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Magnetization and specific heat of abnormal cerium compounds


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979


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Magnetization and specific heat of abnormal cerium compounds

A. Berton, J. Chaussy, G. Chouteau, B. Cornut, J. Flouquet, J. Odin, J.

Palleau, J. Peyrard, R. Tournier

To cite this version:

A. Berton, J. Chaussy, G. Chouteau, B. Cornut, J. Flouquet, et al.. Magnetization and specific heat of abnormal cerium compounds. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1979, 40 (C5), pp.C5-326-C5-327.

�10.1051/jphyscol:19795111�. �jpa-00218895�


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C5, supplément au n° 5, Tome 40, Mai 1979, page C5-326

Magnetization and specific heat of abnormal cerium compounds

A. Berton, J. Chaussy, G. Chouteau, B. Cornut, J. Flouquet, J. Odin, J. Palleau, J. Peyrard and R. Tournier

Centre de Recherches sur les Tres Basses Temperatures, C.N.R.S., B.P. 166X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France and Service National des Champs Intenses, C.N.R.S., B.P. 166X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France

Résumé. — Les composés anormaux de cérium Celn3, CeAl2, CeAl3 ont été étudiés sous pression par mesures d'aimantation et de chaleur spécifique. La proximité de la transition basse température magnétique-non magnétique de Celn3 conduit à une forte augmentation de la chaleur spécifique électronique sous pression tandis que pour CeAl2 une décroissance est observée. Des mesures d'aimantation faites sur Ce3Aln montrent clairement que les propriétés étranges attribuées à CeAl3 peuvent provenir d'une faible teneur en C e3A ln.

Abstract. — The abnormal cerium compounds Celn3, CeAl2, CeAl3 are studied by magnetization and specific heat measurements under pressure. The vicinity of the low temperature magnetic-non magnetic transition for Celn3 leads to a strong increase under pressure of the electronic specific heat whereas for CeAl2 a decrease is observed. Magnetization experiments performed on Ce3Allx clearly show that striking properties attributed to CeAl3 may be due to a small content of Ce3Aln in CeAl3 samples.

The abnormal properties of cerium compounds ii) at p = 6 kbar that only the ordering at 6 K like CeAl2, CeAl3 and Celn3 are far to be wellknown seems to persist. The figure 1 represents the variation and understood. If now the persistence of a magnetic of the remanent <7R contribution measured after ordering is well established for CeAl2 down to a cycle up to 150 kOe. The main points are at p = 0 0 K [1, 2], the low temperature state of CeAl3 is not the strong decrease of<rR below 2.5 K and at/? = 6 kbar clear, mainly the origin of two temperatures Tu the persistence of ffR down to 1.4 K.

of weak specific heat maxima at 2.5 and 6 K generally

reported [3]. The properties of Celn3 has been little ~ r~ ' ' studied [4]; its magnetic ordering down to 5 mK °R (e m u/m o l e Z z \ ^ \

is well established [2]. S \ Magnetization experiments have been performed 7 5 0 - / \ on these compounds and on C e3A lu in order to /p=6kbars \

know if its presence as a parasitic phase in CeAl3 oS* * \

should not explain the two temperature TM. Different \

samples of CeAl3 have been studied. The magne- C0 0" ~ ° "1H B / ° \ \ tization experiments have been performed up to / ^^ \

150 kOe down to 1.4 K. Magnetization and specific / \ . \ heat measurements have been made under a p pressure / \ A

up to 12 kbar using a CuBe clamp. The pressure p - 0 k b / i \ is calibrated in situ by the superconductive transi- 2 5 0 - — */ \ \

tion of tin. The sample specific heat is deduced by / I T the difference between the specific heat measured / \ \

with and without the sample. To give an order of j \ \ magnitude, at low temperature, the specific heat ~°—fxxr* ( t ^ ^ ~ of the clamp is the analog of 300 g of copper, the 0 2 £ 6 T (K) mean weight of the samples is 2 g. Finally tempe- . . r a t u r e scales of the thermometers have been establish- F£ L ~ Temperature variation of the remanent magnefzatton

.... of Ce3Al,, at 0 and 6 kbar.

ed between each run [5].

1. CeaAln and CeAl3 magnetization. — Magne- B y m e a s u rjn g different samples of CeAl3 we have tization experiments on C e3A ln have clearly shown : c o n c md e d that the properties between 2.5 and 6 K i) at p = 0 that two ordering temperatures occur attributed previously to CeAl3 [4] may be that of the near 2.5 K and 6 K in agreement with older results [6, parasitic phase of Ce3Aln. In particular, for two

7]; different samples containing near one ten percent

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19795111



of CeAI, and the other ten percent of Ce,AI,,, the first leads to the disappearance of the specific heat anomalies at 2.5 K and 6 K and of the remanent a, whereas for the second both effects persist. In the first case, a single temperature TM





in good agreement with the anomaly reported for a bulk sample of CeA1, (below 2.5 K, both compounds give the same result). The state of CeAI, between 2.5


and 6 K is far to be understood.

