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Prediction of early age curling in thin concrete topping over wood floor systems


Academic year: 2021

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Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29, August 4, pp. 622-626, 2002-08-01

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Prediction of early age curling in thin concrete topping over wood floor


Lee, P.; Chui, Y. H.; Smith, I.; Mailvaganam, N. P.; Pernica, G.


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Pre dic t ion of e a rly a ge c urling in t hin

c onc re t e t opping ove r w ood floor

syst e m s

N R C C - 4 5 7 2 6

L e e , P . ; C h u i , Y . H . ; S m i t h , I . ; M a i l v a g a n a m , N . ;

P e r n i c a , G .

A version of this document is published in / Une version de ce

document se trouve dans: Canadian Journal of Civil

Engineering, v. 29, no. 4, August 2002, pp. 622-626 doi:


Prediction of


age curling





over wood




Peter Lee,


M. Chui,




Maillvaganam, and



Abstract: This paper presents finite element simulations of curling of vnreinforced c o n m l e topping Iaid over wood

floor systems. The finite analysis consists of two parts* The first part calculates the relativc moisture d i s ~ b u t i o n with respect to the age of the concrete. while thc second determines the lopping curling deformation based on rnoduhs of

elasticity, density, and shrinkage of the concrete. With the finite dement model the curling profile at any paint in time can be predicted. Predictions agree seasonably well with measurements fmm a Su [I-sized wood floor with a thin con- crete topping. A model-based pararnctric study was performed. For the floor size imstigated the results of the para-

metric study indicate that curling is greatly influenced by lopping lhickness and relative humidity of the sumundinp

air. Although the modelling as djscusscd is a preiiminnsy approach, it provides a basis for Furher enhancements that will address factors such as creep and relaxation of confrere and defamation of the underlying floor system.

Key words: finite elemenk analysis, concrete lopping, wocd floor, curling. shrinkage.

Rkum6 : Cet article pr€sente des simiIations par CIhments finis de l'ondularion d'une surface de E t o n non-renfod

ttendue m un syst~rne de plancher de bds. L'analyse par dlCmenls finis consiste en deux parties. La premibc partie calcule la dis~ribalion dc I'humiditC relative en ronc!ion de 1'3ge du bdton, tandis que la deuxihrne dCtermine I'ondu-

Iation dc Ia surfan: basCe sur le module d'4lasticid. la densite ct Ic dtrEcissernent du Mmn. En ulilisirnt Ic modkle

d'6lCments finis, I e profil d'ondulaion peot eirc prddilt 5 tout instant. Ces prkdictions concordent relativement bien avcc

les mcsures provenant d'un planchcr dc bais grandeur name avec une mince surfacc dc Wton. Une ttude paramdtrique

b a d e sur le modtlc a 6t6 produite. Pour la grandeur de planchcr etudide, les risnltats de 1'Ctude paramhique dimon-

trent q u e l'ondulation est mndernenl influcnctc par I'Cpisseur de la surrace et l'humiditt relative de I'air environnant. Bien que la rnodilislion Idlc que discutee n'est qu'une appmche prdliminaire, elle procure une base pour des arnilio-

ralions futurcs q o i considereront des facteurs 1eIs que Ic fluage et la relaxation do bCton de mEmc qoe la deformation

du sysdme de plancher sous-jaccnt.

Mots cl&s : analyst par 6lCrnents finis, surface de Mlon, planchcr dc bois, ondulation, rim!cissemnt.

vraduit par la Ridaction]


In recent years it has become popular t o use a thin layer

of unreinforced concrete topping as a sound barrier over

wood floors consisting of a sub-floor and wood joists. Dur-

ing drying concrete near the surface dries and shrinks earlier

Received 22 Augusl 2001. Revision acmprcd 18 June 2002. 'Published on h e N R C Research Prcss Wcb site at

http://cjce.nrc.ca on 2 August 202.

P- Lee, Y.H. Chui,' and I. Smith. Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Managcmcnt, University of New Brunswick,

P.O. Box 44555. Fredericton, NB E3B 5.43, Canada.

N. Mailvaganam and G. Pernica. Instirute for Reseach in

Consmaion, National Research Council Canada, Oltalw, ON K I A OR6. Canada.

Written discussion of this note is welcomed and will be

received by the Editor until 31 December 2002.

orre responding author (e-marl: yhc8unb.ca).

than the c m concrete, causing high tensile stress and possi- ble cracking at the surface. In addition, because the topping


not attached to the supporting sub-floor, it curls up around

the edges, as a result of a gradient in moisture content, tem- perature, and elastic modulus through the thickness. This

curling can cause excessive localized vibration near rhe edges. Few studies on this issue have been reported. Chui and S m i t h (1997) reported an average comer upIift of about

5 mrn for a 28-day-old. 38-m-thick unreinforced concrete

topping, under laboratory conditions. The floor area was

4.47 m x 3.6 rn. For 1.4 m x 3 rn wood<ancrete composite

strip floors tested by Ennis (2001) a 38-mrn concrete rop-

ping curled by about 6 mm at the comers.

