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Generalization of the finite difference method in distributions spaces


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HAL Id: hal-00097806


Preprint submitted on 22 Sep 2006

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Generalization of the finite difference method in distributions spaces

Stéphane Labbé, Emmanuel Trélat

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Stéphane Labbé, Emmanuel Trélat. Generalization of the finite difference method in distributions spaces. 2006. �hal-00097806�


ccsd-00097806, version 1 - 22 Sep 2006

Generalization of the finite difference method in distributions spaces

St´ephane Labb´e and Emmanuel Tr´elat


The aim of this article is to propose a generalization of the finite dif- ference scheme suitable with solutions of Dirac distribution type. This type of solution is for example encountered in earthquake or explosion simulations. In such problems, the difficulty is to catch sharply a moving singular front modeled by a Dirac type distribution. We give a general framework to deal with numerical methods, and use it to build finite dif- ference methods in distribution spaces. Numerical examples are provided for a one-dimensional wave equation.


1 Introduction 2

2 Discretization processes: a projective approach 3

2.1 Generalities . . . . 3

2.2 The case of evolution problems . . . . 7

2.2.1 Semidiscretization processes . . . . 8

2.2.2 Total discretization processes . . . . 9

3 Discretization of the 1-D wave equation in H2(I)×H1(I) 10 3.1 Theoretical framework . . . . 10

3.2 Spatial discretization . . . . 11

3.3 Recovering the usual finite difference method . . . . 15

3.4 Discretization of the time variable . . . . 16

3.5 Application to the wave equation on H2(I)×H1(I) . . . . 19

4 Discretization of the 1-D wave equation in distribution spaces 19 4.1 Theoretical framework . . . . 20

4.2 Discretization of the 1-D Laplacian operator . . . . 20

4.3 Numerical simulations . . . . 26

Universit´e d’Orsay, Laboratoire de Math´ematique, Bat. 425, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France.

E-mail: stephane.labbe@math.u-psud.fr, emmanuel.trelat@math.u-psud.fr


1 Introduction

In this article, we propose a generalization of the classical finite difference method suitable with the approximation of solutions in subspaces of the Sobolev spacesH−s,s >0. We implement the proposed method for the one-dimensional wave equation with nonregular initial data of Dirac type. A concrete situation where such a method happens to be relevant is the simulation of an earthquake or an explosion front in which an accurate approximation of the singular front of the solution is required. These objects, from a mathematical point of view, are modeled by Dirac type distributions.

In the classical finite difference method, the Dirac type distributions are usually approximated by smooth functions. This type of approximation, when injected in a temporal processus, becomes swiftly incorrect, due to the fact that the scheme is built on a regular approximation of the solution. Then, the high frequencies are ill-estimated and tend to disperse. The idea is to build a scheme dealing specifically with Dirac type distributions and their derivatives.

To illustrate the problem, consider the one-dimensional boundary value prob- lem

u′′(x) +c(x)u(x) =f(x), x(0,1),

u(0) =u(1) = 0, (1)

wherec andf are continuous functions on [0,1]. The classical finite difference scheme is the following. LetN be a positive integer, h = 1/N, and xi =ih, i= 0, . . . , N, be discretization points on [0,1]. Note that, if the functionuis of classC2 on (0,1), then

u′′(x) = u(x+h)2u(x) +u(xh)

h2 + O(h2),

for everyx (0,1). Hence, in order to solve numerically the problem (1), we are naturally led to the numerical finite difference scheme


h2 +c(xi)ui =f(xi), i= 1, . . . , N1, u0=uN = 0.

In order to ensure a convergence property of the classical finite difference method, a strong regularity of the solution is usually assumed. For instance, recall that, ifc(x) 0, for every x [0,1], and if the solutionuof (1) is of class C2 on (0,1), then there exists a positive real numberC, independent on N (and h), such that

0≤i≤Nmax |u(xi)ui| ≤Ch2.

In this paper, an analysis of this discretization problem suitable for nonregular solutions is achieved, leading to a numerical scheme whose convergence is proved.

The structure of this article is the following.


