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Dj. Jovik, M. Davidovik, D. Chaturvedi

To cite this version:


Jovik, M. Davidovik, D. Chaturvedi.



JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE CoZZoque C8, suppZ6ment au n08, Tome 41, aoiit 1980, page



T R A N S P O R T C O E F F I C I E N T F O R N O N - T R A N S I T I O N


Dj. JoviE, M. DavidoviE and D.K. Chaturvedi X

Boris ~ i d r i ; I n s t i t u t e o f NucZear Sciences, vinza, Belgrade, YugosZavia

Abstract.- Using the recent experimental data for liquid aluminum, copper, lead, tin, gallium and bismuth, the effective interatomic potential has been calculated by inverting the Week-Chand- ler-Anderson (WCA) perturbation theory.Also, first and second derivatives of interatomic poten- tial y(r), along with different correlation functions as g(r), c(r), have been calculated for the mentioned liquid metals. With knowledge of the above quantities and their products, different trans- port coefficients, such as self-diffusion D, viscosity r7 and conductivity &have been studied, for the group of transition and non- transition elements, and their results compared with classical measurements of the macroscopic quantities.

Our aim in this work was t o study the trans- port processes i n the transition and non-transition elements from the aspects of their microscopic sta-

tic properties. The transport coefficients D can be defined in t e r m s of the intermolecular forces thro- ugh the relations of Rice and Kirkwood /1-3/,

. .



( r ) and ( r ) denote the derivatives of the effective pair potential


( r )


g ( r )


m, n a r e r e s - pectively the pair correlation function, m a s s and density of the system. In a similar manner the s h e a r viscosity coefficient


the bulk viscosity


and the coefficient of the conductivity


can be expressed a s / 3 k / 00 2 T n z n



O ( 3 )







~ ( r d


(r) dr ( 4 ) and


a a



4 - 1 4 r ( 5 ) 0

From the above equations, i t can be shown that a l l

the transport properties can be obtained if the shape of the effective interatomic poteritial


( r ) is known.

In the present work we extract


( r ) from the '

.. . .

measured data of the structure factor s ( ~ ) . The pro-

blem is of fundamental importance and many different theoretical approaches were used in order t o study this problem. In this paper we use an inverted pertur- bation scheme of weekPs


Chandler and Anderson

/ 5 - 6 / (recently used by Mitra /7/ f o r liquid Ne and Pb) to derive the effective pair potential


( r ) for s i x liquid metals, namely copper /8/, aluminum /9/,



tin /11/, lead /12/ and bismuth /13/

since we had a recent structure data of those metals f o r several temperatures. However, due t o limitati- ons of space we shall present h e r e only the results f o r copper and aluminum.

In WCA approximation,


( r ) is divided into a short-range repulsive


(r) and long-range attrac-

S tive part (


) a s

where r is the distance a t which


( r ) has a mini-


mum. Then instead of calculating the actual system directly, one s t a r t s with a t r i a l ( T ) system with hard spheres fluid a s the reference system and t r e a t s the effect of attractive interaction a s a small perturba- tion t o this reference system. Thus the t r i a l pair po- tential can be written a s









( 7 )



( r ) is the h a r d sphere potential, d being the

hard c o r e diameter. The t r i a l pair potential i s made

, X) I




O.B. 586 Miramare, 341000 Trieste, Italy


close to the actual pair potential by choosing the ha- r d c o r e diameter through a n optimized method. There- f o r e this method is a l s o applicable t o systems


like liquid metals, where long range part of the potential

is a large one.

Our approach differs from that of Mitra /14/ who used random phase approximation (RPA) for the structure factor of the t r i a l system. As i t is well known, RPA does not include the effect of correlation between atoms which is important in determination of the structure factor a t small wave vectors. The sha- pe of S ( q ) and the location of the f i r s t peak ( q ) have


very different effects on the pair potential of a liquid state. For example, shape of S( q ) f o r q


q a s well


a s the position of f i r s t peak (but not i t s height) deter- minate the repulsive part of the potential, especially f o r high densities. On the contrary, values of S( q ) f o r q ( qo and the height of the f i r s t peak (but not i t s af- fect t o the long-range p a r t of the pair potential


