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A HLL_nc (HLL nonconservative) method for the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler system


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Preprint submitted on 27 Nov 2009

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A HLL_nc (HLL nonconservative) method for the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler system

Stéphane Clain

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Stéphane Clain. A HLL_nc (HLL nonconservative) method for the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler system. 2009. �hal-00436675�


A HLL nc (HLL nonconservative) method for the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler


St´ephane Clain

Institut de math´ematiques, CNRS UMR 5219, Universit´e Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3,

118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse cedex 4, France clain@mip.ups-tlse.fr


An adaption of the original HLL scheme for the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler system modeling gaz flow in variational poros- ity media is proposed . Numerical scheme is detailed and algorithm is tested with two Riemann problems.

Keywordsnonconservative Euler system, finite volumes, HLLC.

1 The nonconservative Euler system

We consider the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler system modeling a compressible flow across a porous media:


φρ φρu



φρu φρu2+φP φu(E+P)


0 P 0

xφ, (1) where φ stands for the porosity, ρ the gas density, u the velocity, P the pressure andE the total energy composed of the internal energyeand the kinetic energy: E = ρ(12u2+e). In addition, we close the system using the perfect gas lawP = (γ1)ρewith γ >1. Such a system casts in the general nonconservative form

tU+xF(U) =G(U)∂xφ (2) whereU stands for the conservative variable vector,F(U) is the conserva- tive flux andG(U)∂xφrepresents the nonconservative contribution due to theφparameter derivative.


The conservative quantities (or conservative state) belongs to the con- servative variable phase space ΩcR+×R×R+while the physical (prim- itive) variables vector V = (φ, ρ, u, P) belongs to the physical variable phase space Ωp R+×R+ ×R×R+. We have a one to one mapping (φ, U) Vb(φ, U) such thatV(x, t) = Vb(φ(x), U(x, t)) with inverse func- tion V (φ,Ub(V)) such that Ub(V(x, t)) = U(x, t). In the sequel, we shall drop the hat symbol for the sake of simplicity and we denote by Fα(V) =Fα(U(V)) andGα(V) =Gα(U(V)) withα=ρ, u, ethe compo- nants of vectorF(V) andG(V) respectively.

2 Steady-state solutions

From a numerical point of view, the main challenge for nonconservative systems is the steady-state preservation of the numerical approximations.

Let us consider a regular stationary solutionU(x) of system (1), we then

have d

dxF(U(x)) =G(U(x))

dx. (3)

Assume thatφ=φ(x) is a strictly monotone function on interval [x, x+] with x <0 < x+ which ranges between φ =φ(x), φ+ = φ(x+) and denote U = U(x), U+ = U(x+). We change the variable x by the variableφsettingU(x) =U(φ(x)) =e Ue(φ) solution of the system


F(Ue(φ)) =G(Ue(φ)). (4) We drop the tilde symbol for the sake of simplicity and deduce thatU = U(φ) belongs to an integral curve parameterized with φ. For a givenU andφ, we have (at least locally) a unique curveW(φ;V) solution of (4) withW(φ;V) =U andW(φ+;V) =U+.

The main advantage to use φ as a variable is that relation (4) still holds even if φ(x) is a discontinuous function of x when x+, x+ tend to 0. The ability to handle the φ discontinuity is of crucial importance for the Riemann problem. Indeed, function φ is constant in the open sets x <0 andx >0 and the nonconservative problem turns to a conservative one on each half line as noticed by Andrianov & Warnecke (2004). The nonconservative part only acts at the interfacex= 0 whereφjumps from φ toφ+.

System (4) provides the three relations (a)φρu=D, (b) d

(φρu2+φP) =P, (c)u2+ γ1


ρ =H, (5)


whereD andH are constants which correspond to the mass flow rate and the enthalpy respectively. If u = 0, we get that P and ρ are constant.

Assuming now thatu6= 0 then the curveW(φ, V) is implicitly given by the three relations (see Clain & Rochette (2009)):

φρu=D, u2+ γ1


ρ =H, P

ργ =S, (6) where constantsD, H and S are determined by the initial condition V. We deduce from relation (6) an implicit relationP =P(φ) given by

D2 φ2 +

γ1P P

S 1γ

=H P

S γ2

. (7)

In particular, whenφranges betweenφ andφ+, we deduce from relation (4) the following equality:

Fu(U+)Fu(U) = Z φ+


P(φ)dφ. (8)

3 The HLL nc numerical flux

In Toro et al. (1994), the authors propose an extention of the Harten, Lax and Van Leer scheme (Harten et al. (1983)) introducing an interme- diate wave which corresponds to the contact discontinuity associated to eigenvalueλ=u. To evaluate the solution, the authors use the Riemann invariantsi.e. the pressure and the velocity invariance in the Euler case to provide a new set of equations. Following the same idea, we introduce the intermediate wave which corresponds to the contact discontinuityλ0 = 0 deriving from the porosity change across the interfacex= 0 and use the associated Riemann invariants.

