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Fruits of the rain forest and taste perception as a result of evolutionary interactions.


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Fruits of the rain forest and taste perception as a result of evolutionary interactions.

Claude Marcel Hladik

To cite this version:

Claude Marcel Hladik. Fruits of the rain forest and taste perception as a result of evolutionary interac-

tions.. Hladik, C.M., Hladik, A., Linares, O.F., Pagezy, H, Semple, A. & Hadley, M. Tropical Forests,

People and Food: Biocultural interactions and applications to development., UNESCO-Parthenon

(Paris), pp.73-82, 1993. �hal-00552091�


HLADIK, C.M. (1993) – Fruits of the rain forest and taste perception as a result of evolutionary interactions. In : HLADIK, C.M., HLADIK, A., LINA- RES, O.F., PAGEZY, H, SEMPLE, A. et HADLEY, M. (Eds). Tropical Forests, People and Food: Biocultural interactions and applications to development. pp.

73-82. UNESCO-Parthenon, Paris.


Tropical fores ts, people and food


Most fruits which are not be dispersed by wind or water flow have attractive colours and a tasty, juicy pulp containing large amounts of fructose, glucose and/or sucrose


Although these simple sugars are among the first products


ulting from photosynthesis, in most plant parts, the sugars are . rapidly polymeri zed into cellulose and/or transformed i~to li gnin - the bastc str~c­

tural polymers of plants. The prese nce of su gars m fru1t pulps, t?get?er wtth other nutritious component s (such as fat, a nd sometimes prote m),

1~ a

sec- ondary process resulting from the long-la sting selective pressure of frugtvorous s pecies choosing the most nutritious fruits and dispers ing thei r seeds .

The origin of fle shy fruit s in flowering plants was imagmcd by Corner ( 1964: 223) in a fascinating description of how he s ees life at the e nd of the Mesozoic: " Whe n pigeons gather soon after dawn to breakfast on the red aril o


mace of nutmeg, the naturalist may witness the scene that


nutmeg progress. Looking into the past, as nutmeg trees become pre-nutmeg and begin to coinc ide, perhaps, with pa.chycaulo.us ancestors of the Annonaceae, so he will see pre-pigeons and pnmltlve btrd s, perha ps Archeopteryx, gatherin g at the Mesozo ic break of the day. Then he may sharpen hi s wits on the durian and dream of pre-monkey s, pre-sq~nrels, pre-civet cats , pre


and pre-bats gathe ring in clums~ confusiOn on low clumsy pachycaulou s progenitors of durian , sterc ulia, bread- frutt, horse-ches


palm, and banana, in the beginnings of fl owering forest".


s important impact of the anima ls eating frui ts and, .th


seed dispersal, co ntributing to the s uccess of plant species was stud1ed by several naturalists following Darwin (Ridley, 1930; MUller, 1934 ). But the concept of mutualism


a phenomenon that benefits both species and makes coevo- lution possible_ was re ally developed after the famous texts of .co:ner ~ere published, and re ferred to as the "duri an theory". The dunan ( Duno ztb ethmus) is the model o f a plant species bearing large fruits and depend


on large fruai vorous mammals for the efficient dispersal of its seeds.

But the "durian theory" was originally applied to tro pical plant species that tend to co lonize open areas , outside the rain forest, requiring active transportation of


seeds .


the rain forest , acco


to .corner ( 1964: 2 19), most tree and Jiana species would s imply shed thetr frutts, and the seedlings would have grown in situ.


studies, originall y inspired by these theories, have demonstrated

that coevolution between plant

and an imal populations might indeed have originated in side rain forest areas, where speci~s diversity is grea~est, and contributed to ma intaining this high biodivers tty. Frugtvorous b1rds and primates were first s tudied in this context (excluding invertebrate-plant interac tions s uch as pollination and chemical defences, covered by an Im- pressive list of books and papers) . The hypothesis that fruitin g s pecies can


Fruits of the rain fo rest and taste perception

be selected for a fruit

ing period out of

synchrony with the fruiting period of most other species, was presented by Snow ( 1966), who studied the fruiting patterns of

