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: Estimates will be laid before you to provide for expenditure which has been or may be caused by the outbreak of hostilities.


Academic year: 2022

Partager ": Estimates will be laid before you to provide for expenditure which has been or may be caused by the outbreak of hostilities."


Texte intégral


18th August

The I ~ o n o ~ ~ r a b l e the Speaker infornied the Senate that he had received a com- n~unication from the Governor General's Secretary.

The same was then read by H i s Honour the Speaker, and i t is as follows:- OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL'S SECRETARY, CANADA,

OTTAWA, 12th August, 1914.

SIR,-I hive the honour to inform you that H i s Royal Highness the Governor General will proceed to the Senate Chamber to open the Fourth Session of the

j ) : * ~ n i l ~ : , l ! P:ir!ir,ment on Tuesday, the 18th of August, a t Three o'clocli.

I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant,

F. FARQUHAR, Lie&.-Colonel, Governor General's Secretary.

The Honourable,

The Speaker of the Senate.

The Senate was adjourned during pleasure.

H i s Royal Highness the Governor General having come and being seated on the Throne.

The Honourable the Speaker commanded the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to proceed to the House of Commons and acquaint that Eouse, " I t is H i s Royal Highness the Governor General's pleasure that they attend him immediately in the Sennte Chamber."

Who being come, with their Speaker,

H i s Royal Highness the Governor General was then pleased to open the Session by :L Gracious Speech to both Houses:-

Ro.~ourable Gentlemen 0f'th.e Senate:

Gentlemelt of the House of Commons.

Very grave events vitally affecting the interests of all H i s Majesty's Dominions have transpired since prorogation. The unfortunate outbreak of war made i t im- mediately imperative for my Ministers to take extraordinary measures for the defence of Canada and for the maintenance of the honour and integrity of our Empire.

With respect to such of these measures as may require the sanction and approval of Parliament, the necessary legislative proposals will be submitted for your con- sideration. Other Bills authorizing additional measures which are essential for the public safety will also be presented to you without delay.

Gentlemen of the EIouse of Commons :

Estimates will be laid before you to provide for expenditure which has been or may be caused by the outbreak of hostilities.

Honourable Gentlemen of the Senate:

Gentlemen of the House of Commons:

The critical period into which we have just entered has aroused to the full the patriotism and loyalty which have always actuated the Canadian people. From every province and indeed from every communitj the response to the call of duty


5 George V 18th August 3

has been all t h a t could be desired. The spirit which thus animates Canada inspires also H i s Majesty's Dominions throughout t h e world; and we may be assure2 t h a t united action to repel the common danger will not fail to strengthen t h e ties t h a t bind together those vast Dominions i n the possession and enjoyment of t h e bless- ings of British liberty.

As representatives of 1 3 s Majesty the King, I must add my expression of thanks and admiration for the splendid spirit of patriotism and generosity t h a t has been displayed throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion.

H i s Royal Highness the Governor General was pleased to retire, and t h e House of Cornmoils withdrew.

Aftcr some time the Senate mas resumed.

T h e Honourable Mr. Lougheed presented to t h e Senate a Bill intituled: A n Act relating to Railways.

The said Bill was read a first time.

The I-Ionourable the Speaker informed the Senate that a copy of H i s Royal Highness Speech had been left i n his hands.

The same mas then read by H i s I-Ionour t h e Speaker.

011 motion of the Ronourable Blr. Lougheed, seconded by t h e Honourable S i r A4acl;enzie Bowell, i t was

Ordered, T h a t the Speech of H i s Royal Highness the Governor General be taken into consider~tioii by t h e Senate to-morrow.

The Eonourable Mr. Lougheed prcscnted to the Senate, correspondence by cable between the Governor Genera! and t h e Secretary for the Colonies from A L I ~ ~ I S ~ 1 to A U ~ L I S ~ 15, 1914.

Ordered, T h a t the same do lie on the Table.

Vide Sessional Papers, No. 40a.

Also, correspondence by cable between the P r i m e Minister and Mr. Perley from Au,wst 4 to August 13, 1914.

Ordered, T h a t the same do lie on the Table.

Vide Xes.~ion,al Papers, No. hob.

Also, Orders i n Council from August 2 to August 15, 1814.

Ordered, T h a t the same do lie on the Table.

Vide Sessiohal Papers, No. 40.

With leave of the Senate.

On motion of the I-Ionourable Mr. Lougl~eetl, seconded by the Honourable S i r 3Jaclienzie Bowell, i t mas

Ordered, T h a t t h e Senators present during the Session be appointed a' Com- mittee to comider the Order and Customs of the Senate and Privileges of P a r l i a - ment, and that the said Committee have leave to meet in the Senate Chamber when and as often as they please.

Tlwn, 011 motion of the I-Ionourable Mr. Lougheed, seconded by t h e Honourable S i r ~iaclrelizie Bowel!,

The Senate adjourned until to-morrow.


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