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nombre de carrés 3x3 compatibles NbSol: Integer


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


unit U_sudoku;

interface uses

Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;

type T9b = array[1..9] of Byte;

TSA = record AR: T9b;

cp: Integer;


TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo;

SearchBtn: TButton;

procedure SearchBtnClick(Sender: TObject);


{ Déclarations publiques }

NbC3x3, // nombre de carrés 3x3 compatibles NbSol: Integer; // nombre de solutions du sudoku Contr: array[1..9] of Integer; // Contraintes

CComp: array[1..10000] of TSA; // Carrés 3x3 compatibles procedure Contraintes;

procedure Generation;

function Test(AX,AY,AZ: T9b; p,q,r: Integer): Boolean;


var Form1: TForm1;

implementation {$R *.DFM}

procedure TForm1.Contraintes;

// transformation des contraintes de l'énoncé en valeur numérique // conservée dans Contr[1..9]


j,k,p,q: Integer;

stx: String;


v: array[1..9] of String

= ('101001011000','100001101001','011110000100', '100011110101','100110100110','001001011010', '110101100010','010110010100','100101110111');

// contraintes de l'énoncé dans chacun des carrés 3x3:

// 1=> 0=< dans l'ordre de gauche à droite pour les

// lignes 1 à 3, puis de haut en bas pour les colonnes 1 à 3 begin

// conversion chaîne v (écriture binaire) -> nombre for j := 1 to 9 do


stx := v[j]; p := 0; q := 1;

for k := 1 to 12 do begin

if stx[k]='1' then Inc(p,q);

q := q*2;


Contr[j] := p;



procedure TForm1.Generation;

// génération de tous les carrés 3x3 compatibles et classement en // 9 listes (compatible avec la position 'a','b',.. dans le sudoku) // un carré = | a b c |

// | d e f | // | g h i | var

a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,s: Integer;

tx: array[1..9] of Integer;

AX: T9b;

stx: String;


NbC3x3 := 0;

for a := 1 to 9 do

for b := 1 to 9 do if (b<>a) then

for c := 1 to 9 do if (c<>a) and (c<>b) then


for d := 1 to 9 do if (d<>a) and (d<>b) and (d<>c) then

for e := 1 to 9 do if (e<>a) and (e<>b) and (e<>c) and (e<>d) then

for f := 1 to 9 do if (f<>a) and (f<>b) and (f<>c) and (f<>d) and (f<>e) then

for g := 1 to 9 do if (g<>a) and (g<>b) and (g<>c) and (g<>d) and (g<>e) and (g<>f) then for h := 1 to 9 do if (h<>a) and (h<>b) and (h<>c) and (h<>d) and (h<>e) and (h<>f) and (h<>g) then

for i := 1 to 9 do if (i<>a) and (i<>b) and (i<>c) and (i<>d) and (i<>e) and (i<>f) and (i<>g) and (i<>h) then

begin s := 0;

if a>b then Inc(s);

if b>c then Inc(s,2);

if d>e then Inc(s,4);

if e>f then Inc(s,8);

if g>h then Inc(s,16);

if h>i then Inc(s,32);

if a>d then Inc(s,64);

if d>g then Inc(s,128);

if b>e then Inc(s,256);

if e>h then Inc(s,512);

if c>f then Inc(s,1024);

if f>i then Inc(s,2048);

for j := 1 to 9 do if s = Contr[j] then begin


AX[1] := a; AX[2] := b; AX[3] := c; AX[4] := d; AX[5] := e;

AX[6] := f; AX[7] := g; AX[8] := h; AX[9] := i;

// on garde dans CComp[1..x] la composition du carré et sa position possible with CComp[NbC3x3] do


AR := AX; cp := j;




// pour connaitre le nombre total NbC3x3 et la répartition tx[1..9]

// des carrés 3x3 compatibles

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('carrés 3x3 compatibles NbC3x3=%d',[NbC3x3]));

FillChar(tx, SizeOf(tx), 0);

for j := 1 to NbC3x3 do Inc(tx[CComp[j].cp]);

stx := '';

for j := 1 to 9 do stx := stx + Format('%d:%d ',[j,tx[j]]);



function TForm1.Test(AX,AY,AZ: T9b; p,q,r: Integer): Boolean;

