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The residual resistivity due to defect pairs


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1962

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The residual resistivity due to defect pairs

C.P. Flynn

To cite this version:

C.P. Flynn. The residual resistivity due to defect pairs. J. Phys. Radium, 1962, 23 (10), pp.654-658.

�10.1051/jphysrad:019620023010065401�. �jpa-00236656�


initial overlap appears to take place across the

Rame face. Such calculations yield several inte-

resting points. The band gaps across the ’( 10 . 0 )

faces in the 03B6 phases in the region of the ( 10. 0) } overlap appear to be less than 1 eV (AE(10.c) - 0.73

eV for the Ag-Sn system [6]) and the band gaps

across the 100. 21 faces in the e phases in’the région of 100*.21 overlapappear to be about 1 eV

eV for the Ag-Zn system [7]). If a slight change

in the slope of the c spacings in the Ag-Sn system is interpreted to be a result of the {OO. 2} overlap

in that system (for details see ref. [7]). The cor- responding band gap is, equal to


0. 41 eV at ela == 1. 51.

The same band gap at the electron concentration value in the region of the (10.0) overlap has been

estimated to be AE(oo.2) =1.32 eV at e ja = 2 .4 [6]. Therefore the lattice spacings data indicate

that the band gaps in the Brillouin zone of the

hexagonal phases decrease with the increase of

the solute content.

This work has been supported in part by the

United States Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 25, D. C.


[1] JONES (H.), Proc. Roy. Soc.,1934, A 147, 396.

[2] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and KING (H. W.), Prog. Mat. Sci., 1961, 10, 1.

[3] JONES (H.), The Theory of Brillouin Zones and Elec- tronic States in Crystals, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1960.

[4] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and COCKAYNE (B.), Acta Met., 1959, 7, 762.

[5] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and KING (H. W.), Acta Met., 1960, 8, 677 and 684.

[6] KING (H. W.) and MASSALSKI (T. B.), Phil. Mag., 1961, 6, 669.

[7] MASSALSKI (T. B.) and KING (H. W.), Acta Met., 1962, 10, in press.

[8] GOODENOUGH (J. B.), Phys. Rev., 1953, 89, 282.

[9] HARRISON (W. A.) and WEBB (M. B.), The Fermi Sur- face, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.


Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.

Résumé. 2014 Des calculs ont été effectués dans le but de déterminer les contributions des phéno-

mènes de diffusions multiples cohérentes à la résistivité résiduelle des paires de défauts dans un

réseau métallique. La théorie a été appliquée aux paires de lacunes et d’impuretés d’étain dans

l’or où l’on trouve que les échanges isotropes sont petits, de l’ordre de 5 % de la résistivité totale due aux défauts isolés. On trouve une énorme anisotropie dans le cas des paires de lacunes en

position de premiers et seconds voisins, en accord avec les résultats trouvés par Bross et Seeger

avec un modèle différent. Les variations de résistivité isotrope et anisotrope oscillent avec la période kF 03B1/03C0 avec une décroissance en 03B120142, lorsque la distance a entre les défauts augmente.



Calculations have been performed to determine the contributions of coherent and

multiple scattering phenomena to the residual resistivity of defect pairs in a metal lattice. The

theory has been applied to vacancy and tin impurity pairs in gold where it is found that the iso-

tropic changes are small, being of the order of five percent of the total resistivity due to the isolated defects. The anisotropy in the case of vacancy pairs at first and second neighbouring sites is found to be considerable, in agreement with the results of calculations by Bross and Seeger using a diffe-

rent model. Both isotropic and anisotropic resistivity increments oscillate with period kF 03B1/03C0

and decays as 03B120142, with increasing separation a of the defects.




In the theory of resistivity due

to point defects in a metal lattice, it is commonly

assumed that the various .deviations of the lattice from petfect periodicity scatter electrons inde-

pendently. This being the case, the observed linear dependence of residual resistance on defect (1) This work has been supported in part by the U. S.

Atomic Energy Commission.

concentration is automatically built into the theo-

retical description of the expriments. Conversely,

the linearity of the resistivity-concentration rela-

tionship up to concentrations of many atomic peur-

cent of defects, ànd the reasonable agreement

between the rate of change of resistivity with con-

centration observed and that predicted on theore-

tical grounds, may be taken to imply that point

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphysrad:019620023010065401



defects do indeed scatter electrons in a sensibly

independent fashion, even when situated ooat neigh- bouring lattice sites.

