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A deuterium nmr study of solute molecules dissolved in the discotic mesophase of p-n-hexahexyloxytriphenylene


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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A deuterium nmr study of solute molecules dissolved in the discotic mesophase of p-n-hexahexyloxytriphenylene

D. Goldfarb, Z. Luz, H. Zimmermann

To cite this version:

D. Goldfarb, Z. Luz, H. Zimmermann. A deuterium nmr study of solute molecules dissolved in the discotic mesophase of p-n-hexahexyloxytriphenylene. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (2), pp.421-430.

�10.1051/jphys:01982004302042100�. �jpa-00209410�



A deuterium NMR study of solute molecules dissolved in the discotic mesophase of p-n-hexahexyloxytriphenylene

D. Goldfarb, Z. Luz

The Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100 Rehovot, Israel

and H. Zimmermann

Max-Planck-Institüt für Medizinische Forschung, D-6900 Heidelberg, Germany

(Rep le 19 août 1981, révisé le 26 octobre, accepte le 28 octobre 1981)

Résumé. 2014 On présente les spectres RMN du deutérium de douze composés deutérés, principalement aromatiques,

dissous dans la mésophase discotique de p-n-hexahexyloxytriphénylène normal. Les splittings quadrupolaires des

deutériums du soluté sont en général beaucoup plus petits que ceux observés dans des cristaux liquides thermo- tropiques et en même temps sont très fortement dépendants de la température, changeant souvent de signe lorsque l’on fait varier la température dans la région de la mésophase. Les résultats sont interprétés par un modèle dans

lequel les molécules du soluté peuvent occuper deux sites ayant des paramètres d’ordre de signes opposés. On

propose d’identifier les deux sites (I) à des molécules intercalées dans la structure en colonnes, et (II) à des molécules situées dans la région aliphatique des chaînes mésogènes latérales. Les résultats sont en accord avec un modèle dans lequel un équilibre dynamique rapide (à l’échelle de temps RMN) s’établit entre les deux sites, lequel est déplacé du site I au site II par un accroissement de température. Ces résultats indiquent que les paramètres magné- tiques sont différents pour chaque site.



Deuterium NMR spectra of twelve, mostly aromatic, deuterated compounds dissolved in the discotic mesophase of normal p-n-hexahexyloxytriphenylene are reported. The solute deuterium quadrupole splittings

are in general much smaller than normally observed in thermotropic liquid crystals and at the same time they

exhibit a conspicuous dramatic temperature dependence, often changing sign as the temperature is varied within the mesophase region. The results are interpreted in terms of a model in which the solute molecules can occupy two sites having order parameters of opposite signs. The two sites are tentatively identified with (I) molecules

intercalated within the columnar structures, and (II) molecules within the aliphatic region of the mesogen side chains. The results are consistent with a model in which there is fast dynamic equilibrium (on the NMR timescale)

between the two sites, which shifts from site I to site II with increasing temperature. The results also indicate that the magnetic parameters in the two sites are different.

J. Physique 43 (1982) 421-430 FTVRIER 1982, 1


Physics Abstracts

61.30 - 76.70 K



76.70 K

1. Introduction.


In a previous publication [1] we

have reported deuterium NMR measurements on the discotic mesophase of p-n-hexahexyloxytriphenylene (THE6). This compound belongs to a novel class of

liquid crystals composed of disc-like, rather than rod- like molecules, which exhibit new types of mesomor- phic phases [2, 3]. Several different types of discotic mesophases have been identified, including nematic

and various columnar smectic mesophases [4-9].

The mesophase of THE6 belongs to the Dho class [ 10,1 ]

whose structure is characterized by columns of

regularly stacked molecules, arranged in an hexago-

nal array (Fig. 1). The deuterium NMR measurements on this mesophase indicate [1] that the orientational

order of the rigid (aromatic) core of the molecule is

relatively high (0.90-0.95) and only weakly tempera-

ture dependent, while the side chains seem to be quite

disordered. These properties suggest that the disco-

tics could serve as hosts for probe molecules with

a variety of orientational ordering, depending on the

nature of the guest compounds. We would, e.g.,

expect that aromatic probes will prefer to intercalate between the host molecules within the columns and thus achieve a high degree of orientation, while ali- phatic compounds would prefer to dissolve within the side chain region with a considerably smaller

orientational order.

