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ECA in print: list of selected, landmark publications of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), 1958-1993


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E/ECA/UB/SERIES F/I/94 April 1994


Telephone: 51-72-00 Ext. 114 Fax: (251) (1)51-02-80



INTRODUCTION: "Footprints on the sands of time" . .

-. First decade: 1958-19658

. (laying the foundations for institutional • , ...


- Second decade: 1980-1979

(Consolidation of regional co-operation and . . . . v integration efforts)

- Third decade: 1980-1990

(Socio-economic policy analysis and v-..


- Present decade: 1991-

(Policy implementation, capacity building x

and infrastructural development)




- General . ... 1-2


- Advisory Services 2

- Agriculture 3_j

- Bibliographies and Catalogues ' ' ^

- Capacity Building 5

- Cartography and Remote Sensing ' '

- Directories

- Economic Integration

- Entrepreneurship Development

- Environment jqj^

- Human Resources Development ]3_J6

- Industry . ; ' " ' }6_]8

- Manuals and Handbooks jg

- Mineral Resources Development ^p

- Natural Resources



Table of contents (cont'd) - Newsletters

^Policies, Strategies and Declarations - Popular Participation

- Population

- Public Administration and Management •;•■•:• 1,

- Resource Mobilization ;' *

- Science and Technology ..• ■ • •; *~ ?4

- Socio-economic Development ?

- Surveys :

- Trade and Commerce ■ ; j:)

- Transport and Communications ,-. • • ■ ?o

- Water Resources Development • ^

- Women 39-41



The UN Economic and Social Council, by its Resolution 671 A(XXV) of 29 April 1958, established the, Economic Commission for Africa, the youngest of the four UN regional

economic commissions, at the time. Like its sister organizations, the basic aim ofECA was to assist in raising, the level of economic activity in the region, and to maintain and

strengthen the economic relations of the countries in the region, both among themselves and

with other countries of the world. .

The terms of reference ofthe ECA included a provision for dealing with the social aspects of economic development and the inter-relationship between economic and social • faaors, thus empowering the Commission to make recommendations on any matters within its

competence to the Governments of the region and the specialized agencies concerned. The

ECA has since conducted its work around thefollowing specific tasks:

Arranging for the exchange ofknowledge and experience of common problems . at a technical level by means of conferences, meetings and seminars attended

by experts from African countries and supported by consultants from African*

and non- African countries; and by arranging meetings between African leaders for the formulation ofpolicy recommendations to governments, orfor

negotiating multinational economic arrangements or the establishment of

common institutions;

- Increasing the opportunities for training ofAfrican national supervisory or executive personnel through shorn intensive training courses, and through the establishment of training centres and institutes;

Providing, through the regional advisory services and in other ways, on-the- spot assistance.to governments in development planning, public administration, trade promotion, natural resources development, etc.;

Collecting, collating and disseminating statistical information; and, the"

conducting and publishing of economic surveys and analytical studies.

In the course of executing its mandates and conducting its multifarious activities and tasks over the last thirty-five years, the ECA has chalked many successes andfaced many a


It is in the commemoration ofthe many acts undertaken by the ECA to promote the material well-being of its member States that thefollowing representative collection ofstudies reports, declarations, policy frameworks, directories, manuals, newsletters and the like

-1 -


spanning the substantive pre-occupations of the ECA - education, training and research, agriculture, industry, trade, transport, communications and tourism, population, human resources development, statistical compilation and information, women and gender issues, science and technology, environment, resource mobilization, and the development of natural resources - is assembled.

This is done in an effort to bridge the information gap between ECA and its member States. For many a time our member States and well-wishers are not well informed of the wide-ranging intellectual pursuits of the Secretariat, nor of the innumerable publications and documents released by it in support of its workfor member States. By bringing these

materials to the attention of all interested Africans and other well-wishers, we hope to ' ' confirm as was noted on the accession of the Silver Jubilee Anniversary of the Commission in 1983 that the ECA "has managed, in no small way, to leave its footprints on the sands of time and that its standing in the eyes of its member States, in the light of both its

.achievements and total commitment to the economic development and integration of Africa,

increases every day". • \ '-1 '

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa has gone through many a transformation during these last few decades. As if by design, each of the lapsed decades have focused on certain major regional developmental priorities and-concerns which the ECA, with a dogged determination, concretized into specific platforms for action to address

^emerging issues in Africa. This exhibition of ECA publications is accordingly organized around the three decades of ECA's existence and work.

The publications exhibited are some of the "footprints" of the ECA. They have been put together as a testimony to ECA's efforts to fulfil the hopes and aspirations of its member

States. Of course, this listing of ECA publications - its footprints -is not exhaustive of all that the Secretariat, through its various organs, divisions and units has produced during the

nearly four decades of its existence. It excludes, for example, conference papers and other mimeographed texts which constitute another useful source of information on the work undertaken by the Commission these thirty-five years. A more comprehensive survey and listing of available ECA publications (with annotations) is planned by the Library in due

course. ■■■ .■■-• -. - . -

Having helped to develop and implement projects and programmes, but more importantly, having facilitated'the growth in the ideas, outlook, institutions, skills and activities represented in the exhibited items, the ECA can surely take credit in the catalytic role it hasplayed in the patient evolution of studies, policies and*institutions designed to satisfy, the need and achieve advantages for Africa. ■''' '.',"'"

The UNECA Library through this exhibition of ECA publications pays due. tribute to all, both past and present, who have aided the ECA in this process. By its Golden Jubilee Anniversary, the ECA would surely have scored many more successes.

- u -


FIRST DECADE: 1958-1968


The first decade of the Commission may be referred to as the political decade when Africa maturedfrom colonial rule to selfrule. For the Commission, this was the periodfor laying the foundations for institutional development in order to be able to serve the emerging

sovereign States ofAfrica. , ■

. - ' " ' '■ * .'

With human capacities at very low levels and in some cases, relatively non-existent, the ECA had to invest considerable attention and resources to the training of the needed human resources to support the work of the Secretariat, and member States themselves which had acquired political independence but lacked adequatety trained manpower to enable them

execute the functions of governance, .

The early years were therefore spent in building a data base and creating institutions for training personnel to analyze, interpret and apply statistics for economic development,

and also to handle many of the sectors for which the ECA was responsible.


1959 - First Memorandum of Understanding between ECA and FAO were

signed in order to establish a firm basis for effective collaboration between the two organizations

1961 - Division ofIndustry, Transport and Natural Resources established. A

Standing Committee on Industry and Natural Resources was also established in 1962

1962 - Industry Division established as an off-shoot ofthe Division of Industry,

Transport and Natural Resources

1963 - ECA and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

embarked on a study of air transport in Africa, which resulted in the first African Air Transport Conference being organized by ECA and

ICAO in 1964

ECA and ITU concluded a memorandum of understanding to co ordinate efforts in accelerating the development of telecommunications in Africa

West African subregional office (MULPOC) established in Niamey;

North African subregional office (MULPOC) also established in Tangier

- Hi -


1964- African Development Bank (AL>B)created

md Souther African subregional office (MULPOC) was established in Lusaka

1965-'^-^ i , Central Africansubregional office(MULPOC) established inKinshasa Measures were taken to implement the Pan-African Telecommunications Network project (PANAFTEL) in cooperation with the International

"■ .'"v»\^ _r-Telecommunications Union (ITU) ■-./ ■ v ■ ■

I.. i\: '-\; -> ■ .■ . - ■ ■ ■■■ ■ v - * >* - ' ■ ■' v • '•>-<

1968 -v>, ,,-•. v, Association ofAfrican Central'Banks (AACB) created to promote ' *A '''

: ' ' ' monetary and financial integration in Africa. All African Banks'belong

totheAACB --w,r -^- ' • --.--'

Transport and Telecommunications Sections established. A Trans- .i ■.. . ' ■ African Highway Bureau established to serve as the'secretariat 'to assist

■.V.;../. •/-• Jn &? establishment ofTrans-African Highway Authorities • ' -

\.\.: .-!.


