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Fourth meeting of the conference of ministers of African least developed countries : draft Report


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Fourth ~·ieeting of the Conference of J'1inistcrs

of African Lcast




Ababa, 22-73 tlay 1934




E/ECA/LDCs.4/7 23 May 1984

Original: FRENCH


~ ..." .",11


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L 1.1e fourth ~_:eetinE of the (:G~ference of Hiristcrs of African Least

Deve l cocd Count ri.cs was held at Addis Abat),:.2thiopia, from 22 to 23 I>1a)' 19fJ/t o Openir'j statements were ITlade by COL:r\:~d.e T.;e:.rsi.; ~':ji-ell; '\;rith the r ank or t~ili.ister"

Head c=- Cerie r a L Flanninr. of: HFDC and C?SColn r! CCr\~"E Central Cormit tce alternate member th.c Executive Secretary of tac Units?: :~L~tions Economi.c Cormis sion for Africr; l'1:(o i\deb<2Yo /:'(h:dcji~ And the Assistant Secretary Ccncra L of the o.~~U)

t1r0 Pa.u I Eti.ang0

2, r,.L:present.1tivcs of the fo I Lowi.ng Af ric m le-ast developed countries attended the IJfctinE;, Bcni.r;, Burundi9 the Central l\frican Lcpublic~ Chad , Dj ibouti ,

Equa tr ria l Cu i.nca , Et.hiopi a , Cuinca , riali. Le sot.ho , !'Inla~Tis Ni ge r , R"JaIlda~

Sj~err.:. Leone~ the ,sudan trw United Republic of Tar..z an i.a , and Uganda , There we re Elsa observers f!"OIi.1. Canada , China) CU:)2~, Cz echoslovak i.a , EGypt~ France:~

the German T;erriccratic Republic) and Indcne cia, C',S well as the fo l l owi.no United Nat ior.s agencies :'l.ud iEter~covernmental or'[':anizzetinns~ the United l',lations Dcvel.op-:

ment I'rog r aruae (UNDP); t.h c United Nations Canf;;rencE on Trade and Development (UNCT;.!.)) s the Unitcd Nations Educational~ Scic:utific and Cultural Ornanization (UNESCO), the ForB Food Council (\~C), th. ;'orid Lnte Ll cctu a I Prcpe'r t.y Or~llnization (HIPJ); the International Tradc Centre (I'l'C). th(' '~;rL::anizationof iifrican

Unity (Gila)s and the DCp2rtrJent cf 7'cchnical Co--~ope'rationfor Deve Lopment and the Office of the Director General for Develop:nent and Intcrnation....iL Ec cnorc i.c Co-operation.

3., The C'OD-ferencc elected the fo Ll owinr; cfficcr s ; Chairman : His Excellency

Hr0 Moha1Drr:e(~ Haioanyc' '<inistcr of P'l ann i.ns, of l'flali~ Vicec--Chairctan~

His Exc eLlency Nr, Yodayman .Josephy , Hi.niste r of Flann i.ng and National Reconstruction of Chz.d. and Rapporteur) His Exc e Ll cncy Hr , R, Dcunr,i:; Ambas sado r of Uganda

to Soc ialist Ethiopia '_


. JI

E/ECA/L1.:s0li;7 f'a£c 2

4. The [Ge.rth L'<::8tHlf' of the Conference of ":~1-nistcrs of ./\frican Least Developed Countries adJrtcd the fallowinr; aL~,(·nd2.~

10 Openii.1!~ of tl«, ['cutin:-

20 Statclilcx:':, Ly the Lz~cutiv8 Sccrc.t.ary

30 ~lGction of


5< Cons ich..:ration of thv rcpo rt s recomr-endat i.on ;')n(~ d r aft;

resolutions of the Third ~(;Gting of "the Ip..tcr-;3overnmental Con~it~ec of ExpQrts of African Least Developed Countries

60 Considerq'tion and aclop tion of th<::: ,<Gp<Jrt of the Fourth

<cctir,c of the Conference. of Ninistcrs of ,~\frican Least

I~cv€loped Count ri.e s 7. Closure of the mcetin.:


+1 - 1 , j '


5. In his op eni.nr s t.at ericnt , Conrado Hersie Eji.gu welcomed the various

tho late 1<1705 in the Uni tcd ;;'"tir"'S Gen2r.'11 ! ..s scrcbLy and during the fifth

international l:conomic r~lations. Tbose hopes had be0.D. bolstered. by the adopti.on , in 19n1; of t~,1~: Substt'.ntial ffe1l ":"rogr,,,:r;:U:.le of r.ct ion for the

Least Developed Countries and~ in Africa~ by the adoption of the


Plan of l..ction whi ch g£lVD snecial attanti or- to Lf:cicp,n LDGs~

6. Hp. recalled the e s s enti a L aspects of SllP.i'1.s in parti cular the cormdtmenr by donor countries to devo tc , 0.15 per cent; of their Gnp to cfficinl

dcvc Lopnerrt as si stance (ODil) for LD":s by IJ:};'i. The r e had , howevers been a certain stagnation if not a r eduction , in the fl.ows of coricta sLoriaL aiJ from donor countries and bi l at.e rc ; and r.ul ttLatcra I fi.nanci.ng agencies.



towards stagnation in the



external assistance was

occurrinG at a ti~e when Afric~n countries) varticul~rly the least developed arr:.ong therc , we rc f;~inF t.hr ouj-h at! unpr cccdcnte d cconorri c an:' soc


l crisis caused Lar-gc Ly by- d.rought and desertification. 1'..s a result 7L. African c ount ries . Lncludirir- <", 8njc;ri.ty of Lr:rs~ could f:J,cc f~.mir.c 'Fithin this

year if they were not grented e8crgency food aid.