The purpose of the present work is to investigate

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01982004302042100


these expectations experimentally with particular emphasis on aromatic probes. As in our previous

Fig. 1.


A schematic diagram of the columnar mesophase describing the stacking of molecules into columns, and

their hexagonal arrangement.

study we use deuterium NMR of deuterated probe compounds. Preliminary proton NMR measure-

ment with normal probe molecules gave unresolved and unintelligible spectra. On the other hand, the

deuterium spectra are usually well resolved and can be

readily interpreted in terms of the molecular ordering.

The results were quite surprising in that the orienta- tional order parameters of all molecules studied, including large fused-ring aromatics, were very low

compared to corresponding values in usual thermo-

tropic liquid crystals, and at the same time they were

also strongly temperature dependent, often changing signs within the mesophase temperature range. We

interprete these results in terms of a model in which the solute molecules diffuse rapidly between various

sites of different orientational order. Such models were

employed previously for liquid crystalline solutions [11, 12] but it appears that in the present case of the Dho discotic mesophase the effect is particularly pronounced.

2. Basic equations and definitions.


The deute- rium NMR spectrum in liquid crystalline phases is

dominated by the quadrupole interaction. The spec- trum of a single deuteron consists of a doublet with

an overall splitting given by [13] :

This equation applies to a uniaxial mesophase as e.g.

the discotic phase under consideration, and a mole-

cule with D2 or C2, symmetry. The term e2 qqlh is

the deuterium principal component of the quadru- pole interaction tensor assumed to be along the C-D

bond direction is the asymmetry parameter,

11 = ( V n~ - V,)/V,4, and Saa, Sbb and S~~ are the ele-

ments of the ordering matrix of the probe molecules.

The axes q, ~, ~, are the principal direction of the

quadrupole tensor (where ~ is taken to coincide

with the C-D bond direction) and a, b, c are the mole-

cular fixed coordinates such that c coincides with the molecular C2 (or higher C) axis, and ac, bc are sym- metry planes. Finally, a, #5 y are Euler angles which

transform the 11(Ç coordinate system to that of abc,

and 00 is the angle between the magnetic field direc- tion and the director. From our previous studies [1] J

on the neat mesogen and on a benzene solution we

know that under the experimental conditions used in the present work i.e. in which the samples are allow-

ed to cool slowly inside the magnetic field from the

isotropic liquid (see the Experimental Section) the mesophase consists of many domains whose direc- tors lie in a plane perpendicular to the external field,

and are randomly distributed in this plane. Thus

for all domains 00 in equation (1) is n/2 and the term

’(3 cos2 00 - 1) becomes - 2.

Most of the solutes on which we report below are aromatic compounds. For the final presentation of , the results on these compounds we have chosen a new set of labelling, x, y, z such that z is the normal to the molecular plane and x is the direction of the shor- test dimension within the plane. We shall be mainly

concerned with the S~~ element of the ordering matrix.

Thus S~~ > 0 means that the molecular plane of the

solute prefers to align parallel to the mesogen mole- cules while Szz 0 corresponds to the situation in which the solute molecules prefer the perpendicular

orientation. For molecules having a symmetry axis Cn with n > 3 we take the direction of this axis paral-

lel to z so that only the element S~~ is required to

describe the molecular orientation.

For the calculation of the ordering matrix elements

we used the quadrupole parameters given in table I.

These parameters were determined in various solids

and liquid crystalline solvents and they depend sligh-

tly on the system used for the measurements. However

the variations in these parameters are quite small



Table I.


The list of deuterated solutes and data

concerning the THE6 solutions which were studied in the present work.

(*) Numbers in brackets correspond to the references for the quadrupole interaction constant.

and did not significantly affect the resulting values of

the S~~’s. In practice the term in q made a very little contribution to the final results and therefore for q gg 0.05 it was generally neglected. For the case of pyridine (vide infra) for which more extensive

experimental values were obtained, all q-values were

included in the computation of the S;;’s.

