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Scientific and Technical Expression


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Scientific and Technical Expression"


Texte intégral


Scientific and Technical Expression

Michel BRUNEAU, Catherine POTEL Université du Maine - Le Mans - France

When non associated to the oral comments during the lessons, these slides may sometimes seem incoherent; they are dedicated to listeners for whom they were designed.

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...


Slides based upon (in french)

M. BRUNEAU, C. POTEL, L'art de la formule expliqué aux

scientifiques. Recommandations générales pour la rédaction de

documents écrits et pour les présentations orales, CEPADUES

éditions, 80 p. (2006), ISBN 2.85428.741.x



The written work

What it is expected from a report (introduction, sub-paragraphs, conclusion, …)

The correspondence and telephone exchanges - E-mail

- Letters - Phone At speaking

Presentations using slides or poster


Whatever type of communication concerned, a few large general rules can be drawn here in a few words:



aintain the attention, -


ptimize understanding,



inimize the time to read or to listen,

in a word, respect the partner who reads or listens.

This is also a matter of courtesy.

and thereby favor the RECOU : REspect and COUrtesy!

«Whatever is well conceived is clearly said, And the words to say it flow with ease.»

Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux (1636 -1711), The Art of Poetry (L'Art poétique).



l  Advantages:

w  convenient, fast

w  no immediate disruption as in the case of the phone l  Majors inconveniences:

w  risk of "misdemeanour," in a tone not suitable for the interlocutor

w  risk of sending the same stereotypical paper to a large number of recipients (to easy) l  Some advice:

w  have a classic and identifiable e-mail adress:

firstname.lastname@... or if not first name last name <toto@...>

w  ban smileys :-) ;-) :-( :-I etc.

w  starting the e-mail by "hello" or "hi" becomes classic in some situations, but, when in doubt, for the first contact, always adopt a letter style with "Dear Sir", "Dear Professor", or "Dear Madam".

w  adapt the polite phrases to the interlocutor:

Ÿ  "sincerely" or "regards" is somewhat cavalier when there is no equality of status (to be reserved for administrative requests).

Ÿ  "Yours sincerely", "Yours truly", "Yours faithfully" is suitable for your internship demand, employment, etc.

w  check the spelling...


l  Attached an excerpt of my training report. Sincerely ü  no "hello", no signature...

ü  attached file: lastname_scientific _expression.odt

l This is the beginning of my training report. Sincerely. Justin CASE ü no "hello", but a signature

ü  attached file: presentation.doc

l  Hello, I am Agathe Zheblouse, I am in Professional Licence. You will find as an attached file the abstract of my report regarding my student project, the subject of which is study and characterization of the wheels of wheelbarrows. Sincerely, Agathe Zheblouse

ü attached file: study report.odt l Next part. File0: contents, file 1, etc.

ü  no signature

ü  attached files: 0.doc, 1.doc, 2.doc, 3.doc

l Hello, You asked us to give you a scientific writing. This is my training report. Sincerely, Fidèle Hoposte

ü training_report_Justin_Time.pdf l  Vincent Tim LPIAV. My training report.

ü  attached file : Report Vincent.doc

l Hello, I am a student in Professional licence, and here is a part of the Tp I wrote. This part concerns the evaluation of the parameters of the Big microphone

ü no signature

ü  attached file: tp micro vital abri.odt




l  Voice mailbox

w  leave a clear message w  spell your name, slowly

w  do not give your phone number very quickly, but give it twice, slowly

w  likewise for the address, by spelling the street and city names

l  Live interlocutor

w  prepare what you have to say, write it down if necessary

w  introduce yourself and say quickly the aim of the call



l  Preconditions:

w  specific rules for each type of document l  The beginning:

w  beginning of writing at the beginning of the work w  advantages:

P  help to the thinking

P  constitute a basis for discussion with partners P  build the document over the duration

P  avoid the corrections of supervisers in an emergency (MOM + RECOU) l  The calendar reversed:

w  note the date of delivery of the document

w  count the different stages preceding the delivery of the document P  routing

P  reprography

P  proof-reading and back and forth with supervisers w  deduction of the dead line of writing by the author

l  The end:

w  agreement of supervisers prior to the delivery of the report (image of the service, confidentiality)

l  Fundamental advices

w  english (as best as possible), spelling

w  expectation of the reader (results, evaluation of the author, choices made , ...) w  MOM + RECOU



names and organization

accurate and incentive title

1st and last names of the author diploma prepared

academic year


1st and last names ot the work placement mentors (preceded by Ms or Mr) and function


