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On the exponent of the product of two groups


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REND. SEM. MAT. UNIV. PADOVA, Vol. 115 (2006)

On the Exponent of the Product of two Groups.


To Guido Zappa on his 90th birthday

Let the groupGˆABbe the product of two subgroupsAandB, and assume that these subgroups have finite exponentseandf. IfAandBare abelian, thenGis metabelian, by a famous result of N.Ito [AFG, 2.1.1], and in that case R.W.Howlett has shown that the exponent of G satisfies exp(G)jef [AFG, 3.3.1]. Apart from that, it seems that very little is known about the exponent ofGin general. IfGis soluble, it has a finite exponent [AFG, 3.2.11]. From this we deduce

THEOREM1. Let the soluble group G of derived length d be the product of two subgroups A and B of finite exponents e and f . Then the exponent of G is bounded by some function of d;e,and f .

PROOF. If no such function exists, then we can find soluble groups GnˆAnBn, of derived lengthd, such thatAnandBnhave exponentseand f, and the exponents of the groups Gn are unbounded. Then the direct product of all theGn's has derived lengthd, is the product of subgroups of exponentseandf, but has infinite exponent, a contradiction.

COROLLARY2. LetGˆAB,whereAandBhave exponentseandf, respectively. Assume thatAand[A; B]are soluble of lengthd. Then the exponent ofGis bounded by a function ofe; f,andd.

PROOF. We haveAGˆA[A;B]. ThereforeAGis soluble of length 2d.

But also AGˆAC, where CˆAG\B has exponent f. By the previous theorem,exp(AG) is bounded, whileexp(G=AG)ˆexp(B=C)jf.

Using Howlett's result, we can give explicit bounds for two cases: when G is metabelian, or nilpotent-by-abelian, and when one of the factors is abelian.

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Einstein Institute of Mathematics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Sofra Campus, Givat Ram Jerusalem, 91904, Israel.


THEOREM3. Let the metabelian group G be a product of two subgroups A and B,of exponents e and f . Then exp(G)j(ef)3. If either A or B is abelian,then exp(G)j(ef)2.

This follows immediately by substitutingA1ˆA0 andB1ˆB0 in the following more elaborate result, in which no solubility assumption is made.

PROPOSITION4. LetGbe a productABof two subgroups,of exponents e and f. Assume that there exist two subgroups, A1 andB1,such that A0A1A,B0B1 B,and[A; B]normalizes bothA1 andB1. Then exp(G)j(ef)3. If eitherAorBis abelian,thenexp(G)j(ef)2.

PROOF. As above, write AGˆA[A;B]ˆAC. Then A1/AG, and we have a normal series A1/AG/G. Here AGˆAC, for CˆAG\B, G=AGB=C, andAG=A1ˆA=A1CA1=A1. Assume first thatBis abelian.

Thenexp(AG=A1)jef, by Howlett, implyingexp(G)je2f2. IfBis not abe- lian, then the factorizationAG=A1ˆA=A1CA1=A1 satisfies the assump- tions of the proposition, withB1replaced byC1ˆB1\AG, and withA=A1

abelian. By what was just proved,exp(AG=A1)je2f2, andexp(G)je3f3. THEOREM5. Let GˆAB,where exp(A)ˆe and exp(B)ˆf . Assume that A is abelian,and that G is soluble of length d2. Then exp(G)j(ef)2d 2.

PROOF. If dˆ2, this follows from Theorem 3. Otherwise, let NˆG(d 1). ThenNis abelian, andANis metabelian, and can be factored as ANˆAC, withCˆAN\B. Theorem 3 shows thatexp(AN)je2f2, and in particularexp(N)je2f2. Apply induction toG=N.

A similar argument establishes the following variation:

PROPOSITION6. Let GˆAB,whereexp(A)ˆeandexp(B)ˆf. As- sume that A is abelian,and that [A; B] is soluble of length d. Then exp(G)je2df2d‡1.

PROOF. LetNˆ[A;B](d 1). ThenNis abelian, andANis metabelian, and can be factored asANˆAC, withCˆAN\B. Theorem 3 shows that exp(AN)je2f2. If dˆ1, then Nˆ[A;B], and then ANˆAG/G, with G=AGB=C, and the result follows. In the general case we have exp(N)je2f2, and we apply induction toG=N.

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PROPOSITION7. LetGˆAB be nilpotent-by-abelian,withcl(G0)ˆc, and letAandBhave exponentseandf. Thenexp(G)j(ef)2c‡1.

PROOF. For cˆ1 this follows from Theorem 3. In the general case, writeZˆZ(G0), andAZˆAC, withCˆAZ\B. ThenA0/AZ, andAZ=A0 is metabelian, with A=A0 abelian, and so Theorem 3 implies that exp(AZ)je2f2, thereforeexp(Z)je2f2, and we can apply induction toG=Z.

NOTE. Theorem 5 yields a better bound than Proposition 7 whenever both are applicable.


[AFG] B. AMBERG- S. FRANCIOSI- F.DEGIOVANNI,Products of Groups, Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford 1992.

Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 27 dicembre 2005.

On the exponent of the product of two groups 207



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