I 8

Miconia s pecies in the neotropics: At present, several b ird s pecies using


vari ous Miconia fruits can find their food throughout the year


taking advantage of a situation that thei


ancestors con

tributed to

creatin g -


ust by feeding on fru


and dispers ing seeds of p


whose reproductive cycle differ from the others. Suc




by a g roup of vertebrates with several plants used as a "fruiting enviro



1 986) are now referred

to as

"diffuse coevo


Apes and monkeys also

played, and

s till play, a simi


role as forest

"gardeners", selecting


varieties of plants that bear the bes


fruits and contributing to the succe ss of "good genes"

. The

hypothe sis


tropical fore st regeneration was impossible in the absence of the primate fauna was tes ted after we had veri fie d

that in

testinal transit was harmless or beneficial for most seeds (H ladik and Hladik, I 967). Comparing African and neotropical forests, we calculated the "dis persal seed flow" for trees and


In a neotropical fo

rest, the annual

flow is higher than I 00 000 seeds per hectare.

The distance of

dispersal is longer than one ki lomet

re for most of the species

whose frui ts are eaten by fou

r sympatric

s pecies of pri mates, as determined by the quantities actually ingested, and the distance travelled by the an imals before dropping


seeds in their faeces (Hladik and

Hladik, I

969). For several tree species, the dispersal activity of primates is compleme nted by


of frugivorous


rds and bats, co mpeting, in some cases, for the same fruit spec ies. Together, they contribute to what


been called

the "seed

ra in" whic


makes a fresh stock of seeds permanently available in the soi


for regeneration

. Charles-Dominique (

1986) observed this phenomenom in the forest of French Guiana.

In s hort, the genes o f plants bearing the largest and sweetest

fruits would

be e ffic iently duplicated as a resu


of food choices of primates and other vertebrates searching for pulps and arils with high sugar (and/or fat and prote

in) content. Like numerous other cases in which selective factor

s seem to operate, on


indirect pieces of evidence support the hypoth esis, but they are clear and convincing.

For instance, the analys is of fruit pu lps from neotropical fo rest





et al., 197 I) has shown that fru its havi ng the highest sugar content in the so lu ble fraction (mostly simpl e sugars that can be tasted by primates) are those of plant species that are most frequently used and dispersed, especially by Cebus capucinus, which takes pieces of almost a ny plant part found along its way a nd actually tas tes it. The obvious resul t is that the seeds of plants with the sweetes t frui ts a re dispersed in largest quantities. The maintenance or increase of plant popula tions throug h the seedling s

urvival of such animal

dispersed plant species has been emphasized in a study comparing the efficiency of vario


types of seed di spersa




adik and Miquel, 1990) .



Tropical f o rests, people and food

A s a result, the sugar content of rain fores t fruits is frequently as high as that of culti vated fruit spec ies that humans have been empiricall y (and more recentl y, scie ntificall y) selec ting for sweetn ess and other qualities.

Examples are presented in Table 7.1, inc luding s pecies from the Gabon rain forest, whe re s tudies of biodivers ity , fores t regenerat ion and dynamics were conducted to compleme nt a survey o f o ne o f the most efficient seed dispersers, the chimpanzee (C.M. Hladik, 1 973).

In this table , one notices a mong the Anacardiaceae (a fam ily including mangoes, whose culti vated varieties contain 20 % of sugar by fresh weight;

Anon., 1967), the extreme ly high sugar content of Tric hoscypha sp. (th e

"jungle grape") and of Antrocaryon k/aineanum , both fruits being collected in fores t to be sold in African local markets . Among the Burseraceae, the two Santiria sp. (top of the lis t) do require furthe r bo tanic al descriptio n if they are to be included in the Flora of Gabon. In fact , these two species (respectively noted I and II) s hare several morphological characters, but have different phenological cycles a nd fruit co mpositions. The s ignificance of such "sibling species" was di scussed by A. Hl adik and N . Halle ( 1979), with reference to recent s pecies differentiation fo ll owin g se lective pressure exerted by frugivorou s seed di spersers. The flesh of the fruit of o ne of them (sp. I), with s ugar composition 3/4 of the dry matter, is almost jam !

Of eq ually great interest is the fraction of fruit that is not carboh ydrate.