Let us consider the Riemann problem with initial conditionsVLandVR

such thatU(x,0) =UL,φ(x) =φL forx <0 andU(x,0) =UR,φ(x) =φR

for x > 0. We assume that we know two approximations SL < SR of λ1 =uc andλ3 =u+c respectively and we seek an approximation of the Riemann problem solution introducing intermediate statesVL,VR and Va. Three situations then arise whetherSR <0,SL>0 orSL<0< SR

(see figure 1). The goal is to evaluate a flux approximationFandF+on the left and right sides of the interface x= 0 which shall be used in the finite volume scheme. We now detail the three situations in the following section.



VL a


R* V

F +











V* VL R* FF+

Figure 1: Supersonic configuration withSL>0 (left), supersonic configu- ration withSR<0 (right), subsonic configuration (bottom).

3.1 The supersonic case SL>0

We first treat the situation when SL > 0. In this case we obtain the following configuration depicted in figure 1 (left). We have to compute F =FL andF+=FR to provide the flux accross the interface.

3.1.1 Equations

From the conservation of mass and energy, we have

FLρ = FR, (9)

FLP = FR,P. (10) On the other hand, we want to preserve the Riemann invariants hence

FLρ=φLρLuL = φRρRuR, (11) FLP =φLuL(EL+PL) = φRuR(ER +PR), (12)


L)γ = PR

R)γ. (13)


2ρL(uL)2+ PL

γ1 andER = 1

2ρR(uR)2+ PR γ1.

Finally, we use the fact that UL and UL belong to the same integral curve and relation (8) writes

FR,uFLu= Z φR


P(φ)dφ=Fu(UR)Fu(UL) (14) which leads toFR,u=Fu(UR) =φRR(uR)2+PR). Note that the com- putation ofUaand the other fluxes are not performed since we only require the fluxes on both side of the interfacex= 0.


To sum-up, we obtain the following system



FLP =φLuL(EL+PL) =φRuR(ER +PR) =FR,P,


L)γ = PR R)γ, EL= 12ρL(uL)2+γPL

1, ER = 12ρR(uR)2+γPR

1, FR,u=φRR(uR)2+PR),

whereφL,ρL,uL,PL,φRare given andρR,uR,PR,FR are the unknowns.

3.1.2 Resolution

To solve system (SL), we introduce a function ρgsup(ρ;VL, φR) =gsup(ρ)

such thatgsupR) = 0. For a given predicted value ρR, we computePR with relation (13)


R)γ L)γ. Using relation (11), we deduce the velocity

uR=uRR) =uL


φRρR. On the other hand, relations (12) and (11) give



= ER+PR ρR which provides the equality

ER =ERR) = (EL+PL)ρR ρL


Let us define the function

gsupR) =ER 1

2ρR(uR)2 PR γ1,

we then seek ρR such thatgsupR) = 0 where the physical state VR = R, ρR, uR, PR) has to correspond to a supersonic state.

Problem (SL) has zero, one or two solutions (see Clain & Rochette (2009)). For the two zeros cases, we haveρsup< ρsuband chooseρsupwhich corresponds to the supersonic case. Numericaly, we employ a Lagrange algorithm or an inexact Newton method taking a very small value forρas an initial condition to converge to densityρsup.


3.2 The supersonic case SR <0

In caseSR <0, we have to computeF=FLandF+=FRto provide the flux accross the interface. The system of equation is similar to the previous one where we substitute variablesVL andVR withVLandVRrespectively.

3.3 The subsonic case

We now face the more complex situation since all the states have to be estimated to computeF =FL and F+ =FR. We consider the configu- ration depicted in figure (1, bottom) where we assume thatVL andVL are separated with a shock of velocitySLandVRandVRby a shock of velocity SR while interfacex= 0 corresponds to the porosity change.

3.3.1 Equations

Rankine-Hugoniot relations associated to the wavesSL andSR yield FLFL = SL(ULUL), (15) FRFR = SR(UR UR). (16) On the other hand, we assume thatVLandVRare linked with the Riemann invariants across the contact discontinuity generated by the porosity hence φRρRuR = φLρLuL, (17) φRuR(ER +PR) = φLuL(EL+PL), (18)


R)γ = PL

L)γ. (19)

For the density and the energy equations, relations cast in the conservative form

FR = FL, (20) FR,P = FL,P. (21) For the impulsion equation, sinceUL andUR belongs to the same integral curve, the flux variation across the interface is given by

FR,uFL,u= Z φR


P(φ)dφ=Fu(UR)Fu(UL). (22) At last, the definition of the total energy gives

Eα= 1

2ρα(uα)2+ Pα

γ1, α=L, R. (23)


To sum-up, we obtain the following system (Ssub)

φRρRuR = φLρLuL, (24) PR

R)γ = PL

L)γ, (25)

