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Semilinear equations with exponential nonlinearity and measure data


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Semilinear equations with exponential nonlinearity and measure data

Équations semi linéaires avec non linéarité exponentielle et données mesures

Daniele Bartolucci


, Fabiana Leoni


, Luigi Orsina


, Augusto C. Ponce


aDipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma “Tre”, Largo S. Leonardo Murialdo 1, 00146 Roma, Italy bDipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Piazza A. Moro 2, 00185 Roma, Italy cLaboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, université Pierre et Marie Curie, boîte courier 187, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France dRutgers University, Department of Mathematics, Hill Center, Busch Campus, 110 Frelinghuysen Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA

Received 27 July 2004; accepted 15 December 2004 Available online 22 April 2005


We study the existence and non-existence of solutions of the problem −u+eu−1=µ inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω, (0.1)

where is a bounded domain inRN,N3, andµis a Radon measure. We prove that ifµ4πHN2, then (0.1) has a unique solution. We also show that the constant 4πin this condition cannot be improved.

2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Nous étudions l’existence et la non existence des solutions de l’équation −u+eu−1=µ dansΩ,

u=0 sur∂Ω, (0.2)

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: bartolu@mat.uniroma3.it, bartoluc@mat.uniroma1.it (D. Bartolucci), leoni@mat.uniroma1.it (F. Leoni), orsina@mat.uniroma1.it (L. Orsina), ponce@ann.jussieu.fr, augponce@math.rutgers.edu (A.C. Ponce).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.



est un domaine borné dansRN,N3, etµest une mesure de Radon. Nous démontrons que siµvérifieµHN2, alors le problème (0.2) admet une unique solution. Nous montrons que la constante 4π dans cette condition ne peut pas être améliorée.

2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC: 35J60; 35B05

Keywords: Nonlinear elliptic equations; Exponential nonlinearity; Measure data

1. Introduction

Let⊂RN,N2, be a bounded domain with smooth boundary. We consider the problem −u+eu−1=µ inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω, (1.1)

whereµM(Ω), the space of bounded Radon measures inΩ. We say that a functionuis a solution of (1.1) if uL1(Ω), euL1(Ω)and the following holds:



ζdµ ∀ζC02(Ω). (1.2)

HereC02(Ω) denotes the set of functionsζC2(Ω) such thatζ=0 on∂Ω. A measureµis a good measure for problem (1.1) if (1.1) has a solution. We shall denote byGthe set of good measures. Problem (1.1) has been recently studied by Brezis, Marcus and Ponce in [1], where the general case of a continuous nondecreasing nonlinearity g(u), withg(0)=0, is dealt with. Applying Theorem 1 of [1] tog(u)=eu−1, it follows that for everyµM(Ω) there exists a largest good measureµfor (1.1), which we shall denote byµ.

In the caseN=2, the set of good measures for problem (1.1) has been characterized by Vázquez in [9]. More precisely, a measureµis a good measure if and only ifµ({x})4πfor everyx inΩ. Note that anyµM(Ω) can be decomposed as




withµ0({x})=0 for everyx inΩ, andδxi is the Dirac mass concentrated atxi. Using Vázquez’s result, it is not difficult to check that (see [1, Example 5])

µ=µ0+ i=1

min{4π, αi}δxi.

This paper is devoted to the study of problem (1.1) in the caseN3. First of all, let us recall that ifµis a good measure, then (1.1) has a unique solutionu (see [1, Corollary B.1]). This solution can be either obtained as the limit of the sequence(un)of solutions of

un+min{eun−1, n} =µ inΩ,

un=0 on∂Ω,

or as the limit of a sequence(vn)of solutions of −vn+evn−1=µn inΩ,

vn=0 on∂Ω,


withµn=ρnµ, where(ρn)is a sequence of mollifiers. Ifµis not a good measure, then both sequences(un)and (vn)converge to the solutionuof problem (1.1) with datumµ(see [1]). It has also been proved in [1] that the setGof good measures is convex and closed with respect to the strong topology inM(Ω). Moreover, it is easy to see that ifνµandµG, thenνG.

