), and the theoric profile is convoluted

by our resolution function.

(**) Ref. [9]. The experimental profile corrected for multiple scattering and spectrometer resolution is treated as (*).



3.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. - The experimental profile for LiF f 100 > averaged over ± q is in agree- ment with Berggren et al.’s theory (see Table II) : dJ(0)/J(0) = 1.4 x I O - 3 and AAq)lAq) , 1.3 x 10-2

for 0 , q 1.5 a.u. while Euwema’s theory over-

estimates J(1.0) by 3 %. The statistical accuracy is

± 1 % of J(q). However, for the values of q > 1.6 a.u.

the X-ray experimental profile is always above the

calculated values, so corrections for multiple scatter- ing have to be included before deriving any accurate conclusion in the range 1.6 q 2.0 a.u. of momen- tum.

However as it has been already shown [9], the quality of the crystal wave function is more accurately

checked by the study of the anisotropy itself evaluated

by the difference J(q) - J(q) where the multiple

(100> 111 >

scattering correction needs not be considered since both profiles are equally affected. A point by point

subtraction of the ( 111 ) profile from the ( 100 ) profile has been performed and the uncertainty on

the difference value has been estimated as being

inferior or equal to + 0.01. The agreement with the

tight binding theory (and Kunz’s crystal orbitals)

has been found satisfactory for q 0.6 a.u. whereas for q > 0.7 a.u. the agreement is better with the H.F. calculation of Euwema.

Fig. 5.


Difference between 100 > and 111 ) Compton profiles in LiF.

The poor quality of the Gaussian basis is well known for the low values of momentum but for an inter- mediate range of momentum this Gaussian basis is reliable. It is not easy to make a direct comparison

with the y-ray anisotropy due to its broad resolution function. Let us recall that the elastic X-ray scatter- ing measurements show that the charge density is isotropic, within experimental accuracy [16] while figure 5 shows an amplitude of the momentum aniso- tropy approximatively equal to ± 2 % of J(O).

4. Conclusion. - The X-ray spectrometer described here is a reliable apparatus as is demonstrated by

these first results on the anisotropy of LiF. Moreover

we have obtain a large gain in resolution without

an important loss of statistical accuracy for the low Z elements when compared to the best performant

y-ray spectrometers. However the investigation of

the anisotropy of the Compton profile measured along different crystallographic directions alone is not yet sufficient since, even at small q, the Compton profile contains high momentum contributions due to the integration over planes in the k-space (rela-

tion (I)). Therefore one should aim at reconstructing

the three dimensional momentum density n(p) and

its Fourier transform, the autocorrelation function


In such a study resolution is a critical parameter otherwise this function is drastically damped by

the Fourier transform of a too broad resolution function. The atomic orbitals would then be hardly separated for long correlation lengths. On the other

hand the tunable wavelength allows the conditions

for the impulse approximation or, alternatively, the study of its breakdown when the K shell binding edge is expressly located within the Compton profile

to be studied.



The realization of the spec- trometer was supported by the Délégation Générale

a la Recherche Scientifique. We are very much undebted to J. Frouin and Y. Bernard, from the Laboratoire de Mineralogie-Cristallographie, for taking a very

important part in the design and construction of the apparatus. We express thanks to the Laboratoire de I’Acc6l6rateur Lineaire, in Orsay, and parti- cularly to Dr. P. Marin for providing the synchrotron



[1] For a recent review see Compton Scattering, ed. B. Williams (McGraw-Hill, London) 1977.

[2] For a general review on annihilation studies in solids, see WEST, R. N., Adv. Phys. 22 (1973) 263.

[3] EISENBERGER, P. and PLATZMAN, P. M., Phys. Rev. A 2 (1970)


[4] COOPER, M., HOLT, R., PATTISON, P. and LEA, K. R., Comm.

on Phys. 1 (1976) 159.

[5] MANNINEN, S. and PAAKKARI, T., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 155

(1978) 115.

PATTISON, P. and SCHNEIDER, J. R., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 158

(1979) 145.


[6] Comparison of various Compton spectrometers in use before 1976 : REED, W. A., Acta Crystallogr. A 32 (1976) 676.

[7] However a focusing X-ray spectrometer with a photographic

detection has been used to measure Compton profiles of

water and ice : the momentum resolution was 0.11 a.u.

LOUPIAS, G., Thesis University Paris 6 (1978).

[8] EUWEMA, R. N., WEPFER, G. G., SURRAT, G. T. and WIL- HITE, D. L., Phys. Rev. B 9 (1974) 5249.

[9] BERGGREN, K. F., MARTINO, F., EISENBERGER, P. and REED, W. A., Phys. Rev. B 13 (1976) 2292.

[10] JACKSON, J. D., Classical electrodynamics (J. Wiley & sons,


DAGNEAUX, P. et al., Ann. Phys. 9 (1975) 9.

[11] LOUPIAS, G., PETIAU, J., GUIDI-MOROSINI, C., to be submitted to J. Appl. Cryst.

[12] CAUCHOIS, Y., J. Physique 4 (1933) 61.

[13] ALLEMAND, R., THOMAS, G., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 137 (1976)


[14] MANNINEN, S., PAAKKARI, T. and KAJANTIE, K., Philos. Mag.

29 (1974) 167.

COOPER, M. J., PATTISON, P., WILLIAMS, B. and PANDRY, K. C., Philos. Mag. 29 (1974) 12-37.

[15] WEISS, R. J., HARVEY, A. and PHILLIPS, W. C., Philos. Mag. 17 (1968) 241.

[16] HOWARD, C. J. and KHADAKE, R. G., Acta Crystallogr. A 30

(1974) 296.


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