In Section??, we recall the classical finite difference method. We then intro- duce in Section?? the concept ofdiscretization process, and provide a unified mathematical framework for projective discretization methods, ensuring conver- gence of the methods. We investigate the 1-D wave equation, first recovering the usual finite difference method, and then extending this method to distribution spaces. Finally, in Section??, the method is implemented and simulations are provided for nonregular initial conditions of Dirac type.

2 Discretization processes: a projective approach

2.1 Generalities

LetW andV be separable Banach spaces, andA:W V be a bounded linear operator. Forf V, we consider the problem of determininguW so that

Au=f. (2)

In this section, we introduce an abstract framework in order to define rigorously a discretization process of problem (2), so as to obtain a numerical scheme of the form

Ahuh=fh, (3)

wherefhVh, whereAh:WhVh is a bounded linear operator representing a discretization of the operator A, in a sense to be made precise next, and whereWh andVh are suitable vector spaces approximations ofW andV. The discretization parameter h is chosen in a given nonempty open subset H of (0,+∞)p such that 0 H, with p integer (for instance, p = 2 for the finite difference method on a time dependent problem on a space interval).

Definition 2.1. Adiscretization processis a tripleD= (W,(Wh, Ph)h∈H, W), where:

W andW are separable Banach spaces such thatW is a dense subset of W;

Wh is a vector subspace ofW, for everyhH;

Ph :WWh is a projection operator;

ifPh denotes the canonical injection fromWh inW, then

h→0limkPhPhuukW = 0, for everyuW;

the norms of the operatorsPhandPh (with respect to the normsWand Wh) are bounded, uniformly with respect toh.

Remark 2.1. By definition,PhPh=idWh andPhPh=Ph.









Figure 1: Commutative diagram

The commutative diagram of Figure 2.1, for every h H, illustrates the definition.

Let (W,(Wh, Ph)h∈H, W) and (V,(Vh, Qh)h∈H, V) be two discretization processes. For everyhH, set

Ah=Qh◦ APh,

whereA:WVis a linear operator extendingA. Set moreoverfh=Qhf. We obtain in this way a discretized version of problem (2), of the form (3).

An important property is thewell posedness of the discretized problem (3).

A scheme is said to bewell posed if (3) admits an unique solution, for everyh.

A continuous problem will be said to be well posed ifAis bijective.

The following result is obvious.

Lemma 2.1. Assume that kerQh(APh(Wh)) = {0}, for every h H. If the extended operator A is surjective, then the discrete problem (3) has a unique solution.

Note that the well posedness of the continuous problem is not sufficient in general to ensure the well posedness of the discretized problem.

We next recall the definition of a consistent, stable, and convergent scheme.

Definition 2.2. The numerical scheme (3) is said to beconsistent with (2) if

h→0limkQh◦ AhPhu− AukV = 0, whereuis the solution of (2).

Definition 2.3. The numerical scheme (3) is said to be stable if there exist a connected open subset H0 of H, with 0 H0, and positive constants C and ε0 such that, for everyε(0, ε0), every h H0, and everyeh Vh such that kehkVh < ε, for alluh,u˜hWh satisfying

Ahuh=Qhf, Ahu˜h=Qhf+eh, there holds



Assume that the problem (2) is well posed.

Definition 2.4. The numerical scheme (3) is said to be convergent if there exists a connected open subset H0 ofH, with 0 H0, such that the problem (3) is well posed, for everyhH0, and

h∈Hlim0,h→0kuhukW = 0, whereuhis the solution of (3).

If there existp >0 andC >0, depending only onu, such that there holds moreover

kuhukW C |h|p,

for everyhH0, then the numerical scheme (3) is said to beof order p.

As usually, the consistency and stability properties imply the convergence property, according to the following theorem.

Theorem 2.1. Assume that ker(Qh)(APh(Wh)) = {0}, for every h H. If the numerical scheme (3) is consistent with (2) and stable, then it is convergent.

Proof. For everyhH, set

eh=Qh(Qh◦ AhPhu− Au),

whereuis the solution of (2). From the consistency property, threr existsC >0 such that, for everyε >0, there exists r >0 such that, for everyhH with

|h|< r, we have


whereC is a positive real boundingkPhkfor everyhH. By definition ofeh, one has

Ah(Ph(u)) =eh+Qhf.

