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In-service Training


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E/CW.14/223 ===

22 January 1963 Original: ENGLISH


Leopoldville, February-March 1963 Provisional agenda item 13





? r in~serTioe training i

three tralnees xn eoono.io, from the African regie, during 1962.

2. Purther.ore, four Pellows frOQ Af.ic^ OOUKtrie3 reoeiysd

in another Afrioan oo^ry, three in nyiraulies and one in low-oost

housxng. ais was organiaed by the Eoonomic commigsion ^^ A&ioa ^

the Tra^ and Fellowsllip Programraes Section of the United Nations.

3. Mthin the Econo^io Co^is.ion for Africa secretariat, two trainee,

: engased in the fieids

his b ;

h e ^r b t expansion of the ece trainins -°~e to *-

three fellowsh.ps for economists fro, the ECA region. aiB was done

pursuant to General Assemcly Resolution 17O8 (XVI) a copy of wMeh. is

attached to this note, (a/RES/i7o8 (xn) of 8 January 1962)



A/RES/1708 (XVI)

8 January 1962

Sixteenth session Agenda items 12 and 28


/on the report of the Second Committee U/5056 and Corr.l)J?

1708 (XVI). Planning for economic development

The General Assembly.

Convinced of the urgent need of the less developed countries to establish and xmplement national, all-inclusive and well-integrated development plans to buxld up their societies in accordance with their own individual precepts,

Realizing that to this end it is necessary to advance further the development of planning techniques that can be adjusted to the specific

needs and problems of various countries,

3aB£S_iSio_offiSi£2£Sti2a the growing trend towards the use of diff

erent forms of planning in the economic policies of developing countries, KsaliMS£^urther that it is imperative that economists, other social

p that economists, other socia

scientists and administrators, within and without government services, be trained without delay in technics and problems relating to planning so

as to permit not only elaboration of plans but also their execution,

Bearing in mind the initiatives already demonstrated in this connexion,


(a) 5hat some African States expressed their views in the course of

the resumed fifteenth session of the General Assembly in favour of the establishment, under the auspices of the Economic Commission for Africa and with the assistance of the Special Fund, of an economic development institute for Africa for the purpose of training suitable persons in the fxeld of economic development, in particular in the techniques of economic

planning and programming,^



A/EES/1T08 (XVI)

Page 2

(b) That the Economic Commission for Latin America, in its resolu tion 199 (EC) of 13 May 1961 requested the establishment, under its auspices, of an institute for planning economic development whichyfould provide advisory services to Governments and engage in training,

(c) That the Conference of Asian Economic Planners, held in New Delhi from 26 September to 3 October 1961 under the auspices of the

Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, recommended to the Commission that it consider the establishment of an Asian institute of economic develop ment to overcome the serious shortage of trained personnel for the formu- .lation and implementation of economic development plans,

considering, that each institute should establish a programme of train ing' fully adjusted to the needs of the countries in each region,

Recalling that the Managing Director of the Special Fund in his

state^T^ the Governing Council of the JW, on 23 May 1961 ^announced

that on the initiative of regional economic commissions several Governments in Latin America h,d made requests for that type of project and that

similar requests were expected froa Africa,

Notin- that the Undersecretary for Economic and Social Affairs, on 5 Oot^Twa, doolared that the increased participation of the regional


5 Oot^Twa, doolared tha

economic commissions in technical assistance programmes and the establish

ment under their audioes of economic programming institutes where Govern

ments will find both advisory services and training facilities for the staff of their economic departmants, will provide Governments with new facilities on the regional lev.l to which they attach so much importance,

1/ See Official ^^sl^s^S

Seesi^j.^roSement.j2^x Part

gj E/CN.11.../571, Para- 53.

See SF/L.51.

See A/C.2/L.549.


A/EEs/1708 (xvi) 3

Recalling its resolution 1517 (XV) of 15 December i960 and Economic and Social Council resolutions 777 (XXX) of 3 August i960 and 830 H (XXXIl)

of 2 August 1961, . ._ .

1# Invites the Governments concerned, acting, as appropriate,

through the regional economic commissions or their appropriate subordinate bodies to be established for this purpose, to submit requests to the

Special Fund for assistance needed for the establishment of economic development and planning institutes which will be closely linked to the respective regional economic commissions with a view, inter alia, to giving prospective trainees the benefits not only of theoretical but also of practical training and an acquaintance with the important work carried out by the secretariats of the regional economic commissions in their


2* Invites also the Economic and Social Council at its resumed

thirty-second session to recommend that the Economic Commission for Africa, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Economic Commission for Asia and the Par East consider this matter at their forthcoming annual sessions and that the Economic Commission for Europe consider the expansion of its in-eervioe training programme to include a substantial number of fellows from less developed regions;

3. Expresses the hope that the Special Fund will give prompt and sympathetic consideration to the establishment of the institutes referred

to above;

4» Expresses the hope also that the Special Fund will give prompt and sympathetic consideration, to the establishment of similar institutes which may be proposed by a group of Member States that are not members of any regional economic commission, such institutes to be open to participation by developing countries which are at present members of regional economic commissions;


A/EKS/1708 (XVI)

Page 4

II ■ ; • ■

Requests the Secretary-General to establish an Economic Projections and Programming Centre with sub-centres, as appropriate, in. the regional economic commissions or institutes of economic development and planning:

(a) To intensify the activities- already initiated in this field

and to.prepare, as soon as practicable, in oo-operation with the inter national agencies concerned,, long—term projections of world economic trends in order to facilitate the formulation of national economic plans;

(b) To provide studies of planning techniques under various economic and social systems which would be helpful to national and regional

institutes of economic development and planning;

III : :

1. Invites the Secretary-General, with the assistance of a group of experts composed with due regard to. their familiarity, with various planning techniques under different economic systems, and in co-operation with the appropriate institutions of different countri&s, to prepare a study summarising the experience gained and the techniques, in use in the planning of economic development by different countries; and at the same time expresses the hope that the Governments - of Member States will help to carry out the above-mentioned study? ■

2* Requests the Economic and Social Council to examine that study at its thirty-sixth session and to submit to the General Assembly at its eighteenth session its recommendations concerning the utilization of experience of economic planning in the interests of developing countries;

3. Further invites the.Secretary-General to prepare a special chapter on questions of economic development planning in one of the forthcoming issues of the World Economic Survey^

1084th plenary meeting, 19 December 1961.


Documents relatifs

In effect, the objectives of the special session were: (a) to assess the progress made in the establishment of the new international economic order and,(b) on the basis of

86. Africa's Priority Programme lays considerable emphasis on the food and agriculture sector. An important aspect of this decision is the commitment to raise the level of

It has aimed at strengthening the capacity of Member States in their effective participation in the global economy through promoting intra-regional and international trade and

r~ferred the Commission to the report of the second Conference of African Statistici~ns (document E/Ca.14/1l3) and to the report en regional co- operation in the field of

Integration of Women- in Development-, held in Lusaka, Zambia, 3-7 December 1979, interalia discussed the employment of women in the professional and decision-making positions in

Requests the Executive Secretary to undertake forthwith a study of the possibility of and conditions for the establishment of sub-rogional offices of the Commission to deal


16, A general information paper on the social aspects of economic development (s/CN,H/7C) .was prepared by the secretariat in i960. A draft for the chapter on Africa in the 1963