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Comprehension (6) A.


Academic year: 2022

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Comprehension (6)

A. Read the paragraphs, then answer the questions below: 2PNTS 1. Why do people use sign language? - - - -

- - - 2. What do people use when signing? - - - -

- - - - B. Are these sentences T R U E or F A L S E? Correct if FALSE: 2PNTS

1. Everyone can use sign language. - - - 2. People who can’t talk use verbal communication. - - - 3. You always say “no” with your voice only. - - - 4. Every time we use our body to communicate. - - - C. Find in the text words meaning the same as: 2PNTS 1. Judge in a football match: - - - 2. Road movement of vehicles: - - -


Language (6)

D. Fill in with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple only: 2PNTS 1. What

- - - -

your brother

- - - -

(do) on Sunday?

2. Adrian

- - - -

(not phone) anyone.

3. Alan

- - - -

(have) lunch in the canteen.

4. Meriam and I

- - - -

(be) good friends.

E. Match the questions to their correct answers: 2PNTS 1. Does María listen to music?

2. Is there any milk in the fridge?

3. What does your uncle do?

4. Do your parents come to school?

 No, they don’t.

 Yes, she does. A lot!

 No, sorry there isn’t any. I’ll buy it.

 He’s a teacher of English.

F. Complete with “THERE” and the correct form of “TO BE”: 2PNTS 1. - - - any beaches in Marrakech.

2. - - - a park next to the bank.

3. - - - some paper staples in my desk.

4. - - - oil in the pan?

Vocabulary (4)

G. Match the numbers (1;4) to the letters (a;d): 2PNTS 1. I’m sorry I’m late. a. Sure, anything else.

2. What’s the matter? b. Thanks, it’s from my dad.

3. Your jacket looks fantastic. c. Never mind, have a seat!

4. Can I have an ice cream, please? d. I’m looking for my keys; I can’t find them.

H. Fill in the blanks with the correct question words: 2PNTS 1. - - - house is this? ~ It’s the Smiths’.

2. - - - does Tom often travel for his business? ~To UK.

3. - - - often do you read English stories? ~Every night.

4. - - - does Barbara do? ~She’s a journalist. She works for the BBC.

Writing (4)

Use the space provided to write a short description of your friend telling about things his/ her life preferences.

[ use the present simple_affirmative and negative forms. Use the verbs : like, love, prefer, dislike, hate…]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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