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Academic year: 2022

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MECHAHICALEHGIHEERIHGI1SSN 0023-6501) ls published monrhly by The American Society of Mech",;,,1 Enhonee"', Th"e Pock Avenue, New York, NY 10016-3990. Periodiols l'os,"!>, paid" New York, NY., and ad nulling offices. POSTMASTER, Send add",ss changes ta Mec/""i,,/ E"gi""'i"g. cio The Ameri"n Society ofMeehanical Engine"", 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, FaÜ.fieid.l'J 07007-2300. PRf,CES, Ta membe". annu,lIyS2\

rial mcmb",lup subscnption. single copy 54, subsn;pcion priee ro nanmembe", milable upoo roque". COPYRIGHT!) 2007 by The Ameri"" Soclcty of Mecl"mcal Engmem. C","u,"o Goo,ls & Secv"" Tox Reg

#126I4804R. Printcd in U.S.A. Aurholization ta photocopy mate,;a! for interna! or pn,o,",1 use unde"lreumstan"s Bor falling wirhin the fair use prm';s,"ns ofrhe Copyugl1tAms granred by ASME co hh,"ues and orh" uS(

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A stone donated byASME marks the grave of Robert

Fulton in New York City.

Two hundred years aga, Fulton launched the Clermont and, with it, our modern age.

page 44


PO1ii~ER~" -~~~,~

26 LlCENSING energ~ RENEWED Utilitiesaretestingnew


rulesfor nuclearreactors. By Bridget Mintz Testa

31 WEDGEFACTORAn ME professor suggests curbing greenhouse gases a few chunks at a time.

By Jeffrey Winters

36 FUEL CELLS DOWN THE ROAD? Some say the best case is in the warehouse. By Alan S. Brown

40 POWER WINDOW Squeeze play.

By Jeffrey Winters

41 BEYONDSTEPWith a new standard, CNCmachinesGannow read CAOand CAMfiles directly.

By Jean Thilmany

44 PRESSURE'S ON Or, how Fulton'ssteamboat launchedour modernworld. By Frank Wicks

64 INPUT/OUTPUT The sun also raises.

By Michael Abrams

Read ASME i'Jews Oniiris @ vvww.asrnenews.org






22 49 52 ,R'ES 55o~~


The September Question of the Month

How important is it to begin building a new generation of nuclear power plants?

One pro-mlclear power reader noted, "They stwuld be built as soon as possible, but (thejacilities) need to have security

against terrmists as a top priority.

Priority '!nust also be givenfor t1wr- o'ughinspections lo pn,:uent internat accidents due lo equipment 01"

conlainerjailures. "

A respondent who felt the US cou/,d delay any construction ofthis kind

added, "The pU1pose Qf t1le 'delay'

slwuld necessarily be tofind and deuelopother sources ofpow- er and enhancement of current energy alternatives. 1 thin/( we can and weslwulddowit1wutnuclearpowerplants. "

Thenext Question ofthe Manthwill be postedOct. 1.

The October MechanicalEngineering Online Exclusive:

Itmight nothavelookedlikemuch,but the

silvery,basketball-size Sputnikchangedthe

waythe worldlookedat thesky50 yeaTs

agathisOctober,whenthelaunchof the

artificialsatellitekickedoff theSpaceAge.


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