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Quantum vacuum properties of the intersubband cavity polariton field


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Submitted on 8 Jul 2005

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polariton field

Cristiano Ciuti, Gérald Bastard, Iacopo Carusotto

To cite this version:

Cristiano Ciuti, Gérald Bastard, Iacopo Carusotto. Quantum vacuum properties of the intersubband cavity polariton field. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), American Physical Society, 2005, 72, pp.115303. �hal-00004617v2�


ccsd-00004617, version 2 - 8 Jul 2005

Quantum vacuum properties of the intersubband cavity polariton field

Cristiano Ciuti,1, G´erald Bastard,1 and Iacopo Carusotto2

1Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, 24, rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France

2CRS BEC-INFM and Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Trento, I-38050 Povo, Italy (Dated: July 8, 2005)

We present a quantum description of a planar microcavity photon mode strongly coupled to a semiconductor intersubband transition in presence of a two-dimensional electron gas. We show that, in this kind of system, the vacuum Rabi frequency ΩR can be a significant fraction of the inter- subband transition frequency ω12. This regime of ultra-strong light-matter coupling is enhanced for long wavelength transitions, because for a given doping density, effective mass and number of quantum wells, the ratio ΩR12 increases as the square root of the intersubband emission wave- length. We characterize the quantum properties of the ground state (a two-mode squeezed vacuum), which can be tuned in-situ by changing the value of ΩR, e.g., through an electrostatic gate. We finally point out how the tunability of the polariton quantum vacuum can be exploited to generate correlated photon pairs out of the vacuum via quantum electrodynamics phenomena reminiscent of the dynamical Casimir effect.

In the last decade, the study of intersubband elec- tronic transitions1 in semiconductor quantum wells has enjoyed a considerable success, leading to remarkable opto-electronic devices such as the quantum cascade lasers2,3,4. In contrast to the more conventional inter- band transitions between conduction and valence bands, the frequency of intersubband transitions is not deter- mined by the energy gap of the semiconductor material system used, but rather can be chosen via the thickness of the quantum wells in the active region, providing tunable sources emitting in the mid and far infrared.

One of the most fascinating aspects of light-matter interaction is the so-called strong light-matter coupling regime, which is achieved when a cavity mode is reso- nant with an electronic transition of frequencyω12, and the so-called vacuum Rabi frequency ΩRexceeds the cav- ity mode and electronic transition linewidths. The strong coupling regime has been first observed in the late ’80s using atoms in metallic cavities5,6, and a few years later in solid-state systems using excitonic transitions in quan- tum wells embedded in semiconductor microcavities7. In this regime, the normal modes of the system consist of linear superpositions of electronic and photonic excita- tions, which, in the case of semiconductor materials, are the so-calledpolaritons. In both these systems, the vac- uum Rabi frequency ΩR does not exceed a very small fraction of the transition frequencyω12.

Recently, Dini et al.8 have reported the first demon- stration of strong coupling regime between a cavity pho- ton mode and a mid-infrared intersubband transition, in agreement with earlier semiclassical theoretical predic- tions by Liu9. The dielectric Fabry-Perot structure real- ized by Diniet al.8 consists of a modulation doped mul- tiple quantum well structure embedded in a microcavity, whose mirrors work thanks to the principle of total in- ternal reflection. The strong coupling regime has been also observed in quantum well infra-red detectors10. As we will show in detail, an important advantage of using intersubband transitions is the possibility of exploring a regime where the normal-mode polariton splitting is

a significant fraction of the intersubband transition (in the pioneering experiments by Diniet al.8, 2¯hΩR = 14 meV compared to ¯12 = 140 meV). Furthermore, re- cent experiments have also demonstrated the possibility of a dramatic tuning of the strong light-matter coupling through application of a gate voltage11 which is able to deplete the density of the two-dimensional electron gas.

Although the quest for quantum optical squeezing ef- fects in the emission from atoms strongly coupled to a cavity mode has been an active field of research12, all sys- tems realized up to now show a vacuum Rabi frequency R much smaller than the frequency of the optical tran- sition. In this parameter regime, the relative importance of the anti-resonant terms in the light-matter coupling is small and, as far as no strong driving field is present, they can be safely neglected under the so-called rotating- wave approximation. In the presence of a strong driving field, however, anti-resonant terms are known to play a significant role, giving, e.g., the so-called Bloch-Siegert shift in magnetic resonance experiments13, or determin- ing the quantum statistical properties of the emission from dressed-state lasers14.