Training report - Mylène Micoton Master "Acoustics and Mechanics"

Academic year 2050-2051

Company Audiotruck 188 WE Street

1024 New-York

Phone: (121) 243-256-974

Work placement mentor: M. ..., Research engineer Academic contact: Ms ..., Lecturer




l  Qualities: the title must be w  accurate and incentive w  as short as possible w  balanced

w  in accordance with all the usual writing rules l  Examples (more or less bad in absolute terms):

w  ultrasonic non destructive testing of composites plates w  measurement of the TOF in the 4502A-B

w  study of the definition of the parameters involved in the noise emitted by the wheels of wheelbarrows in rocky grounds, as noticed by a number of residents at dawn

w  in view of application to the measurement of the acoustic impedance of a combustion chamber, study, in a tube, of the acoustic propagation using modelling of the effect of a temperature gradient along the tube and numerical validation of this propagation

l  Tangible example

The choice of the "good" title is essential. It can take some time and can result from a large number of trials to gather the necessary qualities

non-indicative title, because too far general non indicative title,

because too much singled out, with "home" language

too long title with respect to the information it


non-balanced title, poorly written



The aim of this example is to find a title to a contract end report, in the form of a manuscript which is not limited to results, but which must also present the models used and the experimental set-up implemented.

The study presented in the manuscript deals with electroacoustics. It focuses on the theoretical and experimental characterization of electrodynamic loudspeakers, and notably

i) on the modelling of their mechanical and acoustical properties in transient regime (starting transient and ringing), which requires to conduct theoretical study in the time domain,

ii) on the measurement of these properties, according to known methods yet adapted to meet the specific requirements of the study (imposed by a particular specification),

iii) and on the comparison of theoretical and experimental results in order to refine the model, then identify and assess the relevant parameters of the system.

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...



l  Study of loudspeakers

l  Study of electrodynamic loudspeakers l  Transient of electrodynamic loudspeakers

l  Modeling of the transient regime of electrodynamic loudspeakers

l  Theoretical and experimental results on the transient regime of of electrodynamic loudspeakers in order to study their behavior

l  Electrodynamic loudspeakers transient behavior: model and measurements

l  Electrodynamic loudspeakers transient behavior: model and measurement, relevant parameters


THANKS (1/3)

l  Simple courtesy

w  Indicates the level of gratitude

w  Provides information on the roles played by each people l  People to quote:

w  Chief of service, Director, ...

w  financers w  promoters

w  person(s) in charge w  participants

w  colleagues, ...

l  Avoid:

w  implied unpleasant things

w  person non involved in the work w  nicknames of any kind

l  Rules of presentation of quoted persons:

w  surname and first name preceded by Mr. or Ms.

w  give the right profession (without any mistake) l  Example


THANKS (2/3)


I wish to express my gratitude to Mr. Jean Trancène who gave me the responsibility for performing a very enriching and interesting work.

I deeply thank Ms. Hélène Detroie of the Humboldt University, who gave me the chance to participate to an exciting work and who supervised me in a friendly atmosphere.

A special thanks to D. Homer, design engineer, who made me discover the testing service.

Thanks also to Catherine and Michel.

Thanks finally to all people I have known during my internship for their sympathy and support.

Wrong example


THANKS (3/3)


I wish to express my gratitude to Mr. Jean Trancène, head of the Research Department of XX company, which provided the means necessary for the implementation of this project and who has accepted my application to participate. He entrusted me with very rewarding job and gave me a certain autonomy suitable to stimulate my interest.

I deeply thank Ms. Hélène Detroie, Professor at the UU University, to whom I owe the luck to have found this training course, for the warm welcome that she regularly reserved to me, and for the valuable assistance she provided me with some aspects of my work.

Many thanks to Mr. Didier Homer, engineer, who from day to day, has taught me the multiple aspects attached to the experimental study, letting me taking the initiative on the most important things; he made me discover the arcana of a testing service.

Thanks also to Ms. Catherine Gentil and Mr. Michel Lami, companions of internship which I appreciated the mood and aid for the difficults moments.

Thanks finally to all people I have known during my internship for their sympathy and support.

