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Extremal functions for Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and logarithmic Hardy inequalities


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Extremal functions for Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and logarithmic Hardy inequalities"


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Extremal functions for Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and logarithmic Hardy inequalities

Jean Dolbeault & Maria J. Esteban

We consider a family of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg interpolation inequalities and weighted logarithmic Hardy inequalities which have been obtained recently as a limit case of the first ones. We discuss the ranges of the parameters for which the optimal constants are achieved by extremal functions. The comparison of these optimal constants with the optimal constants of Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation

inequalities and Gross’ logarithmic Sobolev inequality, both without weights, gives a general criterion for such an existence result in some particular cases.

Keywords.Sobolev spaces; Hardy-Sobolev inequality; Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality; logarithmic Hardy inequality; extremal functions; Kelvin transformation;

Emden-Fowler transformation; radial symmetry; symmetry breaking; existence;

compactness –AMS classification (2000):49J40; 46E35; 26D10; 58E35

1. Introduction

In this paper we discuss the existence of extremal functions in two families of interpolation inequalities introduced in [2, 4]: some of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities and weighted logarithmic Hardy inequalities. By extremal functions, we mean functions for which the inequalities, written with their optimal constants, become equalities. Existence of extremal functions is a crucial issue for the study of several qualitative properties like expressions of the best constants or symmetry breaking properties of the extremal functions. Before stating our results, let us recall the two families of inequalities in which we are interested.

1.1. Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg interpolation inequalities

Let 2 := ∞ if d = 1, 2, and 2 := 2d/(d−2) if d ≥ 3. Define ϑ(p, d) :=

d(p−2)/(2p) and consider the spaceD1,2a (Rd) obtained by completion ofD(Rd\{0}) with respect to the norm u7→ k |x|−a∇uk2L2(Rd). Under the restriction θ >1/2 if d= 1, notice that θ ∈ [ϑ(p, d),1) for a given p∈ [2,2) if and only if θ ∈ [0,1), p∈[2, p(θ, d)] withp(θ, d) := 2d/(d−2θ). Letac:= (d−2)/2.

Theorem 1.1. [2]Let d≥1. For any p∈ [2,2] if d≥3 or p∈[2,2) if d= 1, 2, for any θ ∈ [ϑ(p, d),1] with θ > 1/2 if d = 1, there exists a positive constant CCKN(θ, p, a) such that




|x|b p dx 2p

≤CCKN(θ, p, a) Z



|x|2a dx θ Z



|x|2 (a+1) dx 1−θ

(1.1) for any u∈ D1,2a (Rd). Here a, b and p are related by b = a−ac+d/p, with the restrictionsa≤b≤a+ 1if d≥3,a < b≤a+ 1 ifd= 2 anda+ 1/2< b≤a+ 1



2 J. Dolbeault & M.J. Esteban

if d = 1. Moreover, the constants CCKN(θ, p, a) are uniformly bounded outside a neighborhood ofa=ac.

By a transformation of Kelvin type, namely u7→ |x|2 (a−ac)u(x/|x|2), the case a > ac can be reduced to the casea < ac. See [6] for details. For simplicity of the statements, we shall therefore assume thata < ac.

The caseθ= 1,p∈[2,2] andd≥3 has been widely discussed in the literature:

see [3, 5, 6, 8]. The caseθ <1 has been much less considered.

When extremal functions are radially symmetric, they are explicitly known: see [4, 7]. On the other hand,symmetry breaking, which means that extremal functions are not radially symmetric, has been established in [4] whend≥2 and

ϑ(p, d)≤θ <Θ(a, p, d) if a≥¯a(p, d) and ϑ(p, d)≤θ≤1 if a <¯a(p, d), with Θ(a, p, d) := 32 (d−1)p−2 p

(p+ 2)2(d2+ 4a2−4a(d−2))−4p(p+ 4) (d−1) and ¯a(p, d) := d−22 −2√


(p−2)(p+ 2). This region extends the one found forθ= 1 in [6, 8].

Finding extremal functions of (1.1) amounts to proving the existence of minimiz- ers for the following variational problem


CCKN(θ, p, a) = inf


k|x|−a∇uk2L2θ(Rd)k|x|−(a+1)uk2 (1−θ)L2(Rd)




1.2. Weighted logarithmic Hardy inequalities

In [4], a new class of inequalities has been considered. These inequalities can be obtained from (1.1) by takingθ=γ(p−2) and passing to the limit asp→2+. Theorem 1.2. [4]Let d≥1,a < ac,γ ≥d/4 andγ > 1/2 if d= 2. Then there exists a positive constant CWLH(γ, a) such that, for any u∈ D1,2a (Rd) normalized byR

Rd|x|−2 (a+1)|u|2dx= 1, we have Z



|x|2 (a+1) log

|x|2 (ac−a)|u|2

dx≤2γ log

CWLH(γ, a) Z



|x|2a dx

. (1.2) Moreover, the constantsCWLH(γ, a)are uniformly bounded outside a neighborhood ofa=ac.