A few theoretical studies have pointed out the intrin- sic non-classical properties of exciton-polaritons in solid- state systems15,16,17, but the small value of the ratio Rexc, typically less than 0.01, has so far prevented the observation of quantum effects due to the anti-resonant terms of the light-matter coupling. All the squeezing experiments that have been performed so far in fact re- quired the presence of a strong coherent optical pump beam in order to inject polaritons and take advantage of nonlinear polariton parametric processes18,19,20,21,22.

In this paper, we show that in the case of intersub- band cavity polaritons, it is instead possible to achieve an unprecedentedultra-strong coupling regime, in which the vacuum Rabi frequency ΩR is a large fraction of the intersubband transition frequencyω12. To this purpose, transitions in the far infrared are most favorable, because the ratio ΩR12 scales as the square root of the inter- subband emission wavelength. Within a second quanti-


zation formalism, we characterize the polaritonic normal modes of the system in the weak excitation limit, in which the density of intersubband excitations is much smaller than the density of the two-dimensional electron gas in each quantum well (in this very dilute limit, the inter- subband excitations behave as bosons). We point out the non-classical properties of the ground state, which consists of a two-mode squeezed vacuum. As its proper- ties can be modulated by applying an external electro- static bias, we suggest the possibility of observing quan- tum electrodynamics effects, such as the generation of correlated photon pairs from the initial vacuum state.

Such an effect closely reminds the so-called dynamical Casimir effect23,24,25, whose observation is still an open challenge and is actually the subject of intense effort.

Many theoretical works have in fact predicted the gener- ation of photons in an optical cavity when its properties, e.g. the length or the dielectric permittivity of the cavity spacer material, are modulated in a rapid, non-adiabatic way26,27,28.

The present paper is organized as follows. In Sec. I we describe the system under examination and in Sec. II we introduce its Hamiltonian. The scaling of the coupling in- tensity with the material parameters is discussed in Sec.

III, while Sec. IV is devoted to the diagonalization of the Hamiltonian and the discussion of the polaritonic nor- mal modes of the system in the different regimes. The quantum ground state is characterized in Sec. V and its quantum properties are pointed out. Two possible schemes for the generation of photon pairs from the ini- tial vacuum by modulating the properties of the ground state are suggested in Sec. VI. Conclusions are finally drawn in Sec. VII.

I. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM In the following, we will consider a planar Fabry-Perot resonator embedding a sequence ofnQW identical quan- tum wells (see the sketch in Fig. 1). Each quantum well is assumed to be doped with a two-dimensional density N2DEG of electrons, which, at low temperatures, popu- late the first quantum well subband. Due to the presence of the two-dimensional electron gas, it is possible to have transitions from the first to the second subband of the quantum well. We will call ¯12the considered intersub- band transition energy. If we denote with z the growth direction of the multiple quantum well structure, then the dipole moment of the transition is aligned along z, i.e., d12 =d12z. This property imposes the well knownˆ polarization selection rule for intersubband transitions in quantum wells, i.e., the electric field must have a com- ponent along the growth direction. We point out that in the case of a perfect planar structure, the in-plane wave- vector is a conserved quantity, unlike the wave-vector component along the z direction. Therefore, all wave- vectorsk will be meant as in-plane wave-vectors, unless differently stated.


Lcav q





q 2DEG


(b) a(c)


FIG. 1: (a) Sketch of the considered planar cavity geom- etry, whose growth direction is called z. The cavity spacer of thicknessLcav embeds a sequence ofnQW identical quan- tum wells. The energy of the cavity mode depends on the cavity photon propagation angleθ. (b) Each quantum well contains a two-dimensional electron gas in the lowest subband (obtained through doping or electrical injection). The transi- tion energy between the first two subbands is ¯12. Only the TM-polarized photon mode is coupled to the intersubband transition and a finite angleθ is mandatory to have a finite dipole coupling. (c) Sketch of the energy dispersionE1(q) and E2(q) =E1(q) + ¯12of the first two subbands as a function of the in-plane wavevector q. The dispersion of the inter- subband transition is negligible as compared to the one of the cavity mode. For a typical value of the cavity photon in-plane wavevectork, one has in factE2(|k+q|)E1(q)¯12.