The stability property implies that, for everyhinH0, kAhuuhkWh CC1ε,

whereC1is the constant introduced in the Definition 2.3, anduhis the solution of (3). The hypothesis on the kernel ofPh implies, using Lemma (2.1), thatuh

is unique. Then, using the properties of the operatorPhPh, there holds kPhuhukW = kPhuhu+PhPh(u)PhPh(u)kW

≤ kPhPh(u)ukW+kPh(uhPh(u))kW

≤ kPhPh(u)ukW+kPhkkuhPh(u)kWh

≤ kPhPh(u)ukW+kPhkCC1ε.

The termkPhPh(u)−ukWconverges to zero by hypothesis, and this concludes the proof.


Theorem 2.2. If A : W V is boundedly invertible, then the numerical scheme (3) built on (2) converges. Let u be the solution of (2), if there exist positive constantsCu andCu, andpin Ndepending ofu, such that

kQh◦ AhPhu− AukV Cu|h|p, and

kPhPhuukW Cu|h|p, for everyhH0, then the scheme is of order p.

Proof. We first prove that the numerical scheme is consistent. Let u be the solution of (2). There holds

kQh Qh A PP u− AukV

=kA Ph Phu+ (Qh QhidV)A Ph Phu− AukV

=kA u+Au+A(Ph PhidW)u(Qh QhidV)A Ph PhukV

≤ kA(Ph PhidW)ukV+k(Qh QhidV)A PhPh ukV

≤ kAkL(W,V)k(Ph PhidW)ukW+k(Qh QhidV)AkV

+k(Qh QhidV)A(Ph Ph uu)kV.

Then, from definition 2.1, it is immediate that the discretization process is consistent.

We next prove that the discretization process is stable. Using the fact that V is dense in V and that the union of all QhVh for h H0 contains V we deduce that there existr, C >0 such that, for everyhH such that|h|< r and for everyeinVh

kAPhn(uhuh,e)kW CkekVh,

whereuh,e is the solution of the Equation (3) whenfh is perturbed bye. Then using the factA is boundedly invertible, there existsC>0 such that

Ckuhuh,ekWh ≤ kAPhn(uhuh,e)kW CkekVh.

Hence the discretization process is stable, and using Theorem 2.1, convergent.

We next prove the second part of the theorem. Letusolution of (2) anduh

solution of (3). One has

Ahuh=Qh f, and



AhPhu=Qhf+Qh(QhAhPhu− Au) Seteh=QhAhPhu− Au. By hypothesis, there holds

kehkV Cu|h|p.


The stability property implies that there exists C1 > 0 such that, for every hH0,

kuhPhukV C1Cu|h|p. Then,

kPuhukV = kPuhu+PhPhuPhPhukV

≤ kPhPhuukV+kPh(uhPhu)kV

Cu|h|p+kPhkL(Vh,V)C1Cu|h|p, and using Definition 2.1 we conclude.

AssumingAis boundedly invertible is quite stringent. For example, it holds for linear operators of compact inverse like the Laplacian operator provided the spaces are well chosen. However, this fact cannot be assumed in general. In the case of the finite difference scheme, in order to deal with pointwise values of functions, we need to work in aCp space. For example, the Laplacian op- erator sends W1 = C2([0,1]) in W2 = C0([0,1]). It is then natural to define W1 = W2 = L2([0,1]), and thus, the definition of the extension A becomes problematic. A solution is to build W1,h andW2,h so that it is possible to set W1 = W1 and W2 = W2. Then the extension of the operator A raises no problem and the convergence theorem is applicable.

In what follows, we describe a finite difference discretization of the wave equation, first onH2(I)×H1(I), and in this case we recover the classical frame- work of that method, and then on (Hs(I)∩H01(I))×(Hs+1(I)∩H01(I)),s >0.

2.2 The case of evolution problems

It may be convenient to discretize partially a problem. Typically, for evolution problems, one may discretize the spatial variable only. In this section we focus on such evolution problems. We investigate semidiscretization processes, and total discretization processes.