Good example

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...



l  Qualities:

w  be understandable

w  go from general to particular

w  present the general context with respect to former studies

w  present the particular context of the company or of the laboratory w  include the description of the study, its aim, the nature of the work w  give the followed outline

w  indicate in the best way the contribution of the trainee in the project

l  Traps to avoid:

w  the use of "I", "we", exceptly wisely

w  the mixing of tenses of verbs (the use of the present avoids many traps) w  the systematic use of the passive form in order to avoid personal pronouns w  entry too fast into the heart of the matter

w  terms, acronyms or in-house expresssions w  spoken language

l  Example:



aintain the attention, -


ptimize understanding,



inimize the time to read or to listen,

in a word, respect the partner who reads or listens.

This is also a matter of courtesy.


INTRODUCTION (2/5) - english


In carrying out the study of the vibration of a plate, our aim is to familiarize themselves with the LMS environment. Indeed, in order to understand how to configure measuring apparatus, to carry out an input, and what are the mathematical methods, it is preferable to work on simple system.

The theory allows to mathematically find the vibration modes of vibration of a thin plate, because its geometry is simple and its constitution is homogeneous. We can therefore verify the results of our measurements and find out if our experimental system is reliable or not.

The guitar presents many more settings and there is no theoretical model on which we can rely.

LMS is software which can process data in order to provide enough information on knowing the validity of our study, it is therefore important to use all its tools and thus to determine patterns of guitar.

Bad example


INTRODUCTION (3/5) - english


After having carrying out for many centuries increasingly sophisticated and efficient musical instruments through the accumulated experience from generation to generation, musical instruments makers wish today to improve their work not either empirical but scientific and technical bases, notably in order to saving time issues. The understanding of the physical phenomena involved in musical instruments goes by analytical modeling of equivalent simplified systems, then by numerical modeling of systems which are closer to the real instrument, and finally by experiments on real instruments.

The study, only started in the framework of this project, aims in the end at obtaining the characterization of the vibrationnal behavior of guitars, which are vibrating shells in the shape of an open box, acting as a resonator, the box being locally excited. The characterization technique taken on is that which uses the LMS software. This software allows to acquire and to process experimental signals coming from the accelerometers linked to the vibrating structure, put in vibrations under the effect of the shock caused by an impact hammer (itself a reference accelerometer-equipped), and, on the basis of a vibration model adapted to the system studied, to give the basic parameters of the physical system considered, within the framework of a modal theory.


Good example

(2 first paragraphs)

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...


INTRODUCTION (4/5) - english


In order to implement this technique (new for the XXX company) in good conditions for the characterization of guitars, the experimental set-up is performed in a first time around a plate with "compatible" geometry which, under the experimental conditions, can be considered as thin and homogeneous. Thus, the analytical modeling can serve as a theoretical support from which the results obtained by the LMS technique can be controlled with sufficient accuracy for the application to the guitar.

It is the aim of the work entrusted to me, to implement this experimental bench, to perform the studies previously indicated, and to ensure the reliability of the results obtained by control on the basis of the analytical results calculated besides, in order to prepare the final implementation of experiments on real guitars. This work is presented in the following three chapters: the first chapter is devoted to the presentation of measuring set up, the second to the LMS software, its features and its use (for the study considered here), and the last deals with the analysis of signals, their interpretation and the results obtained in terms of reliability of the modal parameters.

Good example

(2 last paragraphs)

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...


INTRODUCTION (5/5) - english

Nowadays, the generation of acoustic fields by bringing optical or thermic energy achieves renewed interest because of applications... Fundamental researches are carried out which...

The design of systems suitable to... and the realisation of the first prototypes, in conventional technology then in microtechnology... only appeared recently.

In fact, in the current situation, the state of research allows to interpret more precisely some fundamendtal physical phenomena, including,... These interpretations are already reflected in some criteria which need to be taken into account for the design of the transducers of the considered type.

However, the new parameters, linked to phenomena not apprehended so far,...

Thus, it seems necessary to... More precisely...

As a result, it is the aim of the study presented in this manuscript/document to.... with a view to... This study was conducted in four steps which are presented sequentially in the four chapters that follow. In the first chapter... This result led to...; it is the aim of the second

chapter. The difficulties encountered in the experimental study which focuses on... required...;

so far ...., bringing the interpretation sought for the observed phenomenon... (these two last aspects are presented in chapters 3 and 4).

Note that the fundamental theory which was retained and adapted...

Example of a general outline

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...