With the advance of experimental techniques in

the field of defect physics making it appear possible

that defect pairs may be isolated experimentally,

it is interesting to cônsider further the interaction

terms which appear in the theoretical description

of the residual resistivity for non-isolated defects,

and to determine the magnitude and angular de- pendance of the excess contributions for possible comparison with experiment. In this paper we will discuss the isotropic and angular dependent

eff ects of coherent and of multiple scattering pheno-

mena on the scattering cross section of defect pairs.

In general, the isotropic effects will be found to be

small as would be anticipated from the arguments ,given above, but a considerable anisotropy results

from the interaction terms in the scattering cross


2. Components of the scattering cross section.


If we consider a Bloch wave of wave vector k, traveling through a metal lattice; then the presence of point defects provokes a set of scattered waves

where k is the wave vector of the scattered wave

along the scattered path rI’, and the subscripts p

identify the particular scattering centre. Asymp- totically, the scattered wave functions take the


with lfp(k, k’ )12 the scattering cross section of the defect p. However, the incident wave at a parti-

cular defect consists not only of ’Yk(r), but also of the waves scatterèd by the other defects in the

lattice. We may then write the wave incident on a particular defect q as

where the waves scattered from’p, observed at q,

have been analyzed into plane waves of wave

vector k’ with coefficients ypq(k, k’), and we have assigned responsibility for self consistericy to these coefficients, in that they are interrelated in a compli-

cated fashion owing to the présent of multiple scat- tering phenomena. The scattered wave of wave

vector k’ from def ect q then takes the form

The power scattered from thé incident Bloch

wave may be computed from the square modulus

of the sum of the amplitudes of the scattered

waves. In addition to terms of the type

which correspond to independent incoherent scat-

tering by the defects, one finds the following con- tributions to the scattering :

(a) Coherent scattering terms. These take the form


and give the contribution of interférence terms between waves scattered from différent defects to the total scattered power.


(b) Multiple scattering termes. Elements of’the total cross section of the type

give the magnitude of the power scattered from the incident Bloch wave by multiple scattering pheno-


(c) Multiple incoherent scattering terms. The

fourth category of contributions to the square modulus of the sum of the- scattered amplitudes

may be written


These terms correspond to the rescattering of

waves already lost from thé incident Bloch wave

’¥k(r), and, therefore, do not contribute directly to

the §cattering cross section of the defects presented

to this incident wave. Indirectly, the gradual dis- sipation of the scattered Waves into an isotropic distribution, which is represented by these terms,

contributes to the resistivity by restricting the

deféct separations from which coherent scattering

effects may be acknowledged to distances of the

order of the mean free path. These considerations

are not significant in what follows, and terms of the

form given by equation (9) will not’be used.

3. The calculation of residual résistivity.



vided that the concept of local equilibrium of eloc-

trons in phase space is adéquate, a complète solu-

tion : of the Boltzman equation may be used ; to

compute an exact value of the electrical re3istivity

of a system, In the absence of this solution, the


exact result may be approached by the resistivity

variational method, in terms of thé probability

P(k, k’) of an electron of wave vector k being scat-

tered into k’. The essential arguments involved

are given by Ziman [1].

It has been found, however, that even in the case

of extremely anisotropie scattering potentigls, the approximation of an isotropic relaxation time which yields a simple displacement of the Fermi

sphere on the appZication of an electric field, may be used to give a good approximation to the elec-

trical resistivity. In the following calculation of the excess resistivity caused by the association of two point defects, we will therefore use only the isotropic trial function. This is in any event appro-

priate tQ the expérimental situation where the elec- tron mean free path contains many defects or defect pairs, in positions or orientations which are effecti-

vely rapdom, and therefore the expectation value

of the relaxation time has no angular dependence.

By assuming also an isotropic Fermi distribution, isotropic individual scattering centres, and no

energy transfer to the lattice in the scattering pro- cess, the transition probability then re4qces to a

function only of the polar angles describing the change in wave v-eotor on scattering, and of the separation a of the defects. Throughout, use will

be made of the well-known angular scattering func-

tion for isotropic defects, namely

where ~ is thé phase shift induced in the lth partial

wave by the pf esence of the scattering centre.

4. The cohérent scattering contribution.



we consider as shown in figure 1, a Bloch wave

FiG. 1. -

approaching a pair of defects at an angle a to the

axis a joining them, then it is easily found that at a

scattering angle 0, the excess scattered wave due

to interference effects between the waves scattered

separately from the two defects is asymptotically


cos = cos oc cos 0 + sin oc sin 0 cos et> (12) and qp is the azimuihal angle between r and a.

