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Improvement of the Electrical Properties of Layered Semiconductor Thin Films by Iodine Treatment


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Improvement of the Electrical Properties of Layered Semiconductor Thin Films by Iodine Treatment

J. Bernede, H. Hadouda, S. Li, H. Essaidi, J. Pouzet, A. Khelil

To cite this version:

J. Bernede, H. Hadouda, S. Li, H. Essaidi, J. Pouzet, et al.. Improvement of the Electrical Properties of Layered Semiconductor Thin Films by Iodine Treatment. Journal de Physique III, EDP Sciences, 1996, 6 (12), pp.1697-1704. �10.1051/jp3:1996208�. �jpa-00249552�


Improvenlent of the Electrical Properties of Layered

Semiconductor Thin Films by Iodine Treatment

J-C- Bernede (~), H. Hadouda (~), S-J- Li (~), H. Essaidi (~), J. Pouzet (~>*) and

A. Khelil (~)

(~) Laboratoire de Physique des Mat6riaux pour l'fllectronique,

kquipe Couches Minces et Mat6riaux Nouveaux, Facult6 des Sciences et des Techniques, Universit6 de Nantes, 2

rue de la Houssinibre, 44072 Nantes Cedex 03, France (~) Laboratoire de Physique des Mat6riaux et Composants de I'(lectronique,

Universit6 d'oran As S6nia, BP 1642, Oran, Algeria

(Received18 March 1996, revised 4 June 1996, accepted 13 September1996)

PACS.73. Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces, interfaces and thin films

Abstract. The conductivity of WSe2, MoS2, WS2 thin films, obtained by solid state reaction between the metal and the chalcogen sequentially deposited, is controlled by grain boundary scattering mechanisms. A mild annealing treatment at 373 K for 1/2 h to 6 h under iodine

atmosphere improves the conductivity of the films. In the case of WSe2, which gives the better results, the room temperature conductivity can be multiplied by 25. If the conductivity is improved, its dependence with the temperature demonstrates that the conductivity process is still controlled by grain boundary scattering mechanisms. All the conductivity results are

interpreted with the help of a grain boundary model. Barrier height fluctuations at the grain boundary are introduced to have experimental and theoretical data fit together. After iodine

treatment the mean barrier height has decreased and the homogeneity of the films is improved.

These improvements are very promising for photovoltaic application since it appears that iodine

passivates defects at the grain boundaries.


The transition metal semiconductors such as WSe2, MoS2, WS2 belong to the family of

dichalcogenides with a layer-type structure. They can act as efficient absorber films in photo- voltaic cells because of their band gaps which are well matched with the solar spectrum and their high absorption coefficients for the wavelength range of the solar spectrum [1j.

MoS2, WS2 and WSe2 thin films are extremely promising because only a very small amount of materia1is needed to construct an absorber being able to harvest most of the solar light.

They have been intensively investigated for photovoltaic applications. It has been shown that

van der Waals planes perpendicular to the c-axis are not chemically active while the surface perpendicular to these van der Waals planes are very active and are mainly responsible of poor performance of solar cells having large density of steps at the surface [2-4j. Therefore

a method to reduce these disadvantgeous effects on the electrical properties of these layered (*) Author for correspondence

© Les flditions de Physique 1996



semiconductors is needed. There is two possibilities to decrease the density of these defaults, either increase the size of the crystallites which have their c-axis perpendicular to the plane of the substrate, or passivate the active planes.

Fortunately some authors have succeeded in the first way [5-9] but the process used im-

plies a temperature higher than the melting temperature of glass which means that expensive substrates are needed. In this paper we describe a low temperature process which allows to

improve the conductivity of the films by iodine passivation of the defaults.


All the films studied in this work (WSe2, MoS2, WS2) have been obtained by the same tech-

nique called "solid state reaction induced by annealing between the constituents sequentially deposited"

This technique has been described in detail in earlier papers [10-13j, therefore it will be

only shortly recalled here. Layers of M(M

= W or Mo) and XIX

= Se or S) were deposited sequentially in order to obtain (M/X/M/. MIX) sequences. After deposition, the multi-

layer structures were annealed in a vacuum sealed Pyrex tube. Chalcogen have a high vapour

pressure. Therefore during the annealing, the last chalcogen layer was evaporated and the thicknesses of the other layers were calculated to achieve the desired composition. The anneal- ing temperature and time varied between 823 K to 853 K and 4 h to 145 h respectively [10-13j.

