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A new approach to the study of an Anderson impurity in a linear chain


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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A new approach to the study of an Anderson impurity in a linear chain

A.S. da Rosa Simões, J.R. Iglesias

To cite this version:

A.S. da Rosa Simões, J.R. Iglesias. A new approach to the study of an Anderson impurity in a linear chain. Journal de Physique, 1986, 47 (6), pp.967-972. �10.1051/jphys:01986004706096700�.



A new approach to the study of an Anderson impurity in a linear chain

A. S. da Rosa Simões and J. R. Iglesias

Instituto de Fisica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 90000 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil


(Reçu le 17 septembre 1985, accepté sous forme définitive le 6février 1986)



Nous étudions la densité locale d’états et le moment magnétique d’une impureté d’Anderson dans une

chaîne linéaire au moyen d’une méthode de récurrence appliquée aux fonctions de Green du premier et second

ordre. Cette approche nous permet d’obtenir une solution exacte de la « correction de diffusion » de l’alliage ana- logue dans le cas d’une impureté, Nous étudions à la fois l’hybridation locale et de plus proche voisin, et comparons

nos résultats avec ceux obtenus par d’autres approximations.



The local density of states and the magnetic moment of an Anderson impurity in a linear chain are

studied by means of a recurrence technique, applied to the first- and second-order Green functions. This approach

enables to obtain an exact solution of the « scattering correction » of the alloy analogy for the one impurity case.

Both local and nearest neighbour hybridization are studied, and the results are compared with those obtained using other approximations.

Classification Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.

The Friedel-Anderson model [1, 2], that describes the

magnetic behaviour of a transition metal impurity

in an sp-lattice, has three basic ingredients : an impu- rity with a non-degenerate d-level and a Coulomb

repulsion U between the up- and down-spin states, a band of non-interacting conduction s-electrons and a

local hybridization between the d- and s-electrons.

Different approximations have been applied to this model, in order to study the formation of a local

magnetic moment [3] and Kondo effect [4].

Recently, a real space « decimation » method, which permits to calculate the one-particle Green’s functions of a disordered linear chain, has been developed [5] and applied to the periodic Anderson Hamiltonian within the alloy analogy approximation [6].

Here, we extend this technique to the calculation of the second order one-particle Green functions which appear when Coulomb interactions are taken into account. We study the local magnetic moment of a d-impurity in a linear chain described by a tight- binding Hamiltonian. In section 2, the case of local hybridization is analysed, and in section 3 hybridiza-

tion between the impurity-site and its nearest-neigh-

bours is considered. The conclusions are presented in

section 4 and, in an Appendix, the problem of charge

transfer is discussed.

2. Local hybridization.

The Hamiltonian

describes a linear chain with an impurity at the origin.

The Hamiltonian of the impurity is

where d,,+,(d.,) creates (annihilates) a d-electron with

spin 6 at the impurity (o)-site, E. is the d-energy level

and U the d-d Coulomb repulsion.

The conduction band is represented by a tight- binding Hamiltonian :

where Ci(CiC1) creates (annihilates) an s-electron with

spin 6 at the i-site, EB is the s-atomic level, t is the hopping integral and the sum ( ij ) runs over nearest neighbours only. The sites are arranged to form a

linear chain. One must note that the sum over i includes the o-site. This means that we are assuming

the impurity having also an s-level, at the same energy of the rest of the chain. The limitations introduced by

this assumption will be discussed in the Appendix.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01986004706096700



In the Anderson model [4], the hybridization

between d- and s-electrons is described by a term of the


where Vo is the strength of the hybridization considered independent of k and C:a(Cka) creates (annihilates) a

conduction electron of spin Q in a k-state.

Fourier transforming, Hhyb can be written as :

so we are dealing with a local hybridization term.

In figure 1, a schematic representation of the chain with the impurity is shown.

To obtain the local density of states and the magne- tic moment at the o-site, we must calculate the first- and second-order one-particle retarded Green func-

tions, as defmed by Zubarev [16]


being z = w + ib, the complex frequencies.

Using the equation of motion method, we have :


where the atomic Green functions are :

and the second order Green function is

Fig. 1.