For insta nce, in the genus Da cryodes (Burserace ae), one species, D. klaineana, has a sugary pulp, whereas D. buttneri and D. edulis have a high fat content (neither o f the se two spec ies are included in Table 7 .1 because their sugar co nte nt is very low). Indeed , together with s ugar, fat is importa nt to make a

"high-energy food package" of suffic iently s mall size to be swallowed by most potential seed dispersing s pecies (see comment s in Chapter 2 , this volume). Other species at the bottom of the lis t have fru its with a low sugar co ntent, and play a n obviou s eco logical role in ba lancing the diet of verte - brate populations. The last one, Anonidium mannii, is very rich in protein ( 12 % dry matter- which is excepti onal for a fruit pulp).

This larg e fru it of th e A nnonaceae family, weighing about 5 kg, and hanging directly on the tree trunk (cauliflory), recalls some as pects of the durian fru it and leads us back to Corner's theory : s uc h a fruit pulp would a llow large vertebrates (es pecially primates) to obtain a bal anced diet. In turn , the pl ant wou ld benefit from efficient dispersal of its large seeds, es pec ially when the animal carries the fruit to eat it in a safe place.

A s ingle fruit of Anonidium mannii is sufficient to make a nutritious s nack for a group o f Pygmies during a co llective hunting party . It can also be brought bac k to the vil lage, and the Ngbaka of the Central African Republic e at t he pulp after sweetening it with s ugar. Th is might mean that evolutionary forces cou ld s till "improve " fruit co mpos ition , and the re is no reason to doubt that these selective pressures are still acting among rain forest spec ies .

Fruits of the rain f orest and taste perception

Table 7.1 Composition of fruits of Gabon forest species, listed in order of decreasing sugar content UsJng two d1fferenttechmques1.


sugar content was calculated as a percentage of the dry mal!er


parentheses, IOta! percentage of Simple sugars including fructose, glucose and sucrose)

Water content(%) Percent dry maner

Species (herbarium ref. and FAMILY) Hydrolysable Alcohol sugars soluble fraction

Santiria sp. I (AH 1424-BURSERACEA£) 87 76 (74)

Hemandradenia mannii (CONNARACEAE) 81 87 (54)

Salacia pierrei (HIPPOCRATEACEAE) 84 83 (52)

Santiria sp. 11 (AH 2469-BURSERACEAE)

Dacryodes klaineana (HURSERACEA£) 88 87 (49)

Cissus dinklagei (VITACEAE) 90 88 (47)

Trichoscypha sp. (Afl 1946-ANACARDIACEAE) 85 80 (43)

86 85 (43)

Sarcophrynium schweinfurthianum ( MARANTA CEAE) 62 62 Dialium sp. (AH 2732-CAESALPINIACEA£) 35 55

Gambeya beguei (SAPOTACEAE) 58 52 (46)

lrvingia gabonensis (IRVINGIACEAE) 89 52 Pancovia pedicel/oris (SAPINDACEA£) 83 50 (45) Amrocaryon k/aineanum (ANACARDIACEAE) 81 45 (40)

Pachypodanrhium barteri (ANNONACEAE) 92 47 (28)

Detarium macrocarpum (CAESALPINIACEA£) 69 55 (37)

Hugonia spicata (LINACEAE) 73 47 (33)

Swart~iafistuloides (CAESALPINIACEA£) 37 47 (25)

Nauclea diderrichii ( RUBIACEA£) 77 47

Duboscia macrocarpa (TIUACAE) 68 45

Vitexfosteri (VERBENACEAE)

85 43 (32)

Polyalthia suaveo/ens (ANNONACEA£) 67 41 (33)

Uapaca paludosa (EUPHORBIACEA£) 50 33 (3 I)

Staudtia gabonensis (MYRISTICACEAE) 65 33 (26) Parinari exce/sa (Cf/RYSOBAI..ANACEA£) 79 27 (16) Gambeya lacourtiana (SAPOTACEAE) 71 21 (I 3) Uapaca heudelotii ( EUPHORBIACEAE) 84 20 (4) Anonidium mannii (ANNONACEAE) 85 20 (4)


This study of fruit pulp composition was conducted with two different techniques:

C.I) In orde: to determine the

cont ~n.t

of sh.on-chain sugars in the liquid pulp of the

nc h~

t fruits ..


pulp was prec1puated m boiling alcohol. The alcohol soluble fracllon

co nta 1~mg

the smallest molecules (most of them detected by the vertebrate taste receptor) 1s of paramount Importance in taste discrimination and food choice.