For this problem, a symmetry breaking result similar to the one of [3, 8] has been established in [4] for anyγ <1/4 + (a−ac)2/(d−1) when d≥2 anda <−1/2.

Finding extremal functions of (1.2) amounts to proving the existence of minimiz- ers for the following variational problem


CWLH(γ, a) = inf

u∈D1,2a (Rd) k|x|−(a+1)|u|kL2 (Rd)= 1



1 2γ




|x|2 (a+1) log(|x|2 (ac−a)|u|2)dx.


1.3. Main results

Our aim is to prove existence of the extremal functions for inequalities (1.1) and (1.2). We shall assume that CCKN(θ, p, a) and CWLH(γ, a) are optimal, i.e.

take their lowest possible value. Cases of optimality among radial functions and further considerations on symmetry breaking will be dealt with in [7]. Existence of extremal functions for (1.1) has been studied in various papers in case θ = 1:

see primarily [3] and references therein for details. In the case of radial functions, whenθ <1 andd≥1, existence of extremal functions has been established in [4]

for anyθ > ϑ(p, d). Still in the radial case, similar results hold for (1.2) if d≥1 andγ >1/4. Notice that nonexistence of extremal functions has been proved in [4]

ford = 1 and θ =ϑ(p, d). Nonexistence of extremal functions without symmetry assumption has also been established in [3] ford ≥3,θ = 1 and a= b <0. Our main result goes as follows.

Theorem 1.3. Let d≥2 and assume thata∈(−∞, ac).

(i) For any p∈(2,2)and any θ ∈ (ϑ(p, d),1),(1.1) admits an extremal func- tion in D1,2a (Rd). Moreover there exists a continuous function a: (2,2)→ (−∞, ac) such that (1.1) also admits an extremal function in D1,2a (Rd) if θ=ϑ(p, d)anda∈(a(p), ac).

(ii) For any γ > d/4,(1.2) admits an extremal function in Da1,2(Rd). Moreover there exists a∗∗ ∈(−∞, ac)such that (1.2) also admits an extremal function inD1,2a (Rd)if γ=d/4,d≥3anda∈(a∗∗, ac).

As we shall see below, the optimal constant whenp= 2,θ∈(0,1), is (a−ac)−2θ and it is never achieved: in this case there are no extremal functions inDa1,2(Rd).

For a given p∈ (2,2), the case θ =ϑ(p, d) deserves a more detailed analysis.

Consider the following sub-family of Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequali- ties, which have been extensively studied in the context of nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations (see for instance [11]),


Rd) kuk2 (1−ϑ(p,d))

L2(Rd) ∀u∈H1(Rd).

If uis a radial minimizer for 1/CGN(p), define un(x) := u(x+ne) for some e ∈ Sd−1. It is straightforward to check thata ϑ(p, d) + (a+ 1) (1−ϑ(p, d)) =b. Since k|x|−a∇unkL2(Rd)∼n−ak∇ukL2(Rd),k|x|−(a+1)unkL2(Rd)∼n−(a+1)kukL2(Rd) and k|x|−bunkLp(Rd) ∼n−bkukLp(Rd), it follows that CGN(p) ≤ CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a). A more careful expansion actually shows that


CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a) ≤k|x|−a∇unk2Lϑ(p,d)2(Rd) k|x|−(a+1)unk2 (1−ϑ(p,d)) L2(Rd)



= 1

CGN(p) 1 +Rn−2+O(n−4) asn→ ∞, for some real constantR, that can be explicitly computed:




+R0 (1.3)


4 J. Dolbeault & M.J. Esteban

whereR0andR1are polynomials of degree two in terms ofa, with finite coefficients depending on p, d (but not on t). For given d ≥ 2 and p ∈ (2,2), a sufficient condition forR<0 is that bothR1andR0 are negative, which defines an explicit interval in (−∞, ac) for which we know thatCGN(p)<CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a). This will be discussed in Section 5.

Similar results can be proved for (1.2). In that case, we shall consider Gross’

logarithmic Sobolev inequality in Weissler’s scale invariant form (see [9, 12]) ed2RRd|u|2log|u|2dx≤CLSk∇uk2L2(Rd) ∀u∈H1(Rd) such thatkukL2(Rd)= 1, where CLS = 2/(π d e). With (un)n as above and u(x) = (2π)−d/4 exp(−|x|2/4), we find thatC−1WLH ≤C−1LS+O(n−2).