3. Experimental.


The synthesis of p-n-hexahexy- loxytriphenylene (THE6) is described in references [4]

and [1]. In the neat form its phase transition tempera-

tures are 68 OC and 99 ~C for solid to mesophase,

and mesophase to isotropic respectively. Solutions

of probe molecules in THE6 were prepared by adding weighted amounts of solutes into known quantities

of mesogen. The concentrations used ranged between

2 and 7 wt. %, and resulted in lowering of the clearing temperature by several degrees. Some of the deuterat- ed compounds (benzene, naphthalene, triphenylene)

were obtained commercially while others were lefto-

vers from previous studies in the Heidelberg labora- tory. The list of compounds studied, the solute con-

centrations and the corresponding clearing tempera-

tures are summarized in table I, in which the quadru- pole interaction constants used for the calculation and the corresponding references are also indicated.

NMR MEASUREMENTS. - The NMR measure- ments were performed on a Bruker WH-270 spectro-

meter operating at 41.45 MHz for deuterium, and using the pulsed Fourier transform mode. The tem-

perature was controlled with a BST 100/700 unit

and its absolute value was calibrated using a Fluke

2190A digital thermometer. For convenience of

presentation the results in each case are given rela-

tive to the corresponding clearing temperature, Tc.

Five millimeter sample tubes containing approxi- mately 0.2 g of solvent plus solute which were sealed

under reduced pressure were used. Before the actual NMR measurement the samples were heated several times to above the clearing point and shaken vigo- rously in order to achieve a homogeneous solution.

They were then placed into the preheated NMR probe

head and the temperature slowly lowered to the desired

value. Depending on the probe concentration, bet-

ween 100 and 2000 FID signals were accumulated.

4. Results and discussion.


In this section we

present the results of the deuterium quadrupole splittings of the various probe molecules investigat-

ed. We first consider the more symmetric probe molecules, i.e. benzene, triphenylene, acetonitrile and

cyclohexane for which a single ordering matrix

element is sufficient for the analysis of the quadru- pole splitting. These examples will bring out the

main points characterizing the behaviour of solute

molecules in the mesophase. We then describe results for several other probe molecules with lower symme- try (D2 and C2,) for which two elements of the order-

ing matrix are required for the analysis.




ples of deuterium NMR spectra of a 5.0 wt. % solu-

tion of deuterated benzene (consisting of a 2 : 3 ratio

C6D6 : C6H6) in normal THE6 at different tempera-

tures are shown in figure 2. The same general beha-

viour of the splitting was observed in two other solu- tions that we have studied viz. containing 1.6 and

6.6 wt. % benzene-d6. The magnitude of the observed

splitting, vQ 19 in the latter solution is plotted in the

upper part of figure 3a versus the temperature diffe-

rence, T~ - T, from the clearing point. Since ben-

Fig. 2. - 20 NMR spectra of a 5.0 w~ % solution of

deuterated benzene in THE6 at different temperatures.

The deuterated benzene consists of a 2 : 3 ratio of

C6D6 : C6H6.


Fig. 3.


The experimental quadrupolar splitting vQ I

and the derived order parameter Szz for (a) 6.6 wt. % ben- zene-d6 and (b) 3.1 wt % triphenylene-d12 in THE6 respec-

tively. The two sets of data in the lower parts of the figure correspond in each case to the two possible signs of vQ.

For triphenylene Szz was calculated from the deuteron data of position 2.

zene has a C6 axis of symmetry the expression for vQ

(taking fl = n/2 in equation (1)) reduces to

so that the order parameter, Szz, is linearly related to vQ.

The behaviour of vQ for the benzene probe is consi- derably different from that of the discotic bulk solvent,

and is quite unexpected : while for the aromatic deuterons of the neat mesogen, large and essentially temperature independent quadrupole splittings have

been observed [1], the magnitude of the benzene

splitting is very small even compared to that found

for benzene in normal thermotropic liquid crystals,

and at the same time its temperature dependence is quite dramatic


in particular note the vanishing of vQ

at a particular temperature within the mesophase region. This temperature does not correspond to any

mesomorphic or other discontinuous change in the

neat mesogen. Also we have checked the deuterium

splittings of a perdeuterated mesogen solvent contain-

ing 5 wt % benzene and found that they were essen-

tially the same as in the neat mesogen and only very

slightly affected by the presence of the solute. Since within the mesophase region we expect the quadru- pole splitting to vary continuously, the vanishing of vQ for the benzene solute must correspond to a point

at which its order parameter changes sign.