Before stating our results, let us briefly recall the definitions of Hausdorff measure and Hausdorff dimension of a set. Lets0, and letA⊂RNbe a Borel set. Givenδ >0, let



ωsris: K


Briwithri< δ,i


where the infimum is taken over all coverings ofAwith open ballsBriof radiusri< δ, andωs=πs/2/ (s/2+1).

We define the (spherical)s-dimensional Hausdorff measure inRNas Hs(A)=lim


and the Hausdorff dimension ofAas dimH(A)=inf

s0:Hs(A)=0 .

Given a measureµinM(Ω), we say that it is concentrated on a Borel setE ifµ(A)=µ(EA) for every Borel setA. Given a measureµinM(Ω), and a Borel setE, the measureµ E is defined by µ E(A)=µ(EA)for every Borel setA.

One of our main results is the following

Theorem 1. LetµM(Ω). IfµHN2, that is, ifµ(A)HN2(A)for every Borel setAΩsuch that HN2(A) <, then there exists a unique solutionuof (1.1).

As a corollary of Theorem 1, we have

Corollary 1. LetµM(Ω). IfµHN2, thenµ=µ.

The proof of Theorem 1 relies on a decomposition lemma for Radon measures (see Section 3 below) and on the following sharp estimate concerning the exponential summability for solutions of the Laplace equation. We denote by MN/2(Ω)the Morrey space with exponent N2 equipped with the norm · N/2(see Definition 1 below).

Theorem 2. Letf be a function in MN/2(Ω), and letube the solution ofu=f inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω. (1.3)

Then, for every 0< α <2N ωN, it holds

e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)|u|(N ωN)2

α diam(Ω)N. (1.4)

This theorem is the counterpart in the caseN3 of a result proved, forN=2 andfL1(Ω), by Brezis and Merle in [2]. Note that, forN=2, the space MN/2(Ω)coincides withL1(Ω).

As a consequence of Theorem 1, we have that the set of good measuresGcontains all measuresµwhich satisfy µHN2. IfN=2, then the result of Vázquez states that the converse is also true. In our case, that isN3, this is false. After this work was completed, A.C. Ponce found explicit examples of good measures which are not


HN2(see [7, Theorems 2 and 3]). The existence of such measures was conjectured by L. Véron in a personal communication.

We now present some necessary conditions a measureµGhas to satisfy. We start with the following

Theorem 3. LetµM(Ω). Ifµ(A) >0 for some Borel setA such that dimH(A) < N2, then (1.1) has no solution.

Observe that in the case of dimensionN=2, no measureµsatisfies the assumptions of Theorem 3.

As a consequence of Theorem 3 we have

Corollary 2. LetµM(Ω). Ifµ+is concentrated on a Borel setAΩwith dimH(A) < N2, thenµ= −µ. The next theorem, which is one of the main results of this paper, states that there exists no solution of (1.1) ifµ is strictly larger than 4πHN2on an(N−2)-rectifiable set.

Theorem 4. LetµM(Ω). Assume there existε >0 and an(N−2)-rectifiable setEΩ, withHN2(E) >0, such thatµ E(4π+ε)HN2 E. Then, (1.1) has no solution.

Corollary 3. Assumeµ=α(x)HN2 E, whereE is(N−2)-rectifiable andαisHN2 E-integrable.

Then,µ=min{4π, α(x)}HN2 E.

In Theorem 4 (and also in Corollary 3), the assumption thatEis(N−2)-rectifiable is important. In fact, one can find(N−2)-unrectifiable setsFΩ, with 0<HN2(F ) <∞, such thatν=αHN2 F is a good measure for everyα >0 (see [7]).

As a consequence of the previous results, we can derive some information onµ. To this extent, letµM(Ω).