The chalcogen atmosphere, during the annealing, improves strongly the crystalline quality of the films. During the cooling of the Pyrex tube, there is some chalcogen condensation at the

surface of the films. Therefore the samples were annealed for 4 h at 723 K under vacuum in order to sublimate this excess of chalcogen at the surface of the samples.

At the end of the process, the quality of the films has been checked by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and microprobe analysis. All the films are cry-stallized in the 2H &fX2 structure with a texturation factor Foot higher than 0.7 which means that the majority of the crystallites have their c-axis perpendicular to the

plane of the substrate. All these films are nearly stoichiometric (32 < M at.% < 35).

The films are systematically polycrystalline with a surface more or less homogeneous. How- ever, there are no large cracks visible in scanning electron microscopy. The influence of iodine

treatment on the electrical properties of the films has been studied. Before and after iodine

treatment, the variation of the conductivity of the MX2 films with the temperature was mea-

sured. Electrical measurements were performed on planar samples. Evaporated gold was used in order to deposit electrodes on the samples. Cu wire was attached to the Au electrode with

Ag paste.

The d-c- conductance of the structures was measured with an electrometer Keithley 617.

During measurements, the currents generated by the electrometer were between I nA and 1 ~IA. Electrical measurements were carried out in the dark at temperatures between 100 to

500 K. Au gives a good ohmic contact.

In order to proceed to iodine treatment, the samples have been introduced with a small

amount of iodine in Pyrex tubes. These tubes were sealed under vacuum and annealed for

1/2 h to 6 h at 363 or 373 K. For smaller temperature, there was not any modification of the conductivity of the films. For a higher temperature, there was some transport efsect and a high density of pinholes appeared in the films.


Experimental Results and Discussion

All the films have been physicochemically characterized before any conductivity study [10,12, 13j. The thickness of the films varies between 100 nm to 500 nm. All the films are nearly

stoichiometric (32 at.% < M < 35 at.%) and crystallize in the 2H MX2 hexagonal structure.

The surface homogeneity of the films has been checked by SEM. Only the films without cracks and without a large density of pinholes have been studied.

In order to make sure that the modifications of the electrical properties of the samples were

not due to the heating cycles during the electrical measurements, we have applied systematically

two measurements cycles: before and after iodine treatment. Before iodine treatment, the

conductivity properties of all the films are stable. The room temperature conductivity is

nearly the same at the beginning and at the end of a heating cycle (100 K 500 K). After

annealing under iodine atmosphere, the room temperature conductivity of the samples has increased (Tab. I). The most significant result is obtained with the WSe2 samples. In that

case the conductivity is increased by a factor of 25.

It has been shown earlier [14j that the carrier mobility (~1) and the conductivity la) of the films studied here is far smaller than the one expected in single crystals which demonstrates

that their conductivity is controlled by grain boundary scattering mechanisms.

We can see in Figure that the conductivity does not follow an Arrhenius dependence,

as expected by using the classical grain boundary model of Seto [15j, the samples exhibiting

marked variations in idIn aT~~)/bT with temperature. The observed slopes are always in-

creasing with the temperature which is compatible with modified grain boundary scattering

mechanisms [16j.

The classical thermal emission across grain boundary [17] is given by:

J = A*T~e~Q"~~'e~~~~~/~~'(1 e~~~d/~~) ii)


A* efsective Richardson constant, kT/q thermal energy,

q( Fermi level position within the grain: q( = EC EF

" kTln(Nc In),

Nc effective density of state, n carriers density,

Vgb barrier potential at the grain boundary, Vd bias voltage.