7. On the subject of the harm caus ad to nan and nature hy drought and de so rti.ficari on , he invit,_::1 thr:: ~E.eti·'1.r to fl('l':.'/~er on the dia l e ctLca.L relationship betwe~n poverty~ des~rtific~tionand poor lanrl ~~na£eT1ent.

:.:'0 illustrate the. cri sis , he ci ter' poor.pc rf on»..~:lce in the asri:cultural

sectors (h ..[:~ in P.?cI't to 10'1;>7 prc.tucti.vity anc' ncar Land utili znticn , in the face of hiSh population l~roT~7~h. l\.fricn' s food si tuati on "w.s be corii.ng Lnc rc as i.ngIy critical and the continent was be corri np Den? and ro re '(~(2pQnc.c.rt on food

Lraports .

'1. \Tit1' 1 resncct to the F.lobc~l p,ro\o1th in the e conorties of the African LDCs;

there had ~)0~~n an overn l I :real decline in GDP gro\Jth in the ~\fricen LDCs

fro~ 0.5 percpnt ~n 1901 nnd


per cent in


to -0.2 per c~nt


- - - · •• 11


in 192030 The taain r oas ons for that un Favourab Lc tr!'~fl(i_ Here the deterioration

eJCport>cd by .t:..fric?I1 L:)C::; \;J1.-l i c h r(:duc~~d resources avoi.Lab Lc for Lnvcs tr.ent

in the aGricultural sector and thf~ acquisition of th~:: inputs lic:cdct.l for production in th\;: I1.?.nllfnct1.l1·~_r<-.' r-cctrrr . Pl"'7",'1in;-· t~f;r'2_1:'0rc P(·(;0CC=. to t.ak« due account

of nr oduction cons cr ..si.nts by nl1e\trhH': for the choa co , tr an sfe r and dcve l oprient;

:L In vicw o£ the:. s?Qc.ific r...'1t.UY':::' of the crisis facir


l\fric:ln count.r i.e s ,

or': parti.cu l arl.y the least deve lope(l ~~'L-.onc th0T1 he toucher' once narc on StlP.l::..

e special Ly t~1.e, prc·f~,yt'..f1I~C for ir-:l:'cdi,~tc action by colIin~ in particular

for (a) re snect of the prOrr9.L1I-:c i:c: I:cl,kiu[', arry r c -uest for aid.' (b) r os chcduli ng of t1:.c cxt.c rna I debts of L~/Cs ":\1ithnut d i.s c r i.rai ncti cn e spec i.a Liy through

the out ri ght; car.c c Ll.at i.on of d'.::.bts or rhci r conversion into ['.rants and (c) sup~crtinL':':'.p'Jrt 2:'TniT'.:-:s of L~,r:s by crcotin.. c onocnsat crv financ i.ng

those 1:l8.:1SUres be cause of the position taken by tlK: c'cv-21opcc' count r i.e s during the Sixth Gcctinc of tH.1C:fJ: ~v.,lcl in Relgr::r.c £..nr. in particular bccc.~us(~ of

the discrhinntory i~l\~i....rir'ual t".2bt canc'';l.U·'.tlon neasurus no tvrithst.an.linr:

the fact t:1r.!.t: S1-·!ti: v!,~s a ['101;.11 'profr.:::'L""-~;::'~ for .3.11 tt~"2 LTs0


Fe (?I,;ck:,l by v.i.shi.n: t:1-2 :Tourtr: '~onr2-rc.i:~<:e of I·'"ir:.isters of /'fr~_ctln Least

.~·levI210pcd Countries 2.~J'2ry SClCCCSS ::-'~n(L .:.:};:pr.c~,sc.'::. th.:.::. ~l~'PC tha"tth~-: rcpo rt of the.' Third ldeet i.n., nf: t~e Inter ':7('vcrnr:::cr;t~l CO'"J11ittc!Q C'f Exr-crts of /:.frican Laast Dev("~lopl2d Count r i.e s ~·J::'ich was be fo rr- the Confe r enc o would be ac comparri.ed

the Lnt crnet iot.c I conruri.ty tr- ensure. that SN?l\ vas effectively in? Lcrtanted~

Ll ,


his s t.atcrient , th0 EC/. Exc cutive S2.crcary~ l·;r. ~\.df;b<1Yo l:.d2G.cji t.hnniccd the oeJ.eStltions that h2.:: r:~-,~r-::-'>tc(l. to cone t;o J Jc~is .d),~bp.. ';cspite the chances in :Jatc 2nd nL~c.e of the. 'CcnfGrcncc0 It F[lS an Lnd.i cati.on of cr-cd fnith 'f...;hi-eb f2ciJitrltc"~: '~£f0-ctivc r2f.,i0nal cO·'I)ner3.ti':::m au{1. the

su,,:,crvisioD c s '::'1811 2.5 t:l.onitorin'· 'Jf the i:1plcr;i.ent.:lt~:_O"t".of SPP\. Hcr eovc r , the QJ"L'"i~sinr.; by th 'JD"it2-:' :;.·'?tinr:'3 f)"2ncr~:.l .ts serobLy of five. n~\ol LfricC'..D L'.er.lbers in to th~; groH-:-Jcf Lcrst. ..~"::.~-!el('~c(l counr ri e s 'l:-J,'J.S nr oof of the


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i'

E/ECA/LDCs.4/7 Page 5

many African countries

were goinG

through a period of unprecedented


and social


That situation was particularly


in the African LDCs because of the weakness of th'eir structures and their

vulnErability to external crises and n<ltural calamities such as drought, desertification and unfavourable clinatic conditions. '1'hnt


ab.l e '8COn(Olic :\nd social environnent had had hamful effects on n;rricultural and

fooG ::,roGuction creating criticnl f00d

i\eficit~ iJ:>

16 of the 26 African least develop.


