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On the rectangular-hexagonal columnar phase transition in disc-like liquid crystals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1983

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On the rectangular-hexagonal columnar phase transition in disc-like liquid crystals

C. Destrade, Nguyen Huu Tinh, J. Malthête, A.M. Levelut

To cite this version:

C. Destrade, Nguyen Huu Tinh, J. Malthête, A.M. Levelut. On the rectangular-hexagonal colum- nar phase transition in disc-like liquid crystals. Journal de Physique, 1983, 44 (5), pp.597-602.

�10.1051/jphys:01983004405059700�. �jpa-00209636�


On the rectangular-hexagonal columnar phase transition

in disc-like liquid crystals

C. Destrade, Nguyen Huu Tinh

Centre de Recherche Paul-Pascal, Domaine Universitaire, 33405 Talence Cedex, France

J. Malthête

Laboratoire de Chimie des Interactions Moléculaires, Collège de France, 11, place Marcelin-Berthelot, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France

and A. M. Levelut

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (*), Bât. 510, 91405 Orsay, France

(Reçu le 11 octobre 1982, accepté le 28 janvier 1983)

Résumé. 2014 Le diagramme binaire isobare pour deux mésogènes discoïdes, l’hexa-n-octyloxytriphénylène et l’hexa-n-octanoyloxytriphénylène, est étudié par l’examen des textures optiques, l’analyse enthalpique différen-

tielle et la diffraction des rayons X. Ces trois techniques confirment l’existence d’une transition directe entre méso-

phase en colonnes hexagonale ordonnée et mésophase en colonnes rectangle désordonnée ; ce type de transition est également décrit dans un corps pur discoïde : l’hexa-n-décanoate de truxène. Par ailleurs on révèle, dans le diagramme binaire, un comportement fortement non-idéal avec la présence d’un fuseau à maximum à la transi- tion colonne-isotrope. Le domaine d’existence de la phase en colonnes hexagonale ordonnée dans un espace con- centration-température est discuté d’un point de vue structural.



We report the isobaric binary phase diagram for two disc-like mesogens, hexa-n-octyloxytripheny- lene and hexa-n-octanoyloxytriphenylene, which was studied by means of optical texture observations, diffe-

rential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction measurements. They all confirm the presence of a direct tran- sition between an hexagonal ordered columnar phase and a rectangular disordered columnar phase; this kind

of transition is also described in a pure disc-like mesogen : hexa-n-decanoate of truxene. Furthermore we show,

within the binary phase diagram, a strongly non-ideal behaviour with a marked maximum of the spindle bet-

ween the isotropic and the mesomorphic phase. The existence domain of the hexagonal ordered phase versus temperature and concentration is discussed from a structural point of view.


Physics Abstracts

61.30E - 64.70M

1. Introducrion.


We recently reported on several examples of colminar phases of binary mixtures with a strongly non-ideal behaviour [1, 2] : the spindle

between the isotropic and the columnar phase exhibits

a marked maximum. This behaviour, revealed in the case of rod-like liquid crystals [3], is demonstrated

to exist in the case of disc-like mesogens. In fact the total miscibility method [4], extensively studied to identify mesophases of elongated molecules, has been recently extended to the identification of the meso-

phases of disc-shaped molecules [1, 2, 5-9]. These

studies concern the isomorphism of the mesophases

encountered in the different series of benzene [6], triphenylene [1, 2, 5, 9], or truxene [2, 8], hexa-substi- tuted mesogens. But more recently, examples of total miscibility of mesophases belonging to two members of

two different chemical series have been demonstrated

[7,11]. In this paper we report the study of the isobaric

phase diagram for the hexa-n-octyloxytriphenylene (C,HET) and the hexa-n-octanoyloxytriphenylene (C7HAT). This study was carried out by mean of

texture observations, differential scanning calorimetry

and X-ray diffraction.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01983004405059700



2. Materials.


The two pure disc-like substances

belong to the general formula :

These substances were reported in references [1]

and [2]. The corresponding thermodynamic data are :

(K = solid, I = isotropic, Dh. = columnar phase with

an hexagonal lattice and ordered molecules in the columns [2, 12], Drd = columnar phase with a rectan- gular lattice and disordered discs in the columns [2,13]).