As shown by Werner [16], if we introduce potential variations among different boundaries and model the fluctuating barrier # by a Gaussian distribution:

pj~) =

e-(T-4)~/(2a~) j~~


with T mean barrier and aj standard deviation, we obtain:


~~~~~~ ~~~~ 2k'/q ~~~

It can be seen that #e~ decreases upon cooling. The slopes of Arrhenius plots of conductivities

are therefore curved upwards. Werner has shown that the temperature dependent activation energy Eact is given by:



~~~~~~~ ~dT-1 ~~~'~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ k/q~ ~~~



~ l-


~~ -14


2 3 4 5 6 7

~) T"~ (K"~)



~ _~~


# -24



§ -25 -26

-27 ~~q


2 3 4 5 6

b) T"~ (K~)

Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of WSe2 and MoS2 films before and after iodine treatment. a) (D) WSe2 before iodine treatment, (o) WSe2 after iodine treatment (373 K

-1/2 h). b) (D) MoS2 before iodine treatment, (o) MoS2 after iodine treatment (373 K h).

As can be seen in Figure 1, there is a good agreement between the experimental points and

parabola. The corresponding values obtained for 4 and

a~ are reported in Table I. We have

reported in Table I the homogeneity factor, H

= T(T

= 0)la~, proposed by Werner [16]. It can

be seen that, if H is able to estimate the homogeneity of the films, we need a more restricting quality factor when these films should also have their electrical and optical properties as near

as possible to those of a single crystal. Therefore the estimation of the quality of the films

need to take into account their conductivity and their band gap. In a previous paper [18j we

have used this model in the case of MoSe2 thin films and we have proposed a quality factor Q such that:



'~~ H(i jE~tf E~~~j/E~~~) is)


with Eg for optical gap, subscript "tf' for thin film and subscript "sc" for the single crystal.


Table I. Electrical parameters and quality factor deduced from electrical measurements before

and after iodine treatment.

Sample Single crystal reference D* Foot Annealing conditions a300

x ~ a~ H Q

asc 300 K Egsc (nm) (itCm) (mV)

WSe2 853 K 4 h 5.2 x 10-3 280 34 8.3 0 02

500 nm [24( 1.16 (1] > 200 +373 K 1/2 h 130 x 10~~ 225 29 7.9 0.47

under iodine pressure

iVS2 823 II 145 h 70 x 10-3 275 55 5 o-IS

loo nm 6 1.29 lo am 0.7 +363 K 6 h 170 x 10-~ 260 50 5.2 0.42

MoS2 823 K 24 h lo x 10-~ 155 42 4 0.08

500 nm 0.5 [26] 1.14 ii] 20 JJm 0.9 +373 K I h 65 x 10~~ 129 36 3 0.38

MoS2 823 1( 24 h 40 x 10~~ 150 40 3.8 0.3

loo am 0.5 1.14 20 am 0.9 +373 K I h 130 x 10~~ lls 35 3.3 0 85

mean measurements

The higher Q, the higher the quality of the films. For each compound, to have meaning, the

quality factors should be calculated by using always the same value for a~c and Eg~c.

As we can see in Table I, the quality factor Q of the films is strongly improved by iodine treatment. The room temperature conductivity has increased, but also the barrier height and the barrier fluctuation have decreased.

It can be seen in Figure 1, that, if the iodine treatment improves the conductivity of the films,

the evolution of a with 1IT follows the same variation which means that probably it follows the same law. Since before iodine treatment the small value of a and

~1 have been attributed to grain boundary scattering mechanisms, we can imagine that after iodine treatment the

conductivity is still controlled by grain boundary scattering mechanisms and that the iodine influence concerns mainly the grain boundaries.

Since, it has been shown that Ii in photo electrochemical cells can passivate dangling bonds [19]. We can imagine that the same process can work in the experimental conditions described

above. It has been shown that after treatment of WSe2 in polyiodide electrolyte, photovoltaic performance of a solid state WSe2/Au junction is improved [19]. The polyiodide electrolyte

is believed to passivate surface recombination centers due to dangling bonds. It is presumed that this passivating effect remains even when the WSe2 is removed from the electrolyte and is

effective in solid state cells prepared from the passivated WSe2 We can imagine that annealing WSe2, WS2 and MoS2 films under iodine pressure induces the same process.

This proposition is sustained by another work of Hodes et al. [20] where they have shown that iodine vapor treatment (closing of n WSe2/Au sample in a bottle with elemental I at room temperature for 5 min) improves the device performance. They have attributed this

improvement to neutralization of defects mainly situated on the surface perpendicular to the c-axis of the crystal.