SECOND DECADE : 1969 - 1979



Within its overall goal ofself-reliance and sustainable developmentfor the African region, the ECA concentrated, as it had done during the previous decade, on "efforts to meet more satisfactorily, the requirements ofmember States in development planning, plan

implementation, public administration and management, especially by organizing , whenever possible and appropriate, continuing advisory services in these fields", UNDATs were

accordingly established in the early 1970s. In 1973, Resolution 241 (XI) of the ECA Conference ofMinisters recommended the re-orientation ofthe UNDATs to become operational institutions for the promotion of economic co-operation. The UNDATs were

subsequently to be replaced by the MULPOCs

This period also saw the laying ofthe foundations for the creation of sub-regional economic communities towards an eventual African Economic Community. Collective action was sought for African economic development as exemplified in the recommendations ofthe ECA/OAU

Monrovia Seminar on Alternative Patterns ofDevelopment.

In 1975-76, the Secretariatformulated a strategy and guidelines for an aaion programmefor the implementation of the new international economic order in Africa, within the framework ofthe guidelines contained in the OAU African Declaration on Cooperation, Development and Economic Independence and the resolutions on development and interactional economic co-operation adopted by OAU Assembly ofHeads of Sates and Government (1973) and the

UN General Assembly, respectively.


1969 - Conference ofMinisters established by Resolution 188 (IX) as the highest legislative organ of the Commission and composed of the

Ministers of Governments of the member States responsible for economic and social development planning.

OAU and ICAO jointly organized the conference on the

establishment ofan African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) which

later became a specialized organ of the OAU

• v -


1970171 - A Tourism Section was established as part of the Transport and Telecommunications Section

1971 - First ECA/OAU Conference ofAfrican Ministers of Industry adopts the Addis Ababa Declaration on Industrialization in the 1970s

1972 - Regional demographic training institutes set up in Accra, Ghana and Yaounde', Cameroun - Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), .

and the Institut de Formation et de Reche'rches De'mographiques

(IFORD), respectively

Women's programme established within the then Human Resources Development Division thus making the ECA the first Regional Economic Commission to have a programme designed specifically to accelerate the integration of Women in Development

At the initiative of the ECA, the Union ofAfrican Railways (UAR) was founded and is now a specialized agency of OAU with the mandate to

standardize, expand, co-ordinate and improve the services of its member States

1973 - Conference ofAfrican Ministers of Industry established 1974 - Joint ECA/UNIDO Division established

1975 - ' African Training and Research Training Centre for Women (ATRCW) established under Conference of Ministers Resolution 269 (XII)

1975 Signing by the Heads of State and Plenipotentiaries of 16 West African countries of the Treaty establishing the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

1977 - United Nations Trust Fund for African Development (UNTFAD)

established as a concrete example of the spirit of collective self-reliance through contributions by African Governments to support a range of problems which has severely weakened the economies of the majority of African countries

1978 - The UN General Assembly proclaimed in Resolution 321160 a Transport and Communications Decade in Africa (UNTACDA) calling upon the international community to provide technical and financial assistance to Africa for implementing the Decade programme

- vi -


Multi-programming MULPOCs established in Niamey, Lusaka, Gisenyi, Tangier, and Yaounde'

1979 - UN General Assembly by Resolution 33/202 formally confers executing agency status on regional commissions by deciding the "the regional commissions shall have the status of executing agencies, in their own right"

"Monrovia Declaration of Commitment on Guidelines and Measures for national and collective self-reliance" adopted

- vu -


THIRD DECADE; 1980 - 1990


The decade marked an intensification of thought processes to crystallize developmental

concepts into strategies and action plans. Moving away from studies, per se, to strategies

and more embracing, comprehensive development programmes and packages, the ECA

spearhead the formulation of numerous strategies, programmes and plans of action, either alone, or in collaboration with the OAV and the ADB, and other external partners (notably,

the World Bank and other agencies of the UN system). Generally, however, expectations did

not match the desired results as anticipated at the time when most of the policy frameworks were adopted

While there were no inherent flaws in the strategies and policy frameworks themselves, there was a "less than adequate, timely, systematic and coordinated implementation of their key aspects..."

The decade, which has generally been referred to as the "lost decade" of lost opportunities, in fact was notable for the creation of several institutions for the specialized and technical fields requiredfor Africa's development thus helping to push the continent nearer to its goal of "having an integrated set of mutually reinforcing, genuinely African institutions to provide information, advice and practical services" to ECA member States.


1980 - African Regional Centre for Engineering Design and Manufacturing (ARCEDEM) established

African Industrial Development Fund consideredfor action

Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA) launched by ECA, OAU and ADB to implement provisions of the Lagos Plan ofAction in the industrial sector

"Lagos Plan ofAction for the Economic Development ofAfrica, 1980- 2000" adopted by African Heads of State and Government

- vm -


1981 - Pan-African Documentation and Information System (PADIS)for social and economic development inaugurated following recommendations from a feasibility study prepared by a joint mission composed ofECA, OAU and pRC in collaboration with UNESCO, UN Department of

International Economic and Social Affairs, and UNDP

The Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa (PTA)

established ■ .

1986 - , "Africa's Priority Programme for Economic Recovery and Development . , (APPEk)" prepared jointly by ECA and OA U and adopted by African.

Heads of State and Government -< . ■

United Nations Programme ofAction for Africa's Economic Recovery and Development, 1986-1990 (UN-PAAERD) launched <

1987 t African Common Position on Africa's External Indebtedness adopted.

1989 - African Charter for Social Action adopted by African Ministers ofSocial Affairs

1990 - . African Charterfor Popular Participation in Development adopted.

- u -





With the wealth ofpolicies/strategies and declarations generated during the 1980s but implemented with limited successes, the Commission is once again spearheading moves

towards "on-oriented implementable framework to mobilize financial resources, establish modalities for cooperation and coordination, and to monitor progress and recommend policy ■ connections in the course of implementing the land-mark strategies, programmes and plans of

action adopted since the mid-1970s." ■ '-"»'' ■ • l - • "

- . The major mechanisms for'bringing this about will be'the United Nations New Agenda for the Development ofAfrica in the 1990s (UN-NADAF), The new Agenda "accord special

attention to human development and increased productive employment, and promotes rapid progress towards the achievement of human^oriehted goals by the year 2000", "It recognizes the needfor institutional capacities for the promotion of regional and subregional economic cooperation and integration; theintensification of the democratisation process, and investment promotion and it reiterates Africa's commitment to "ensuring the development and

maintenance of reliable networks of agricultural, physical, industrial and institutional ..-:

infrastructures on the continent", focusing^on the "implementation ofprogrammes for the'' - Second Transport and Communications Decade in Africa and the Second Industrial

Development Decade for Africa".