In the following, we will consider the fundamental cav- ity photon mode, whose frequency dispersion is given by ωcav,k = cǫ

pkz2+k2, whereǫ is the dielectric con- stant of the cavity spacer andkzis the quantized photon wavevector along the growth direction, which depends on the boundary conditions imposed by the specific mir- ror structures. In the simplest case of metallic mirrors, kz= Lπ

cav, with Lcav the cavity thickness.

II. SECOND QUANTIZATION HAMILTONIAN In this Section, we introduce the system Hamiltonian in a second quantization formalism. In the following, we will callak the creation operator of the fundamental cavity photon mode with in-plane wave-vectork. Note that, in order to simplify the notation, we will omit the polarization index of the photon mode, which is meant to be Transverse Magnetic (TM)-polarized (also known as p-polarization). This photon polarization is neces- sary to have a finite value of the electric field compo- nent along the growth directionz of the multiple quan-


3 tum well structure, direction along which the transition

dipole of the intersubband transition is aligned. bk will be instead the creation operator of the bright intersub- band excitation mode of the doped multiple quantum well structure. In the simplified case of nQW identical quantum wells that are identically coupled to the cavity photon mode, the only bright intersubband excitation is the totally symmetric one, with an oscillator strength nQW times larger than the one of a single quantum well.

ThenQW1 orthogonal excitations are instead dark and will be neglected in the following. The creation operator corresponding to the bright intersubband transition can be written as

bk = 1 pnQWN2DEGS






c(j)2,q+k c(j)1,q , (1) whereN2DEGis the density of the two-dimensional elec- tron gas in each quantum well andS is the sample area.

The fermionic operator c(j)1,q annihilates an electron be- longing to the first subband and j-th quantum well, while c(j)2,q+k creates an electron in the second subband of the same well. kF is the Fermi wavevector of the two- dimensional electron gas, whose electronic ground state at low temperature is







c(j)1,q|0icond, (2) where|0icondis the empty conduction band state.

In the following, we will consider the situation of a weakly excited intersubband transition, i.e.,

1 S



hbkbki ≪N2DEG. (3) In this dilute limit, the intersubband excitation field is approximately bosonic, namely

[bk, bk]δk,k . (4) Starting from the coupled light-matter Hamiltonian of the semiconductor and retaining only the consid- ered cavity photon mode for the electromagnetic field and the considered intersubband transition for the elec- tronic polarization field, one finds a standard Hopfield- like Hamiltonian29

H =H0+Hres+Hanti (5) which consists of three qualitatively different contribu- tions, namely



¯ cav,k

akak+1 2




12 bkbk , (6)

Hres = ¯hX



akbkakbk +Dk


, (7)

Hanti= ¯hX



akbkakbk +Dk



o . (8) H0 in Eq. (6) describes the energy of the bare cavity photon and intersubband polarization fields, which de- pend on the numbersakak, bkbk of cavity photons and intersubband excitations, respectively.

Hresin Eq. (7) is the resonant part of the light-matter interaction, depending on the vacuum Rabi energy ¯hΩR,k

and on the related coupling constantDk. The terms pro- portional to ΩR,k describe the creation (annihilation) of one photon and the annihilation (creation) of an inter- subband excitation with the same in-plane wavevector.

In contrast, the term proportional to Dk contains only photon operators, because it originates from the squared electromagnetic vector potential part of the light-matter interaction. Note that this term inHres depends on the photon number operator akak as the bare cavity pho- ton term in Eq. (6). Hence, it gives a mere blueshift (Dk>0) of the bare cavity photon energy ¯cav,k.

Finally,Hantiin Eq. (8) contains the usually neglected anti-resonant terms, which correspond to the simultane- ous destruction or creation of two excitations with op- posite in-plane wavevectors. The terms proportional to R,k describe the creation (or destruction) of a cavity photon and an intersubband excitation, while the terms proportional to Dk describe the corresponding process involving a pair of cavity photons.