The work reponed in this paper is part of a research pro-

ject aimed at developing design and construction guidelines

for light-frame wood floor s y s t e m overlaid with a thin unre-

infwrced concrete topping. The objective of the work de- scribed herein is to develop a model based on finite element

nnalysis that predicts edge curling in topping from strain in-

duced by the movement of moisture within concrete. The


Lee et al. 623 model can then be used to study haw curling in thin unreia-

forced topping is affected by various construction and con- crete variables.

Modelling of



concrete topping

Curling occurs primarily as a result of differential shrink- age through the thickness of concrete over time, which i s in


con~rolled by the moisture gradient through thickness-

The curling deformation at any given point in time is a func- tion of the rigidity of the concrete at that time. Therefore. the rate of development of concrete modulus also plays a

major role in determining the extent of the curling.

In this study the prediction


curling in concrete topping on wood-based sub-floor is achieved by using a commercial finite element package, ANSYS


1996). A two-step modelling approach is adopted here. First, a moisture diffu- sion model is assembled in ANSYS using the heat conduc-

tion analogy as described below to calculate the moisture gradient. In part two, the model is reassembled using solid mechanics elements in ANSYS to calculate the shrinkage deformation, hence the curling of concrete topping.

T h e element suitable for the diffusion analogy anaIysis in

ANSYS is the three-dimensional SOLD70 T l ~ e m a l Solid

wilth a thema1 conduction capability (ANSYS 1996). Once the moisture gradient has been computed, the model is reas- sembled using the ANSYS structural solid element

(SOLJD45). During this structural analysis part, the results

of the rnoisture distribution from the diffusion model are su-

perimposed onto tlie element nodes as moisture loading. The shrinkage coeficients with respect 20 the age of the concrete topping are calculated according to the shrinkage model rec-

ommended by ACI 209R-92 for regular concrete (ACI 1997). Once the shrinkage coefficients are determined, the

srructural model caIculatcs the deformations generated by

the moisture prof le in the topping. The effect of tlie self- weight of concrete, which counteracts upward curling, is in- cluded In the analysis.

A key issue of this modelling approach affecting the accu-



the prediction is the ability of the model te accu-

rately predict moisture gradient in concrete. Moisture

transfer within concrete during drying is influenced primar- ily by the diffusion process, which is greatly influenced by

the water content. porosity, and the relalive humidity of the surrounding medium. In the ANSYS package, m o i s t m dif-

hsion modelling capability is not available. However, be-

cause of the similarity between the principles of moisture

diffusion and heat conduction, the theory of thermal expan-

sion and contraction due to temperature change can be ap- pIied to model swelling and shrinkage due to moisture change. In thermal analysis the cooling process of an arbi- trary body yields the following heat flux equation:

where T is temperature, t is time. and Qc term k/pc is known

a s thermal diffusivily and is defined as thermal conductivity,

k, divided by the product of density and specific heat, pc. In

eq. [I], iF T is replaced by R. the relative humidity, and klpc by D, the diffusion coeffjcient for moisture, it is transformed

into the classical differential equation for one-dimensiona1 moisture diffusion. The values for t h e parameter D and R are estimated using the empirical method proposed by A k i ~ et

al. (E997) such that

where Dl is the value OF


(mm2/d) when R is IOO%, H is the relative humidity (%), y is the water-cement ratio of

concrete, and ul to ag are constants.


an experimental

study Akita et a1. (1997) found the fallowing values for the

constants in the dimusion equation: a l = 33.4, a2 = 1.46, a3 =

-28.7, n4 = -1.58 X lo-" a5 = -1.45, f16 = 4.22, O7 = 7.73 x lop5, as = I .74 x 10-" and 9 = 4 . 2 2 x lo-'.

Assessment of


of proposed



To assess the validity


the proposed modeIIing approach

using ANSYS, a 38-mrn thick by 7.92 rn by 3.62 m concrete topping was modelled and the prediction compared with ex-

perimental measurements. This concrete topping was placed

over an oriented strand board [OSB) sub-floor of a wood

floor system asred in the laboratory. Concrete specimens

were sampled and tested at specific time intervals for the de- termination of material properties such as relative moisture content, density, and elastic moddus.

