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The nematic-isotropic transition at high pressures II : turbidity measurements


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1980

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The nematic-isotropic transition at high pressures II : turbidity measurements

W.J. Lin, P.H. Keyes, W.B. Daniels

To cite this version:

W.J. Lin, P.H. Keyes, W.B. Daniels. The nematic-isotropic transition at high pressures II : turbidity measurements. Journal de Physique, 1980, 41 (7), pp.633-638. �10.1051/jphys:01980004107063300�.



The nematic-isotropic transition at high pressures II :

turbidity measurements

W. J. Lin (*)

Physics Department, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19711, U.S.A.

P. H. Keyes

Bartol Research Foundation of The Franklin Institute, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711, U.S.A.

and W. B. Daniels

Physics Department, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711, U.S.A.

(Reçu le 28 novembre 1979, accepté le 13 mars 1980)



Des mesures de turbidité sous haute pression ont été effectuées dans des phases isotropiques de MBBA, EBBA et CBNA. Dans tous les cas, on observe une augmentation de la valeur de Tc 2014 T* avec la pres- sion. Cependant, un comportement anormal de l’amplitude de la turbidité à la transition isotrope-nématique

a été mis en évidence : cette amplitude diminue lorsque la pression augmente pour le MBBA tandis qu’avec son homologue le plus proche, EBBA, elle croît et, avec le CBNA elle croît d’abord pour diminuer ensuite.

Les valeurs de la turbidité utilisées pour calculer les grandeurs des paramètres à la transition, notamment le para- mètre d’ordre Qc, ont été déterminées à partir de l’estimation de la discontinuité de volume calculée d’après nos

résultats publiés antérieurement et concernant l’équation d’état PVT. La comparaison entre ces résultats et les

valeurs expérimentales antérieures montre que la validité de la théorie du champ moyen, que nous avons utilisée pour calculer ces paramètres, doit être sérieusement remise en question.

Finalement, les valeurs montrent que Tc 2014 T* est sensiblement plus élevée suivant l’isochore que selon l’iso- bare, plus classique.



Turbidity measurements at high pressures have been performed in the isotropic phases of MBBA, EBBA, and CBNA. In all cases an increase of the value of Tc 2014 T* with pressure is observed. However, rather

unusual behavior is found for the magnitude of the turbidity at the isotropic-nematic transition : in MBBA this

magnitude decreases with increasing pressure, in the homologous neighbor EBBA it increases, and in CBNA it increases and then decreases.

In conjunction with estimates of the volume discontinuity obtained from our previously reported PVT data, these turbidity data are used to calculate the values of the transition parameters, including in particular the order parameter Qc. Comparison of these results with previous experimental data indicates that the validity of the mean

field theory, which we have used to calculate these parameters, must be seriously questioned.

Finally, the data show that the value of Tc 2014 T* is somewhat larger along an isochoric trace than along the more

conventional isobaric trace.


Physics Abstracts


In a previous paper [1] hereafter, referred to as I,

we reported on the P-V-T equation of state in the vicinity of the isotropic-nematic transition. It is well known that this transition displays characteristics of both first and second-order phase changes. In I we

were chiefly concerned with the first-order character

of the isotropic-nematic transition. In this paper we

shall present measurements of one of the second- order aspects of this transition, namely the anomalous pretransitional increase of the turbidity above the clearing temperature Tc. These data yield the effective

second-order transition temperature or spinodal tem- perature T*. The difference Tc - T * provides a

measure of the first-order component of the transi- tion.

It is of special interest to examine how the difference

(*) Present address : Xerox Corporation, Webster, NY 14586,


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01980004107063300



Tc - T * and the amplitude of the turbidity and its

derivative vary along the pressure-temperature phase boundary. Each theory for the nematic-isotropic

transition imposes certain constraints on these varia- tions ; in some cases a specific functional form is

given for the temperature dependence. We shall

examine and test these theoretical predictions in

detail. We shall also discuss the result of measuring

the pretransitional anomalies under conditions of constant density.

The materials used in this study were :

N-(p-methoxybenzylidene)-p-butylaniline (MBBA), N-(p-ethoxybenzylidene)-p-butylaniline (EBBA),


N-(p-cyanobenzylidene)-p-nonylaniline (CBNA).

MBBA and EBBA were purchased from Eastman Organics. CBNA was synthesized following a proce- dure similar to that employed by Taylor and Kahn [2]

and was subsequently recrystallized twice from a

24 : 1 hexane-benzene solution.