They have shown that, even in single crystal, iodine is not just absorbed on the surface but is present along tens of nm. In the case of MoS2 we have shown in an earlier work [21] that while the thin films (< 100 nm thick) are highly homogeneous and textured with the c-axis perpendicular to the plane of the substrate, the thicker films are more porous. It can be seen in Table I that the iodine effect is higher in the case of the thicker MoS2 films.

Therefore we can conclude that this efsect is not only a surface effect and that the iodine influence is higher in the case of thicker MoS2 films because it diffuses easily in these porous thick films and not in the more compact thinner films.



' '~

- W

#U O





bind. energy (eil) Fig. 2. XPS spectrum of I3d5/2 in a WS2 film.

The iodine depth profile of iodine in the thin films studied here should be quite different from the one found by Hodes et al. [20]. In the present case we are not working on single crystals

but on more or less porous thin films. Moreover the iodine treatment has been carried out at 373 K for at least half on hour while Hodes et al. used only room temperature treatment for five minutes.

However the iodine present in these films is very difficult to study because there is only a

very small quantity. No iodine has been detected by microprobe analysis which is a technique

which analyse all the thickness of the sample. By XPS, which is a surface analysis, some iodine has been detected. The sensitivity of these two techniques being nearly the same, the above results demonstrates that iodine is present at the surface of the crystallites and probably at the grain boundaries but not in the bulk of the crystallites.

The iodine species peak detected by XPS being very small (Fig. 2), it is not possible to

decompose this peak, but the full width at half maximum of this peak is too large to be attributed to only one iodine. Covalent and ionic (Ii iodine are probably present in the films.

If the Ii has passivated the dangling bonds, there is also probably some segregation of neutral iodine at the grain boundaries.

It can be seen in Figure 3 that, when the temperature used during the conductivity mea-

surements is higher than 470 K the conductivity of a iodine treated film evolves slowly towards its value before treatment. However if we proceed to conductivity measurements below 350 K

there is not any evolution of the conductivity from one measurement to another one. When

the measurement temperature exceeds 400 K, a new cycle shows that the evolution of a with

the reciprocal temperature nearly follows an Arrhenius law.

Therefore, we can imagine that there is some iodine loss during the measures at high tem-

perature. Probably, some Ii escape from the samples which explain the small decrease of conductivity. But mainly the iodine loss (no XPS signals) corresponds to the segregated (not bonded) covalent iodine, which explain the improvement of the homogeneity factor of the films

(Fig. 3, Tab. I). In the case of polycrystalline selenium thin films doped with iodine, we have shown that the iodine segregated at the grain boundaries induces large strains which modify

the properties of the grain boundaries [22, 23).




-4 ~~

~i +

f +

~ ~

~' ~+


~5 +

p -6


o +

~' +

~ +





l 2 3 4 5 (*10"~)

T"~ (K'~)

Fig. 3. Temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of a WS2 film (thickness

= 100 nm)

annealed at 823 K for 145 h and annealed under iodine atmosphere (363 K 6 h). (.) Before iodine treatment, (+) After iodine treatment: first cycle, (D) After iodine treatment: second cycle.


A very simple method to improve the electrical properties of MX2 films has been described.

The results are very promising for photovoltaic applications, since it has been shown that the

conductivity can be multiplied by 25 and therefore the quality factor is strongly improved.

Hall effect measurements are under way in the laboratory to check the influence of the iodine treatment on the carrier concentration and mobility.


This work was supported by an ECC contract (JOU II CT 930352) and partly by the CMEP 95 (95 DRU 125).


[1] Jager-Waldau A., Lux-Steiner M.Ch. and Bucher E., MoS2, MoSe2, WS2 and WSe2 thin films for photovoltaic, Polycrystalline Semiconductors III, Physics and Technology, Solid

State Phenomena, Vol. 37-38, 214 (Scitec Publications, Switzerland, 1994).

[2) Tenne R. and Wold A., Passivation of recombination centers in n WSe2 yields high

efficiency (> 14%) photoelectro-chemical cell, Appt. Phys. Lett. 47 (1985) 707.

[3] Tenne R., Selective electrochemical etching of p CdTe (for photovoltaic cells), Appt.

Phys. Lett. 2 (1983) 43.


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