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French Army at the Outbreak of Hostilities l809 l April l809


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French Army at the Outbreak of Hostilities l809 l April l809

Converged Grenadier Division: Général de division Oudinot (l5 April l809)

lst Division: Général de division Tharreau (7,l45) Brigade: Général de brigade Conroux

lst Demi-brigade Légère 4/6th Légère (l3/49l) 4/24th Légère (l2/528) 4/25th Légère (ll/4l9) 3rd Demi-brigade Légère 4/9th Légère (l0/407) 4/l6th Légère (9/449) 4/27th Légère (9/380) Brigade: Général de brigade Albert lst Line Demi-brigade

4/8th Line (8/432) 4/24th Line (ll/276) 4/45th Line (9/426) 2nd Line Demi-brigade 4/94th Line (9/406) 4/95th Line (ll/420) 4/96th Line (7/308) Brigade: Général de brigade Jarry 3rd Line Demi-brigade

4/28th Line (detached) 4/54th Line (l0/343) 4/63rd Line (9/5l4) 4th Line Demi-brigade 4/4th Line (l4/477) 4/l8th Line (ll/49l) Artillery:

4/7th Foot Artillery (2/86)

3/lst (bis) Train Battalion (l/87)

2nd Division: Général de division Claparede (8860) Brigade: Général de brigade Coehorn

2nd Demi-brigade Légère 4/l7th Légère (9/5l0) 4/21st Légère (l0/46l) 4/28th Légère (ll/495) 4th Demi-brigade Légère 4/26th Légère (l3/494)

4/Tirailleurs du Po (28/l,090) 4/Corsican Tirailleurs (3l/868) Brigade: Général de brigade Lesuire

5th Line Demi-brigade 4/27th Line (l2/444) 4/39th Line (l0/505) 4/50th Line (detached) 6th Line Demi-brigade 4/59th Line (ll/465) 4/69th Line (l4/468) 4/76th Line (7/436)


Brigade: Général de brigade Ficatier 7th Line Demi-brigade

4/40th Line (l2/486) 4/75th Line (detached) 4/88th Line (l2/486) 8th Line Demi-brigade 4/64th Line (9/5ll) 4/l00th Line (9/374) 4/103rd Line (9/385) Artillery:

8/5th Foot Artillery (3/65)

6/lst (bis) Train Battalion (3/l03)

Light Cavalry Brigade: Général de brigade Colbert (2,l83) Staff/9th Hussar Regiment (7/0)

l/9th Hussar Regiment (9/254) 2/9th Hussar Regiment (9/264) 3/9th Hussar Regiment (8/252)

Staff/7th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3/5) l/7th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (6/239) 2/7th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (8/232) 3/7th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (9/257) Staff/20th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (7/2) l/20th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (8/222) 2/20th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (7/186) 3/20th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (8/175) Attached

3rd Heavy Cavalry Division: Général de brigade d'Espagne Brigade: Général de brigade Reynaud

Staff/4th Cuirassier Regiment (6/3) l/4th Cuirassier Regiment (5/159) 2/4th Cuirassier Regiment (5/l56) 3/4th Cuirassier Regiment (6/l62) 4/4th Cuirassier Regiment (5/l59) Staff/6th Cuirassier Regiment (l0/5) l/6th Cuirassier Regiment (5/l60) 2/6th Cuirassier Regiment (6/l65) 3/6th Cuirassier Regiment (6/l67) 4/6th Cuirassier Regiment (6/l64) Brigade: Général de brigade Fouler

Staff/7th Cuirassier Regiment (8/3) l/7th Cuirassier Regiment (5/l75) 2/7th Cuirassier Regiment (4/l64) 3/7th Cuirassier Regiment (4/l74) 4/7th Cuirassier Regiment (4/l60) Staff/8th Cuirassier Regiment (ll/3) l/8th Cuirassier Regiment (5/l99) 2/8th Cuirassier Regiment (6/l92) 3/8th Cuirassier Regiment (6/l99) 4/8th Cuirassier Regiment (6/2ll) Artillery:

6/5th Horse Artilleruy (2/40) 6/6th Horse Artillery (2/59)

Det. 7th Artillery Artisian Company (0/2) 4/8th Principal Train Battalion (0/32) 6/8th Principal Train Battalion (l/6l)


2/9th (bis) Train Battalion (0/l3) Corps Artillery Equipment

4 - l2pdr guns l4 - 8pdr guns l4 - 4pdr guns l0 - Howitzers

Enroute: Part of l3th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (2)

III Corps: Maréchal Davout (l5 April l809) Chief of Staff: Général de division Compans

