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High-resolution light-scattering study at the nematic-smectic A transition in 60CB/80CB mixtures


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High-resolution light-scattering study at the

nematic-smectic A transition in 60CB/80CB mixtures

H.-J. Fromm

To cite this version:

H.-J. Fromm. High-resolution light-scattering study at the nematic-smectic A tran- sition in 60CB/80CB mixtures. Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (4), pp.641-645.

�10.1051/jphys:01987004804064100�. �jpa-00210480�


High-resolution light-scattering study at the nematic-smectic A transition in 60CB/80CB mixtures

H.-J. Fromm

Physikalisches Institut der Universität Münster, Domagkstr. 75, D-4400 Münster, F. R. G.

(Reçu le 21 août 1986, accepté le 18 décembre 1986)



On présente les premières mesures du mode de torsion dans la region critique de la transition N-

SA ; la technique est la spectroscopie hétérodyne de corrélation de photons. En appliquant la théorie de Jähnig

et Brochard, on montre que la dépendance en température de K2 et de K3 peut être décrite par la même formule. L’exposant critique qui en résulte pour 03BEI, ainsi que les préfacteurs 03BE|0 et 03BE~0 sont en très bon accord

avec les valeurs fournies par les rayons X. Les mesures montrent que la théorie de Jähnig et Brochard peut être appliquée à la dépendance en température de K2 si on suppose un passage de 03BE| et 03BE~ à un régime critique isotrope.



First twist mode measurements in the critical region of the N-SA transition using heterodyne photon-correlation spectroscopy are reported. Application of the theory of Jähnig and Brochard indicates that the temperature dependence of K2 and K3 may be described by the same formula. The resulting critical exponents of 03BEl as well as the prefactors 03BE|0 and 03BE~0 are in very good agreement with X-ray values. The measurements show that the theory of Jähnig and Brochard concerning the temperature dependence of K2 is applicable, if one assumes a crossover to an isotropic critical behaviour of 03BE| and 03BE~.

Physics Abstracts




Among the various phase transitions observed in

liquid crystals the transition between the nematic and smectic A phase is of special interest. On the

one hand the melting of the one-dimensional solid- like smectic A phase into the three-dimensional

liquid-like nematic phase appears to be one of the

simplest transitions in the field of liquid crystals. On

the other hand it is attractive because of the

analogies to systems such as superconductors and superfluids as discussed first by de Gennes [1]. The particular dimensionality and symmetry of the smec-

tic phase have caused intensive theoretical studies aimed at identifying the critical point with a well

defined universality class [2-4]. In order to describe

the transition properly a large number of exper- imental studies have also been carried out [5-18].

unfortunately there are still fundamental discrepan-

cies between experimental and theoretical results

[14]. The main reason for this arises because of the lack of true long-range order in the smectic phase

and the anisotropy in the longitudinal and transversal correlation lengths §j and j_ characterizing the

smectic order parameter.

The experimental situation is also not confirmed.

Concerning measurements of K3 and 61 respectively

there is usually a disagreement between the results

of light-scattering and X-ray investigations. It was

only very recently that agreement could be achieved

[19]. Moreover the temperature dependence of K2 and y 1 has not been investigated in the critical regime and measurements of the compression mod-

ulus B have led to inconsistent results for some

liquid crystals mixtures [17]. To clarify this situation, high-resolution measurements in the critical regime

have been carried out. In this paper the critical behaviour of K2 and K3 is reported. Results concern- ing y 1 and B will be published in forth-coming


The measurements of the elastic constants K2 and K3 were carried out using dynamic light-scattering [20]. Choosing an appropriate scattering geometry

the intensity of the scattered light only depends on

one of the elastic constants Ki, K2 and K3. In the

presence of a nematic to smectic A transition the situation is described by equations (1a) and (lb) [10,

2f] whose applicability is selected by geometry

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01987004804064100



Here B and D are the coefficients for layer dilation

and director tilt respectively which are defined in the smectic phase. qll and ql are the components of the scattering vector q with reference to the director n.

In the case of pure bend (mode 2 ; q


qll) and twist (mode 2 ; q


ql) fluctuations we have to consider the critical behaviour of K2 and K3 which has been calculated by Jahnig and Brochard [4]. If one sepa- rates the critical parts of K2 and K3 so that



K20 + k2 and K3


K30 + K3 one finds :

In these equations t is the reduced temperature

defined by t


(T - Tc)/Tc. The temperature depen-

dence of II , C_L and D can be expressed by


Equations (2a) and (2b) include the crossover from a hydrodynamic to a critical regime. While equation (2b) describes the temperature dependence

of K3 very well even in the critical regime [12] the validity of equation (2a) has not been checked for K2. If equation (2a) is correct for the case of K2 as well, one should expect a crossover from

anisotropic to isotropic increase of the correlation

lengths (vj


v_L) or a behaviour expressed by



2 vl [2]. Otherwise one should observe an

increase of the intensity of scattered light in the vicinity of Tc although l, _L and K2 increase when

approaching Tc. This behaviour appears unphysical.

