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A new crosscoupling in smectic C* liquid crystals near the transition to the A phase


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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A new crosscoupling in smectic C* liquid crystals near the transition to the A phase

Harald Pleiner, Helmut R. Brand

To cite this version:

Harald Pleiner, Helmut R. Brand. A new crosscoupling in smectic C* liquid crystals near the transition to the A phase. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (8), pp.851-854. �10.1051/jphys:01989005008085100�.



Short Communication

A new


in smectic C*

liquid crystals

near the transition

to the A


Harald Pleiner(1,2) and Helmut R. Brand(1) (1) FB Physik, Universität Essen, D-4300 Essen 1, R.F.A.

(2) Materials Department, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, U.S.A.

(Reçu le 27 décembre 1988, accepté le 27 février 1989)

Résumé. 2014 On présente une étude de la dynamique du couplage entre le module du paramètre

d’ordre et les degrés de liberté hydrodynamique d’un cristal liquid smectique C* au voisinage de

la transition vers la phase A. On utilise une description locale et on suggère une expérience pour l’observation directe de la relaxation du paramètre d’ordre.

Abstract. 2014 For a smectic C* liquid crystal near the transition to the A phase the dynamics, which couples the order parameter modulus to the hydrodynamic degrees of freedom, is derived using the

local description valid on length scales small compared to the pitch. An experiment is suggested,

which allows us to observe the order parameter relaxation directly.


Physics Abstracts

61.30-v - 64.70 Md


The chiral smectic C* liquid crystal phase [1] has become the object of intense investigations during the last decade, mainly because of its possible applications for electro-optic devices. In this communication however, we want to concentrate on a very interesting aspect of the dynamics of

the smectic C* phase near the transition e.g. to the smectic A phase : the coupling of the soft mode (order parameter modulus relaxation) with the rotation of the c -vector [2], which allows to observe the former. We do not consider electrical effects here.

We consider a smectic C* phase with a large pitch or a film for which the pitch is larger thane

the thichness of the sample. It is then appropriate to use a "local" description, i.e. choosing as hydrodynamic variable the rotation of the c -vector (the projection of the director onto the layers)

in the smectic layers, in contrast to the "global" description, appropriate for length scales larger

than the pitch, where the hydrodynamic variable is the displacement of the helix [3]. On the local

level the smectic C* phase is biaxial [4, 5] but diûerent from the nonchiral C phase, since it lacks

a horizontal symmetry plane, i.e. in terms of c and p, the layer normal, it is not invariant under c --; -c and p ----+ -]. This local description has been useful in explaining [4, 5] the early experiments on shear flow induced polarization [6].

In addition to the hydrodynamical variable 6jJ (called -n2 in Ref. [4]), describing in-plane

rotations of c, we take also into account 6S, the deviation from the equilibrium value of the order

parameter modulus, which becomes slow near the phase transition. Of course, S = sin 8, where

8 is the tilt angle of the director with respect to p, while 0 is the azimuthal angle of the director.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01989005008085100



A similar description of the smectic C* phase has been given recently [7, 8] lacking, however, the dissipative crosscoupling between the two variables, which will be crucial in the following.


The statics of the systems is characterized by its (linearized) free energy density

where the material tensors are generally of the form


Here c is the position dependent preferred direction within the layers, êi = (cos [qo z + Po],

sin [qo z + Po], 0) i , where qo is the equilibrium wave vector of the pitch (the helix is in p -direction),

and where a stands for mass density, entropy density, layer compression or dilation (and con-

centration in the case of a mixture), respectively ; fc is the remaining free energy part not con- taining 6S. Since the system is not orthorhombic, there is no a priori reason, why off-diagonal

terms in equation (2) should vanish. In the smectic C phase equation (1) is valid for qo = 0 and

K12 = h 23 = 0, where the latter two equations are required by the presence of a horizontal symmetry plane ( i. e. a 0 --+ - P symmetry) .

Comparing with an appropriate (nonlinear) Ginzburg-Landau expansion, valid in a certain temperature interval near the transition (i. e. outside the critical region and outside the true hy- drodynamic region) equation (1) follows from the Ginzburg-Landau expression for ôS « S. One

finds that Kij scales with the second power of S, while the ya are proportional to S, and the Ai are at least 0 (,S3) ; a is related to S by a = bS2 + d5’4 (b, d are Ginzburg-Landau parameters), i.e.

a - S2 for S’ ---+ 0, but a - S4 if b > d. The latter relation was used to describe experimen-

tal results [9]. Since a is assumed to be linear in the distance to the true transition temperature, T = (Tc - T) /Te, the relations a - ,S2 or a - 84 give a different T -dependence for the hy- drodynamic coefficients. In this description the polarization P is proportional to S (p x c) ; since

we do not deal with an external electric field, P does not appear explicitly in equation (1).


