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Approach to equilibrium in a chain of nonlinear oscillators


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HAL Id: jpa-00209442


Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Approach to equilibrium in a chain of nonlinear oscillators

F. Fucito, F. Marchesoni, E. Marinari, G. Parisi, L. Peliti, S. Ruffo, A.


To cite this version:

F. Fucito, F. Marchesoni, E. Marinari, G. Parisi, L. Peliti, et al.. Approach to equilib- rium in a chain of nonlinear oscillators. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (5), pp.707-713.

�10.1051/jphys:01982004305070700�. �jpa-00209442�




Approach to equilibrium in a chain of nonlinear oscillators

F. Fucito (*) (+), F. Marchesoni (**), E. Marinari (*) (+), G. Parisi (***), L. Peliti (*) (+ +), S. Ruffo (**)

and A. Vulpiani (*)

(*) Istituto di Fisica « G. Marconi », Università di Roma, Italy.

(**) Istituto di Fisica, Università di Pisa, Italy, and INFN, Pisa.

(***) Istituto di Fisica, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Roma, Italy and INFN, Frascati.

(+) INFN, Roma.

(++) GNSM-CNR, Unità di Roma.

(Recu le 6 aout 1981, révisé le 30 décembre, accepté le 18 janvier 1982)



Nous considérons l’approche à l’équilibre thermodynamique d’une chaîne d’oscillateurs non linéaires

couplés l’énergie est initialement fournie aux modes de plus grande longueur d’onde. La considération des effets des singularités dans le plan complexe de la solution des équations du mouvement permet de prédire qu’à

des temps relativement courts le spectre d’énergie a une dépendance exponentielle en fonction du nombre d’onde k lorsque celui-ci est grand. Elle permet également de distinguer entre deux régions temporelles : une à temps courts où la pente de l’exponentielle dépend linéairement de ln t, et une à des temps intermédiaires où elle est proportion-

nelle à (In t)-1/2. Ces prédictions sont en accord avec les simulations numériques que nous avons faites sur ce




We consider the approach to thermodynamical equilibrium in a chain of coupled nonlinear oscillators when energy is initially fed only to the longest wavelength modes. Consideration of the effects of singularities in

the complex plane of the solutions of the equations of motion allows us to predict that at not too long times the

energy spectrum has an exponential tail in the wavenumber k and to distinguish between two time regions : a short

time region where the slope of the exponential shows a linear dependence on In t, and an intermediate region where

it is proportional to (In t)-1/2. These predictions are successfully compared with the numerical simulations we have

performed on the system.

J. Physique 43 (1982) 707-713 MAi 1982, 1


Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


The approach to equilibrium of

a classical hamiltonian system is still an open and

interesting problem. The main rigorous results are

the KAM [1] and Sinai [2] theorems. They describe

the behaviour of two opposite extreme cases of a nonintegrable hamiltonian system. The Sinai theorem shows the validity of the ergodic hypothesis for a

gas of hard spheres. The main consequence of the KAM theorem is the permanence of invariant tori in presence of a small perturbation of an integrable system. In this case the long time behaviour of the system will not be described by a Boltzmann distri- bution. The range of validity of the KAM theorem for a system with a large number of degrees of freedom

is not yet understood.

Numerical simulations have been extensively

examined for a linear chain of coupled nonlinear oscillators, starting from the famous work of Fermi,

Pasta and Ulam [3]. More recent works [4-6] have

shown that the regions of phase space where ordered motion takes place are much more extended than

expected on the basis of the KAM theorem. Some authors [6] stress the existence of a threshold in energy which separates ordered from disordered behaviour. All these works study long times in order to

distinguish between ordered and stochastic asymptotic

behaviour. The present work analyses short times in order to understand the way chaotic behaviour

sets in. Our system is a discrete version of a classical one-dimensional field obeying a nonlinear Klein-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01982004305070700



Gordon equation. This system has already been

considered in reference [6]. We consider initial condi- tions such that energy is concentrated in the longest wavelength modes and we study how it propagates to shorter wavelengths. In the times we consider the bulk of the energy is still contained in the initially

excited modes, and only a small quantity is fed to

the shorter wavelengths. In order to allow for an

approximate analytic treatment we focus our atten-

tion on the process by which this small amount is distributed. We are then able to compare our pre- dictions with the results of the numerical simulations.