Within these frameworks, the ECA is geared to mobilizing the continent towards higher levels ofboth human and physical capacities for greater self-reliance and sustainability in the

next ten to twenty years.


1991 - Second Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA II) : 1991 -

2000 instituted

Second Transport and Communications Decade in Africa (UNTACD II) : 1991 - 2000 instituted

1992 - Dakar/Ngor Declaration adopted.

J993 - Strategic Agenda for Development Management in Africa in the 1990s


- x -



1. Biennial report of the Executive Secretary, 1992-1993. 68 p

(E/ECA/CM.20/4) COES

2. La CEA et le de'veloppement de-1'Afrique 1983-2008: Etude prospective

preiiminaire, 1983. 116 p COES

3. Dix ans de CEA:A la conquete de l'autonomie, 1958-1968.

193 p (E/CN.14/424) COES

4. The Economic Commission for Africa: ..

its origin, development, problems and

prospects, 1979. 41 p COES

5. Economic Commission for Africa ,. t

1958-1983 Silver Jubilee Anniversary,

1983..320 p , COES

6. Ten years of ECA: A venture in self-reliance, (1958-1968), 1968.

183 p(E/CN. 14/424) , COES

7. Twenty-Five years of service to African development and integration,

1983. 212 p COES

8. Twenty-One Years of African Development,

1958-1979. 51 p ;V. UNECA

ADVISORY SERVICES/SERVICES CONSULTATIFS 9. Face au defi du de'veloppement de 1'

afrique dans les armies 90, 1993.





10. Meeting the challenge of African development in the 1990*s, 1993.


11. Operational framework, n.d. 47 p ECA-MRAG

12. "Towards a development ! strategy for South Africa":

Mission report on Joint UNECA/MRAG- Africa Institute of South Africa

Workshop Johannesburg, August 1993.

27 p(ECA/MRAG/93/42/MR) ECA-MRAG

AGRICULTURE/AGRICULTURE 13. Barriers to access of rural women

to land, livestock, other productive assets, extension services and credit in selected African countries, 1991.

39 p (ECA/SDA/IRD(JEFAD)/91/1.2)(e) JEFAD

14. Biotechnology and African Livestock Sector at the cross-road, 1993.

vii, 51 p. (Monograph No. 6) JEFAD

15. Food and agriculture in Africa. 56 p.

(Staff papers No. 4) JEFAD

16. Land degradation and food supply: ■ ...

issues and options for food self-

sufficiency in Africa. 16 p JEFAD



17. Africa Index: selected articles on

■ socio-economic development, No. 67, April 1993; No. 68 August 1993.

(E/ECA/LIB/SER/E/93-67, 68) Library/ACSD

18. African women in development:

an annotated bibliography, 1990. 20 p

(E/ECA/ATRCW/BIB/3.3(ii)(c)/90) ATRCW

19. Bibliography of African Statistical Publications, 1982-1985. 63 p


20. Improving the communication network of the African Training and Research Centre for Women:List No. 1 (Documents available

for distribution), 1992. 10 p ATRCW

21. Improving the communication network of the African Training and Research Centre for Women:List No. 2 (Audio-visual

materials), 1992. 10 p ATRCW

22. Improving the communication network of the African Training and Research Centre for Women: List No. 3, (Women, the informal sector and

entrepreneurship), 1993. 12 p . ATRCW

23. List of Tables of Contents of Selected Professional Journals, No. 338, February,

1994 Library/ACSD






24. New Acquisitions in the UNECA Library,: . . :

Vol. 31, No. 4, July-August, 1993

Vol. 31, No. 5, September-October, 1993 &

Vol. 31, No. 6,November-December 1993 _ Library/ACSD

25. POPIN-Africa Country Bibliography Series

No. 6. (Cameroon), 1991. 312 p PQP

26. POPIN-Africa: Country Bibliography . pop

series, No. 1 (Kenya), 1986. xvii, 158 p.

27. POPINDEX-Africa, Vol. 5, 1989 pop

y :

28.; ,* Select List of Publications of the

£■• Population Division, ECA, 1988-1993

1993. 35 p (ECA/POP/TP/93/8/2[(a)(rv)] POP .


29. Building and utilizing physical infrastructural capacities in Africa 1994. 31 p (E/ECA/CM.20/12)

30. Building, strengthening and effectively utilizing human capacities for sustained development in Africa, 1994 23 p

(E/ECA/CM.20/9) CQES

31. Capacities to exploit natural resources and diversify African economies into

processing and manufacturing, 1994

22 p (E/ECA/CM.20/4) . GOES

32. Capacity building for food production, food security and self-sufficiency in

Africa, 1994. 15 p (E/ECA/CM.20/12) COES


Critical capacities for effective

socio-economic policy analysis and

management, 1994. 17 p

(E/ECA/CM.20/8) .".' C0ES

34. Critical capacities in support of

good governance, political stability,

peace and security in Africa, 1994. 9 p

(E/ECA/CM.20/7) GOES-

35. Development entrepreneurial capacities of public and private sector enterprise,

1994. 29 p (E/ECA/CM.20/10) GOES

36. Endogenous capacity building in .

science and technology in Africa

19*>. 193 p NRD

37. A framework agenda for building and

utilizing critical capacities in Africa:

preliminary report, 1994. 39 p

(E/ECA/CM.20/6) C0ES


2nd ed., December 1992. iii, 32 p.

(NRD/CRSU/92-6) : . NRD

39. Eighth United Nations Regional Cartographic

Conference for Africa, 22-26 February 1993, ;• »

Addis Ababa. 39 p. (E/ECA/NRD/CART/248) NRD

40. Rapport de TAtelier Regional sur la

Te16de*tection et les Systemes d'Information Georaphique a l'lntention des Decideurs Africains, 1992. 48 p.






41. African Directory of Demographers, . .. / . p.

1990. i42 p. (ECA/POP/TP/90[3.1(iii)] ...:../... POP 42. African Trade Directory, 1989. 149 p ' ''". " .. ',

(ECA/TRADE/FACC/3) : :.".' .\ .' ..'." ',f.\ . .TDFD

43. Directory-of African Experts, 1982,

Vol. 1. 457 p. (E/ECA/PADIS/TCDC/1) -PADIS ; -f

44. Directory of African Experts, 1991. '" '.',"■"

124 p (E/ECA/PADIS/DAE/91) [ \ PADIS '

45. Directory of African Mineral Resources ' '

Development Experts. 51 p. (NRD/MRU/TP/3/9 . '.:. Y\ .'. . . . '.". NRD "■ "

. * ■ ■-'. i. ■ ■ - -

46. Directory of African Specialists and

consulting organizations 1982 (Supplementary

edition). 408 p ; . . , . :'. ; PHSD

47. Directory-of"African Statisticians, 1992.

293 p. (E/ECA/PSD.7/22) STAT

48. Directory of African Water Resources k-' " ": ' ''■ ' -, =■ .

Specialists, 1992. 90 p ; NRD

49. Directory of Development Institutions ) • ' x;M J

in Africa, 1991. 112 p • .'"■•• "■•••


.'„ .V. .... /

50. Directory of Electronic Data Processing ■-■' ■ ■,?■■- Centres and.:Experts in Africa, 1993. i ; % . j

159 p. (E/ECA/STAT/SDB/2.a(ii)/93 STAT

51. Directory of project profiles in . .,. .- : . = ■ - ' metal working industries and ■ w ■ . ' • •. . ■ = - medicinal plant processing for small- ■ ■

scale industries, Vol. 1, 1990. [various *j* . ■ : .

pages], (ECA/IHSD/SSI/001/90) IHSD


- 7 -


52. Directory of statistical training centres and associate centres participating in the statistical

Training Programme for Africa, 1992. .