Intensity measurements of twist mode fluctuations in the critical regime appear to be suitable methods in

order to clarify this situation. The results are com-

pared with equivalent measurements of K3.

The reported studies have been carried out on

various mixtures of the liquid crystals 80CB

(octyloxycyanobiophenyl) and 60CB (hexyloxy- cyanobiphenyl). The phase diagram is plotted in figure 1 using the molecular ratio y (60CB/80CB)

as a parameter. In this system the transitions N-

SA have been proved to be of almost second order [22]. Furthermore the appearance of reentrant- nematic phases at lower temperatures allows the determination of the background terms K20 and K30 by interpolation between both nematic phases.

The method will be described below. In excess it is

Fig. 1. - Phase diagram of 60CB/80CB mixtures.

possible to investigate samples with different values

of Ki/Ki by changing the concentration of the mixtures.

The mixtures were sandwiched between glass- plates prepared for homogeneous (lyend) or homeot-

ropic alignment (twist). Cell thicknesses of 13 um and 130 um were used to examine the influence on

critical behaviour. In the reported experiments no

difference occurred between both sample thicknes-

ses. Great care has to be taken to guarantee scattering geometries in which only ,pure bend or pure twist director fluctuations can be detected. The geometry is calculated in dependence of the refrac- tive indices which are measured absolutely for each sample as a function of temperature with an accuracy of 0.2 %. For measurements in the bend and twist mode the laser-beam is polarized orthogonal to the scattering plane. The direction of the detected light

as well as the director n lie in the scattering plane. n

is orthogonal to q in the case of twist-mode measure- ments and parallel to q for bend-mode measurements. To maximize the critical temperature interval in the twist mode a large scattering angle (q = 1.33 x 1W m-1) was used for all samples. In

order to achieve sufficient 5tray-light intensity the scattering vector q was restricted to q


0.26 x 107 m-1 1 for bend-mode measurements. The values

of q only slightly depend on the temperature and the concentration of the sample so that it is almost constant within a few percent. The exact values are

determined for each measurement. The samples are

mounted in a two stage oven with computer control- led temperature regulation, so that a long time stability up to ± 0.3 mK is ensured. Sample heating

which might occur by the irradiation of He-Ne laser

light can be estimated to be smaller than the detection limit of 2 mK. It is kept constant using a

fixed laser-power output.

The light scattering experiments were performed


the reference-beam optic which allows individual

settings of polarization and intensity of the local

oscillator. The geometry can be changed continu- ously without the need of delicate adjustment. The set-up is similar to that of Sasaki and Mandel which

was published recently [23]. The heterodyne detec-

tion technique was chosen because the intensity of stray-light due to defects may eventually affect the

detection of dynamic scattered light [24]. In particu-

lar this influence has to be considered at the phase

transition and in the smectic phase. If one compares the calculated relaxation times r obtained by quasi- homodyne and heterodyne measurements one is able to estimate to what extent the measurements are disturbed by the uncontrollable scattering of

defects. By careful preparation of the samples and

accurate adjustment of the scattering geometry it is

possible to provide heterodyne as well as reliable homodyne conditions for temperatures T > Tc - 1 (nematic) and T Tc + 1 (reentrant nematic) re- spectively. By detailed homodyne and heterodyne

studies we were even able to establish the existence of a maximum of the relaxation time T near

Tc which was subject to detailed investigations

carried out by M. Delaye et al. [5, 6]. The measure-

ments described here are all performed in the heterodyne as well as homodyne mode. The quotient

of the resulting relaxation times was found to be greater than 1.95 (ideal 2) for the measurements

reported here. The almost ideal relation between

homodyne and heterodyne values allows the direct determination of the stray light intensity using the photo-current in the homodyne mode. The relax-

ation time obtained in the heterodyne mode is used

to describe the dynamical behaviour of the LC.

To check the quality of the apparatus and to confirm the correctness of the interpretation of experimental results, measurements on diluted sam-

ples of latex spheres were carried out. In excess investigations of bend fluctuations have been per- formed for different molecular ratios y. Evaluation of the results according to the theory of Jahnig and

Brochard leads to an excellent agreement with results obtained by X-ray investigations. In table I

Figure 2 shows the temperature dependence of the stray-light intensity for the probes under inves- tigation. The curves are normalized to the data at the phase transition. One can see that the transition,

described by the stray-light intensity, loses its sharp-

ness continuously if one increases the concentration

to y ~ ymax. Similar results can be obtained in the twist mode.

Fig. 2.


Temperature dependence of the stray-light in- tensity (bend) at various nematic to smectic A transitions.