The paper is organized as follows : the model is introduced in section 2, where the analytic treatment

at short and intermediate times is given. The results of the numerical simulations as well as their compa- rison with our theoretical predictions are given in

section 3. In section 4 we draw some conclusions and

point out some possible directions for further work.

2. Analytical treatment.


We study the one-di-

mensional nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation :

where the real, one-component field p(x, t) is defined

on the interval - L/2 x L/2 with periodic boun- dary conditions. The corresponding hamiltonian den-

sity is given by :

where the field 7r is canonically conjugate to po The system may be either considered as a one-dimensional elastic string in an external anharmonic potential,

or as a one-dimensional classical field theory.

We study the time evolution of the field ~ as a

function of the initial condition p(x, 0),

It is known that if H is finite at t = 0, the solution of equation (2.1) exists and is unique [7]. It is useful

to define the space Fourier transform of the field p

as follows :

We shall consider as a typical initial condition :

We are interested in the behaviour, in the region I k I > kI, of the spectrum W(k, t), defined by :

We expect the field p to reach asymptotically a

thermal equilibrium distribution, given by a Boltz-

mann factor exp( - f3H) for some value of the inverse

temperature f3 determined by the initial conditions.

In this case, at values of the wavenumber k so large

that the mass and nonlinear terms of H are negligible,

one would have :

This behaviour of W corresponds to functions p(x, t)

which are not differentiable with respect to x. Now it is known that since T(x, 0) is analytical as a function

of x, the solution T(x, t) will remain analytical at any finite time t [7]. Equation (2.6) can only be valid for infinite time. This means that, as time goes on, singu-

larities of p(x, t) appear in the complex x plane which

creep toward the real axis and accumulate onto it at infinite times. We show below that these singu-

larities are simple poles.

If we assume this to be the case, then we may relate these singularities to the large k behaviour

of W by means of the theorem of residues. Let us

consider the integral defining 0 (eq. (2.3)) in the complex x plane. At positive (negative) k we close

the contour in the lower (upper) complex half plane.

We then obtain the following expression for 0(k, t) :

where the sum runs over all poles located in the relevant half plane, Rj being their residue and xj + iy; their

location. We therefore obtain the following asymptotic

behaviour of W(k, t ) at large k :

where yS(t) is the imaginary part of the location of the pole which lies nearest to the real axis.

Our strategy is then to evaluate the most likely

value of ys(t) by extending the approach of Frisch

and Morf [8] to a deterministic partial differential


- We should in principle evaluate the analytic

continuation to complex x of the solution p(x, t)

of equation (2.1). We prefer instead to consider the solution 9(x + iy, t ) of the complex partial diffe-

rential equation :

where ~ is an analytical function of z = x + iy. Such

an equation is the complexification of equation (2.1)

with the hypothesis that T(x, t ) can be analytically

continued. In other words we follow the commutative

diagram given below :


We first consider the case of an ordinary differential

equation obtained from equation (2.9) by neglecting

the laplacian >> term a2paz2. Let us consider the solution 4>«fJo, t) of this equation at real times t,

as a function of its (complex) initial condition (po :

If we write 4> = 4>R + i4>I we have the following

differential equations for 4>R’ 4>1 :

The force field associated to this system is drawn in figure 1 (only the first quadrant is shown). Although

the origin is a stable point, we find a pair of unstable

points on the imaginary axis, from which a trajectory

escapes to infinity. The point at infinity appears as a saddle point, and may be reached in a finite times from

points on the imaginary axis. This is the origin of the singularities of 4>(cpo, t). It is then clear that these

singularities are simple poles, located at that value of To from which infinity may be reached in time t.

We may estimate the location of these poles by computing the time needed to reach infinity starting

from a given point on the imaginary 45 axis. Since the motion is in this case one-dimensional (all along the

Fig. 1.