Since the sign of vQ is not known it is not possible

to tell in which direction it crosses the zero line, i.e.

whether vQ increases or decreases with increasing

temperature. The two possibilities are plotted in the

lower part of figure 3a. In principle one could deter-

mine the sign of vQ if the spectrum would exhibit features due to other interactions for which the abso- lute signs are known, e.g. the indirect coupling bet-

ween the deuterons. However the resolution of the deuterium spectrum is much too low for these inter- actions to show up. We have tried to record the 1 H NMR spectrum of normal benzene dissolved in THE6 with the hope that it will provide the sign of the dipo-

lar interaction, but were unable to obtain high reso-

lution proton spectra of this solute.

To explain the results of the benzene solutions we

propose a model in which the solute molecules occupy several sites with different ordering matrix elements

undergoing fast (on the NMR timescale) dynamic equilibrium. In principle there could be many « sites »

representing different structures and different solute- solvent complexes. However in order to explain the

main features of figure 3a it is sufficient to consider

just two sites having S~~ values of opposite signs, and

a population ratio that is temperature dependent The

average order parameter is then given by :

where the superscript I and II refer to the two sites,

and we assumed that e2 qQ/h is the same in both of

them. For the discotic columnar mesophase this is a

very plausible model on chemical grounds : one site (site I) would correspond to benzene molecules inter- calated within the discotic columns, with S’,, > 0,

since the benzene molecules will most likely tend to

lie parallel to the aromatic planes of the mesogen molecules. The second, less favourable, site (site II)

is identified with the « aliphatic » region between the

columns which is the space occupied by the side

chains of the mesogen molecules. To be consistent with the experimental results we must assume that S’i is negative. This conclusion is more difficult to

rationalize and it indicates that in the aliphatic region

the benzene molecules prefer an orientation in which their plane is perpendicular to that of the triphenylene rings.

For a more quantitative analysis of the results we

express the population ratio P II~P I of the two sites by an Arrhenius equation of the type

where OH is a positive enthalpy difference (H" - H’)

between the two sites, and K a weighting factor related to the entropy difference between them. To simplify

the analysis we assume that the temperature depen-

dence of S~~ comes mainly from changes in P’ and PIT

while S:z and Siz are temperature independent. The

latter parameters reflect the ordering in the various

sites of the mesogen molecules, which as indicated



above was found to be only very weakly temperature dependent. With this assumption the ratio Szz/Siz

can be expressed in terms of a temperature To at

which vQ vanishes [11] :

substituting in equation (3) and using equation (4)

and the relation P I + P" = 1 gives

where the second (approximate) equality applies

since we consider the region where T - To. Since we

assumed OH and S:z to be positive equation (6) predicts that vQ would change from positive to negative as T changes from below to above To.

Thus we adopt the plot indicated by a full line in figure 3a rather than the one with a dashed line.

We were unable to obtain a meaningful quantita-

tive fit of the results of figure 3a to equation (6) using

all three parameters, S’z, AH and AS ( = R In x) as

free variables. Fixing S§z in the range 0.05 to 0.8 gave best fit values for AH and AS which varied in the

narrow ranges 4.1 to 2.4 kcaL/mol-1 and 11.0 to

13.0 e.u. respectively. For Slz lower than 0.02 unrea-

sonably high values of DH and AS were obtained,

and the fit did not converge. The values obtained for AH and AS in the converging region seem quite

reasonable : the result for AH is typical for solute- solvent interaction and in our model it reflects the

specific interaction of the benzene with the aromatic

core of the mesogen molecules in site I, while the

high value of AS reflects the higher degree of disorder

in site II. The actual magnitude of the parameters should however not be taken too seriously due to

the simplified model used and the many assumptions




Examples of deuterium spectra of

a 3.1 wt. % solution triphenylene in THE6 and a plot

of the corresponding splittings versus temperature

are shown in figures 4 and 3b. The two peaks in the spectrum correspond to positions 1 and 2 as indi-

cated in the figures. It may be seen that the centres of these doublets do not coincide. This asymmetry is due to the chemical shift difference between the two positions, and on the basis of previous NMR

measurements [16] in isotropic liquids the high field

doublet was identified with position 2. We have taken the data of this nucleus for the calculation of

Fig. 4.