12. The seriousness of those problems had resulted in a tour of nine southern African countries and eight west Afr i.can countries by the

Unit"d Nations Secretary Gencral, hr. Javier Perez de Cuellar, to assess che sLtuat Ion in those countries and to mobilize substantial technical and financial assistance from 'the international community. The visits had also enabled the Secretary-General to ev.'l1uat:o the multi-dimensional nature of the problem particularly the critical food situation shortaglts of


food for livestock because of drought and desertification, as well as the crisis in the energy sector following the drop in the level of 'Jater for hydro-electric dams. Horeover, the structural budget; deficits

of mc.sc LDCs had worsened considerably because of the decrease in earnings derived mainly from exports, the drop in world demand and fall in world raw material crisis, the decrease in the production of agricultural raw materials and the deterioration in the terms of trade of LDCs.


Iy ,

nou-ccncess Ionel as well as concessional official develop-

Dlent assistance had decreased considerably despitethecol!ll!Jitment made in

Paris by the developed countries to devote


percent of their GNP

to official development assistance

by 1985.

LDCS had thus been' forced


- - - , ,~,II

E/ECA/LDCs04/7 Page 6

to borrow at rnarket conditions hence increaning the burden of their external debtso Due to their inability to service their debts~ wany LDes had been obliged to iwplement structural adjustment or ccono~lic and

financial stabilization proframmes carryinp in their



constraints especially for LDCso

130 The Secretary- ..


ral had continued hie initiatives by sending

mission~ aiming at sensitizing and at donor countries mobilizing the

aid required to meet the problems. He had then (a) mobilized all the

agencies of th2 United Nations system to seek appropriate solutions

to the current crisis in Africa, (b) est&olished an advisory croup within the United Nations Secretariat, and (c) set up a temporary

offic!' in Nairobi to deal with emercency lroblems in each ,of the African countries affected in order to help in putting forward concrete proposals to be submitted to the United Na


i.ons Economic and Social Counc


140 The Executive Secretary then r emi.ndeo the nee


i.ng that the main issues discussed by the inter-governmental committee on experts of

African least dcvel opcd countries conpr


sed mai.nl


the study of the economic and social situation in the African least developed countries (1981-1983),

prog res s achieved in Imp l.etacnt i.ng the Suc stanti.a L New Programme of Acti.on , pricing policies in African LDCs~ the consideration of activities carried

out by ECA in 19a3 and


work prOf:ranIHC fer 1984 in favour of African LDCs.

The quality of work done by the experts had been excellent. He however drew the attention of the Conference to soree critical questions raisod by the rneetinp of


150 \lith respect to SOU"


the nensur es taken to manage the economies of African

LDCs~ invest@ents had been re-nllocatedin favour of key sectors? therG was strict budgetary control~ cxports were bein-; pror-o ted despite a saturation in world

demand, some producer prices, especially in the


sector, had been raised and there were realistic external reserves


and exchange rate policies. Those measures had resulted in the rshabilitation of some production

units in some countries and had ~iven agricultural producers the

the incentive to increase their Marketable




'C;BCA/LDCS.4/7 Paqe 7

1(,0 Hith rc spcct. to the current. e conorai c ,qn(~ social situation of African LUes, th~ annual 2VerQf,e


rates of G~P in


ter~ t~G


froG 3. 3:er cent in 1"'31 to 0,2 ?or cent ir: 1983 following the: decline in 2criculturnl producti.on as 1'1=211 as the drop in tnanuf acturing production N'hie!'l W2re Li.nkad to the s~,"'.ortaEe of foreign exchnnp;; to purchase rp.w rect2:cia.le and other ierort:o~d interr:-.cdiatr: goods as ';>lell as the. cne rgy ez Ls ts whi.ch had r e sult e-l Ln t"b..'·:;; under-uti Li.vat i.on of existing ino.ustrial

equipr;ent< The p rob Lcris relating to rhe he avy e xce rr.aI Lnr'cbtednes s of Af ri can C')CS :lIU~ the n~rl:tc,tionof nnti.ona I currcncy c2valuaticns

des} p,r.ec. cs ne asar c s to ?_CCOC.ptt2Y thc struct.ural. and econor.i.c and financial s t.ati l.i.aat.Lcn j)rr::-:rar:rr:-cs h9.c"1, aIso been included in t}):s study. He finally appc.a l eci to ;'~frican countries" especially LDes> to regularly respond to the qucsticnnaLres sent to t.hcr.; each ye a r by the secretariat be c sus e such

rEp. ies were Lndi spensab Ie a ;~K~aninr:ful study that could be c~rrie(~ cut on '8velo11r:J.cnts in t·,fricain e concnri c and social situation"

17. Regartling inplementCltion of t.hc Substantial He\-T Pr cgrarme of


the Executive


iuforcBd t~2 Confer~r-ce that

the otjectiv2

that c1cv·:;lopecl count.r i.e s set thenselves to t.ransf e r 0.15 per cent; of their GNP to LDCs as official deve l opr-errt an s'i stance or trr doub La such assistance wouId not be attained by lSC-~ ~ The r8vicvr meetings or8Flniz.:!d to date

had prorosed strateGies and ~01icies in line with the Lacos Plan nf Action~




of sectoral (;.istribution of Lnve

st.r.ent s ,


spite of tha '; donor countries vere b2CO!.'linr: L!.orevocal in their reservations as to .t.hc ability of l ..DCs t.o absorb the i.nvo s trnents t.hoy re.quested not to

mer.tion their abii i t.y to DobilizG dcr"'estic s av i.ngs to the extent axpo ct cd unc.o'r the var i.ous projrrnnr.e s , In the context c:!: p rep arat i.cns for the 81cl::a1 t::li2"term r'cv i.ew of the inpleLent3tion of SNP/'. scbo-Iu l ed for 7.3