A turbidity measurement is especially well suited

for a high pressure experiment since only two optical ports are required. Figure 1 shows the high pressure cell body and contents. The cell was machined from Viscount 44 steel pre-heat treated to a Rockwell

hardness of 42. Not shown in the figure are the two

end plug pieces and a steel annulus which slips over

the oil inlet and accomodates the high pressure

tubing and fitting.

Fig. 1.


The high pressure cell body and contents for encapsu-

lating liquid crystal samples.

The sample was encapsulated in the device shown at the bottom of the figure to separate it from the pressure fluid. The stainless steel piece fixes and

maintains the optical path length. For MBBA and EBBA the path length was 8.7 cm, this rather long

distance being required in order to obtain easily

measurable attenuations of the light beam near the phase transition. At about 10 OC above the transition, however, the turbidity was found to have reached its

background or non-anomalous value. For CBNA, which has a larger intrinsic turbidity, similar experi-

mental conditions were achieved by employing a path length of only 1 cm, the excess length being

taken up by glass windows. All samples were filtered through 0.2 u Millipore filters in order to remove

residual dust particles which might contribute to the

scattering process.

Figure 2 shows the experimental layout. The temperature of the cell was measured to a precision

of 0.01 °C by means of a platinum resistor and Mueller

bridge. A two stage thermostated oven maintained the constancy of the temperature to within these limits of measurement. The pressure was measured to a precision of 10 bars by use of a Heise bourdon gauge. Octoil S was used as the pressure transmitting

fluid. The reservoir served as ballast to allow the pressure to be adjusted slowly.

Fig. 2.


Schematic of the experimental setup.

A split portion of the laser beam was monitored

by a photocell so that corrections could be made for variations in the output power. A neutral density

filter was used to place the intensity of the transmitted beam within the linear response range of the photo- multiplier. Lenses, pinholes, and an interference filter collimated the beam and reduced the contri- butions from stray light.

It is well known that the inverse of the scattered

intensity, and hence the inverse of the turbidity,

varies like T - T * as the nematic phase is approached

from the isotropic phase at constant pressure [3].

One can easily imagine approaching the isotropic-

nematic phase boundary by increasing pressure while

keeping temperature constant. In this case one should find -r-1 oc p* - P, or, as one would say in the

language of Griffiths and Wheeler [4], the critical

exponent for the pressure scan should be the same as for the temperature scan since neither path is

tangent to the phase boundary. Experimentally we

find this to be the case, and we can, therefore, deter- mine the spinodal line by finding T* as a function

of P or by finding P* as a function of T; the data obtained from temperature scans are entirely consis-

tent with those from pressure scans. As a practical


matter it is usually easier to fix temperature and vary pressure, and we have, therefore, used this approach

in the majority of our runs. For consistency in pre-

sentation, however, we will exhibit our results as if

we had found T* as a function of P in all cases.

Figure 3 shows the transmitted intensity h for

three different pressure scans in the isotropic phase

of MBBA. Far from the transition the intensity

assumes a nearly constant value Io. Closer in to the

transition the intensity drops abruptly according to

the formula It = Io e-1:L, where L is the length of

the sample and z is the anomalous portion of the turbidity. From these data the inverse turbidity i-1

is extracted and is plotted in figure 4. A linear fit to the data gives P*. The pressure for which the sample

became opaque is taken to be the transition pres-

sure Pc’ When a wider range of temperatures is examined, changes in the slope of ’t-l v·s. P and in

the value of P* - Po become quite apparent as may be seen from figure 5 in which some of our EBBA

data are plotted.

Fig. 3.


The transmitted intensity I, ns. P for three isotherms in MBBA.

Fig. 4.


The inverse of the turbidity 1’S. pressure for three iso- therms in MBBA.

Fig. 5.


The inverse of the turbidity ns. pressure for six isotherms in EBBA.

In the de Gennes theory [5] for this transition the free energy is given by

where Go is the background free energy and

Normally Go, Ao, B and C are regarded as constants, but in our case they, as well as T*, must be considered to be functions of pressure. Or, from the alternate

point of view, we can take A = a(T) (P* - P) and regard Go, B, C and P* as functions of temperature.