As in figure 2 for a 3.1 wt % solution of tri-

phenylene-d12 in THE6. The numbering of the peaks correspond to the deuteron positions as indicated in the

structural formula in figure 3.

S~~ in the lower part of figure 3b. The general beha-

viour of vQ and thus of S~~ is very similar to that of benzene although the overall changes in the splittings

are much larger. A similar analysis as done above

for the benzene (Eq. (6)) using the deuteron data of

position 2 gave converging results of 2.1-

3.7 kcal./mol- 1 for AH and 6.3-8.4 e.u. for AS in the range 0.2 S:z 0.8. For lower values of Siz no

convergence was obtained. Although the results for the thermodynamic parameters seem reasonable, the resulting values for Sii are about - 0.6, which is

just outside the allowed region for motional constants.

We have so far disregarded the difference in the

quadrupolar, splitting between the two positions 1

and 2. On first sight it might appear that this is due

to a small difference in the factor eZ qQ/h in the two

deuteron positions. However it is clear that this

cannot be enough. Firstly because the difference in

splitting is quite large compared to the overall split- tings : when triphenylene is dissolved in normal thermotropic liquid crystals its deuterium NMR also exhibits a small difference in splittings for positions 1

and 2, but this difference amounts at most to a few tenth of a percent However most significant is the

fact that the quadrupole splittings of the two deute-

rons do not vanish simultaneously, while from equa- tion (3) the temperature at which vQ = 0 should be

independent of the quadrupole parameter and should

coincide for both deuterons.


To account for this anomalous effect we slightly modify our two site model and allow the quadrupole

interaction parameter A = - 3 e2 qQ (3 cos’ # - 1)/8 h (Eq. (2)), for each of the deuterons to be different in the two sites, so that equation (3) now reads

where i refers to the deuteron position in the triphe- nylene. It is clear that if the change in A on going

from site I to II is different for the two deuterons,

i.e. A lI/A i 5~ Ai’/A2 then the vanishing of v’ will not

occur at the same temperature as that for vQ.

The number of parameters in the equations for vQ is now much too large to attempt a best fit analysis

of the experimental results. An order of magnitude

estimate indicates that a difference of a few percent in the change of A on going from site I to II can

explain the observed results. Whether this change is

due to redistribution of the electronic charge in the probe molecules or whether it is due to changes in

the molecular geometry on going from one site to

the other cannot be decided from the experimental

results. It should be noted that similar effects i.e. site

dependent geometry changes of solutes in liquid crystalline solvents were noticed previously in the

NMR spectra of several molecules [11, 12].

4.3 ALIPHATIC PROBES: I CYCLOHEXANE- d 12, ACETO- NITRILE- d3 AND HEXYLALCOHOL-1 d2 . - The deute- rium NMR of each of these compounds in the THE6

mesophase solution consists of a single doublet. The temperature dependence of vQ ~ I derived from the spectra is plotted in figure 5. For acetonitrile and

hexylalcohol the results are similar to those obtained in normal thermotropic liquid crystals, i.e. a gradual

Fig. 5.


The deuterium quadrupole interaction constants

I vQ I for cyclohexane-d, 2, acetonitrile-d3 and hexylalco-

hol-I d2 and the corresponding Szz I for the first two compounds. Note the change in scale for the cyclohexane


decrease in vQ with increasing temperature, although

the splittings are relatively small. It seems that these probes dissolve predominantly in the aliphatic region (site II) where the magnitude of the ordering is low.

The order parameter for acetonitrile which has a C3

axis of symmetry was calculated from the equation

where we have taken ~3 to be equal to the tetrahedral

angle [17]. Since the sign of vQ is not known and there is no obvious way to guess it on chemical

grounds we have used equation (8) to calculate the

magnitude of Szz as shown on the right ordinate in

figure 5. A similar calculation for hexylalcohol is not possible because of its low symmetry and high flexi- bility.