The concrete topping was cured in an uncontmlled envi- ronment with an average relative humidity of about 50% and

temperature within the range of 5-10°C. In addition to mon-

itoring the concrete curling, the concrete relative, humidity

through thickness was rncasured using a moisture probe. Using these measurements, a profile of the relative moisture content through the tl~ickness of rhe concrete topping was

obtained. The measured moisture profiIe at 7. 14, 21, and 28 d is compared with the predicted results for the 38-rnm- tltick topping. as shown in Fig. I . The discrepancies between

model prediction and the experimental data m y be due ta

the non-steady state of the ambient environment. Despite these uncertainties and the complexity of the problem being investigated in this study, the predicted rnoisture profile ap- pears reasonable when compared with the measured re-

sponse. The model predicted a comer uplift of 3.6 mm,

which compared favourably with the measured value of 4 mm.



I n an effort to understand the factors that affect the curl- ing of a thin unreinforced concrete topping, a paramebic study was undertaken. The concrete mix had a specified

compressive strength of 30 MFa, and was used in the

7.92 rn x 7.62 m rest floor discussed above. The mix propor- tion, curing time, and ambient relative humidity were used as a basis to derive input into the model for shrinkage prc-



624 Can. J. Civ. Eng. VcI. 29. 2002

Fin I. Model prediction OF moisture profiles versus measured values.

Msfanca from boltom concrete surface (mm)

Topping plane area TifbIe I. The effects of concrete topping plane di-

Three different topping sizes, kept at a constant relative mensions on corner uplift.

humidity of 50%.

w k k

simulated. The length and thickness Concrete topping Thrckness Comer uplift

of tlie concrete topping were kept constant at 7.62 m and dimensions.

38 mm, respectively, while its width was varied (4.28, 7.92, Imm) Imm>

and 15.25 m). In this study the concrete topping was a- 4.28 m x 7.62 m 38 3.58

sumed to be moist cured for 1 d. The calculated corner uplift 7.92 m x 7.62 m 38 3.59

values at 28 d are given in Table 1. The results indicate that, 15.24 rn x 7.62 rn 38 3.59 despite the significant size difference among these three t o p

pings, the 38-mm-thick concrete topping resulted in similar

magnitude in curling after 28 d. While the topping plane ar- eas investigated appear to have a marginal effect on the mag-

nitude of corner uplift, the analysis does reveal that

shrinkage increases as the plane dimension increases.

Curling is not sensitive to topping plane area is likely be-

cause of the counteracting effect of the self-weight of the

concrete near a floor corner.

Topping thickness

To investigate the effect of topping thickness on corner uplift, a range of topping thicknesses from 25 to 300 rnrn

was simulated. The topping plane area was kept constant at

7.92 rn x 7.62 rn, and the concrete was assumed to rnoist

cure for 1 d. The simulated resulrs are plotted in Fig. 2, which shows that comes uplift increases rapid[y as the top-

ping thickness increases up to 100 mm, thereafter it reduces

as thickness increases. While the results confirm the various findings and recommendations (CPCA 1991) that increasing thickness results in smaller curling for concrete slabs thicker

than 100 mm, !hey also reveal an opposite trend for toppings

with thickness less than 100 mm.

The occurrence of a peak curling value when topping thickness is varied over a broad range is expected. This i s

Because for thin lopping curling increases with lopping

thickness as the moisture gradient becomes more pro- nounced. Ilowever, as thickness increases, the topping be-

comes more rigid, and as the topping thickness reaches a certain value, its rigidity and self-weight start to dominate

over moisture gradient. As a result, above this thickness value curling decreases.

For the application that is of interest here, i-e., thin con-

crete toppinE over wood floor system, it seems that comer uplift at floor edges can be minimized by reducing the thick- ness of the topping and by the requirement on the size of the aggregate. For shrinkage control, CSA Standard A73.1-M9O

(CSA 1980) recommends that aggregate about one-third the

thickness of the topping be used. This means, for example,

that shrinkage of the 50-mrn tapping can be reduced by us-

ing larger aggregates in the concrete. A typical mix with

19-rnm aggregates will have a sand to total aggregde ratio

of about 0.42. Further reduction of sand content can be

achieved by introducing intermediare-sized aggregates to the

mix. Additional simulation results presented in Table 2 show

ltow curling can be reduced by using maximum-sued aggre-

gale and reducing the sand content. To meet the CSA Slan-

d a d A23.1-M9O aggregate size requirement, i t seems that 38 mm is an optimum topping thickness, since aggregate

size of less than 10 mrn is not readily available- This topping

thickness happens 20 be the mQSt common thickness found in wood floor construction.