Schematic representation of the chain with one

impurity at the origin. In the case of local hybridization, V1


0. With nearest neighbour hybridization, V0



In order to describe in some detail the calculation of

Gd.d’(z), we write explicitly the expression for G:oda(z),

and we have two new Green functions, GIoQ(z) and G.!’(z) which satisfy :

Substituting equations (16) in equation (15) we obtain



Equation (17) has the same structure as equa- tion (15), that is, it represents a new linear chain where the odd sites have been « decimated » [5]. The

new hopping energy t(z) represents the transfer of one electron from the o-site to the 2(2)-site, and {k(z)

is the Green function of an « effective » atom of the

new chain. Repeating this procedure N times; when

the number of decimations, N, increases, t1N)(Z)

decreases. For N -+ oo, t(N)(Z) -> 0 and g’ ()(z) - g’*(z) [17]. The renormalized Green function go (z)

contains the relevant information of all the atoms of the chain on the o-site.

After decimation, the Green function G:a(z) is :

and, when substituted in equation (8) we obtain

This equation is an exact result and, as equations (18)

are the same for a linear chain of identical atoms [5],

the value of g’*(z) which appears in the denominator of equation (20) is the exact result of the local Green

function of a pure linear chain (1).

To calculate r:odC1(z) from equation (10), we need the

(1) It can also be evaluated, for example, from the know-

ledge of the density of states by means of


expression for r::(1 (z) :

The last term of equation (21) is responsible for the

« resonance broadening » of the d-level. Here, we neglect this term. Then, our approximation is equiva-

lent to the « scattering correction » of the alloy analogy method [7]. As a consequence, terms of order

higher than Y2 are not considered. This is reasonable when studying the formation of local moments but, obviously, no Kondo effect will be found.

Neglecting the last term of equation (21), r:a(z)

is in a form suitable to be decimated, and we obtain :

Within the same method and approximations, we

have :

To perform the numerical calculations, we have taken EB = 0, t


1.0 and the Fermi level at the centre of the conduction band, i.e., FF = 0. The d-d Coulomb

repulsion U has been taken equal to the bandwidth : U = 4 1 t 1. Finally, an asymmetry parameter q is defined as

to describe the relative position of the d-level with respect to the centre of the band

3. Numerical results.

Here we study the occupation number at the impurity site, the formation or not of a local magnetic moment

and the appearance of Friedel-Anderson virtual bound states in the d-local density of states. The para-

meters of interest are the asymmetry ’1, the hybridiza-

tion Yo and the Coulomb repulsion U.

In figure 2, the mean value of the number of d-elec-

trons at the impurity site and for one spin direction

is plotted as a function of ’1 and V.. The case V. = 0

Fig. 2.


Mean value of the occupation number ( n,’ , > at

the impurity site as a function of il and V0, for U



corresponds to the atomic limit and n,’ >



for - 2 Eo 0. One can see that the total number of d-electrons is one over a wide range of values of tj

and Vo. For V. :0 0 the variation of ( nd, > is rounded

as it is to be expected because the hybridization

increases the width of the d-levels. When q = 0 the

total number of d-electrons is ( nd r > + nd 1 > = 1.

For q 0, as the Fermi level is fixed, a self-consistent calculation is required in order to be sure that no

extra charge is added to the system (or subtracted, when q > 0). This point will be discussed in the


The magnetic moment is defined as :

and it is zero for all values of tl, V0 and U, as it is to be expected from the rotational invariance of the Hamil- tonian [8]. It is convenient to define the second moment, which measures the fluctuations of the

magnetic moment [9, 8]

The mean values ( nd6 > are obtained from the imagi-

nary part of G dl (z), defined by equation (22.1). The

mean value of the product nd, nd, > is derived from rdd,a(Z) (Eq. (22.2)).

The variation of ( m2 ) as a function of U for

Yo = 1.0, and q = 0 is shown in figure 3. The mean

square moment increases continuously from 0.5 (for U = 0) to 1.0 (for U Jit 8). The correlation ( nf nf ) goes to zero when U increases indicating

the existence of a local magnetic moment in the sense proposed by Kemeny (1966). Also, we have plotted m2 > as a function of Yo (see Fig. 4), for different

values of ’1 and for U


4.0. In the atomic case (V0 = 0)

the value of , m2 > is maximum when Eo is below the



Fig. 3.