In the cases θ =ϑ(p, d) and γ =d/4, if either CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a) =CGN(p) or CWLH(d/4, a) = CLS, we have readily found a non relatively compact minimizing sequence. This indicates the possibility of non-existence of extremal functions. On the opposite, if we have strict inequalities, we can expect an existence result and this is indeed the case.

Theorem 1.4. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1.3,

(i) if θ = ϑ(p, d) and CGN(p) < CCKN(θ, p, a), then (1.1) admits an extremal function inD1,2a (Rd),

(ii) if γ = d/4, d ≥ 3, and CLS < CWLH(γ, a), then (1.2) admits an extremal function in D1,2a (Rd). Additionnally, if a∈(a?, ac)with a?:=ac−√

Λ? and Λ?:= (d−1)e(2d+1π)−1/(d−1)Γ(d/2)2/(d−1), thenCLS<CWLH(d/4, a).

In case (i), ford≥3 and p= 2, according to [3], it is known thatCGN(2) = CCKN(1,2, a) for anya≤0. Extremal functions exist for anya≥0 and are radial, up to translations. The casea= 0 corresponds to the celebrated extremal functions of Aubin and Talenti for Sobolev’s inequality.

The criteria of Theorem 1.4 are sharp, in the following sense. Consider the case (i).

If for some a0 ∈ (−∞, ac), (1.1) admits an extremal function in D1,2a (Rd) with a = a0 and θ = ϑ(p, d), then for any a ∈ (a0, ac), by considering an extremal function corresponding to a0 as a test function for the inequality corresponding toa, we realize thatCCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a)>CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a0). Choose now


a:= inf{a∈(¯a, ac) : CGN(p)<CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a)}.

If ¯a > −∞, then (1.1) admits an extremal function for any a > ¯a and admits no extremal function for any a < ¯a. Similar observations hold in case (ii). See Section 5 for further comments and the proof of the sufficient condition forCLS<

CWLH(d/4, a).

This paper is organized as follows. We shall first reformulate (1.1) and (1.2) in cylindrical variables using the Emden-Fowler transformation and state some preliminary results. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the proofs of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4. In Section 5, we shall discuss sufficient conditions forRgiven by (1.3) to be negative and compare the results of Theorems 1.3 (i) and 1.4 (i) whenθ=ϑ(p, d).


2. Observations and preliminary results

It is very convenient to reformulate the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality in cylindrical variables as in [3]. By means of the Emden-Fowler transformation

s= log|x| ∈R, ω= x

|x| ∈Sd−1, y= (s, ω), v(y) =|x|ac−au(x), Inequality (1.1) foruis equivalent to a Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality on the cylinderC:=R×Sd−1:

kvk2Lp(C)≤CCKN(θ, p, a)

k∇vk2L2(C)+ Λkvk2L2(C)


kvk2 (1−θ)L2(C) ∀v∈H1(C) (2.1) with Λ := (ac−a)2. Similarly, withw(y) =|x|ac−au(x), Inequality (1.2) is equiva- lent to



|w|2log|w|2dy≤2γ logh

CWLH(γ, a)

k∇wk2L2(C)+ Λi

for any w ∈ H1(C) such that kwkL2(C) = 1. When w is not normalized in L2(C), this last inequality can also be written as


CWLH(γ, a) exp

1 2γ




kwk2L2 (C) log |w|2

kwk2L2 (C)


≤ k∇vk2L2(C)+ Λkvk2L2(C), (2.2) for anyw∈H1(C). We shall denote byCCKN(θ, p, a) and CWLH(γ, a) the optimal constants among radial functions for (1.1) and (1.2) respectively. Radial symmetry for (1.1) and (1.2) means that there are minimizers ofEθ andFγ depending only ons. In such a case,CCKN(θ, p, a) =CCKN(θ, p, a) andCWLH(γ, a) =CWLH(γ, a).

Radial optimal functions are explicit and the values of the optimal constants, CCKN(θ, p, a) andCWLH(γ, a), have been computed in [4]:

CCKN(θ, p, a)≥CCKN(θ, p, a) =CCKN(θ, p, ac−1) Λp−22p−θ CWLH(γ, a)≥CWLH(γ, a) =CWLH(γ, ac−1) Λ−1+41γ


where Λ = (a−ac)2, CCKN(θ, p, ac−1)


2πd/2 Γ(d/2)

ip−2p h (p−2)2


ip−22p h2+(2θ−1)p

2p θ


4 p+2


Γ(p−22 +12)

πΓ(p−22 ) p−2p


CWLH(γ, ac−1) = 41γ (4γ−1)

4γ−1 4γ


[Γ(d/2)]21γ ifγ > 14

and CWLH(14, ac−1) = [Γ(d/2)]2πd+1e2 ifγ=14 . Symmetry breaking means that Inequalities in (2.3) are strict.