// Test de compatibilité de ligne ou de colonne de 9 chiffres // AX1, AX4, AX7 sont les carrés 3x3 d'où sont extraits les // chiffres en position p, q, r

// un carré = | 1 2 3 | // | 4 5 6 | // | 7 8 9 | var

j: Integer;

bx: array[1..9] of Boolean;


FillChar(bx, SizeOf(bx), 0); // False partout bx[AX[p]] := True;

bx[AX[q]] := True;

bx[AX[r]] := True;

bx[AY[p]] := True;

bx[AY[q]] := True;

bx[AY[r]] := True;

bx[AZ[p]] := True;

bx[AZ[q]] := True;

bx[AZ[r]] := True;

Result := True;

for j := 1 to 9 do if not bx[j] then Result := False;


procedure TForm1.SearchBtnClick(Sender: TObject);


j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6,j7,j8,j9: Integer;

AX1,AX2,AX3,AX4,AX5,AX6,AX7,AX8,AX9: T9b;




// Et voici la recherche proprement dite

// L'ordre des tests est orienté par les résultats de Génération // de façon à commencer par les carrés compatibles les mooins nombreux


// et introduire en dernier ceux du centre (AX5) NbSol := 0;

for j1 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j1].cp=1 then for j4 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j4].cp=4 then for j7 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j7].cp=7 then begin

AX1 := CComp[j1].AR;

AX4 := CComp[j4].AR;

AX7 := CComp[j7].AR;

if Test(AX1,AX4,AX7,1,4,7) and Test(AX1,AX4,AX7,2,5,8) and Test(AX1,AX4,AX7,3,6,9) then begin

for j2 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j2].cp=2 then for j3 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j3].cp=3 then begin

AX2 := CComp[j2].AR;

AX3 := CComp[j3].AR;

if Test(AX1,AX2,AX3,1,2,3) and Test(AX1,AX2,AX3,4,5,6) and Test(AX1,AX2,AX3,7,8,9) then begin

for j5 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j5].cp=5 then for j6 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j6].cp=6 then begin

AX5 := CComp[j5].AR;

AX6 := CComp[j6].AR;

if Test(AX4,AX5,AX6,1,2,3) and Test(AX4,AX5,AX6,4,5,6) and Test(AX4,AX5,AX6,7,8,9) then begin

for j8 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j8].cp=8 then for j9 := 1 to NbC3x3 do if CComp[j9].cp=9 then begin

AX8 := CComp[j8].AR;

AX9 := CComp[j9].AR;

if Test(AX7,AX8,AX9,1,2,3) and Test(AX7,AX8,AX9,4,5,6) and Test(AX7,AX8,AX9,7,8,9) and Test(AX3,AX6,AX9,1,4,7) and Test(AX3,AX6,AX9,2,5,8) and Test(AX3,AX6,AX9,3,6,9) and Test(AX2,AX5,AX8,1,4,7) and Test(AX2,AX5,AX8,2,5,8) and Test(AX2,AX5,AX8,3,6,9) then begin


Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Essai %d',[NbSol]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX1[1],AX1[2],AX1[3],AX2[1],AX2[2],AX2[3],AX3[1],AX3[2],AX3[3]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX1[4],AX1[5],AX1[6],AX2[4],AX2[5],AX2[6],AX3[4],AX3[5],AX3[6]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX1[7],AX1[8],AX1[9],AX2[7],AX2[8],AX2[9],AX3[7],AX3[8],AX3[9]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX4[1],AX4[2],AX4[3],AX5[1],AX5[2],AX5[3],AX6[1],AX6[2],AX6[3]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX4[4],AX4[5],AX4[6],AX5[4],AX5[5],AX5[6],AX6[4],AX6[5],AX6[6]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX4[7],AX4[8],AX4[9],AX5[7],AX5[8],AX5[9],AX6[7],AX6[8],AX6[9]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX7[1],AX7[2],AX7[3],AX8[1],AX8[2],AX8[3],AX9[1],AX9[2],AX9[3]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX7[4],AX7[5],AX7[6],AX8[4],AX8[5],AX8[6],AX9[4],AX9[5],AX9[6]]));

Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d ', [AX7[7],AX7[8],AX7[9],AX8[7],AX8[8],AX8[9],AX9[7],AX9[8],AX9[9]]));














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