Before continuing our treatment, we wish to point out that the considered Hamiltonian in Eq.(5) contains only the energy associated to the fundamental cavity mode (including the zero-point energyP

k 1

2 ¯cav,k), the en- ergy associated to the creation of intersubband excita- tions and the full light-matter interaction between the considered modes. The energy terms associated to the other photon modes, the electronic energy of the filled electronic bands as well as the electrostatic energy as- sociated to an applied bias have been here omitted for simplicity, as they do not take part in the dynamics dis- cussed in the following of the paper.

III. SCALING OF THE INTERACTION The specific values of the coupling constants ΩR,kand Dk depend on the microscopic parameters of the inter- subband microcavity system.

The so-called vacuum Rabi energy ¯hΩR,k is the Rabi energy obtained with the electric field corresponding to one photon5,30. For the system under consideration8,9, the polariton coupling frequency for the TM-polarized mode31reads

R,k =


ǫm0Leffcav N2DEGneffQWf12sin2θ 1/2

, (9) whereǫis the dielectric constant of the cavity,Leffcavthe


100 101 102 103 0

0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45

R,k/ω 12

λ12 (µ m)

FIG. 2: Coupling ratio ΩR,k12as a function of the intersub- band emission wavelengthλ12(µm). Parameters: f12= 12.9 (GaAs quantum well), cavity spacer refraction indexǫ= 3, neffQW = 50, N2DEG = 5×1011 cm−2 and θ = 60. The Fabry-Perot resonator is aλ/2-microcavity. Results obtained from the analytical expressions in Eqs. (14) and (15).

effective thickness of the cavity photon mode (which de- pends non-trivially on the boundary conditions imposed by the specific mirror structures), andneffQW the effective number of quantum wells (neffQW = nQW in the case of quantum wells which are identically coupled to the cav- ity photon field and which are located at the antinodes of the cavity mode electric field). The oscillator strength of the considered intersubband transition reads

f12= 2m0ω12d212h , (10) wherem0is the free electron mass andd12is the electric dipole moment of the transition. Under the approxima- tion of a parabolic energy dispersion of the quantum well subbands, the oscillator strengths of the different inter- subband transitions satisfy thef-sum rule32



f1j=m0/m, (11) wheremis the effective electron mass of the conduction band. In particular, for our case of a deep rectangular well, the sum rule is almost saturated by the first inter- subband transitionf12m0/m. Finally,θis the prop- agation angle inside the cavity (which is different from the propagation angle in the substrate), and is related to the in-plane wavevectork byk/kz= sinθ/cosθ.

As we will see in the next section, the relevant pa- rameter quantifying the importance of the quantum ef- fects considered in this paper is the dimensionless ratio R,kres12, wherekresis the resonance in-plane wavevec- tor such as ¯cav,kres = ¯12. In the system studied by Dini et al.8, this ratio is already significant, namely R,k12= 0.05. Here, we show that the ratio ΩR,k12

can be largely increased designing structures in the far

infra-red, by increasing the number of quantum wells and by choosing semiconductors with smaller effective mass.

Let beθresthe cavity propagation angle corresponding tokres. From the relation

kres= ω12


ǫsinθres , (12) we get that for metallic mirrors

Lcav = λ12

2ǫcosθres , (13) where 2π/λ12=ω12/c. Under these conditions, the light- matter coupling ratio at the resonance angle is




λ12 , (14)

with η=


e2 f12sin2θrescosθres N2DEGnQW

πm0c2ǫ . (15) Note that the prefactor given in Eq.(15) has a weak de- pendence onλ12. In fact, in the limit case of a rectan- gular quantum well with high potential barriers,f12 = 0.96 m0/m and does not depend at all on λ12. More refined calculations32 including the non-parabolicity of the semiconductor band and the finite depth of the po- tential well show thatf12has a moderate dependence on the emission wavelengthλ12 (it actually increases with λ12). Hence, the normalized vacuum Rabi frequency R,kres12 increases at least as

λ12. The predictions of Eqs. (14) and (15) are reported in Fig. 2 for a sys- tem of 50 GaAs quantum wells and a doping density N2DEG= 5×1011 cm2. For an intersubband emission wavelength of 100µm, the ratio ΩR12can be as high as 0.2. The values in Fig. 2 can be significantly increased using semiconductors with smaller effective mass, such as InGaAs/AlInAs-on-InP33.

