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64 44 41 39 34


Academic year: 2022

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1 3 FEV, 2008

features R~f): :.:::=::-:::-

34 PEBBlESMAKINGWAVESSouth Africa is moving forward with a new reactor design that couldrevolutionize nuclear power. BV Lee S. Langston

39 NO CliMBING Realandvirtual testing make a safe impact on a light rail design. '

41 ClEANUPDUTYRemediationof an old military landfill illustratestrends in environmentalengineering.

BV Don Plenderleith

44 NEW& ElUSIVEA machinetao! manufacturer turns to laser light to capturethe intricate geometry of a novel idea.

64 INPUT/OUTPUTSpacefashion.

BV Jean Thilmanv


Read ASME News Online @ www,asmenews,org

How important is HumanFactors Engineering in the design process?

Not important 1%

Theoverwhelming majorityof respon- dents-89 percent-saidthatHu-

manFactorsEngineering was

"vita/lyimportant" to theirdesign work.Oneof thesereaderselabo- rated,'Whendesigning asanengi- neer,it isindeedimperative to take humanfactorsiotaaccountsimply because youaredesigning forhumans. "

Anotheradded,"Nothing getsbuiltinthisworldwithoutpeople. Soat somepointa/ongtheway,a productis handledbysomeone. Many thingshavedevefoped/evolved;1mproved overtheyearsso/ely becauseof humanfactors,easeof use,andsafety.Ifnotforhuman factors,technology wouldnotbeasadvanced asit is today."

The next Question ofthe Monthwill be posted Feb. 1.

Exclusive ta Mechanical Engineering Online:GregA.Jamieson of theUniversity of Torontoexamines humanfactorsdevelopments in processindustries. JohnD.Leeof theUniversity of Iowaisamong theresearchers addressing thehumanelementin trafficsafety,








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",""'mm""" Mecho"ica/Engineering ""...""..., Mag"!.' . ,"'"..",..,'" .', MECHANICALENGINEERING(ISSN0025-6501) i, pubb,h,d momhly by The Amerie,n Society ofMech,nicol Enginoe~, Th"e P"k Av,nue. NewYolk:"NYilo~1g':59~b mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Se"d addre~ ch.mgesto Mec",,';,,!Engin",ing, cio Th, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 Law Drive,Œox2300, f'aidield,~

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