Fluctuations in the order parameter are the source of the large increase in the light scattering near the

transition. Formulas for the intensity of the scattered

light have already been worked out [5, 6]. The tur- bidity, being the total cross section, can be calculated from these formulas by integrating over all scattering angles with result :

Here ko is the wavenumber of the incident light and A8max is the dielectric anisotropy which would result under conditions of complete orientational ordering,

as one has to a good approximation in the crystalline

state. In deriving eq. (2) we have neglected terms involving the gradients of the order parameter. This approximation is reasonable since the correlation

length is very much smaller than the wavelength of

the light [7, 8].

It will prove to be convenient to re-express our inverse turbidity data in terms of the coefficient A

using eq. (2). At any given temperature the -r-l data

can be parameterized by the slope of -r vs. P and

by the transition value rc -1. In terms of A this para-

meterization is equivalent to specifying Ac and a(T).



Table I.


Isotropic-nematic transition parameters for MBBA.

Table II.


Isotropic-nematic transition parameters for EBBA.

Table III.


Isotropic-nematic transition parameters for CBNA.

Values for these parameters, and for Tc - T * as well, are given in the left-hand columns of tables 1-111.

For all three materials the value of Tc - T*

increases with pressure. Thus it appears that the transition becomes increasingly first-order at high

pressures. This trend is in qualitative accord with the intuitive feeling that at higher densities the mole-

cules should behave more like hard rod systems which have large order parameter discontinuities at the transition. All three materials show a decreasing

value for the parameter a(7J with pressure. Such a

trend could have been anticipated, as we shall see

shortly, in view of the fact established in 1 that the

volume discontinuity decreases with pressure. The


variation of the parameter Ac however could not have

been predicted in advance. It is difficult to imagine

how the slight difference in molecular structures between MBBA and EBBA could lead to a substantial increase in Ac with pressure in one case and an equally

substantial decrease in the other. As if to confirm the fact that the behavior of Ac is extremely sensitive

to such subtleties, we find in CBNA a decreasing

trend followed by an increasing one at higher pres-


In the right-hand columns of the tables we show other transition parameters which are derived from the experimental data under the assumption that a

Landau-de Gennes free energy expansion is valid.

Since the nematic is an uniaxial phase [3], the tensor

order parameter involves only a single order para-

meter Q and eq. (1) can be specialized to :

(The role of biaxial order parameter fluctuations is

undoubtedly important to a proper understanding of

the isotropic-nematic transition [9, 10]. However, in

the discussion which follows we are concerned only

with the equilibrium values of the order parameters and hence only the uniaxial parameter need be


As is well known [5], minimization of the free energy of eq. (3) leads to the conclusion that a tran- sition from an isotropic liquid to a nematic with order parameter

takes place at a temperature such that

Furthermore, the free energy barrier h between the two phases at the transition [11] is given by

And the volume discontinuity, obtained from the

thermodynamic relation V = (ôG/ôP)T, is given by

In deriving eq. (7) the pressure variations of B and C

are assumed to be negligible compared to that of A.

The volume discontinuities for MBBA have already

been reported in I. We have normalized these values

so that 6c calculated from eq. (7) will be dimension- less and equal at atmospheric pressure to the reported

value [12] of 0.35. With Qc in hand the values of Bc, Cc, and h can also be calculated from eqs. (4), (5),

and (6). The results of these calculations are given

on the right-hand-side of table 1.

Unfortunately we have not measured the volume discontinuities for EBBA and CBNA, but these two compounds are, respectively, structurally quite simi-

lar to MBBA and CBOOA, which we have studied.

One of the major conclusions of 1 is that the tempe-

rature variation of 4 V is primarily a function of the

degree to which end chain flexibility is present in each molecule. Therefore, we make the not unreaso- nable assumption, at least for the purpose of esti-

mating the trends of the transition parameters, that the temperature dependence of AV can be taken to

be the same as that of the structurally similar mole- cule. We have also somewhat arbitrarily set the atmospheric pressure value of Qc at 0.35 as we did

for MBBA. The resulting values for Qc, Bc, Cc, and

h are given in tables II and III.

The phenomenological theory of de Gennes does not make specific predictions for the temperature variation of these phase transition parameters. Mole- cular field theories do make such specific predic- tions, however, and since each theory can in principle

be cast into the form of a Landau free energy expan- sion near the transition, the content of our tables

can be cômpared to these theories. For example, the Maier-Saupe theory [13] can be represented in the

form of eq. (3) if we make the identifications [14] :

Substituting into eqs. (4) and (5) we conclude that :

Therefore, from the Maier-Saupe theory we would expect that all three coefficients Ac, Bc, Cc and the

difference Tc - T * should increase in direct pro-

portion to the absolute temperature of the transition and that the order parameter should be constant.