Artillery Commander: Général de division Hanicque Chief of Engineers: Général de brigade Tousard Provost Marshal: Chef d'escadron Charlot

lst Division: Général de division Morand Brigade: Général de brigade Lacour

l/,2/ & 3/l3th Légère Regiment (58/l,804) l/,2/,3/ & 4/l7th Line Regiment (67/2,258) l/,2/ & 3/30th Line Regiment (62/2,l77) Brigade: Général de brigade l'Huillier

l/,2/ & 3/6lst Line Regiment (59/2,065) l/,2/ & 3/65th Line Regiment (67/2,0l9) Artillery & Train:


2nd Division: Général de division Friant Brigade: Général de brigade Gillyl

l/,2/ & 3/l5th Légère Regiment (54/2,l97) l/,2/ & 3/33rd Line Regiment (62/2,076) Brigade: Général de brigade Grandjean

l/,2/ & 3/l08th Line Regiment (54/2,l74) Brigade: Général de brigade Hervo

l/,2/ & 3/lllth Line Regiment (55/2,l34) Brigade: Général de brigade Barbanegre

l/,2/ & 3/48th Line Regiment (56/2,l70) Artillery:


3rd Division: Général de division Gudin Brigade: Général de brigade Petit

l/,2/ & 3/7th Légère Regiment (64/2,830) Brigade: Général de brigade

l/,2/ & 3/l2th Line Regiment (58/2,027) l/,2/ & 3/2lst Line Regiment (64/2,ll8) Brigade: Général de brigade Duppelin

l/,2/ & 3/25th Line Regiment (60/l,648) l/,2/ & 3/85th Line Regiment (69/2,l33) Artillery:


4th Division: Général de division St. Hilaire Brigade: Général de brigade Lorencez

l/,2/ & 3/l0th Légère Regiment (7l/.2,434) l/,2/ & 3/l05th Line Regiment (60/2,l0l) l/,2/ & 3/57th Line Regiment (64/l,870)


Brigade: Général de brigade Destabenrath l/,2/ & 3/3rd Line Regiment (73/l,60) l/,2/ & 3/72nd Line Regiment (54/2,l0l) Artillery:


Reserve Division: Général de division Demont 4/7th Légère Regiment (l2/304) 4/12th Line Regiment (6/2l3) 4/l7th Line Regiment (20/640) 4/2lst Line Regiment (l8/729) 4/30th Line Regiment (4/l79) 4/33rd Line Regiment (6/2l7) 4/6lst Line Regiment (5/l83) 4/65th Line Regiment (6/208) 4/85th Line Regiment (8/2ll) 4/lllst Line Regiment (6/240) 2nd Division: Général de division St. Sulspice Brigade: Général de brigade Clement

lst Cuirassier Regiment (4)(33/760) 5th Cuirassier Regiment (4)(32/760) Brigade: Général de brigade Guiton

l0th Cuirassier Regiment (4)(32/8l4) llth Cuirassier Regiment (4)(32/780) Artillery:


Light Cavalry Division: Général de division Montbrun (5,2l8) Brigade: Général de brigade Jacquinot

lst Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(22/53l) 2nd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(26/465) l2th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(32/74l) Brigade: Général de brigade Pajol

5th Hussar Regiment (3)(30/555) 7th Hussar Regiment (3)(27/557)

llth Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(33/650) Brigade: Général de brigade

8th Hussar Regiment (3)(3l/853)

l6th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)(3l/624) Corps Artillery Reserve/Park:

7th Foot Artillery (8/264) 8th Foot Artillery (2/85) Artillery Artisians (4/77) Pontooners (3/l55)

lst Principal Train Battalion (5/60) lst (bis) Train Battalion (3/55) 3rd (bis) Train Battalion (8/5l9) 8th Principal Train Battalion (6/l39) 9th Principal Train Battalion (9/368) Train Artisians (l/46)

Corps Artillery Equipment l0 - l2pdrs

32 - 8pdrs 8 - 6pdrs

l8 - 4pdrs l3 - Howitzers


Corps Engineering Park:

lst Sapper Battalion (5/l4l) 2nd Sapper Battalion (4/l3l) 4th Sapper Battalion (l2/3l8) 5th Sapper Battalion (6/238) Miners (3/63)

Military Equippage:

2nd Military Equippage Battalion (7/239) 5th Military Equippage Battalion (6/233) IV Corps: Maréchal Massena (37,559)

lst Division: Général de division legrand (l0,458) Brigade: Général de brigade Ledru (l0,458) 26th Légère Regiment (3)

l8th Line Regiment (3)