INTRODUCTION (2/5) - français


En réalisant l'étude des vibrations d'une plaque, notre but est de se familiariser avec l'environnement de LMS. En effet, pour comprendre comment configurer les appareils de mesure, réaliser une saisie, et quelles sont les méthodes mathématiques, il est préférable de travailler sur système simple.

La théorie permet de trouver mathématiquement les modes de vibration d'une plaque mince, car sa géométrie est simple et sa constitution est homogène. On peut donc vérifier les résultats de nos mesures et savoir si notre système d'expérimentation est fiable.

La guitare présente beaucoup plus de paramètres et il n'y a pas de modèle théorique sur lequel on puisse se baser.

LMS est un logiciel capable de traiter les données pour fournir assez de renseignements sur connaître la validité de notre étude, il nous est donc important de savoir utiliser tous ses outils et ainsi déterminer les modes de la guitare.

Mauvais exemple


INTRODUCTION (3/5) - français


Après avoir réalisé pendant des siècles des instruments de musique de plus en plus sophistiqués et performants grâce à l'expérience accumulée de génération en génération, les facteurs d'instruments de musique souhaitent aujourd'hui pouvoir améliorer leur travail sur des bases non plus empiriques mais scientifiques et techniques, pour des questions de gain de temps notamment. La compréhension des phénomènes physiques mis en jeu dans les instruments de musique passe naturellement par une modélisation analytique de systèmes simplifiés équivalents, puis numérique de systèmes plus proches de l'instrument réel et enfin expérimentale sur les instruments réels.

L'étude, seulement commencée dans le cadre de ce projet, a pour objet à terme d'accéder à la caractérisation du comportement vibratoire des guitares, coques vibrantes en forme de boite ouverte, faisant office de résonateur, excitée localement. La technique de caractérisation retenue est celle qui fait usage du logiciel LMS. Ce logiciel permet d'acquérir et de traiter les signaux expérimentaux issus d'accéléromètres fixés sur la structure vibrante, mise en vibrations sous l'effet d'un choc provoqué par un marteau d'impact (lui-même muni d'un accéléromètre de référence) et, sur la base d'un modèle vibratoire adapté au système étudié, de donner les paramètres fondamentaux du système physique considéré, dans le cadre d'une théorie modale.


Bon exemple

(2 premiers paragraphes)


INTRODUCTION (4/5) - français


Afin de mettre en œuvre cette technique (nouvelle pour la société XXX) dans de bonnes conditions pour la caractérisation des guitares, le montage expérimental est effectué dans un premier temps autour d'une plaque à géométrie "compatible" qui, dans les conditions d'expériences, peut être considérée comme mince et homogène. De la sorte, la modélisation analytique peut servir de support théorique à partir duquel les résultats obtenus par la technique LMS peuvent être contrôlés avec une précision suffisante pour l'application à la guitare.

C'est l'objet du travail qui m'a été confié que de mettre en place ce banc expérimental, d'effectuer les études indiquées précédemment et d'assurer la fiabilité des résultats obtenus par contrôle sur la base des résultats analytiques calculés par ailleurs, pour préparer la mise en place définitive des expériences à mener sur les guitares réelles. Ce travail est présenté dans les trois chapitres qui suivent : le premier chapitre est consacré à la présentation du banc de mesure mis en place, le second à celle du logiciel LMS, de ses caractéristiques et de son usage (pour l'étude considérée ici), et le dernier traite de l'analyse des signaux, de leur interprétation et des résultats obtenus en terme de fiabilité des paramètres modaux.

Bon exemple

(2 derniers paragraphes)


L'INTRODUCTION (5/5) - français

De nos jours, la génération de champs acoustiques par apport d'énergie optique ou thermique connaît un regain d'intérêt en raison des applications... Des recherches

fondamentales sont menées qui... La conception de systèmes adaptés à... et la réalisation de premiers prototypes, en technologie classique puis en microtechnologie,....ne sont

apparues que récemment.

En fait, dans la situation actuelle, l'état des recherches permet d'interpréter plus précisément certains phénomènes physiques fondamentaux parmi lesquels,.... Ces interprétations se

traduisent déjà par certains critères à prendre en compte dans la conception des transducteurs du type considéré.

Cependant, des paramètres nouveaux, attachés à des phénomènes non appréhendés jusqu'à présent,...

C'est ainsi qu'à ce jour il paraît nécessaire de... Plus précisément...