In case (i), forp= 2, it is clear from (2.1) thatCCKN(θ,2, a)≥Λ−θ. Letv∈H1(C) be a function depending only on s such that kvkL2(C) = 1 and define vn(y) :=

n−1v(s/n) for anyn≥1,y= (s, ω)∈ C. It is therefore straightforward to observe


6 J. Dolbeault & M.J. Esteban

that limn→∞(k∇vnk2L2(C)+ Λ)θ = Λθ = 1/CCKN(θ,2, a) = 1/CCKN(θ,2, a). From (2.1), we also read that equality cannot hold for a nontrivial functionv.

The following elementary estimates will also be useful in the sequel.

Lemma 2.1. For anyx,y>0 and any η∈(0,1), we have:

(i) (1 +x)η(1 +y)1−η≥1 +xηy1−η, with strict inequality unless x=y,

(ii) ηx1/η+ (1−η)y1/(1−η)≥x y, with strict inequality unlessx=yandη= 1/2.

Proof. In case (i), let f(η) :=η log(1 +x) + (1−η) log (1 +y)−log 1 +xηy1−η . We observe thatf(0) =f(1) = 0 and, moreover,f(1/2)>0, since (1 +x) (1 +y)>

(1 +√

x y)2and (1 +xηy1−η)2f00(η) =−xηy1−η(log(yx))2<0, at least ifx6=y. This proves assertion (i).

In case (ii), letf(η) :=ηx1/η+ (1−η)y1/(1−η)−x y. We observe thatf(1/2)≥0 (with strict inequality unlessx=y) and

f00(η) =η−3x1/η|logx|2+ (1−η)−3y1/(1−η)|logy|2>0,

thus proving the second assertion.

The functionalw7→R

C|w|2 log |w|2/kwk2L2(Ω)

dy can be seen as the limit case of w7→ kwk2Lp(C). At least from the point of view of H¨older’s inequalities, this is indeed the case, and the following estimate will be useful in the sequel.

Let Ω be an arbitrary measurable set and consider H¨older’s inequality,kwkLq(Ω)≤ kwkηL2(Ω)kwk1−ηLp(Ω)withη= 2 (p−q)/(q(p−2)) for anyqsuch that 2≤q≤p≤2. Forq= 2, this inequality becomes an equality, withη= 1, so that we can differen- tiate with respect toqatq= 2 and obtain


|w|2log |w|2


L2 (Ω)

≤ p

p−2kwk2L2(Ω) logkwk2



L2 (Ω)

. (2.4)

3. Proof of Theorem 1.3

In case (i), letp∈(2,2) andθ ∈(ϑ(p, d),1) . In case (ii), letγ > d/4. Consider sequences (vn)n and (wn)n of functions in H1(C), which respectively minimize the functionals

Eθ[v] :=

k∇vk2L2(C)+ Λkvk2L2(C)


kvk2 (1−θ)L2(C) ,

Fγ[w] :=

k∇wk2L2(C)+ Λ exp

21γ Z


|w|2 log|w|2dy


under the constraints kvnkLp(C) = 1 and kwnkL2(C) = 1 for any n ∈ N. We shall first prove that these sequences are relatively compact and converge up to transla- tions and the extraction of a subsequence towards minimizers if they are bounded in H1(C). Next we will establish thea prioriestimates in H1(C) needed for the proof of Theorem 1.3. Under restrictions ona, these a priori estimates are also valid for θ=ϑ(p, d) orγ=d/4 and also give an existence result for minimizers.


3.1. Convergence of bounded minimizing sequences

Consider C as a manifold embedded in Rd+1 and denote by Br(y) the ball in Rd+1 with radiusrcentered aty. From [3, Lemma 4.1], which is an adaptation of [10, Lemma I.1, p. 231], we have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1. [10, 3]Let r >0 andq∈[2,2). If (fn)n is bounded inH1(C)and if lim sup




|fn|qdy= 0 for anyy∈ C, thenlimn→∞kfnkLp(C)= 0for any p∈(2,2).

As a consequence of this result and of the convexity estimates of Lemma 2.1, the relative convergence of bounded sequences is a rather straightforward issue.