Force field of equation (2.11). Only the upper

right quadrant is shown. The position of the instable point

on the imaginary axis (1m cp


m/gl/2) is marked.

imaginary axisx we may introduce a potential accord- ing to :

The time needed to reach infinity starting from the point (po = i(p" 0 may be then easily computed from the

conservation of « energy » in the one-dimensional motion :

At large ~o the time T behaves as :

On the contrary, no singularity will appear at any time if

for the time T diverges (although slowly) as Im (po I approaches this value from above. From equa- tion (2.14) we therefore obtain the location of the

pole of 4>( CPo, t) at large CPo’s, therefore at short t’s :

If the effect of the laplacian term in equation (2.9)

may be neglected at short enough times, the above analysis may be also applied to the one-dimensional chain as follows : the solution T(z, t) of equation (2 . 9)

will be given by 4>(cpo(z), t), where CPo(z) is the analytical

continuation of the initial condition T(x, 0) to the complex x plane. In particular, a typical initial


yields in the complex x plane

We have therefore at large y I :

According to our hypothesis, the singularity of

CPo(z, t) will be located where Im CPo, as estimated



from equation (2. 19), will be of the order of that

given by equation (2.16). Therefore

We now consider the effect of the previously neglected laplacian term. We claim that the analysis

we just made retains its validity at very short times.

The laplacian term will not in fact be able to prevent

a 9(z, t) from escaping to infinity if its initial ima-

ginary part is large enough. Localized o bursts » will therefore appear in (p(x, t), whose spatial cohe-

rence is only due to correlations present in the initial conditions.

The laplacian term will on the contrary be essential in introducing singularities in the part of the complex x plane which corresponds to small initial values of

Im cpo If the term were not present, Im T would remain bounded at all times. If however ! Im cp [

were to become larger than m/gI/2, the mechanism

we just described would drive it to infinity in a very short time, and a singularity will be produced. We

must now estimate the time needed for Im T to become larger than m/g 1/2. The analysis becomes simpler if we consider a harmonic chain ( g = 0) in

the limit of infinite length (L - oo). We expect this analysis to be also valid for our case if g is not too large. It is known that the one-point probability

distribution function of a classical harmonic field in one-dimensional is gaussian [9]. The variance Q2

of the gaussian will be then given at small y’s by :

The probability p, for I 1m cp to be larger than m/g 1/2

will be therefore given by :

The time needed for this to happen will therefore

be of order 1/pc. This yields the following estimate of YS :


The main effect of the nonlinear terms in this regime

will be to change the value of (12. If a2 were time

independent, equation (2.21) will be essentially correct.

Let us distinguish between the role of short and long wavelength modes. At the times we are interested in,

most of the energy is contained in the long wave- length modes, which may be assumed to be in a kind of thermal equilibrium among themselves. Their contribution to (J2 may be then considered as essential-

ly constant in time. The short wavelength modes will

however also contribute to (J2. As long as W(k, t)

is small in the large k region, their contribution is

negligible. As time goes on, however, W(k, t ) will

start increasing, what will increase the value of Q2 and fasten therefore the transfer of energy to short

wavelength modes. This triggers a catastrophic process

which our analytical tools are unable to handle. We

cannot therefore draw conclusions about the behaviour at very long times before thermal equilibrium is


We summarize the results for W(k, t) at short and

intermediate times :

3. Numerical results.


We present in this section the results of numerical simulations of equation (2 .1 )

for different initial conditions, in order to verify the validity of the analytical results we obtained in the

previous section.

We consider a chain of N points with periodic boundary conditions which represents a discretization of equation (2 .1 ). We set L (the length of the chain) equal to 1 ; and we consider the field cp(x) to be repre-

sented by gj == cpU Ax - 1/2), where Ax = 1/N. The periodic boundary conditions then imply 9jlN = 9j’

The Fourier transform of the discrete field Pj is defined as follows :

Fig. 2.


A typical spectrum, In Wn(t) vs. n for A



g = 5, N=64, t=2, T = 1.


The quantity corresponding to the W(k, t ) of the pre- vious section will be :

We have performed simulations for N = 64 and N


128. The initial conditions were chosen to be :

all other Fourier coefficient having been set to zero.