SeI:tenber to I; October 1985 Tn'!CTj~Ii o l ans to convene. 3. rneeting of p,over'P.:r;lental ex1.e.rts on dcve Icr-nent. covor-e rnti.on fror; <lenoI" count r i.e s and bi Lacer a I ,

rauI.ti.Lat.era L, f i.nancia1 an.. t.cchrri.ccl. as si stance ap,encies


tb LDC

re';;resentativcs frot.:: l·~lC Nay 190,50 Acccrcingly" countries that had yet to orr-arrizc the review !~.(~etip.bs l"ler'.~ invited to ~o so as qui.ckl.y as pos s i.b l,e

Be that better 1Jreparaticns can he raade fer the slobal l:Ji"(!··.. tcr:.J reviel.o1 of 19::-5. "Furtherr·:\orc UtTOP and the t-J'orl,~ Eank W2!:'8 to be cormendcd fer the

financial an?



provid£G for the prepar~tion of



' - - - ' - - - ,_,11

docur.ant s for the. r oun.l tco l c ,;,n,;:', for 'hu:JiU8 acceptcd to !",,'1.rticipate in tr~{i

estabLi sbr-ent of rourv; tab Ic f{"~l~~o'~l-up nechani sns in each .t\fricci~ LDC,

l~o In the context


steps to be taken to ir!.plet-,ent t"!~e ro cormendoti.one cont.a.i ncd in chc.p t.e r I of t:~~c: ~:i-'P/._, Eel. secreta.ri!J.t in co-ope r ation wit.h U1:IC':ltD hac:. submit tc.l a st.c.iy on prici.ng col ic i.e s i I i /,fric3.n L:~'Cs based on case s tud i.cs en. S2VCU Afric2n L:;Cso Finally _ ir. its ;".ctivitiFS fer' 19~~<:_,

havi.ng fi.nanci a l c:ifficulti'~8 it;, conduct i.ug tl.e stu-ii.c s :~0cor:nerJ~.ei.l b::~

the Conference at its last sc s si on , parti cuLarLy with Te[;a:tc'. to t11C tcchrrical.

assist~nce requested by ~~Cso In th.it conncxi.on the l\ssistnnt AdninistrB.tcr

Rcricn~l :t:·ircctor for bfriccj dar-or countr i.e s and ns:-::~cies ;-:~iLht ser i.ous ly consi.dc r EC:'c.':.s fi.nanci nL prob l.eras

aA~ co~(: up


LDpropriate scluticllS.

190 l!ir" PauI Etiang . L.ssist~l:t Secretary-Cene ru I of Oi-:;] SD23Y,inf, on behalf af th2 Ac~inB Secretary~GQncrnlof that or[anization st~t~d that the current Conference W2S taking place: 20 ycars after i c st; African cour.tri e s becaI.1'2 pc li ticc.. 11y irl(Iepe!.',\~,ent four yc ar s aftc r the /.fri c an he-ids of Gtatcs ~n'-.l

Governnents :.1dcr!Jted the L(>";cs Pl,3.r:. of ..:~ctil')n :1n(~ F'i.n.tI Act cf :"~g0S and t-.;,J'O

In spite of these var i.ous ne asur cs~ it 'H':S "2plct":!ble that thc int e rn.vti or.aI cconcrri c cnvi rcnnont hac' nct provi(,:,d the L":-::;s 'Hith the nece s sary SUrrOI't to ensure the success of the develr,;1"le n t ,~fforts boi nr, t.iade by thc countries" The

to be C0tJDen-;!ed feil" the iJPDronc:~ thcv have i'_1tl C 2 to (>:.:no;: countries and agents in or de r to nrovida thc l.,J:'f's ~7ith the ne ce s s ary technical financ i.a I assistance for ~dinr..h').g the for survi.voI in ,."hich those countries vlcre

200 On its p~.rt~ (),i:_~J r;r':..llc: corrtinuo rdvin~: its unqua li fied suppr rt to the pro-

sr":1l":".r:~"8S definc:d by ;\..friccn LD;:,~ 'under th~ir cur rcr.t national (~'2;vel.cprJ.e!1.t pl:111S and in line "lith the L2.gns I'1£1:'1 '~'! .Acti.on ~.n·,~ Fin;:J. l..ct of :l,D;';OS~ Donor' countr ies

l;.r~(~ afenci~~ shou I.. l,:.efine ~rojcct cvcIuati.oa .?ncl selection c r ite ria [l(:.1.?ted to the specific For IitTicc..i1 1fCs rJ.e:2sur~s should he ariopted to reduce the .eavy l "per,-"cncy 02 th..::ir cccrnr....i.e s on the:; out sic.c world>

pnrticulnrly" throuGh the pro~:1otior of solidarity ('.Ed C(',~ or-e ration activitics at the subre.t;ional~~tldrcSio"i1nllevels0




P "ge 9

21. I~omr['£le Mersie Ejigu. teJ.r..ing the floor as chad.rrnan of the outgoin~;

Eur-eai reminded the Conferencc tho.t the adrm s s'i.on of five nevr African members to the group of LDCs bore 'Iiitness to the vror-aerri.ng economic and

aocd.r., crisis in Africe,. He reiterated the ur-gency for measures to be te.l:en particularly to mobilize further external 2.8sistance for I.JJCs in order to help those countries to Heather the serious economic and social crisis they ,cere undergoing. In t.hrrt reg,o.rd ho vreLcomed the initi:'.ti ve taken by the Uni te6. Nations Secretary-Goneral to set up a tempon:ry office in Nairobi to c ea.L 1·1i th the economic and sooial orisis and congratulated tho ExecutiVB Secretary on his desi[;,'11c.-tiion as the

Seor"tary General's specd.e.l, representative in charge of that office. His appr: cia.tion 'lent to other member-s of the outgoing Bureau and to all African I.JJCs that had assisted him during his term of office. He Hished the

inconing Bur-eau every SUCCGSG.