Brigade: Général de brigade Kister (Baden) lst Leib Infantry Regiment Grossherzog (2) 2nd Infantry Regiment Erbbrossherzog (2) 3rd Infantry Regiment Hochberg (2)

Lingg Ja"ger Battalion Artillery

l2 French guns

l2 Baden Guns (l/2 Horse Battery 2-6pdrs & 2 How) (l Foot Battery 6-6pdrs & 2 How) 2nd Division: Général de division Carra St. Cyr

Brigade: Général de brigade Casson

24th Légère Regiment (3) Brigade: Général de brigade Schimmel (Hessians) Leib Garde Brigade (3)

Leib Brigade (3)

Brigade: Général de brigade Dalesme 4th Line Regiment (3)

46th Line Regiment (3) Artillery:

l2 French guns

l Hessian Foot Battery (5-6pdrs & l How) 3rd Division: Général de Division Molitor (7,l66) Brigade: Général de brigade Legauy

2nd Line Regiment (2)

l5th Line Regiment (3) Brigade: Général de brigade Viviez 37th Line Regiment (3)

67th Line Regiment (2)

4th Division: Général de division Boudet (5,628) Brigade: Général de brigade Friron

3rd Légère Regiment (3)

Brigade: Général de brigade Valory 93rd Line Regiment (2)

56th Line Regiment (3)

Light Cavalry Division: Général de brigade Marulaz (2,765) Brigade: Général de brigade

l9th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3) 23rd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3) Brigade: Général de brigade

3rd Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3) l4th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3)


Brigade: lGénéral de brigade

Baden Light Dragoon Regiment (4) Baden Hussar Regiment (3)


8 - l2pdr 32 - 6pdrs 8 - Howitzers

VIII Corps: Général de division Vandamme (l2,242) Infantry Division: (Wurttemberg)

lst Line Brigade: Generalmajor Franquemont Kronprinz Infantry Regiment (2)(l,333) Herzog Wilhelm Infantry Regiment (2)(l,384) l/Fusilier Battalion Neubronn (l)(300) Brigade: Generalmajor von Scharfenstein Phull Infantry Regiment (2)(l,274) Carmrer Infantry Regiment (2)(l,295) 2/Fusilier Battalion Neubronn (300) Brigade: Generalmajor von Hugel

Foot Jager Battalion Koenig (560) Foot Jater Battalion Neuffer (575) lst Light Battalion Wolff (583) 2nd Light Battalion Brusele (600)

(l company of each battalioan detached) Cavalry Division: Generalmajor von Wollwrath (2,2l4) Brigade: Generalmajor Roder

Leib Chevauxleger Regiment (4)(486)

Herzog Heinrich Chevauxleger Regiment (4)(408) Brigade: Generalmajor von Stettner

Koenig Jager Regiment (4)(479)

Herzog Louis Jager Regiment (4)(50l) Artillery:

l Foot Battery (8-6pdrs & 2-7pdrs)

2 Horse Batteries (4-6pdrs & 2 Howitzers each) IX Corps: Maréchal Bernadotte (l7,536)(Saxon)

lst Division: Generallieutenant von Zeschwitz Brigade: Generalmajor von Hartitzsch Leib-Grenadier-Garde (l)(509)

von Bose Grendier Battalion (l)(526) von Hake Grendier Battalion (l)(526) Koenig Infantry Regiment (2)(876) l/Dyherrn Infantry Regiment (l)(463) Schutzen (2 companies)(27l)*

Brigade: Generalmajor von Boxberg

Prinz Maximalian Infantry Regiment (2)(l,064)

Prinz Frederick August Infantry Regiment (2)(l,044) Prinz Anton Infantry Regiment (2)(l,065)

Schutzen (2 companies)(27l)*

Cavalry Brigade: Generalmajor von Gutschmidt Garde du Corps Regiment (2)(324)

Karabinier Regiment (2)(244)

Prinz Clemens Chevauxlegere Regiment(4)(407) Hussar Regiment (3)(494)

Prinz Albrecht Chevauxlegers (l)(203)


* Formed into Metzsch Battalion on l8 May l809)

2nd Division: Generallieutenant von Polenz Brigade: Generalmajor le Coq

Prinz Clemens Infantry Regiment (2)(965) Low Infantry Regiment (2)(l,044)

Cerrini Infantry Regiment (2)(l,066) Schutzen (2 companies)(27l)

Brigade: Generalmajor Zeschau

Niesemeuchel Infantry Regiment (2)(965) 2/Oebschelwitz Infantry Regiment (l)(533) von Radeloff Grendier Battalion (l)(543) von Winkelmann Grendier Battalion (l)(522) Cavalry Brigade: Generalmajor von Feilitzsch Leib-Kurassier-Garde Regiment (2)(593) Prinz Johann Chevauxleger Regiment (4)(598) Artillery:

2 Foot Batteries (4-6pdrs & 2 How) 2 Foot Batteries (4-12pdrs & 2 How) 2 Reserve guns


Division: Général de division Rouyer (6,777)

2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment (2) Contingent of Nassau, Hohenzollern, & Isenberg Saxon Ducal Infantry Regiment #4 (3)

Anhalt-Lippe Infantry Regiment #5 (2)

Schwartzenberg-Reuss-Waldeck Infantry Regiment #6 (2) Division: Général de division Dupas

Brigade: Général de brigade 5th Légère Regiment (2) l9th Line Regiment (3)

Cavalry Brigade: Général de brigade Bruyere l3th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (3) 24th Chasseur à Cheval Regiment (2) Artillery:

2 Horse Batteries (6-8pdrs & 2 How ea) lst Division: Général de division Nansouty

Brigade: Général de brigade Defrance lst Carabinier Regiment (4) 2nd Carabinier Regiment (4) Brigade: Général de brigade Doumerc 2nd Cuirassier Regiment (4) 9th Cuirassier Regiment (4) Brigade: Général de brigade

3rd Cuirassier Regiment (4) l2th Cuirassier Regiment (4)

IX Corps: Maréchal Bernadotte (After reorganization of June l809) Division: Generallieutenant von Zeschwitz

Brigade: Generalmajor von Hartitzsch Leib-Grenadier-Garde Battalion von Bose Grenadier Battalion von Hake Grenadier Battalion von Radeloff Grenadier Battalion von Winkelmann Grenadier Battalion von Metzsch Schutzen Battalion


Brigade: Generalmajor von Zeschau Konig Infantry Regiment (2)

von Niesemeuschel Infantry Regiment (2) von Dyherrn Infantry Regiment (2)

2nd Division: Generallieutenant von Polenz Brigade: Generalmajor Lecoq

Prinz Clemens Infantry Regiment (2) von Low Infantry Regiment (2)

von Cerrini Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Colonel von Steindel

Prinz Anton Infantry Regiment (2) Prinz Maximilian Infantry Regiment (2) Prinz Friederich Infantry Regiment (2) Artillery:

2 Foot Batteries (4-6pdrs & 2 How ea) 2 Foot Batteries (4-12pdrs & 2 How ea) l Horse Battery (4-6pdrs)

Bavarian Corps: Maréchal Lefebvre, Duke of Danzig

lst Division: Generallieutenant Prinz Ludwig of Bavaria (later Generallieutenant Deroy)

Brigade: Generalmajor von Rechberg lst Light Infantry Battalion Leib Infantry Regiment (2) Erbprinz Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Generalmajor Beckers

4th Infantry Regiment (2)

Duke Pius Infantry Regiment (2) Cavalry Brigade: Generalmajor von Zandt lst Dragoon Regiment (2)

lst Chevauleger Regiment Erbprinz (4) Artillery:

2 Foot Batteries (4-6pdrs & 2 How) l Foot Battery (4-12pdrs & 2 How) l 6pdr Wurst Battery (4-6pdrs & 2 How) 2nd Division: Generallieutenant von Wrede

Brigade: Generalmajor Minuzzi 6th Jager Battalion

3rd Infantry Regiment Prinz Karl (2) l3th Infantry Regiment (2) Brigade: Generalmajor Beckers

6th Infantry Regiment Herzog Wilhelm (2) 7th Infantry Regiment Lowenstern (2) Cavalry Brigade: Generalmajor Preysing 2nd Chevauxleger Regiment Koenig (4) 3rd Chevauxleger Regiment Leiningen (4) Artillery:

2 Foot Batteries (4-6pdrs & 2 How) l Foot Battery (4-l2pdrs & 2 How) l 6pdr Wurst Battery (4-6pdr & 2 How) 3rd Division: Generallieutenant Deroy

(later Generalmajor Siebein) Brigade: Generalmajor von Siebein 5th Jager Battalion

9th Infantry Regiment Isemburg (2) l0th Infantry Regiment Junker (2)


Brigade: Generalmajor Vincenti 7th Jager Battalion

5th Infantry Regiment Preysing (2) l4th Infantry Regiment (2)

Cavalry Brigade: Generalmajor Seydewitz 2nd Dragoon Regiment Taxis (4)

4th Chevauxleger Regiment Bubenhoven (4) Artillery:

2 Foot Batteries (4-6pdrs & 2 How) l Foot Battery (4-l2pdrs & 2 How) l 6pdr Wurst Battery (4-6pdr & 2 How)

Copyright GFN 1993


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