To complete our description, we need to provide the ex- plicit expression for the coefficient Dk, which quantifies the effect of the squared electromagnetic vector potential in the light-matter interaction. Generalizing Hopfield’s procedure29 to the case of intersubband transitions, we find that all the intersubband transitions give a contri- bution toDk, namely

Dk = P



2R,k ω12

. (16)

However, as the oscillator strength of a deep rectangu- lar well is concentrated in the lowest transition at ω12, the effect of the higher transitions is a minor correction, namely

Dk 1.042R,k

ω12 2R,k ω12

. (17)

Note that for a quantum well with a parabolic confine- ment potential V(z) = (1/2)mω122 z2, the expression Dk= Ω2R,k12would be exact, since in this case all the intersubband oscillator strength is exactly concentrated in the lowest transitionω12.



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5


LP R,k/ω12 ω/ω 12

FIG. 3: Normalized polariton frequencies ωLP,k12 and ωU P,k12as a function of ΩR,k12forDk= Ω2R,k12. The calculation has been performed withωcav,k=ω12. Note that for a given microcavity system, ΩR,k12can be tunedin-situ by an electrostatic bias, which is able to change the density of the two-dimensional electron gas.

IV. INTERSUBBAND POLARITONS As all the terms in the HamiltonianH =H0+Hres+ Hantiare bilinear in the field operators,H can be exactly diagonalized through a Bogoliubov transformation. Fol- lowing the pioneering work by Hopfield29, we introduce the Lower Polariton (LP) and Upper Polariton (UP) an- nihilation operators

pj,k=wj,k ak+xj,k bk+yj,kak+zj,k bk , (18) where j ∈ {LP, U P}. The Hamiltonian of the system can be cast in the diagonal form

H =EG+ X





j,kpj,kpj,k , (19)

where the constant termEGwill be given explicitly later.

The Hamiltonian form in Eq. (19) is obtained, provided that the vectors

~vj,k= (wj,k, xj,k, yj,k, zj,k)T (20) satisfy the eigenvalues equation

Mk~vj,k=ωj,k~vj,k (21) withωj,k>0. The Bose commutation rule

[pj,k, pj,k] =δj,jδk,k (22) imposes the normalization condition

wj,k wj,k+xj,kxj,kyj,kyj,kzj,kzj,k=δj,j . (23)

0 0.5 1

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1


|xLP,k |2

|wLP,k |2 (a)

0 0.5 1

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18


|zLP,k |2

|yLP,k |2 (b)

FIG. 4: Mixing fractions for the Lower Polariton (LP) mode as a function of ΩR,k12 (see Eq. (18) in the text).

The calculation has been performed for the resonant case ωcav,k =ω12 , as in the previous figure. Panel (a): |wLP,k|2 (thin solid line), |xLP,k|2 (thick solid line). Note that for R,k12 1, |wLP,k|2 ≃ |xLP,k|2 1/2. Panel (b):

|yLP,k|2 (thin dashed line),|zLP,k|2 (thick dashed line). For R,k12 1,|yLP,k|2≃ |zLP,k|2 0. The Upper Polariton (UP) fractions (not shown) are simply |wU P,k|2 =|xLP,k|2,

|xU P,k|2=|wLP,k|2,|yU P,k|2=|zLP,k|2,|zU P,k|2=|yLP,k|2.

The Hopfield-like matrix for our system reads


ωcav,k+ 2Dk iΩR,k 2Dk iΩR,k

iΩR,k ω12 iΩR,k 0 2Dk iΩR,k ωcav,k2Dk iΩR,k

iΩR,k 0 iΩR,k ω12

. (24) The four eigenvalues ofMkareωLP,k,±ωUP,k}. Under the approximationDk= Ω2R,k12 (i.e., all the oscillator strength concentrated on theω12 transition), detMk = cav,k ω12)2, giving the simple relation

ωLP,k ωUP,k=ω12 ωcav,k , (25) i.e., the geometric mean of the energies of the two po- lariton branches is equal to the geometric mean of the bare intersubband and cavity mode energies. The de- pendence of the exact polariton eigenvalues as a function of ΩR,k12 is reported in Fig. 3, for the resonant case ωcav,k=ω12.