The dynamical equations for the two variables 6jJ and 6S have the (linearized) form


Here w= is the vorticity, while




characterize the coupling of symmetrized velocity


gradients (elongational flow) with 60 and 6S, respectively. The ,Q-tensors are generally of the

biaxial form (2), since there is no a priori reason why the principle axes of 3ij should be identical

with p, c, and p x c. In nonchiral smectic C ,Q12 = 0 = (323 by symmetry. The right hand sides

of (4) and (5) give the dissipative part of the dynamics of 60 and 6S, respectively, which are most conveniently derived from the entropy production R given by

where Rn contains all other terms not connected with hs. The thermodynamic conjugate quantities

are defined by hs = 8 f / 86S, ho = 8 f / 8"V 6/J and ha = 8 f / 860: (here a stands for entropy density, concentration (in mixtures) and layer dilation or compression). For the first two of these varibles the ei are of the form (3), while the last one only contains a p -component. The new crosscoupling term proportional to (3 is the one whose implication we want to investigate here. It

vanishes in the smectic C phase, because of the existence of a horizontal symmetry plane.

Comparing equations (3) - (5) with the usual nematodynamic equations for the director and

assuming that the kinetic coefficients there do not depend on T, which is the usual assumption,

one firids that


and (3 scale like S-1, (1 and


are independent of S, while (2 is proportional

to S-2, the latter relation being already confirmed experimentally [10].

It is now straightforward to derive the frequencies and eigenvectors of the coupled motion of

bS and 6/J. The two relaxation rates y1,2 fulfil thé relation

where ( == (1(2 - Ç), I{2 == Iijkikj,.À = Àiki, and k is the wave vector of the mode. For homogeneous excitation (k=0) there is one relaxation mode with yi = 2a(i, the soft mode with 1’1 l"tJ bs2 + dS4. Due to the dissipative crosscoupling, however, this mode contains in smectic C* liquid crystals also rotations of the c -vector with

Thus taking into account the macroscopic variable bS also renders 6ljJ non-hydrodynamic near the phase transition due to dynamic dissipative cross-coupling (3. The present system seems to be the first one showing this phenomenon. Of course, the limit S - 0 is not really contained in the above formulas, because of critical fluctuations very close to Te and because of 6S S. For k540

there are two relaxational modes, one proportional to k 2and one & independent. (Note, however,

that the limites k --; 0 and S ---+ 0 are not interchangeable.) In these two modes 6ljJ and S,S

are coupled and bolbs - S-’ and S, respectively.


We now propose an experiment, which allows to observe the relaxation of 6S. Thke a smectic C* film, whose thickness is smaller than its pitch. If (near the transition temperatures) the temper-

ature is changed homogeneously, this results in a homogeneous deviation 6S from the equilibrium

value S [described e.g. by one of the à ’s in Eq. (1)] or to phrase it differently, there is a new equilibrium value S which the old S is relaxing to. Viewed from above or below (along the layer

or film normal) this would result in an achiral C phase in a change of the overall light intensity passing crossed polarizers - an effect not easy to detect. In a chiral smectic C* phase, however, this

S relaxation is accompanied by a rotation of the c -vector due to the dissipative cross-coupling (3.

Thus, in the absence of any boundary condition on the director, Le. if the direction of c (or rather



its mean value over the film thickness) is arbitrary with respect to a fixed laboratory frame, the S relaxation shows up also in a change of the direction for the maximal intensity. Near the transition

temperature this should be a large effect (cf. Eq. (8)). The main experimental difficulty seems

to be to prepare a smectic C* film with no boundary conditions on the director in a state with a

definite (but arbitrary) averaged direction for c. Probably one can use a film with a temperature gradient at the boundaries, such that the physical boundaries are in a smectic A phase allowing

for any direction for c, and orient the c -vector within the film by an external field. After removal of the field the film should be in the desired state and a subsequent homogeneous temperature change should result in a rotation of c .


We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support.


[1] MEYER R. B., LIEBERT L, STRZELECKI L. and KELLER P., J. Phys. Lett. France 36 (1975) 69.

[2] DE GENNES P. G., The physics of Liquid Crystals (Clarendon Oxford) 1977.

[3] BRAND H. R. and PLEINER H., J. Phys. France 45 (1984) 563.

[4] BRAND H. R. and PLEINER H., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Lett. 5 (1987) 53.

[5] PROST J., Ferroelectrics 84 (1988) 261.

[6] PIERANSKI P., GUYON E. and KELLER P., J. Phys. France 36 (1975) 1005.


Cryst. 124 (1985) 359.

[8] SKARP K., Ferroelectrics 84 (1988) 119;

CARLSSON T, ZEKS B., FILIPIC C. and LEVSTIK A, ibid. (1988) 223 ;


(1988) 285.

[9] HUANG C. C. and VINER J. M., Phys. Rev. A25 (1982) 3385.

[10] POZIDAEV E. P., OSIPOV M. A, CHIGRINOV V. G., BAIKALOV V A, BLINOV L. M. and BERESNEV L A, Sov. Phys. JETP 67 (1988) 283 (Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 94 (1988) 125).


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