φRuR(ER +PR) = φLuL(EL+PL), (26) FRρSRφRρR+SRφRρR = FLρSLφLρL+SLφLρL, (27) FRPSRφRER+SRφRER = FLPSLφLEL+SLφLEL, (28) FR,uφRR(uR)2+PR) = FL,uφLL(uL)2+PL) (29) FL,u = FLu+SLφLLuLρLuL), (30) FR,u = FRu+SRφRRuRρRuR) (31)

EL = 1

2ρL(uL)2+ PL

γ1 (32)

ER = 1

2ρR(uR)2+ PR

γ1, (33) 3.3.2 Resolution

To solve system (24)-(33), we introduce a functionρgsub(ρ) such that gsubL) = 0. For a given predicted valueρL, we compute

ρR=ρRL) = 1 SRφR


and relations (26) and (24) yield ER +PR

ρR =EL +PL

ρL , (34)

while relations (32), (33) and (24) give φ2LρL

EL PL γ1


ER PR γ1

. (35)

Relations (25), (28), (34) and (35) give the following linear system



L)γ 1

R)γ 0 0


ρL ρ1 R


ρL ρ1 R


1 φ2RγρR

1 φ2LρL −φ2RρR 0 0 φLSL −φRSR



0 0 0 κ




and we deducePLL),PRL),ERL) andELL).

Substituting FL,u from equation (30) and FR,u from equation (31) in relation (29) provide

FRu+SRφRRuRρRuR)RER +φR3γ γ1PR = FLu+SLφLLuLρLuL)LEL +φL3γ

γ1PL. (36) Mass flowD=φRρRuR=φLρLuL is then given by

D(ρL) = 1 SRSL



3γ γ1PLi


3γ γ1PRi and we finally computeuL,uRwith relation (24). The predicted valueρL if a correct estimate is relation (32) or (33) are satisfied so we define

gsubL) = ELL)1

2ρL(uL)2 PL

γ1. (37)

4 Numerical tests

Two Riemann problems are considered to test the new scheme. The fol- lowing table gives the initial conditions where the initial discontinuity is situated at x = 0.8. We use uniform mesh of 200 cells on domain [0,2]

while the time step is controled by the classical CFL condition.

φ ρ(kg.m3) u (m.s1) P (Pa) VL (supersonic case) 0.9 1.00 500 50000 VR (supersonic case) 1.0 3.26 342 75000

VL (subsonic case) 1.0 3.6 100 300000

VR (subsonic case) 0.9 3.24 154 200000

We plot in figure (2) the density, pressure and velocity of two approx- imations (see Clain & Rochette (2009) for the Rusanov nonconservative scheme) and exact solution for the supersonic situation. We observe that the 0-contact discontinuity is very well approximated due to the specific scheme we employ. Figure (2, right bottom) represents functiongsupwhere the smaller zero corresponds toρR. Note that the Lagrange algorithm eas- ily converges since the bassin convergence is very large.

We plot in figure (3) the density, pressure and velocity of two approx- imations and exact solution for the subsonic situation. We observe that


1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2



Supersonic configuration SL>0 : density exact

Rusanov_nc HLL_nc

50000 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000 110000

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2



Supersonic configuration SL>0 : pressure exact

Rusanov_nc HLL_nc

340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2



Supersonic configuration SL>0 : velocity

exact Rusanov_nc HLL_nc

-2e+06 -1.5e+06 -1e+06 -500000 0 500000 1e+06 1.5e+06 2e+06

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4


rho Configuration D : graphe of g

Figure 2: Supersonic configuration. Comparison between the approximated and the exact solution.

the 0-contact discontinuity is still very well approximated while the other shock waves are smooth due to the numerical viscosity. Figure (3, right bottom) represent functiongsub. We have two branches but only the left one has a physical interest. The bassin convergence is narrow and Lagrange algorithm fails if one starts with a wrong predicted density (on the wrong branch for example).


N. Andrianov and G. Warnecke, On the solution to the Riemann problem for the compressible duct flow, SIAM J. Appl. Math. Vol. 64, No 3 (2004) 878–901.

S. Clain, D. Rochette, First- and Second-order finite volume methods for the one-dimensional nonconservative Euler system, J. Comp. Physics Vol.

228 (2009) 8214-8248.

A. Harten, P. D. Lax, B. van Leer, On upstream differencing and Godunov- type schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws, SIAM review Vol. 25, (1983) 35–61.


2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2



Subsonic configuration u>0 : density

exact Rusanov_nc HLL_nc

200000 220000 240000 260000 280000 300000

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2



Subsonic configuration u>0 : pressure

exact Rusanov_nc HLL_nc

100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2



Subsonic configuration u>0 : velocity exact

Rusanov_nc HLL_nc

-2e+06 -1.5e+06 -1e+06 -500000 0 500000 1e+06 1.5e+06 2e+06

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4


rho Configuration C : graphe of g

Figure 3: Subsonic configuration. Comparison between the approximated and the exact solution.

E. F. Toro, M. Spruce, W. Speares, Restoration of the contact surface in the HLL-Riemann solver, Shock Waves Vol. 4, (1994) 25–34.


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