(2) In mos1 in tances, fruits and other potential foods were analysed after desiccation of. the sample: and

~a rt

of the carbohydrates were defected as sugars after a weak- acid hyd:olysJs. Th1s permits an assessment of the nutritional value because the

h~drolys1 s

approx1ma1es the activity of digestive enzymes and


oul what is d•gest1ble among carbohydrates, espe.cially starch. In this case, the percentages of soluble

su gar~

related to dry matter (m parentheses in Table 7.1) are indicated for companson wuh the value found by the other technique (Source: Hladik et al., 197I ).


Tropic al fo rests, people and food SUGAR MIMICS AND TASTE PERCEPTION


spec ies, comp eting for an efficient seed dis pers al system , are faced with the necessity for pla nt eaters to obtain suffic ient ene rg y. In the Gabon rain fore s t, studies o n vertebrate populations (Gautie

r-H io

n, 1990) sho w that different guild s of seed dis perse rs arc using partic ular fru it types c ontain ing various a mounts of fruc tose, g lucose and sucrose. The norm al tendency of

the ecosyste

m over evolutionary time is di versificatio n of pl ant specie s (inc luding different production c yc le s) and increas ing sugar production in frui ts .


this req uires a h igh e ne rgy inpu t fro m plant species, and what we have ca lled "bioche mi cal mimicry" (Hladik and Hl adik , 1 988) is also


to occ ur. Bioche mical mimicry in plant can be compared to Batesian mimicry in animals : one species which, by chance, tend s to look like another species (the "model") might benefit fro m its appearance . But as for an edible butter- fly looking like a was p (avoided b y predators), the genetic c ha racte r mig ht be


tained onl y if the target s pec ies is present in the environme nt.

For a pla

nt, the

target to be imit ated can be any other species produc ing sweet frui ts, if the pla nt can produce a c hemical looking like a s ugar bu t


ng less e nergy for production. "Lookin g like sugar" mu st be unde


stood in terms of tas te res ponse of the gus tatory s ys tem of the animal di spe rsing s eeds - fo r insta nce p rimates. Although


re are differe nces among primate species (Simme n, 1 992) and among human populations (Faurion , 1987) in the ability to discrimin ate ugars, the pos itive res ponse associated wi th sweetness is genera ll y a s pecific adaptati on to find and utili ze e nergy-


h foods (Le M agnen, 1963). But it was rece ntly demonstrated that several


of che mical s uc


as saccharin , dulc in , asparta m, etc. can also e

licit a

sweet taste respo nse on the primate taste bud (Va n der We l e t al. , 1 989) whic h can be cons


as a n intermediate target fo r sugar mimicry.

Indeed, some non-s

ugar plant prod ucts have al o be en found that e

licit a

s weet tas te res ponse o f the gustato ry system of primates. T he y recent


att rac ted

the attention

of biochemis ts (Langley-Da nysz , 1987) fo r the ir po- tenti al use as low-calorie

natural s

weetene rs, and of physiologists (Helle ka nt et al. , 1 98 1) because they might e nable the


ves tiga


of how sweet s ubstances interac t with protein taste bud ce lls.

If the pres

ent ec ological ro


of the se sweet substance s am ong ra in fore st plant s pecies is to be interpreted in terms of bioc hemical mimicry, furthe

r understanding of

the coevo


processes d iscussed in the preced ing pages is req uired .

For instance, the red berries o f a Menispe rmaceae, Dioscoreophy llum cumminsii, that ha ve a n extreme

ly s

wee t tas te do not contain s ug ar, but a pro te in ("mone llin") which is 100 000 times swee ter than sucrose at the sa me mo

lar concentration.

Accordi ng


the e nergy necessary to grow suc h fruits is s igni fic antl y lower than th at req uired to grow fruits cont aining


Fruits of the rain forest and taste perception

sugar. Another fruit of the Ma ra ntaccae fami ly, Thaumatococcus daniellii, is also known for the strong sweet taste o f its yello w aril , due to s mall amou nts of another protein called " thaum atin". Sinc e all Afri ca n primate s pec ies tha t have been tested can perceive the s weet tas te of monellin and thaumatin


iaser et al. , 1978), they are li kely to eat the frui t and act as effic ient seed disperse rs. The c.volutiona ry in te ractions linking these p lants to the primate spec ies-:- a.nd ultimate ly allowing the e mergence of lo w-ene


s ugar m1m1 cs among other p lants bea ring fruits with "true sugar" -is pres- en tly the bes t expl anation fo r both the presence of these substances and the differe nces in perception of primate species el ic ited by t hem.