Par suite, c'est l'objet de l'étude présentée dans ce mémoire/document que de... en vue de...

Cette étude a été menée en quatre étapes présentées séquentiellement dans les quatre

chapitres qui suivent. Dans le premier chapitre.... Ce résultat a conduit à...; c'est l'objet du deuxième chapitre. Les difficultés rencontrées dans l'étude expérimentale qui porte sur... ont nécessité de...; par delà, ...., apportant l'interprétation recherchée pour le phénomène

observé...(ces deux derniers aspects sont présentés dans les chapitres 3 et 4).

A noter que la théorie fondamentale retenue et adaptée...

Exemple de plan général



l  Qualities:

w  those of the introduction w  +

w  identify again the initial aims of the work

w  summarize and synthesize what has been written in the document w  highlight the main results, successes or failures

w  present prospects for futur works

w  general impression of the trainee, interest of the internship, ...

l  Traps to avoid:

w  those of the introduction w  +

w  "my training went well, I am happy, people were nice (or not), I will gladly return"

l  Example:




The main result of this study is that the model provides a good tool to model the transfer of energy of the beam, in any situation, and particularly in ours. This modeling remains effective even if disagreements between theory and experiment are not negligible. The agreement is even excellent when resetting the curves.

However, the use of this type of beam reveals some difficulties. Indeed, the more important weakness of these bars resides in the dispersion of their characteristics during their manufacture (their attachment and their profile may vary significantly from one day to the next). However the minimum energy transfer from the beam to its environment is obtained when the resonance frequency of the beam is close to that of the system which is bound to it. This dispersion may be at the origin of a significant decrease in the performance of a classic machine. This is also the case for related systems presented in the second part of this thesis which presents another structure. The behaviour of this structure must be adapted to the system to achieve a minimum transfer. The structure dedicated to the applications must therefore be stable over time.

Bad example

(conclusion of a first part and link with the second part)

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...



l  This text has in fact three proposals:

w  the main aim

w  advantages and weaknesses

w  problems solved and opening on the continuation of the work l  Defects:

w  passage from one to the other proposal not clearly marked w  some assertions misplaced in a desordered manner

w  words often confused w  ...

l  Role of the text (poorly made):

w  summarize and discuss the level of attainment in the first part of the memory

w  prepare the reader to read the second part

Comments on the bad example



The main aim of the study presented in this first part is to give an analytical formulation which, in comparison with those proposed in the literature, remains relatively simple, without actually assuming redhibitory simplifying assumptions (such as those used by some authors who neglect a priori the bending moment of the beam), and without actually neglecting the effect of the coupling between the beam and the structure attached to its end, which plays an essential role in the behavior of the beam and in the vibratory transfer beam/structure.

With the exception of resetting scales, required by the consequences of uncertainties that affect the basic parameters of the beam (its Young modulus, its shear modulus, its geometric profile, its fixing on the structure,...), the obtained model permits to interpret the results observed in the experimental study conducted here (and confirmed by other authors), revealing the complexity of the coupling and therefore that of the vibratory energy beam/structure, especially around the working point (notably in terms of frequency) of the machine. As a result it appears that this model can serve as a guide, qualitative even quantitative (despite the complexity of certain expressions), for the methods and the choices to retain in practice for the reduction of vibratory energy transfer.

The fact remains that it is essential to produce beams whose parameters are known and stable, due to the requirements imposed by the optimization of coupled beam-structure systems. Owing to the boundaries of the technique and the materials in terms of stability of the parameters of the beam, and based on the model presented in this first part of the memory, we continued the study by searching for a geometric configuration of the beam and for a binding technique beam/structure that would make the vibratory transfer less sensitive to fluctuations of the most significant parameters while keeping it as weak as possible. It is the aim of the second part of this thesis to present a first approach which should allow a advance in this way, the problem remaining for that matter widely open and subsequently in the heart of the projects considered in the short term in the laboratory.

Good example

The english is not that of a native speaker. The grammar may not be the best, but the general principles are respected...