Transition temperatures are in degrees Celsius, molar enthalpies (between brackets) in kcal.

3. Diagram. - The isobaric phase diagram is repre-

sented in figure 1. This diagram was built up by studying several mixtures of 1 and 2 : the transition temperatures were determined through a polarizing microscope equipped with a heating stage (Mettler FP5); the molar transition enthalpies were measured using a DUPONT calorimeter.

Fig. 1.


Phase diagram of mixture of 1 (C,HET) on the right with 2 (C7 HAT) on the left.

The identification of the phases was first performed by texture observations. Figures 2a and 2b represent the optical textures of the pure C8HET derivative. Just below the clearing point (Fig. 2a, 83 °C) one can

observe several homeotropic finger-like germs typical

of an hexagonal ordered columnar phase Dho [1, 5, 14].

On cooling the germs coalesce and form a mosaic of

domains (Fig. 2b, 69 °C) ; most of them correspond to


Fig. 2.


Optical textures of the compounds 1 (C8HET),

2 (C7HAT), and of the mixtures 50/50 and 79 % of 2 :

a) Dho phase of 1 at 83 °C; b) Dho phase of 1 at 69 °C;

c) Drd phase of 2 at 121 °C ; d) Dho phase of the 50/50

mixture at 117 °C ; e) Dho phase of the 79 % mixture of

2 at 80 °C; fl Drd phase of the 79 % mixture of 2 at 57 OC.

normally oriented areas but some birefringent defects

are observed with rectilinear axes. Figure 2c shows the typical fan-shaped texture of the pure C7HAT meso- phase which corresponds to a rectangular disordered

columnar phase Drd [2,13]. Figure 2d shows the texture

of a 50/50 mixture of 1 and 2 near the clearing point ( 117°) between half-crossed -polarizers : the corres- ponding mesophase can be, on the basis of the evidence,

attributed to a Dbo one (compare Figs. 2a and 2d).

Figures 2e and 2 f correspond to a mixture of 79 % of

2 and show the presence of a Dbo columnar phase at

«high temperature » (Fig. 2e at 80 OC) and of a Dra

columnar phase at « low temperature » (Fig. 2 f at

57 °C).

This diagram exhibits three main features :


It is evident that the two columnar phases are

not miscible. This result is consistent with previous optical texture observations [1, 2] and X-ray measure-

ments [12, 13].


In a narrow domain (around 79 % of 2) of the diagram there is a direct Drd-Dbo phase transition.

That is the first example of such a kind of columnar- columnar transition [15].


The Dho columnar phase of the HET derivative is strongly stabilized by a large amount (up to 75 %)

of alkanoyloxytriphenylene. The largest mesomorphic

range is observed for a 50/50 mixture : furthermore the

enthalpy of the columnar-isotropic phase transition is enhanced : 1.5 kcal , mole-’ in the 50/50 mixture.

4. X-ray diffraction data.


In order to see if there is a significant difference in the stacking of the mole- cules in a column between the two columnar phases,

we have performed X-ray diffraction experiments.

Let us recall that one column formed of regularly spaced molecules will give a diffraction pattern, the intensity of which is localized on parallel regularly spaced planes in the reciprocal spaced These sheets are perpendicular to the axis of the column : the distance between two planes is Qo = 2 n/do where do is the period along the column. The intensity dependence in

the plane is given by the form factor of the column in a

plane perpendicular to its axis. If the molecules are not

strictly regularly stacked the diffracted intensity is not

so sharply localized and the diffuse plane becomes

broader. Therefore the width of the maxima of inten-

sity in a direction parallel to the axis of the column is

proportional to the inverse of the correlation length

which characterizes the order inside the column. The diffraction pattern of a periodic two-dimensional array of such columns is similar to the pattern of one column except for the equatorial plane which becomes discon- tinuous and forms Bragg spots which characterize the

plane lattice.