According to equation (7), we should take

acçount of multiple scattering effects in computing

the resistivity change due to coherent scattering,

but in practice we will assume both interaction

effects to pe small and ignore the influence of one

on the other. With equation (11) giving the cohe-

rent scattering effects, we may then note that the resistivity is derived from integrals over relatively

slowly varylng functions of the angle o. At large. r

the value of ’Ykl(r) ’Y;(r) then averages to unity as a normalization integral and may be ignored in what

follows. Finally, by manipulation of the expo- nential in equation (11), we may obtain the right

hand side in the form of an orthogonal expansion

in the angles defining the axis a, and since those terms dependent on the 3zimuthal angle vanish in

the integration over scattering angles, the inverse

relaxation time per defect per unit volume may be presented in the form


The isotropic first term of this expansion is that given previously by Flynn [2].

5. The multiple scattering contribution.



compute the effect of multiple scattering, we need

at each defect thé expansion in Bloch waves of the disturbance due to the other, for we will ignore the higher order multiple scattering terms occuring in equation (8) on the grounds that the intensity of a

wave decreases rapidly with the number of scat- tering events it undergoes. Since even the direct

eff ect considered gives only a small change in total

cross section, this is evidently a reasonable approxi- mation.

The calculation is facilitated by noting that even

at the nearest neighboring site to a primary scat- tering defect, the prinlary scattered waves near the centre of a second defect cell where the scattering potential is large, bear a strong resemblance to

plane Bloch waves travelling along the axis joining

the defects, and with phase appropriate to thç

phase shifts of the primary scatterer. To the

extent that the Hankel functions describing the primary scattered waves may be represented by

eikr /ikr, the totil scattered wave from the secon-

dary scatterer at an angle 0 to an incident Bloch

wave vector k, is



where fi is given by equation (12) (1). The change

in incoherent scattering from the second defect is therefore

leading to a relaxation time due to multiple scatte- ring from two similar defects of


The inclusion of scattering in the reverse direc-

tion (i,e., reversing the roles of the scattering centres) eliminate those parts of equation (16)

which are odd in oc, and doubles the even terms.

The expansion may if desired be made orthogonal

in using Clebsh Gordon coefficients, but the resul- ting expression remains cumbersome and will not be given here.

.6. Applications.


Equations (14) and (17) have

been used with the phase shifts given by Flynn [3]

for relaxed vacancies in gold to compute the Po (cos oc) and F 3 (cos oc) terms in the resistivity of

divacancies in gold. Analogous computations

have been made for vacancy pairs at second neigh- bouring sites, and the isotropic resistivity incre-


Coefficients of Po various Legendre polynomials in the excess resistivity of vacancy pairs and of tin impurity pairs in gold, expressed as percentages of total resistivity due to the isolated defects. Values are given for defects at first and

second nearest neighbouring lattice sites using first two phase shifts only.

ment caused by tin impurities associating at first

and second neighbouring sites in gold have also

been determined using the phase shifts due to Blatt [4]. As commented previously, the validity.

of the vacancy phase shifts is contingent upon the relaxation of a divacancy being roughly twice that

of a monovacancy.

The calculated resistivity changes are presented

in Table I as percentages of the total resistivity due

to the pair of isolated defects. It will be seen

that the isotropic effects are small, and in some

(1) The approximation made here is reasonable owing to

the convenient characteristic of the phase shift analysis used, in that the first two partial waves contain virtually

all the scattered power. Consider the addition formula

where a


(r8 + r2


2rro cos 03B8) 1/2 ; ro > r. For the va-

lues of l and n of 1 and 2 needed to describe the first two

partial waves, the expression eik1 J kr is exact for ho(kr) and

within 5 % of amplitude and 150 and phase for h1{kr) at

the first neighbouring site in a monovalent metal in the presence of a phase shift of one radian.

cases, sign changes between first and second neigh- bouring sites display the oscillatory nature of the resistivity contributions, which in all cases are

superimposed on an a-2 asymptotic decay with increasing defect separation.

The angular dependant terms computed for

the vacancy pairs shows that the anisotropy is

considerable. This is in agreement with the

results of Seeger and Bross [5], obtained by a quite différent method of calculations. While

the present model is, perhaps, more realistic, it

must be realized that the higher even terms in the expansion will also contribute to the anisotropy.