None of these predictions are substantiated by the

values in the tables. The failure of the theory to even qualitatively describe the variation of Ac and Tc - T* ,

which are computed directly from the data without further assumptions, is especially damaging. It should

also be noted that using a volume dependence for A o

other than the V-2 behavior assumed by Maier and

Saupe will not remedy this deficiency.



There are numerous variants of the Maier-Saupe theory, but we will not discuss their specifics because

it appears that it is not the details of these theories which are in error but the assumption of the validity

of the mean field or molecular field approximation

- itself. The mean field theory has recently been called into question on other grounds [9], and it has been demonstrated that it gives the wrong set of critical exponents [15]. Here it will be shown that mean

field theory is apparently incapable of parameterizing

and correlating the high pressure measurements of

light scattering, volume discontinuity, and order parameter.

Our argument centers around the values of Qc in

tables I-III calculated using mean field theory. The

case of EBBA is particularly interesting : at the highest pressure studied Qc has already reached the

degree of order expected for a hard rod system and is still increasing. Such behavior is of course unlikely.

Even the trend of increasing order is at variance

with the direct measurements which have been made of nematic order parameters under pressure [16-19].

These experiments show that Q,, is either constant or

a slightly decreasing function of pressure. In order for the EBBA order parameter to even be constant, it would be necessary for the volume discontinuity

which enters eq. (7) to decrease with pressure over

the entire range by about six times more than we

have assumed. Such a volume decrease would be much larger than we have measured for any of the

liquid crystals in paper I, including some which we expect to have larger pressure variations than should be found for EBBA.

In the case of MBBA the order parameter under pressure has been measured [19] up to a transition temperature of 347 K (corresponding to a pressure of 0.90 kbar). Over this range 6c shows a 7 % decrease.

By contrast our mean field calculated values show an

18 % increase over this same range. Since the volume

discontinuity enters the calculation of 6c as a square root, it would be necessary for agreement that our à V’s reported in I be in error by about 50 % over

this limited range and, just to keep Qc constant, by

about more than a factor of two over our entire

reported range. Such errors are quite inconsistent with any reasonable estimate of the experimental precision.

The order parameter in CBNA has been measured under pressure up to a transition temperature of 413 K [18]. Here, for a change, there is good agreement between our calculations and the directly measured

values. For both sets of values the order parameter

at the transition decreases by about 17 %. In view of

the large discrepancies for the other two materials,

the agreement for CBNA is probably fortuitous.

Much attention has been drawn to the fact that the value of Tc - T* is so small. This observation now

loses some of its impact since, according to our

measurements, it appears that Tc - T* can be made

as large as one pleases by increasing the density.

Also, it is true that the value is small only by compa- rison with mean field calculations, such as that of

Maier and Saupe which seem to have only limited quantitative validity. Nevertheless, in fairness to these theories it must be remarked that the calcula- tions are normally made for a constant volume system, whereas experiments have been done at constant pressure. Although we have not actually performed a turbidity measurement at constant

density, we can compute what the results of such an

experiment would be for MBBA since we have the

complete PVT equation of state as reported in I.

To permit such a comparison we have calculated the inverse turbidity for nine different isochores spanning

the full range of densities represented in our experi-

ments. The results appear precisely like those in

figure 4, except that the value of T,, - T * is greater than for an isobaric measurement having the same Tc by a factor of 1.7 ± 0.2 in all nine cases.



The professional assistance of Dr. Y. T. Lin and Professor H. Kwart in the synthesis

of CBNA is very much appreciated. This work was supported in part by the National Science Founda- tion under grants DMR-7801307 and DMR-7907361 and by the Unidel Foundation.


[1] KEYES, P. H., DANIELS, W. B., J. Physique Colloq. 40 (1979)


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[5] DE GENNES, P. G., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.12 (1971) 193.

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[8] STINSON, T. W., LITSTER, J. D., Phys. Rev. Lett. 30 (1973) 688.

[9] KEYES, P. H., Phys. Lett. 67A (1978) 132.

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[15] KEYES, P. H., SHANE, J. R., Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 (1979) 722.

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