To discuss the critical behaviour of K2, high

resolution measurements in the vicinity of the transi- tion have been performed. Figure 3 shows the result

of such a study at a smectic A reentrant-nematic transition (here the nematic phase is at the lower temperature side). It is surprising that qualitatively

one finds the same behaviour as for comparable

measurements in the bend mode in disagreement

with theoretical predictions (see Eq. (2)). Calcula-

tions show that within the accuracy of the measure- ments a masking influence of competitive bend

mode fluctuations can be ruled out. Because of the

similarity of the plots a fit to the measured data has Table I.


it holds :



Fig. 3.


Temperature dependence of the stray-light in- tensity (twist) at a transition Nce -8 A (- best fit).

been tried using equation (2b) (bend !). As can be

seen in figure 3 there is an excellent agreement between the analytical description and the exper- imental results. In figure 4 a high resolution study of

the transition is presented. Disregarding statistical

errors it is obvious that there is no systematic

deviation from the theoretical prediction.

The value of the transition temperature was obtained by a fitting procedure having respect to the

crossover behaviour which is induced by the peticular shape of the transition line [13]. The fits were carried

out using the data for the smectic and nematic phase separately where the transition temperature was kept as an independent variable. In all measurements the obtained transition temperatures differed by less

than 5 mK. The parameters of the single fits were adjusted by fitting the whole set of data points starting with the predetermined values. The tem- perature range used for the fits always exceeded

three orders of magnitude to keep the error bars as

small as possible. As a consequence the values of the

background terms K4 and K30 cannot be kept as

temperature independent parameters. Investigations

of samples with y


Ymax in the bend and twist mode show that the temperature dependence of K2 and

Fig. 4.


Temperature dependence of the stray-light in- tensity (twist) in the vicinity of T, (- best fit).

K3 can be described very satisfactorily by a simple

power law K


K(T - T)a. Here K, T and a are freely adjustable parameters. Deviations from this power law occur in the vicinity of transitions to the

isotropic phase. For samples with y


ymax and Y Ymax the increase of K2 and K3 near the smectic phase lead to discrepancies too. Taking values of the reentrant-nematic phase into account it is possible

however to interpolate between both nematic branches resulting in the same kind of power law which was found for pure nematic samples. A result

of such a background approximation is shown in figure 5. For all samples the parameters K, T and a

were determined by measurements of the tempera-

ture dependence of the stray-light intensity excluding

Fig. 5.


Temperature dependence of the stray-light in- tensity (e) (twist) and background approximation (-).

temperatures near phase transitions. In the fits

concerning the critical behaviour of Ki we used the

so obtained values to T and a but left the pref actor K

as a freely adjustable parameter. We believe that by

this method the error in the background term can be

reduced to a minimum. The results for several

samples of different concentrations are collected in table 2. Here the critical exponent of K2 is denoted

by 2 to express that the relation between’ 2 and § is

not clear (see below). It is remarkable that the calculated values of .1.0 are in such good agreement with results obtained by X-ray studies. In contradic-

tion to the excellent correspondence of the exper- imental data with equation 2b (bend) the application

of equation (2a) (twist) would lead to some unphysi-

cal behaviour, if one assumes that the critical exponents of 61 and 6_L are independent of tempera-

ture. In this case the intensity data should show inversion of the behaviour within Ot 4 x 10- 2 K above Tc (20 % deviation limit). Moreover the intensity should reach the intrinsic nematic value at

Tc. Figures 3 and 4 show that there is no tendency

for such a behaviour. The discrepancy may be

explained by the occurrence of a crossover to

isotropic critical behaviour as is predicted by the


literature with.

« inverted x-y model » [2] leading to VI = v.L and thus to a constant value of K2 at Tc. In this case the

difference between equation (2a) and (2b) confines

to a small interval in temperature where k2 -

6_LI61 with V.L =1= vi. In table II the calculated tem-

perature interval AT at which a crossover to the critical regime should occur is added. Accepting

these data figure 4 indicates that the fit describes the

experimental data very well even in the critical limit and the crossover region as well, so that possible

deviations arising out of differences in the fitting

functions must be small. They are possibly respons- ible for the slight difference in the critical exponents

of D measured in the bend and twist mode respect-


This work shows that by careful measurements it is possible to attain an accommodation between light

scattering experiments and the generally accepted X-ray studies even in the critical regime. Moreover it

is shown that the theory of Jahnig and Brochard is

applicable to describe the twist mode if one assumes a crossover to isotropic critical behaviour so that vl


(C2 + Cl )/2 == 0.7 results. On the other hand,

if one uses the same analytical description for the

bend and twist mode a good approximation of the experimental data can be obtained for twist mode

measurements if one replaces l by ’ - t ’2 in

equation (2b).


I would like to express my thanks to Prof. -Dr. F.

Fischer for his support and his stimulating interest

in this work.


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