Since eu−1 is bounded foru <0,µwill play no role in the existence-nonexistence theory for (1.1). Therefore, we only have to deal withµ+, which we recall can be uniquely decomposed as

µ+=µ1+µ2+µ3, (1.5)


µ1(A)=0 for every Borel setAsuch thatHN2(A) <, (1.6) µ2=α(x)HN2 E for some Borel setE, and someHN2-measurableα, (1.7) µ3(Ω\F )=0 for some Borel setFwithHN2(F )=0. (1.8) By a result of Federer (see [4] and also [6, Theorem 15.6]), the setEcan be uniquely decomposed as a disjoint unionE=E1E2, whereE1is(N−2)-rectifiable andE2is purely(N−2)-unrectifiable. In particular,

µ2=α(x)HN2 E1+α(x)HN2 E2. (1.9)

Combining Corollaries 1–3, we establish the following

Theorem 5. GivenµM(Ω), decomposeµ+as in (1.5)–(1.9). Then,

µ=1)+2)+3)µ. (1.10)

In addition,


1)=µ1, (1.11) 2)= α(x)HN2 E1

+ α(x)HN2 E2

, (1.12)

α(x)HN2 E1


4π, α(x)

HN2 E1, (1.13)

α(x)HN2 E2


4π, α(x)

HN2 E2, (1.14)

3)(A)=0 for every Borel setAΩwith dimH(A) < N−2. (1.15) In view of the examples presented in [7], one can find measuresµ0 for which equality in (1.14) fails and such that3)(F ) >0 for some Borel setF, withHN−2(F )=0.

The plan of the paper is as follows. In the next section we will prove Theorem 2. In Section 3 we will present a decomposition result for Radon measures. Theorem 1 will then be proved in Section 4. Theorems 3 and 4 will be established in Section 5. The last section will be devoted to the proof of Theorem 5 and Corollaries 1–3.

2. Proof of Theorem 2

We first recall the definition of the Morrey space Mp(Ω); see [5].

Definition 1. Letp1 be a real number. We say that a functionfL1(Ω)belongs to the Morrey space Mp(Ω) if

f p=sup


1 rN (11/p)


f (y)dy <+∞,

where the supremum is taken over all open ballsBr⊂RN.

The following theorem is well-known (for the proof, see for example [5, Section 7.9]).

Theorem 6. Letf ∈Mp(Ω)for somepN2, and letube the solution ofu=f inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω.

Ifp >N2, thenu belongs toL(Ω). Ifp=N2, then eβ|u| is uniformly bounded inL1(Ω)norm, for everyβ <

β0=2N ωN/(e f


Theorem 2 in the Introduction improves the upper boundβ0given in [5]. It turns out that the constant 2N ωf N


is sharp. Indeed we have the following

Example 1. LetE= {x=(x1, x2, . . . , xN)∈RN: x1=x2=0},and letµ=4πHN2 E.Defineµn=ρnµ, wheren)is a sequence of mollifiers, and letunbe the solution of

un=µn inB2(0), un=0 on∂B2(0).

By standard elliptic estimates,unuinW01,q(B2(0)), for everyq < NN1and a.e., whereuis the solution of −u=4πHN2 E inB2(0),

u=0 on∂B2(0).


Using the Green representation formula, and setting ρ(x)=dist(x, E), one can prove that u(x) behaves as

−2 lnρ(x),for anyx in a suitable neighborhood ofEB1(0).Moreover, it is easy to verify that µn

N/2→2N ωN asn→ ∞. Then, by Fatou’s lemma

lim inf



e(2N ωN/ µn N/2)un


eu= +∞.

We now turn to the proof of Theorem 2. We start with the following well-known Lemma 1. Letf:[0, d] →R+be aC1-function, and

g(r)= sup

t∈[0,r]f (t ).

Then,gis absolutely continuous on[0, d], and its derivative satisfies the following inequality:

0g(r) f(r)+

a.e., (2.1)

wheres+=max{s,0}is the positive part ofs∈R.

Proof. First of all, observe that sincef is continuous, then so isg. We now prove that, for everyx < yin[0, d], there existx˜y˜in[x, y]such that


f (y)˜ −f (x)˜ +

. (2.2)

Indeed, ifg(y)=g(x), then it is enough to choosex˜=xandy˜=y. Ifg(y) > g(x), then let us define



zx: g(z)=g(x)

and y˜=min

zy: g(z)=g(y) .

Clearly, sinceg is nondecreasing, we havex˜y˜. In order to prove (2.2), simply observe thatf (x)˜ =g(x)and f (y)˜ =g(y). Indeed, if for examplef (x)˜ =g(x), then it must bef (x) < g(x), and this implies that˜ g(z)=g(x) for somez > x, thus contradicting the definition ofx˜.