248 p(ECA/STAT/DM.7-STPA/91/10) . . ; STAT

53. Directory of Telecommunications , ■ '

Services in Africa, 1991. 42 p : . PADIS

54. Directory of Vocational Training Facilities in Tourism in Africa, 1992.

80 p. (Transcora/91/500 Rev.l) TCTD

55. Roster of African Women Experts, 1991.

87 p. (E/ECA/ATRCW/3.3(ii)(b)/91 ATRCW

ECONOMIC INTEGRATION/INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE 56. Atelier de concertation industrielle, 1992.

45 p. (ECA/ECO/MUL/92/40 ECO

57. Etude sur 1'harmonisation et la coordinations programmes de vols et la formation des agents des compagnies aeriennes de l'afrique centrale, 1992. 93 p.


58. Etude sur l'intergonriexion des ' reseaux de telecommunication de Tafrique

centrale, 1992. 70 p. (ECA/ECO/JUL/92/27) ECO

59. Etude sur les regies d'origine de la commuhaute economique des etats de V afrique centrale, Vol. 1: Analyse

des Regies d'Origine, 1992. 172p ' \





60. Plan directeur pour le de*veloppement des -;r' -:' ' 'J J filieres industrielles seiectionnees ' - ' >j "•'- ~P •'•',■ - .""' dans la CEEAC, Vol. 2 (Plans Sectories), •<'* - ... •;'.-. " w-.•*..

1992.;.190p. (ECA^CO/MUL/92/62) . .'Pi ■;•, : .:.:.:->/..' ECO'^

61. Programme complete de securite alimentaire i : • ■>-'' '>' ;' •"•

pour la fsous-r6gion Afrique Centrale. 46 p. . ■ ...•-•-/-:


62. Rapport Final, 1992. 22p. (ECA/ECO/MUL/92/58),. .- . . . .;'...'. ECO-1*

63. Rapport technique: plans directeur pour

le de*veloppement des filieres industrielles , - :>; •• V,- . :l - .,

seiectipnnfe dans le CEEAC, Vol. 1 •* . '.?-./., •.■

(Base des ressources et voies et moyens d'industrialisation), 1992. 70 p.

(ECA/ECO/MUL/92/01). :.. .,./.•; .,.-.«. j;.^ .,-..?. ./.<: ;;.,;.... . : ;■ ECO v ; 64. Reactualisation technique et economique - -; ..^ ., ;#/ . . ^;:

des etuiles.de faisabilite pour Tintegration : ';v'i;"\v \^_-;

des reseaux nationaux des etats membres de

la CEEAC, 1992. 107p (ECA/ECO/MUL/92/29) ..,..., .v-.-v . ...;ECO, Jlt

■"" < . .i _>' •''■.'

65. Reunion des Administrations de ...;.,.

Telecommunications d'Afrique Centrale, , "... ^ -. *,r Brazzaville, Congo, 4-8 septembre, 1989. ' , ,; ' ",'"\'t^

181 p. (ECA/ECO/MUL/92/30 ...-'. ... ECQ,"/


ENTREPRISES '' "' ". l "

66. Amelior les r&ultats des entreprises (j

publiques en Afrique, 1990. 39 p .../. l!1?. PHSD

67. Assurer une meiUeure gestion des '

pays, 1991. 50 p PHSD

entreprises publiques africaines - !

lec.ons tirees des experiences des .■.,











mabhng environment ror entrepreneurship

development in Africa, 1990. 45 p

Global synthesis (Lessons learned and

experiences gained during the

implementation of project RAF/87/042

"improving African women's role in the

informal sector", 1992. 62 p.


Guide pour promouvoir, deVelopper

l'esprit d'entreprise chez les

femmes africaines et faciliter leur

acces au credit, 1990. 64 p.


Improving the role of African women

in informal sector-production &

management (the case of Congo), 1989.

36p.(E/ECA/ATRCW/EPSl/19/8/1989) .ATRCW

Measures for the stimulation, development -^

and promotion of indigenous entrepreneurial

capability in Africa, 1992. 70 p

(ECA/PHSDE/PA/92/1) (Development

Management Series No. 1) PHSD

A portfolio of project profiles on small-scale industrial projects for

entrepreneurs, 1989 (one volume & ' various pagination)

(ECA/IND/SSI/016/89) / 1HSD

Report of the inaugural meeting of the

Federation of African Women Entrepreneurs,

(AFWE) Accra, Ghana, 1-3 June 1993. 9 p ATRCW

Study on the status of women entrepreneurs in the informal

sector, 1988. 116 p.(ECA/ATRCW/88 ATRCW


- 10-


76. Women in. Africa, United Nations Decade

for Women 1976-1985. 20p (ECA/ATRCW) ATRCW


77. African environment and development agenda,. Annex IV - Programme briefs,

1992. 50 p. (E/ECA/CM.18/CRP/Annex) COES

78. Proposition de nouvelle orientation

politique de la CMAE: cinquieme

session de la confe*rence 26-27 novembre

1993, Addis Abeba, Ethiopie. 32 p COES

79. Suggested action by the conference:

Fifth session 22-27 November 1993

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 12 p COES


80. Africa's Human Resources Agenda for the 1990s and beyond, 1991. 112 p

(E/ECA/PHSD/MC/91/6[6.3(ii)(a)] PHSD

81. African experts available for recruitment, No. 1, 1993. 18 p


82. Education staff training development programme, No. 3 (Non-formal education and development), 1988. 13 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/88/18/5.2) . . PHSD

83. Education staff training development programme, No. 4 (Non-formal education and development), 1989. 45 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP.89/19(5.2) : PHSD


-11 -


" >'■''•■ ■' * ' "' '

84. Education staff training development programme, No. 6 (Improving the quality of teaching and learning institutions of higher learning in Africa,

1990. 74 p (ECA/PHSD/HRP/90/2[5.2(a)] PHSD

85. Education staff training development programme, No. 8 (Monitoring and evaluation of educational system),

1993. 93 p ,' PHSD

86. Education staff training development programme, No. 9(Management of

educational reforms), 1993. 22 p PHSD

87. Education staff training development programme: report of national training workshop in educational planning and administration (Natural Resources Development Collect, Lusaka, 7-17 August, 1984), 1984. 33 p


88. Education staff training development ■ '

programme: report on regional curriculum development course and

seminar on concepts, processes and .-

techniques of curriculum planning, development and evaluation (Ministry of National Education, IPAR BUEA, Cameroon, 2-6 December 1991), 1991.