LA CONCLUSION (2/4) - français


Le résultat principal de cette étude est que le modèle offre un bon outil pour modéliser le transfert d'énergie de la poutre, dans n'importe quelle situation, et plus particulièrement dans la nôtre. Cette modélisation reste efficace même si des désaccords entre théorie et expérience ne sont pas négligeables. L'accord est même excellent quand on effectue un recalage des courbes. Néanmoins, l'utilisation de ce type de poutre relève quelques difficultés. En effet, la faiblesse la plus conséquente de ces barres, réside dans la dispersion de leurs caractéristiques lors de leur fabrication (leur fixation et leur profil peuvent varier significativement d'un jour à l'autre). Or le transfert minimal d'énergie de la poutre à son environnement est obtenu lorsque la fréquence de résonance de la poutre est proche de celle du système qui y est lié. Cette dispersion peut être à l'origine d'une baisse significative des performances d'une machine classique. C'est également le cas pour les systèmes liés présentés dans la deuxième partie de ce mémoire qui présentent une autre structure. Le comportement de cette structure doit être adapté au système pour réaliser un transfert minimal. La structure dédiée aux applications visées devra donc être stable dans le temps.

Mauvais exemple

(conclusion d'une première partie et lien avec la deuxième partie)


LA CONCLUSION (4/4) - français

L'objectif principal de l'étude présentée dans cette première partie est de donner une formulation analytique qui, en regard de celles proposées dans la littérature, reste relativement simple, sans pour autant admettre des hypothèses simplificatrices rédhibitoires (telles celles retenues par certains auteurs qui négligent a priori le moment fléchissant de la poutre), et sans pour autant négliger l'effet du couplage entre la poutre et la structure fixée à son extrémité qui joue un rôle primordial dans le comportement de la poutre et le transfert vibratoire poutre/structure.

Au recalage d'échelle près, nécessité par les conséquences d'incertitudes qui pèsent sur les paramètres fondamentaux de la poutre (son module d'Young, son module de cisaillement, son profil géométrique, sa fixation sur la structure,...), le modèle obtenu permet d'interpréter les résultats observés dans l'étude expérimentale effectuée ici (et confirmée par d'autres auteurs), révélant la complexité du couplage et par suite celle du transfert d'énergie vibratoire poutre/structure, en particulier autour du point de fonctionnement (en terme de fréquence notamment) de la machine. Par suite il apparaît que ce modèle peut servir de guide, qualitatif voire quantitatif (malgré la complexité de certaines expressions), dans les méthodes et les choix à retenir en pratique pour la réduction des transferts d'énergie vibratoire.

Reste qu'il est essentiel de réaliser des poutres dont les paramètres sont connus et stables, en raison des exigences imposées par l'optimisation des systèmes poutre/structure couplés. Devant les limites de la technique et des matériaux en terme de stabilité des paramètres de la poutre, et sur la base du modèle présenté dans cette première partie du mémoire, nous avons poursuivi l'étude en recherchant une configuration géométrique de la poutre et une technique de liaison poutre/structure qui rendrait le transfert vibratoire moins sensible aux fluctuations des paramètres les plus significatifs tout en le maintenant aussi faible que possible. C'est l'objet de la seconde partie de ce mémoire que de présenter une première approche qui doit permettre une avancée dans ce sens, le problème restant au demeurant largement ouvert et par suite au cœur des projets envisagés à court terme au laboratoire.

Bon exemple



Whatever type of communication concerned, a few large general rules can be drawn here in a few words:



aintain the attention, -


ptimize understanding,



inimize the time to read or to listen,

in a word, respect the partner who reads or listens.

This is also a matter of courtesy.

and thereby favor the RECOU : REspect and COUrtesy!

«Whatever is well conceived is clearly said, And the words to say it flow with ease.»

Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux (1636 -1711), The Art of Poetry (L'Art poétique).



l  Precondition:

w  organization following a succession of chapters

w  each chapter is separated into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs w  chapters and paragraphs include

P  a title

P  a few introductory and concluding transition lines l  Technical rules:

w  number chapters, paragraphs, and subparagraphs ( then i), ii), iii), iv), ...)

w  number the pages

w  justify the text left and right w  use 1.5 line spacing

w  use a normal font; a judicious change of font can, however, be used in order to help the understanding of the text

w  use the spelling checker



l  Writign rules:

w  explain all acronyms the first time they are used

w  explain all non usual technical terminology ==> glossary w  well link ideas together

w  write the sentences with correct syntax

w  do not change time unnecessarily: the use of the present is very strongly recommended

w  avoid "I", "we"

w  put flowcharts, tables of results, succession of figures, lines of programs in appendices

w  cite all sources (excerpts in quotation marks, in the caption of the figures, ...) by a number referring to the bibliography; be careful:

PLAGIARISM is a crime!!!

l  Training report

w  summary ≠ logbook

w  possible short history of the company w  effective part of the author in the study



l  Usefull words

w  link between ideas: First, then, finally, and, finally, to one side, on the other, however, on one hand, on the other hand, it should be noted, moreover, specifically, sometimes now, but, nevertheless, while, in order to, in particular, it remains that, despite, though, although, in terms of, on the basis of, while being (remaining, giving,...), so far, beyond, of course, subsequently...

w  explanations: indeed, so, therefore, however, yet, thus,

consequently, so, in fact, then, because of, thanks to, because,

since, either...