Mean square value of the magnetization m2 >

as a function of U, for V 0


1.0 and q



Fig. 4.


The value of m2 > as a function of V 0 for diffe-

rent values of 17, with U



Fermi level and E. + U above it (I 11 I 2.0) and one

has just one d-electron. In the case of full or no occu-

pation (I 11 I > 2) m2 > = 0. If the hybridization is

not zero the magnetism decreases because the loca- lized states have a finite energy width which enlarges

when the hybridization increases. The symmetric case

is the one in which the magnetism is strongest but all

curves converge to a common value of ( m2 ) = 0.5 (non-magnetic case) when Yo is much bigger than the

bandwidth. Similar results have been obtained by

reference [8], using a different approximation.

We can conclude that the Coulomb repulsion U,

that separates the d-levels, favours magnetism, and the hybridization V0, that enlarges the virtual bound

states, opposes to it.

It is interesting to plot the density of d-states at the impurity site, to observe the shape of the bound

Fig. 5.


Density of d-states for the symmetric case 11



as a function of V0, with U



and/or virtual bound states. In figure 5, we show the

density of d-states for the symmetric case t1 = 0, as a function of V.. Bound states appear below and above the band region (which goes from - 2 to 2) and the weight of those bound states increases when Yo increases; also, the separation of the bound states from the band increases for greater values of V.. The

presence of bound states outside the band region is an expected result in the study of one impurity in a linear

chain [10] and is an additional confirmation of the exactness of the calculation. On the other side, virtual bound states appear near the band edges. This gives,

in total, four peaks for the d-density of states.

The virtual bound states are easier to identify in

the density of states for t1 = 1.0 (Fig. 6) when E. is

Fig. 6.


Same as figure 5 four 11




inside the band. One of them appears at the energy

Eo = - 1.0 and has a form that looks like a Lorent- zian [1]; the width increases with V; as it is to be expected. A bound state is always present at E. + U


3.0 and another one starts to appear below the band-

edge when V. Z 0.8.

4. Non-local hybridization.

From symmetry consideration, one expects that the on-site hybridization between s- and d-electrons vanishes. In this section we consider the case when the d-electrons hybridize with the s-orbitals of its nearest

neighbours, i.e. V 0 = 0, V, 0 0.

The hybridization term of the Hamiltonian (1) is,


The equations of motion for G."(z) and Fdd’(z) read :

Applying the same procedure above described [5] we



After an infinite number of decimations we find

The same parameters of section 2 are utilized in the numerical calculations.

When ( m2 > is plotted as a function of U and V,,

no sensible difference is found with respect to the case of local hybridization; just the form of the density

of states is modified. In figure 7, the density of states is represented for two values of Vi, 0.5 and 1.0, and for



1.0, U = 4.0. The main difference between these

curves and figure 6 is that the virtual bound state at energy E. is asymmetric and sharper than in the case of local hybridization. However, this difference in shape

does not affect the magnetic properties. Therefore, a model which assumes an « eflective » local hybridiza-

tion seems to be valid to describe the properties of a magnetic impurity.

Fig. 7.


Density of d-states as a function of the nearest

neighbour hybridization term Vi, with 11


1.0 and U



5. Conclusions.

The main feature of the present work is to show that

a « decimation » method [5] provides a simple and powerful technique to treat the problem of one impu- rity in a linear chain, particularly to calculate the first

and second-order one-particle Green functions. This allows us to calculate the densities of states and the

mean values of the occupation number nf ) and

the correlation function n1 n1 >. We made just one approximation (in Eq. (21)) and the results correspond

to an exact solution of the scattering correction of the

alloy analogy [7], applied to the one impurity case.

Concerning the numerical results, we have obtained

a mean value of the magnetization m > = 0, in agreement with the rotational invariance of the system [9]. Also there is no abrupt transition to the formation of a magnetic moment as in reference [1].

Instead, ( m2 ) increases continuously (starting with

infinite derivative) as a function of U, as in refe-

rence [11,12].

