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世 界 術 生 大 會 决議 R E S O L U T I ON OF T HE W O R LD H E A L TH A S S E M B LY R É S O L U T I ON DE R A S S E M B L ÉE M


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral



CARIBBEAN COOPERATION IN HEALTH The Fortieth World Health Assembly,

Recognizing the long tradition of subregional cooperation in Caribbean,

Sensitive to the current threat and/or danger of deterioration of environmental conditions and health services of the countries of this subregion as a result of their economic constraints and the measures which must be taken to deal with them;

Having heard the presentation on the Caribbean Cooperation in Health initiative which gives another opportunity for the Caribbean countries to work cooperatively to strengthen further their health systems and improve the health of the people through a focused approach, 1. CONGRATULATES the countries of the subregion on their continuing efforts to work

cooperatively towards strengthening their health systems and address some of the most important of their environmental problems;

2. URGES the Member States, WHO and other international organizations to support the Caribbean Cooperation in Health initiative;

3. REQUESTS the Director"General to assist the WHO Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean Community in mobilizing from potential donors such financial and technical

resources as may facilitate the optimum development of the Caribbean Cooperation in Health.

Eleventh Plenary Meeting, 13 May 1987 A40/VR/11


WHA40.16 13 M a y 1987

the English-speaking 世 界 術 生 大 會 决 議

R E S O L U T I O N O F T H E W O R L D H E A L T H A S S E M B L Y R É S O L U T I O N D E R A S S E M B L É E M О Г> U IЛI E D E L A S A N T É Р Е З О Л Ю Ц И Я В С Е М И Р Н О Й А С С А М Б Л Е И З Д Р А В О О Х Р А Н Е Н И Я R E S О L U C I O N D E L A A S A M В t Г A îVt U N D I A L D E L A S A L U D


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