The quadrupole splitting of the cyclohexane probe

is even smaller than for the other examples in this

section and its temperature dependence is abnormal,

i.e. the splitting increases with increasing tempera-

ture. As for the cases of benzene and triphenylene we interprete this behaviour in terms of the two site model in which the increase in I vQ I is due to the equilibrium shift from site I to site II, which have opposite sign for Szz. Here too it is difficult to guess the preferred orientations in the two sites and accord-

ingly we plot the magnitude of S~~ for this compound.

Since only a single doublet is observed for the cyclo-

hexane deuterons due to fast ring interconversion we use their average quadrupole constant for the cal- culation of SZZ [ 18] :

where in the last equality we approximated ~3 by 0.

(In reality it is 2.60 [18].)




In the remaining part of this paper

we shall discuss probe molecules with symmetry C2~

or D2 and thus two ordering matrix elements are

required to describe their ordering in the mesophase.

To derive these constants from equation (1) we need quadrupole data from at least two inequivalent

deuterons. Since the signs of the vQ’s are not known

there are four possible sets of solutions for the S;;’s, corresponding to the following four possible combi-

nations for the two vQ’s : (a) + + ; (b) - - ; (c) + - ;



and (d) - +. The results of the S;;’s for cases (a)

and (b) are identical in magnitude but opposite in sign, and similarly for cases (c) and (d). We shall

therefore present only two sets of results for each

compound - the other two possibilities are obtained by inverting the signs of S~~ and of S.,.,-Sy. The sets

of results that we shall prefer to present will be those that seem more likely on the basis of the model des- cribed in the beginning of this section, i.e. we shall prefer the solutions for which Szz becomes alge- braically smaller (more negative) with increasing temperature. This is the expected change in Szz if we

assume that upon heating, more of the intercalated molecules shift to ’the aliphatic chain region.

Examples of spectra for perdeuterated naphtha- lene, anthracene and pyrene are shown in figure 6.

Note that for the latter two compounds only two

doublets are observed due to the effective equiva-

lence of positions 1 and 9 in anthracene and posi-

tions 2 and 3 in pyrene. This equivalence also serves

to identify the NMR signals. In naphthalene the peak assignment was made on the basis of the small

chemical shift [19] between the two doublets as well

as by comparison with the spectrum of naphthalene-

1 di. The temperature dependence of the various I vQ ~’s of these probes are shown in the upper dia- grams of figure 7 and the corresponding calculated S~~’s (for two sets of signs as indicated in the figure

and the magnetic parameters [20, 15] indicated in table I) are plotted underneath each case.


DINE- d s AND NITROBENZENE- d:5. - These two com-

Fig. 6.


2D NMR spectra of solutions of naphthalene-d, (64 DC), anthracene-d 10 (72 °C~ and pyrene-d 10 (62 °C’~ in THE6, where the numbers in brackets correspond to the temperatures at which the spectra were recorded. The compositions of the solutions are given in table I and the labelling of the deuterium positions are indicated in the

structural formulae in figure 7.

pounds have C2, symmetry and three inequivalent deuterons, due to the deviation of the ring structure

from perfect hexagon. Indeed as may be seen in

figure 8 three distinct doublets appear in the deute-

Fig. 7.


The deuterium quadrupolar splittings I v. for the same solutions as in figure 6, and two out of the four possible

sets of the ordering matrix elements for each compound. The other two sets are obtained by inverting the signs of all S;;.


Fig. 8.


As in figure 6 for pyridine-ds (67 ~C~, nitro- benzene-ds (52 OC), o-xylene-dio (74 OC) and p-xylene-d,, (61 °Q. The deuteron labelling are as in figures 9 and 10.

rium spectra of these compounds. The corresponding plots of I vQ I versus temperature are depicted in figure 9. The identification of the peaks was based

on their relative intensities and chemical shifts. Since there are now three sets of data one might hope that

certain choices of relative signs for vQ can be elimi- nated For nitrobenzene this is however not the case

since as may be seen from the plots of I vQ 1, positions

1 and 2 are nearly equivalent The situation is thus similar to that for the group of probes naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene. The results for SzZ plotted in figure 9 were calculated using geometrical para- meters and e2 qQ/h values given in the literature [21, 22], and assuming that the C-D bonds lies along

the direction of the corresponding CCC bisectors.