Sincef is absolutely continuous, (2.2) implies thatgis absolutely continuous, as required, so thatg(r)exists for almost everyr. We now establish (2.1). Starting from (2.2), and applying the mean value problem tof, we have that there existsξ˜∈ [ ˜x,y˜]such that


f (y)˜ −f (x)˜ +

= f(˜ξ )+

(y˜− ˜x) f(˜ξ )+


Dividing byyx, and lettingyx, the result follows. 2 Proof of Theorem 2. We split the proof into two steps:

Step 1. GivenfCc(Ω),f0, let

v(x)= 1

N (N−2)ωN


|xy|N2− 1 dN2

f (y)dy ∀xΩ, (2.3)

wheredis the diameter of. Then, for every 0< α <2N ωN, it holds

e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)v(x)dx(N ωN)2

α dN. (2.4)


Let us set ν(x, r)=


f (y)dy ∀xΩ.

In particular,

ν(x, r)ωNrN f L and ν(x, r)=


f (y)dσ (y)N ωNrN1 f L, (2.5)

wheredenotes the derivative with respect torandis the(N−1)-dimensional measure on∂Br(x). Then,

v(x)= 1

N (N−2)ωN d



rN2− 1 dN2


f (y)dσ (y)


= 1

N (N−2)ωN d



rN2− 1 dN2

ν(x, r)dr.

Integrating by parts, we have

v(x)= 1

N (N−2)ωN 1

rN2− 1 dN2

ν(x, r)



+ 1 N ωN



ν(x, r) rN1 dr.

By (2.5), lim


ν(x, r) rN2 =0, and so

v(x)= 1 N ωN



ν(x, r) rN1 dr.

Define now

ψ (x, r)= sup


ν(x, t ) tN−2 .

It follows from Lemma 1 thatψ (x,·)is absolutely continuous. Then, integrating by parts,

v(x) 1 N ωN



ψ (x, r)

r dr= − 1 N ωN




d r

ψ (x, r)dr

= − 1

N ωNψ (x, r)ln d

r d


+ 1 N ωN



ln d


ψ(x, r)dr.

By (2.5), lim

r0ψ (x, r)ln d




and then, observing thatψ (x, d)ν(x, d)/dN2= f

L1/dN2>0, v(x) 1

N ωN



ln d


ψ(x, r)dr= d


ψ (x, d) N ωN

ln d


ψ(x, r) ψ (x, d)dr.

Therefore, for any 0< α <2N ωN, e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)v(x)exp

d 0

2N ωNα f N/2

ψ (x, d) N ωN

ln d


ψ(x, r) ψ (x, d)dr


Since ψψ(x,d)(x,r)dris a probability measure on(0, d), Jensen’s inequality implies

e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)v(x) d


d r

((2N ωNα)/f N/2)(ψ(x,d)/N ωN)

ψ(x, r) ψ (x, d)dr.


ψ (x, d)sup


ψ (y, d)= f

N/2 and ψ (x, d) f


dN2. Thus,

e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)v(x)dNα/N ωN f L1



ψ(x, r)

r2α/N ωN dr. (2.6)

Now, by (2.1) we have ψ(x, r)

ν(x, r) rN2


ν(x, r) rN2 , so that

ψ(x, r)dx 1 rN2


f (y)dσ (y)

dx= 1 rN2


f (y+x)dσ (y)


= 1 rN2


f (y+x)dx

dσ (y)N ωNr f


Hence, from (2.6),

e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)v(x)dxN ωNdNα/N ωN d



r1α/N ωN =(N ωN)2 α dN

which is (2.4). This concludes the proof of Step 1.

Step 2. Proof of Theorem 2 completed.

Letf ∈MN/2(Ω). Clearly, it suffices to prove the theorem forf 0. By extendingf to be identically zero outside, we have


f (y)dy f

N/2rN2 for every ballBr⊂RN. (2.7)


Letn)Cc(B1),ρn0, be a sequence of mollifiers. Taken)Cc(Ω)to be such that 0ζn1 in, and ζn(x)=1 ifd(x, ∂Ω)n1. Setfn=ζnnf ). We claim that


N/2 f

N/2n1. (2.8)

In fact, given any ballBr(z)⊂RN, we have




nf )(x)dx=

Br(z) RN

ρn(xy)f (y)dy


RN Br(zt )

f (y)dy

ρn(t )dt.