A. Ordinary properties in the limitR,k121 In the standard case ΩR,k121, the polariton op- erator can be approximated as

pj,kwj,k ak+xj,k bk , (26)


with |wj,k|2+|xj,k|2 1. This means that the annihi- lation operator for a polariton mode with in-plane wave- vectorkis given by a linear superposition of the photon and intersubband excitation annihilation operators with the same in-plane wavevector, while mixing with the cre- ation operators (represented by the coefficients yj,k and zj,k) is instead negligible [see Fig. 4]. In this limit, the geometric mean can be approximated by the arithmetic mean and Eq. (25) can be written in the more usual form:

ωLP,k+ωUP,k ωcav,k+ω12. (27) For the specific resonant wavevector kres such that ωcav,kres=ω12, the polariton eigenvalues are

ωLP(UP),kres ω12R,kres , (28) and the mixing fractions are |wLP,kres|2 ≃ |xLP,kres|2 1/2.

B. Ultra-strong coupling regime

When the ratio ΩR,k12is not negligible compared to 1, then the anomalous features due to the anti-resonant terms of the light-matter coupling becomes truly rele- vant.

In the resonantωcav,kres =ω12 case and under the ap- proximation Dk = Ω2R,k12, the polariton frequencies are given by


ω212+ (ΩR,kres)2R,kres, (29) which, as it is apparent in Fig. 3, corresponds to a strongly asymmetric anti-crossing as a function of R,kres12. This is due to the combined effect of the blue-shift of the cavity mode frequency due to the terms proportional to Dk in Eq. (7), and of the anomalous coupling terms in Eq.(8).

These same effects contribute to the non-trivial evo- lution of the Hopfield coefficients shown in Fig. 4. The anomalous Hopfield fractions|yLP,k|2and|zLP,k|2signif- icantly increase because of the anomalous coupling, and eventually become of the same order as the normal ones

|xLP,k|2 and |wLP,k|2. Due to the normalization condi- tion

|wj,k|2+|xj,k|2− |yj,k|2− |zj,k|2= 1 , (30)

this affects the ordinary fractions |wLP,k|2, |xLP,k|2 as well. Owing to the blue-shift of the cavity photon fre- quency induced by the light-matter coupling, at the resonance wavevector k = kres the lower polariton be- comes more matter-like (i.e.,|xLP,kres|2>|wLP,kres|2and

|zLP,kres|2 >|yLP,kres|2), while the upper polariton more photon-like. In this resonant case, the UP Hopfield coef- ficients (not shown) are simply related to the LP ones by: |wUP,kres|2 = |xLP,kres|2, |xUP,kres|2 = |wLP,kres|2,

|yUP,kres|2=|zLP,kres|2,|zUP,kres|2=|yLP,kres|2. V. THE QUANTUM GROUND STATE A. The normal vacuum state |0i for R,k= 0 In the case ΩR = 0 (negligible light-matter interac- tion), the quantum ground state |Gi of the considered system is the ordinary vacuum|0ifor the cavity photon and intersubband excitation fields. Such ordinary vac- uum satisfies the relation

ak|0i=bk|0i= 0, (31) which means a vanishing number of photons and inter- subband excitations:

h0|akak|0i=h0|bkbk|0i=h0|akbk|0i= 0 (32) and no anomalous correlations, i.e.,

h0|akak|0i=h0|bkbk|0i=h0|akbk|0i= 0. (33)

B. The squeezed vacuum state

With a finite ΩR,k, the ground state of the system|Gi is no longer the ordinary vacuum|0isuch that:

ak|0i=bk|0i= 0, (34) but rather the vacuum of polariton excitations:

pj,k|Gi= 0. (35) As the polariton annihilation operators are linear su- perpositions of annihilation and creation operators for the photon and the intersubband excitation modes, the ground state|Giis, in quantum optical terms, a squeezed state34,35. By inverting Eq.(18), one gets



ak bk


wLP,k wUP,k yLP,k yUP,k

xLP,k xUP,k zLP,k zUP,k

yLP,k yUP,k wLP,k wUP,k

zLP,k zUP,k xLP,k xUP,k



pLP,k pUP,k

, (36)


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