Therefore, we consider a t r i a l structure S ( q )


where S ( q ) is the hard sphere s t r u c t u r e factor .and d


( q ) is the Fourier transform of the effective atrac- tive field VC(r). Recently, Emns and Schirmacher /15/ and a l s o Gaskell /16/ have tried t o calculate

Vt(q) through a perturbation procedure. I n this work we use the expression due to Gaskell /16/





( 9 0

where Sd(q) was replaced by S ( q ) . exP

In o r d e r to calculate ST( q ) from Eqs. ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) the hard sphere structure factor and the attractive p a r t of the pair potential is needed. For S ( q ) , we u s e


Ashcroft and L e h e r /17-18/ solution of the Percus- Yevick equation of the hard sphere s t r u c t u r e factor and for\pe(r) we make the ansatz

where c ( r ) is the direct correlation function. In the physically inaccessibIe region, r


d, q ( r ) is assu- med of the form /19/

fiYe(rj =

A + (





- 0

n=o (11)


where P a r e the Legendse Polynomials and



The physical reasons for choosing such a form and the determination of the parameters A , B, Cn, etc. have already been discussed by WCA and Ailawadi e t al. /19-20/. The pair correlation function of the r e a l system


liquid metal is now obtained by the ap- proximation






(r)] YT(r)


where YT(r) is related to the pair correlation fun- ction of the t r i a l system

Finally, we obtained an optimum value of the hard c o r e diameter d, using the condition

Numerical procedure

Due t o experimental limits the structure factor can not be precisely measured both for small and l a r g e wave vectors. Therefore, we extrapolate S ( q ) t o the exact value of S ( o ) , determined by


the isothermal compressibility


a s


S [ o )


Kt (15)

For q


qmax (max.measured q ) , we used the expres- sion

Parameters C ' n



. .


5 a r e determined by the n


least square fit of eq. ( 16) with S ( q ) for q grea- exp.

t e r than the f i r s t minimum position. We a l s o defined S ( q ) f i r obqC20


which is sufficient t o ob-


tain q(


) by the Fourier transform.

For numerical calculations of a transport coef- ficients we started with the Aschcroft-Lekner expres- sion f o r the hard sphere structure factor. The initial values of the hard c o r e diameters, now denoted a s d"), a r e obtained for a l l liquid metals by comparing the


( q ) with the rkspective


( q ) through the

d eXP

last square method. The next s t e p is t o obtain Yc(q) from Eqs. (10) and (11). This requires the data of c ( r ) , f o r which we u s e the relation




Then we tested i t s accuracy through another compres- sibility equation

By means of Eqs. ( 8 ) and ( 9 ) we obtained S ( q ) , T and i t s Fourier transform g m ( r ) . By substitution of


g ( r ) and 'PT(r) in (13) and ' P T ( r ) in (12) one gets T

( 2 )

a pair potential, denoted a s ( r )


correspon- ding t o g ( r )


Finally, the condition ( 14) determi-


nates an improved value of the hard-core diameter d ( 2 ) , where ~ ( ~ ) ( r ) is again split up a s described

( 2 )

in eq.

( 6 )

t o obtain a new


( r ) . With new values of s , ( ~ ) ( ~ ) (corresponding t o d ( 2 ) and \ P f 2 ) ( q ) ) a s input, we calculate


( ( q ) and repeated the


whole procedure until a satisfactory convergence f o r \ P ( r ) is achieved.

After this, the f i r s t and the second derivati- ves of the potential with the pair correlation function determinate the transport coefficients a s given in Eqs. ( 1 )


( 5 ) .

Results and Discussion

By the above procedure we calculated the ef- fective interaction potential in liquid copper and alu- minum. The experimental s t r u c t u r e factor data S

( 9 ) for liquid copper have been measured by O.Eder, B.