Since (2.7) holds, we get


fn(x)dx f



ρn(t )dt= f


which is precisely (2.8).

Letunbe the unique solution of −un=fn inΩ,

un=0 on∂Ω.

We shall denote byvn the function given by (2.3), withf replaced byfn. Note that, by the standard maximum principle, 0unvninΩ,n1. Given 0< α <2N ωN, it follows from (2.8) and the previous step that

e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)un(x)dx

e((2N ωNα)/fn N/2)vn(x)dx(N ωN)2

α dNn1. (2.9)

Sincefnf inL1(Ω), standard elliptic estimates imply thatunuinL1(Ω)and a.e. Thus, asn→ ∞in (2.9), it follows from Fatou’s lemma that e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)uL1(Ω)and

e((2N ωNα)/f N/2)u(x)dx(N ωN)2 α dN.

This concludes the proof of the theorem. 2

3. A useful decomposition result

Our goal in this section is to establish the following:

Lemma 2. LetµM(RN),µ0. Givenδ >0, there exists an open setA⊂RN such that (a) µ(Br\A)2N ωNrN2for every ballBr⊂RNwith 0< r < δ;

(b) for every compact setKA, µ N(K)


whereN(K)denotes the neighborhood ofKof radius 2δ.

Proof. Given a sequence of open sets(Ak)k0, for eachk1 we let Rk=sup

r∈ [0, δ): µ(Br\Ak1)2N ωNrN−2for some ballBr⊂RN

. (3.1)


We now construct the sequence(Ak)inductively as follows. LetA0=φ. We have two possibilities. IfR1=0, then we takeAk=φfor everyk1. Otherwise,R1>0 and there existsr1(R21, R1]andx1∈RN such that

µ Br1(x1)

2N ωNr1N2.

Let A1=Br1(x1). IfR2=0, then we letAk=φ for every k2. AssumeR2>0. In this case, we may find r2(R22, R2]andx2∈RNsuch that

µ Br2(x2)\A1

2N ωNr2N2.

Proceeding by induction, we obtain a sequence of ballsBr1(x1), Br2(x2), . . .and open sets

Ak=Br1(x1)∪ · · · ∪Brk(xk) (3.2) such that


2 < rkRk (3.3)


µ Brk(xk)\Ak1

2N ωNrkN2k1. (3.4)

Note thatRk→0 ask→ ∞. In fact, by (3.3) and (3.4) we have N ωN

2N3 k=1

RkN22N ωN k=1



µ Brk(xk)\Ak1




µ M.

In particular,

kRkN2<∞, which implies the desired result.

Let A=


Aj= k=1


We claim thatAsatisfies (a) and (b).

Proof of (a). GivenBr⊂RNsuch that 0< r < δ, letk1 be sufficiently large so thatRk< r. By the definition ofRk, we haveµ(Br\Ak)2N ωNrN2. SinceAkA, we haveBr\ABr\Ak and the result follows.

Proof of (b). Given a compact setKA, let J=

j1:Brj(xj)K=φ . In particular,




Moreover, sincerj< δ, we haveBrj(xj)N(K)for everyjJ. Thus, µ N(K)









µ Brj(xj)\Aj1

2N ωN


rjN22N ωN


Since 2N ωNN2=4π, we get µ N(K)


This concludes the proof of Lemma 2. 2


4. Proof of Theorem 1

We first observe that, as a consequence of Theorem 2, we have the following Proposition 1. LetµM(Ω)be such that

µ+(ΩBr)2N ωNrN2 for every ballBr⊂RN. Then,µis a good measure for (1.1).

Proof. Sinceµµ+, it is enough to show thatµ+is a good measure. Thus, without loss of generality, we may assume thatµ0. Moreover, extendingµto be identically zero outside, we may also assume thatµM(RN) and

µ(Br)2N ωNrN2 for every ballBr ⊂RN. We shall split the proof of Proposition 1 into two steps:

Step 1. Assume there existsε >0 such that

µ(Br)2N ωN(1ε)rN2 for every ballBr⊂RN. Then,µis a good measure.