38 p (ECA/PHSD/HIRP/91/23[5.1 OA(b)] . . . : PHSD 89. Human resources development in Africa:

issues and trends,(Monograph No. 18),

1990. 67 p (ECA/PHSD/HRP/90/15[6.2(i)(d)'] PHSD 90. Human resources management in Africa • •'

(Monograph No. 16), 1988. 47 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/88/26[6.1(ii)] PHSD


- 32-








Job vacancies in Africa (Joint ECA/IOM Return of Skills Programme for Africa

1993. 48 p '

Les ressources humaines dans le

de\eloppement de PAfrique: actes de la deuxieme reunion de la conference des ministres responsables de la

planification, de la mise en valeur et de l'utilisation des ressources humaines ainsi que de ses organes subsidiaires, Addis Abeba, 9-16 octobre 1984), 1984.

Manpower- and employment planning

processes in Botswana, 1986. 39 p

(ECA/PAMM/HRP/86/9f6. l(iv)l Mobilization of alternative sources of funds and effective utilization of

resources in African universities:

problems, constraints and prospects

(Studies in Human Resources Development, 8), 1993. 35 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/93/21[2(b)] . . . Non-formal education and development

(Studies in Human Resources

Development, 9), 1993. 24 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/93/7[2)(a)(i)] ....

A regional framework for human resources development and utilization in Africa,

1990. 49 p (E/ECA/PHSD/HRP/MFC/90/2)

Report of the national seminar on

human resources development . ; policy analysis in Mauritius (Human Resources Workshop Series, No. 4, 1993) 1993 (ECA/PHSD/HRP/93/10[l/4(b)]




; V



-1 PHSD:




- 13-


98. Report of the national training workshop - . .- ■ ■

on curriculum development and evaluation

of formal education in Swaziland (Human

Resources Workshop Series, No. 1, 1992)

1992. 59 p (ECA/PHSD/HRP/92/3[5(b)(iii)] PHSD 99. Strengthening the viability of the

African University in the 1990s and - . . ■

beyond, 1992 PHSD

100. Trends and issues in Africa education (Education Monograph No. 6), 1988 77 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/88/17(5.1) -; . .... . ; ; .. PHSD 101. Trends and issues in African education

(Education Monograph, No. 8), 1990. 127 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/90/5[5.1(i)(a)] . PHSD

102. Trends and issues in African education

(Education Monograph, No. 9), 1990. 71 p

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/91/14f5.1)(i)(a)] PHSD

103. Trends and issues in African education

(Education Monograph, No. 10), 1992. 38

(ECA/PHSD/HRP/92/6[2(a)l(i)] PHSD ■


104. Construction sector in Africa,

1993. 49 p (E/ECA/HUS/71) " , _ IHSD

105. Formulation of efficient land use

planning within the framework of .

the urban economy, 1993. 32 p.


106. A guide to manufacturers of small-

scale machinery, 1973. 59 p , .

(E/CN.14/INR. 107)


- 14-



107. Guidelines on the manufacture of

agricultural tools, implements and low-cost transport equipment by small-scale engineering industries in the context of the Second

Industrial Development Decade for Africa (Second IDDA), 1992. 107 p


108. Possibilities and perspectives of

the production of basic chemicals

from natural gas in Africa, 1993. ,

25 p (ECA/IHSD/IDPS/CHM/002/92)

109. Programme pour la decennie du

deVeloppemerit industriel de 1' afrique: Directives concernant les mesures prioritaires a prendre pendant la phase pre'paratoire,

1983. 27 p •-_ mSD

110. Rapport de la dixieme reunion de la conference des ministres

africains de Tindustrie, 1991. ;

39 p (CAMI.10/14/Rev. 1) iHSD

111. Report of the ad hoc intergovernmental meeting of experts on the establishment of an African regional centre for industrial consultancy and management

services, 1983. 42 p (E/ECA/INR/4) . IHSD

112. Report on fertilizer and chemical . industries in East Africa, 1973.

324 p (E/CN.14/INR/206) ... .^ COES

113. Report on engineering industries in East Africa (Mechanical and electrical industries), 1973. 446 p

(E/CN.14/INR/206 GOES




114. Report of the;meeting of the ' intergovernmental committee of experts of the whole on

industrialization in Africa,

Dakar, Senegal, 22-26 July, 1991.

32 p (ICE/I99I/14/Rev.2)


115 Report to the eleventh meeting of . ,.'.", . - / the conference of African Ministers ' ■»■-"■>

of Industry on Assessment of Policies ,

and Strategies for Rehabilitation and ' '

Revitalization of African Industries '*

in Selected Sub-sectors, 1993. 35 p.

(CAMI. 11/4 ICE/1993/9) ; IHSD

■■.'"■■ W

116. Report to the eleventh meeting of the

conference of African Ministers of < .

Industry on Problems, Policies, J ' '

Issues and Prospects by the Year 2000 . ;. . .'.'.', of Africa's Basic Industries, namely: ',

Chemical, Metal and Engineering "" ' '

Industries, 1993. 39 p ' \

(CAMI.U/4 ICE/1993/8) ;'.;:. . . . ;.. . . .;., IHSD 117. The role'of women in agro-industries J"^ *'

in four Eastern and Southern Africa '.

countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Tanzania : . " ; , .

and Zimbabwe. 81 p. (E/ECA/ATRCW/88/2) ...'.:.... .'. .i"..', ATRCW

118. Technical publication on the application of research findings in the development

of pharmaceutical industries on the basis ' '*

of indigenous raw materials, 1989. 41 p

(ECA/IND/CHM/003/89) W". '. . . . .'.". . ' .' '. V 'IHSD ' .

.7" i • " i '!'.■ t.


119. Technical publication of the ' , ' . .'*'".

improvement of the agricultural ., ',, , „ •

equipment maintenance capacity of an , r . . i -= . .;

identified national, subregional or . .^ , '.", , i w

regional institution for maintenance

of agricultural equipment, 1988. 49 p ... , ,,. ;

(ECA/IND/ENG/009/88) !..'...;.'...' IHS!D , ,'1 :

,>-. -,i'-,

120. Technical publication on rehabilitation ... * ,, vr of national, subregional and regional . , , , \ [-*•■■' ■

metal workshops for the production of ,, '. , -

spare parts (for manufacturers of spare lf: : • ;, , >/,'..

parts in metal workshops), 1989. 53 p

(ECA/IND/MET/015/89) ;. r- i •.■.-; 'HSD , . '■

121. Technical publication on ways and means . > .i -. , .<: ■ ■ ■ , of developing appropriate industrial ..s. ■ ■ ;• ,,

technology and human resources through , , ' .. ..- ...

co-operative arrangements between '"\ tt ...

universities, industrial research and , • ■ ,< . ,r development.institutes and enterprises , ,;',.>• -c r -: • .• ,- in African'countries, 1991. 55 p' '

(ECA/IHSD/INS/004/91) . vIHSD .. , -;

122. Women in the artisanal fishing industry s , . ; . --, ;:-:

in Senegal and Ghana, 1984. 23 p. ( ., /', "\ \' ' y. ■ < - (E/ECA/AtRCW/84/04) :....'.'.... .'. ... ATRCW


123. Demographic handbook for Africa, 1992. . ';,*.., * ,t, ^,

117 p. (EGA/POP/TP/92/5) ....'... !'"'. '. POP "

124. Guide for drivers of heavy goods vehicles(Version for driving on the

left and right), 1990. 109 p TCTD


- 17 -


125. Guide to population information resources

in Africa, 1992. 139 p . . . \ ; pop

126. Guidelines and methodologies for the .

development and management of science and technology policies for development,

1992. 73 p. (NRD/STS/IGCESTD/l(A)/92) .