In fact the actual pattern is not as simple as expected,

since we have some difficulty in obtaining single

domains of these mesophases. As a matter of fact, an

intense quasi-rectilinear stripe characteristic of a one-

dimensional periodicity has been seen only for single

domains of the hexa-n-pentyloxytriphenylene, C5HET [ 12]. In this case the correlation length is greater than a few hundred angstroms. Beside this diffuse stripe we

see also diffuse spots coming from the interference between aliphatic chains lying at Q = 1.6 A-1 Generally the direction of the column axis fluc- tuates inside the sample. In this case the stripe becomes

a portion of a circle and the width of the circle depends

on the order parameter and on the correlation length.

At the same time the paraffinic chains are more disor-

dered both because of the fluctuations of the director and because of the length of each chain and these two factors are probably not independent (Figs. 3b and 3c).

For an oriented sample containing disordered columns the ring corresponding to the interference between

cores takes place at larger angles. The two features are

not well separated but the angular extension of the spot is smaller in its outside part (cores) than in its inside one (chains) (Fig. 3d).

In our experiment we compare the patterns obtained



Fig. 3.


X-ray pattern (A = 1.54 A) of oriented samples

of columnar phases : a) CSHET (80 °C) (flat film at 40 mm

from the sample); b) mixture of 50 % of 1 (C8HET), 50 %

of 2 (C, HAT) at 79 °C (cylindrical film); c) C9 HATX (90 °C) (cylindrical film) ; d) C9 HATX (140 °C) (cylindrical film).

with partially oriented samples held in a Lindemann glass tube (0 = 1.5 mm), aligned with a 1.7 T hori-

zontal magnetic field perpendicular to the glass tube

axis. Therefore the axis of the columns can be aligned

in any direction perpendicular to the magnetic field.

The X-ray beam (which is monochromatic CuKa) is perpendicular to the magnetic field and to the tube

axis and thus we can detect the ordering inside a

column along the vertical axis of the film.

With this geometry a determination of the corre-

lation length along a column is possible but would

need a complete analysis based upon the knowledge

of the director disorientations in planes parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field Nevertheless a

simple comparison of the diffraction patterns espe-

cially along a vertical axis going through the incident

beam impact would give a useful insight into the dependence of the linear order in a column on tempera-

ture and concentration.

We have obtained X-ray patterns for various concen-

trations of the mixture C8HET/C7HAT. All the samples are partially oriented in the magnetic field.

In a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field an

outer ring lying at Q = 1.8 Å - 1 is visible for samples containing less than 75 mole percent of the HAT derivative. For a sample containing 79 mole percent HAT, the outer ring is visible at 85 OC but disappears at

low temperature (T = 70°C). Going from 79 to

50 mole percent of HAT the width of the outer ring

decreases while the intensity at the maxima increases.

The 50 10 sample is the best oriented one and it seems

that the correlation length of the one-dimensional order inside a column and the degree of orientation of the sample increase simultaneously. For this sample

we have also seen a second diffraction ring at Q =

0.9 Å - 1, corresponding to the second order of inter-

Fig. 4.


Evolution of the scattered intensity in arbitrary

units versus the scattering angle for the different concen-

trations of the 1 and 2 mixtures.


ference, but it is very weak compared to the first order.

Except for 79 mole percent of HAT, the X-ray pattern does not change with the temperature in the whole range of stability of the columnar phase. Figure 4 gives the evolution of the scattered intensity with

concentration at 85 OC. This intensity was measured by a microdensitometer trace in the direction per-

pendicular to the magnetic field. It is clear from this

comparison that the correlation length for the linear order in a column varies with the concentration and is maximum for a 50 jo mixture. Nevertheless an

abrupt change occurs probably between the hexago-

nal and the rectangular phases since the outer ring disappears completely at T = 71 OC for a 79 jo HAT

mixture. The corresponding curve is similar to the pure C7HAT derivative.