Let n)Cc(B1), ρn0, be a sequence of mollifiers. Set µn=ρnµ. Proceeding as in the proof of Theorem 2, Step 2, we have

µn N/22N ωN(1ε)n1.

Letvnbe the unique solution of −vn=µn inΩ,

vn=0 on∂Ω.

Applying Theorem 2 toα=2N ωNµn N/22N ωNε >0,we conclude that

evnCn1, (4.1)

for some constantC >0 independent ofn. By standard elliptic estimatesvnva.e., wherevis a solution for −v=µ inΩ,

v=0 on∂Ω.

Hence, by Fatou’s lemma and (4.1), it follows that evL1(Ω). Since

v+ev−1=µ+ev−1 inΩ,

µ+ev−1 is a good measure. In particular,µµ+ev−1 andv0,imply thatµis a good measure as well.

Step 2. Proof of the proposition completed.

Letαn↑1. For everyn1, the measureαnµsatisfies the assumptions of Step 1. Thus,αnµG,∀n1. Since αnµµstrongly inM(Ω)andGis closed inM(Ω), we haveµG. 2

We recall the following result:

Lemma 3. Ifµ1, . . . , µkM(Ω)are good measures for (1.1), then so is supiµi.


Proof. Ifk=2, this is precisely [1, Corollary 4]. The general case easily follows by induction onk. 2 We then have a slightly improved version of Proposition 1:

Proposition 2. LetµM(Ω). Assume there existsδ >0 such that µ+(ΩBr)2N ωNrN−2 for every ballBr⊂RNwithr(0, δ).

Then,µis a good measure for (1.1).

Proof. LetBδ(x1), . . . , Bδ(xk)be a finite covering ofΩ. For eachi=1, . . . , k, letµi=µ Bδ(xi)M(Ω). It is easy to see thatµi satisfies the assumptions of Proposition 1, so that eachµi is a good measure for (1.1). Thus, by the previous lemma, supiµiG. Sinceµsupiµi, we conclude thatµis also a good measure for (1.1). 2

We can now present the

Proof of Theorem 1. As above, sinceµµ+, it suffices to show thatµ+is a good measure. In particular, we may assume thatµ0. Moreover, it suffices to establish the theorem for a measureµsuch thatµ(4πε)HN2 for someε >0. The general case follows as in Step 2 of Proposition 1.

We first extendµto be identically zero outsideΩ. By Lemma 2, there exists an open setAˆ1⊂RNsuch that(a) and(b)hold withδ=1 andA= ˆA1. By induction, given an open setAˆk1⊂RN, we apply Lemma 2 toµ Aˆk1 andδk=1k to obtain an open setAˆk⊂ ˆAk1such that

(ak) µ Aˆk1(Br\ ˆAk)2N ωNrN2for every ballBr⊂RNwith 0< r <1k; (bk) for every compact setK⊂ ˆAk,

µ N2/ k(K)

µ Aˆk1 N2/ k(K)

HN1/ k2(K).

By Proposition 2, each measureµ \ ˆA1,µ Aˆ1\ ˆA2, . . . , µ Aˆk1\ ˆAk is good. We now invoke Lemma 3 to conclude that

µ \ ˆAk=sup{µ \ ˆA1, µ Aˆ1\ ˆA2, . . . , µ Aˆk1\ ˆAk} is a good measure for everyk1. LetAˆ=

kAˆk. Sinceµ \ ˆAkµ \ ˆAstrongly inM(Ω)and the setG of good measures is closed with respect to the strong topology, we conclude thatµ \ ˆAis also a good measure for (1.1).

We now claim thatµ(A)ˆ =0. In fact, letK⊂ ˆAbe a compact set. In particular,K⊂ ˆAk. By(bk), we have µ N2/ k(K)

HN1/ k2(K)k1.