127. Guidelines and methodologies -,

for the development and management " * ■

of science and technology policies '

for development, 1982


128. Guidelines for the incorporation of

women's concerns in national development

plans. 31 p. (E/ECA/ATRCW/3.1(ii)/89) -. ATRCW

129. Handbook for manpower planners in ? ■ Africa, 1989. 310 p(ECA/PHSD/HRP/89/26

[6.1(iii)(a)] PHSD

130. Manual for the integration of '

population variables into development plans in African countries. 91 p.

(ECA/POP/TP/91/l[l.l(ii)] . . . : : - ' ! pOp

131. Manuel d'entretien des routes, 1982.

3 Toms ' : TCTD

'. . ■ ■ ■,

132 Manuel de statistiques appliquees,

1992, SeYies temporelles)

(Monograph No. 2). xvii, 261 p -. . . . JEFAD

133. Manual for the training of small-

scale entrepreneurs for the . : . »■' i ■

development of an indigenous construction sector, 1991. 84 p



- 18-


134. Manual for the training of small- scale technicians and artisans for the development of an indigenous construction sector, 1991. 18 p


135 Technical handbook on composite and no-wheat flours in the context of the second industrial development decade for Africa, 1993. 242 p



136. Actes de la premiere conference re*gionale sur la mise en valeur et l'utilisation des ressources mine*rales

en Afrique, 1981. 328 p -. . . . NRD

137. Africa's Mineral Resources Development and Utilization: Report on the Fourth Regional Conference, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 18-27 1991. 39 p.


138. The Environment and Mineral Resources Development and Utilisation in Africa,

1992. 66 p. (NRD/MRU/TP/3/92) NRD

139. Mise en valeur ressources mineraies en afrique: Rapport de la quatrieme . conference rtSgionale ....Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso 18-27 mars 1991. 43 p.


140. Status of small-scale mining in Africa and strategy for its development, 1992.

89 p. (NRD/MRU/TP/1/92) NRD


- 19-



141. Seventh meeting of the Conference of

Ministers responsible for Economic . \

Planning/Development Freetown

(Sierra Leone), 6-11 April 1981. 26 p

(E/CN.14/NRD/E/39 .. NRD

NEWSLETTERS/BULLETIN D'INFORMATION 142. African Population Newsletter, No. 63/64,

January-December, 1993 pop

143. African Trade, Vol. 18, 1993. . ■ •


144. ATRCW Update, No. 20, July 1993 v .,..:.::.. ATRCW 145. Femmeline, No. 1, December 1993 ..." . ATRCW

146. Femmeline, No. 2, March 1994 :...". ATRCW

147. Flash: Trade opportunities, No. 60,

1993. 63p _ .. TDFD

148. Flash: Trade opportunities, No. 61,

1993. 118 p ..■ , . TDFD ■

149. Focus on African industry, Vol. V, No. 2, 1992. 100 p

150. MAJI (Information Bulletin on Water Resources Activities in Africa), No. 6, December 1993

151. PADIS Newsletter, Vol. 8, No. 4,

December 1993. 8 p PADIS




152. People First, Vol. 2, No. ,2* December 1993 ..-..;.... PHSD



153. Abjua declaration on participatory ;

development: the role of women in

Africa in the 1990's, 1989. 39 p ATRCW

154. The Abuja Statement (the International

Conference on Africa: The Challenge of Economic Recovery and Accelerated Development,Abuja, Nigeria, 15-19 June,

1987). 39 p (ECA/CERAD/87/75) COES f

155. African Alternative Framework to structural adjustment programmes for socio-economic recovery and

transformation. 60 p (E/ECA/CM.15/6/Rev.3) COES

156. African Alternative Framework to structural adjustment programmes for socio-economic recovery and transformation: Selected policy

instruments, 1991. 53 p COES

157. African charter for social action/

Charte africaine d'action sociale:

adopted by the Fifth Conference of African Ministers of Social Affairs (Arusha, October 1989). 6 p


158. African common position on human and social development in Africa - (as adopted by the First meeting of the conference of African Ministers responsible for human

development, Africa Hall, Addis Ababa,

Ethiopia, 20-21 January 1994). 48 p PHSD


-21 -


159. African strategies for the , V

implementation of the United ■

Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Agenda 21, 1993.

91 p. (E/ECA/CM.19/8/Rev.l) '... COES

160. Africa's strategy for development . . .

in the 1970s, 1973. 27 p SERPD

161. Cadre africaine de re*fe*rence pour

les programmes d'adjustement - *tn structurel en vue du redressement ; et de la transformation socio-economiques:

etude de quelques moyens d'intervention,

1991. 57> COES

162. Cadre pour la formulation d*un plan , ■ - >

directeur pour la rehabilitation, la - reconstruction et le de*veloppement du

Burundi, 1994. 118 p -.-.,... SERPD

163. Cadre afrocaom de re'feremce pour

les programmes d'ajustement ; . <• .--,■■/

structurel en vue du redressement . k, <<";

et de la transformation socio- , .•

feonomiques. 64 p. (E/ECA/CM.15/6/Rev.3) ...:,.... COES 164. Cadre africaine de re'fe'rence pour

les programmes d'adjustement structurel en vue du redressement

et de la transformation socio-economiques.

57 p (E/ECA/C.M.15/6/Rev.3) . . UNCA

165. Declaration d'Abuja sur le de'veloppement

participarif: rdle de la femme africaine :

au cours des anne*es 90, 1989. 41 p ATRCW


166. DAKAR/NGOR Declaration on Population,

Familyand Sustainable Development: • ■

(adopted at the Third African Population Conference, Dakar, Senegal 7-12 December

1992). 17 p. (E/ECA/POP/APC.3/93/1) . POP

167. Declaration de DAKAR/NGOR sur la 7opulati6n, la famille et le

de*veloppement durable: (adoptee a Troisieme Conference Africaine sur la Population, Dakar, Senegal, 7-12 December

1992). 17 p. (E/ECA/POP/APC.3/93/1) POP

168. Declaration de Khartoum, 1988.

82 P- • ■ ■ ■ PHSD

169. La Declaration de Khartoum: vers une approche du redressement socio- economique et du deVeloppement de l'Afrique centree sur l'homme, 1988


170. Deuxieme decennie des Nations Unies pour les transports et les communications en Afhque (UNTACDA, II), 1991-2000), Tome 1: Programme, 1991. 142 p


171. L'evolution de la strategic de Monrovia et du plan d'action de

27 p COES

172. Formulating the master plan for rehabilitation, reconstruction and development of Eritrea, 1993.

118 P • . COES




173. Joint UNECA/UNESCO Plan of Action , ,. - „ ... , . - . . • .f i.

for effective curricula reform for " . .», . -; -vV development, economic transformation . , , , . •., ,, r and self-confidence building in Africa, ■, ,,- T.,,, ., . ,> -./,■<<

1993. 10 p (ECA/PHSD/93/13/3) i-TJ:;u;-.[■*"•..;.••'■-•■■•'■■' ^HSD ., "'

174. The Khartoum Declaration: towards a '\\>\ ^ ,, ■(■.-,• .

human-focused,approach to socio-economic * >T g,-

recovery and development in Africa, ' ■ '

1988. 99 p r:,.:-rv:'-. -• PHSR". - '

175. Kilimanjaro Programme of Action - t.u. ..> .'J-... <, •.-

for African Population and Self- . v ,. \ ; .,>•-:

Reliant Development, 1984. 9 p. . '... POP

176 Plan d'action CEA/UNESCO pour reforme t, ' .,'. . .;./

effective des programmes scolaires en vue ; ... ' -;

du development, de la transformation . , .. , . , . - . ,.

economique ,et de l'etablissement de la . ) .'....,.' confiance en afrique, 1993. 14 p.