The same sequence has been found in a pure sub- stance : hexa-n-decanoate of truxene (CGHATX)

which exhibits the following « inverse sequence » [8] :

Figure 5 gives the intensity dependence for the rectan- gular (T = 90 OC) and for the hexagonal mesophases (T = 145 oC). There is no evolution of the curve inside the stability range of the two mesophases. Moreover

in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field the

curve is similar for the nematic (T = 78 OC) and the rectangular phase. We have also to notice that it is difficult to see any change in the first diffuse ring (Q = 1.6 Å - 1) versus either temperature or composi-

tion. The outer ring characteristic of a periodic stacking

inside a column appears at the transition from the

rectangular into the hexagonal lattice. The width of this ring is similar to that of a 79 % mixture at high temperature. In other words we can confirm that the

rectangular columnar phase of the C9HATX is a Drd,

and that the hexagonal one is a Dho phase [ 16]. Further-

more this substance exhibits the first example of a Dra-Dho sequence in a pure disc-like mesogen.

Fig. 5.


Evolution of the scattered intensity in arbitrary

units versus the scattering angle in C9HATX.

Three striking facts arise from our X-ray experi-

ments :

i) an abrupt change in the linear order of a column

can occur and a rectangular-hexagonal transition in the packing of parallel columns accompanies this change;

ii) a periodic linear order can take place inside a

column without any correlation between neighbouring columns, but the correlation length inside t column is

not infinite. From the height of the outside ring com- pared to the paraffinic ring we can estimate that the correlation length inside the hexagonal ordered phase

varies at least by a factor 4. We have observed a second order of diffraction for the linear order, this second

ring is of very weak intensity and appears to be as narrow as the first one. But this was only for the best

ordered sample and it is likely that both the first kind and the second kind of disorder takes place for

this linear order;

iii) in the 1 + 2 mixture the best ordered sample

contained hafl proportion of the two components and corresponds to a maximum for the clearing point.

Moreover the presence of a maximum in the isotropic-

ordered hexagonal temperature of transition is general

for the 50 jo composition 1 + 2. Finally we have also

to notice that the correlation length for the linear order varies with composition or with the nature of

the sample but does not vary with temperature. The

transition Dho-Drd occurs with the shortest correlation

length. Moreover this length has roughly the same

value for the two studied cases.

Note that in the Dh. phase of the 50/50 mixture the distance between the cores is 3.6 A while the diameter of a rigid paraffinic chain is at least 4.2 A [17]. The comparison of these two values leads to the conclusion that the next neighbours in a column must intercalate their chains and this probably gives some stiffness

to the first CH2 groups near the core. This is illustrated both by the helicoidal superstructure and the sharp-

ness of the « paraffinic chain spot » for the CS HET [12]

which has the shortest chain length in this series.

5. Conclusiom


The existence of a rectangular disordered-hexagonal ordered (Drd-Dno) phase transi-

tion in a mixture of an ester and an ether of triphe- nylene and in a pure disc-like substance (truxene derivative) has been clearly demonstrated by means of optical textures, calorimetry and X-ray measurements.

The binary phase diagram between C7HAT and C8HET is another example of strongly non-ideal

behaviour in disc-like mesogens where the spindle

between the isotropic and columnar phase exhibits a

marked maximum. We must point out that both X-ray

and calorimetric measurements show that the maxi-

mum of stability range of the Dho phase is obtained for

a 50/50 molar mixture.

We must note that the Dh. phase takes form, in the



concentration domain where it exists (between 0 %

and 80 % of 2), to the detriment of the Drd phase. As regards the 50/50 mixture, the most likely molecular

arrangement should correspond to a regular alterna-

tion of ester and ether molecules. Another possibility

consists in an arrangement of columns of 1 and co-

lumns of 2 : nevertheless, this configuration is incon-

sistent with the similar intensity of the outer ring in the diagrams of the 50/50 mixture and for the pure sub- stance (Fig. 3). The first hypothesis is consistent with

an ordered arrangement of molecules in the columns :

as a matter of fact two ester molecules are always

separated by one ether molecule. This configuration

avoids the steric hindrance which is probably res- ponsible for the disorder observed in the Drd type columnar phases. Anyway it is difficult to understand

why this situation strongly stabilizes the Dho phase.

We hope that these results will stimulate some

calculations of conformational energy and packing.



The authors are indebted to

P. Foucher for his contribution in DSC measurements and to Dr F. Hardouin for his help in the X-ray work.


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