Agenla itom


Consideration of the report, reoommendations and draft resolutions of the Third meeting of the Inter-governmental Corrunittee of Experts of African Least Developed Countries.

22. Opening the debcto on oonsideration of the report, recommendations and dz-af'f resolutions submi.frhed by the Third llleeting of the intergovernmental oommittee of experts of African Least Developed Countries held from

9 to, 12 J.!cW 1984 in Addis Ab".b?~, Ethiopia, the Executive Secretary once again highlighted the major bobtLenecks to the economic and social dev'lopmcntl of African LDCsJ in particular the vulnere.bility of their

economies to such natur-r.L dis8.sters as drought, rleserti1'ication and to external shocks ..

23. The C~,irmE\n of the Intergoverrunental Co~nitt8o of exports of African 1DC:; Lrrt roduced tho rOlJO",t 0::'- the Third. meoting of the Committee clealing ,lith


the proceedings of the opening session of the Third meeting of the Comrnittec; (b) consideration of the economic and socic.l situation in Afric2.n






~ _.;;\'i"'..~= "~_ _

E/ECA/LDCs.4/7 Page 10

Least Developed Countries from




(c) eva.Lua.ti on of the Lmpl.emcrrtatd on of SNPA in African LbCs 2.n(~ tho draft resolution en mca sur-e c for ensuring

its effective impleraGntstioJ.1.j C~) the study on pricing policy in African LDCs anQ the draft resolution on such policy; [Uld (e) consideration of activitios under-taken by l]jA in 190] and the 198/). Hark progr<1Imne in favour of African LDCs.,






til'2 soci,',l economic 8ituo,tion of African LDCs had been charC1.cterizecl by poor ~Jl:::rformc!'nc8in nec.r-Ly 8v2r-:I ec c tor , As a matter of fact, GD].) ,;roNth in r-caI terijlS rli..'1,ve b e en 8.8 ncg2,tiVO ;J.,S -0.2 per cent

in 1983 reflocting tho pOI" c..pi. ta income barely ezcoeding :~lOO.OO... In .pub.Li.c f'Lrianc.i.ng therG had been clicl2spread budget clefieits of't on of a structural nature and in caSGS c,tto,iniLg'


per cent of GDP. The bo,lanco of payments difficultics arising l::\l\gel;y from the decline in exper-t curru.ngs , the

deterioration in terws of trad·] and tl18 resulting reduction of import cupaoi,ty hQd h<-<.cl repercussions on i.~1i"i1Ost every sector, pc:.rticul2.rly, the production sectors Fhich required h8:1~'- import c.nrt ent ~J. After giving some indications of trenc1s ob rser-vod in -bhc ue jor- soc-cor-a of the economi.c o of iifrici.-1.Il LDCs, he dre:-l the e-',ttention of the Cont'cz-cnco to the f<:~ct ths.t no 81)Gcific chaptcr- 1;JetS Lnc Lud cc, on t:'l(~ extGrn.:::.-l indebtedness of AfricC:.ll liDCs b ecauee of tho fourth coming seminar ontl18 subject irhi.ch vroul.d. proviC.c ;:\ f'or-um for a more comprehensive exchange 01' vie ....!s'"


In terms of irnplementcc"cion, the' per-rorr.anco r&to had been poor both on the part of uonor U{1DhCioo and countries meeting their commitment mad.e


the Far-i,s conference to l)rOVic~.8 t3chnic.::11 o,nd. finG.-l1ci2.1 [1,ssistance and on thE: part of L))C s organising their z-evi ew meetingBo Difficulties vrez-e being experienced in getting dovelopment programmes off the ground because the

vo Lume of aDA trTC'.S fluctuL.1.tinGl f'c.l.Loe--up mccharu.sms vJ8re inadequate and donor countri8S m1d agencicG often cOl1sidQred investment r8~uests too





_--_. ---,.

E!8CA/LDCsJ'/7 ."aCl8 11

26<t In :roducing the study ['-lit proceedinGs 011 pricL.1G policies in African LDCJ tb: Ch:>irmcm highligl1tecl t:l'3 problems encourrter-od in the colleotion and uti:iizc;tion of price sto,tiGticGo !.I:he ob ject.i.vc of the stuc::.y "l"JD.,S to Lupr-ovc the pricing structure and. to icake pricing and effective

instr1.Ud.rrt of economic po.I i.cd.o s , The Coru'cr-oncc 1.':13 thcn given a e:,"'1.st of the c:'r<.-1ft resolutions ailllo::3l!. to t.h« r-opor-t s of the !J.l1U l"Cl Ilceting of' the Intergo-,rornmcm.tc.l Conmitt8G of }i~xp8rtG of Africf;:,n LI:Cs and , of' the

activit.Lo~~ Ulidertulcen bJ7 ECA in 1983, ;],.[I•.d. the 1934-85 iror-k pr-ogr-amme in favour ::f ilfriO':;'U LDC::;.,


' - - - -_ _,.. Ii


rage 1;;:.