Ambient environment

With decreasing ambient relative humidity the surface

rnoisrure content of the concrete topping decreases. The sen-

sitivity of curling to changes in relative humidity of the am-

bient surrounding was studied using the developed model. The concrete topping w x assumed to be rnoist cured for 1 d FJ 2001, NRC Gnada


Lee et al.

Fig. 2, Effects of concrete topping thickness on corner uplift

l a I

Topping thickness (mm)

Table 2. The effects of sand content on corncr uplift at 50% re!-

adve humidity in air.

Thickness Comer up1 i ft

Sand conlent (mm) (mm)

45.6% with 12 mrn aggregate 50 5.75

42.2% with 19 mrn aggregate 50 5.27

30% with 19 mm and 50 3.40

antemediate aggregakc

Table 3. Effects of ambient environment an comer uplih.

Thickness 30% relarive 40% rcIative 50% relative

Imrn) humiditv humidity humidity

and then cxposed to 30, 40, and 50% rclative humidity. The

plane dimensions of the topping were kept at 7.92 m x

7.62 rn. Three lopping thicknesses were studied. The results; are given in Tablc 3. The 50-mm-thick topping exhibited

large comer uplift at 30 and 40% relative humidity. Wow- ever, results presented in Table 2 indicate that uplift for thin topping can be reduced by using larger aggregates and less

sand. The analyses showed that shrinkage is very sensitive to relative humidity. It shouid be of no surprise that thicker tapping, within the range of 38-50 mm, i s more susccptible

to curling when exposed to dry conditions. A drier surrace and thicker topping will lead to a steeper moisture gradient

wd cause greater uplifr at the comers.

Compressive strength

Concrete strengtIl has an indirect influentx on concrete curling, since it affects modulus and shrinkage properties. In

.this study each simulated specified slrengtli value was

Table 4. Effects of compressirc shxdgfh on corner uplift.

Specified compressive Corner upl~ft

strength (MPa) (mm) 15 2.36 20 2.80 25 3.27 30 3.66 35 4.06

achieved by adjusling the cementiti~us material and sand

contenc according 10 the Absolute Volume Method (CPCA

1991) while keeping the water content and coarse aggregate content constant. The analysis results presented in Table 4 indicate that higher strength concrete produces a topping with larger curling. This is primarily because any improve- ment in compressive strength also leads to higher shrinkage,

caused by the adjustment in the cement and sand contents. Therefore, to minimize curling low strength concrete is pre-



B y using a thermal c o n d u c t i v i ~ analogue to made1 the

moisture diffusion behaviour thmogh concrere, curling of

thin unreinforced concrete topping can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. Based on a numerical parametric st~dy,

i t is observed for typical concrete topping placed over wood

floor systems that


floor area has little eflect on the magnitude of concrcte topping curling

* for thin concrete toppings, decreasing thickness of the topping reduces the amount of curling

reducing sand content wirh intermediate aggregates re- duces curling

high relative hurnidity in surrounding air during curing re- duces curling


Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 29. 2002

It should be noted that the finite element model used here accounts for only drying shrinkage. Enhancements are desir- able for accuracy and to account for factors such as slirink- age due to water loss during lthe hydration process, creep

and relaxation behaviour of concrete and wood floor ele- ments, and deflection of the wood floor itself.


The authors gmtefully acknowledge the financial and in-

kind support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-

search Council of Canada, the National Research Council Canada Institute for Research in Construction, and Forintek Canada



ACE. 1997. Predicrion of creep, shrinkage, and temperature effecls

in concrete structures. ACT 2OR-92, American Concrete Insti-

tute, Farmington Hills, Mich.

Akita, W.. Fujiwara. T., and Ozaka. Y, 1497. A practical pmcedure

for the analysis of m~isture wansfer within concrete due to dry- ing. Magazine of Concscte Research, 49(175)) June: 2 29-137. ANSYS. 1996. Elemenfs reference. 000858. 2nd cd. SAS IP, Jnc..

Canonsburg, Pa.

C h i , Y.H., and Smith. I. 1997. Serviceability of floor systems with

wood I-joists znd concrete topping. rep or^ prepared for External

Resemh Fro-, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Ottawa. Ont.

CPCA. 1991. Concrete design and mixture. Canadian Podand Ce-

ment Association, Ottawa, Ont.

CSA. 1990. Concrete makerials and methods af concrete construc-

tion. Standard CSA-A23.I-MF)O, Canadian Standards Assxia- lion. Toronto, O ~ L

Ennis. J. 2001. Erects o f mechanical connections on



oC concrete topping-wood-joist compositc floor. Senior report.

Faculty of Forestry and En\,imnmental Management, Univcrs~ty

of New Brunswick. Fredericton. N.B.


Fig.  2,  Effects  of  concrete  topping  thickness  on  corner  uplift


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