LE CORPS DU TEXTE (4/18) - français

l  Mots utiles

w  enchaînement d'idées : tout d'abord, ensuite, enfin, puis, et, par ailleurs, en dernier lieu, d'un côté, de l'autre, de plus, en revanche, d'une part, d'autre part, il convient de noter, en outre, plus précisément, parfois, actuellement, mais, néanmoins, cependant, alors, alors que, pourtant, en vue de, en particulier, reste que, malgré (et non malgré que), quoique, bien que, en termes de, sur la base de, tout en étant (restant, donnant, ...), reste au demeurant, jusqu'à présent, par delà, de surcroît, bien entendu, ...

w  explications : en effet, donc, par conséquent, toutefois,

pourtant, ainsi, par suite, c'est ainsi que, en fait, de ce fait, en

raison de, grâce à , car, puisque, soit, ...



l  Punctuation (rules are different in french)


punctuation mark space no


Full stop . P P

Comma , P P

Semicolon ; P P

Colon : P P

Exclamation mark ! P P

Question mark ? P P

Slash / P P

Percent % P P

Paragraph § P P

Opening parenthesis (... P P

Closing parenthesis ....) P P

Opening quotation "... P P

Closing quotation ..." P P

Apostrophe ' P P

Dash - P P

Hyphen - P P

space no




l  Ponctuation - français

espace insécable dans le logiciel Word : ctrl+maj+barre d'espace


Signe de ponctuation une espace pas d'espace

une espace pas

Le point . P P

La virgule , P P

Le point-virgule ; P P

Les deux points : P P

Le point d'exclamation ! P P

Le point d'interrogation ? P P

La barre de fraction / P P

Le pourcent % P P

Le paragraphe § P P

La parenthèse ouvrante (... P P

La parenthèse fermante ....) P P

Le guillemet ouvrant "... P P

Le guillemet fermant ..." P P

L'apostrophe ' P P

Le tiret - P P

Le trait d'union - P P




l  Equations:

w  equations are an integral part of the sentences of the text (punctuation), in order to minimize reading time

w  equations must be numbered in order of appearance w  each new notation must be explained

w  always use the same notation to designate the same quantity w  type notations in the text as in the equations

w  make use of the good linking words


The projection onto normal n of Euler equation

(x,y,z) n (x,y,z)

i n

0 ω =−∂


, (3.5)

permits to write Equation (3.4-b) in the form

(x,y,z) ik (x,y,z) 0


n + β =

, (3.6)

i.e., since n ez +

= thus n =+z ,


z +ik0β

) (

x,y,z = Lz


=0, x




, y




, en z = Lz . (3.7)



l  Equations (sequence):


Finally, putting mn =4mnmn and

ˆ =

R , yields to :

( ) mn ( x)



) (

ik z ik z


i t

mn x,y,z;t cos m x L cos n y L e ˆe e

= π π z +R z ω , (3.12)

results which makes appear, in particular, the modal form previously expected.


Substituting for solution (1.2) into equation (1.1), leads to ...


Finally, by substituting the expressions (3.10) and (3.11) for and into equation (3.13), the pressure field can be written as

( ) 2ik L ( x)




ik z 2ik L ik z i t

0 0 0 z

0 cos x L cos y L e e e e

e 1

V c k

t k

; z , y , x

z11 z11 z z11

11 z z 11




⎜ ⎞


⎛ +

π π

= ρ . (3.16)



l  Equations (sequence):


The propagation equation for the pressure (x,y,z;t) in the considered domain can be written as

(x,y,z;t) 0, x [0,L ], y [0,L ], z [0,L ], t

x y z

2 c tt


2 0

⎟ =


⎜ ⎞


⎛Δ , (2.27)

where notation 2tt stands for 2 t2 and where c , 0 L , x L , y L and t respectively denote z the speed of sound in the fluid, the dimension of the parallelepipedic rectangle following x, y, and z directions, and the time.