I n fact, the resu lts of test cond ucted on different primate species su r- pn sed the fir~ t inve~t i gato rs: W hereas African pr

imates react positi

vely towards sol utions o f monellin and thauma tin, the New World prim ate s (~xcept f.or a fe w species w hich showed a weak reac tion to monell in) do not di ffere nti ate these solut ions fro m pla in water


et a l., 1981 ). This quas 1_-absence _o f reac tion was interpre ted in terms of p ri mate phyloge ny:

Contme ntal dn ft separated Afric an and American primates be fore the tas te b~1ds of Afri can primates (Ca tarrhin i sub-Order, includi ng humans) became differentiated fro m those of the original s tock of American primates (Platyrrhini

: ub-Order). Thi

s interpretation is quite co mpatible w ith s ugar mimicry. But, m order to unde rs tand why the e w W orld p rimates are not able to taste these s u~ar mi~1ics, we have to bea r in mind that A frican pla


s pecies evo lved


re latiO n to w hat the primate s of the African fo res t can actu ally percei ve as sweet. If s ugar m imics also ex ist in the ew World fo rests


s i · pu rely hypothetical) , the coevolu tionary proce ss would have occ urred according_ to the taste a bi lity o f the Pla tyrrh ini. In t his c ase, people (as C atarrhm 1

), w

ould probably find them ta teless.

Indeed, s ugar m imicry arose in diffe rent plant families , a nd, at le ast in Africa, it is no t rare. In addi tion to the Menis pcrmaceae and Mara ntace ac we have recent ly fo und ano the r sweet substance in the fruit of Pentadiplandr;

brazzeana (Pe ntadipl and raccae), a pro tei n we name d " pentadin" ( Van der We! et al., 1989), which is s till under investigat ion.

Most of these sweet frui ts are kn own by local people and sometime s used for swee tenin g o ther foods


1989). In the Cen tral African Republic and south Cam~ roon, A ka and Baka Pygmy children are fond of the strong sweetness of D10scoreophyl/um cumminsii frui ts, in s pite of their afte rtas te that may last

·everal minu

tes. The fru it of Pentad iplandra brazzeana is know n in .Gabon, with " l'oubli"


g") as a Fre nch name ; people say tha t c hildren a re


fo nd of the re d pulp of thi fruit


they may forget their mother w hile looking for th em . In Zaire, th e Oto a nd T wa childre n also crave for the. c frui ts (H . Pagezy, per . comm.


Neve rthe le s, the prefere nce fo r fruits w ith high s ugar content remains a n exp ression of the fundamen tal quest by forest people for e nergy-ric h food.



Tropical forests, people and food SUGAR PERCEPTION IN FOREST POPULA TIONS

Duri ng food surveys conducted in Cameroon (Koppert et al., 1993, this volume) and the Central African Republic, we determined the taste thresholds for purified natu ral products. Some of the results illustrated in Figure 7. 1 show that differences in taste thresholds between various popula tions may vary accordi ng to different types of c hemical tested. For ins tance, the difference between forest populations and people living o utside of the rain forest is wide for glucose, narrower, but still significant (p <0.05) for sucrose, whereas no ignificant difference was found for fruc tose. This means that any "sweetness equivalent", experimentally determined (for instance the concentration of glucose requi red to e licit the same taste response as that of a sta ndard sucrose concentration), may be solely valid for the populatio n teste d. Mos t of these equivalents are presently calc ulated for E uropeans and N orth Americans (f or instance: if sucrose= I, then fructose = 1.73 and glucose = 0 .74 ; Le Magnen, 1963). In fact, a "perception spectrum" has to be de termin ed for each po pulation separately.