2. Specific heat measurements under pressure. -

An important contribution to the understanding of the abnormal behaviour of these compounds should be given by pressure measurements. We have reported in table I the zero pressure results, the low temperature data is analyzed using a conve- ,nient law :

C = yo T


P T 3 .

(In ordinary antiferromagnets, the T3 law describes the spin wave excitations.) The first and second columns represent the yo and


values, the third the temperature of the specific heat maximum TM if observed, the fourth the susceptibility X extrapolated at 0 K, the fifth an attempt to give an evaluation Y H T

of y just above TM for CeAl, and CeIn, and above 6 K for CeAl,. According to different TM values, the T 3 term is considerably lower in CeIn, than in CeA1,

(P -

T i 3 ) . The 6 kbar pressure dependence is indicated in table 11 : the shift

is mentionned in the third column.

Taking as a simple rule that the vicinity of a non magnetic ground state of the lattice must be correlated to a decrease of TM, we remark that CeIn, fullfills this condition whereas at the opposite situation AT, > 0 for CeA1, (this last conclusion is in agree- ment with the pressure results reported by Probst

Table 11. - 6 kbar results.

- -





- -

yHT -

CeAl, 80 100


0.7 320 180

CeIn, 320 - 0 -0.5 129 200 CeAl, 620


0 ?





and Wittig in this conference). From the CeIn, results, the experimental consequence of the vicinity of the transition from an ordered magnetic ground state to a non magnetic ground state is the strong increase of y and the almost zero value of


The spin fluctuation of the magnetic moment with the electronic Fermi sea increases the electronic specific heat under pressure.

The y0 decrease of CeAl, can be understood in a naive model where there is an interplay between the Kondo behaviour of one ion and the exchange coupling of the other ions which produce a fictitious molecular field H , on the ion [IO]. By increasing the pressure, the bare Kondo TK temperature increases (a golden rule for a cerium dilute alloy), the relative molecular field gp, Hm/kTK parameter has an almost constant pressure dependence as reported the increase of TM : the final Kondo electronic specific heat given by :

k TK (see reference [9])

Y 0 " tk~,)'


(SP, H.)' decreases.

As it has been underlined, more difficult to elucidate are the CeAl, properties. Experimentally at p = 0 the main result seems to be an increase of C/T when T decreases. Metallurgical precautions must be taken before claiming evidence of Fermi liquid spin fluc- tuation. At p = 6 kbar C / T is nearly independent of the temperature. Recently the CeIn, experiments have been performed up to 12 kbar ; a strong decrease of T,, AT,

- -

1.6 K has been observed.

Table I. - Zero pressure results.





mJ mole/K2 mK mole/K4 in K 104 uemlmole mK mole K 2 yHT

- - - - -

CeAI, 145 150 3.8 400 130

CeIn, 136 15 10 129 144



1 640 ? ? 330



The susceptibility result of CeAl, is taken from [g] and the very low temperature y0 of CeAl, from [a].


[I] BARBARA, B., BOUCHERLE, J. X., BUEVOZ, J. L., ROSSIGNOL, [6] MADER, K. H. and SWIFT, S. M., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 29 M. F. and SCHWEIZER, E., Solid State Cornrnun. 24 (1977) (1968) 1759.

481. [7] VAN DAAL, H. J. and BUSCHOW, K. H. J., Phys. Left. 31A [2] BENOIT, A., FLOUQUET, J., RIBAULT, M., J. Physique Lett. (1970) 103.

39 (1978) L 63. [8] ANDRRS, K., GRAEBNER, J. E. and OTT, H., Phys. Rev. Lett.

[3] BERTON, A., CHAUSSY, J., CHOUTEAU, G., CORNUT, B., PEY- 35 (1975) 1779.

RARD, J., TOURNIER, R., PYOC. Con$ on Valence Instability, [g] BARBARA, B., BARTHOLIN, H., FLORENCE, D., ROSSIGNOL, M. F.

Rochester 1976. Ed. Parks (Plenum Press) p. 471. and WALKER, E., Physica 86-88B (1977) 177.

[4] NASU, S., VAN DIEPEN, A. M., NEUMANN, H. H. and CRAIG, [l01 BENOIT, A., FLOUQUET, J., RLBAULT, M,, FLOUQUET, F., S. R., J. Phys. Chern. Solids 32 (1971) 2773. CHOUTEAU, G . and TOURNIER, R., J. Physique Lett. 39 [5] BERTON, A., CHAUSSY, J., ODIN, J. and PEYRARD, J., To be (1978) L-94.



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