10ast Developed 0Guntries

27~ l,Then the (.C:"\.~t2 1'1;;18 O'l')2"*:'_?:~~ on this report ce r tc i.n (:C:lC[3ticns nnde corre ct ions in the COUI1.tI"Y ca sc s tuci os :~r.,-l in scr«: 0f the statistic s and

ccunt r y , po a t was ,:~:~,?,:Ju:'"':11'~ :cepL3cin[': coa L ~nc sc l.ar ene.rFY was being p r omoted ,

Another (~,ele.g3-tion pointeL\ 'lut tl-L~t its COU:T'>_Y pr'JtJ.uc.c::: nc petr01eur.1o

B.ese,~v,'}tions v7r::Tc (:xprc.sscd ::~.b,':!_lt tr.G cohr rcnc.. af re:"?l GDF grovtl: rates int1icated for certain countries0 Corrections tc the statistics would acco rd.iugly be hanIer" in to the sccxe trrri at •

~Cc II'.. response to stat enents r-ja{~e on t.hi s Lteri, the reprcsentat i.va of t.hc secretariat saiG that the discrQF~nci2s in the st~tistics indicated in the t.a.ly had arisen fr cri the tlifficulti,:,;s ~~nc:ountf~red in collecting and

p roce s sing the statisti.cs n..va.i Lab l e in rhe countries< I~ order to harEcnize the various Conference (~ocu;:!ents enu on tr.2 basis of the T,,';ost r ccent 8sti!Eates the GDP Gt'ol-Jth rate in t"f~a.l terr-::s wou Ld be set at 303 per C0TIt in 1981"

This tlould confc rm to t~e. co r rigcndum that 112f: been :lS8112t., .':-.t the request of one de~"cgation

zhe f i.nancLng secure'~ aft(-~r t;lC or~:'ani:?etj_o:-l C':C the round tablc wi.t.h funding ~!7cncies in t"hfl.t ccuatry ;;'7",,1.116 "'bE:: r~ported. as 70 per c-mt; of th,~


29. Or:


is a;>::!""~dG iter"! r~'f'.r'?s"~l"'~ati.vf;s h"):~.ic~~tec. th.nt their country revie~·,

meeting would bl~ 1"101(\ in 1~1US" i~2rt<}in (I.eL~e.ations ir.fo!'TI1.e:! the Conf erenca about the ccor.orric rcct:ructuri-n,-,· :'~oing on ir, their CQU"'i....t rie s particularly

through the rC~li3ioi1 0:: axisti n'- l'l2,~io:l:1l .i~v~~l'JpmcEt p Lans , the Lmp Letnent a tdon of nationa; recovery n:":'0sranl1CG an.l the scttin: ,

t1? o:c


cOD.n1ittces of funtlinr-; aGencies ';.:Thich woul(~ corduct qua rtc r Iv apprais a Ls of aid p rog rarme s

sti l l rer~~ains.


, I

E/','CA/LDCs .4/7 rage 13

3C" II:. order to fac.i!_1.t:J.':0 UH~~ preparcction of the slobal L-d_(~'tcru r eview of SNI'· rl1:'':~;:: conr.rehaLsive r-.l::py.sis:.ll o:~ th(:. i!":~'Ille:~,1.dnte.tiO;j 0f the prograome in .rfric.m Lnes., ccrtaio dcl2G~_tior~s p:ccr:oseJ (a) that. qUloStionnaires should be 3CTt to the countri.c s coricerried for consi dexction ap.(~ I"eS110nS8 and nat i.ona I offic i.a l s r!C':sicnatc~_l to r;athcr the i.r.fc.rmatic n :r0.quircc it bciEf unde r st.ood t h.:t the "..'1w-:stiol1D.-:lires should be .j~"ffen,;'~_t fY-r'irJ t~h'Jsl' sen.t out each year for

t~'"<~ rreparation cf the survey cf ~~coI~or:.ic 3nd. FC'c.L.\l COTI;;iti.OES' and (b) that

th.: s e c ret ari.at, in r..c oper2ti.cr~ Vit~l JNC':_';'T':! ~,hould orsnnize brinrdnp:

to;' c t.he r n"~.t.io!J.nl officieis r a soons ible .for the f:;llmv-'-up of f,!JPt,.,

3J. COE'T-1entinf; on the ab so rotiva capaci ty of IJ~~Cs or.e (k.lt.:sation pointed cut: that the prob Lem could b~ at tr i.bu ced to tl.e.neC:ltive atticude of donor In that vei.r; , he rccal1f~,.~ the statenent m,;1.~e by t.ho UFCiP r ep re scnt.ati.ve t":":, the or-mi.ttee of Ex?erts regar'::ing Lnnovati on s ar.d chanr-c s to be L:.ade in the procedures fc r preparir..~: and orED.ni~~in~; rcviev r.ieetiur,s as \'12J.l as fa llow""Up mccharri.sms . The: ic:'e2.S and rec(;li5~~eD.clatj.on.son tll!.~ var i.ous :te:rJ.s woul d be forthconin[

SU!":,[::-~8.ri':inf!.ti1f:t ,?art of the discussions~

the Chairr.~n poinccd out the ur r.encv of t:1king iEiSejiate action as provided.

for ill the S;:p,<~;. so as to r enove U',e constrai n, ts ho


11]inr::." back the launching of thG secone phgse.