(ECA/PHSD/93/13/3) , ,.,. PHSD,

177. Plan of^Action for the integration T -• , , , of women in development in Africa, 1974.

14 p ATRCW.-,.,

178. Plan d'action en vue de la mise en oeuvre de la strategic de Monrovia pour Ie

de*veloppement economique de TAfrique ,ir.:... ; ,.r . • ,. . K,..

recommende par la conference des r, iU ^ -.} „ ■' , • . , .;.

ministres de la CEA responsibles du jtK, ■ .r: ^ -■ ■ ... ,

de'veloppement economique a sa sixieme ., . • ; i\t reunion tenue a Addis Abeba, 9-12 avril

1990. 130p(E/CN.14/781/Add.l) . . .COES.^,



179. Position commune africaine sur le ' - ' *' ' - li ■ ■' ''"■ ' wv:

de'veloppement humain et social en "' •' :<i ' - ' * ' ■ • ' afrique. (Adoptee par la Conference '■'-■" -• - i!i '" •/«.« .'.^ri-j-i. *-.

des mimstres africains responsibles v '•'•' "; J ,,. ' f "

du de'veloppement humain, a sa premiere ' 4 ■'■ - ' ' ; j Iij"

reunion) (Maison de TAfrique, Addis

Abeba, Ethiopia 20-21 Janvier 1994). ; : - ; > •■ >'''*• ■>.:.>'- ri

58 p .*■■:"■>:•. :■::.: /.•:■■/; :r: . phsd-->'

180. Preparation d'un plan directeur pour " '^'

la rehabilitation, la reconstruction et

le de'veloppement economique et social ?:-"iJIX '' />v ''■*

du Rwanda, 1994. 42 p ■>'.' .Jl.!. v". . V. COES' ■ L'

181. Programme d'action de Kilimanjaro

concernant la population africaine >■■ • /!.... '*'":~|

et le ddveloppement autonome, Arusha, * ': - ""' •' '''■■•- .- ^

Re*publique Unie de Tanzanie, 9-13 ' : -■ • ' ' ^ f' Janvier 1980, 1984. 10 p "'. -." y : :'. :.'.' . - .' POP" ' "^

182. Programme strategique pour la gestion ' :<^ -? ^.^

du d^veloppement en afrique au cours

des annees 90, 1993. 30p '•;'•':.-.. .". .-». A*.'-PHSD" ^

183. Strategic1 agenda for development

management in Africa in the 1990s.

40 p : :v. .-'//I'*.'-J ! .■: -l: • ■

184. A strategy for the implementation -•/ - i -' < - : ' : r. •'■'■{ ,*' ■■"-''- of the Addis Ababa Plan of Action ■ ' ' ">M" ' ! ; /-■ '; ■'■'■1 ■" '^

for statistical development in Africa '■ -''-'' i■- •■•-'■;!

in the 1990fs, 1992. 61 p :::..'. .V:■-. :■'.':•. ■.•;" STAT •:"- ■>>

185. Strategies sous-regionales: L'Afrique '; -i]J* i:"' 'l ^ ; -i'■ lt ' ( vi

Centrale. 34 p (DOC/UNTACDA/90/IA/5) TCTD




186. Strategies sous-regionales: L'Afrique *

de l'Ouest. 27 (DOC/UNTACDA/STRAT/91/08) . TCTD

187. Structural Adjustment for Socio-

economic Recovery and Transformation:

the African Alternative, 1990. 123 p SERPD

188. Subregional strategies: Central :

Africa, 1990. 32 p (DOC/UNTACDA/90/IA/5) TCTD *

189. Subregional strategies: Eastern and Southern Africa, 1990. 91p


190. Subregional strategies: North Africa.


191. Subregional strategies: West Africa,

1991. 27 p (DOC/UNTACDA/STRAT/91/08) TCTD

192. Strategies Africaines pour la mise en oeuvre de l'agenda 21: adopte" par la conference des Nations Unies sur renvironnement et le deVeloppement,

1993. 119 p (E/ECA/CM.19/8/Rev.l) COES.

193. Tokyo declaration on African development: "Towards the 21st

Century" 5-6 October 1993/D^claration de Tokyo sur le deVeloppement de l'Afrique: "Vers le XXT Siecle"

5-6 octobre 1993, 1994. 12 p IHSD/


194. UNECA's agenda on emergency, . .■

humanitarian, rehabilitation and . -

reconstruction affairs, 1993. 47 p COES









United Nations Transport &

Communications Decade for Africa, 1978-1988, Vol. I Global Strategy and Plan of Action, First Phase,

1980-1983. 217 p (E/CN.14/726

E/CN.14/TRANS/147) TCTD '

United Nations Transport and Communications Decade for Africa, 1978-1983, Vol. II Approved

programme of action including projects sector by sector for Phase I. 1980-1983 Part Vll-Part XII. 142 p (E/CN.14/726/

Add.l E/CN.14/TRANS/147/Add.l) . . TCTD

United Nations Transport and Communications Decade for Africa,

1978-1983, Vol. Ill,

Draft programme of action including projects sector by sector for Phase II,

1984-1988, Part X Broadcasting.

[various pages] (DEC/TRANSCOM/PH.II) United Nations Transport and

Communications Decade for Africa, 1978-1983, Vol. IV, Approved programme of action for Phase II,

1984-1988, Transport Programme project profiles, Part II Railways and rail transport. 201 p.



TCTD Une strate*gie pour la mise en oeuvre

du Plan d'action d'Addis Abeba pour le deVeloppement de la statistique en Afrique dans les annfe 90, 1992.

19 p . . . : STAT *




200. Un programme pour la de*cenne du de*veloppement industriel de Pafrique:

(Document e'tabli par la Commission dconomique pour l'Afrique, TOrganisation de 1' unitd africaine et I'Organizations .

des Nations Unies pour le •

developpement industriel), 983. 237 p 1HSD


201. Assessment of popular participation

in the formulation and implementation of development policies and programmes (Studies in participatory development,

No. 1 (a case study of Namibia). 36 p PHSD

202. Assessment of popular participation in the formulation and implementation of development policies and programmes:

(Studies in participatory development,

No. 2 (a case study of Uganda). 34 p \ PHSD

203. Charte Africaine de la participation populaire au developpement et a la transformation, Arusha 1990. 75 p

(E/ECA/CM. 16/11) PHSD

204. How people's organizations and non-governmental agencies research, lobbying and advocacy (Studies in Participatory Development No. 3).