Let T be a positive real number, W0 and V0 be separable Banach spaces, andP :W0V0 be a continuous linear operator. Forf V0, we consider the evolution problem

tu=Pu+f. (4)

It is a particular case of the latter section, with W = C1(0, T;W0), V = C0(0, T;V0), and A = t− P. The operator P extends canonically to P : W V.

Let (W0,(Wh0, Ph)h∈H, W0) and (V0,(Vh0, Qh)h∈H, V0) be two discretiza- tion processes. SetW = C1(0, T;W0), and V = C0(0, T;V0). For every h H, set Ph = Qh◦ PPh, where P : W0 V0 is a linear operator extendingP.


As previously, we consider the following canonical extensions:


Ph:WC1(0, T;Wh0),

Ph:C0(0, T, W0)C0(0, T;Wh0), Qh:VC0(0, T, Vh0),

Ph:C1(0, T;Wh0)C0(0, T;Vh0).

We make the following assumption.

Assumption. We assume thatW0V0, and thattWV.

For the methods investigated in this paper, this assumption will be verified.

Remark 2.2. The assumption tW V is necessary because the operator

tmay act as a spatial derivative, for instance in the case of the wave equation.

2.2.1 Semidiscretization processes

The aim of this paragraph is to set a precise framework in order to deal with spatial semidiscretization processes.

Setfh=Qhf. Then, seeking an approximation solution of (6) amounts to seekinguhC1(0, T;Wh0) so that

QhtPhuh=Phuh+fh. (5) Letι:W0 V0 denote the canonical injection. It extends toι:W V. Then, for everyhH, the operatorst andPh commute, i.e.,


(see the diagram of Figure 2).

C1(0, T;Wh0) C1(0, T;W0)

C0(0, T;Wh0) C0(0, T;W0) C0(0, T;V0)




t Ph



Figure 2: Diagram


From (5), one gets

QhιPhtuh=Phuh+fh. Define


as afiltering operator. We obtain a semidiscretization scheme of the form Mhtuh=Phuh+fh, (6) calledsemidiscretization process.

Theorem 2.2, applied to this particular case, yields the following result.

Corollary 2.1. Given two discretization processes (W,(Wh, Ph)h>0, W) and (V,(Vh, Qh)h>0, V) and Ah, fh defined as above, under the assumption that the infinitesimal generatorP is a bounded linear operator onW, the scheme (4) built on (6) converges.

Moreover, ifudenotes the solution of (2), and if there existCu, Cu 0, and pNsuch that

kQhAhPhuAukV Cu|h|p, and

kPhPhuukW Cu|h|p, for everyhH, then the scheme is of order p.

Proof. This yields the existence of a nonempty open subset of H for which the scheme is stable. Furthermore, the continuity and uniform boundedness properties of operatorsPh,Ph,QhandQhensure the consistency. Theorem 2.2 implies to the convergence of the scheme.

The second part of the corollary is deduced from the boundedness of the infinitesimal generatorP.

2.2.2 Total discretization processes

A natural question is the following: is it equivalent to discretize first the spatial variable, and then the time variable, or to discretize first the time variable, and then the spatial variable?

The answer is actually positive if we deal with discretization processes, as defined previously.

Let us prove this fact sharply, and without going into details. To make short, the indexh (resp. the index k) denotes a discretization with respect to the spatial variable (resp. the time variable). Then, proving the fact amounts to proving that

QkQh◦ APhPk=QhQk◦ APkPh. On the one hand, it is clear that



On the other hand, sinceQhandQkare projection operators, and noticing that, up to canonical injections,Qh(ImQk)(ImQk) and Qk(ImQh)(ImQh), one gets

QkQh=QhQk, and the conclusion follows.

This important fact validates our approach by semidiscretization. Indeed, to make numerical simulations on a semidiscretized model, it suffices to choose a time discretization process whose order is greater than the order of the space semidiscretization process. Theorem 2.2 is used to prove the convergence of the method. Let set

Vk,h0 =Vh,k0 =Qk(C0(0, T;Vh0), Wk,h0 =Pk(C0(0, T;Wh0), Wh,k0 =Ph(Pk(C0(0, T;W)), then, one can announce the following corollary

Corollary 2.2.Given the discretization processes (C0(0, T;W),(Wh,k, PhPk)h>0,k>0, C1(0, T;W)) and (C0(0, T;V),(Vh,k, QhQk)h>0,k>0, C1(0, T;V)) and

Ah,k=QhQk◦ APkPh,

3 Discretization of the 1-D wave equation in H


(I ) × H


(I )

In this section, we consider the 1-D wave equation with regular data, and show how to recover the classical finite difference sheme within the abstract framework introduced previously.