Proposition 3.2. Let d ≥ 2, p ∈ (2,2) and θ ∈ [ϑ(p, d),1). Let (vn)n be a minimizing sequence for Eθ such that kvnkLp(C) = 1 for any n ∈ N. If (vn)n is bounded inH1(C), then(vn)n is relatively compact and converges up to translations and the extraction of a subsequence to a functionv∈H1(C)such thatkvkLp(C)= 1 andEθ[v] = 1/CCKN(θ, p, a).

Proof. Up to translations and the extraction of a subsequence, (vn)n weakly con- verges in H1(C), strongly in L2loc∩Lploc(C) and a.e. inCtowards a functionv∈H1(C).

By Lemma 3.1,vis non-trivial andkvkLp(C)6= 0.

Up to the extraction of subsequences, using

limn→∞kvnk2L2(C)=kvk2L2(C)+ limn→∞kvn−vk2L2(C), limn→∞k∇vnk2L2(C)=k∇vk2L2(C)+ limn→∞k∇vn− ∇vk2L2(C), withη=θ,

x= lim


k∇vn− ∇vk2L2(C)+ Λkvn−vk2L2(C)

k∇vk2L2(C)+ Λkvk2L2(C)

and y= lim





by Lemma 2.1 (i), we find that 1

CCKN(θ, p, a) = lim

n→∞Eθ[vn]≥ Eθ[v] + lim


≥ 1

CCKN(θ, p, a)

kvk2Lp(C)+ lim


By the Brezis-Lieb Lemma (see [1, Theorem 1]), we know that 1 =kvnkpLp(C)=kvkpLp(C)+ lim


The functionf(z) :=z2/p+ (1−z)2/p is strictly concave so that for anyz∈[0,1], f(z)≥1 with strict inequality unless z = 0 orz = 1. Applied with z =kvkpLp(C), this proves that kvkLp(C) = 1. Since limn→∞Eθ[vn] ≥ Eθ[v], we know that v is a nontrivial extremal function for (1.1). This completes the proof.


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Proposition 3.3. Letd≥2 andγ≥d/4with strict inequality if d= 2. Let(wn)n be a minimizing sequence forFγ such thatkwnkL2(C)= 1for anyn∈N. If(wn)n is bounded inH1(C), then(wn)n is relatively compact and converges up to translations and the extraction of a subsequence to a functionw∈H1(C)such thatkwkL2(C)= 1 andFγ[w] = 1/CWLH(γ, a).

Proof. Consider now the sequence (wn)n and denote bywits weak limit in H1(C), after translations and the extraction of a subsequence if necessary.

By (2.2) and (2.4), we know that

Fγ[wn]≥CWLH(γ, a)−1kwnk

p γ(p−2)


for anyp∈ (2,2). If w≡0, then limn→∞kwnkLp(Rd) = 0 by Lemma 3.1, which contradicts the fact that (wn)n is a minimizing sequence andCWLH(γ, a) is finite.

Hence we havekwk2L2(C)6= 0.

By the Brezis-Lieb lemma and by semi-continuity, we know that 1

CWLH(γ, a) = lim



k∇wk2L2(C)+ Λkwk2L2(C)+ lim

n→∞ k∇wn−wk2L2(C)+ Λkwn−wk2L2(C)



21γ lim





up to the extraction of subsequences. We may apply (2.2) to w and wn−w. Let η := kwk2L2(C), so that lim

n→∞kwn−wk2L2(C) = 1−η. We know that η ∈ (0,1]. If η <1, with

x= exp

1 2γ


C|w|2 log

|w|2 kwk2

L2 (C)



y= exp


2γ limn→∞R

C|wn−w|2log |w

n−w|2 kwn−wk2L2 (C)



we can write 1

CWLH(γ, a) ≥

ηx1η + (1−η)y1−η1 exp

21γ lim




|wn|2 log|wn|2dy


We may then apply Lemma 2.1 (ii) and find that 1

CWLH(γ, a)≥ x y

CWLH(γ, a) exp

21γ lim






According to [1, Theorem 2], we have Z


|w|2 log|w|2dy+ lim




|wn−w|2 log|wn−w|2dy= lim






and, as a consequence, it follows that 1

CWLH(γ, a) ≥ 1

CWLH(γ, a) exph

21γ η logη+ (1−η) log(1−η)i

This proves thatη= 1. Using (2.4), we have lim




|wn−w|2 log|wn−w|2dy= 0.

Hencewis an extremal function, which completes the proof.

The remainder of this section is devoted to the a priori estimates which are needed to establish the boundedness of minimizing sequences in H1(C).