This will be particularly evident on remarking that

the multiple scattering contribution includes the effects of the " shadow " of the defect pair, and exceptional changes in resistivity would therefore

be anticipated at values of oc near 0 and vc. These effects are readily detected in equation (17), where

it will be observed that at oc


0, the exponent vanishes and the various components are found to

add to produce an a-1 rather than a--2 asymptotic decay of resistivity. It may also be noted that the inclusion of scattering from lattice waves or from a

uniform distribution of point defects through the



lattice would result in an exponential dissipation Discussion

of the partial waves with increasing distance, and B. CAROL!. - Dans un travail effectué en 1961 (1)

consequently an exponential term in the decay of on a étudié les effets des interactions entre impu-

the resistivity contributions. Finally, it may be commented that while thé the retés dans un gaz d’électrons thode de perturbation poussée au libres second ordre. Le par une mé-

coherent and multiple scattering contributions to potentiel d’impureté est schématisé par un poten- the electron density distribution in the

lattice are tiel de Yukawa. On établit les formules donnant les

oseillatory in nature, and may not contribute variations de densité électronique et de dépla- greatly to the predicted Knight shift in dilute cement de Knight dues aux interactions. On obtient

alloys, the oscillatory character will nevertheless

des formules analogues à celles de M. Flynn, et des

result in a contribution to the mean square value of

résultats comparables. La résistivité résiduelle due

the density at nudear sites of électrons at the aux interactions entre impuretés est évaluée et Fermi surface, and thus to the width of nuclear

dans le cas particulier des bilacunes les résultats resonance lines. These effects are therefore of inte- suivants sontobtenus : des bilacunes les resultats rest as a possible explanation of the anomalous - Pour courant d’électrons parallèle à l’axe

width obtained experimentally [6] for the ma- de la bilacune, courant d électrons parallèle a 1 sur

gnetic résonance lines of solvent nuclei in dilute

l’autre est telle que la résistivité totale est à peu

alloys. près la moitié de ce qu’elle serait sans interférence.

- Par contre, lorsque le courant électronique Acknowledgement. - It is a pleasure to thank est perpendiculaire à l’axe de la bilacune, les deux

Professor D. Lazarus for his encouragement and lacunes diffusent à peu près indépendamment.

Mr. R. Odel for his assistance in the computations (1) B. CAROLI, Thèse de 3e cycle, Faculté des Sciences

1nvolved in this work. d’Orsay, 1961.


[1] ZIMAN (J. M.), Electrons and Phonons, Oxford, 1960.

[2] FLYNN (C. P.), Phys. Rev., 1962,126.

[3] FLYNN (C. P.), Phys. Rev., 1962, 125, 881.

[4] BLATT (F. J.), Phys. Rev., 1959, 108.

[5] BROSS (H.) and SEEGER (A.), J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1959, 11, 115.

[6] ROWLAND (T. J.), Phys. Rev., 1962, 126.



Harvard University.

Résumé. 2014 On étudie d’abord l’effet d’une impureté non magnétique sur la résonance nucléaire dans une matrice métallique. Au voisinage de l’impureté, la densité d’électrons est modifiée et cette perturbation s’étend à d’assez longues distance. Il en résulte : 1) Un effet sur la resonance

quadrupolaire des noyaux de spin I > 1/2 qui est en général beaucoup plus fort que l’effet des distorsions du réseau. 2) Une modification du déplacement de Knight moyen, accompagnée (en

phase solide) d’un élargissement de la raie. On rappelle ensuite les propriétés anormales (signe et

variation thermique) du déplacement de Knight dans certains matériaux purs avec des bandes d

ou f incomplètes, et enfin les résultats récents relatifs aux alliages ferromagnétiques.



The effect of a non magnetic impurity on the nuclear resonance of the host metal is considered first. The impurity is responsible for a change in the electron density, which has a long range in space. This gives : 1) a strong effect on the quadrupole resonance of nuclei with

spin I > 1/2 (the effect of lattice distortions being usually much scaller) ; 2) a change in the Knight shift, and (in the solid state) a corresponding line broadening. In a second part the anomalous behaviour (sign and

tem erature variation) of the Knight shift in pure metallic systems with incomplete d or f shells (e.g. V3Ga, Pt, etc...), is recalled and finally tho recent results on ferro-

magnetic alloys are reviewed.


When the present author reviewed this same

topic eight years ago [1], only experimental results

of Rowland’s early work were available [2]. It

was already clear at that time that nuclear spins

are very suiialle Lü probe thé local distribution of internal magnetic fields and electric field gradients

in the vicinity of a solute atom in alloy systems.

At that time thé existence of électron coupled


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