Ask→ ∞, we conclude that

µ(K)HN2(K). (4.2)

In particular,HN2(K) <∞. Recall that, by assumption,

µ(K)4π(1−ε)HN2(K). (4.3)

Combining (4.2) and (4.3), we getµ(K)=0. SinceK⊂ ˆAis arbitrary, we conclude thatµ(A)ˆ =0. Therefore, µ=µ \ ˆAand soµis a good measure. This concludes the proof of Theorem 1. 2


5. Proofs of Theorems 3 and 4

In this section we derive some necessary conditions for a measure to be good for problem (1.1). Let us start with a regularity property for solutions of elliptic equations with measure data.

Lemma 4. LetνM(Ω)and letube the solution of the Dirichlet problemu=ν inΩ,

u=0 on∂Ω. (5.1)

If euL1(Ω), thenu+belongs toW01,p(Ω)for everyp <2, and u+

W01,p C p,measΩ, ν M, eu L1

p <2. (5.2)

Proof. Letνn=ρnν, where(ρn)is a sequence of mollifiers, and letunbe the solution of −un=νn inΩ,

un=0 on∂Ω. (5.3)

Then it is well-known that the sequence(un)converges touinW01,q(Ω), for everyq <NN1 (see [8]).

UsingTk(u+n)=min{k,max{un,0}}as a test function in (5.3), we have


Tk(u+n) νndxk νn L1k ν M. Lettingn→ ∞, by weak lower semicontinuity we obtain

Tk(u+)2dxk ν M. (5.4)

On the other hand, assumption euL1(Ω)implies, for everyk >0, ekmeas{u > k}


eudx eu L1,

and so

meas{u > k}ek eu L1. (5.5)

For everyη >1 we have |∇u+|> η


|∇u|> η u > k

|∇u|> η 0uk


so that, by (5.4) and (5.5), meas

|∇u+|> η

meas{u > k} +meas

|∇u|> η 0uk

ek eu L1+ 1 η2


ek+ k η2


whereC=max{ eu L1, ν M}. Minimizing onk, we find meas

|∇u+|> η

C1+2 lnη η2 .


Therefore,|∇u+| belongs to the Marcinkiewicz space of exponentp, for every p <2.Since is bounded, it follows that|∇u+| ∈Lp(Ω), for everyp <2, and that (5.2) holds. 2

Theorem 3 can now be obtained as a consequence of the above results.

Proof of Theorem 3. By inner regularity, it is enough to prove that ifµM(Ω)is a good measure for prob- lem (1.1), thenµ(K)0 for every compact setKwith dimH(K) < N−2.

By Lemma 3, ifµis a good measure, then so isµ+=sup{µ,0}. Letv0 be the solution of problem (1.1) with datumµ+. In particular,vsatisfies



ζ+ζCc(Ω). (5.6)

Take now a compact setK with dimH(K) < N−2, and letq be such that 2< q < N−dimH(K). Then the q-capacity ofKis zero (see e.g. [3]), and there exists a sequence of smooth functionsζnCc(Ω)such that

0ζn1 inΩ, ζn=1 inK, ζn→0 inW01,q(Ω)and a.e. (5.7)

Usingζnas test function in (5.6) yields 0µ+(K)



(ev−1) ζn.

Since, by Lemma 4,vW01,q(Ω), the right-hand side tends to 0 asn→ ∞. Hence,µ+(K)=0, which implies µ(K)0, as desired. 2

Before presenting the proof of Theorem 4, we need some preliminary lemmas. The first one is well-known (see e.g. [3]).

Lemma 5. IffL1(RN), then, for every 0s < N,


1 rs


f (y)dy=0 Hs-a.e. inRN.

In the following, we will denote the angular mean of a functionwL1(RN)on the sphere centered atx∈RN with radiusr >0 by

w(x, r)= –


wdσ= 1 N ωNrN1


wdσ. (5.8)

The next result provides an estimate of the asymptotic behavior, asr→0, of the angular mean of a function in terms of its Laplacian.

Lemma 6. LetwL1(RN)be such thatwM(RN). Setµ= −w. Then, 1

N ωN lim inf



rN2 lim inf


w(x, r)

ln(1/r) lim sup


w(x, r) ln(1/r) 1

N ωNlim sup


µ(Br(x)) rN2 .

Proof. We claim that, for every 0< r < s <1, we have

w(x, r)w(x, s)= 1 N ωN




ρN−1 dρ. (5.9)


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