3.2. A priori estimates for Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities Lemma 3.4. Assume that d≥2,p∈(2,2) andθ ∈(ϑ(p, d),1). For any ε >0, there exists anA >0 such that, for any v ∈H1(C)with kvkLp(C)= 1 andEθ[v]≤


CCKN(θ,p,a), thenkvkH1(C)≤A.

If d ≥ 3, there exists a positive function aε : (2,2) → (−∞, ac) such that, whenevera∈(aε(p), ac), the same conclusion holds if θ=ϑ(p, d).

Proof. By H¨older’s and Sobolev’s inequalities, for anyp∈[2,2], we have kvk2Lp(C)





CCKN(1,2, ac−1)

k∇vk2L2(C)+ Λ0kvk2L2(C)

iϑ(d,p)kvk2 (1−ϑ(d,p)) L2(C)

where Λ0 := a2c. Let t := k∇vk2L2(C)/kvk2L2(C) and write Λ = Λ(a) for brevity.

Because of the conditionEθ[v]≤(1 +ε)/CCKN(θ, p, a), we have

(t+ Λ)θ=Eθ[v]kvk2Lp(C)


≤ (1 +ε)kvk2Lp(C)

CCKN(θ, p, a)kvk2L2(C)

≤(1 +ε)(CCKN(1,2, ac−1))ϑ(d,p)

CCKN(θ, p, a) (t+ Λ0)ϑ(d,p) . This proves thatt is bounded ifθ > ϑ(p, d).

Ifd≥3 andθ=ϑ(p, d), let

κθε:= (1 +ε)CCKN(1,2, ac−1)θ/(CCKN(θ, p, ac−1)).

SinceCCKN(1,2, ac−1), the best constant corresponding to Sobolev’s critical em- bedding D1,2(Rd) ,→ L2(Rd), is achieved among radial functions, by (2.3) the above condition reads

t+ Λ≤κεΛ

1 d−1 0 Λ1−1d

t+ Λ0 ,

which again shows that t is bounded if a∈ (aε(p), ac), for someaε(p) such that ac−aε(p)>0 is not too big.


10 J. Dolbeault & M.J. Esteban

Sincekvk2L2(C)(t+ Λ)θ=Eθ[v]≤(1 +ε)/CCKN(θ, p, a),kvkL2(C)andk∇vkL2(C)= tkvkL2(C) are also bounded as soon as t is bounded, thus establishing a bound in H1(C).

Ifd= 2, letθ > ϑ(p,2) = p−2p . For a choice ofqsuch thatη= qp(p−2)(q−2)< θ,i.e.for q > 2−pp θ(1−θ), by H¨older’s inequality we have kvkLp(C)≤ kvkηLq(C)kvk1−ηL2(C). Hence, from

(t+ Λ)θ≤ (1 +ε)kvk2Lp(C)

CCKN(θ, p, a)kvk2L2(C)

≤(1 +ε)(CCKN(1, q, a))η

CCKN(θ, p, a) (t+ Λ)η , we deduce thattis bounded. As above, this proves thatvis bounded in H1(C).

A more careful investigation actually provides an explicit expression ofaε(p). We get an upper bound fortif we simultaneously have


1 d−1

0 Λ1−d1 and Λ< κεΛ

1 d−1

0 Λ1−1dΛ0, that is

Λ<minn Λ0κ

d d−1

ε0κdεo . Hence, ford≥3,t is bounded forε >0 small enough if

a > a0(p) :=ac−ac minn κ

d 2(d−1)

0 , κ

d 2



. (3.1)

We shall comment on this bound in Section 5.

Proof of Theorem 1.3 (i).Consider a minimizing sequence (vn)n forEθ such that kvnkLp(C) = 1. For any given ε >0, the condition Eθ[vn]≤ C 1+ε

CKN(θ,p,a) is satisfied fornlarge enough. By Lemma 3.4, (vn)nis bounded in H1(C). By Proposition 3.2, we know that it converges towards a minimizer v ∈H1(C) withkvkLp(C) = 1, up to translations and the extraction of a subsequence. This concludes the proof with a=a0 given by (3.1).

3.3. A priori estimates for the weighted logarithmic Hardy inequalities Lemma 3.5. Assume that d≥2,γ ≥d/4 and γ >1/2 if d= 2. For any ε >0, there exists anA >0 such that, for anyw∈H1(C)withkwkL2(C)= 1andFγ[w]≤


CWLH(γ,a), thenkwkH1(C)≤A.

If d ≥ 3, there exists a∗∗ε ∈ (−∞, ac) such that (1.2) also admits an extremal function inDa1,2(Rd) ifγ=d/4,d≥3 anda∈(a∗∗ε , ac).