For pyridine on the other hand we could perform

a more complete analysis : firstly because both deu- terium quadrupole [23] and geometrical [24] data for

this compound are available, and secondly because as

may be seen in figure 9 the vQ’s for the various deute-

rons in the mesophase solution seem to be changing independently. Indeed from the four possible pairs

of sign combinations only one pair was consistent

with all experimental data and the solution for

‘which Szz decreases algebraically is shown in the bottom part of the figure.

Fig. 9.


The deuterium quadrupole splitting I vQ I for

solutions of pyridine-ds and nitrobenzene-ds in THE6, and several possible sets of Si’s for each compound The composition of the solution is given in table I.

4.6 PARA- AND ORTHO-XYLENE-d10. - The situa- tion here is similar to that as for the molecules dis- cussed in subsections 4.4 and 4.5 except that the CD3 groups are considered as a pseudo-aromatic

deuteron with an effective quadrupole interaction constant

Fig. 10.


The deuterium quadrupole splitting I vQ I for

solutions of o-xylene-dio and p-xylene-d,, in THE6,

and possible sets of Sii’s for each compound. The compo-

sition of the solutions is givenrin table I.



where a is the angle between the methyl C-D bond

and the local symmetry axis of this group. Examples

of spectra, experimental values for I vQ I and the

derived possible values for the elements of the order-

ing matrix are given in figures 8 and 10.

5. Summary and conclusions.


The orientational order of solute molecules dissolved in the discotic

mesophase of THE6 as measured by 2D NMR has

several unexpected features : the magnitude of

the solute order parameters is considerably smaller

than in normal thermotropic liquid crystals despite

the fact that the ordering of the triphenylene moiety

of the mesophase molecules is very high. Moreover

while the order parameter of the neat mesophase is essentially temperature independent that of the solute molecules changes dramatically with temperature and often changes sign within the mesophase region.

These effects can be qualitatively explained in terms

of a model involving two solvation sites with oppo- site signs of motional constants, and assuming fast

diffusion of the probe molecules between the sites. It is natural to associate (although impossible to prove)

these two sites with : (1) probe molecules intercalated within the stacked columns of the mesogen, and (II)

molecules dissolved in the space between the columns which is occupied by the aliphatic chains of the

mesogen. Planar aromatic molecules will tend to

align parallel to the mesogen molecules in site I while in site II they will be highly disordered and

apparently prefer a perpendicular orientation. The strong temperature dependence of the probe’s orien-

tational order is then attributed to a temperature driven shift of equilibrium between the two sites.

Specifically we assume that at low temperatures site I (intercalation) is preferred while at high tempera-

tures entropy effects drive the molecules to site II

(i.e. the side chain region). It is important to emphasize

that the two-site model represents the simplest one

that can be made to fit the experimental observation.

In reality there may be a large number of discrete

or perhaps a continuous range of sites. It is not

possible to identify or characterize such sites from the NMR data, but the picture of two sites corres- ponding to intra- and inter-columnar regions seems

attractive. Also the semi-quantitative estimate for

the enthalpy and entropy difference between the two

sites is consistent with the above interpretation.

Perhaps some support for the two-site model can

be obtained by performing similar experiments in polymorphic discotics which exibit both a columnar

phase and a nematic phase in which there is no (or

much less) molecular stacking. We would then expect that in the columnar phase the probe mole-

cules behave as in the THE6 mesophase while in the

nematic phase the characteristic features of two sites will not appear or will be much less pronounced

At the moment we do not possess materials suitable for such experiments.

The analysis of the results indicates a further

important fact, namely that the probe molecules might have different magnetic parameters in the two sites. In fact for the particular probe of perdeuterated triphenylene the results can only be understood

under the above assumption. Whether the difference in the magnetic parameter in the two sites reflect redistribution of electronic charges due to different

solvent solute interaction or perhaps geometrical changes on going from one site to the other cannot

be inferred from the experimental results. Geome- trical changes in molecules on changing sites has

been invoked previously [11, 12] to explain anoma-

lous dipolar splittings in liquid crystals, but it seems

that the effect on the quadrupole splitting is consi- derably more significant



This research was supported by the National Research Council of Israel and by

the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation.



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