Furthermore, the femin ine and masculine sub-po pulations may a lso present different taste sensitivities. This is illustrated in Figure 7.1 for non-Pygmy

Figure 7.1 Taste thresholds for glucose and sucrose in different populations living inside and outside the African rain forest. Each of the curves shows, for a given population (or a group of populatlons), the cumulative percentages of people able to recognize the taste of a solution at a given concentration, during standardized testS'. Aka and Kola (Gieli) Pygmies of the Central African Republic, and the M vac and Yassa of south Cameroon-all forest populations- have a significantly higher threshold than the populations of north Cameroon (Koma and Doupa). The difference between men and women in glucose taste sensitivity, is not significant for Pygmies but significant (p <0.05) for M vac and Yassa.



15 30


125 250 500 10·


M G lucose


90%- 80%- 7 0 % - 60%- 50%

40%- 30% - 20%- tO%-

2 4

8 15 30 60 125 10·


M Sucrose

' The tests were conducted by presenting at random, glucose, sucrose, fructose, sodium chloride, organic acids, and bitter substances, from the weakest solution in order of increasing concentration (I 0 3 M sucrose


0.34 g I·'). Statistical tests (X2)

allow determination of significant differences between populations (Hladik et al., 1986).

Fruits of the rain forest and taste perception

fo rest populations among which women have a significantly higher taste se nsitivity fo r g lu cose than men. Such differences, also obse rved in other populations and for other prod ucts (sodium c hloride and organic acids), have been discussed with res pect to the cultural context that may imp ly taste training for women (Hladik et al. , 1986; Rob be and Hladik, 1988).

The major difference observed in Africa is a higher taste sens itivity for sugars among t he peo ple I i ving outside the rain forest as compared to fo rest peoples. All Pygmy populations tested have a high thresho ld (that is a low sensitiv ity). One may wonder why Pygmies are so highly motivated to struggle with wild bees in order to co llect honey from hollow tree tr unks (Bahuchet, 1985) and to climb trees to collect sweet fruits.

The evolut ionary interactions presented in the precedi ng pages expla in why, in the "sweet biochemical e nviro nment" of the forest- where the sugar co ncentration in fruit pulps is 10 to 50 times the Pygmy taste threshold - there is no reason fo r a high taste sensitivity to evolve. Conversely, fo r other populations living outside the rain fores t, where biodivers ity and thus com- petit io n between fruiting s pecies is not as high (and sweet frui ts rather sc arce), a s lightly higher taste sensitivity would be adaptive to foods lower in sugar. Hence the differences between populations presently observed. B ut the time-scale necessary for the emergence of such diffe rences is obviously very short (a few thousand years) when compared to the mill ions of years tha t allowed the emergence of new species.

Compared to these long-term and s hort-term biolog ical changes, cu ltural adaptations have to be considered on another extremely short time-scale.

evertheles , we should always bear in mind that the cultural traits that make human food choices vary so w idely between different groups -as illustrated in seve ral other chapters of this volume- were integrated into t he biological framework result ing from long-term evolutionary interactions.


Anonymous (1967). The Mango: a Handbook ( ew Delhi: Indian Council of Agricultural Research)

Bahuchet. S. (1985). Les Pygmees Aka etlaforet Cemrafricaine (Paris: SELAF)

Charles-Domi~ique, P. (1986). Inter-relations between frugivorous vertebrates and pioneer plants:

Cecropw, b1rds and bats an French Guyana. In Estrada, A. and Fleming, T.H. (eds) Frugivores and Seed Dispersal, pp. 119-135 (Dordrecht: Dr W. Junk Publishers)

Clement, C.R. (1993). Native Amazonian fruits and nuts: composition, production and potential use for sustainable development. In this volume, pp. I 39-I 52

Corner, E. J. H. (1964). The Life of Plants (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press) Dove, M. R. ( 1993). The responses of Dayak and bearded pig to mast-fruiting in Kalimantan: an

analysis of ature-Culture analogies. In this volume, pp. 113-123

FAO ( 1989). Utili~arion of Tropical Foods: Sugars, Spices and Stimulams. FAO Food and utrition Paper 47/6 (Rome: FAO)

Faurion. A. (1987). Physiology of the sweet taste. In Otosson, D. (ed) Progress in Sensory Physi- ology, Vol. 8, pp. 129-201 (Berlin: Springer-Verlag)


in 2013

---- Claude Marcel HLADIK Directeur de recherche émérite Eco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 4 avenue du Petit Château

91800 Brunoy (France) cmhladik@mnhn.fr



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