Proof. By (2.1) and (2.4), we find that for anyα < ac and anyp∈(2,2), Z


|w|2 log |w|2


L2 (C)

dy≤ p

p−2kwk2L2(C) logkwk2



L2 (C)

≤ p

p−2kwk2L2(C) log

CCKN(1, p, α) (t+ Λ(α))


witht:=k∇wk2L2(C)/kwk2L2(C)and Λ(α) := (α−ac)2. Assuming thatkwkL2(C)= 1 andFγ[w]≤(1 +ε)/CWLH(γ, a), using (2.3) we find that

t+ Λ

CCKN(1, p, α) (t+ Λ(α))21γp−2p ≤ Fγ[w]≤ 1 +ε

CWLH(γ, a) ≤ (1 +ε) Λ(a)1−1 CWLH(γ, ac−1) , which provides a bound onwin H1(C) if one of the two following cases:

(i) Ford≥3, if eitherγ > d4 orγ=d4 and Λ∈(0, a2c) is small enough (we choose α= 0,p= 2 so that 21γ p−2p =4dγ ),

(ii) Ifd= 2, for allγ > 12 (we chooseα=−1, andp > 24γ−1γ ).

Proof of Theorem 1.3 (ii).Consider a minimizing sequence (wn)n forFγ such that kwnkL2(C) = 1. For any given ε >0, the condition Eγ[wn] ≤ C 1+ε

WLH(γ,a) is satisfied fornlarge enough. By Lemma 3.5, (wn)n is bounded in H1(C). By Proposition 3.3, we know that it converges towards a minimizerw∈H1(C) with kwkL2(C)= 1, up to translations and the extraction of a subsequence. This concludes the proof with a∗∗= lim infε→0+ a∗∗ε .

4. Proof of Theorem 1.4

This section is devoted to the limit casesθ=ϑ(p, d) orγ=d/4. A sharp criterion for the existence of extremal functions for Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg and weighted logarithmic Hardy inequalities is given by the comparison of their optimal constants with the optimal constants of Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Gross’ logarithmic Sobolev inequalities.

As already noted in the introduction, CGN(p) ≤CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a) and CLS ≤ CWLH(d/4, a) for anya∈(−∞, ac). When equality holds, compactness of minimiz- ing sequences is lost, because of translations. Here we shall establish a compactness result for special sequences of functions made of minimizers forCCKNn, p, a) and CWLHn, a) withθn > ϑ(p, d), lim

n→∞θn=ϑ(p, d) andγn> d/4, lim


4.1. Compactness of sequences of extremal functions for Caffarelli- Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities approaching the limit caseθ =ϑ(p, d) Lemma 4.1. Letd≥2,p∈(2,2)anda < ac. Consider a sequence(θn)nsuch that θn> ϑ(p, d) andlimn→∞θn=ϑ(p, d). If (vn)n is a sequence of extremal functions for (2.1)written for θ=θn such thatkvnkLp(C)= 1 for anyn∈N, then (vn)n is bounded inH1(C)ifCGN(p)<CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a). In that case, (vn)nconverges, up to translations and the extraction of a subsequence, towards a minimizerv∈H1(C) ofEϑ(p,d), under the constraintkvkLp(C)= 1.

Proof. For brevity, let us write θ = ϑ(p, d) and recall that θn −θ > 0 for all n∈N. Consider first a smooth, compactly supported functionvεsuch thatEθ[vε]≤


12 J. Dolbeault & M.J. Esteban 1/CCKN(θ, p, a) +εandkvεkLp(C)= 1. We have

lim inf



CCKNn, p, a) ≤lim inf

n→∞ Eθn[vε] =Eθ[vε]≤ 1

CCKN(θ, p, a)+ε for anyε > 0 and can pass to the limit asε→0+. On the other hand, we know from [4] thatCCKNn, p, a) is bounded uniformly asn→ ∞, so that

0<lim inf



CCKNn, p, a) ≤ 1

CCKN(ϑ(p, d), p, a) . (4.1) Consider now the sequence (vn)n of Lemma 4.1. With

tn :=k∇vnk2L2(C)/kvnk2L2(C),

the Euler-Lagrange equation satisfied byvn for eachn∈Nreads

−θn∆vn+ (1− θn)tn+ Λ

vn=CCKNn, p, a)−1(tn+ Λ)1−θnvnp−1 on C. As in [3], using the translation invariance of (2.1) in thes-variable, the invariance of the functionalEθ under rotations onSd−1, and the fact that vn is a minimizer, we can assume that vn is nonnegative and achieves its maximum at some fixed, given pointω∈Sd−1. By the maximum principle, we know that −∆vn(0, ω)≥0 and henceMn:=vn(0, ω) =kvnkL(C) is such that

Mnp−2≥CCKNn, p, a) (1−θn)tn+ Λ

(tn+ Λ)θn−1.