55 p ; PHSD

205. National policy workshop enhancing dialogue, co-operation and interface between the government and popular development organizations in Namibia (Popular participation Workshop Series

No. 3), 1993. 38 p PHSD




206. National policy workshop enhancing ~

dialogue, co-operation and interface v . .:. '

between the government and popular >.

development organizations in Uganda - •■-.■■■

(Popular Participation, Workshop Series - ::-;,. ., ■ : ;

No. 1), 1993. 45 p ... .PHSD

207. Statement of the ECA, FAVDO and PAC

roundtable qni co-operation and ■■ - ' "'■' '. - ■ , partnership for African development

(Popular Participation Workshdp Series * i: , *"> ■> ;'. j

No. 2), 1993. 13 p ; PHSD

208. Underlining principles for enhanced , .. ■_ ■• - -■

dialogue: co-operation and interface -~;-v ; . • -,->

between governments and peoples -. : it ' •, c'q .:.

organizations (Studies in Participatory ;V , ' ■ •' ^ 3 ^

Development No. 4). 46 p PHSD


' \'.,m.' ■. ' 1 ■ .

209. African population profile: t --..'■, - . ; •, ■ a chartbook/Profil de la population % .•

africaine: Representation graphique,

3rd ed., 1994. 28 p .._.. ,. .... POP

210 An assessment of the formulation and , . . . ..

implementation of National Population ' , ■

Programmes in ECA member States during l

the 1990's, 1993. 53 p (ECA/POP/TP/93/1 . . ■ ■ . , [3(b)(i)l

211. A comparative geographic analysis of 1;

mortality levels, patterns, trends and differentials and their life tables in

middle Africa, 1988. 20 p , . ( .

(ECA/POP/TP/88/3(2.3) . " ' :..!.:. POP


212. Les determinants proches de la fecondite ;

dans quelques pays africains, 1988. 26 p " * : J

(ECA/POP/TP/88/l[2.1(ii)(a)] ;. V. . ^..'. ... POP


214/ Charte Africaine de la participation ■ ; '

populaire au deVeJoppement et a la ><*.■:

transformation, Arusha 1990. 75 p

(E/ECA/CM. 16/11) ". PHSD

215. How people's organizations and

non-governmental agencies research, » lobbying and advocacy (Studies in

Participatory Development No. 3).

55 p . . . . , '..:.. PHSD

216. National policy workshop enhancing j

dialogue, co-operation and interface between the government and popular development organizations in Namibia (Popular participation Workshop Series

No. 3), 1993. 38 p , •,•;... PHSD

217. National policy workshop enhancing dialogue, co-operation and interface between the government and popular development organizations in Uganda (Popular? Participation, Workshop Series

No. 1), 1993. 45 p PHSD

218. Statement of the ECA, FAVDO and PAC ;

roundtable on co-operation and , .

partnership for African development

(Popular Participation Workshop Series ■;

No. 2), 1993. 13 p . ; PHSD

219. Underlining principles for enhanced dialogue: co-operation and interface between governments and peoples organizations (Studies in Participatory

Development No. 4). 46 p PHSD





220. Administration for development, 1971.

244 p (E/CN.14/UAP/184) PHSD

221. Amelioration de la productivite des services publics africains, 1991.

42 p PHSD

222. Environnment propice au de\eloppement de I'esprit d'entreprise en afrique,

1990. 58 p PHSD

223. Impact of automation and modern technology of efficiency and effectiveness of financial management in public enterprises in Africa,

1992. 51 p (Development Management Series :


224. Improving government financial reporting systems in selected African countries:

a country case study of Tanzania, 1993.

32 p (ECA/PHSD/PAM/93/7) PHSD

225. Improving productivity in African

public services, 1991. 35 p PHSD

226. Mobilisation du secteur informel et des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) en vue du redressement economique et du deVeloppement de rafrique: quelques points touchant a la politique et a la gestion,

1993. 54 p PHSD

227. Public administration and management:

innovations for increased popular participation in the design and

implementation of national development programme (Development Management Series

No. 3). 88 p ; PHSD


-31 -


228. Ways and means of mobilizing tax revenues . . ,. . , from the informal sector in selected African - ' . - .•?•*•

countries, 1993. 43 p (Development ■ -;' w-: *••

Management Series No. 8) (ECA/PHSD/PAM/93/2 * . "

[2.2(0] :-V.- \;\ phsd * : '


229. Fonds d'affectation sp&iale des . .. i../ ■'. « . Nations Unies pour le deVeloppement

de 1'Afrique: hier et demain. '*'■■■ ''; '." .' V-•*■■■ • "*

(E/ECA/UNTFAD/93) ..../' V.. TACOO. .'

230. United Nations Trust Fund for African :' ' : " ,' * ' -

Development: Past and Future. ' : ■ ; • \-J :


■■'■■ i . . >


' t '. ■ ■ • ■- i ■ ■ ■ • ■ •

231. Evaluation .'de la performance des ■ " -; : 'r *'" :'■' ■■ '

institutions chargees de la

formulation des politiques en ^'-■> : ■; ; ■ •

matiere de science et de technologie >,;; '- ..= :<*

en Gambie, a Madagascar, au Malawi, ■ ;.-:>.-., .,.t au S^ndgal, en Sierra Leone et au . . •;,: >..•-- , • ..< .",.«■ --'

Zimbabwe, 1992. 15 p.. . . ; •, -?.


232. Evaluation des institutions chargers .

des politiques relatives a la science . •

et k la technologie dans les pays

suivants: Ghana, Guinee, Kenya, Nigeria,

et.Republique-Unie de Tanzanie,. 1990;. < • -.... : . ^ ■.-.-

64 p. (NRD/STS/IGCESTD/21(l)/90) .."..." '.' NRD

■>.. ■-*










Gestion de la science et de la technologie en Afnque, (Se'minaire international de formation, Conakry, 26 feVrier-1 mars 1992), 1993. Ill p.


Performance des institutions de politique scientifique et technologique a Madagascar, Malawi, Se'ne'gal, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe et Gambie, 1992. 247 p Performance review of science and

technology policy institutions in

Gambia, Madagascar, Malawi, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe, 1992. 33p NRD/STS/IGCESTD/1/92


NRD Performance review of science and

technology policy institutions in Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania, 1990. 57 p.

(NRD/STS/IGCEST/2.1(l)/90 . . . NRD

Performance review of science and technology policy institutions in Madagascar, Malawi, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Gambia,

1992. 172 p

Science and technology management in Africa, 1992. 89 p.





239. African Alternative Framework to structural adjustment programmes for socio-economic recovery and

transformation: A popular version. 41 p SERPD




240 African Development: a new vision for

the 1990s/De"veloppement de TAfrique Ann&s 90: une nouvelle vision, 1992.

51 p .

UN-NADAF 241. AFRICA: the crisis of development

and the challenge of a new economic

order. 35 p SERPD

242. AFRIQUE: La crise du development

et !e probleme de Tinstauration : * .. .

d'un nouvel order economique. 35 p ...:..,. SERPD

243. Economic development achievements of the CILSS countries and prospects.

189p ..,....<.... SERPD

244. ECA and Africa's development

1983-2008: A preliminary perspective SERPD

study, 1993. 103 p.

245. Financial deepening, credit

availability and the efficiency of ' ' investment: evidence from selected

African countries: (Research paper

No. 2), 1992. 67 :.■...::... SERPD

.. ■ i , -

246. Nouvel accord des Nations Unies pour le De'veloppement de l'Afrique

dans les annees 90, 1992. 19 p IHSD

UN-NADAF 247. Review'of economic and social

conditions in the African least developed

countries 1981-1984, 1987. 167 ' .

(E/ECA/CM. 11/35) - - • SERPD



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