The integration of equation (2 .1 ) was performed by

means of the central difference algorithm [10] :

where the discretized force Fj({ T }) is given by :

In the limit At - 0 equation (3. 3) reduces to

The initial condition cPj(O) = 0 corresponds to (pj(- et) = w;(0).

We have done simulations keeping m2 = 0.01 and varying A and g in the range 0.5 : 10. At has been taken in the range 10-3 + 0.5 x 10- 3. We have checked that the energy is conserved within 0.1 %; no

significant differences have been seen in runs with different At. The results we report have been obtained via computations with 15 or 16 significant digits.

Since part of the arguments in the previous section

are probabilistic, it is convenient to introduce the average of Wn(t) centred around the time t :

In order to eliminate oscillations, T must be chosen

to be of the order of magnitude of the period of oscilla- tion of a mode of wavenumber kn = 2 nn/ L in a har-

monic chain. Since m is quite small in our case, this

yields comparatively large values of T, of order 0.1 : 0.2 in the short time region and 2 : 10 in the intermediate time region. The deviations of W,,(t)

from its average may be understood on the basis of the statistical properties of the field (p(x, t) at large k,

which is analysed in detail in a forthcoming paper [11].

We now present the results for short times. We have verified that the spectrum Wn(t ) can be very well described by an exponential in the region of not too

small n. A typical example is shown in figure 2. It is

easy to obtain the value of the slope S (t ) of this expo- nential from the data :

This slope is related to ys(t) of the previous section by :

We show in figure 3 the dependence of S (t ) on

In (tAgI/2) with different values of t, g and A. We see

Fig. 3.


Slope S (arbitrary units) vs. In (Ag1/2 t), N


64, T


0.1 : 0.2.



Fig. 4.


Slope S (arbitrary units) vs. (A2 g In t)- 1/2 , N


64, T



that the data gather on an universal curve, which is essentially a straight line, giving therefore a confirma-

tion to the analysis of short times performed in

section 2. This plot may be therefore considered as a check of equation (2.20). All error bars represent essentially uncertainties in the estimation of S(t).

We have verified that the value of Wn(t ) coincides

with its time average at short times. This is due to the dominance of a single complex singularity. As the time increases and we enter the intermediate time region,

we expect that more than one complex singularity at roughly the same distance from the real x axis will

Fig. 5.


Slope S (arbitrary units) vs. (In t) - 112 , N


128, A = 3, g


5, T


10 except for t = 8 where T = 2t


appear. Oscillations will therefore be present in Wn(t)

as a consequence of the interference among such


In the intermediate time region we expect that

S (t) oc (A2 g In t)- 112. We have plotted S vs. this

variable in figure 4, varying either t at fixed A and g,

or g at fixed t and A. We see again that the data

gather on a single straight line. Therefore the func- tional dependence of S (t ) is as expected on the basis of equation (2.23) for not too long times. The behaviour

at longer times of a solution with a given value of A and g is shown in figure 5. One sees both the (In t)- li2

behaviour and a break at longer times. This is connect- ed with the observation done at the end of the previous


4. Conclusions.


We have seen that it is possible

to give definite predictions about the behaviour of a

nonintegrable hamiltonian system with an infinite number of degrees of freedom in the nonasymptotic

time region. This has been achieved by the use of the analytical continuation of the equations of motion in the complex domain, a method introduced in a similar

context by Frisch and Morf [8]. The role of the infinite volume limit has also been clarified. The free evolution of the system is indeed such that 9 may only become arbitrarily large in the infinite volume limit. In this

case no linear perturbation may be considered small if

one follows the system at long enough times. It is

possible that intermittance concepts are relevant in this context [8, 11]. Further work aims at clarifying

this connection [11]. One of our main results is that the system approaches equilibrium with a logarithmic dependence on t, so that the nonequilibrium spectrum

may persist for extremely long times, and may be mistaken for a stationary state if the observation time is not sufficiently long. It is amusing to remark that this quasi-equilibrium distribution is similar to Wien’s law for black body radiation, with a slowly varying

« Planck’s constant ».



We thank U. Frisch for hav-

ing made available to us the paper in ref. [8] before publication. We also thank L. Galgani, A. Giorgilli

and M. Vitaletti for helpful conversations and cons-

tructive criticism.


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