After the extraction of a subsequence, we may assume that (Ln)n converges and L:= limn→∞Ln ∈ ((1−θn)CCKNn, p, a),+∞] where Ln := Mnp−2t−θn n. Let us consider the rescaled functionfndefined onCn:=R×σnSd−1byvn(x) =Mnfn(y), wherey =σnxand σ2n = (tn+ Λ)1−θnMnp−2/CCKNn, p, a). For any n∈N, the functionfn is nonnegative, satisfies

−θn∆fn+ (1−θn)tn+ Λ

σ−2n fn=fnp−1

and reaches its maximum value, 1, at the point (0, ωn), whereωnnω. Assume by contradiction that

n→∞lim tn=∞.

In such a case, we know thatEθn[vn] ∼ tθnnkvnk2L2(Rd) so that kvnk2L2(Rd) ∼t−θn n andk∇vnk2L2(Rd)=tnkvnk2L2(Rd)∼t1−θn n. Moreover, we haveMnp−2=Lntθnn → ∞ and, by (4.1),σn2∼t1−θn nMnp−2∼Lntn→ ∞, andfn solves



(1 +o(1))fn=fnp−1. As a consequence, ∆fn is locally uniformly bounded.

Next we define on Rd the functions gn(s,Πnω) := fn(s, ω)ρn(s,Πnω), where ω∈σnSd−1and Πnis the stereographic projection ofσnSd−1ontoRd−1, considered


as the tangent plane toSd−1 at ωn. The cut-off function ρn is smooth and such that ρn(x) =ρ(x/log(1 +σn)) for anyx∈Rd, with 0≤ρ≤1,ρ≡1 onB1 and suppρ ⊂ B2. Locally around (0, ωn), Πn converges to the identity while its first and second derivatives converge to 0. Hence we know that

k∇gnk2L2(Rd)≤ k∇fnk2L2(Cn)(1 +o(1)) and k∇fnk2L2(Cn)∼σd−2n Mn−2k∇vnk2L2(C)

asn→ ∞. Altogether, we find that k∇gnk2L2(Rd)=O


p p−2

n L

d−2 2 p−22 n

which means that (∇gn)n is bounded in L2(Rd) and (gn)nconverges in H1loc(Rd) to a constant ifL=∞. In any case, up to the extraction of a subsequence, (gn)ncon- verges weakly in H1loc(Rd). Since ∆gn is bounded in L(Rd), by elliptic estimates, (gn)n strongly converges in Cloc2 (Rd) to a nonnegative function g : Rd → R such that, withθ=ϑ(p, d),

−θ∆g+A g=gp−1 inRd, g(0) =kgkL(Rd)= 1,

wheregis constant andA= 0 ifL=∞, andA= (1−θ)/Lotherwise. However, if L=∞, theng≡1 cannot be a solution. This proves thatLis finite andAtakes a finite, positive value. Moreover,kgnk2L2(Rd)∼σn2t−1n k∇gnk2L2(Rd)∼ k∇gnk2L2(Rd) is bounded so that (gn)n weakly converges in H1(Rd) tog6≡0. Hence we get

lim inf

n→∞ Eθn[vn] = lim inf

n→∞ (tn+ Λ)θn−θEθ[vn]

≥lim inf

n→∞ Eθ[vn] = lim inf


Mn2 σn2d/p

k∇fnk2L2θ(Cn)kfnk2 (1−θ)L2(Cn) ≥ k∇gk2L2θ(Rd)kgk2 (1−θ)L2(





eventually after extraction of a subsequence, where the latter inequality holds by semi-continuity.


Eθn,Cn[f] :=σn2 (ϑn−ϑ)

k∇fnk2L2(C)+ Λ



kfnk2 (1−θL2(C)n)

so that Eθn[vn] = Eθn,Cn[fn]/kfnk2Lp(Cn). Because of the change of variables, we know that Inequality (2.1) becomes

Eθn,Cn[f] kfk2Lp(Cn)

≥ 1

CCKNn, p, a) ∀f ∈H1(Cn). (4.2) By the local strong convergence of the sequence (gn)n, there exists a sequence (Rn)n with limn→∞Rn =∞such that

n→∞lim R

Cn∩BRnfnpdy kfnkpLp(Cn)

=δ and lim



Cn∩(Rd\B4Rn)fnpdy kfnkpLp(Cn)

= 1−δ .


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