of the i1:::.11e:.::entr:.tion of S·tlFf:

ftJ':' crG:3.nizing a oc rkahou ,

rlcl':!iliziu[; the ncccs sary r e sour cc s

The Exr.cut i.vc Soc rctary r.Lao dli~T"~_GreG ttic situation ,~i.~..d observe:' thD.t thc countries r c sc rvad t'.e righ!'". to choC'~v; what type. of r cviev L1{~eti:,:-" they H~nted {UBPP round. tables

''::-hc rule: of either institution


~---_._---t-'k.,1 i

E!ECL!WCso 4/7 Puse 14

differences in sV{11lJA3:~.iOD. cf thc:' r esu lts cf rOtlil:-1 tables given by ECA.

and by the (:trr.-qni:~inG count r Lc s ~"iC ('.,,1118<1 fo r 'J :::re~t.r;:c c'.cgrc:.c of r-~o,lisD and cbjectivity in the c st i.uatior. r;~ (:c~:i.C~itLl8nt3 '_120.::=; by

s a c re ta ri.rt l , ; w u l d c o r d u ct E ' : n ep?rc~ispJ. v I : rOUI!f~ ta bl c s a n d c c n s ul ta ti . v o rroup I:lcetinEs inclu(i.~_nr biLa rvr a L crnr act.s e~:(_:c by cartair:.. L:JCs

~Iith donor countries and ~'I',,:~r~ci'-:'~G in ~9~.5. ~;.'~lC forr:w.1.iti.as shou l d b2 s':J£ede<J L\",:": (JaG l,<lell conduct.,«: in crr\,':r to Livc- LfricE1n LDCn

adequate sr.cD2.yc:tio:, fr)r t:'le ;_'lob2.~;_ !~i(l·t(-;~:-·:) r evi.ew, hs to the e..dvisability L,t G'-1 ch 1. Y2-Ji:~w t!.-!.e i.11T('"_~t·:- r~;'~rc3c'.ntA.ti'lt·: r2calle(~



vms both a l],".j? of 2,sscs;-:;.inr thp degr~{~ to wlri ch SlTPl~ obje cti.ves haC. b e cn '3.ttt'ined ,:1~i~ c ctin~ em ,:" 6QC'_isiofl. t['.:~0::1 by th,~ Urdted -"E'.tions Gcceral ~.s sertbLy~ l\pnrt fY'C'r" t:« r cse rvetIon e xnr e s s ed by one

rC}-:'2.sent?.tlvc on thc hir:h C0St r:,f foll.ow- uo nTI(l reVi(~H r.ris s i.ons

conduc r.cd in c10-r..or couutri eo ond ,":.f;2p.cies tho 211suinr; reEf~r1:::s fc cused generally en the rr.forr.u Leti on of ccrtai n ;nartfi cf th~ ezr-er t report and the cxp Lariations "-;ivcn '>y C!l.0. rL",,!'\~scl1t~,tiv2O:G the rost=)an~;':~iC'nt of

h i s country'.' s round table ~~.c F"',;5 in order i:c allow for the ne ce ss.rry

consu:l12.tions~articul<trlyat t\~--::--; naticn a l 1<~v81c C'lari ficati r-n

H.:',S ' r c q u estc-t a s to t o h eth er t h e r i ? ·;,1e.re s-:::;cc~_n.l n~(;visionG for L a n dL cc k e d LI.Cs Elc.do cozta i.n rc~'r!.:;s.e,;.tativ'2s sc.cci fi.ed ~1;r~'1icb r-~inistry/dcpartc(-;nt

in thei r courtria s were. rc:sT):"'nsib10 for i(:entifyj~nt~ aprrGpri[it,~

means of Lucre a si nr: the Cl':)GCr:-?t:i:.,r',; c.a-vacity of ttiei r ecc'norrie s .


,I - - - -...


E/ECA/LDCs.4/7 Page 15

(c) !ricing polici,:s.~E...~:!.J:icanLeast Developed Countries; Issues for


330 Participants congratulated the secr0tariat for the quality of the study and reque.s ced that its purpose should 1-e clarified in light of the contributions made by the Committee of Experts One r ep r sscntat i.vc expressed the view that in Af ricr.n LDCs~ guaranteed markets were mor e important than prices and that some of the conclusions of thO' study seemed subjective. Another representative reiterated the n eed to integrate p r i.c i.ng policies into a broader macro-economic context in order to hi2h1ight th ; ef fect s on other s ccto r s of the cconoray

and to aIlow for the p rio r economic analyses required before any pricing decisions could be taken. In taking uotc of the study, the Conference

requested rhat all the considerations !;.!i.:;"~d\..:Cl'2 made for the formulation of an app rotriat;e pricing »ol i.cy shouLd be taken into account, A r econmendati.on would duly be made on that basis~

(d) Consideration of activities undertaken by ECA in 1983 and of the 1984 work programoe



of African Least



34. Participants Dade no specific observation on this agenda item. The

Conference the ref ore r.oor. not" of the secretariat's report as amended by Committee of Experts.

35. ThE: Chairman concluded by thanking participants for their contribution to the debate" rJore specifically for the proposals that improved the quality of

the var i.ous s tudi.e« ar.d for sharing their: experiences in the Imp Lement ati.on

of SNPA in




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .11


EjF'1:;A/LOC s.ir/7



J'.el1;.tative Sch.8.d~1.8.2j~CourU:O:: Re,,-ie',' Mee_t.i..n~3.}',.s..Lo11mr-u..;;.: to,



e. "'3EB.s.tp,u


•• "-Z !\c,t.i.'?.'!