3.1 Theoretical framework

Consider the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for the one-dimensional wave equation on [0, T]×I, whereI= [a, b],


u(0,·) =u0(·), ut(0,·) =u1(·), u(t, a) =g1, u(t, b) =g2,

(7) where u0 H2(I), u1 H1(I), g1 and g2 are real numbers. It is a standard fact that this problem has a unique (weak) solution u C0(0, T;H2(I)) C1(0, T;H1(I))C2(0, T;L2(I)).

In order to point out the regularity difference betweenuandut, it is relevant to write (7) in the form

ut=v, vt=uxx,

u(0,·) =u0(·), v(0,·) =v0(·), u(t, a) =g1, u(t, b) =g2,



Letγ1 (resp.γ2) denote the left (resp. right) trace operator onH1(I), and letσ0 denote the trace operator onC0(0, T), that is,γ1u=u(a),γ2u=u(b), for everyuH1(I), andσ0u=u(0), for everyuC0(0, T).


W = C0(0, T;H2(I))C1(0, T;H1(I))C2(0, T;L2(I))

×C0(0, T;H1(I))C1(0, T;L2(I)), (9) and

V =R× C0(0, T;H1(I))C1(0, T;L2(I))

×C0(0, T;L2(I))

×R×H2(I)×H1(I). (10) Define the operatorA:W V by


γ1 0

t −1

−∂xx t

γ2 0 σ0 0 0 σ0


Then, the previous problem is equivalent to determiningU W so that

AU =


0 0 g2



. (11)

In what follows, set

W=C0(0, T;L2(I))×C0(0, T;L2(I)), and

V=R×C0(0, T;L2(I))×C0(0, T;L2(I))×R×L2(I)×L2(I).

In order to write a finite difference approximation of this operator onL2(I), we next make precise the spatial and time discretizations.

3.2 Spatial discretization

LetN be a positive integer, h= (ba)/N, andxi=a+ih,i= 0, . . . , N, be discretization points on [a, b]. For everyi∈ {0, . . . , N}, setωi = (xi−12, xi+12), wherex1

2 =x0,xN+1

2 =xN, andxi+1

2 = xi+x2i+1, fori∈ {0, . . . , N1}. Let χωi denote the characteristic function of the intervalωi.


LetWf0,hdenote the set of functions onIwhose restriction to each subinterval ωi,i= 0, . . . , N, is polynomial with degree less than or equal to two.

For every positive integer m, every strictly ordered vector X Rm, and every Y Zm, where Z is a separable Banach space, let JX(Y) denote the Lagrange interpolation polynom ofY at pointsX, that is

JX(Y)(x) = Xm




j=1 j6=i


j=1 j6=i



for everyxR. Note that

JX(Y)(xi) =yi, i= 1, . . . , m.

For everyi∈ {1, . . . , N1}, setVi={i1, i, i+ 1}, and setV0={0}, and VN ={N}.

For everyX RN+1, we use the notationX.χh=PN


Definition 3.1. Themean operator mh:L2(I)RN+1 is defined by mh(u) =


i| Z





for everyuL2(I).

Define ¯p0,h:RN+1Wf0,hby


p0,h(U) = XN i=0

J(xj)j∈Vi((Uj)j∈Viωi, for everyU RN+1.

SetW0,h= ¯p0,h(RN+1) andW0,h0 ={uW0,h |u(0) =u(1) = 0}.

LetP0,h:L2(I)W0,hdenote the linear mapping defined byuhk uet P0,h(u) = ¯p0,h(Mh−1mh(u)),

for everyuL2(I), whereMhis the (N+ 1)×(N+ 1) tridiagonal matrix


1 0 · · · 0

1 24

11 12


24 ...

0 241 1112 . ..

... . .. ... 241 0

1 24

11 12

1 24

0 · · · 0 1



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