It is found that the mean square value of the magne-

tization m2 > converges to the non-magnetic value

when the hybridization is large compared to the band-


We have treated the case of non-local hybridization

too, that corresponds to a more realistic situation.

The results so obtained constitute an a posteriori

verification that the local hybridization, although

forbidden by symmetry considerations, essentially gives the same physical results. We remark that the real space treatment presented in section 4, is very

simple. This is not the case when one calculates the Green’s functions in k-space as in references [1, 11, 8].

These authors did not consider the case of non-local


Finally, one notices that the technique here utilized enables to treat more detailed models, i.e., a degenerate impurity [13], and to calculate other properties, as the

contribution of the impurity states to the magnetic



susceptibility and the specific heat. Progress on both

directions are now in course.


We would like to acknowledge discussions with C. Lacroix and P. M. Mors. This work was supported

in part by Brazilian agencies CNPq and FINEP.


When one plots the occupation number at the impu- rity site ( nda ), as a function of ’1 and Yo, the charge

transfer from or to the impurity is not usually discuss-

ed [11, 8].

Nevertheless, if in the symmetric case (il = 0) the charge conservation is assured, this is not automati- cally the case for different values of ’1, and a self-con- sistent adjustment of the parameters is required to

ensure that the charge transfer will not violate the

conservation of the total charge.

Equations (22) and (23) enable us to calculate the

densities of states and the occupation number on the impurity site. However, the presence of the impurity

modifies the densities of states in all lattice sites. Then,

to assure the conservation of the total charge we must

consider the charge added (or subtracted) on the impurity site plus the charge subtracted (or added) to

the rest of the chain.

Calling gij(z) the Green function for the s-electrons

on the pure lattice

and G;j(z) the Green function for the s-electrons when there is one impurity at the o-site, we define

where the sum over i runs over all lattice sites, includ-

ing the o-site.

It is easy to find, in the case of local hybridization,

that [14]


The imaginary part of AG"(z), when integrated

from - oo to SF, gives the net charge transferred from the impurity to the lattice, An’ :

and, if we assume that the original number of electrons of the impurity is one d-electron and one s-electron,

the condition of conservation of charge is :

This condition is certainly valid in the symmetric case (because An’


0), but it is not at all evident that it could be satisfied for any value of il and Yo. To assure

the validity of (A. 6) we need other adjustable para- meters, for instance, the energy of the s-level at the

impurity site, which does not necessarily coincides

with EB. However, to adjust this energy one has to know how much charge was transferred to or from the

impurity, or to assume a given value for this charge

transfer [15].

This may eventually introduce some modifications in the shape of the densities of states and in the values

of m2 ) when q =F 0.


[1] ANDERSON, P. W., Phys. Rev. 124 (1961) 41.

[2] FRIEDEL, J., Nuovo Cimento Suppl. 7 (1958) 287.

[3] BLANDIN, B., Magnetism, Ed. G. Rado and H. Suhl

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[4] KONDO, J., Solid State Physics, Ed. F. Seitz, D. Turn- bull and H. Ehrenreich (New York, Academic Press) 1969, Vol. 23, p. 183.

[5] GONÇALVES DA SILVA, C. E. T. and KOILER, B., Solid

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[7] HUBBARD, J., Proc. Roy. Soc. A 281 (1964) 401.

[8] MARTÍNEZ, G. and RAMÍREZ, R., Phys. Status Solidi (b)

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[9] KEMENY, G., Phys. Rev. 150 (1966) 459.

[10] ECONOMOU, E. N., Green’s Functions in Quantum Phy-

sics (Berlin, Springer-Verlag) 1979.

[11] NOLTING, W. and OLÉS, A. M., Phys. Status Solidi (b)

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[12] KIWI, M., PESTANA, E. and RAMÍREZ, R., Phys. Status

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[13] HEWSON, A. C., Phys. Rev. 144 (1966) 420.


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[16] ZUBAREV, D. N., Sov. Phys. Usp. 3 (1960) 320.

[17] In the case of an ordered linear chain, lim $$(N) ~ 0 if z


is real. That’s because the states are extended

over all the chain. The convergence of $$(N) ~ 0

is ensured by taking a complex z. See, for example,


Phys. Rev. B 29 (1984) 2808.


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