The condition at the interface source/acoustic field at z=0 [Equation (4-a) above] requires that the acoustic pressure field takes the following harmonic form (angular frequency ω)

(x,y,z;t) (x,y,z)ei t

= ω , (2.28)

and consequently Eq. (2.27) takes the form of the following Helmholtz equation:

( ) [ x] [ y] [ z]

2tt 2

c x,y,z 0, x 0,L , y 0,L , z 0,L

0 =






⎡ ⎟


⎜ ⎞



Δ ω . (2.29)


The propagation equation for the pressure (x,y,z;t) in the considered domain can be written as

(x,y,z;t) 0, x [0,L ], y [0,L ], z [0,L ], t

x y z

2tt c


02 ⎟ =


⎜ ⎞


⎛Δ . (2.27)

Where notation 2tt stands for 2 t2 and where c , 0 L , x L , y L and t respectively denote z the speed of sound in the fluid, the dimension of the parallelepipedic rectangle following x, y, and z directions, and the time.



l  Equations (end):

Finally, the behavior of the pressure field is governed by the set of equations which takes the following form:

( )

{ ( ) ( ) }

( ) ( )

( )

( )

( )

( )

( )


x y z

0 n 0 0

x y

z 0 0z

z z


x x


y y

, x 0, L , y 0, L , z 0, L ,

ˆ ˆ

P r G r, r P r d

, x 0, L , y 0, L , at ˆP x, y,z 0 i V x, y

ˆP x, y,z L 0 ˆP x 0, y,z 0 ˆP x L , y,z 0 ˆP x, y 0,z 0 ˆP x, y L ,z 0




⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

∀ ∈ ∀ ∈ ∀ ∈

⎧ = σ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦

⎪⎪ = = − ωρ ∀ ∈⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ ∀ ∈⎡⎣ ⎤⎦


= =


⎨∂ = =

⎪⎪∂ = =

⎪⎪∂ = =

⎪⎪∂ = =


r r r r

x y z

y z

x y z

x z

x y z

z 0 , , x 0, L , y 0, L , at z L , , at x 0 , y 0, L , z 0, L , , at x L , y 0, L , z 0, L , , x 0, L , at y 0 , z 0, L , , x 0, L , at y L , z 0, L .


⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

∀ ∈⎣ ⎦ ∀ ∈⎣ ⎦ =

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

= ∀ ∈⎣ ⎦ ∀ ∈⎣ ⎦

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

= ∀ ∈⎣ ⎦ ∀ ∈⎣ ⎦

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

∀ ∈⎣ ⎦ = ∀ ∈⎣ ⎦

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤

∀ ∈⎣ ⎦ = ∀ ∈⎣ ⎦

(6.9-a) (6.9-b) (6.9-c) (6.9-d) (6.9-e) (6.9-f) (6.9-g)



l  Figure:

w  each figure must be

P  numbered in order of appearance in the text P  include a caption sufficiently explicit

P  called in the body of the text by its number

w  if a figure is not yours, its source must be explicitly quoted.

w  a figure does not replace a detailed text

a) b)

Figure 2.2: Velocity field of acoustic sources; a) usual field in the shape of sin(πx Lx), b) field chosen here in the shape of cos(πx Lx)

Figure 2.3: reflection of an oblique incident wave (incident angle θ ) on the plane z =Lz

Equation (2.23) is the classical expression of the reflection coefficient on a plane surface located at


z = (fig. 2.3):

11 z z 0

0 0

0 2ik L

c cos Z

c cos Z

1 e

ˆ 1

ρ θ ρ



R = , (2.24)

and Equation (2.24) is nothing but Equation (2.23) by writting kz =k0cosθ

11 and β=ρ0c0 Z (where Z denotes the wall impedance).

The term e2ikz11Lz results form the choice of the origin of the respective back and forward amplitude waves.



l  Lists:

-  put a comma at the end of each line,

-  ... , -  ... , -  ... , -  end the last line with a point.

w  if each paragraph includes commas

-  put a semi-colon at the end of each line;

-  ...;

-  ...;

-  ...;

-  end the last line with a point.

w  If some paragraphs have more than one sentence, complete each paragraph by a point and therefore begin each paragraph with a capital letter


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