Kunsch e t al. (19791, a t two temperatures : 1393 K

and 1833 K. The structure factor s ( ~ ) for liquid alu- minum has a l s o been measured by Dj. JoviC et al. (1977) a t two temperatures : 939 K and 1073


The structure factor data both for Cu and Al w e r e extend- ed up to 20




i n order t o get more accurate Fourier transform t o calculate the correlation functions. For long wave vectors of momentum transfer the variati- on of S ( q ) is small and less than 0.1%. According to this procedure the ripples in g ( r ) f o r small r almost disappear. The calculated direct correlation function c ( r ) shows very small fluctuations f o r l a r g e


but c ( r ) exhibits small positive values when


increases. This means that a long-range attractive p a r t of y t ( r ) is a l s o small; pronounced bumps disappear through iteration process.To get the short-range component

of y b ( r ) one has t o solve a linear integral equation of the Fredholm type-This equation has t o be convert- ed into a system of linear equations /21/




A .

a r e variables proportional t o the J

pair potential \Pe(r) in RPA and


approximation respectively. The matrix element G..


i - e . the ker-


ma1 of Fredholm"~ equation ~ ( q ' , q ) is expressed a s



G ( P : ~ I = = S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ )

J ~ ~ s e ~ ( x ) - g d x (20)


where h . J i s a variable of the integration interva1.A special program was used for solving the matrix equation ( 19 )


The details of this program and the results will be presented in the next paper.

In the Figs. 1 and 2 is shown, for two diffe- rent temperatures the pair interaction p t e n t i a l Y ( r ) . Both figures show the expected behaviour f o r data a t higher temperature Ghere potential


( r ) is softer and the steepness is smaller than near the melting point.

As i t can be seen f r o m Eqs. 1-5 the transport


coefficients generally depend on the shape of


( r ) and




) which again a r e sensitive on the profile. Table 1 contains numerically calculated trans- port coefficients and compared with experimental ones for two metals and given temperatures.

Since we have data for two temperatures only, the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient sho- uld be considered a s a preliminary one.


Fig. 1

I t should be pointed out that transport coeffici- ents a r e v e r y sensitive t o the values of S f q ) a t low

q, what h a s been improved i n calculation by GRPA


The differences i n Table 1 between calculated and ex- perimental values a r e caused by neglection of electron contribution.


1 Rice, A .S., Kirkwood, G. J., J.Chem.Phys., 31 (1959) 901.

2 Bansal, R., J.Phys. C . 6 (1973) 1201 and 3071

3 Eder, J.O., Kunsch, B., Presse, G., Sonderdruck

a u s 52. Heft 6 (1976) 319.

4 Croxton, C., Introduction t o Liquid State Physics, John Wiley and Sons, London, 1975.

5 Weeks, D.J., Chandler, D. and Afidersen, C.H., J.Chem.Phys., 55 (1971) 5422.

6 Andersen, C.H., Chandler,D.J. and Weeks, D. J.

J. Chem. Phys., 57 (1972) 2626.

7 Mitra, K.S., 3.Phys. C. 1 0 (1977) 2033. 8 Kunsch, 0. ( 1979) (private communication). 9 Jovik, Dj., Padureanu, I. and Rapeanu, S., Inst.

Phys.Conf,No. 30, Chap. 1, Part


l ( 1 9 7 7 ) 120. 10 Bellissent, R. ( 1979) (private communication).

11 JoviC, Dj. and Padureanu, I., (1978) (unpublished data)

Fig. 2 Acknowledgement

The authors wish t o thank t o Drs. T. Gaskell,

U. Dahlborg and I. Ebbsja f o r the useful discussions and suggestions. Also, Dr. M .Davidovik e x p r e s s e s his gratitude t o ICTP a t T r i e s t e f o r the hospitality during his work a t the Computer Centre,

12 Dahlborg, U., ~ a v i d o v i d ,


and Larsson, K.E., Phys-Chem, Liquid 6 (1977) 149.

1 3 Lampater, P. ( 1979) ( ~ r i v a t e communication). 14 Mitra, K.S. and Gillan,


M., Phys. C. 9

(1976) 1515.

15 Evans, R. and Schirmacher, W., J.Phys. C 11

(1978) 2437.

16 Gaskell, T., Phys. Lett. 65A (1978) 421. 17 Ashcroft, W.N. and Langreth,


Phys. Rev.

159 (1967) 500.

18 Davidovi;





PhD Thesis, Belgrade University, (19781 (unpublished).

19 Ailawadi, K.N.


Miller, E.D. and Naghizadeh, J., Phys.Rev. Lett. 36 (1976) 1494.


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