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ECA Africa trade centre training programme and trade promotion advisory service for 1972


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E/CN.U/ATC/6 18 January 1972

Original: ENGLISH


i 'I

V .Symposium on Intra-African Trade - Nairobi, 28 February - 3 March 1972





X* ECA/ITC training courses in export

promotion . ^

IX* ECA training courses in commercial polloy

and trade promotion — 2 — 1

Xtm Local training courses 4-5

I?» In-service training 6-7

f» Trade promotion advisory service — - — -

1 1-2




E/CN-H/ATC/6 .

ECA Africa Trade Centre trr.i iin^ programme and trade promotion

service for 1972 ,

I• ECA/ITC training courses in export promotion

I. The aim ox this programme is to prepare officials of trade promotion services and public and private corporations for the responsibilities involved in establishing and operating effective trade services and developing export markets for their products* Each course will consist of four weeks of pre--caurse supply study uork in the participants1-home countries, followed by two week of classroom work at the Africa Trade Centre in Addis Ababa; ten weeks in Geneva and other European cities for classroom work, secondary data studies of European markets and

primary market research; and a final week of discussions and investigations in one African city, Candidates for these courses will be middle—level public or private sector officials involved in exporting or export promotion* Each participating country is expected to nominate 4 or 5 candidates. The countries selected for the 1972 courses are Ivory Coast, Niger, Gabon and Central African Republic for the French-speaking course and Somalia, Kenya, Malawi and Mauritius for the English-speaking course.

The deadlines for the i eceipt of nominations for the French-speaking and English—speaking courses ■ire 14 February and 17 April respectively.

II. ECA training courses in commercial policy and trade promotion

2* The aim of this programme is to acquaint government officials at the policy-making level with essential aspects of trade policy questions and with the techniques of export promotion. Each coukse will consist of lectures and discussions by ECA? UNCTAD, and GATT officials covering the major elements of commercial policy and the commonly used methods of

promoting exports., The 1972 courses 7d.ll have as their main theme expansion of intra—African trads.

3* Nominations for the 1972 French-speaking course should be received by 9 October, and these for the English—speaking course by 4 September* One person from each ECA-'-nsmber country C3'i be selected for this programme in 1972. The venues for these courses will be notified in due course.

^^ • Local training courses __

4. Throughout the year trie ATC training staff will be available, on request, to assist ECA~member countries in conducting training

activities in foreign trade and export prcmotiont The substance of these courses will vary depending on the local institution requesting ATC assistance; the goals of the course? and the level and experience of the participants*



Page 2

5- Details 6£ these ATC-assisted local training activities will be announced by the local sponsors when appropriate.

IV. In—service training

6« The aim of this programme- is'to give selected public sector

officials practical experience in the building and operation of a trade promotion centre by giving them the opportunity to intern at • the EGA Africa Trade Centre in Addis Ababa, Each participant will intern in areas in which the ATC is working and which are of particular interest to him and to his government. Some possible areas of

concentration are foreign trade education and training, foreign trade advisory services, trade information and documentation, and the

management of commercial exhibitions.

7- Nominations ior the 1972 in—serive training programme should

be received by 15-March 1972-



Page 3

Trade promotion advisory service

(a) To advise on measures necessary to create a good export climate;

(b) To assist in the formulation of commercial policies conducive to

export development;

(c) To work out the administrative procedures and implementation

measures to accompany policy and directives;

(d) To assist in founding and/or operating an export promotion


(e) To advise on infrastructure facilities and supporting services that

have to be built, to support an export development programme;

(f) To identify barriers and obstacles to export development and recommend

measures for removing them;

(s) T° advise on incentives that should be adopted vo help promote exports;

(h) To advise on simplifying export documentation procedures;

(i) To assist in restructuring the foreign trade sector so as to bring

about a greater degree of Africanization;

(j) To carry out export potential study of existing enterprises;

(k) To provide management consultancy services;

(l) To carry out market research principally in African countries^ for

selected product of interest to the government or enterprises;

(m) To advise on trade fair participation and other forms of overseas

trade promotion;

(n) To advise on trade licensing;

(o) To advise on means cf encouraging nationals of the country to play

larger role ir trade and investment;

(p) To advise on means of attracting foreign investors;

(q) To advise on measures to take advantage of the generalized system of


(r) To assist in establishing trade information and documentation centres;

(s) To help establish training programmes and to carry out training in

commercial policy and all aspects of trade promotion;

(t) To advise on the negotiations of Bilateral Pacts Payments Arrangements

and the organizational measures and institutional arrangements for implementing them.


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