~_.• _ _ ,. . . ,-A' ... _ _. . . . . __ . . . " ...- . _ _. _ _ . _ .... , . _ . _ _ . ...'"-. __. _ , _ . . . _ . . . . . . .'""., _ _ • . ~

Le8,st Developed Country

Government Foca.L Point

Consult"tive D•.te of

Country Revie"





Bot svana


Cape Verde

Ministry of Planning, Stc-;tistics and

Economic Analysis

Hinistry of Planning

I,lil'li s·t ry 0f Planning

Secretary of State for Co-operation and


U;rDF Round Table

Continuation of ongoing bilateral exercises

UlIDP Round Ta.ble


Hound Table

UlIDP HoUL~ Table

Held 28

February to 4 Harch 1983

(Postponed in- definitely)

Held 8-11 February 1984 Held 2l~23

June 1982



Afric:..--:n Republic

H~ut Commissariat charge UlIDP Round Table clu Flail et de La

Cooperation economique et fiIllincitres

October, 1984


Ch2.Cl lIini stI"J of Planning (Commic,saire em Plan)

UlT/OAU r,leeting on the Reconstruction of ChcA helped prepare dOCUiTI8:nt<J..tion.

UlfDP Hound Table

Helel '29-30 November 1982

(To be discussed)


Comoros Djibouti

llinistry of Planning UNDP Round Table JiIinistry of Foreign Ulmp/EGA Hound Table

Aff~irs and Cooperation I'lini stry 0f Finance and


Helel 21-23 Ncvombe r 1983


r -~._--- ~ _

" ••.1 i

...., , L ... ,.


Le2st Developerl Country

Governrncnt Foc;....l Po.i.rrt


Cmmtry Revi01'i I.ioGting

_ _ _ _~ _ _ __~_._..._ _ •.~""-." .• ' .- ,~" . ~~ ""..~.-o-.~ ~_~__ ,~ __ .',,.. _




Equr-..tori.al Guinet), Gambi2.

r:linistI"lJ of' Pl.anrri.ng


HinistrjT of Planning

UIWP Iiound TQ,blo

UlIDF Hound. Table

(D2.tc8 to be est ab Li.shed ) Held



1982 .1/




Guinea Bi::}sr.,U





16. Un,li













(Second ha.Lr'


(Dc.tGs to 'bo


1985 (21 .. 23 lby


HeLc, 1-4 Dec e.abe r 19(~2

UNDF Round T20ble UNDF Round Table

lInDP Routltl Tab18 U1mF ROlUlCl 'rc\blu UlIDF Round. Table

UiIDP Hound Tc\ble UI'IDP Round r:P01b10 Plil1.istl'';Y of Pi.nerice

Primo I,iinisterf s



Pl.:tnning Office

~linistrJ cf Plcuu1ing




Etr,':mgGrG;O' et de Ie..




S"o Tome



Ministr~y of Pl~~1ing (Dates to 'b..

8stabI ishec) 20. Si8rl"\c~

LQOn2 Mil1istr~t of Devolop-

ment ,",TieL :Cconomi c Ple,nni:1G

UlTDP Hounc' T20ble (Dcctes to b.

e s ccb Li.she.

198 t ) 21.

Some-lie'. Minis-cr;? 01' lJc:.tional


\iorE Br.nk ConsultC-tive Hold 26--28

Group Ocbobcr- 198~-;


,·1-1- - _ ' - . .


:)cve:. Jped Courr: rr;/


Foo~,l Point

Dahe of

Country RQvie\l lleeting

22. Hinis-Gr;'! of F'i.nanoc &

Economic Pluru1ing

~~ro,:;:'lcl 3.J.lll::: Con su.lt.e.t.Lvo Held. 12-14

GrouI' Jcnuary


Held 14-16 January


Togo Mini,stx:y of P1=ing lTHDP Round Table ',iorld TLnk


Hinistr;;T of Planning

anc; Economic Affairs

-iorld Bank Consultcctive 'I'o be

Group cst~blished





Upper Volta,

lhnistry of Plc.nning anc. Economic D8vGlopmont

dinistry of Pl.anni.ng

Horl<i Balli: Consultcctive Group

UUDI' Round T~ble

HeLd in May






(Ddes to be established,



A UIL',P Round 'I'ab Lc l'J2,;::i held in A~)ril 1982 for Ec~a=--J-torial Guinoa, but e.s the oount.ry was not cL[e.eel 'co the list of LDC s until tho tr.irty,-s8venth se:o;si.on of the General .il.ssembly at the end. of' 198~'J this Illeeting t"~id not ti',!ce place in the l'rc,1JJlc"Jor" of par2.graph


of tho SNI'A.


.. •

§ d

" . . - ------------. . . ._- • • • .1




Documents relatifs

There is one physician for every 26,000 people in African LDCs compared to 21,000 for developing Africa, and in the majority of cases about 60-70 per cent of physicians in Africa

economic aspects&#34; of life. Work is going on iii the least developed African countries of Ife-li and the United Republic of Tanzania. As part Of the general activities on

7. The overall averages, startling as they are, however, conceal wide disparities in performance among the 20 least developed countries of Africa, While the per capita income was

2- Calls upon the sixth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to consider the possibility of making special allowance for African least developed

00 lopment ess i s tence from OAC countries multilateral sources and OPEC countrie-s. Concorai, tant with the adverse trends in concessionary assistanc e flows was the heavy

Some, but not all, of the 16 countries that are projected to have graduated by 2025 are likely to achieve graduation with momentum through broad-based development of

Moreover, the majority of LDCs for which there is available data have shares that are higher than the unweighted average share of other developing countries (37 per cent)..

In this regard, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has produced, since 2002, an annual progress report on the implementation of the BPoA in African